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Eff ective Study Habits
Your teacher is the best person to give you specifi c study tips for his/her class. The teacher knows your progress in that class and can be the most eff ective person in advising you how to improve a grade or be a more eff ective learner.
Study hall teachers are available during study hall to help answer any questions you might have even if they’re not your teacher. During study hall, students can also go to labs for extra help with assignments. Go into a lab with specifi c questions or a draft to revise. The labs are there for all students, to use at anytime.
See your counselor if you would like to work with a peer tutor during a study hall or before or after school. National Honor Society students volunteer their time to work with students in peer tutoring. You don’t need to struggle through on your own!
Be aware of your best time of day. Many people learn best in daylight hours. Think about if this is true for you. If it is, schedule time to study during the day. If not, fi nd out what is best.
Use your waiting time eff ectively. Ten minutes waiting on a bus or fi ve minutes between class can add up. Also, in between school and extracurricular activities, use this time to your advantage.
Use a regular study area. When you use the same place to study, day after day, your mind and body become trained. It should help you focus and concentrate quickly. When studying, fi gure out what method works best for you, whether this means listening to classical music or taking eff ective study breaks. Also avoid other distractions such as the TV or phone.
Don’t get too comfortable. Easy chairs, the bed or a sofa can be dangerous places to study. If too comfortable, your body may be getting the message “time to sleep” rather than “time to study.”
Study diffi cult subjects fi rst. If a particular subject is hard or puts you to sleep, tackle it fi rst while you are fresh.