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Long day childcare

Long day childcare

Figure 7: Early years facilities in the South West Neighbourhood






Service Type

C Long day childcare K Kindergarten M Maternal and child Health O Occasional childcare / other service CX Future long day childcare (with permit)

The following tables compare the level of supply for the early years services (i.e. maternal and child health, three and four-year-old sessional kindergarten, and long day childcare) and the anticipated demand levels based on population forecasts, and the assumptions set out in Table 18.

Maternal and child health

Table 50: Maternal and child health in Council facilities supply and demand – South West Neighbourhood

Supply - MCH rooms

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

3 3 3 3 3 3

Demand - MCH rooms per 120 projected births 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.7

Relationship to Benchmark Provision +1.1 +1.0 +0.8 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3

Three and Four-Year-Old Sessional Kindergarten

Table 51: Sessional kindergarten in Council facilities supply and demand – South West Neighbourhood

Table 52: Long day childcare supply and demand – South West Neighbourhood

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

Supply - total places 230 230 230 230 230 230

Demand - 0.63 places per projected 3yo* 0 84 125 206 219 224

Demand - 0.63 places per projected 4yo* 157 161 174 199 214 219

Relationship to Benchmark Provision +73 -15 -69 -175 -203 -214

Note: *As subsidised 3yo kinder does not begin until 2022, demand in 2019 has been listed as 0. Also the rate of demand for 3yo kinder has been assessed to rise from 0.2 places per 3yo in 2020 to reach 0.63 places per 3yo in 2031.

Long day childcare

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

Supply - Council places

Supply - non-Council places

Supply - Total places

114 114 114 114 114 114

211 211 211 211 211 211

325 325 325 325 325 325

Demand - 1 place per 3.07 children aged 0-4 442 444 480 550 583 595

Relationship to Benchmark Provision - Council places (33% of demand) -25 -33 -44 -67 -78 -82

Relationship to Benchmark Provision - non-Council places (67% of demand) -72 -86 -111 -157 -179 -188

Note: *Supply excludes facilities that have planning approval but have not yet commenced construction.

Council facilities

Clare Court Children’s Centre

The Clare Court Children’s Centre combines a three room sessional kindergarten, long day childcare, two room maternal and child health service and a multi-purpose room.

Table 53: Clare Court Children’s Centre Site and Building Assessment

Site size

Year built

Building condition


1947, 1984, 2010


Building fit for purpose

Yes: • Multi-purpose room is underutilised. • Site shape and building configuration are sub-optimal.

Opportunity for expansion Limited: • Service is already meeting preferred model; suitability of residential street location would need to be considered.

Kingsville Kindergarten and Roberts Street Maternal and Child Health Centre

The Kingsville Kindergarten and Roberts Street Maternal and Child Health Centre combines a single room sessional kindergarten and single room maternal and child health service.

Table 54: Kingsville Kindergarten Site and Building Assessment

Site size

Year built

104,264m2 (adjacent to open space)


Building condition


Building fit for purpose Yes, however: • Single M&CH room not preferred model. • Single kindergarten room not preferred model.

Opportunity for expansion Yes: • Potential to increase the service provision on this site


Maternal and child health

The supply of maternal and child health facilities in the South-West Neighbourhood is considered appropriate to meet demand until 2041. The Kingsville Kindergarten, however, is collocated with the Roberts Street Maternal and Child Health Centre. Investigations into the former will require consideration of the latter.

Sessional kindergarten

By 2026, there will be a considerable shortage of sessional kindergarten places, with extra demand arising from the rollout of subsidised threeyear-old kindergarten. An additional early years centre, with a net increase of two kindergarten rooms, will be required. This demand will also be increased by the likely need for the projected shortage of places in the South East Neighbourhood needing to be met here.

Long day childcare

There is currently a significant shortage of long day childcare places, although this will change when the planned private facilities are operational. A shortage of Council places (82) is projected and should be considered as part of any investigation into the future facility development.

Development sites

The South-West Neighbourhood has a major development site at the Bradmill site. The site is a major contributor to the neighbourhood’s anticipated population growth and provides opportunities for the location of a new early years facility. .


That Council:

• Undertake a feasibility study, in 2024/25, to consider the appropriate provision of a preferred service model early years facility by 2028.

• Monitor the planning process for the development of the Bradmill Site in order to secure an appropriate site for a preferred service model early years facility.

West Neighbourhood

The West Neighbourhood is the most disadvantaged area in the municipality, falling within the 4th SEIFA percentile Australia-wide (compared with the City of Maribyrnong position of the 42nd SEIFA percentile). Between 2020 and 2041, the early years population cohort is expected to increase moderately at 31%.

The West Neighbourhood has two early years facilities.

Table 55: Council owned early years facilities in the West Neighbourhood

Facility name

Braybrook Community Hub

Cherry Crescent Preschool

Sessional kindergarten MCH LDC Other

Yes Yes Yes


In addition, there are three private, long day childcare centres - Good Start Early Learning, Harmony Early Learning Centre, and Little Champs Care.

Figure 8 shows the early years facilities in the West Neighbourhood.

Figure 8: Early years facilities in the West Neighbourhood





Service Type

C Long day childcare K Kindergarten M Maternal and child Health O Occasional childcare / other service CX Future long day childcare (with permit)

The following tables compare the level of supply for the early years services (i.e. maternal and child health, three and four-year-old sessional kindergarten, and long day childcare) and the anticipated demand levels based on population forecasts, and the assumptions set out in Table 18.

Maternal and child health

Table 56: Maternal and child health in Council facilities supply and demand – West Neighbourhood

Supply - MCH rooms

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

2 2 2 2 2 2

Demand - MCH rooms per 120 projected births 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.5

Relationship to Benchmark Provision +0.9 +0.8 +0.7 +0.8 +0.7 +0.5

Three and Four-Year-Old Sessional Kindergarten

Table 57: Sessional kindergarten in Council facilities supply and demand – West Neighbourhood

Table 57: Long day childcare supply and demand – West Neighbourhood

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

Supply - total places 206 206 206 206 206 206

Demand - 0.63 places per projected 3yo* 0 49 71 103 109 119

Demand - 0.63 places per projected 4yo* 86 94 97 99 105 114

Relationship to Benchmark Provision +120 +63 +38 +4 -8 -27

Note: *As subsidised 3yo kinder does not begin until 2022, demand in 2019 has been listed as 0. Also the rate of demand for 3yo kinder has been assessed to rise from 0.2 places per 3yo in 2020 to reach 0.63 places per 3yo in 2031.

Long day childcare

2020 2023 2026 2031 2036 2041

Supply - Council places

Supply - non-Council places

Supply - Total places

0 0 0 0 0 0

286 286 286 286 286 286

286 286 286 286 286 286

Demand - 1 place per 3.07 children aged 0-4 243 260 273 274 292 318

Relationship to Benchmark Provision - Council places (33% of demand) -80 -86 -90 -91 -96 -105

Relationship to Benchmark Provision - non-Council places (67% of demand) +123 +112 +103 +102 +90 +73

Note: *Supply excludes facilities that have planning approval but have not yet commenced construction.

Council facilities

Braybrook Community Hub

The Braybrook Community Hub combines three sessional kindergarten rooms and a two room maternal and child health service.

Table 59: Braybrook Community Hub Site and Building Assessment

Site size

Year built



Building condition


Building fit for purpose Yes

Opportunity for expansion Limited: • Service is already part of a large hub site. The appropriateness of an expansion would need to be investigated.

Cherry Crescent Preschool

The Cherry Crescent Preschool is a one room sessional kindergarten.

Table 60: Cherry Crescent Preschool Site and Building Assessment

Site size

Year built



Building condition


Building fit for purpose No: • Single room facility (26 places) is not preferred model.

Opportunity for expansion Limited: • Possible to expand the service provision on site but questionable whether the residential street is a suitable location.


Maternal and child health

The supply of maternal and child health services in the West Neighbourhood is considered appropriate to meet community needs until 2041. No change is envisaged.

Sessional kindergarten

There is currently an oversupply of sessional kindergarten places, but this will change once subsidised funding becomes available for threeyear-olds, commencing in 2022 with five-hours per week. By 2029, when the 15-hours per week initiative is fully implemented, supply and demand for sessional kindergarten places will approximately align, with a minor shortage in places developing to 2041.

Long day childcare

With three, private, long day, childcare facilities in the neighbourhood, there does not seem to be a need for a Council owned building to be provided at this time.

Development sites

There are no development sites of significance within the West Neighbourhood.


That Council:

• Undertake a feasibility study in 2026/27, to investigate the merits of redeveloping or expanding either the Cherry Crescent Preschool or

Braybrook Community Hub to increase kindergarten capacity or include long day childcare.

Summary of recommendations


Compliance and fit for purpose of buildings

Compliance and fit for purpose of outdoor play areas

Bulldogs Children’s Centre

Hyde St Early Years Facility

Maribyrnong Community Centre partial repurposing as 3yo kindergarten Assessment

North Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study (1)

South East Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study

East Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study

Central Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study

South West Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study

North Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study (2)

West Neighbourhood Early Years Facility Feasibility Study

Maribyrnong Defence Site Early Years Facility

Bradmill Site Early Years Facility Neighbourhood Timing

Municipal Annual

Municipal Annual

Central Ongoing $0 • Continue to liaise with Western Bulldogs Football Club in relation to the handing back of the Bulldogs Children’s Centre to Council in 2024 in recognition of Western Bulldogs long term planning for the precinct.

East 2021/22 $0 • Continue negotiations with the Victorian School Building Authority for the replacement of the Hyde Street

Kindergarten with a preferred model early years facility on the Hyde St site. • Refer approx. $4m to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2021/22 to contribute to the project.

North 2021/22 $0 • Undertake an internal assessment in 2021/22, of the opportunity to repurpose part of the Maribyrnong

Community Centre as a kindergarten for a 3yo program • At the completion of the internal assessment, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2022/23.

North 2021/22 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2021/22, of the options available to provide a preferred service model early years facility by 2024. • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2022/23.

South East 2021/22 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2021/22, to consider the appropriate site for development / expansion / relocation to cater for the increase in demand by 2025. • A combined approach with the South-West Neighbourhood requirements should be considered if sites are appropriate sites are difficult to identify in the South-East Neighbourhood. • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2022/23.

East 2022/23 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2022/23, of the options available to provide a preferred service model early years facility by 2026 • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2023/24

Central 2023/24 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2023/24, to consider the appropriate site for development / expansion / relocation to cater for the increase in demand by 2027 • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2024/25

South West 2024/25 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2024/25, to consider the appropriate site for development / expansion / relocation to cater for the increase in demand by 2028 • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2025/26

North 2025/26 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study, in 2025/26, of the options available to provide a preferred service model early years facility by 2029 • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2026/27

West 2026/27 $120K • Undertake a feasibility study in 2026/27, to consider the appropriate site for development / expansion / relocation to cater for the increase in demand by 2030 • At the completion of the feasibility study, refer the outcome to Council’s capital budgeting process for 2027/28


South West Monitor for appropriate timing

Monitor for appropriate timing

Operational Funding Requirement



To be confirmed

To be confirmed


• Undertake annual compliance and fit for purpose assessments of buildings and prepare 10 year program of building maintenance and upgrade. The 10 year program should be updated annually. • Refer the program to Council’s capital and maintenance budgeting process annually. • Undertake annual compliance and fit for purpose assessments of outdoor play areas and prepare 10 year program of play area maintenance and upgrade. The 10 year program should be updated annually. • Refer the program to Council’s capital and maintenance budgeting process annually.

• Monitor the planning process for the development of the Defence Site in order to secure an appropriate site for a preferred model early years facility

• Undertake annual compliance and fit for purpose assessments of outdoor play areas and prepare 10 year program of play area maintenance and upgrade. The 10 year program should be updated annually. • Refer the program to Council’s capital and maintenance budgeting process annually.

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