SUMMARY Research on international experience among Colombian designers and Dutch MTIC-design within the Knowledge Exchange Program had to design an object that could be developed in both countries, in different contexts, culturaes and production techniques diversities. The study of this process started from the testimony of the designers involved in the process, using interviews and information gathering of memorioas found in different sources. document management, communication and cooperation, methodologies and processes and infrastructure design, materials and production: four blocks of information collection that served as analysis of process parameters were developed. With the MTIC this research project is to facilitate, identify and extend methodological tools where design professionals and other careers can apply this information to design future projects shared.
CASE ANALYSIS case2 case1
individual imaginary
individual imaginary
the encounter between the water flow and reflective lights create a deep color scheme
the lamp shows underwater life almost unobservable by the human eye
new production processes make the prototype is important
experimentation 3D is something new for Colombia
collective imaginary
collective imaginary
water as a necessity of life
our digital distance does not exist
water as a source of plant and animal life
It is displayed showing
communication in cyberspace
CONCLUSIONS These projects generate an intercultural enrichment in generating innovation, today we have a different perspective of the discipline, in which the generation of experience and research in design have taken great strength and have changed the paradigm of a designer that only performs product development. Being a pioneer project is normal that problems like what happened in one of the cases analyzed are presented, this gives rise to corrections through research. Designer´s creativity and proactivity was used to test when facing new challenges, freedom to plan their design processes, from document management to product development, allowed to demonstrate particular outcomes among participants in the MTICdesign project. Ideological differences should be taken as imaginary exchange individual strengths to generate collective intelligence and thus nurturing the design process and knowledge of the counterparty.
Analysis of the processes of cultural knowledge exchange as a tool for generating innovation from design Case Study “Bernardo Calvache PD STUDIO (Pasto) and David del Valle TUTALLER DESIGN (Medellín)” Santiago Córdoba | Michael Calderón Bachelor Graduate Project
Research Project Modality Industrial Design Program