3 years of Architecture – Bachelorstudies

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Portfolio Marie Carl

Marie Carl

Bachelor of Science, Architecture RWTH Aachen University 2009 Email: mariehier@aol.com

E1 Under the surface - A passable spatial sculpture B1 Living between city and country B2 Integrated - Palm house


B3 Urban construction - „Hohenzollernplatz Ostviertel“ B4 Bachelor thesis - The Liberty and Unity Memorial in Berlin B Different impressions - Drawings, movie...



E1 Under the surface - A passable spatial sculpture

E1 Under the surface - A passable spatial sculpture Rooms are formed by digging in the ground. There is no artifical light under the surface. The lightning only takes place by the natural light of the sun. Different types of rooms are used in their primal form. The rooms form up a tour, through which the visitor can swim and relax. The visitor enters the sculpture through wide stairs in the patio, which leads to the salon. The next room is the atrium from which the locker rooms divert. The visitor slides from the atrium into the indoor swimming pool. Then there are two different ways. There is one to the diving room passing the balneary and then going back to the indoor swimming pool, leading into the dry hallway. The other one is a dark room to relax, which is attached to the patio garden. It also leads to the dry hallway and ends up in the locker rooms.


Balneary Atrium Patio garden

Indoor swimming pool Salon

Diving room


Dry Hallway

Floor plan scale 1:300

Section scale 1:300

Section scale 1:300

Section scale 1:300

Model scale 1:100

B1 Living between City and Country

B1 Living between City and Country The site is located at the periphery of Aachen. It is situated at the Eupener Straße, which is a artery in and out of the city. Since the area cannot be dedicated to either the country or the city, the draft is compounded by aspects of the country residential house „The Renaissance Villa“ and the city residential house „The Peristyle House“, inspired by the outstanding location „The ideal location by Vitruvius“. The flexible layout of the buildings allows one up to three residents.


Die Renaisancevilla Die Renaisancevilla „The Renaissance Land LandVilla“



Entwurf Entwurf Draft Land / Stadt Land / Stadt

Das Peristylhaus Das Peristylhaus „The Peristyle House“ Stadt Stadt

The building orients oneself inwards. Das Gebäude Das Gebäude orientiertorientiert sich nachsich Innen. nach Innen. ItEsthereby joinsanthe introversion of the schließt Es somit schließt somit die Introvertiertheit an die Introvertiertheit der umliegenden der umliegenden Wohngebäude Wohngebäude an.The Die an. Die other surrounding houses. builGebäudeGebäude fügen sich fügen in die sich Landschaft in die Landschaft ein ein dings assimilate the landscape and are und sind und selbst sind Ordnungselementedieser. selbst Ordnungselementedieser. ordinal elements of it themselves.

The peristyle is in the center of the Imbuilding. Zentrum Im Zentrum des Gebäudes des Gebäudes befindet sich befindet das sich das The revolving staves create a Peristyl. Durch Peristyl. dessen Durchumlaufende dessen umlaufende Stützen, Stützen, transition between the inside and the welche einen welche Übergangsbereich einen Übergangsbereich schaffen,schaffen, outside. thezum outside becomes der Aussenbereich der Thereby Aussenbereich zum Innenbereich Innenbereich wird. wird.

the inside.

EsThere gibt eine Esis gibt klare Trennung klare Trennung von Gemeinschaftvonbetween Gemeinschafta eine clean separation und Individualbereichen. und Individualbereichen. Diese haben Diese eine haben eine communal and individual areas. flexible Aufteilung. flexible Aufteilung.

As a buffer between the outside and the inside is a revolving area, which contains all functions, likeund bathrooms Als PufferAls zwischen Puffer zwischen Innen und Innen Aussen gibt Aussen gibt es es umlaufenden einen umlaufenden Bereich, Bereich, welcher die welcher die oreinen closets. They have the same dimenFunktionselemente Funktionselemente enthällt. Die enthällt. Küche Die hat Küche hat sionsdabei andeine thereby cankoresspondiert beSie putkoresspondiert together dabei eine besondere besondere Rolle. SieRolle. in a flexible way. kitchen a zwischen zwischen Hof und überdachten Hof The und überdachten Bereich.has Bereich. special role. It communicates between the courtyard and the roofed area.

Site plan scale 1:1000

Floor plans scale 1:400

009 009

Sections scale 1:400

L채ngsschnitte L채ngsschnitte

B1 Projektarbeit WOHNEN + WS 2008/2009

Sections scale 1:400

Model scale 1:200/1:2000

Model scale 1:200

B2 Integrated Project - Palm house

B2 Integrated Project - Palm house The site is located at a main road in Aachen next to the Casino and the city park. The palm house has specific climatic requirements, therefore all functions are seperated into the actual palm house, the cafe and the lobby. Each function has his own cube. They are simply placed on the lawn. To combine them to one, there is a „fence“ surrounding. The palm house is a girder on strut structural steelwork and stands on a concrete tub. The cafe and the lobby are exposed concrete. The „fence“, which is also the sun screen, is a structual steelwork overgrown with ivy. The palm house is entered through the basement. Inside the palm house are single terraces rising linked by ramps.

Drawing of the palm house

Floor plan first floor scale 1:400

Floor plan basement scale 1:400

Section scale 1:400

Sections scale 1:400

View scale 1:400

Views scale 1:400

Sections of the facade scale 1:150

Section of the facade scale 1:150

Section of the facade/roof scale 1:10

Section of the roof scale 1:10

Model scale 1:500

Model scale 1:500

B3 Urban construction - „Hohenzollernplatz Ostviertel“

Die Stadtzelle

B3 Urban construction - „Hohenzollernplatz Ostviertel“ The site is located at the east district „Ostviertel“ in Aachen. This district is a social focus. Especially the north is characterized by old and often unused factories. Due to the situation the rent index is low. Nevertheless the district has high potential. The idea is the „City cell“, whereby the site „Hohenzollenplatz“ plays a particular role. By reactivating it the north and the south reunite. The „City cell“ combines of individual cells. Each cell has its own function. They are not able to survive alone, but together they form a functional unit. For even denoting the „City cell“ the outskirts are clearly defined by the cell membrane. It is a bufferzone between the district and its environment. Determined by the situation it clearly detaches the dirstrict or encourages the communication. The membrane reflects the identity of the district and authors a higher potential of identification.

High quality dwellings

Offices and workspaces

Sport-,leisureand recreation area

Social facilities

Die Stadtzell aus einzelne jede dieser Z übernimmt b Funktionen. Allein sind si lebensfähig, jedoch ergeb sie eine funk Einheit, welc durch die Ze umschlossen

Supply facilities Cultural facilities

Infrastruktu Gute A an die Innens umlieg





Funktionen der Stadtzelle

Existing functions of the neighbourhood

Vorhandene Funktionen im Viertel Qualitative High Wohnräume quality dwellings z.B. Panneshop

e.g. Panneshop

Freiräume für Sport, Freizeit Sport-,leisureand und Erholung Der Kennedy Park recreation Spielplätzearea in den Blockinnenräumen

e.g. Kennedy Park Erweiterte Funktionen durch die Stadtzelle Wohnbebauung am Hohenzollernplatz Aufwertung der vorhandenen Wohnbebauung

Playgrounds in Der Ostfriedhof Spielplatz im Zellrandof inner blocks

Soziale Einrichtungen Social facilities


Grund- und Oberschulen Seniorenwohnheime Kirchliche Einrichtungen, Elementaryand z.B. "Muttercafé"


the the


Retirement homes Altengerechtes Wohnen Studentisches Wohnen

Kulturelle Einrichtungen Cultural facilities

starkes Netz an kulturellen Einrichtungen für Begegnungen Kindern,of Jugendlichen, Widevonoffers cultural Erwachsenen und Migranten

facilities for children, teenagers, adults and immigrants Bibliothek Kulturfabrik

Versorgungseinrichtungen Supply facilities

Büround Arbeitsräume Offices and workvereinzelte Geschäftsräume spaces auf das Viertel verteilt



a few offices in the neighbourhood Supermarkt Hohenzollernplatz Café

Technologiezentrum und Büroriegel am Europaplatz

Church facilities

ge ng er d rte


Enlarged functions of the „City cell“ High quality dwellings „Hohenzollernplatz“ Upgrading of the local dwellings

The East Cemetery Playground in the cell edge

Dwellings in accordance with the requirements of elderly people

Library Cultural factory

Supermarket „Hohenzollernplatz“ Cafe

Technology center Offices at the „Europaplatz“


The „City cell“ and the „Hohenzollernplatz“

Pictogram of the „City cell“

Identity plan scale 1:5000

10 min

Abfahrt alle 15 min 15 min

10 min 15 min 25 min

Abfahrt alle 3 min 15 min



Wohnen + Restaurant

Wohnen + Einzelhandel (periodischer Bedarf )

soziale Einrichtung

Wohnen + Dienstleistung

Wohnen + Einzelhandel (t채glicher Bedarf )




Analysis plans scale 1:10000




4 1


Site plan scale 1:1250


Sections scale 1:750

Floor plan dwellings scale 1:500

Floor plan dormitory scale 1:500

Model scale 1:500

Collage Hohenzollernplatz

B4 Bachelor thesis - The Liberty and Unity Memorial in Berlin

Entwurf für ein „Freiheits- und Einheitsdenkmal“ in Berlin

B4 Bachelor thesis - The Liberty and Unity Memorial in Berlin The task is based on the competition, of the same name, which was advertised in 2009. The site is located in downtown Berlin at the „Schlossfreiheit“ across from the palace and close to the „Museumsinsel“. Eventhough it is downtown, it is a peaceful and almost quiet location. The baroque socle of the old emperor memorial, which reaches into the river, is the basis for the new memorial. The idea of the memorial assumes that there is no real unity of Germany yet. People still ask other people if they are from the West or the East. A memorial, which will stand for liberty and unity therefore would not be valuable. It should be a forum for communication and argument about that theme, which leads to acceptance and maybe even identification. It should be a place, people totally get attached to. Where they can see themselves as an individual and therefore as a part of society.

Bachelorarbeit SS2009

Prof. grad. Des. Michael Schulze, Prof. Dr. phil. Alexander Markschies

The concept consists of

The elements. They stimulate the senses.

They are on their own islands.

The islands are set into the plateau.

The plateau will be placed over the socle.

Where the senses are sensitized for better communication and acceptance of the others. There are still different opinions about the unity, but by asking for everyone‘s opinion, They all can combine to one. To accept the unity of Germany we should go on step back. Experience it as an idea and not a fact. Explain it and find it in ourselves, because that is the only way the unity can be experienced. The socle as a symbol of totality and the revolution from above must be left behind. The idea of the memorial must ostentatious turn away from it and stand for itself. On the islands of perception obscure feelings and ideas about liberty and unity as well as the normal life were thematized by sense perceptions. The long concealed gets out of their system to understand what happened. People feel and perceive together. The plateau is all public thoroughfare. By the receding appearance the marked autocentrism can be put on the islands. The forum as meeting point for communication. The people meet, discuss and talk about the experiences. After the visit people should be able of better communication and acceptance towards eachother. The first step towards Unity.

Das Plateau wird 端ber den Sockel gestellt.

Grundriss M 1:200

Floor plan scale 1:500

Sections scale 1:500

Querschnitt M 1:200

Ansicht S端d-West M 1:200

Ansicht Nord-Ost M 1:200

Views scale 1:500

Islands of perception scale 1:200

The observer enters the room expecting a better view of the palace. One‘s intention will be negated. By hydraulic damper the room lowers and changes the sight line, which makes the whole process visible for the outside.

Islands of perception scale 1:200

Der Besucher kann a

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Islands of perception scale 1:200

The observer enters the stairs. The walls frame the water like a painting. The concrete blocks compose the breakers. They make alive the calm water. The stairs end up in the water. They dissolve.

Islands of perception scale 1:200

Der Betrachte den Raum. D Der Betrachte Perspektive den Raum. D ein Gefühl v Perspektive Geht er di ein Gefühl v hinauf, verrin Geht er di dieses. Die hinauf, verrin dämpfen de dieses. Die Der Raum löst dämpfen de er ist auf dem Der Raum löst und ste er ist auf dem und ste

Der Betrachter betritt den Raum. Durch die Perspektive entsteht ein Gefühl von Enge. Geht er die Treppe hinauf, verringert sich dieses. Die Rahmen dämpfen den Schall. Der Raum löst sich auf, er ist auf dem Plateau und steht frei.

The visitor access the room. The perspective evokes a feeling of density. The observer goes upstairs, whereby the frames absorb the clang, and the feeling of density decreases. The room dissolves. One stands on the plateau and stands free.

Islands of perception scale 1:200

The visitor is in the forum. Here they can discuss. The experiences can be reflected with others. Ideas can be interchanged with a view to the water.

Die Besu sich i wird erlebte men mit refle Die Besu Ideen w sich i tausch wird erlebte men mit refle Ideen w tausch

Islands of perception scale 1:200

Entwurf für ein „Freiheits- und Einheitsdenkmal“ in Berlin

Bachelorarbeit SS2009

Prof. grad. Des. Michael Schulze, Prof. Dr. phil. Alexander Markschies

Marie Carl 273601

Inseln der Wahrnehmungen

The visitor hears themself and the world. The funnel-shaped sculptures precipitate the perception of the air, themself and the river. Sounds are clearly sensed. Der Besucher höhrt sich und die Welt. Die trichterförmige Form führt zur Wahrnehmung des Wassers, sich selbst un der Erde. Geräusche werden hier klarer wahrgenommen.

Der Betrachter betritt den Raum in der Annahme eine besseren Wahrnehmung des Schlosses zu erhalten. Sein Intention wird negiert. Durch hydraulische Stoßdämpfer senkt sich der Raum und ändert somit die Blickachse. Der Vorgang wird nach

Islands of perception scale 1:200

Model scale 1:100

Model scale 1:100

B Different impressions - Drawings, movie... There are many differnet smaller projects and classes, which show the variety of topics that have been touched. This is just a little collocation: Drawing classes with visits in Brussels. Even a Constructional measurement of a derelict barn with string and folding ruler. The movie “Deformiert� about architecture, which illustrates the fight between the basic forms shere and cube.

Drawing House in Aachen

Drawing Skyline of Brussels

Drawing Brussels by night

Constructional measurement of a derelict barn

Extract of the self-made movie „Deformiert“

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