Women in art - Curator Leda Maria (mars 2018)

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Women in Art

Tome,f r eedom i saf undament alwor di nt hear twor l d.Thel ess at t achedt opr econcei vedr ul es,st andar dsandst yl es,t hear t i st s ar eof t enabl et oachi evemor eaut hent i cr esul t s,st emmi ngf r om t hei rpot ent i al ,wi t houtt heneedt omeetext er nalexpect at i onsof t hei rf ami l i es,f r i ends,col l ect or sandt hemar keti ngener al . Womeni nar twascr eat edt ocel ebr at eAr tandi t sar t i st s,t o cel ebr at eWoman’ sday ,andt oconsi der emor egenderbal ance i nt heAr tWor l d. Thear t i stover comest hi sdi l emmabyest abl i shi ngaper sonal l anguagei nwhi chf ant ast i calar chi t ect ur alconst r uct i onsar i se, poi nt i ngt oi magi nar yobj ect sornot ,i nusei nt hewor l dwe under st andasr eal . Somet i mest her esul ti sf ul lofmyst er y .Theest abl i shed l anguagel eadsust odesi r et oknowmor ewor ks,t odeci phert he i ndeci pher abl e,i nar el easeoft r acesandf or msr ul edbyt he desi r et obef r ee,i naki ndofpecul i arexpr essi vescr eam i n whi cht hebar r i er f r eet hi nki nggai nst hemostdi ver sesf or ms. LedaMar i aPr ado

LedaMar i ai sanar thi st or i an, ar t i st ,f i near tandcer ami cs i nst r uct or .Var i ousmagazi nes, newspaper sandcont empor ar y ar tcat al oguesi nBr azi l ,Uni t ed St at esandEur opehave publ i shedherar taswel lasher wr i t i ngst hr oughoutt heyear s. LedaMar i ahol dssever alawar ds f orherwor kasanar t i st .

1 About Curator

Aboutt heGal l er y: LI CAr t i st s,I nc.i sa501( c) 3nonpr of i tar t sadvocacy or gani zat i onf oundedbyar t i st sand i ncor por at edi n1986i n LongI sl andCi t y . Or i gi nal l yl ocat edi nast udi o/ l of tcompl ex aboveapaperf act or y ,LI CAbeganpr oduci ngar texhi bi t i ons andevent s,or i gi nat edt heOpenSt udi osAnnual si n1985and hascont i nuedsi ncei npr ovi di ngpr of essi onaldevel opment oppor t uni t i esf orar t i st s. Ourmember sar epr of essi onalar t i st sf r om LongI sl andCi t yas wel lasel sewher ei nQueens. Thei rcr eat i vear ti sasdi ver seand exci t i ngast hebor oughi nwhi cht heywor k. LI CA' spr ogr amsar eenabl edl ar gel yt hr ought he vol unt eer wor kofourmemberar t i st sandsuppor t edbygr ant sand donat i ons. Ourachi evement sf ormor et hanaquar t erofa cent ur yasaQueensor gani zat i onhavebeenext ensi ve. Wear e commi t t edt obr oadeni ngourcommuni t yofar t i st s,and expandi ngt heaudi encef orar tpr oducedi nQueenst hr ough

About the Gallery

Al essandr aSequei r a Vi sualar t i st al essandr aseq@gmai l . com Cost aRi ca

Ar t i stSt at ement If eelsost i mul at edwhenIwat chapl antorspr outaf t er af ewweeks,t her ei smor et hanonever t i calr oot ;t hese ot herr oot sar ecal l edsecondar yr oot s,andbr anchf r om t heor i gi nalpr i mar yr oot .However ,r oot sdonotal lgr ow st r ai ghti naver t i caldi r ect i on;manypar t soft her oot ext endsi dewi sef r om t hepr i mar yorsecondar yr oot s. Theser oot sar eknownasl at er alr oot sandor i gi nat e f r om t hesamet i ssuesast hepr i mar yr oot ,i nt hever y samewayi nwhi cht heSel fandot her sr el at et oeach ot her ,ast heybot hr epr esentopposi t eext ensi onsoft he samecor r el at i veandr ever si bl esyst em sel f / ot her . I nt hi sst at eofmi nd,whati st hedi f f er encebet weent he i nkdr opl et ,whi chi st her ootoft hel i ne,andt hepr i mar y r ootandsecondar yr oot s?Whati st hedi f f er ence bet weenourf ami l y ,ourcommuni t yandot hersoci al gr oupsi nt hewor l d?Wear eal lQuant um Ent angl ed. Somet i meswear ei nk,somet i meswear er oot sor br anches,butal waysent angl ed. Thesear et her oot sofempat hyt hatIpr oposewi t hi nmy ar tpi eces. 1

Alessandra Sequeira

Mul t i di mensi ons Acr í l i ci nkonSt r at f or dpaper 20”x20”

2 Alessandra Sequeira 2

Bar bSut t i e Vi sualar t i st www. sut t i ear t . com Aust r al i a

Ar t i stSt at ement Iwor kmost l yi noi l susi ngt heout doorexper i enceasmy i nspi r at i on.Backi nmyst udi oIcont i nuet owor kon t hesepi eces.Il ovet hesmel lofpai nt ,i t st ext ur eand howIcanscul ptdet ai l edf i nel ayer swi t hi t .Il ovet he Aust r al i anl i ght ,ai r ,col ourandmaki ngdet ai l edmar ks. Thef eel i ngoft hebr ushoncanvasi sl i keaf or m of medi t at i on.If eelconnect edandhappyl ooki ngatt he nat ur alwor l dt hr oughapal et t e,cl ouds,l i ght ,mount ai ns, ai r ,t r ees.Myi nt ensi oni st oconnectpeopl et ot hese sacr edspeci alpl aces.Thi sl andi sourl andt obe nur t ur edasal ast i ngt r easur ef oral lpeopl e’ s.My pai nt i ngscanbet r adi t i onalr epr esent at i onsorl ess r epr esent at i onalpi ecest hathaveast r ong envi r onment almessage.Inowcont i nuemypr of essi on whi cht akesmeover seas. Il ovet oshar econnect i ons, peopl e,ar tandnat ur e.

3 Barb Suttie

CanadaDr eam 16”x 20” Oi lonCanvas


Barb Suttie 2

Bet hPar i n Vi sual Ar t i st www. bet hpar i n. com Uni t edSt at es

Wi t ht hei rpower f ul l yevocat i vei mages, Bet hPar i n' sphot ogr aphs i mmer set hevi eweri nt oar eal m ofeni gmat i ct abl eaust hat st r addl et hel i nebet weent hef ant ast i calandt heeer i l yf ami l i ar . Tappi ngi nt osubconsci ousanxi et i esandf ant asi es,Bet hof f er s ar chet ypalscenar i osabouthome,chi l dhood,genderandsexual i ssuesandi sol at i on.I ncor por at i ngacol l aget echni quei nt oher wor k,shepi ecest oget heri ncongr uenti magest ocr eat eamood off r agment at i on,aswel last hesuggest i onofdi spar at est or i es col l i di ngandconj oi ni ngt ogener at euni quenar r at i ves. Nat ur ei samaj orpr esencei nBet h' sphot os,andsheof t en j uxt aposesi ndoordomest i csceneswi t hunt amednat ur easa backgr ound.Butt hi si snat ur eper cei vedf r om ani r oni cdi st ance, apr esencewhi chhersubj ect sar eobl i vi oust oorcutof ff r om. Thei ndi vi dual si nherphot ogr aphsar esear chi nghungr i l yf or meani ngandappearunaccust omedt ot hel andscapesi nwhi ch she' spl acedt hem.Thest ar t l i ngsubj ectmat t erofher phot ogr aphs,coupl edwi t ht hepr ovocat i vei ssuest hatherwor k addr esses,makeBet hPar i n' sphot ogr aphyauni quesour ceof endur i ng,cut t i ngedgear t .

Bet Parin 1

Bet hPar i n Cur t i ngLi f t 12”x29” Phot ogr aphy

Beth Parin 2

Car l aSt ancat i Vi sual Ar t i st www. car l ast ancat i . com. br Br azi l

" Wi t hanaut hor i alandpecul i arwor k,t heAr t i stCar l aSt ancat i i nvi t esust ocont empl at eherpoet i cgazei nherwor ks,bet ween phot ogr aphs,paper sorcanvas.Herar t i st i cl anguagegl i mpses t hecur i osi t yofdai l yl i f e,t heskyseaear t ht r i ad,f eel i ngsand vi br at i ons.Her swor l dopenswhenexpl or i ngt hei nt r i nsi c seduct i oni neachcomposi t ei mage,r eveal i ngl i t t l ebyl i t t l et he magi cofcont r ast sofshapes,l i ght sandcol or s.“ wasbor ni nCampi nas( 1971)/SĂŁoPaul o.Shei saBr azi l i an ar t i stwi t h27year sofcar eer ,wi t hmanyt hi ngst ot el labouther st yl eofcr eat i on.Gr aduat edBachel orofFi neAr t sf r om t he Uni ver si t yofPuccampi n1993.Shehasl i vedi nFl or ence,I t al y , wher eshei mpr ovedherknowl edgebyspeci al i zi ngi nAr t , Phot ogr aphyandDesi gn.Herwor kswer eshowni nBr azi l , Por t ugal ,I t al y ,Hungar y ,Fr ance,Spai n,t heUni t edSt at es, char act er i zedbyt hest r i ki ngsear chf orhar mony ,abusi ngt he useofcol or s,movement sandf or ms. Recent l y ,herwor kshavepar t i ci pat edi ni mpor t anti nt er nat i onal event s,r epr esent i ngBr azi l i anar t ,i nt heGr andPal ai sand Car r ouselduLouvr e( Par i s)andi nt heUni t edSt at eswi t ht he showcal l ed' TheMagi calJour neyBr azi l ' f orf i vemaj orci t i es suchas:Chi cago,Mi ami ,Avent ur a,SanFr anci sco,NewYor k. Andal ot smor ei scomi ng." Asl ongast hehear t ,mi ndand i nspi r at i onwal kt oget her .

Carla Stancati

Lúdi coOl har 20” x16” Phot ogr aphoncanvaspaperRag

8 Carla Stancati 2

Car ol eCi poneMet abi sul f i de Vi sual Ar t i st www. met abi sul f i de. com Fr ance

Behi ndt hepseudonym ofMet abi sul f i dehi desCar ol eCi pone, bor ni n1980i nFor bach( Mosel l e,Fr ance) .Af t ert our i sm st udi es, i n2001,shebuysher sel fanar gent i ccamer a,wi t hherf i r st sal ar y . Asasel f t aughtar t i st,shest ar t edphot ogr aphy .I n2005,amaj or l i f echange,shehas st ar t edagr aphi cdesi gnt r ai ni ng,whi ch compel l edhert ohaveanewout l ookatwhatsur r oundsherand hasbegunt oexper i mentdi gi t alphot ogr aphy:shest ar t ed r ef i ni ngt hef r ami ngbyopt i ngf ort hesquar ef or mat ,f ocusi ng on det ai l sandabst r actsi de,l oi t er i ng overcol or sandmar ked cont r ast s…


Carole Cipone

Pr oj ect i on 20”x20” Phot ogr aph,Di bondmount edpr i ntwi t hCanson Bar yt aPhot ogr aphi que310g Li mi t edser i esof30copi es( 1/ 30) ,eachsi gned andnumber edpr i ntcomeswi t hacer t i f i cat eof aut hent i ci t y .

10 Carole Cipone 2

Cél i nePel l er i n Vi sual Ar t i st www. cel i nepel l er i n. com Canada

Ar t i stSt at ement Beyondar t. . . Pushcr eat i ont osur pr i se,sur pr i se,i nci t ewonder i ng. . . Whati s,andi tcoul dbe,i magi ne,dar et hef r eedom t o i nventawor l d. Thebegi nni ngandt heendr esul toft hewor ki sa cont i nuouspr ocessofmoment spr esentanevol ut i onof becomi ngapai nt i ng,ast or yi ni t sel f ,f r om whi chemer gesa newvi si onofapr econcei vedi dea,suchast hehuman bei ngi nhi sper sonalj our ney . Thef r eedom t ochooset hesubj ectandt ocommentI r epr esenti t .Ist r ol lbet weenf i gur at i onandabst r act i on.I wor kpr i mar i l ywi t hacr yl i cbutmyt hi r stf orexper i ment at i on andi nnovat i onof t enl eadsmet oaddot hermedi umsand t echni ques.The' ' dr i ppi ng' ' f orexampl et hatIusef ormor e t han4year sf asci nesmebyi t st r aj ect or ymor eorl ess pr edi ct abl e.Mysubj ect sar emost l ywomenwi t hout l i mi t at i on,eyest hatspeaks,pal pabl ef eel i ngs,asIsay ,I pai ntemot i ons. Thr ought hi spassi on,Iwi sht heobser vert of eelhi sown emot i onbutwi t hasmuchi nt ensi t yanddept hasIdowhen cr eat i ngmywor k. I ’ mi nmyel ement ,t heconnect i onwi t hmyessence,t he expr essi onofmyper sonal i t ychannel edonmycanvas,t he i mpor t anceofpai nt i ngt hewor l di nmyownway .Hopi ng t hatmywor l denchant syou.

1 1

Céline Pellerin

Br eat he 16’ ’ x20’ ’ Mi xedmedi a

12 Céline Pellerin 2

Chr i st i neMar i eNobr e Vi sual Ar t i st www. chr i sombr el ueur . com Fr ance

Thi sFr enchar t i stusesal otofdi f f er entt echni csi nher pai nt i ngssuchasacr yl i c,oi l,spr aypai nt ,r el i efpai nt i ng‌The ar t i st ' smot i vat i oni st opasst hr ought hel ooki nggl assandt o f i ndpassagesf r om shadowt ol i ght .Shei sver ycur i ousof fal l t echni cst hatexi standt r yever yt hi ng,exper i ment at i oni sapar t ofherwor kandsheal soengr aves,makesphot ogr aphi es, vi deosandi nst al l at i ons.Cr eat i ngandgi vi ngl i f eofal lt het hi ngs shehasi nheri magi nat i oni swhatmakesherl i ve. Si nceshewasachi l dshehasal waysdr awn,pai nt ed,pl ayed wi t hal ldi f f er entmat er i al st obui l dt hi ngs.Shet henl i vedi n Canadaf oroneyearandi nGer manyf orsi xyear s. Gr aduat edatt heSchoolofFi neAr t sf r om Ver sai l l es( pai nt i ng, engr avi ng,phot ogr aphyandvi deo)shecont i nuesherquest andsheexhi bi t si nFr ance,Bel gi um,Japan,USA‌i ncol l ect i ve aswel lasi nper sonalexhi bi t i ons.


Christine M. Nobre

Li ght2 20”x20” Oi lonCanvas

14 Christine M Nobre 2

El ai neMendez Vi sual Ar t i st hel ai nemendezmi xedmedi a. com Uni t edSt at es

El ai neMéndezcombi nesmi xedmedi ai nt o3Di mager y . Par t i ci pat i ngi nyear l yexhi bi t s,herar ti sf ol kl or i candf al l s i nt ot hegenr eof“ Out si derAr t ” .Ms.Mendezi sal soa communi t yar t sadvocat ebasedi nNewYor k,r unni ngher own501c3or gani zat i on,Labyr i nt hAr t sCol l ect i ve,hol ds boar dmember shi pi nLaFami l i aReper t or yCompany ,and spear headst hear t ssect orofNor t hFi el dLDC’ s“ Por t Ri chmondI ni t i at i ves”i nSt at enI sl and.Sheal sor uns SI LI VEARTSYNC,pr omot i ngot herar t i st sandhol di ng year l ymi xedmedi awor kshopsi nNewYor kandPuer t o Ri co. “ Lat el yI ’ vebeenexper i ment i ngwi t hmi xedmedi aoncl ay . Theset wor el i ef swer ef i ni shedwi t hr esi npai nt ,acr yl i cs, st ai nf r om el der ber r yt i nct ur eandal soenhancedwi t h decoupage.Thepr ocessofcombi ni ngt hesemedi ums i nspi r esmet ocont i nueexpl or i ngt hei rusei nf ut ur epi eces. ”


Elaine Mendez

Womani nRepose 6” x10“ Mi xedmedi um ( Cl ay&Resi n)

16 Elaine Mendez 2

Fl or enceThi baut Vi sual Ar t i st www. f t hi baut . f r Fr ance

Ar t i stSt at ement Bef or epai nt i ngIof t enhaveal ongj our neyi nmyhead; asent encet hatIhavehear dal ongt i meagot hatcomes back, oranar t i cl eIr eadorwat chi ngpeopl et al ki ngt oeach ot her ;al soseeki ngourl i nkt onat ur ei nagr eenspace Mywor ki sgui dedbycol or sandmovement ,t hati sf ort he mostsadort hemostcheer f uli deas Iwasi nf l uencedbyt he"Ar t ePover a"movement ,soIof t en usepoormat er i al si nmywor ksuchaskr af tpaper ,sans beads,seedset c. . . Igi vet hem anewl i f e Il i ket owor ki nl ayer sandsomet i mesver yt hi ckones I don' tl i ket oexpl ai nmypai nt i ngsIl i kepeopl et odi scover whatIwant edt oexpr ess,somet i mest heymakemedi scover t hi ngst hatIdi dnotsee,i ti st hatshar i ng

Florence Thibaut

Fl or enceThi baut LâcherPr i se 20” x16” Mi xedMedi um

Florence Thibaut 2

JohanneKour i e Vi sual Ar t i st www. j ohannekour i e. com Canada

Ar t i stSt at ement Asasel f t aughtpai nt er ,Ihaveper f ect edmycr af tbyacqui r i ng var i oust echni quesandmedi umsi nt hevi sualar t s.Oi land acr yl i car emyt womedi umsofchoi ce.Const ant l yl ooki ngf or newi nspi r at i ons,It r avel ,accompani edbymycamer asei zi ng seasi de,l andscapesofal lki nds,ani mal sandvar i ousobj ect s t hatmi ghtseem t r i vi alatf i r stgl ance.Fr om t heset housandsof pi ct ur es,myf avor i t eswi l ll i ghtahear t f el tspar ki nme.Havi ng beeni mmer sedi nt heambi anceandat mospher esur r oundi ng t hesei mages,Ibr i ngt hem backt ol i f ei nmyway ,and accor di ngt omyi nspi r at i on,wi t hmybr ushest hatwi l lknowhow t ot r anspor tpeopl ewi t hasi ngl el ook,st opt hem abr i efi nst ant t oenj oyt hemoment . War m andl i vel ycol or s,j oi edevi vr e,l umi nosi t yandmovement bestdescr i bemywor ks,i mpr i nt edwi t hat ouchofr eal i sm anda t ouchofnai vet ĂŠ.Awal ki nmywor l dwher emyr eal i t yandmy i magi nat i oni nt er t wi ne,wher eyoucanescapef orabr i ef moment . " TheFanf r el uchef amedTVchar act ermar kedmychi l dhood, t heI mpr essi oni st shaveawakenedmyar t i st i csense,my br ushesal l owmet oexpr essi t ! " 17

Johanne Kourie

Dr eam i nPur pl e 20" x20" Oi lonCanvas


Johanne Kourie 2

LedaMar i a Vi sual Ar t i st www. l edamar i a. com Uni t edSt at es

I saver sat i l evi sualar t i stwhom wor ksi nwat er col or s,oi l s, acr yl i cs,mi xedmedi a,andencaust i c. Sheal somakescer ami cs,scul pt ur esandi nst al l at i ons. I nf l uencedbyKandi nskyandabst r actexpr essi oni sm, especi al l yi nt hecol orf i el d,butmakesf i gur at i ve t oo. Herpassi on,i nt el l ect ualr i gor ,andsol i dt echni quet ocr eat ea genui nel yor i gi nalbodyofwor k. Shewasbor ni nBr azi l,l i vesandwor ksi nNewYor k,and hol ddegr eei nar thi st or y( MFA)atFaap-FundaçãoAr mando Al var esPent eadoandf i near t( BFA)atFat ea-Facul dades I nt egr adasTer esaD’ Avi l a. Ar tHi st or yatScuol aLor enzodeMedi cii nFl or ence–I t al y . Andscul pt ur e,pr i nt maki ngatTheAr tSt udentLeagueofNew Yor k,andNewYor kSt udi oSchoolofDr awi ng. Ledahasbeenpai nt i ngsi nceshewas13year sol d.Andhas par t i ci pat edi nmanyexhi bi t i onsi nEur ope,Asi a,USA,and Br azi l . Shewaspubl i shedi nmanyar tbooks,ar tmagazi nes, andmor e.Sheal sohasgot t enmanypr i zesandawar ds.


Leda Maria

Guei shaI I I 18”x”20“ Mi xedmedi um: Oi lonCar dboar d

20 Leda Maria 2

LuLour enรงo Vi sual Ar t i st Uni t edSt at es

Shei saBr azi l i anvi sualar t i stl i vi ngi nNewYor k.SheWor ks especi al l ywi t hoi l sandacr yl i csoncanvas.LuLour encoi sa sel f t aughtar t i standi nf l uencedbyt hef amousar t i stLuci aFr eud, madet hef i gur at i vest yl eagr eatpassi on.Butcur r ent l ywi t h abst r actgeomet r i ci nf l uencesoft heBr azi l i anar t i stAr cangel o I anel l i ,makesanar t i st i cwor kt hatuni t esf i gur at i veandgeomet r i c abst r act . Shest udi edphot ogr aphy ,butherneedt oexpr essher sel f t hr ought hecol or sandi nksmadet hehobbyofpai nt i ngi nher pr of essi onandl i f est yl e. Ar t i stSt at ement Thecol or shaveal waysexer ci sedi nmyl i f et r uef asci nat i on.The l i f ei sagr eatwor kofar tandourmostmagni f i centschool ,wher e Il ear never ydayandever ymoment .Il ear naboutcol or s, shapesandsensat i ons.Thi si sver yi mpor t antt ome,because t hat ' swhatIt r yt oexpr essi nmypai nt i ngs.Col or s,shapesand especi al l ymanysensat i ons.


Lu Lourencฬงo

Rever enceI I 20” x20” Oi lonCanvas

22 Lu Lourenço 2

LumaSanos Scul pt r ess Br azi l

Ar t i stst at ement I ’ m Fasci nat edwi t hCi r cus,Acr obat sandBal l er i nas,Il ovet o seet hem j umpi nt heai r ,wi t houtf ear sorwor r i es,asi ft hey wer ei nvi nci bl e.Toseet hem i nact i oni samagi calmomentf or me,i t ’ si ndescr i babl e. I ’ m ver yposi t i veandcol or f ular t i standIal wayst hi nkI ’ m goi ngt obeabl et ot r ansf or m myi magi nat i onanda papi er mâchéi nt oapi eceofar t .I ’ m notal waysr i ght ,but neverdi scour aged Il ovewhatIdoandwhatIdesi r ewi t hmyar ti st ocapt ur et hi s magi coft hewhi r l i ngorj umpi ngofabal l er i naort he movementofanacr obatasi tl aunchsi nt oai r . AsIi mpr ovemyabi l i t i esasanar t i stIal sot r yt ochal l engemy i magi nat i onandcr eat i vi t yi nor dert ocapt ur eauni queand spont aneousmovement .Myi nt ent i oni st omakeyouf el lt he j umpi ng,hol dyourbr eat handmostofal l ,smi l e.


Luma Sanos

LumaSanos Medi t at i onTai Chi Si ze: Papi erMachewi t hi r onst r uct ur e


Luma Sanos 2

LuzMar i na Vi sual Ar t i st @l uzmar i namachado Br azi l

Shewasbor ni nt hest at eofGoi ásandhasmovedt o Br así l i at heCapi t alofBr azi lf ormanyyear s.Shebegan herst udi esi nf i near t si n1998,t hr oughAssoci açãode Ensi noUni f i cadodoDi st r i t of eder al Aeudf . Si ncet hen,i tneverst opped,herpassi onf orar ti st oobi g. I nBr así l i a,sheat t endst heat el i erSt udi oAr tM D’ Azevedo, wher eshedevel opsmostofherwor kasavi sualar t i st .She expandshert heor i calandpr act i calknowl edgeonar tby at t endi ngwor kshopsandvar i ousst udi osacr osst heci t y . Thear t i st ’ s wor kconsi sti nabst r actcomposi t i onsand geomet r i cshapes.Shecr eat esl i nes,ci r cl es andpl ays wi t hcol or sr esul t i ngf r om t her i gor ouspoet i cs.She par t i ci pat esr egul ar l yi nsever alcol l ect i vesexhi bi t i onsi n Br azi l ,amongt hem ar eCasaCorBr asi l i a2015,“ Womeni n Ar t ”-NewYor k,andMost r aKsul o 2017–Anápol i s-Goi ás, wher eherwor ksar eoneoft hemai nf eat ur es,aswel las i ndi vi dualexhi bi t i ons.Sheal sohasherwor kspubl i shedi n ar tanddecor at i onmagazi nes.


Luz Marina

Unt i t l ed 20”x20” Oi lonCanvas


Luz Marina 2

Madl aHr uza Vi sual Ar t i st www. madl a. or g Nor way

Bor ni nCzechosl ovaki a,Il ear nedt ol i vei nabsur di t y .Gr owi ng upi nt hehi st or i cal l y ,andcul t ur al l yr i chcor eofPr ague,wi t hi t s myst er i ousgeni usl ocicombi nedwi t ht heever ydayst i f l i ng at mospher et hatIexper i enced,t aughtmet obean i ndependentt hi nker .Si ncemyear l yage,Iwasver ysensi t i ve t omysur r oundi ngswhi chwasf ul lofcont r adi ct i ons.Thi s openedi nmesur r eal i st i cf eel i ngsandper cept i onoft he absur d.Thet ensi onbet weenwhati sandwhatshoul dbe, bet weenf i ct i onanddi scl osur e,dr eamsandr eal i t y ,has becomet heessenceofmyi nt er est ,whi chIpr oj ect edi nt omy i mages.Myvi vi di magi nat i onwasmyescape,andpaperand penci lmywor l d. Theat er ,st age,andcost umedesi gnwor ks,si gni f i cant l y i nf l uencedmymi ndset .Under l yi ngvi sualst i mul uswasi nt he scr i pt ,si t uat i onscl osedbet weent hel i nes,of t enunexpr essed, hi ddeni nt het extoft hepl ay .Thewhi t epaper ,changednow t ot he" Bl ackHol e"-t heat erst age,whi chgavemet he oppor t uni t yi namagi cway ,t ocr eat evi sual l yt hesi t uat i ons andt i me,deepl yat t achedi nt het ext .Whi l et heat er ,whi chi s l i mi t edi nt i me,andwi t heachendi ngpr oduct i on per f or mances,t hemagi cofcr eat edst agedesi gndi sappear s, whi l emypai nt i ngsal l owmet oembr aceanemot i onal momentandpr eser vei tf or ever . Anot hergr eati nf l uenceonmywor k,wasmycol l abor at i on wi t hcont empor ar yandcl assi calcomposer sandt hei rmusi c,a per i odwher eIwor kedcl osel ywi t hTheSoci et yofNor wegi an 27

Madla Hruza

Madl aHr uza Gol denLi ght 20”x20” Oi lonCanvas

28 Madla Hruza 2

Mar i ahCampol i na Fi neAr t i st www. mar i acampol i na. com Br azi l

Mar i aGonçal vesCampol i na( Mar i ahCampol i na) ,i sa br azi l i anar t i standwasbor ni nFor mosaGO,but cur r ent l yl i vesi nBr así l i aDF,t hecapi t alofBr azi l .She gr aduat edi nadmi ni st r at i onandher sf i r stcont actwi t har t wasi nDecember / 2004,t hr oughWoodsonMackel l yand Jet herPei xot oi nt heCasaofAr t si nSal vador ,Bahi a. Ret ur ni ngt oBr así l i a,i nMay/ 2006,shecont i nuedt o enr i chherknowl edgebyexpl or i ngt hemi xedt echni ques, t ext ur esandcol or sandherwor ksgoesf r om academi ct o cont empor ar y . Wi t ht hei nf l uenceoft heCer r ado( veget at i onoft he Br azi l i ancount r ysi de) ,wher eshel i vedmostofherl i f e, hermostr ecentar t wor ksar eadeepdi veont hebeaut i f ul f l ower soft hi sl andscape. Mar i ahCampol i nahadpar t i ci pat edi nsever alexhi bi t i ons i nBr azi l ,Ger many ,Por t ugalandUSA,amongt hem ar e CasaCorBr así l i a2015,Pr oj et oShowdeBol a( Mi ami , USA,NewYor k-USA,Ber l i n-Ger many ,SãoPaul oand Ri odeJanei r o-Br azi l ) ,Womeni nAr ti nNewYor k-USA and“ Nat ur ezaSubl i me”i nEspaçoChat ô-Br así l i a. 29

Mariah Campolina

Mar i ahCampol i na PauBr asi l 20”x20” Oi lonCanvas

30 Mariah Campolina 2

Mar i eLauzon Vi sual Ar t i st www. l eel ooar t . ca Canada

«Thear ti sapl aceofi mmeasur abl epoet i cspace! » Mar i eLauzonwasbor ni nQuebec,Canada.At4year s ol d,Mar i eat t ent edt hecl assDal cr ozeont hemet hodÉmi l e JacqueDal cr ozet ot hemusi calpr enur ser yschool: pr epar at or ymusi cschooloft heUQAM.Shet ook3year s ofmet hodKodàl ycl asses;ani nt er nat i onalmet hodof r el at i vesol mi sat i on.Then,shet ookt heyear sofvi ol i n cl asseswi t hGysl ai nBar dand2year sofpi anowi t hFr ance Davi d. Herl astpi anoconcer twasi nMay3r d,1987t oLachi ne. Af t er war d,Mar i ef ol l owup3year sofcl assesofpl ast i car t s wi t hFr ançoi seMi gueli nt heCegepLi onel Gr oul x.Mar i e hast akenmanyar tcl asses andgotacer t i f i cat ei npl ast i c ar t satUQAM ( 2006) .Shehaspar t i ci pat edi nt onumer ous ar t i st i cpr oj ect ssuchast he«Symposi um ont hear tt ohel p» and«ShowdeBol a». Shehavebeenexposedherwor ksi nSãoPaul o, Pi r aci caba,Ri oofJanei r o,Mi ami,Ber l i n,Mi l anandsi nce 2016,i nNewYor k. Ar t i stSt at ement " Mysi gnat ur ei sbasedonaf eel i ngofcel ebr at i ont hr ough t her epr esent at i onofl ove!"


Marie Lauzon

Mar i eLauzon Let t i ngGo! 20” x20” Acr yl i conCanvas


Marie Lauzon 2

Mi chèl eKr amer Vi sual Ar t i st www. mi chel ekr amer . com Canada

Mi chèl eKr amerwasbor ni nMont r eal ,Canada.Asa t eenager ,herar t i st i cabi l i t i eswer eal r eadyshowi ng.Whi l e st udyi ngdr ama, shewasal soamodelatt heBeauxAr t sofMont r eal .I nt he ear l y60’ sshewor kedbr i ef l yasanact r essand,gota Uni ver si t ydegr eei nCommuni cat i onsandPubl i cr el at i ons. Shet henwor kedi nt hatf i el df ormanyyear sal lt hewhi l e keepi ngupwi t hherpai nt i ng. Then,i n1989,i nPar i s,Fr ance,herar t i st i ccar eert akeson anew di r ect i on:Ar twor kshopswi t hPr of essorJoséMi gueloft he BeauxAr t sofPar i s,t woshowsatt heCanadi anEmbassy . Lat er ,i n1995,backi nQuebec,cour sesandwor kshopsi n dr awi ng,wat er col ourandoi lpai nt i ngwi t hwel l knownar t t eacher s.Fr om t hi spoi nton,herar t i st i cpr oduct i on f l our i shes.Sol oandgr oup exhi bi t i onst hr oughoutCanada,Eur opeandt heUni t ed St at es,par t i ci pat i oni ndozensofsymposi umsandar t meet s,sever alpr i zesandhonour abl ement i ons.


Michèle Kramer pdf

Mi chèl eKr amer Cr azyLove 20” x20” Acr yl i conCanvas


Michèle Kramer 2

Mur i el Ast i er Lamei gnèr e Vi sual Ar t i st www. l ar t et l amei gner e. com Fr ance

Mur i elhasl ear nedt odr awchar coalf r om t heageof6i n Par i swi t hapai nt eri nhi sst udi o.Gr aduat edatt heEMSAT ( Par i s) ,shebecameManagi ngDi r ect ori nt headver t i si ng i ndust r y ,t henj oi nedt hedesi gndepar t mentofaf r ench companyi nt het ext i l easacol or i stdesi gneranddr aws j ewel r yf orpr i vat ecl i ent . Fr om 2003,t i meof fi swel lspentt owor l dwi det r avel s.She camebackwi t ht r aveldi ar yf ul lofdr awi ngs( Nepal , Scot l andEur ope. . . )butal so" Theenchant edf l ut e"A j our neyi nt ot heuni ver seofMozar t . Forpai nt i ng,eachcanvasi smadef r om anaut omat i c dr awi ng.Car ef ul l y , Shebr i ngsdet ai l swi t houtanyor i ent at i on,si mpl i f yi ngt he l i neandt hechoi ceofcol or s( 12t o15col or s,vol unt ar i l y). Thewor koft hef l atar easofcol orsepar at est hemat er i al f r om t hepai nt i ngt odi scoverot herf i el dsofdept h,vol ume andl i ght . Shehasr ecei vedmanyawar ds( Asi at i camuseum i n Bi ar r i t z,Fest i val si nFr ance. . . ) Shehasdonemanyexhi bi t i onsi nt heLoi r eVal l ey ,i nPar i s wi t hThui l l i erGal l er y , andt heSal ond' Aut omnei nPar i s 2016/ 2017. Shegott hesi l vermedalf r om t he“ AcademyofAr t s Sci encesandLet t er s” i nPar i s2017. 35

Muriel A. Lameignere

Mur i el Ast i er Lamei gnèr e I nt r ospect i on 20” x20” Acr yl i concanvas

36 Muriel A. Lameignère 2

Nat iSáez Vi sual Ar t i st www. war dnasse. com Br azi l

Nat iSáezi saBr azi l i anar t i stwhodr ewf r om sever alcul t ur al i nf l uencest oexpr essheri nnerbel i ef st hr ought hehar mony f oundi nt hei r r egul ar i t i esofar abesques. Theneedt oexpr essherar tsur f acedl at ei nl i f e,whenshe t ur ned45,andi nt hesevenyear ssi nce,hercar eerhasbeen i ncr edi bl yi nspi r i ng. I n2016,undert hecur at or shi pofHel oi zaAzevedo,Nat iSáez showedherwor katt heSal onI nt er naci onalD’ Ar t Cont empor ai nduCar r ouselduLouvr e.Thatexhi bi t i on mar kedat ur ni ngpoi nti nhercar eer . Nat iSáezhasadegr eei nphi l osophybyt heUni ver si t yofSão Paul o,andhadst udi edar tatEscol aPanamer i canadeAr t es i nhert eenyear si nSãoPaul o,wher eshei sor i gi nal l yf r om. Shecur r ent l yl i vesi nAssi s,SãoPaul o,Br azi l .


Nati Sáez

Nat iSáez Or nat oN. 1 1 16”x16” Acr yl i conCanvas

38 Nati Sáez 2

Rosel enaCampos Vi sual Ar t i st www. war dnasse. com Br azi l

Rosel enaCampos,vi sualar t i st ,wasbor ni nBel ém–PA, wher eshehadherf i r stf or malcont actwi t ht hewor l dof vi sualar t s.I nf or mal l y ,t hecont i nuedr el at i onwi t ht he ext r aor di nar yf l or aandf aunaoft heAmazoni ar egi on l andscapeandt hecul t ur al l ymul t i f acet edf or mat i onbehi nd t hedi ver sepopul at i ont her eexi st ent–I ndi ans,cabocl os, nat i onalandi nt er nat i onali mmi gr ant s–awar dedhera l i f el ongspeci ali mmer si oni nt hewor l dofvi sualaest het i cs. Shehasacademi cf or mat i oni nLaw,Pol i t i cSci ence,and Publ i cAdmi ni st r at i on.I n2008shej oi nedt heVi sual Ar t s I nst i t ut eofUni ver si t yofBr así l i aasast udent . Shehasmanyyear sofexper i encewi t hpor cel ai npai nt i ng, wi t hwhi chshedevel opedi nher sel fdi sci pl i ne,har mony , andski l li ncol oruseandcr eat i veexpr essi on. Resear chaboutt hehi st or yoft hatar ti nmanypl acesi nt he wor l dgaveherbr oadercul t ur alappr oxi mat i ont ot hear t i st i c scenesi ndi f f er entcount r i es.Thatbr eadt hcombi neswi t h herf or mat i veexper i encest omakeherar t i st i cexpr essi on uni que. Shepar t i ci pat esi nnat i onalandi nt er nat i onalexposi t i onst o wi nhervi si onspacei nt hear t i st i cwor l d. Ar t i stSt at ement “ Gazi nguponevent hemostor di nar yt hi ngsi nl i f ebyt he di mensi onsofcol orandl i ght ,shadowandf or m,i sa spect acl e!Mywor ksar emet aphor soft hesubj ect i ve 39

Roselena Campos

Rosel enaCampos I nsi de 20”x20” Acr yl i candenamelpai ntST

40 Roselena Campos 2

Saor iKur i oka Vi sual Ar t i st www. war dnasse. com

Saor iKur i okawasbor nandr ai sedi nKobe,Japanwher e sheexpl or edheraest het i ci nt er est s.I n2003,shemovedt o USt ost udyandpur suephot ogr aphy .Ms.Kur i okaat t ended atI nt er nat i onalCent erofPhot ogr aphyandBr ookdal e Communi t yCol l eget of ur t herherknowl edgei n phot ogr aphy ,st udi oar tandf i near twhi l el i vi ngi nt heNew Yor kmet r opol i t anar ea.Si ncet hen,herwor kshavebeen cont i nuousl yaccl ai medandhonor edbyvar i ouspr est i gi ous or gani zat i onsi ncl udi ngt heAnnualPhot ogr aphyMast er Cup,Pr i xdel aPhot ogr aphi ePar i sandt heI nt er nat i onal Phot ogr aphyAwar ds. Af t ergr aduat i ngf r om t hecol l ege,shehaswor kedasa commer ci al/f i near tphot ogr apher ,speci al i zi ngi nf oodand nat ur e.Saor i ’ sf i near tphot ogr aphi cwor ksuni quel y combi nedbot ht r adi t i onaldar kr oom t echni queanddi gi t al enhanci ng.Herwor ksar esuper bi nt hesenseofst yl i ng, composi t i onandcol or s.Thosesensescamef r om t he exper i encesoff l owerar r angement sandcul i nar yar t si n Japan,shesai d.I ndeed,shei sacer t i f i edmast erf l or i stf or I KEBANA( Japanesest yl ef l owerar r angement ) ,andhas met i cul ouscul i nar yski l l satpr of essi onall evel ,t oo. TodaySaor il i vesi nBr ookl yn,NYandcont i nuescr eat i ng herphot ogr aphi cwor ks,i nt egr at i ngherknowl edge, exper i encesandaest het i csenses,t oexpr essherr espect , passi onandl ovef orCr eat i on. " Forme,t ocapt ur et hemomentt hatmovesmei st o expr essmyl ovet owar dCr eat i on.Iam al waysl i st eni ngt o t her hyt hm ofal lCr eat i on. "-Saor iKur i oka 41

Saori Kurioka

Saor iKur i oka Tul i pSt udy-Waves 30” x20” Phot ogr aphy

42 Saori Kurioka 2

Si l vi aVal e Vi sual Ar t i st www. si l vi aval e. com. pt Por t ugal

Myar t i st i ct r aj ect or yst ar t edear l yi nAf r i cawher eIwasbor n. Att heageofni neIst ar t edwi t hmyar t i st i cst udi es.Ist udi ed Hi st or yofAr tandPai nt i ngi nt hear tdepar t mentofS.JosĂŠde Cl unyCol l egei nLuanda,wher eIdi dmynor malst udi es. Il i vei nPor t ugal ,wher eIgr aduet edi nHi st or yofAr tatt he Uni ver si t yofPor t o,whi chIcompl ement edwi t ht hest udyand pr act i ceoft hepl ast i car t st owhi chIdevot edmyent i r ear t i st i c car eer ,whi chhasmanydozensofi ndi vi dualandcol l ect i ve exhi bi t i onsi nPor t ugal ,Spai n,Fr ance,t heUni t edSt at esand Br azi l . Mywor ki sment i onedi nsever alar tbooksandr epr esent edi n sever alpr i vat ecol l ect i ons. Â IhaveanAr tst udi of ort went yf i veyear s,wher eIdevel opmy per sonalwor kandt eachal ar genumberofst udent st eachi ng t het echni quesoft hegr eatmast er s,f r om t hecl assi ct ot he cont empor ar y .


Silvia Vale

El ect r a Oi l ,col l agesandgol df oi loncanvas 20”X20”

44 Silvia Vale 2

Sol angePal at ni k Vi sual Ar t i st www. sol angepal at ni k. com Br azi l

Sol angePal at ni k,wasbor ni nRi odeJanei r o,Br asi l . Gr aduat edi nFi neAr t sf r om Escol aNaci onalDe Bel asAr t es”of“ Uni ver si dadeFeder alofRi ode Janei r o. ” Formanyyear sshededi cat esher sel ft ot he t echni queofet chi ngi nmet al . Shehasst ar t edt opai nti n1994andhadpar t i pat ed ofcol l ect i veexhi bi t i onsi nBr azi l ,Uni t edSt at esand Par i s.Shedi dal sosever alsol oexhi bi t i onsi nBr azi l . Ther el i eft echni quei nSol ange’ spai nt i ng,al l owt he obser verat act i l eexper i ence.Theyshowf l ower s bl oomi ngandf emal ef i gur es,whi chhaveast r ong pr esence,wear i ngout f i t swi t hf l ower sand possessi ngexpr essi vechar act er i st i cs. Whendescr i bi ngherwor k,Sol angesay’ s,“ Ihave compel l i ngur gencyt ocompl et emywor k,Icr avef or pai nt i ng…”


Solange Palatnik

Sol angePal at ni k Wear eFl ower sI I I 20”x20”di amet er acr yl i conCanvas

46 Solange Palatnik 2

Vani aVal do Vi sual Ar t i st www. war dnasse. com Br azi l

Bor ni nBr azi l ,Vani aVal dowasanor t hodont i st ,whi ch al waysr equi r edf i ne,car ef ulandper f ectmovement s,i n addi t i ont oanexper i enced“ eye”t hatbr i nghert ovi sual ar t s,wher ehehasbegunt opai ntmor ei nt ensi vel ysi nce 2007,mai nl yf acesandexpr essi onsi ni t smostdi f f er ent f or ms Vani aVal dohasvi t al i t yandj oyt hatshewant st ot r ansmi t t owhom obser vesherpai nt i ngs,l ovi ngt hecol or sand bei ngver ypr ai sedf orcol orhar mony .I nt hi sser i es “ Mul t i pl ef aces”whi chi shersi gnat ur e,shewasi nspi r edon emot i onsandexper i encest akenf r om dai l yl i f eandf ort he count l esst r i psar oundt hewor l dwi t hbr i ngsani nnovat i ve wayt or epr esentanexpl osi onoff eel i ngs. Shehashadexhi bi t i onsatCar r ouselduLouvr e(Par i s) , Br at i sl ava(Sl ovak) ,Vi enna(Aust r i a) ,I t al y ,Ar tExpoNY, Ar tBaselMi ami , aswel lasmanypl acesi nBr azi land USA.I nherownwor ds,Vani acan’ tabandonar tanymor e! Asweal lknow,i ti sanonr et ur npat h,t r acedwi t hi nk,coat andpassi on!


Vania Valdo

Vani aVal do Dr eami ngi nCol or 15”x19” Acr yl i conCanvas

48 Vania Valdo 2

Yaki Yaskvl oski Vi sual Ar t i st www. war dnasse. com Ar gent i na

Yaki Yaskvl oskihaspar t i ci pat edi n24sol o exhi bi t si nher homeCount r y ,Ar gent i na,aswel lasi nFr ance,Spai n, Uni t edSt at es,Tur key ,Ur uguay ,Mexi coandCuba. Herar twor kshavebeenondi spl ayi nsever alGr oup Exhi bi t i ons,Fest i val s,Ar tFai randI t i ner ar yshows,al lover Lat i nAmer i caaswel lasi nEur opeandUni t edSt at es. Hermai nsubj ectar eboudoi rpor t r ai t s,ar t i st i cnudesand document ar yphot ogr aphy . Al onghercar eer ,sheobt ai nedal most40awar dsal lovert he wor l d. Ar t i stSt at ement Yaki Yaskvl oskii sagr eatconnoi sseurofaphi l osophyt hat st i ckst obodycul t ur eandj oi nscur r entcanons,wher eshei s commi t t edt omaki ngar tf r om r ecr eat i onsandsubst ant i al i ncur si ons.Wi t hadoubt l esscr eat i vef ant asysheappl i es di f f er entt echni ques,t aki ngust hr oughasi nuousgr aphi c l abyr i nt h,cl earnat ur alal l usi onsaswel lasmani pul at edvi ews.


Yaki Yaskvloski

Yaki Yaskvl oski GoodbyeLove 16”x20” Phot ogr aphy

50 Yaki Yaskvloski 2

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