就是愛表演! 怎樣?
2016 1/23 JF演唱會@復興中⼩學⼤禮堂 3:00 ⼊場 1/23 Planet Shakers@復興中⼩學⼤禮堂 6:00 ⼊場 1/24 成功吉他36屆⼩型成果發表會@成功⾼中視聽中⼼1:00⼊場 1/24 瘋⾳盃-有成功⾳創(還有很多優秀的熱⾳社團喔) @中壢中正公園 MO 1:00⼊場
Like a sea of gold outside my garden gate Behind that house that I grew up in, Our beautiful escape We'd talk for hours and hours And look up at the sky I had all the questions, But you could tell me why You told me Sunflowers stare at the sun And how the Milky Way Is the galaxy called home I thought the moon was a crescent You showed me I was wrong But where should this sunflower stare Now that you're gone? Autumn rain began to wash away the dust I never thought that gold could turn to rust One morning they were gone and I could cry Cos you're not here to tell me why
You told me Sunflowers stare at the sun And how the Milky Way Is the galaxy called home I thought the moon was a crescent You showed me I was wrong But where should this sunflower stare Now that you're gone? Now that you're gone? Now that you're gone? You told me Sunflowers stare at the sun And how the Milky Way Is the galaxy called home I thought the moon was a crescent You showed me I was wrong But where should this sunflower stare Now that you're gone? Now that you're gone?
[學習筆記]⼗⼆個讀書慾望的持續法 訂定讀書計劃 如果沒有預定計劃,有時很難臨時下定決⼼去讀書, 在回到家以前也不為了晚上的學習來預留能量(即使 是⼼裡上的準備也好)。除此之外,計劃的制定還能 讓⼈認清「還有這麼多東西要讀,不能夠再拖延」的 事實,⽽如果將各科⽬的讀書時間技巧性地分割出空 ⽩「緩衝時間」,也會產⽣「即使是艱困的讀書也能 夠⾏有餘⼒的⾃信」,進⽽再將這⾃信的滿⾜感轉化 成讀書的慾望
精美的筆記 有些⼈筆記著重的是記載速度的確實,也有⼈偏好將 筆記製作成精美嚴謹的「藝術品」,⽽對於完美主義 者來說,看著⾃⼰⼀⼿打造彷彿出版品的精華筆記, 油然⽽⽣的成就感也會變成讀書的誘因之⼀。 妥善休息 每個⼈都知道,休息是轉換⼼情和補充能量的必要緩衝 過程,⽽除了像靜坐或午睡等⽣理上的修復,事先具體 制定⼼理休息的內容(吃零⾷、聽⾳樂),也可以避免 休息時間沒有充份利⽤的情況。