Momentum Magazine - Scottsdale Community College - Spring2012

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issue I - spring 2012


brings New Passion to

Medical Research

with President

Letter from president gehler Welcome to Momentum, Scottsdale Community College’s new newsletter brought to you by our Office of Advancement. Momentum is designed to inform, inspire and engage you, our readers, through the many stories of our people, events, and accomplishments. The word momentum reflects both physical force and speed in movement – an apt name to reflect SCC’s strength of talent and energy as we guide our students and our communities to a successful future. Our strategic plan, SCC2020, shapes our work and calls us toward three strategic areas of excellence: to support Student Success, to build Community Partners in Progress, and to engage all employees in SCC’s quest to become a Great Place to Work. From nationally-recognized leadership in virtualization for teaching and learning, to outstanding science and math instruction and undergraduate research, to entertaining music, theatre and athletic performances, SCC reflects innovation and excellence in all we do. As the only public community college on tribal land, SCC is a very special place. It is a fully urban college situated on agricultural land with full views of the majestic McDowell Mountains. Through our partnership with the Salt River PimaMaricopa Indian Community, we have built and nurtured this wonderful place where students and community members can explore new ideas or explore old ideas in new ways, read the works of great minds and creative thinkers, discover the world through the arts, and learn lessons from those who’ve explored our world in ways we can only imagine. Whether virtually or physically, I invite you to visit campus, and stroll the grounds to savor the sights, sounds and spirit that is this wonderful college – YOUR Scottsdale Community College.


Momentum is published twice a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement at Scottsdale Community College.

_________________ EDITOR Denise Kronsteiner

WRITER Brooke Brown


C o v er photo Two Waters Circle at the SCC Campus

_________________ COMMENTS Michelle Ludeman


_________________ S TAY C O N N E C T E D W I T H S C C

JulianoNew Passion to brings

h arc e s e Medical R

Above: Joe Juliano, far right, with his peers during their trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where they presented at the 2011 International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). From left to right: Easton White, Jacey Schnorr, Debbie Groves, Stephanie Munson and Joe Juliano.

A beautiful mind.

This is a very fitting description of 2010 SCC graduate, Joe Juliano. The 21-year-old is now a thriving Biochemistry major at ASU, thanks to his involvement in the SCC chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, which led him to become one of five nation-wide recipients of the Hites Scholarship. “Aside from helping pay my tuition, the Hites Scholarship has been a major blessing because it has allowed me to study global and environmental health abroad in China during the summer that I transferred to ASU,” he said. Juliano plans to earn his M.D./Ph.D., and credits his connections at SCC with his current success.

been interested in without incredible professors like Dr. John Nagy and Dr. James Vicich (to only name a couple) at Scottsdale Community College.” Juliano discovered his passion for the medical field during his time at SCC when he joined Dr. Nagy’s research team. “I have always envisioned myself combining medical science and research, then translating that into making an impact on patients’ lives,” he said. “Not only am I thrilled by the prospect of one day being a part of medical professors research, but also providing direct patient care,” he added.

“Many still think I am a current student, given the amount of times I go back to SCC for my research with Dr. Nagy”

“Without the professors and faculty I met at SCC, all my recent ventures would not have been possible,” he said. “Through the research and Phi Theta Kappa activities I participated in and the incredible support from my previous professors, I have been incredibly lucky to receive opportunities I never thought possible. Further, SCC has molded my future career path into using mathematics in biology and biochemistry – something I never would have

After graduation, Juliano spent a summer with Dr. Nagy’s team doing research at Harvard University’s Stem Cell Conference. “Many professors still think I am a current student, given the amount of times I go back to SCC for my research with Dr. Nagy,” he said.

The story of Joe Juliano’s success should illustrate to other students the importance of getting involved with meaningful activities on campus to quickly strengthen a student’s resume and, most importantly, cultivate meaningful relationships with one’s professors. Everyone needs mentors who will walk beside him or her as they journey towards the future of their dreams.


with Dr. Jan Gehler


In today’s economy, what do community colleges offer students who are looking for higher education opportunities? Community colleges are one of today’s best higher education values. We offer some of the very highest quality instruction, support services, learning experiences and innovations, at a relatively affordable price and achievable within a realistic time frame. Hallmarks of a community college educational experience include easy and frequent access to excellent faculty who are dedicated to the very best in innovative and effective teaching and learning practices. Student support services such as advising, tutoring, financial aid, and community service opportunities are a few examples of what community colleges provide -- all in a wholesome, safe and beautiful environment.


Community partnerships are vital in higher education. How are SCC’s partnerships with community members important to student success? I believe strongly that we serve our students best by partnering with our communities first! Our partners benefit students in many ways. They provide strategic and operational advice to program managers through active involvement in our 35+ community advisory committees. Partners share their real world-of-work stories as guests in our classrooms and student clubs. They provide students with internship opportunities, and through their generous gifts to our college, they support scholarships and special funds for student conferences, contests and other explorations. Our partners have direct access to some of the most


innovative students and professionals, and have the chance to network with other community members with similar interests.


What is STEAM, why is this movement important for our communities and our economy, and how is SCC involved in supporting STEAM? STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. It is SCC’s model for our strategic initiatives for the future. Capitalizing on our deep and profound faculty and staff expertise in each of these disciplines, we will align our resources -- personnel, funds, and time -- to support our students’ academic and career aspirations. Whether a student wants to be a health care technician, business entrepreneur, astrophysicist, or anything imaginable, STEAM represents the skills and knowledge foundation for all.


At SCC, student success is a collaborative effort. How?

Throughout the Maricopa Community College District, student success is job one. We have and must continue to shape our organizations, redesign our processes, allocate our resources and make our decisions with our students’ success as our primary focus. At SCC, we reorganized our facilities and student services professionals for better service; we integrated our committees, task forces, teams, and leadership with employees from across the college; we continue to provide

innovation incentives for faculty and staff; and we work directly with our community partners, especially our public school colleagues, working upstream helping to build strong academic skills and awareness in young learners and their parents. We work with our sister colleges, universities, and other community institutions to improve the lighting along that educational pathway. The challenges to today’s generation and future generations will only be addressed when we work together.


Where would you like to see SCC by the year 2020?

SCC will be known nationally (and perhaps beyond) as a leading post-secondary institution offering the highest quality, technologically advanced instruction in STEAM fields. SCC will be synonymous with a world class Indigenous Scholars Program, leading edge Civic Engagement and Global Engagement programs, state-of-the-art Sustainability programs and services (adhering to the Triple Bottom Line), and, respecting our place as guests of the Salt River

Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, one of the most beautiful physical campuses of the area. Our community members will flood our arts, athletics, and academic events, and our completion rate will be 90+%.


What has been the most unexpected thing you have learned about the college during your tenure as SCC’s 2nd president? While I knew SCC employees were loyal to the college and to their work here, I was pleasantly surprised at the depth and breadth of their commitment to our students, the community of employees here and the college as an important entity. Given their comfort with their past, their willingness to accept new ideas, new responsibilities and new ways of thinking about our work and the college has been and remains a source of unending satisfaction. I am so very proud to be here and to be counted as a colleague of so many wonderful professionals.



Scottsdale Community College has developed partnerships with several community members through the college’s program advisory committees. Members of SCC’s advisory committees reflect varying interests within the community, and are selected by the college to advise, promote and assist a specific instructional program or student service office. Working in conjunction with a college representative, committee chairpersons and their members help the college deliver quality academic and student services, with an eye on how the college can best prepare its students for careers and further education in an ever-changing world.

Jazz legend George Benson and SCC Music scholarship recipient Chelsey Minkler pause for a photo during the 2011 Jazz Showcase.

There are currently 35 different committees comprised of over 200 community members serving on SCC’s committees. Committees range from instructional programs such as Architectural Technology, Equine Science, Nursing, and Music, to students support services such as Disability Services and Veteran Services. Twice a year college representatives and committee chairpersons come together for the Board of Chairs -- a dinner meeting with the college’s administration. The Board of Chairs meeting provides an opportunity to celebrate the work and support that committees are providing. Committees share best practices and successes of the year, while the college reaffirms members’ commitment and the importance of the partnerships. After successful fundraising efforts last year by the SCC Music advisory committee, the group decided to create a new scholarship to be awarded to an outstanding Music student every year. Mr. George Benson, legendary Jazz musician, was selected as the namesake of this important new scholarship because of his remarkable contributions to music. Mr. Benson presented the George Benson Honorary Scholarship to Chelsey Minkler, the first recipient of his new scholarship, at the SCC Jazz Showcase on December 7, 2011.


Dr. Novak’s A rare jewel. That’s what SCC music students have in the direction of Dr. Christina Novak. She is one of the many fine arts professors who have spent enough time on the real-world stage to know that they belong in front of a classroom.

“I love what I do, and I think when you enjoy your career your entire life is impacted in a very positive way,” she said. “It’s so rewarding to inspire, challenge, and support my students. I’m very lucky to be in this profession.”

“I’m a classical pianist and have been performing since I was 6-years-old,” she said. “I have always enjoyed performing. I really had a gift for performance because I had nerves of steel. Even playing in front of thousands of people, I could perform musically and without mistakes. But, I first began teaching when I was 19-years-old and quickly discovered it was teaching I loved far more than performing.”

Along with her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Novak became the Chair of the Music Department in 2006.

Dr. Novak began teaching piano when she was an undergraduate student at Penn State University. After she graduated, she became an Instructor of Music at Marywood University in Dunmore, PA. From 1994-99 she was a Graduate Assistant and then Faculty Associate at Arizona State University, and in 1999 she began teaching at SCC. She currently teaches music theory, aural perception, and classical piano.


“One of my goals has been raising scholarship money for our music students,” she said. “I know from experience how important scholarships can be for students. I started the SCC Music Faculty Scholarship Fund and helped develop the SCC George Benson Honorary Scholarship, a fund created by the SCC Music Advisory Committee.” Dr. Novak understands, first-hand, the hard work involved in being successful in music, and she does what she can to prepare her students for careers in Music. “I’ve had some remarkable students over the years, but my greatest rewards come when I learn that my former students are now educators themselves,” she said. “I‘ve had former students “It’s so tell me they’re now elementary rewarding school music teachers, middle school band and choral music to inspire, directors, college graduate challenge, and music teaching assistants, and support my more. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment and pride.” students”



By the Numbers

L E A R N . G R O W. A C H I E V E .

Student Enrollment: 10,833


29% Full-time

71% Part-time



53% Female 47% Male

77% of SCC students come from Scottsdale, Phoenix, Mesa, and Tempe. 115 international students from 39 countries


Class Size:



10.7% online classes 70.1% day classes 19.2% evening classes


Certificates & Degrees: 1,801 Top Occupational Certificates:

Top Occupational Degrees:

• Nursing Assisting • Basic Emergency Medical Training • Culinary Arts • Film Production • Book Keeping


• Nursing • Interior Design • Hospitality and Tourism Hotel Management • Motion Picture/ Television Production

65% Faculty have master’s degrees 31% Faculty have doctorate degrees


Scottsdale Community College 9000 E. Chaparral Road Scottsdale, AZ 85256

The college of you. An EEO/AA institution.


Open New Doors

Community partnerships are vital in providing our students with a comprehensive and successful college experience. For SCC, one of these partnerships is with the Scottsdale chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Founded more than 130 years ago, AAUW takes its mission statement seriously: Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. Dorie Roepke, current president of AAUW Scottsdale, grew up in Tombstone, a small town with rich history. “Tombstone was a peaceful little town as I grew up,” said Roepke. “Local history included that of the Earps, Clantons, and McLaurys – all men who were handy with guns. But, I knew of no role models from early days. I learned about Nellie Cashman and Big Nose Kate much later.” SCC’s partnership with AAUW Scottsdale began in 1995 when the college provided AAUW with a venue for their Explorathon AZ, a one-day conference that introduced middle school girls from Scottsdale to existing careers in science, math, engineering, and technology. The partnership continued to evolve, and in 2008 the two groups hosted Running and Winning, a

for Women

seminar encouraging women to consider running for office. Other notable speakers and workshops were brought to SCC, including a co-sponsored $tart $mart workshop held in 2010 to help women learn to benchmark and negotiate starting salaries that would reflect what they deserve. SCC and AAUW recently wrapped up Celebrating Arizona Women, an Official Arizona Centennial Project hosted in February to generate scholarships for SCC students. Women from both SCC and AAUW served on the steering committee, a work in progress for over two years. Women’s groups from around Arizona participated in skits depicting the legacy and diversity of Arizona women; a kaleidoscope of images showcased modern-day ‘unsung heroines;’ and Marshall Trimble, Arizona’s official historian, served as emcee as audiences learned the history of early women through song, dance, and storytelling. AAUW Scottsdale now offers an SCC scholarship annually. Roepke’s history fuels her passion for AAUW Scottsdale and their partnership with SCC. “We will continue to develop ways to enhance each others’ missions,” she said.

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