Portfolio Marie Van den Bergh
Industrial design - University of Antwerp
Hi, I’m Marie
Marie Van den Bergh Treemblok 1 2970 ‘s-Gravenwezel
05/01/1996 in antwerp 0032472/82.84.24 marie.vandenbergh@hotmail.com
English French Deutsch
Work experience and volunteering - Shop-assistant at bakery Slootmaeckers - Shop-assistant at AD Delhaize ‘s-Gravenwezel - Cleaning, dishes and ironing help at the Sint Lodewijk care centre ‘s-Gravenwezel
- Latin Mathematics Vita et pax-college, Victor Frislei 18, 2900 Schoten,Belgium - Completed an Emotional Intelligence course in 2013 - Bachelor product development, university of antwerp
Proffesional skills
- Animator with SPORTA (vacantion organisation) - Babysitting experience since 2013 - Scout Leader from 2014 till 2016 - Volunteering at the ‘Hongermaal’ events (Schoten, 2012-2014) - High School student representative (2011-2014) - experience with creative markets and selling my handmade things
Strategic design
I am a responsible person and have a particular feeling for positive team membership. I love to think in a problem-solving way and I am passionate about the art of creation. My goal is to become a sophisticated designer and to grow into a critical and enthusiastic person.
Hi, I’m Marie
User centered design Service design System design
“ It always seems impossible until it’s done”
Personal skills I want to see the world, to explore forgotten nature, to meet people, to discover other cultures and to enrich myself as a person in every way.
I am a social person, having gained experience as a scout leader and an animator for a sports vacation organisation. I love to help other people and I have a great sense of justice.
One of my hobbies is sewing. I have a passion for creating things and I want to apply this creativity in every possible way.
I love to spend my vacations in nature and most of all by hiking. I do not only like to hike, but I also want to achieve my goals together with others. I want to form a team and achieve my goals together with others.
My work:
student projects and personal work
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We started by analysing the existing design of the honey melting product. We analysed the ergonomic aspects as well as the mechanical aspects. By doing this, we gained insight into the different problems we were to solve. We had to redesign the bucket that absorbs the honey. It appeared to be impossible to remove the bucket in the previous design. The place where we had to put the bucket while we spread the crude-wax was also a problem. The frame got a new design and we had to improve the cover of it.
It is now possible to remove the bucket. The bucket is supported long enough so that the weight on the user is as less as possible. Ergonomic standards have been very important during this designing process. We also improved the shielding for the bees.
The absorption of the remains of the honey and wax is now stopped by putting a plug in the middle when the bucket is removed. Hereby, the user has a good feedback and has to do the action autonomously.
We optimised the frame so we assured the stability and improved the modularity. The frame can be transported as a flat pack and is easily to assemble. The cover of the honey melting product got handgrips, so it can be removed safely. The frame can be moved by pulling the tubes. The assembly of the frame is easier by the marking of the colours. We also improved the space where the bucket comes when we smear the bowl. By changing this, we prevent the honey melting product from tilting.
For my bachelor thesis I had to redesign a smoothie machine commissioned by ‘Frulego’. The machine delivers healthy, fresh made smoothies. First, the fruit is crushed per portion and then hot water is added. The final step is mixing and then the customer can take the smoothie. Also a lid and a straw are available. We analysed the existing vending machine and concluded that there were many problems to be solved. The further designing process was individual. I analysed some things further, to gain a better idea about the main aspects.
I chose to develop a toolbox that could transfer all the equipment needed in the machine. This toolbox had to be practical and ergonomic. There had to be a cutting tool to open the bags with frozen fruits. Also storage was needed for the bags, straws, cups and lids. Also I wanted to gain the attention of the consumer and optimise the experience.
Here the final design of the toolbox is shown. The images display how the product has to be used.
Exploded view of the toolbox.
Detail of the mechanism of the handle
Exploded view of the cutting tool.
Section view of the cutting tool.
I redesigned the vending machine as well. It was important to gain the attention of a costumer, I added a promotion line, I gave the machine a fresh look and used natural materials. Another demand for my machine was the presence of a place to put the cup down, so it was easy to attach the lid and straw.
The gardener unit is designed in a team of four students. We started with a specific production method. We visited Omco metals in Hamme, which is a sand moulding company. We had to design a product that could be manufactured by this production method. We started by analysing todays trends, in order to design a product that takes the current tendencies into account. Nowadays, one has to tackle the increase of the ageing population and find a way to take care of their specific needs. Therefore, we used a new way of collecting ideas: we drew concepts with our eyes closed. The result was a sketch of different lines, that we translated into a number of possible concepts. Furthermore, we designed every aspect of the gardening unit, from the sand mould buckets to the form of the spade.
We came up with a design in which we focused on a pleasant and active way of spending free time for elderly people. This way, they have an occupation by working in their little gardener unit. In addition, they can also use the vegetables and spices for their own cooking.’
Deze beelden h in de loop van h ces. De zitkusse Berteau brachte eerste idee. Ik v king van de dri leuk. Ik ben ver gegaan naar ver kingen en vorm ontwerpproces met driehoeken vertrokken van fotograaf lamp ook creeĂŤren, d te realiseren en mooi resultaat. hoek heel veel t is de basisvorm prototypes.
For the course product and materialisation, we had to design a lamp made of polypropylene. We had to use snap connections. We discovered different form possibilities with paper,. We started immediately with creating, so we had a visual image of what was possible with the polypropylene. This lamp represents a cloud. Just like a cloud it exits of different colours, I did this by variating the white material with the transparent polypropylene. This gives a nice light effect.
During the international design workshop, we worked with the theme of ‘displacement’. Our group of four students chose ‘food’ as our second theme. We associated food and refugees and therefore listened to a refugee who lives in the asylum centre. We realized that food can sometimes be an issue in the asylum centre. We thus came up with the idea to bring the local people of Antwerp together with the refugees, cooking food being the binding factor. The local people can eat a traditional meal cooked by the refugees. Our goal is the integration of the refugees in our society, in order to be able to start again. Contact with the local people is a main easing factor in their integration proces.
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IntegrEAT Where people and traditions meet
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JolieMarie ~handmade with love~
I love to create. A lot of my spare time goes to sewing and designing. I do not only sew for myself but also for other people who like the things I make.
Thank you! Marie Van den Bergh University of antwerp marie.vandenbergh@hotmail.com 0032472828424 online: issuu.com