Futurethinking process

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Mendacium process book

Natasha Rijkhoff Lisa Reith Mariëlle van ‘t Zand


and healthy concept restaurants and stores

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What is a food mega trend? A food mega trend is a predictions of the behaviour of the consumer. These trends tell you what kind of products these consumers want en what the reason behind these decisions are. The influences of which these mega trends are born are mostly connected to nutrition and health care researches. Now I do believe that these mega trends are also shaped by force because of the food industries and their choice on what kind of subject they want to research. So the mega trends we now know are based on consumer likes, nutrition and health care research and marketing research. What kind of problems do food mega trends bring? One true fact about mega trends is the problem of society. Businesses and citizens of cities cannot always easily adapt to the rapidly changing world of food. Other companies try to invest on these situations by creating new solutions in terms of products and services. They give the consumer a solution to be able to interact on the new food mega trend creating a vastly growing chain of ideas and producing innovative nourishments. What engages the industry? So and idea forms a product forms a brand forms a lifestyle. Food mega trend are not born in a few days or months no they grow in years. Research costs time and money but ideas seem to be thrown at them. For food being such a critical part of our lives decisions are made for the long term. Main predictions in the food industry at this moment are meant for 2030. Buying an idea and then get the techniques to create it and eventually putting them on the market. But there are also smaller movements in food. The lifestyle of a person has a great influence on how they eat. Good and healthy food are quite expensive so people with less money seem to buy cheaper, less healthier food. These small aspects of someone’s diet can grow in huge movements over the world. Think of the flexatarians and the Asian ''super foods''. Small changes between cultures are now the booming mega trends of the world. Why is the food industry still a fringe? Mankind handles food poorly. We use too much energy, we spoil too much food, we eat too much animals products and take lesser nutrients and others suffer from being malnourished, having obesity and diabetes. We have reached our limits and even if there is a green revolution going on we barley noticed it's existence. To me it seems as if science and technology has only focused itself on the food itself. Texture, taste and how to sell products have became more and more important. It is only recently that we ask more fundamental questions in relation with what we eat. So forget the marketing related difficulties the food industry struggles with. How will our food evolve itself with less emissions, less water and fewer animals?

Scenario What if they aren't any natural sources for us to create our food from. What will happen with our daily nutrition? How will it taste and look like? What will become the new questions we ask ourselves about the background and the way our food is created? How will we end up if we believe in mega-trends? We want to create a company which is respected like a religion which tells you what to eat and how you eat. People will believe in the mega trends and will adjust their lives to it. Food will look in a certain way. We will eat with new manners. We have special light/sound in the rooms we eat in. Midhat: Visueel vormgeven eten, verpakkingen Lisa: Research religie (achtergrond) en schrijven van nieuwe food mega trend religie MariĂŤlle: Logo, propaganda poster en huisstijl van het bedrijf Natasja: proces van hoe het eten gemaakt word, wat voor stoffen gaan ze gebruiken en hoe komen ze hieraan (visueel)

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the scenario we had and idea for an end result was too big. so we thought of a new concept.

Final Concept: Nowadays people hardly know what they are eating. Big food companies rule the industry and half-truths and incomprehensible stories are told to get people to buy certain products. It has already been proven that sugar and fast food is addictive, which is shocking, yet people keep buying more and more of it. We based our projects on these facts, creating a company and a product that uses half-truths to sell their product and make sure everybody buys it. We have exaggerated the outcome, making it that worldwide everyone buys the product and people quickly become addicted due to the high level of sugar, in combination with people being told that it is good for them. It is a example of how we think that in future we will know even less about the food we eat and swallow the stories more easily because its what we want to believe. People will get busier and busier and this fact combined with the lack of knowledge about food, will make sure that people buy this product en masse. We then hand out a newspaper article, dated five years later, telling the public about all the lies and fables they have been told about the product they have consumed daily. We are now already being told only half of the truth about many things we consume, and often people don’t even realise that. With this product we want to show how little we actually know and how easily we swallow what we are being told. We started this idea by looking at megatrends, and how people follow a trend in food so easily, without actually knowing what it entails. Fastfood is addictive • Food companies don’t need to put everything on the packages • E numbers, nobody knows what they really are • Scientific names make people believe it • Large food companies hold so much power they can manipulate scientists into saying their product is good and healthy • Sugar is addictive

The Rotterdam Times

thursday the 3rd of July 2035

THE TRUTH WE WEREN’T TOLD ABOUT MENDACIUM CAKE Shocking new discoveries about the popular supposed all containing, superfood cake Mendacium and the berry that doesn’t exist. Food revolution

In May 2030 a new food hype by the name of Mendacium Cake came on the market and caused all but a revolution in the way we eat. En masse consumers bought these cakes and ate them as a vitamin and energy substitute. Parents’ worldwide served them to their children for breakfast and lunch, believing they contained all the nutrients their kids needed to get through the day. Not only into packed school lunches did these cakes sneak, also working people, too busy to make their own breakfast and lunch, have consumed these cakes by the millions.

Too busy

Why? Why do we buy these cakes, and in such extreme numbers? The answer is simple; we get busier and busier by the day, our time is taken up by work, travel and other activities and food preparation simply gets put in second place. The Mendacium Cake Company then came with what seemed the perfect solution, a cake that contains all the nutrients we need and it’s cheap and easy to boot.

Shocking results

However, a private research team from Lyon, lead by professor U. Verum, discovered the shocking facts about the not-soperfect Mendacium cake. The results were posted on Internet yesterday in a twenty-page spread with all the facts and fables about Mendacium Cake. We, from the Rotterdam Times, have summarised the main points for our readers below. 1. Mendacium Cake Company claims that all the ingredients they use are natural and that it doesn’t contain any artificial sugars. This is true, however, the cake does contain a great deal of natural sugars like

honey and agave syrup. In fact 50% of the whole cake is made out of sugar, and that doesn’t even include the icing. The fact that these sugars are natural doesn’t make them healthier when consumed in such great quantities.

2. Mendacium Cake Company also states that one cake is sufficient as a whole breakfast and/or lunch because it contains so much energy. This energy, however, comes from the amount of sugars in the cake and causes the consumer a great peak of energy once they’ve eaten the cake, but within a short time the effect has worn off and we need another ‘hit’. This effect causes us to eat way more than one cake for breakfast and one for lunch. 3. The high sugar level in the cake also ensures that the cake is highly addictive. That effect combined with cinnamon and the fact that children get served these cakes daily from an early age, has ensured many people with, what professor. U. Verum calls, the Mendacium enslavement. Also the company claims that it helps against diabetes, while the statistics show that type 2 diabetes has increased by 5% a year, and that the age that people get the disease is getting younger and younger. For further effects of high sugar intake and the consequences see page 5. 4. Another main component is cinnamon, now cinnamon does have many health benefits, but when eaten daily it can cause many health risks like increased heart rate, and thinner blood. Cinnamon is also a natural antibiotic, but that does mean it’s risky for people on actual antibiotics to take it. These risks are nowhere to be seen on the Mendacium Cake packaging. For further information see page 13. 5. The greatest shock, however, is in the

form of the Mendatium Magnum berry. This is the berry on which the best properties of the whole cake rely. 80% of all the vitamins, nutrients and mineral were said to be from the berry, found only in the Andes Mountains. Professor U. Verum and his team have concluded that hardly any of these nutrients and vitamins is actually in the cake. Moreover, the Mendatium Magnum berry does not even exist! The colour, which is supposedly from the berry, actually comes from the water beetroot had been boiled in, and contains hardly any nutrients at all because they’ve been boiled out. The Mendatium Mangum berry scandal continues on page 14.

CEO claims no lies

When these shocking discoveries were posted yesterday, the Rotterdam Times travelled to the head office of the Mendacium Cake Company. Outside the building was chaos and the CEO assertively claimed, “ never to have lied to the public”, and refused to give further comment. Tomorrow more news about the fairy-tale cake and the half truths and ingredients used to get the world hooked.

Sources end result



http://www.health.harvard.edu/ blog/eating-too-much-added-sugarincreases-the-risk-of-dying-withheart-disease-201402067021


Words used: Ferrum : Iron Ultimatum Verum: ultimate truth Mendacium: lie The big lie: Mendatium Magnum incredibly unhealthy: maxime gravibus self invented: Inventa zink: cadmiae

Books: De Smaakbijbel, Niki Segnit, Nederlands, Uitgeverij Podium B.V., mei 2011 Ik heb er mijn buik van vol, Marijke de Waal Malefijt, Nederlands, Schors V.O.F.,november 2011

Sources beginning of process: http://globaltrends2030.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/global-trends2030-november2012.pdf

http://motherboard.vice.com/nl/ read/winkel-zonder-plastic-verpakkingen-in-antwerpen-lang-nietzeker?utm_source=motherboardfb

http://live.ift.org/2013/07/13/sloanidentifies-texture-as-the-next-foodmega-trend/ http://www.nutraingredients.com/ Consumer-Trends/Euromonitorreads-2014-in-5-mega-trends http://www.csiro.au/Portals/Partner/Futures/Our-Future-World.aspx http://www.bbc.com/specialfeatures/horizonsbusiness/megatrend/ food/ http://www.blog.generalmills. com/2014/02/top-10-global-foodtrends/

http://www.foodmanufacture. co.uk/Manufacturing/Flexitarianism-to-be-next-mega-trend

http://mens-en-gezondheid.infonu. nl/gezonde-voeding/103172-degeneeskracht-van-bietjes.html

http://www.nutraingredients.com/ Consumer-Trends/Euromonitorreads-2014-in-5-mega-trends

http://www.theguardian.com/ lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/ mar/12/how-taste-different-colours

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