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For me, every day is a new thing. I approach each project with a new insecurity,

(Frank Gehry)


Marie Kremers Born in Bilzen (Belgium), on March 20th 1990 Rue Paul Spaak 18, 1050 Brussels 0472/40.03.02 marie.kremers@gmail.com

Complete follow up of construction site Design, in situ measurements, Mash plan of the hopsital


Workshop Metro Station Brussels Bockstael (2011)

Dutch: mother tongue



Revit Sketchup Photoshop InDesign






clubhouse. this part had a triangular shape, and so did the building. The clubhouse is completely open to the tennis courts. The glass wall can go open, so people can enjoy they meal inside or out-

A Few projects I worked on during my two-year internship at Bureau Architecture Engineering VErhaegen...

BRUSSELS, 2013-2015


Maison de Repos et Résidence services La Bouvière

Vielsalm Belgique

La Plaine 12.191 m2 108 beds © Atchain P 1/2

© BAEV La MRS de 135 lits et la résidence services de 10 appartements forment un ensemble intégré à proximité du Centre de Vielsalm.

La Bouvière 8.500 m2 - 135 beds © BAEV - Le sous-sol est réservé à la logistique: vestiaires du personnel, réserves, archives, atelier, lingerie et déchets. Le positionnement de la logistique au sous-sol

CHR Verviers © BAEV

China Belgium Technological Center

Louvain-La-Neuve Belgique P 2/2

P 1/2

Surface 120.000 m

Début des travaux 2014

Mise en service 2017


Bureaux d'études CH de l'Ardenne Nouvelle Aile Belgique China-Belgium TEchnological center - 120.000 m2 © G.Hasbroucq © G.Hasbroucq

Le China Belgium Technological Center s’implante dans le parc scientifique Einstein à proximité immédiate de la P 1/2 ville de Louvain-La-Neuve. Le projet est piloté par la société JuXing International qui désire implanter en Belgique une plateforme destinée à des entreprises chinoises souhaitant développer des projets novateurs en collaboration, notamment, avec l’Université Catholique de Louvain. De l’ordre de 120.000 m , le projet comprend des bureaux (75.000 m ), un hôtel de 160 lits (8.000 m ), un centre de services et de conférences (5.000 m ), de la logistique (4.000 m ) et des parkings (26.000 m ). Le centre accueillera cinq pôles d’activité : biotechnologie, énergies vertes, optoélectronique, télécom et un incubateur d’entreprises.


China-Belgium TEchnological center - 120.000 m2 © BAEV

sale(AR) niveaux de socle BAEV occupent vallon, traçant des horizontales et générant les parkings, centre de En collaboration le avec: service et les accueils des différents pôles.

DongFeng Design Institute Au centre du site, par dessus la voirie et à la jonction Co. Ltp (TS & ST) entre les niveaux des deux socles, s'implante une place publique, ouverteEllyps sur un bord. 5 tours s'élèvent / BEL (TS & ST) autour

de la table, donnant un visage à chaque pôle. Une sixième tour plus importante consacrée à l'hôtel vient se poser en signal en bord de place.

Maître d'ouvrage Articulés aux tours d'entrée, des plateaux de bureaux, posés comme des poutres au-dessus des socles. Orientées nord-sud, les façades des bureaux profitent d'un maximum de lumière-naturelle JXITIB Juxing tout en se protégeant efficacement contre les surchauffes. International Technology Investment Belgium

Le terrain présente une superficie de 8 hectares de part et d'autre d'un vallon. Pour répondre à la demande de densité importante, le projet tire parti du profil. Deux

Dernière mise à jour Juillet 2015 © BAEV

Boulevard du Souverain 360/B7 B - 1160 Bruxelles

© F. Mainil

T +32(0)2 673 61 72 F +32(0)2 673 51 77


Centre Hospitalier de L’ardenne © F.Mainhil

Centre Hospitalier de Wallonie Picarde © BAEV

Internship at bureau d’Architecture Engeneering Verhaegen

CHR Verviers G30 care unit During my internship at Baev, I had the opportunity to ...... It’s a the renovation of one of the levels of one wing of the hopstital. Itand hasengineers. become a care unit ......

tion in three main sectors : health, research and education.


and care sector where the smallest details can have a huge importance in a project.

Brussels, 2013-2015

SUIVI DE CHANTIER 2 year internship @ BAEV


during more than a year.

viers”. The unit is about 600m2 and countains 16 patient rooms and 24 beds.


CHR Verviers Radiotherapy bunker © BAEV


CHR Verviers Radiotherapy bunker © BAEV

International Master LUCA School of Art, Ghent Docents : Klaas Goris, Guy Mouton, G.Houvenaghel Mentor: Paul Lievevrouw

WIND changes of direction, of power and temperature. The temperature and the hight of WATER change according to the seasons. LIGHT changes in function of time and weather. It changes the visibility and atmosphere.These factors are not independent. When we look at the water, we see light on it. We know that water and light can give different light effects and the most waves that are created by wind or shadow variation that are the result of wind and light. There are tensions between the three elements. These tensions were used as a start for the project.



The project consists of two parallel lines , one for the museum, one for the sailing club. This disposition of the buildings creates an in between space that can focus on two points, in this case the sea and the church, showing the city center. For this project, inspiration was found in the boat masts. They are visible everywhere around the harbour and create certain verticality on the place. Boat masts placed all around the project are not only seen as a piece of art or as a landmark but have also different functions. First they are used as lightning. With all the masts all around the building, by night, a sky of stars is created. So people and boats can notice the sailing club and museum from far on the water. show the wind direction. Being placed in the water around the club, they are also windturbines. Starting with sustainability as a main theme, and using light, wind and water as a concept, the project including a sailing club tions and spaces. It is a human scaled project, where people can nects harbour, sea and centre visually and gets people to go to the harbour instead of staying in the city centre and take their bike, go for a walk instead of taking a car. It should become a model for people’s adaptation into a sustainable life.

New connection to improve the bike route.

In Denmark, the difference in summer and winter is much bigger than in Belgium. The very short winter days

and put on land again in the winter. Columns that will support the structure on the water remain in the water the whole year. In summer, they will support the building, and in winter they will just be used as pilars to keep the boats away from the border. There are already some of them in wood around the harbour.


The used materials are aluminium panels and anodized aluminium mesh. Wood is used for the interior as a contrast to cold aspect of

International Master LUCA School of Art, Ghent Docents : Livia de Bethune, Patrick Moyersoen

Along the canal, we can see a lot of green elements. These elements form a network of small leisure places. Our location plays a role between these spaces having an intimate relation with the water. Thus we want to have on this location a function that can make the people enjoy the view of the water. So the border of the water is changed into an urban beach.A slow line for bikes an pedestrians is proposed in contrast to the fast lines for cars. The square becomes a place for leisure and at the same time creates a more qualitative connection for everyday movement. Because of the scale and in order to make this more human, we implemented a building of an important function. With 7000 m2 a secundary school for 650 students was the solution. On the area, we combined an educational with a leisure function. in Cureghem, we see a lot of fences everywhere and especially around schools. but instead of too much privacy, we wanted to creatde a social point that could school and recreation, we let the school come out of the landscape.



By making some cuts in the square and pull them up, we create some spaces that could be used for the school. By pushing some parts down, we can let the water and nature appear on the square.

The front roofs of the school are made accessible for public. The last roof is partly used as a recreation court for the students, and partly as outside sitting places for the cinema, instill be used. The library, the restaurant, sports hall and theater are open for the public. The classrooms can also be used for evening classes. We also changed the border of the canal. Instead of having a straight border, we have ot more gradual. We obtain an urban beach wich is in relation with the school. By making the roof accessible, we

The grid is derived from the dimensions of a classroom ( 6 by 10 m). This makes the school more


SPIKE The story of a design

Masterplan with interventions and textures


The aim of the design studio SPIKE was to go

can we understand the fragile balance between social, economic and ecological systems. How possible architectural program lead to a simple

A site located in the core of a housing block. Behind a church, behind houses, behind a school building hidden for everyone that never tried to get acces to it. Although the place is alive! A small nursery school gives rythm to the site and a small urban farm attracts people living in the surrounding houses. How can we contribtion can give this place the possibilities it dewe couldn’t answer. To start the project, we took inspiration in the nursery school. Children can imagine a lot of games with the most common objects. A branch becomes a sword, a table becomes a castle. This was the start of the concept. We create possition of the project is also used in the presentation which is a comic book about the story of the design. We presented this comic book at the “URBAN



Pratt Institute, New York Docents: Kris Scheerlinck streetscapeterritories.wordpress.com

ter-off neighborhoods. Noted as one of the most heavily polluted areas in the USA, all threats should be perceived as opportunities to strengthen the area. To ensure an economical and socially viable future of the Gowanus canal waterfront, a multi-faceted solution is needed. Even small interventions have the potential to trigger a domino-effect which will increase the livability of the Gowanus area on all levels. The second one is a dry connection between north and south which would make the industry more accessible for the public. Finally we also clean the area by making a separation between the ground and the water. We do that by implementing wetlands.


WALKING BETWEEN INSULATION International Master LUCA School of Art, Ghent Docents :Patrick Lints




R=0,36/0,025=14,4m2.K/W U:1/14,4=0,07W/m2.K U-value wall with magazines: R=0,21/0,04=5,25m2.K/W U= 1/5,25= 0,19W/m2.K --> materials are insulating enough


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