The Experience Newsmagazine: December 2024

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Superintendent’s Update

I am happy to be back with another edition of TheExperience: The OfficialNewsmagazineofMariemontCitySchools . Since our last update in early October, we have had so much to celebrate, including the completion of our first academic quarter of the 2024-25 school year.

In October we celebrated Academic Excellence Month, getting the opportunity to recognize so many staff members and students for their hard work in earning local, state and national accolades and performing at top levels on assessments.

Our school district was once again awarded five out of five stars on the Ohio State Report Card and it was ranked as the Best Overall School District in Ohio by the Niche report. Additionally, our teachers and staff were named the Best Teachers in America by Niche – a truly outstanding and deserved recognition for them!

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Superintendent’s Update

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We also are pleased to share that the district’s operating levy, which was on the November ballot, was approved by our community. This decision reflects a collective commitment to sustain the programs and services provided to our students and is an important reminder of our community’s shared role in shaping the future of our schools. It also signals the trust that our community places in our school district, and you should know that we do not take that trust lightly.

Additionally, our students had great fall athletics seasons and delighted the audiences with several music concerts. And we held a fantastic Homecoming for Mariemont High School that saw our entire community come together to celebrate our current students and proud alumni. It certainly was a great first quarter and fall season in Mariemont City Schools!

As we look ahead to the holiday season, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our entire Mariemont City Schools community – students, staff, families and community! If the last three months have reminded me of anything, it is how much we can accomplish when we all work smart, create experience and embrace growth together.

I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in the second half of the school year!


Treasurer’s Update

As Superintendent Estepp mentioned, our community approved the 5.95-mill operating levy request that was on the ballot in November. This approval will now generate $3.1 million annually for the school district and will allow us to maintain the level of programs and services for our students and staff that comprise the true Mariemont Experience.

Looking forward, Mariemont City Schools remains dedicated to using these funds responsibly, ensuring that we strategically use resources to best meet the needs of our students and create an experience that we can all be proud of, today and into the future.

At the November Board of Education meeting, I shared (and the Board approved) an updated five-year forecast for the district. This showcases a positive projection of funds for at least the next four years, due to the passage of the levy. You can see this forecast in full on the district’s website.

I can assure you that the district will continue to find efficiencies and stretch our resources as far as they can go. We are grateful for the support of our community and are committed to using these funds in a reasonable and efficient manner. And as always, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Should you have any questions regarding the updated five-year forecast or the financial health of our district, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am excited to continue watching our students thrive throughout their world-class education here in Mariemont City Schools.



Grade 12

Mariemont High School

“I am thankful I was able to transfer to MHS and for the opportunities I have here compared to my old school.”


Grade K

Mariemont Elementary School

“I am thankful for my doggy because she’s cute and cuddly.”


Grade 7

Mariemont Junior High School

“I am really grateful for my family, and for my brothers, for making me feel comfortable at home and for helping me with anything I need to do.”


Grade 2

Terrace Park Elementary School

“I’m thankful for anybody that is nice.”

Ending 2024 with Gratitude

As 2024 draws to a close, we’re reminded of the importance of gratitude and reflection. This holiday season, we asked some of our students to share what they are thankful for—from friends and family to school and community. Their thoughtful responses are a heartwarming reminder of the joy and support that surrounds us all and makes us Distinctly Mariemont.


Grade 7

Mariemont Junior High School

“I am thankful for my friends, my family and sports because they keep me connected and inspired and motivate me to be better as a person.”


Grade 5

Mariemont Elementary School

“I’m thankful for my family because they help me out and are funny.”


Grade 11

Mariemont High School

“I am thankful for the number of different activities and sports that I am able to be involved in here at school.”


Grade 2

Terrace Park Elementary School

“I am thankful for my teachers.”


A Message from the Superintendent

In Mariemont City Schools, we strive for our students to have a well-rounded educational experience and become deeply committed members of the community and world.

The Warriors BEyond program seeks to offer:

It’s part of our instructional vision and a key component to our Destination 2026 Strategic Plan.

It’s also the driving force behind our award-winning Warriors BEyond experiential learning program.

This K-12 initiative allows students of Mariemont City Schools the opportunity for experiential learning outside of the traditional classroom setting and seeks to build passion and interest through handson experiences.

1. Real-world connections that allow students to engage with professionals in various fields, gaining valuable insights and mentorship;

2. Hands-on learning to encourage student participation and connection;

3. Community engagement to instill a sense of social responsibility and provide meaningful learning experiences; and

4. Personalized learning paths that will cater to the individual interests and strengths of each of our students.

In this edition of the Experiential Learning Update, you will see examples of all of this, and more!

I am proud of our district and its emphasis on student voice and choice in education. The Warriors BEyond program is truly changing the landscape of education here in Mariemont City Schools, and our students will benefit from it now, and well into the future.

Thank you for partnering with us to create a memorable Mariemont Experience!


Student and Community Partner Spotlight

When a student discovers a passion, they will seek new ways to learn and grow their skills. MHS Junior Beckett Wendler spent last Intersession completing an Experienceship in BioSciences lab research with Dr. Josh Gross at the University of Cincinnati. Beckett enjoyed his experience so much he decided to seek out an internship with Dr. Gross this school year to continue expanding his knowledge and skill base. Hear from both Beckett and Dr. Gross about how Warriors BEyond has made this experience possible.


Grade 11 | Mariemont High School

How did you develop an interest in lab research/Biosciences?

I’ve always been interested in marine science and decided to pursue that passion through lab research.

How was your experience working with Dr. Gross last May during Intersession?

Fantastic. Dr. Gross introduced me to his undergraduate & graduate researchers and what their mission was in the lab, and it was super interesting and personal. We got to do PCR testing and learn about what the different researchers were working on. It was only one other student and me in the lab so everything was very tailored for our experience. Getting to converse with a tenured professor in my field of interest was amazing and a great opportunity.

Interested in being a career mentor for Mariemont City Schools students? Reach out to Brian Sugerman, Coordinator of Experiential Education and Technology, at

Why did you decide to continue working with Dr. Gross as an intern this school year?

I am taking an AP Research class and I wanted to find an opportunity in something I’m interested in. I reached out to Dr. Gross about coming back this year to perform research alongside a mentor.

What are your career aspirations and how will this work help you achieve those goals?

In the future I hope to find an intersection between marine science and entrepreneurship, and I hope that my experiences in the lab will equip me with tools to perform possible testing and experimenting in the future.

As a parent in the district, what have you seen from the Warriors BEyond program that made you want to get involved?

I appreciate that the partners provide real-life, hands-on experiences for high school students. I still remember the impression this type of activity had on me many years ago when I was in high school. My sons have participated in the Warriors BEyond program and have had really great experiences as well.

How is this hands-on experience going to set Beckett (and other students) up for success in the future?

Many students in college begin seeking hands-on research experiences later in their college career, depending on the route they wish to pursue after their undergraduate studies. For students like Beckett, these opportunities provide a jumpstart on what to expect in a university research setting, how to pursue these opportunities, and how to be successful in the positions.

How do you think the Warriors BEyond program is benefitting the students of Mariemont City Schools?

The Warriors BEyond program is clearly providing some unique enrichment opportunities for students. With the hands-on experience, they gain the opportunity to test the water of a variety of different career options. If they enjoy the experience, then it can provide a great catalyst to keep pursuing their interests. However, if they find an experience is not their cup of tea, that is invaluable as well - and hopefully will set the student on a different path towards finding their passion.

Upcoming International Travel Trips

As part of our Warriors BEyond Global Travel Program we are so excited to announce our Summer 2026 travel destinations! We’re going to Portugal and Spain in Summer 2026 & the WWII and the Western Front trip to England, France, Belgium and Germany! These trips are open to all students who will be entering Freshman - Senior years during the summer of 2026 (classes of 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

Please reach out to Brian Sugerman, Coordinator of Experiential Education and Technology, at if you would like more information or to register a student for a trip.

Warriors BEyond Program Spotlight

What is After School Enrichment?

• Experiential Learning opportunities for Mariemont City Schools’ youngest learners

• Courses offered to K-6 students at both Mariemont Elementary School and Terrace Park Elementary School

• Sessions take place after school

• Courses are taught by MCSD staff as well as trusted community partners

Experiential Learning isn’t confined to just normal school hours! Elementary students at Mariemont Elementary School and Terrace Park Elementary School have access to a number of after-school enrichment courses offered throughout the school year.

Students in grades K-6 can register for experiences including art exploration, STEM learning, musical expression, and much more. Keeping true to our commitment to creating strong community ties, we partner with a variety of vendors from the Cincinnati area along with our own teaching staff to bring this learning to life.

Our goal is to help students develop new interests and learn new skills, and the after-school enrichment curriculum does just that! Check the Warriors BEyond webpage or the PTO weekly newsletters for more information and registration links.

Community Connection: Building Bridges for Student Success

At the heart of our district’s success is a strong bond with our community. There are countless examples of how Mariemont City Schools is collaborating with local organizations and groups to better the educational experience of our students. Below, you will find an inspiring example of how we are shaping a brighter future for our students and strengthening the community that has always supported us.

At Mariemont City Schools, we strive to ensure that every child who enters out buildings feels comfortable and safe, both physically and emotionally. We work hard to help students succeed academically, socially and behaviorally. This is why we are so proud of our partnership with Child Focus, Inc.

Child Focus’ mission is to join with communities in improving the quality of life for children, families and adults. Today, Child Focus directly serves over 20,000 people annually and provides services for over 140 schools and preschools, pediatric offices, etc. in southern Ohio communities.

In Mariemont City Schools, Child Focus provides services in the school setting to meet students in an environment that is natural, minimizing the stigma associated with mental health service and removing the barrier of scheduling conflicts and transportation that can prevent youth from receiving the services. The services are designed to promote positive mental health, provide early intervention and reduce non-cognitive barriers to learning.

We are lucky to have three Child Focus therapists in our school buildings, working daily with students across the district.

• Hannah Beiswanger – Mariemont Elementary School

• Stephanie Picard – Mariemont Junior High School

• Taylor Weaver – Mariemont High School and Terrace Park Elementary School

These specialists work with students to develop effective coping skills and achieve school success. Participation from parents and guardians is required and services can be continued throughout the summer months. Child Focus services can be billed to Medicaid, private

Child Focus Providing Individual Support to MCSD Students

insurance or directly to the family. Additionally, community donations made through the Mariemont School Foundation help pay for services.

The partnership between Mariemont City Schools and Child Focus was facilitated by MindPeace, an organization that functions as a catalyst in the creation and maintenance of mental health partnerships between schools and local agencies. We are grateful for these community partners as we work to better the educational experience of our students.

TAYLOR WEAVER Child Focus Therapist
HANNAH BEISWANGER Child Focus Therapist
STEPHANIE PICARD Child Focus Therapist

Working Towards a Bright Future

In Mariemont City Schools, our goal is to increase student success through meaningful programming and purposeful environments that maximize learner autonomy and capacity to thrive. And that includes setting our students up for life after high school.

Our district is proud to offer the College and Career Planning Center. This center includes a dedicated college counselor, ACT and SAT test prep, a resource center where students can meet with counselors and colleges, and much more. The 2024-25 school year brought a new Director of College and Career Services, Ms. Autumn Richards. Get to know her a bit more below and be sure to use her as a helpful resource when preparing your child’s post-secondary future.

What would you say is the biggest objective of the CCPC?

My goal for the College & Career Planning Center is that every Mariemont City Schools student graduates high school with a clear, personalized post-secondary plan, whether that’s attending college, starting their career, or enlisting in the armed forces. By building relationships early and exploring students’ aptitudes, strengths, and interests together, my personal goal is to equip students and families with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to make informed decisions and successfully transition to life after Mariemont.

Is the CCPC only for high school students and families? Is there a way for families with younger kids to get involved?

While the College & Career Planning Center is housed in the high school, I look forward to working with families of younger students to start dreaming about their future and partnering with colleagues across the district. For now, families of younger students can get a jump start by simply encouraging their children to discover and pursue their interests through activities, clubs, or sports. The soft skills that students are developing now will certainly play into the future careers they choose to pursue. I also encourage families to have age-appropriate reflections with their students around their Warriors BEyond experiences- what activities did your child most enjoy? What skills did they learn? What do they want to learn more about? The more students can articulate what kind of activities they like to do, and subjects they enjoy learning about, the more aware they will be when it comes time to plan for their next steps after high school.

What’s coming up in the CCPC?

We have several events coming up and some are still in the works. Our Freshman & Sophomore College & Career Night will take place on February 4th. I am in the process of planning summer College Application Workshops for juniors, which will support students in getting started on their college applications and essays early. I will also offer a College Explorations Intersession for high school students this May.

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