REMARKABLE TEACHERS They don’t pay us enough for what we do… so let’s create ways to pay ourselves!
MONEY Mariel Perry
Remarkable Teachers Create Remarkable Money Copyright Š 2008 Mariel Perry All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission.
Teachers are the greatest investors and wealth builders of all time. We invest our time and talent into everyone that has ever stepped foot in our classrooms. musicians,
engineers all came to our doorsteps first to become what they are today.
We’ve invested in them,
now it’s time to invest in ourselves.
Some of you already found your dream job in teaching. It’s what you played as a little girl or little boy, it’s who you respected most in life, it’s what you went to school for. Maybe your family is growing or you just want a better lifestyle, this book is for you. I want to inspire you to do things that are not necessarily time constrictive, and yet gives you extra income that will make the difference in your everyday life. I’m talking about simple things you can do on the weekends or contract with others to do them for you that will bring in extra dollars.
If your goal is to get out of the classroom, I want to help motivate you as well. If you feel like there is something more out there for you, go for it. Teaching is a stable, rewarding j-o-b, but if you know you are here just for a season, then I want to encourage you to use the creativity you have and catapult yourself to the life of your dreams. Anything worth having takes gusto, enthusiasm, courage, and knowledge. I want to share sweet nuggets to encourage your hearts. If I can plant a seed, if I can help you in any way, then I accomplished what I set out for. Enjoy each tip and idea I share with you and apply them to your life today.
Just Let it Out! You have your wealth already inside you. It’s just time to let it out. Believing in yourself has to become more powerful than what others believe about you. If you let people’s opinions have so much control over you, you will never be able to overcome that “peer pressure”. (Yes, it does exist even in our adulthood.) Sometimes we as teachers overanalyze things and that analysis keeps us from action. Just do it… or somebody else will. The idea wasn’t placed in your heart for nothing. What I’ve learned in my life over the years is that even if it does not start out as the greatest idea, sometimes just acting on that single thought can bring you to exhilarating “aha” moments.
Become Problem Solvers Create a product that solves problems for teachers. We always like to find better ways of doing things and if you have a better way, show the world. The first thing that pops in my mind is creating some type of digital software just for teachers or any niche market that makes work easier. And in this day and time, if you are not computer savvy, you do not have to worry about that. Outsource it to people that lives and breathes software development.
called that allows talented people to bid on digital jobs.
Study Your Favorite Success Story Who do you most likely want to be like? Study how they got successful and do what they did. Emulation is the highest form of flattery, and the fastest way to the top. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Yet, whatever you do, make it unique with your special signature only you can add.
Negative Versus Positive
Get far away from people who sap your positive emotion. We as teachers at times have a lot to complain about. I will agree with you on that. But when complaining is the norm with the people you talk with, especially when there is no action done to change the circumstances, then it is time to do one of two things. Number one you can flip the script and let them know how draining negative talking can be and how passion for life can be so rewarding or number two find someone else to talk with.
Day Dreams
You really and truly make time for what you want to do. You get the same 24 hours like everybody in the world. But rich people find a way to use other people’s time to make their own dreams come true. How many times have you made Belk’s or Macy’s dreams come true either by working there part time or shopping there full time? Is your time being used by someone else to further their cause? Have you thought of ways to take back your time to use it to further your own dreams?
Design worksheet booklets that can be sold at trade shows or online. Start a business system that brings in passive residual income. That is income that you don’t have to work for after you create it. Songs you sing in class – record them. Package them and sell them to other teachers. One place you can do that at is
Find ways to celebrate teachers and at the same time make some money doing it – a traveling massage company, onsite car detailing, lunch meals on wheels, etc.
Think Good Have a mission on why you want to make money.
Become charitable in your
thoughts and your actions and you will surely have others follow you.
Think Big Keep doing what you love to do. But can you think of ways of doing it on a grander scale? What if your lessons started in your classroom ended up in schools across the country? Think of a project you can do (or already started) and work on it over your summer break.
This one
awesome idea on this one summer break could quite possibly take care of you for the rest of your life.
Become a “Guru� in Your Own Right Create your own online educational system. Is there something you would like to teach like a hobby online?
Playing a guitar, certain crafts, writing
books, all those things can be taught online. You can either sell the courses as videos, books, or have people opt in for webinars that they pay you for. Or start your own tutoring company by joining a franchise that helps students all over.
Create your DREAM TEAM Collaborate with likeminded people to get your idea up and running. Get with people you trust. It could be your family or other teachers that have been itching just like you to make more money in their lifetime to change their lifestyle.
Market, market, market!
Nobody knows you have the world’s best cookie recipe unless you’ve shared it with
Write a Book Better yet, write series of books that have similar topics. That way each book can sell the other book because they relate to the same topic.
Self publishing has never been easier in any other time in history. The internet and advances in technology has opened up a gold mine for anyone who wants to talk about anything and put it in a book. We are smart people and we come up with ideas constantly. And if you are like me you are in the bookstore looking for books on all kinds of topics. If you don’t see what you want, then write it yourself.
Commitment You must commit yourself to the wealth you intend to get.
It’s more than just saying
something. Every day of your life until your wealth is manifested, you must commit to getting the exact amount of wealth you actually want. Write down your commitment. Write down when you plan to reach that goal.
Make-Believe Will Make You Believe Teachers, fake it till you make it! There is such a positive effect on our emotions when we pretend that we’ve already reached our wealth goals. When we change our perspective now, walk like we’ve got jewels in abundance, smile like we own half of the city, we feel better. And when we feel better, we do better. Make your present circumstances come alive today.
Stop complaining about what you don’t
have and correct that attitude with positive energy. That positive energy has such healing qualities that you really see light at the end of the tunnel. Negativism and pessimism will not help your strategy. So, how do you fake it till you make it? Go to that fancy restaurant, order only the appetizer
and just bask in the atmosphere. Get familiar to what you’ll be doing in your near future. Or buy that designer purse in the consignment store and wear it like you paid top dollar. Better still, create your “this is what I want and I won’t settle for less” collage and hang it in your bedroom so that you can see it every single day. When you think rich, act rich, expose yourself to rich, you will grow rich.
Celebrate the Small Stuff Whenever you have a huge task in front of you, like getting your ideas changed into products or creating your own web page, break it down in smaller components to get the job done. Small accomplishments are the perfect fuel to get things going.
Celebrating these small triumphs is the
automatic motivator. That overwhelming feeling will disappear when you take it all bit by bit. Once you’ve sliced those major tasks into smaller tasks, keep a checklist of it all. And that simple checking off gives you satisfaction like none other.
Become an Infopreneur An Infopreneur is a person whose sole business is to create or distribute digital products that is to be sold over the internet.
You do it through creating
ebooks, audio CDs and downloads, CD-ROMS, videos, webinar conferences, ezines, advertisements, online courses, workshops, special reports and everything else you can create from your mind to sell online. Or you don’t have to be the originator: you can market and sell other people’s info products.
The most important thing for an
Infopreneur is promotion. If you don’t promote your business, you get nowhere fast.
Yet even the way to sell info products have changed in the last few years. onslaught
With the
Infopreneur must be right in there. To get real traction, your digital product or service has to get exposure on these sites. And when this special networking sincerely works in your favor, it’s not just you tooting your horn trying to tell the world how good you are. It’s your satisfied customers spreading their joy about your products in blogs, videos, on their myspace page, referring you to digg or squidoo, or discussions in forums.
Find your Niche Market To find your niche market means to find your corner of the world that has people crazy about what you have to offer. You know that laser beam pen you carry around that shine that bright red light? Finding your niche market is like shooting out your laser beam – you will hit your target every time. So, know exactly what you want to sell and who you want to sell it to. Everybody in the world doesn’t buy everything. But people have their specific things they love to buy. And if you are selling what they want, they will buy from you in a heartbeat. Spend your time researching your target by reading their blogs, conducting online surveys, watching what they watch, finding out their biggest problems, and becoming their undeniable solution.
Avoid That Awful “P” Word Busy people accomplish more. That’s a known fact. Since we teachers are amongst the busiest people in the world, we can use this strength to our advantage. Ever had one of those days when you had plenty of time to get things done but you still waited until the last minute to do them? That’s how most of our successes elude us. How long does it take to finish an info product, such as an ebook? If your deadline is in 10 days to have that info product finished, then you would commit to those 10 days to get it done. If you set that same project deadline to 10 months, guess what? It would take you all that time. Some of our well meaning deadlines only perpetuate that dreaded “p” word: procrastination. Your success will take as long as you want it to take.
50 Questions to Ask Yourself NOW
I want to help all teachers who have a commitment to becoming financially independent, not just for personal gain, but to make a difference. This section of the book is designed to get you thinking, researching, and acting. Get a pen and paper in your hand while you go through this process. Although you can very quickly read from end to end, answer the questions thoroughly with conscientious effort and focus. Some of them may even take a lifetime to answer. Let each part come alive to you. Let each answer you make become a building block to your success.
My Passions What do I want to do most in life? What wakes me up in the morning excited and ready to take on the day? How much money do I want to make? When do I want to make this money? (Provide a definite timeline.) Am I willing to do what it takes? What will it take to start today on my goals?
Faith Do I sincerely believe I deserve to be a millionaire? Can I convince my loved ones to believe in me? Where do I see myself in five years? What did I do this year so far to get me ready to reach my five-year goals? What things have I done today to prove I really want this? Do I ever let doubt creep into my mind, and if so, what actions do I take to stamp it out? What do I believe my goals will bring to me? Do I believe that faith without works is dead?
Breaking Through the Box: Limitations What keeps me from doing what I’ve always dreamed of doing? What negative thinking have I believed about myself? What mistakes have I made in past ventures I have to learn from and let go? Do I allow my procrastination to steal away my dreams? Are there people or circumstances that really suck the life out of me? If so, what am I going to do about it?
How does fear play a role in my progress? What do I fear more – the unknown or the known? Am I afraid of staying broke or afraid of failure? Has fear kept me securely doing what I’ve always done in the past? Do I have a victim’s mentality? Am I the victim of my environment, therefore blaming other things for me not meeting my goals?
Habits What habits that I’ve developed over the years I have kept me from becoming rich? What can I do to change one of my bad habits around today to get me in the right direction? What are my priorities? What’s most important to me? (Make a list of the top 10 priorities.) What are my top 10 time wasters? Do I spend hours of my very precious and limited time on frivolous things (like tv)? What can I do to minimize the bad habit of wasting time, my most valuable asset? What have I lost out on forever because of bad habits of the past? What will I gain in my future because of the good habits I am ready to develop?
Developing Ideas What ideas do I always have in the back of my mind that could launch me into wealth? (Take 10 minutes to brainstorm and record all of the ideas.) How can I make one thousand dollars off of my ideas? How can I make one hundred thousand dollars off of my ideas? How can I make one million dollars off of my ideas? What are the roadblocks I have to overcome to bring these ideas into reality?
How can these ideas benefit humanity in unique ways? What invaluable community resources can I take part in to develop the idea? What are some improvements I can make to existing inventions? What invaluable online resources can I find? Who should I share my wealth producing ideas to? How can I protect my ideas?
Being a Giver Why is it important to give to others? What organizations that helps those in need I believe are worth investing in? What will happen to these causes if people like me never get the money and resources to give to them? Who needs help the most? Who am I genuinely stirred about to help? Who do I personally know that I could be a rich blessing to? As a rich person, how many more lives will I be able to affect for good? How will giving to others change my own life? What kind of legacy do I want to leave on this earth?