Our first international ebook Let’s defend a cause together! France, Turkey & Italy 01/06/2013 eTwinning project
A special remote Once upon a time, there was a girl called Marie, who found a remote control in the ruins of a factory, then she discovered that it could take people to the future. She was very curious about how the environment would be, so she pressed the button and she found herself in the future. The environment had completely changed: people had started to get sick because of the pollution, so petrol cars had been replaced by electric cars, everyone owned a robot which ate your dust and produced energy, for people who were a robot talked with them and was their friend, house lights were turned on just when there was no light, to avoid the waste of energy. It was a beautiful place, with no pollution or noises, where people were healthier, so she decided to stay there and never came back. By Fjoralda Neza
Hydrogen cars to save the world Hydrogen cars are for old people and Hollywood stars, and are boring, like the Prius. But these engines are very smart and ecological. In fact they don’t produce dangerous gases but they produce only water steam. They need hydrogen instead of gasoline, and then they transform it into water steam. They need a very small amount of hydrogen to fill the tank. You can also produce hydrogen by yourself with a machine and you only need some water from your sink. With a little water, you can use these cars for many kilometres. These cars are very important to reduce pollution in our cities. For now, there are few auto-makers who produce hydrogen cars and they’re not imported in Italy.
For now California is the only country in the world with hydrogen stations that are used only by a few people, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. The good thing about hydrogen car fans is that more and more automakers are producing prototypes of hydrogen engines nowadays. GIOBATTA PEROSA FEDIR LYASHCHENKO
Pollution Some years ago, men spoiled the environment creating a big cloud of pollution, because they travelled with cars, wasted water, built damaging industries. The cloud of pollution destroyed the wood of trees, except for one little bud. When the bud grew up, it decided to avenge all the treeswhich had been destroyed, and so it decided to fight the cloud, but only with the help of human beings could the little tree do it. The human beings helped the tree, fed it for it to grow strong.
The tree was ready for the battle, so with a very resistant gold armour it ran to the cloud and won the battle, so then the world was saved. Men planted trees near the other big winner and so it knew a female tree and men decided not to pollute any more and plant a lot of different trees. By Fabiola Nerini
Nature killer Once upon a time, there was a good man who lived in one of the suburbs of Paris. He was called Florian Muselet and was 41 years old. He had 3 children (Marie, ElĂŠonore and Sandie) and a wife, her name was Delphine. They had a dog, ClĂŠment, which they had found on the
side of the road. It was worried and very thin but it was very happy and healthy. Florian worked in a little firm called « Specq’ NATURE » which was a few kilometers away from his house. He rode his bike to work every morning not to pollute especially as he had a 4x4 which rejected a lot of CO2. Florian’s family was full of joy until one day. Somewhere in the north of France, Antoine who lived alone, in a little hut, completely built with environmentally friendly materials and wood. He owned a well and a vegetable garden, which allowed him to eat every day. He was 33 years old and loved reggae music. The last character, “a femme fatale”, called Laura. Where did she live? In the 16th area in Paris, the finest neighbourhood in the whole city. She had been working at « Specq’ NATURE » for a few months. She had long dark hair with green eyes which bewitched most people. She often wore black skirts with a white blouse… What a woman! After completing her first mission, Laura had received a phone call from her boss. A mysterious man, who had studied for a very long time but who had regularly been cheating ... He had reached his objective by manipulating his neighbourhood and almost the whole world. But he was primarily and officially known as Jérémy Crépin, a glorious beautiful and attractive engineer. During his conversation with Laura, he stated that she had to get rid of Florian before he ruined all his plans and projects. He had invented a diabolical plan to get rid of the young worker who had been working at SPECQ Nature for three years now. This Friday, as it had been raining heavily for the past few weeks, Laura arrived at SPECQ Nature late but nevertheless with a broad smile. With her dark and deep eyes, she started crossing the lobby… Shaking the hand of her temporary colleagues who had been
watching her, she cast a quick glance around to check if Florian was there. She then went through all the corridors, lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, catering halls ... No one to be seen. However, she saw a green car registered BD-548-HM parked on the manager’s car park. She pulled out a folder named Florian from her purse and checked the registration of the car. That was it! She went down the stairs quickly, then turned left and left again and right to arrive in the lobby, she smiled to all the people she met not to look suspicious. She went out determined to accomplish this mission. Her eyes froze on the car and with a trembling hand, she took a chisel and a sharp knife from her bag and, out of sight, she cut the brakes of the car and tampered them as she had been told. She put her little equipment away, turned around, shaking hands with Jeremy on the road, took her car and returned to her office to meet her boss. The next day we could read in the local newspaper in bold letters: DEATH OF A YOUNG WORKER Broad smiles illuminated the faces of the two crooks ‌
His plan had worked. Laura had finally succeeded in killing Antoine and no one had noticed. Nobody would have ever guessed that Laura, a discreet woman had killed a man. It took her only a few weeks to seduce and murder him. After several days of investigation, Laura never thought she would be found out, yet a single fingerprint had been enough to unmask her ... A fingerprint was found on the crime scene! Laura was arrested on
the day of the discovery, and was questioned for hours during which she denied the whole thing. It took her several more hours to admit that she was guilty. She confessed later that she had been manipulated by Mr. Crepin. This man was none other than Laura’s boss. He was blackmailing Laura and had forced her to deceive and murder that man, who had done nothing. He had only tried to protect the environment, all the opposite of Mr. Crepin, who owned a big company which earned less because the company called "SpecqNature" had been created. Mr. Crepin had so much money problems that he wanted his business to improve the only solution was to kill the owners of competitive environmental companies. His horrible plan had worked perfectly ... or almost because Mr Crepin and Laura were imprisoned for many years. Pauline, Claire & Marion
Deadly hike This is the story of six friends, six adventurers and six passionate walkers. The six friends found out that they were all completely different. Firstly, Pauline, a tall blonde, a girl who was sure about herself. She was, as one might say, the leader of the group. Another strong personality, Laura, who is not afraid of anything and overcomes all the hardships of life. Then Claire, a very quiet girl who still finds her place in this group of girlfriends. Marion, a beautiful tanned girl, who is similar to Laure. Then Clea, a rather chatty girl, very popular with people who is always ready to help everyone. Finally, Louna is the girl whom everyone appreciates and who is very funny. One day, Pauline asked her five friends to hike. Delighted, they agreed immediately. A week later, they took part in one of the most dangerous adventures of their lives. At this point, they did not know yet what would happen to them. It all started on a Tuesday morning, they got up early and the weather looked good. They first decided to start slowly with a little getaway on a path in the woods before starting going up the huge mountain. As always, everyone followed Pauline, the leader and everyone trusted her. Claire was not very good, being asthmatic, and often stopped along the way to catch her breath or even breathe her medication. Since they were all familiar with her health problem , they decided to take a break to let her rest and then leave with the same energy they had at the beginning. It was only 6 P.M. but it was already starting getting dark and as they began to feel quite tired, they decided to find a spot to camp, although Pauline still wanted to continue because she was still in good shape. Laure spoke and asked Pauline not to go further. Pauline, knowing what Laura could be like when she wanted something, did not to contradict her and agreed to stop. It was a wise decision because Claire did need to rest and Marion also needed to stop.
The following morning, the group left for a long day of walking, as tiring as the first one had been. When they had reached about the middle of the mountain,they could feel the mountain shaking a little. Louna was there to make you laugh. But that time, the snow began to crack and split gradually. Clea panicked, but decided not to show her concern and help everyone, but it was difficult because of the shocks which were more and more frequent and Marion was screaming and crying as she was afraid. Laura tried to keep things in perspective, but to no avail. A large avalanche was about to start. Pauline, not knowing what to do, realized it was too late to go back down and that one way or another they would end up buried under the snow, yet she tried to find a solution, but panic invaded them little by little. Then what had to happen happened ... They were all killed except for one : there had been only one survivor: Clea. Thanks to her we were able to tell the story, and pay a tribute to her five friends. Louna, Pauline, Marion, Marion and Claire who were never found but remain in the heart of Clea forever. Louna, Laure & ClĂŠa
Thank you to all the teachers & students who made this project possible & so enjoyable!
Marie-HÊlène Fasquel.