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For who the light shines? Although we are in the living room, the light is on in the kid’s room, in the bedroom, in the hall, in the bathroom…

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12/28/2012 10:28:24 AM

Only the deeds are reality!

Samo delata se vistina!

Skopje-Centar pod Vodno

Kvalitetot {to ne se gleda so ~ove~ko oko e vistinska vrednost za siguren i traen dom... ADORA In`enering e lider vo grade`niot sektor vo Makedonija, kade gradime visoki gradbi vo Skopje, Ohrid i Strumica. Vo 10-godi{noto postoewe, izgradivme 26 objekti, 1250 elitni stanovi, stotici luksuzni delovni prostorii, 1500 moderni parkinzi. Kako pioneri vo regionot gi sozdadovme energetski efikasnite stanovi {to dolgoro~no na gra|anite im {tedat energija i pari. Kvalitetot i uspe{nosta vo rabotata ne iska~ija na 20. mesto me|u najuspe{nite firmi vo Makedonija i ne rangiraa me|u 5. najbrzoraste~ki kompanii. Gordost na Adora In`enering se eko objektite so prepoznatliva arhitektura, cvrst temel, aseizmi~ka gradba i vrven kvalitet, izgradeni po sovremenite svetski standardi i tehnologii, so primena na ISO 9001 i ISO 14001. Adora In`enering e dobitnik na renomiranata me|unarodna nagrada „Najdobra kompanija” i „Najdobar menaxer” vo 2012 godina od Evropskata biznis asamblea. Kompanijata, proglasena za „Investitor na godinata” vo 2010 i 2011 godina, e dobitnik na 8 nacionalni nagradi za najdobri op{testveno odgovorni praktiki. DOM [TO GO ZASLU@UVATE...

Skopje-Centar pod Vodno

Skopje-Aerodrom-Novo Lisice

Ohrid-Biljanini izvori


Skopje-Aerodrom-Novo Lisi~e

Skopje-Karpo{ Ohrid-Biljanini izvori

The Quality that is not visible with the human eye is genuine value for a safe and durable home…


ADORA Engineering is a leader in the building construction sector of Macedonia where the company builds high buildings in Skopje, Ohrid and Strumica. During our 10-year operation, we have constructed 26 buildings, 1,250 elite apartments, hundreds luxury business premises, 1,500 modern parking lots. A pioneer in the region, we have created energy-efficient apartments that save people’s money on the long run. Quality and success in operation have placed us at the high 20th position amongst the most successful companies in Macedonia and ranked us with the group of the five fastest growing companies. Adora Engineering takes pride in its environmental friendly buildings with their recognisable architecture, solid foundations, aseismic building and top quality, built according to the world’s standards and technologies and applying ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Adora Engineering is the winner of the Best Company prestigious international award, and the Best Manager in 2012 by the European Business Assembly. The company was declared the Investor of the Year for 2010 and 2011 and was the winner of eight national awards for best socially responsible practices. A HOME THAT YOU DESERVE.. Strumica-Park

Sale: Sale: Skopje: Skopje: Ohrid: Ohrid: Strumica: Strumica:

+ 3892 25 5215 215215; 215 072 204 024 + 389 + 3892 230309393200; 200 070 365 738 + 389 + 3897575244 244244 244 + 389 + 3897272228 228026 026 + 389 + 389 34 523 335 + 389 34 523 335

Продажба: + 389072 2 5204 215024 215 Proda`ba:+ 389 2 5 215 215; Скопје: + 389070 2 30 93738 200 Skopje: + 389 2 30 93 200; 365 Охрид: + 389 75 244 244 Ohrid: + 389 75 244 244 Струмица: + 389 72 228 026 Strumica: + 389 72 228 026 + 389 34 523 335 + 389 34 523 335

Publisher: Marili Lidija D.O.O.E.L; Marketing, Publishing and Video Production Agency, 11 Oktomvri St. No. 86, 2/12, Skopje; Tel/Fax: + + 389 2 3128 155; Editor-in-Chief: Lidija Tripunoska; Introductory Section: Rozita Zakeva; Journalists: Lidija Tripunoska, Rozita Zakeva, Jovica Simonoski; Proofreading: Rozita Zakeva;

Assistant in the preparation of the catalogue: Daniela Trajkovi}; Layout and pre-press: GLOBAL Communication; Photographs, Introductory Section: Jane Temelkovski, Ministry of Culture of RM; Photographs Marketing Section: Jane Temelkovski; Photographs on the cover page: Jane Temelkovski, Ministry of Culture of RM;

Translated in English by: Mirjana Veljkovi}; Marketing: Lidija Tripunoska, Svetlana Mi{i};

Printed by: Data Pons; Published: 2013, Skopje, R. Macedonia

Izdava~: ”Marili” Lidija DOOEL; Agencija za marketing, izdava~ka dejnost i videoprodukcija ul: ”11 Oktomvri” br. 86, 2/12 , Skopje tel/faks: + + 389 2 3128 155;

Asistent pri izrabotka na katalogot: Daniela Trajkovi};

Glaven i odgovoren urednik: Lidija Tripunoska;

Fotografija na voveden del: Jane Temelkovski, Ministerstvo za kultura na RM;

Voveden del: Rozita Zakeva; Novinari: Lidija Tripunoska, Rozita Zakeva, Jovica Simonoski; Lektura: Rozita Zakeva; Prevod na angliski: Mirjana Veqkovi}; Marketing: Lidija Tripunoska, Svetlana Mi{i};

Dizajn i kompjuterska podgotovka: GLOBAL Komunikacii;

Fotografii vo marketin{ki del: Jane Temelkovski; Fotografii na naslovna stranica: Jane Temelkovski, Ministerstvo za kultura na RM; Pe~ati: Data Pons; Izdadeno: 2013 godina, Skopje, R. Makedonija

Site izraboteni slajdovi i fotografii se odobreni od nadle`nite dr`avni i verski institucii i toa: Zavod za za{tita na spomenicite na kulturata na Republika Makedonija i Skopskata mitropolija na MPC. Koristen e materijal od Republi~kiot zavod za statistika, Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija. Koristeni se fotografii od Ministerstvo za kultura na Republika Makedonija od Aleksandar Geor|iev, fotografii prezemeni od vesnicite „Dnevnik” i „Vest”, i fotografii od Viktor Naumovski. Every slide and photograph in the publication is approved by competent state and religious institutions including the Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and Skopje Metropolitan Diocese of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Material for data from the Republic Statistics Bureau, Statistical Annual of the Republic of Macedonia is used. Photographs owned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and authored by Aleksandar Georgjiev, photographs taken from the Dnevnik and Vest newspapers and photographs authored by Viktor Naumovski have been used. Od "Marili# ISBN 9989-2524-6-7


At the start of 2013, we are presenting a new, content-enriched Macedonian Business Catalogue, which we have published for 17 times in a row. We have announced that the Catalogue will move into a promotional direction with interviews with our best human resource potentials and topics that cover the opportunities of our best tourist regions from both the environmental and the tourist viewpoint. At the same time, respecting the union of culture with the best of the Macedonian products in the development of a national brand of our own country, we are offering numerous themes on the pages of this catalogue. Important interviews in the area of air traffic, investment, wine making, culture, health, fashion, and sports are specifically divided in attractive entireties that can meet the selective taste not only of the business elite but the readership at large. We remain present electronically, at the Marili web portal We are also represented at numerous business fora, fair exhibits, and in particular among our community abroad, which contributes to improving communications between business entities in our country and beyond. Quality of distribution within the Republic of Macedonia has been elevated with our presence in the selling network in

Na po~etokot na 2013 godina Vi go prezentirame noviot, sodr`inski zbogaten Biznis katalog na R Makedonija, koj go izdavame po sedumanesetti pat. Najavivme deka toj }e se dvi`i vo promotivna nasoka so intervjua so na{ite najdobri ~ove~ki potencijali, no i so temi koi gi sledat mo`nostite na na{ite najdobri turisti~ki regioni, kako od ekolo{ka, taka i od turisti~ka gledna to~ka. Istovremeno, po~ituvaj}i go spojot na kulturata so najdobrite makedonski proizvodi vo gradeweto na nacionalen brend od sopstvenata dr`ava, rasposlavme brojni sodr`ini na stranicite na ovoj katalog. Najzna~ajnite intervjua od oblasta na aviosoobra}ajot, investiciite, vinarstvoto, kulturata, zdravstvoto, modata i sportot se posebno izdvoeni kako atraktivni celini koi mo`at da odgovorat na prebirlivite vkusovi ne samo na biznis elitata, tuku i na po{irokata ~itatelska publika. Ostanuvame i vo elektronska forma prisutni na veb portalot na Marili, prisutni sme na brojni biznis-forumi, saemski manifestacii, i osobeno me|u dijasporata, so {to se pridonesuva za podobruvawe na komunikacijata pred s¢ me|u delovnite subjekti vo na{ata zemja i nadvor od nea.

Skopje and large urban centres, and our distribution chain is largely improved in the part of the air traffic, i.e. in the Business and VIP Parlours of TAV Macedonia. The project is planned to retain this new content and designer concept with a view of raising the perception of our country, its potentials and opportunities for investment as an EU candidate to an even higher level. Editor, Lidija Tripunoska

Mrs. Lidija Tripunoska, General Manager

Kvalitetot na distribucijata, vnatre vo R Makedonija go podignavme so prisustvoto i vo proda`nata mre`a vo Skopje i pogolemite gradovi niz dr`avava, a distributivniot lanec e zbogaten i vo delot na aviosoobra}ajot, osobeno vo Biznis i Vip salonite na TAV Makedonija. Vo idnina, proektot koj }e go zadr`i ovoj nov sodr`inski i dizajnerski koncept na u{te povisoko nivo }e ja podigne percepcijata za na{ata zemja, za nejzinite potencijali i mo`nosti za investicii kako zemja-kandidat za ~lenstvo vo Evropskata unija.

Urednik, Lidija Tripunoska

CONTENTS / SODRÆINA Introductory Note. Lidija Tripunoska, Editor in Chief


Obra}awe na g-|a Lidija Tripunoska, glaven i odgovoren urednik

Introduction Macedonia!


Voved Makedonija!

Air Traffic Airports in Macedonia in Quest for New Airline Destinations Interview with Mr. Murat Örnekol, the Chief Operating Director of TAV Holding and TAV Macedonia


Aviosoobra}aj Aerodromskite pristani{ta vo Makedonija vo pohod po novi aviodestinacii Intervju so g. Murat Ornekol, glaven operativen direktor na TAV Holding i TAV Makedonija

Investments The Macedonian Business Diaspora, a Bridge on the Global Economic Stage Interview with Mr. Mike Zafirovski, Senior Advisor to the Blackstone Group and President of Macedonia 2025


Investicii Makedonskata biznis dijaspora most na globalnata ekonomska scena Intervju so g. Majk Zafirovski, visok sovetnik na Blackstone Group, SAD i pretsedatel na Makedonija 2025

Winery Grape Vines and Varietal Wines, Endowment of the Nature Interview with Mrs. Vita Huzjan, General Manager of Vizba Valandovo


Vinarstvo Lozovi nasadi i sortni vina, dar od prirodata Intervju so g-|a Vita Huzjan, generalen menaxer na Vizba Valandovo

Culture Capital Investment in Culture Interview with Mrs. Elizabeta Kančeska-Milevska, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia


Kultura Kapitalni investicii i vlo`uvawa vo kulturata Intervju so g-|a Elizabeta Kan~eska-Milevska, minister za kultura na Republika Makedonija

Young Talents’ Awards, Confirmation of the Spirit of a Nation Interview with Miss Eva Bogoevska, Violinist


Nagradite na mladite talenti potvrda za duhot na nacijata Intervju so g-ca Eva Bogoevska, violinistka

Korubin's Samurai Sword in Time and Space Interview with Mr. Mihail Korubin, Painter


Samurajskiot me~ na Korubin vo vremeto i prostorot Intervju so g. Mihail Korubin, slikar

Medicine Stem Cells: Investment in Healthier Future Interview with Mrs. Tanja Evrosimovska, General Manager of Bi-Mek


Medicina Mati~ni kletki: vlog vo pozdrava idnina Intervju so g-|a Tawa Evrosimovska, generalen menaxer na Bi-Mek

Tourism Tourism, Priority for More Intensive Economic Development of Macedonia Interview with Mrs. Liljana Popovska, Leader of DOM and Member of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia


Turizam Turizmot, prioritet za pogolem ekonomski razvoj na Makedonija Intervju so g-|a Liljana Popovska, pretsedatel na DOM i pratenik vo Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija

Fashion The Fashion Image Is an Essential Factor of Trust in Business Interview with Snežana Janačkoska-Bogdanovska, Fashion Journalist


Moda Modniot imix biten faktor za doverbata vo biznisot Intervju so g-|a Sne`ana Jana~koska-Bogdanovska, modna novinarka

Sport The Colours of One’s Own Country Are Defended with Love Interview with Naumče Naumovski, Handball Player, the Athlete of the Year


Sport So qubov se branat boite na sopstvenata dr`ava Intervju so g. Naum~e Mojsovski, rakometar, Sportist na godinata na R. Makedonija


EMBASIESS / CONSULATES - RUSSIAN FEDERATION Str. Pirinska, No. 44, ph. 3117 160, fax: 3117 808

Embassies - ALBANIA Str. Majka Tereza, No. 22 ph. 3246 726, fax: 3246 727

- SERBIA Str. Pitu Guli, No. 8, ph. 3129 298, fax: 3129 427

- AUSTRIA Str. Mile Pop Jordanov, No. 8 ph. 3083 400, fax: 3083 150

- SLOVENIA Str. Vodnjanska, No.42, ph. 3178 734, 3178 730, fax: 3176 631

- BULGARIA Str. Ivo Ribar Lola, No. 40 ph. 3229 444, fax: 3246 493

- SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA Blvd. Aleksandar Makedonski bb, h. Kontinental, ph. 3118 348, fax: 3230 975

- BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Str. Mile Pop Jordanov 56b ph. 3086 216, fax: 3086 221

- SPAIN Str. 27 Mart, No.7, ph. 3231 002, 3220 717, fax: 3220 612

- CROATIA Str. Mitropolit Teodosie Gologanov, No.59/II-IV ph. 3248 170, fax: 3246 004

- SWEDEN Str. 8-ma Udarna Brigada, No.2, ph. 3297 880, fax: 3112 065 Visas department, ph 3297 898

- CZECH REPUBLIC Str. Salvadore Aljende, No. 35, ph. 3109 805, fax: 3178 380

- SWITZERLAND Str. Maksim Gorki, No.19, ph. 3103 300, fax: 103 301

- FRANCE Str. Salvador Aljende, No.73 ph. 3244 300, 3244 319, fax: 3244 313

- TURKEY Str. Slavej Planina bb, ph. 3113 270, 3112 173 fax: 3117 024 - UKRAINA Str. Pitu Guli, No.3, ph. 3179 259, ph/fax: 3178 120

- GERMANY Str. Lerinska No.59/1 ph. 3093 900 fax: 3093 899 - GREECE Str. Borka Talevski, No.6 ph. 3219 260 fax: 3115 718

- UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Str. Salvadore Aljende, No.73, ph. 3299 299, fax: 3179 726

- HUNGARY Str. Mirka Ginova, No.27 ph. 3063 423 fax: 3063 070

- UNITED STATES Str. "Samoilova" Nr.21, ph. 310 2000, fax: 310 2299 Consulates

- IRAN Str. Vasil Stefanovski, No.25 ph./fax: 3217 420

- AUSTRALIA Str. Londonska, No. 11b, ph. 3061 114, fax: 3061 834

- ITALY Str. 8-th Udarna Brigada, No.22, ph. 3236 500, fax: 3236 505

- BELGIUM Str. Koco Racin, No. 14/4-3, ph./fax: 2043 314

- MONTENEGRO Str. Vasil Stefanovski, No.7, ph. 3227 277, fax: 3227 254

- CANADA Blvd. Partizanski odredi, No.17a, ph. 3225 630, fax: 3220 596 e-mail:

- NETHERLANDS Str. Leninova, No.69-71, ph. 3129 319, fax: 3129 309

- DENMARK Str. Aleksandar Makedonski, No.12, ph. 3104 067, 3104 001, fax: 3104 064

- NORWAY Str. 8-ma Udarna Brigada, No.2, ph. 3129 165, fax: 3111 138

- ESTONIA REPUBLIC Str. Kole Nedelkovski br.6, 1000 Skopje , ph./fax +389 23229225

- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Str. 474, No.20, ph. 3213 163, 3135 647, fax: 3212 500

- JAPAN Blvd. Ilinden, No.9, ph. 3118 063, fax: 3118 731

- POLAND Str. Djuro Djakovic, No.50, ph. 3112 647, fax: 3119 744

- FINLAND Str. 808, No.12, ph. 109 185, fax: 2613 180 - SLOVAK REPUBLIC Str. Skopska crvena opstina bb., ph: 3137 095, fax: 3122 105

- ROMANIA Str. Rajko Zinzifov, No.50, ph. 3228 057, 3228 055 fax: 3228 036

- ISRAEL Str. Podgradje, No.50, ph: 3113 978, fax: 3113 976


Berovo / Berovo


Berovo / Berovo



Macedonia stretches over an area of 27,513 km2. Rich in cultural heritage and tradition, environmental friendly fruits, its countryside leaves every visitor dazzled. Therefore, it was rightfully given the name “magical” or “the Pearl of the Balkans.”

Makedonija se prostira na povr{ina od 27.513 km2. Taa e bogata so kulturno nasledstvo i tradicii, ekolo{ko zdravi plodovi, a nejzinata prirodata gi zaslepuva o~ite na sekoj posetitel. Zatoa, so pravo gi dobila epitetite vol{ebna ili biser na Balkanot.


MACEDONIA Macedonia is influenced by three interlocked climates: modified Mediterranean, mountainous and moderate continental climates. The country boasts 15 artificial lakes, 25 glacial lakes and three large tectonic lakes: Lakes Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran. Four national parks, more than thirty mountain massifs higher than 2,000 meters, pastures, forests, rivers, all this makes the treasures of Macedonia. The longest river is the Vardar, which runs a 388-km path 301 km of which belong to Macedonia.

Vo Makedonija se isprepleteni vlijanijata na tri vidovi klimi: izmeneto sredozemnomorska, planinska i umerenokontinentalna. Zemjata ima 15 ve{ta~ki, 25 glacijalni i 3 golemi tektonski ezera: Ohridsko, Prespansko i Dojransko. Makedonija ima 4 nacionalni parkovi, nad triesetina planinski masivi, povisoki od dve iljadi metri, pasi{ta, {umi, reki. Najdolga e rekata Vardar ~ija dol`ina e 388 km, od koi 301 km £ pripa|aat na Makedonija. Vo odnos na politi~kiot sistem, dr`avata ima parlamentarna demokratija, {to £ ovozmo`uva uspe{no evropsko integrirawe. Treba da se napomene deka vo nea `iveat mnogu etni~ki zaednici, koi go neguvaat svojot folklor, obi~ai i tradicii. Makedonija grani~i so pet zemji: Republika Srbija (na sever), Republika Kosovo (na sever), Republika Bugarija (na istok), Republika Grcija (na jug) i Republika Albanija (na zapad). Vozdu{niot soobra}aj se odviva na dva internacionalni aerodroma vo Skopje i Ohrid. Moderen avtopat vo dol`ina od 10.000 km gi povrzuva severnata i ju`nata granica na zemjata.

[arena D`amija, Tetovo / [arena xamija, Tetovo

The country is a parliamentary democracy, which has enabled its successful European integration. It should be noted that it is the home to many ethnic communities who cherish their respective folklores, customs and traditions. Macedonia borders five countries: Serbia (to the north), Kosovo (to the North), Bulgaria (to the east), Greece (to the south), and Albania (to the west).

Ako patuvate so avion }e sletate na Skopskiot aerodrom ÂAleksandar Veliki#. Toa e sovremen aerodrom koj gi zadovoluva site svetski standardi. So nego rakovodi turskata kompanija TAV. Ova e najgolemata stranska investicija vo Makedonija. Po sletuvaweto slednata destinacija e gradot Skopje moderen i sovremen kulturno-ekonomski centar. Skopje ima okolu 700.000 `iteli i ovaa brojka sekojdnevno rapidno raste. Negoviot lik e posebno izmenet vo minatite nekolku godini so gradeweto na grandiozni gradbi, rekonstruirani {iroki bulevari i prekrasni parkovi. Liceto na gradot go promenija i novite dvokatni avtobusi koi gi opslu`uvaat gra|anite vo javniot prevoz. Proektot ÂSkopje 2014# go menuva i }e go smeni likot na gradot. Vo Skopje se nao|aat site centralni institucii na zakonodavnata, izvr{nata i sudskata vlast. Istorijata na Skopje e mnogu stara. U{te vo rimskiot period, postoel gradski 10

SKOPJE Air traffic takes place through two international airports, in Skopje and Ohrid. A modern 10,000-kilometer highway connects the northern and the southern borders of the country. If you travel by plane you will land at the Skopje Alexander the Great airport, a modern airport that meets all of the world’s standards and is run by Turkish TAV. This has been the largest foreign investment in Macedonia. Following the landing, the next destination is the capital, Skopje, a modern cultural and economic centre. Skopje is a city with the population of 700,000 and this figure grows rapidly on a daily basis. Its image has been specially altered in the past few years with the construction of grandiose buildings and objects, and with reconstructed wide boulevards and beautiful parks. The face of the city has been also changed by new double-decker buses which service the public transportation users. The Skopje 2014 Project has been also changing and

`ivot, a toga{ gradot bil lociran kaj dene{nata skopska naselba Zloku}ani. Toga{ gradot se vikal Skupi. Vo srednovekovniot period, gradskiot `ivot bil dislociran kaj dene{nata gradska tvrdina, Skopskoto kale. Denes, ovoj spomenik svedo~i za strate{kata uloga {to ja imal gradot vo tekot na celoto srednovekovie, pa i vo podocne`niot period. Starata skopska ~ar{ija, vo minatoto pretstavuvala vistinski trgovsko-ekonomski i politi~ki centar. Vo nea egizistirale preku trieset zanaeti. Poznati trgovci od toga{ razvieniot svet doa|ale vo ^ar{ijata, i prestojuvale vo poznatite anovi: Kur{umli-an, Kapan-an, Sulian. Denes, ovie anovi se umetni~ka galerija kako na primer Daut-pa{inot amam, kade {to mo`at da se vidat delata na poznati makedonski umetnici. Vo gradot ima mnogu moderni hoteli i restorani, a vo pove}eto mo`ete da ja vkusite bogatata makedonska tradicionalna kujna. Gradot ima i

Skopje / Skopje

will change the face of the city. All central institutions of the legislative, executive and judiciary authorities are located in the capital. The history of Skopje dates from long ago. As back as under the Romans, there was an urban life in this area, and the town was located near the present-day district of Zlokukjani. At the time, it was called Skupi. In the mediaeval time, the urban life was dislocated to the present-day Kale Fortress. Nowadays, this monument bears witness to the strategic role the town had during the whole Middle Ages and even later. The Skopje Old Bazaar used to be a genuine commercial and economic and political centre. More than thirty crafts existed there. Renowned merchants from the then developed world came to the Bazaar and during their visits they stayed at the famous roadhouses (ans): KurĹĄumlian, Kapan-an, Suli-an. Nowadays, these ans are dedicated to a purpose, such is the Daut-Pasha Amam, where works by Macedonian famous artists can be seen. The city boasts a number of modern hotels and restaurants, and in most of


bogat no}en `ivot. Redovno poznati klupski muzi~ari od celiot svet gostuvaat na skopskata klupska scena. Predizvik za sekoj posetitel na Makedonija e gradot na drevnosta i siniloto, a toa e Ohrid. Do nego mo`e da se stigne so avtomobil, no i so avion na Ohridskiot aerodrom Ă‚Sveti Petar i Pavle#. Izdignat skalesto na bregot na Ohridskoto Ezero, so svojata sudbina i istorija, Ohrid e kolevka na makedonskata drevna kultura. Prviot makedonski i slovenski pisatel Kliment Ohridski go odbra Ohrid za svoe pribe`i{te vo H vek. Gradot Ohrid, kogo Anti~kite Grci go narekuvale Lihnidos, {to zna~i svetol, a Ohridskoto Ezero - Lihnidsko e sinonim za proyirnosta na siniloto vo vodata. Ranohristijanskiot centar - gradot Lihnidos bil sedi{te na crkovni gradbi kako vo samiot grad taka i vo bliskata okolina.

OHRID them, a visitor can relish Macedonian delicious traditional cuisine. The city also has busy night life. Club musicians from all over the world perform on the Skopje club scene. A challenge for any visitor of Macedonia is the town of antiquity and blueness, Ohrid. One can come to Ohrid by car and by plane, at the Ss Peter and Paul Airport. Overlooking the Lake Ohrid shores in cascades, Ohrid is known as the cradle of the Macedonian ancient culture after the events and history occurring there. The first Macedonian and Slav writer Kliment of Ohrid had chosen Ohrid for his retreat in the X century. The Town of Ohrid, which the Ancient Greeks called Lychnidos, meaning bright, and Lake Ohrid (Lake Lychnidos) are synonymous with transparency of the blueness in the water. An early Christian centre, Lychnidos was the seat of church buildings in both the town and the immediate surroundings. In 148 B.C. when it Bay of Bones, Ohrid / Zalivot na koskite, Ohrid was conquered by the Romans, Ohrid was the centre of the Roman province - Macedonia. During its existence, it was the capital of the first Macedonian Tsar Samuil. Ohrid also lives today, in union with its history and past. The Macedonian tourist Mecca, every year, Ohrid opens its door to tourists who enjoy the unrepeatable ambiance, the magnificent creation of nature, which has nestled Lake Ohrid under the slopes of Galičica Mt. at the altitude of 695 meters. The surface area of the lake is 348 km2 and its greatest depth is 294 meters which ranks it amongst the deepest lakes in Europe. Beautiful hotels constructed on the shore of the lake offer high quality service, and in the period when the Ohrid Summer or the Balkan Folk Festivals take place, Ohrid bustles. Far renowned Ohrid pearls and filigree, Biljana's song and famous Biljana Springs are the part of the collage called Ohrid. The city of legend and truth, the city of antiquity, national tradition, is a place where the sun and the waves, water and skies, light and greyness live in symbiosis. Deliberate or unintentional passers-by on this patch of land are regularly greeted by welcoming smile of the people here. Suffering, robbed, torn apart, Macedonia has endured over centuries under various rulers, civilizations, and cultures until the present day.

Vo 148 godina pr. n. e., koga go osvoile Rimjanite, Ohrid bil centar na rimskata provincija - Makedonija. Vo tekot na svoeto postoewe bil i prestolnina na prviot makedonski car - Samoil. Ohrid `ivee i denes, vo kompozicija so svojata istorija i sega{nost. Turisti~kata makedonska Meka sekoja godina gi otvora vratite za site turisti, koi u`ivaat vo nepovtorliviot ambient, vo prekrasnoto sozdavawe na prirodata, koja Ohridskoto Ezero go smesti pod padinite na planinata Gali~ica na nadmorska viso~ina od 695 metri. Povr{inata na Ezeroto e 348 km2, a negovata najgolema dlabo~ina iznesuva 294 metri, so {to se vbrojuva vo edno od najdlabokite ezera vo Evropa. Prekrasni hoteli izgradeni na krajbre`jeto na Ezeroto nudat visoka usluga, a vo periodot koga vo Ohrid se odr`u-

va ÂOhridskoto leto# ili ÂBalkanskiot folkloren festival#, vo Ohrid vrie kako vo ko{nica. Nadaleku poznatiot ohridski biser i filigran, pesnata za Biljana i poznatite Biljanini izvori se del od kola`ot nare~en Ohrid. Gradot na legendata i vistinata, gradot na vekovite, drevnosta, nacionalnata tradicija e mesto kade {to sonceto i branovite, vodata i neboto, svetlinata i siniloto `iveat vo simbioza. Namernite ili slu~ajni minuva~i niz ova par~e zemja redovno gi pre~ekuva nasmevkata za dobredojde na ovde{niot narod. Napatena, ograbuvana, par~osuvana, Makedonija opstojuvala niz vremiwata na najrazli~ni vladeteli, civilizacii i kulturi, s¢ do denes.


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Air Traffic

Airports in Macedonia in Quest for New Airline Destinations Aerodromskite pristani{ta vo Makedonija vo pohod po novi aviodestinacii

Interview with Mr. Murat Ă–rnekol, the Chief Operating Director of TAV Holding and TAV Macedonia

Intervju so gospodin Murat Ornekol, operativen direktor na TAV Holding i TAV Makedonija

Aviosoobra}aj Mr. Örnekol, after the opening of a new and modernized Airport, the largest investment in 2011, you announced development of the air traffic in Macedonia and increasing the number of flight and travellers. What is the pace, or how is this goal being fulfilled? With the modernization of the Alexander the Great Airport we have not only increased the capacity of the Airport but have also made Skopje a destination more promising for the Airline Companies. We are marketing Macedonian Airports throughout all attended road shows, conferences, tourism fairs and similar organizations such as Route Conferences, IATA Schedules, ATB Berlin. Our marketing team is continuously working on possible new destinations with Airline companies. We are starting to see the results of the said marketing activities nowadays. In short Wizz Air started with the new destinations London - Luton, as of 19 June 2011, with 4 flights per week and Venice has been initiated as of 20 June 2011 with 2 flights per week. Fly Pegasus has started to operate from Skopje with the new destinations to Istanbul 3 times per week and Izmir 2 times per week as of 15 August 2011. On 28 October, 2012 Wizz Air based one aircraft at Skopje Airport and started to fly to 6 new destinations which are Malmo, Memmingen, Basel, Milan, Dortmund, and Eindhoven 2 times/week for each in addition to their existing above mentioned routes. FlyDubai has started its operations from Dubai to Skopje twice a week. You stated that airports had a very positive effect on economy and social life in the regions and cities in which they are located. A year later, what is your view of this issue when it comes to the Macedonian citizens? Let me just once more point out the importance of Airports and how they foster economic activities. They are offering increased accessibility, encouraging international commerce and generating employment. With an increase of visitors and Airport users, more money flows into the local economy. Therefore, with increased economic activity and employment, consumer behaviour automatically changes and raises the standard of living of the people in the region. This all has positive impact, especially on Macedonian citizens. We have been observing this reality for a year and we think that the positive impact will be experienced by shops, restaurants, hotel owners as well as tourism agencies. Since the opening of the Airport until today, which airlines have used the services of both airports and how much are you satisfied with cooperation with them? Since our opening of both airports the following 37 Airlines, scheduled flights and charters have been operating from Skopje Airport: Air Berlin, Air Europa, Arkefly, Austrian Airlines, Adria, Belle Air, Belle Air Europe, Blue Panorama, Borajet, Bulgaria Air, Corendon Airlines, Croatia Airlines, Czech Airlines, Edelweiss, FlyDubai, Freebird Airlines, German Sky Airlines, Germania Flug, Hello AG, Helvetic, Jat Airways, Jetairfly, Lotus Air, Malev, Mat Airways, Mistral Air, Montenegro Airlines, New Livingston, Onur Air, Pegasus Airlines, Sky Airlines, Sky Work, Transavia, Turkish Airlines, VIP Wings, Wizz Air, XL Airways The following 31 Airlines (scheduled and charters) operate from Ohrid Airport: Adria Airways, Air Bucharest, Arke fly, Arkia-Israeli Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Aviogenex, Belle Air, BH Airlines, Correndon, Croatia Airlines, Czech Airlines, Czech connect Airlines, Dubrovnik Airlines, Edelweiss Air, Jat Airways, Adria Airways, Israir Airlines, Finn Air, Hello AG, Jet Air Fly, Gazprom Avia, Flylal, Germania Flug, Hamburg Airways, Montenegro Airlines, New Livingston, Regional Europe, Sky Express, Taimyr Airlines, Trade Air, Transavia.

Gospodine Ornekol, po otvoraweto na nov i moderniziran Aerodrom, koj pretstavuva najgolema investicija za 2011 g., najavivte razvivawe na vozdu{niot soobra}aj vo Makedonija i zgolemuvawe na brojot na avionite i patnicite. Kako se realizira ovaa Va{a cel? So modernizacijata na aerodromot „Aleksandar Veliki” ne samo {to se zgolemeni kapacitetite na Aerodromot, tuku za aviokompaniite Skopje stana destinacija koja pove}e vetuva. Nie gi promovirame makedonskite aerodromi na site roud {oua, konferencii, saemi za turizam i sli~ni organizacii na koi prisustvuvame, kako {to se konferencii za soobra}ajot, konferencii na IATA za planirawe na redot na letawe, ATB Berlin. Na{iot marketin{ki tim neprekinato raboti so aviokompaniite na novi mo`ni destinacii. Denes, ve}e po~nuvame da gi gledame rezultatite na navedenite marketing-aktivnosti. Nakuso, Viz Er po~na da raboti so novi destinacii, so londonskiot aerodrom Luton od 19 juni 2011 godina, so 4 leta nedelno, i so Venecija od 20 juni 2011, so 2 leta nedelno. Flaj Pegasus od Skopje raboti so novi destinacii, i toa kon Istanbul tripati nedelno, a kon Izmir dvapati nedelno od 15 avgust 2011 godina. Na 28 oktomvri 2012 godina, Viz Er postavi eden avion na aerodromot vo Skopje i pokraj postojnite gorenavedeni mar{ruti, po~na da leta kon {est novi destinacii i toa Malme, Memingen, Bazel, Milano, Dortmund i Ajdhoven po dvapati nedelno. FlajDubai po~na so rabota od Dubai za Skopje dvapati nedelno.


Izjavivte deka aerodromite imaat mnogu pozitiven efekt vrz ekonomijata i op{testveniLet me just once more point out the ot `ivot vo regionite i vo graimportance of Airports and how they dovite vo koi se locirani. Sega foster economic activities. They are posle edna godina, kakov e staoffering increased accessibility, vot po ova pra{awe koga se raencouraging international commerce boti za makedonskite gra|ani? and generating employment. With an Dozvolete mi u{te edna{ da increase of visitors and Airport users, uka`am na zna~eweto na aeromore money flows into the local dromite i na na~inot na koj tie gi economy. pottiknuvaat ekonomskite aktivnosti. Tie nudat zgolemena prisDozvolete mi u{te edna{ da tapnost, pottiknuvaat me|unarodna uka`am na zna~eweto na trgovija i generiraat rabotni aerodromite i na na~inot na koj tie gi pottiknuvaat ekonomskite mesta. So zgolemuvaweto na gosaktivnosti. Tie nudat zgolemena tite i na korisnicite na aeropristapnost, pottiknuvaat dromot, pove}e pari se vlevaat me|unarodna trgovija i generiraat vo lokanata ekonomija. Spored rabotni mesta. So zgolemuvaweto toa, vo uslovi na zgolemena ekona gostite i na korisnicite na nomska aktivnost i vrabotenost, aerodromot, pove}e pari se odnesuvaweto na potro{uva~ite vlevaat vo lokanata ekonomija. avtomatski se menuva, a `ivotniot standard na lu|eto vo regionot se podobruva. S¢ ova ima pozitivno vlijanie, osobeno vrz makedonskite gra|ani. Ve}e edna godina ja zabele`uvame ovaa realnost i smetame deka pozitivnoto vlijanie }e se odrazi na prodavnicite, restoranite, sopstvenicite na hoteli, kako i na turisti~kite agencii.

Od otvoraweto na Aerodromot do denes, koi aviokompanii gi koristat uslugite na dvata aerodroma i kolku ste zadovolni od sorabotkata so niv? Od otvoraweto na dvata aerodroma, od skopskiot aerodrom funkcioniraat slednive 37 aviokompanii, so redovni letovi i ~arter letovi: Er Berlin, Er Europa, Arkeflaj, Austrijan Erlajns, Adrija, Bel Er, Bel Er Jurop, Blu Panorama, Boraxet, Bulgarija Er, Korendon Erlajns, Kroacija Erlajns, ^eh Erlajns, Edelvajs, Flaj Dubai, Fribrd Erlajns, German Skaj Erlajns, Germanija Flag, Helo AG, Helvetik, Jat Ervejs, Xeterflaj, Lotus Er, Malev, Mat Ervejs, Mistral Er, Montenegro Erlajns, Wu Livingston, Onur Er, Pegasus Erlajns, Skaj Erlajns, Skaj Vork, Transavija, Turki{ Erlajns, VIP Vings, Viz Er, Iks-El Ervejs. Od ohridskiot aerodrom rabotat slednive 31 aviokompanii (redovni i ~arter): Adrija Ervejs, Er Bukure{t, Arke flaj, Arkija-Izraeli Erlajns, AuOstrijan Erlajns, Aviogeneks, Bel Er, BH Erlajns, Korendon, Kroacija Erlajns, ^eh Erlajns, ^eh konekt Erlajns, Dubrovnik Erlajns, Edelvajs Er, Jat Ervejs, Adrija Ervejs, Isrer Erlajns, Fin Er, Helo AG, Jat Er Flaj, Gazprom Avija, Flajlal, Germanija Flag, Hamburg Ervejs, Montenegro Erlajns, Wu

Air Traffic We are satisfied and have good cooperation with all of our customers. It is always our privilege to be able to serve our customers providing the highest possible services and quality and we believe that this is a common understanding between us and our customers. I may also point out that the Ohrid Airport, after two decades, started to become an attractive tourism centre for the Benelux Countries’ citizens. This success shows our very good cooperation with our clients. Concerning promotional flights and low-cost flights, when can the citizens expect new lines and to which destinations? We have already announced new destinations and new airlines flying from Skopje Airport. FlyDubai started their operations from Dubai to Skopje with 2 frequen-

Livingston, Regional Jurop, Skaj Ekspres, Tajmir Erlajns, Trejd Er, Transavija. Zadovolni sme i imame dobra sorabotka so site na{i klienti. Sekoga{ e na{a privilegija da bideme vo mo`nost da im davame uslugi na na{ite klienti, obezbeduvaj}i im najvisoka mo`na usluga i kvalitet. Veruvame deka ova e zaedni~ko ~uvstvo me|u nas i na{ite klienti. Isto taka, mo`e da uka`am deka po dvaeset godini Ohridskiot aerodrom po~na da stanuva privle~en turisti~ki centar za gra|anite na dr`avite na Beneluks. Ovoj uspeh ja poka`uva na{ata mo{ne dobra sorabotka so na{ite klienti.

cies per week as of 22 October 2012, which has been followed by Wizz Air with 6 new destinations Malmo, Basel, Munich, Milan, Eindhoven, and Dortmund. Each of these new destinations has 2 flights per week as of 28 of October 2012. Have you recorded increase in transportation of passengers compared to the past years since this statistics have been kept? We have had a constant increase in passenger numbers with approximately 14% increase each year since the day we started operating both airports. In comparison to the last year October 2011 / 2012 we have in total 9% increase in passenger numbers, which is much higher than the average increases observed at European airports.

Vo odnos na promotivnite letovi i onie so niski ceni koga gra|anite treba da o~ekuvaat novi linii i za koi destinacii? Ve}e najavivme novi destinacii i novi aviokompanii koi }e letaat od Skopskiot aerodrom. Od 22 oktomvri 2012 godina Flaj Dubai po~na so rabota od Dubai kon Skopje so dva leta nedelno, po {to slede{e Viz Er so {est novi destinacii i toa Malme, Bazel, Minhen, Milano, Ajndhoven, i Dotrmund. Kon sekoja od ovie destinacii od 28 oktomvri 2012 godina ima po dva leta nedelno.

The modern airport will have multifold contribution for the Macedonian economy. That will certainly be “bait� for appealing to more foreign tourists since more airlines will be attracted. Certainly, there is the fact that the Government invests a lot in promotion of Macedonia as a tourist country. Do you feel the benefits of such a measure? With this chance, once more we would like to thank the Government of Macedonia for their great efforts and cooperation to develop the tourism and air traffic in Macedonia. The general impact and benefit of promotions will be more visible in the forthcoming years. As one of the most important entrance gates to Macedonia we can easily point out that foreign investors have started visiting Macedonia more often to seek investment possibilities which are highly supported and incentivized by the Government.

Dali bele`ite porast vo prevozot na patnici sporedbeno so godinite nanazad kako se odviva ovaa statistika? Imame postojano zgolemuvawe na brojot na patnicite so okolu 14% zgolemuvawe sekoja godina od denot koga po~navme so rabota na dvata aerodroma. Vo sporedba so oktomvri 2011 godina, vo istiot mesec ovaa, 2012 godina imame vkupno zgolemuvawe na brojot na patnici za 9%, {to e mnogu pove}e od prose~noto zgolemuvawe registrirano na evropskite aerodromi.

Aviosoobra}aj The Macedonian citizens, above all, businessmen who travel abroad have finally got an airport in the world’s rank. How much are you personally satisfied with what you have done so far? Personally I am satisfied with our Airports and all of the services we are providing. We are working very hard to maintain and to extend our services in order to keep the satisfaction level of our customers at the highest levels, keeping in mind that this sector is constantly developing and improving. Above all, our main satisfaction comes from the gratitude of our customers. What are the plans for enriching the contents in the Business and the VIP Lounges where the Macedonian Business Catalogue has been placed in continuity? Business and CIP lounges are operated by our sister company named TAV Operations Services which has a very good experience and know-how about op-


erating such lounges. This company is especially dedicated to increase the quality of services at the lounges with innovative and creative ideas, products such as Prime Pack, Passport Card. The CIP lounges are available at both arrival and departure, providing a comfortable atmosphere combined with first class service. We recommend to the citizens of Republic of Macedonia and to the business travellers, who come to Macedonia, to use the CIP services provided by Primeclass. The Macedonian Government established economic relations with a number of Turkish companies during its visit of Turkey? As the largest investor in Macedonia, did you stand behind the idea and help the contacts with Turkish companies? Since TAV Macedonia has been one of the first Large Turkish investments in Macedonia, we are definitely quoted as a pioneer example for other Turkish in-

VIP salonite se dostapni pri pristignuvawe i pri zaminuvaweto, nudej}i udobna atmosfera vo kombinacija so prvoklasna usluga. Na gra|anite na Republika Makedonija i na delovnite patnici koi doa|aat vo Makedonija, im prepora~uvame da gi koristat uslugite na VIP salonot {to gi obezbeduva prajm-klasata.

Modernoto aerodromsko pristani{te }e ima pove}ekraten pridones za makedonskata ekonomija. Toa sekako }e bide mamka za privlekuvawe pove}e stranski turisti, zatoa {to }e privle~e pove}e aviokompanii. Sekako tuka e i faktot deka Vladata vlo`uva vo promocija na Makedonija kako turisti~ka zemja. Go ~uvstvuvate li benefitot od ovaa merka? So ovaa mo`nost, u{te edna{ bi sakale da ѐ se zablagodarime na Vladata na Makedonija za golemite napori {to gi vlo`uva i za sorabotkata vo nasoka na razvivawe na turizmot i na vozdu{niot soobra}aj vo Makedonija. Op{toto vlijanie i korista od promociite }e bidat povidlivi vo pretstojnite godini. Kako edna od najzna~ajnite porti za vlez vo Makedonija lesno mo`eme da uka`eme na faktot deka Makedonija s¢ po~esto e posetuvana od stranski investitori vo potraga po mo`nosti za investirawe, koi se silno poddr`ani i stimulirani od Vladata. Makedonskite gra|ani, pred s¢ biznismenite koi patuvaat vo stranstvo, kone~no, dobija aerodrom po svetski terk. Kolku ste li~no zadovolni od ona {to go napravivte dosega? Li~no sum zadovolen so na{ite aerodromi i so site uslugi {to gi davame. Nie rabotime mo{ne naporno na odr`uvawe i na pro{iruvawe na

vestors. From that perspective we are promoting Macedonia and sharing our experiences with other possible investors. It is very important for companies that are willing to invest in foreign countries to have an example which could motivate them for a successful investment, to the benefit of not only the investors but also the Republic of Macedonia. Your stay in Macedonia has enabled you to become familiar with the mentality and beauties of our country. How do you feel in Macedonia? Honestly speaking, the mentality isn’t that much different than our own. The food is delicious, the hospitality and the welcoming in Macedonia makes me feel like I have always been a part of this Country. So we don’t feel like strangers or foreigners, in fact we feel like in our own Country. And we are thankful for every minute we are sharing and spending in your beautiful country.

# na{ite uslugi, so cel da go odr`ime zadovolstvoto na na{ite klienti na najvisoko mo`no nivo, imaj}i predvid deka ovoj sektor postojano se razviva i podobruva. Pred s¢, na{eto glavno zadovolstvo doa|a od blagodarnosta na na{ite klienti. Kakvi se planovite okolu zbogatuvawe na sodr`inite vo biznis i vo VIP salonot, kade vo kontinuitet e postaven i Biznis katalogot na R Makedonija? So biznis salonite i VIP salonite upravuva na{ata kompanija - sestra po ime TAV Operativni servisi, koja ima isklu~itelno iskustvo i stru~nost za upravuvawe so takvi saloni. Ovaa kompanija e osobeno posvetena na zgolemuvaweto na kvalitetot na uslugite vo salonite so inovativni i so kreativni idei, proizvodi kako {to se „prajm paketi”, „pas-karti~ki”. VIP salonite se dostapni pri pristignuvawe i pri zaminuvaweto, nudej}i udobna atmosfera vo kombinacija so prvoklasna usluga. Na gra|anite na Republika Makedonija i na delovnite patnici koi doa|aat vo Makedonija, im prepora~uvame da gi koristat uslugite na VIP salonot {to gi obezbeduva prajmklasata. Makedonskata Vlada pri posetata na Turcija ostvari ekonomski relacii so mnogu drugi

The CIP lounges are available at both arrival and departure, providing a comfortable atmosphere combined with first class service. We recommend to the citizens of Republic of Macedonia and to the business travellers, who come to Macedonia, to use the CIP services provided by Primeclass.

turski kompanii? Dali Vie kako najgolem investitor vo Makedonija zastanavte zad idejata i pomognavte vo ostvaruvawe na kontaktite so turskite kompanii? So ogled deka TAV Makedonija e edna od najgolemite turski investicii vo Makedonija definitivno sme citirani kako pioneri i primer za drugite turski investitori. Od taa perspektiva ja promovirame Makedonija i gi spodeluvame na{ite iskustva so drugi mo`ni investitori. Mo{ne e va`no za kompaniite koi se podgotveni da investiraat vo stranski zemji da imaat primer {to }e gi motivira za uspe{na investicija, vo polza ne samo na investitorite tuku i na Republika Makedonija. Va{iot prestoj vo Makedonija Vi ovozmo`i odblisku da se zapoznaete so mentalitetot i ubavinite na na{ata dr`ava. Kako se ~uvstvuvate vo Makedonija? Iskreno zboruvaj}i mentalitetot ne se razlikuva mnogu od na{iot. Hranata e vkusna, gostoprimlivosta i dobriot pre~ek vo Makedonija me pravi da se ~uvstvuvam kako otsekoga{ da sum del od ovaa zemja. Zatoa, nie ne se ~uvstvuvame kako tu|inci ili stranci, vsu{nost, se ~uvstvuvame kako da sme vo svojata zemja. Blagodarni sme za sekoja minuta {to ja spodeluvame i minuvame vo va{ata prekrasna zemja.

Air Traffic Live, Smile and Fly!

Skopje Sk o opje Alexander Alexander derr the e Great Greatt Airport Ai ort Airpo Malmo

Amsterdam Dortmund London Dusseldorf Eindhoven Brussels Stutgart Munich Vienna Basel Memmingem Mulhouse Ljubljana Zurich Zagreb Milan Venice Bergamo Ancona Roma

DESTINATIONS FROM SKOPJE, MACEDONIA Regular Destinations n New Destinations ns Charters


Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen

Palma De Majorka

Izmir Antalya Ercan

SKOPJE SK OP PJ JE W WINTER I TIMETABLE W’12 (28 28 8 OCT’12 OCT - 30 MAR’13) Destination Des tina a



e Belle Air Europe

BASEL L Mulhous e Mulhouse

Wizz Air


A Airways JAT


Wizz Air Fly Du Dubai Air B Berlin XL Airways Ai


Germania Flug. Wizz Air Turkish T urkish Airlines


Pegasus P egasus Airlines


Adria Airways

LONDON L ONDON Luton Luton MALMO Bergamo MILAN Ber gamo MUNICH Memmingen Treviso VENICE T reviso VIENNA

Wizz Air


Cr Croatia oatia Airlines

Austrian Aus trian Airlines

Fligh Flight


A Arriv Arrival v


A/ A/C type


---4--------7 ---4--7

W6 7732/1


0:10 10:10 0: 0:20 10:20 14:4 45 14:45 0 19:00 23:50 22:40

10:50 0 11:00 15:3 15:30 1 14:00

A AT7 7 AT7 3 320 320

06:00 17:25 13:00 13:0 9:05 9:0 10:30 30 9:25 :2 :25 19:55 17:45 10:45 9:15 20:45 16:25 12:15 15:45 4:45 6:00 16:30 30 6:00 6:0 00 11:10 1 6:00 12:40 4:30

320 73H 320 738 738 738 319, 73G 320 320 320 738 738 CR9 CR2 320 320 320 320 320 100, 3 320,73G) 20,73G) 319 ((100,


JU 1 114 JU 115 W6 7722/1 FZ 791/792 92 AB 3208/ 3208/9 GXL666/7 XL X GXL 370/1 G XL L3 GXL 670/1 G XL 670 6 0/1 ST2282/3 ST22 2 W6 6 7716/5 TK 1003/4 10 1005/6 TK 1005/ 05/ 5/ 711/71 12 2 PC 711/712 JP 826/827 7 (LH 6932/3 2/3 ) JP 810/811 (L ((LH 6934/5 ) W6 7702/1 W6 7712/1 W6 7744/3 /3 7728/7 W6 7728/ / 7752/2 W6 7752/ //2 779/780 OS 779/78 80 (LH 6444/3) OS 775/776 6 ((LH 6390/87)


Edelweiss Edel lweiss

OU 366 OU 367 OU 368/369 9 438/439 (LX84 X8438 WK 438/439 (LX8438/9)

Belair 4T 3262/3 ZURICH (scheduled (schedul ed charter) charter)

Helvetic Hel vetic Airways


2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3

1231567 --3---7 1--4-------6------6-----6 --3--------6--3-----3---7 1-3-567 7 -2345-7 -2-4--7 ----5-1234567 67 1-34-6--2-4-62 4 6 2-4-61---5-1---5-1---5----3---7 --3-1234567 12 1-3-5--7 3-5

22:50 12:15 8:10 9:40 8:30 :30 19:05 17:00 16:40 8:20 8: 19:50 9:50 0 15:45 5 11:35 5 15:00 0 1:20 13:15 13 3:15 22:25 10:35 15:45 10:1 10:15 11:50 0:05 Departing ep g from from Vienna -2-2-4-67 -234-67 422:45 -3 1-345-7 1---5-15:45 --3---15:20 -----6-614:05 --3------9:10 -----69:00 ------7 7 8:55 1---1-----15:20 --3---9:30 ---4--15:15 ----5-15:10 -----609:15 ------7 15:20

5 50 5:50 16:20 16:10 14:45 10:00 9:55 9:45 16:05 10:20 16:05 15:55 10:05 16:05

A T7,733 T AT7,733

100 0 ((F70,DH4) F70,DH4) DH4 DH4 320 320 320 320 320 100 100 100 100 100 100a

Scheduled Schedul ed Flights are are valid valid from from 28 October October 2012 to to 30 M Mar March ch 2013 unl unless ess otherwise stated. stated d. All times sho shown wn in this timet timetable able a ar are e llocal ocal times. This timetable timetable is of inf informative ormative natur nature e and is subject to to alt alterations erationss without pr previous evious notic notice. e.

Aviosoobra}aj Live, Smile and Fly!

Skopje Sk o opje Alexander Alexander derr the e Great Greatt Airport Ai ort Airpo Malmo

Amsterdam Dortmund London Dusseldorf Eindhoven Brussels Stutgart Munich Vienna Basel Memmingem Mulhouse Ljubljana Zurich Zagreb Milan Venice Bergamo Ancona Roma

DESTINATIONS FROM SKOPJE, MACEDONIA Regular Destinations n New Destinations ns Charters


Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen

Palma De Majorka

Izmir Antalya Ercan



Destination Des tina a


Fligh Flight


A Arriv Arrival v


A/ A/C type


e Belle Air Europe


BASEL L Mulhous e Mulhouse

Wizz Air

L9752/751 W6 7732/1

---4--------7 ---4--7 -2---6-

10:50 0 11:00 15:3 15:30 1 14:00

A AT7 7 AT7 3 320 320


A Airways JAT

0:10 10:10 0: 0:20 10:20 14:4 45 14:45 0 19:00 23:50 22:40


Wizz Air Fly Du Dubai Air B Berlin XL Airways Ai


Germania Flug. Wizz Air T urkish Airlines Turkish


Pegasus P egasus Airlines


Adria Airways

LONDON L ONDON Luton Luton MALMO Bergamo MILAN Ber gamo MUNICH Memmingen Treviso VENICE T reviso VIENNA

Wizz Air


Cr Croatia oatia Airlines


ZURICH (scheduled (schedul ed charter) charter)

Aus trian Airlines Austrian

JU 1 114 JU 115 W6 7722/1 92 FZ 791/792 AB 3208/ 3208/9 XL X GXL666/7 G XL L3 GXL 370/1 G XL 670 6 0/1 GXL 670/1 ST22 2 ST2282/3 W6 6 7716/5 TK 1003/4 10 1005/6 TK 1005/ 05/ 5/ 711/712 PC 711/71 12 1 JP 826/827 7 (LH 6932/3 2/3 ) JP 810/811 (L ((LH 6934/5 ) W6 7702/1 W6 7712/1 W6 7744/3 /3 W6 7728/ / 7728/7 7752/2 W6 7752/ //2 OS 779/78 80 (LH 6444/3) 779/780 OS 775/776 6 (LH 6390/87)

Edelweiss Edel lweiss

OU 366 OU 367 OU 368/369 9 438/439 (LX8438/9) WK 438/43 9 (LX X8


4T 3262/3

Helvetic Hel vetic Airways

2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3 2L 172/3

1231567 --3---7 1--4--------6-----6 -----6--3--------6--3-----3---7 7 1-3-567 -2345-7 -2-4--7 ----5-67 1234567 1-34-6--2-4-62 4 6 2-4-61---5-1---5-1---5----3---7 --3-12 1234567 1-3-5--7 3-5

22:50 12:15 8:10 9:40 :30 8:30 19:05 17:00 16:40 8: 8:20 19:50 9:50 0 15:45 5 5 11:35 0 15:00 1:20 13:15 13 3:15 22:25 10:35 15:45 10:1 10:15 11:50 0:05 Departing ep g from from Vienna -2-2-4-67 -234-67 422:45 -3 1-345-7 1---5-15:45 --3---15:20 -----6-614:05 --3------9:10 -----69:00 ------7 7 8:55 1---1-----15:20 --3---9:30 ---4--15:15 ----5-15:10 -----609:15 ------7 15:20

A T7,733 AT7,733 06:00 17:25 13:0 13:00 9:0 9:05 30 10:30 :2 :25 9:25 19:55 17:45 10:45 9:15 20:45 16:25 12:15 15:45 4:45 6:00 16:30 30 6:00 6:0 00 1 11:10 6:00 12:40 4:30

320 73H 320 738 738 738 319, 73G 320 320 320 738 738 CR9 CR2 320 320 320 320 320 100, 3 320,73G) 20,73G) 319 ((100, 100 ((F70,DH4) F70,DH4) DH4

5 50 5:50 16:20 16:10 14:45 10:00 9:55 9:45 16:05 10:20 16:05 15:55 10:05 16:05

DH4 320 320 320 320 320 100 100 100 100 100 100a

Scheduled Schedul ed Flights are are valid valid from from 28 October October 2012 to to 30 M Mar March ch 2013 unl unless ess otherwise stated. stated d. All times sho shown wn in this timet timetable able a ar are e llocal ocal times. This timetable timetable is of inf informative ormative natur nature e and is subject to to alt alterations erationss without pr previous evious notic notice. e.

Data of and including 30 September 2012 Total income in MKD Increase in total revenue 2012/2011 in % Pre-tax profit Number of employees

MKD 191,527,814.00 20.57% MKD 21,531,370.00 34

Croatia Osiguruvanje AD – Life Insurance Company is the first insurance company with a license to sell life insurance policies in Macedonia. The start-up capital of the company is EUR 3,000,000.00. Mathematical reserves (accumulated savings premium) allocated by the company each year is over EUR 425,349,547.00. The Company has provided insurance coverage in CROATIA LLOYD - Zagreb. The life insurance market in the Republic of Macedonia started to develop officially in 2005 with the establishment of the first life insurance company in the country – Croatia Insurance – Life (Croatia osiguruvanje – Zivot). Over the period of seven years, the life insurance premium has been permanently increasing. In the first quarter of 2012, Croatia Insurance – Life has taken the leading position in the life insurance market in the Republic of Macedonia. Quality and successful work of Croatia Insurance – Life is continuing to develop further, enabling the Company to keep the leading position in the sales of life insurance policies in the Macedonian market. As much as 56% of the total life insurance policies sold within the period from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012 were issued by Croatia Insurance – Life, which clearly indicates that in making decisions for long-term saving and safety, the citizens of Macedonia recognise a strategic partner in the Company.

Vilma Uceta Duzlevska General Manager

The Company records continuous increase of the revenues from sales, which is a clear sign of the boosting of the insurance culture with the Macedonian citizenship and building of the awareness for a need of timely and secure saving. Our target is to achieve a long-term sustainable development and a stable increase of the total operations thus becoming a synonym for safety and quality for our customers, General Manager, Vilma Uceta Duzlevska says. Products portfolio: l Individual life insurance l COCO children’s saving insurance l Life insurance for managers l Collective life insurance Make a timely life decision. Ask for a visit of an insurance adviser. CROATIA OSIGURUVANJE – ZIVOT AD SKOPJE Mito Hadzivasilev – Jasmin St., No. 20, floor II, Skopje Phone 02 3215 083 e-mail:

Podatoci zaklu~no 30.09.2012 godina Vkupen prihod vo denari Rast na vkupniot prihod 2012 / 2011 vo % Dobivka pred odano~uvawe Broj na vraboteni

191.527.814,00 denari 20,57% 21.531.370,00 denari 34

Kroacia Osiguruvawe AD - Dru{tvo za osiguruvawe na `ivot e prva osiguritelna kompanija so dobiena licenca za proda`ba na polisi za osiguruvawe na `ivot vo Makedonija. Osnova~kiot kapital na kompanijata iznesuva 3.000.000,00 evra. Matemati~kata rezerva (akumulirana {tedna premija) koja kompanijata ja oddeluva sekoja godina iznesuva nad 425.349.547,00 evra. Osiguritelno pokritie Dru{tvoto ima obezbedeno vo CROATIA LLOYD - Zagreb. Pazarot na `ivotno osiguruvawe vo R. Makedonija oficijalno zapo~nuva da se razviva vo 2005 godina, so osnovaweto na prvata Kompanija za osiguruvawe na `ivot vo zemjava - Kroacia Osiguruvawe - @ivot. Vo period od sedum godini osiguritelnata premija za `ivotno osiguruvawe permanentno raste. Vo prviot kvartal od 2012 godina godina Kroacia Osiguruvawe - @ivot ja zavzema liderskata pozicija na pazarot na `ivotno osiguruvawe vo R. Makedonija. Kvalitetnoto i uspe{no rabotewe na Kroacia Osiguruvawe @ivot prodol`i i ponatamu, so {to Dru{tvoto i natamu e lider vo pro-

da`bata na polisi za `ivotno osiguruvawe na makedonskiot pazar. Duri 56% od vkupnite prodadeni polisi za `ivotno osiguruvawe vo period od 01.01.2012 - 30.06.2012 godina se izdadeni od Kroacia Osiguruvawe @ivot, {to jasno govori deka makedonskite gra|ani vo Dru{tvoto prepoznavaat strate{ki partner vo donesuvawe na odlukata za dolgoro~no {tedewe i sigurnost. Kompanijata bele`i kontinuiran porast na prihodite od proda`ba, {to indicira na zgolemuvawe na osiguritelnata kultura kaj makedonskoto gra|anstvo i gradewe svesnost za potrebata od navremeno sigurno {tedewe. „Na{a cel e da postigneme dolgoro~en odr`liv razvoj i stabilen porast na vkupnoto rabotewe, a so toa da staneme sinonim za sigurnost i kvalitet za na{ite klienti#. - generalniot direktor, Vilma U~eta-Duzlevska. Portfolio na proizvodi: l Individualno osiguruvawe na `ivot l KOKO detsko {tedno osiguruvawe l Menaxersko osiguruvawe na `ivot l Kolektivno osiguruvawe na `ivot Donesete navremena `ivotna odluka. Pobarajte da Ve poseti osiguritelen sovetnik. KROACIA OSIGURUVAWE - @IVOT AD. SKOPJE Ul. Mito Haxivasilev - Jasmin br.20, sprat II, Skopje Tel 02 3215 083 e-mail:


The Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), a public information service, is a reliable service provider the activity of which includes daily prompt registration of events and occurrences in the country and throughout the world, production and release of news and other information and material via text, photograph and in the audio format with a view of ensuring as better quality in meeting our client’s demands and expectations. MIA was established under a Decision of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in February 1992. The agency started the regular information news production as an information providing service on 30 September 1998. It hires about 50 news journalists and reporters in its editorial office and about 30 correspondents through Macedonia and abroad. Despite being among the smallest news agencies in the Balkans according to the staff, it ranks among some of the most productive agencies according to output. The agency releases 300 to 350 articles to their users from all services and sub-services on a daily basis, which makes 9.750 articles on a monthly basis. MIA publishes news in Macedonian, Albanian and English. It services the whole of the information area in Macedonia. MIA products are also available on the Agency’s web page, which has been recently renewed and is one of the most popular information providing internet sites in Macedonia with 8,000 to 10,000 daily visits on average. In the past years, MIA has gained authority of a credential source of information in Macedonia. Major world’s agencies often quote MIA as the source of information. MIA is the member of the News Agency World Congress (NAWC), the Association of Balkan News Agencies (ABNA) and the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies (BSANNA). It is also a part of information pools of: ROMPRESS (Romania), BTA (Bulgaria), ATA (Albania), TANJUG (Serbia), MINA (Montenegro), FENA and SRNA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), STA (Slovenia), HINA (Croatia), ANA-MPA (Greece), ANADOLU (Turkey), APA (Austria), EFE (Spain). The agency collaborates with influential news agencies – Russian ITAR – TASS, Chinese Xinhua, Iranian IRNA, Qatari QNA, British BBC public service, German DPA; MIA's services are also used by the world’s information services Deutsche Welle, Free Europe, Voice of America etc. MIA uses contemporary management systems and their principles as tools for development of and running the Agency on an endless road, which means constant improvement of standards, of all of our business activities. However, this is always done in compliance with and with the

awareness about social responsibility and prevention of environmental pollution, professional diseases and injures at work, mobbing, etc. We approach such risks primarily with a view of their complete elimination, whenever it is possible, or their reducing to a maximum. MIA has received the following certificates: ISO 9001:2008 for quality management, ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Not only among media companies but also MIA is one of the rarest in Macedonia to receive these certificates. The Macedonian Information Agency performs its activity in an honest and unbiased manner, and in this respect, it is always compliant with the legal requirements of the Republic of Macedonia and with any concerned parties with which it has established and developed contractual business relations.

St. Bojmija K-2, P.O. Box: 4, 1000 Skopje tel.: +389 2 246 16 00 fax: +389 2 246 40 48 e-mail:


Makedonskata informativna agencija (MIA) so funkcija na javen informativen servis e doverliv dobavuva~ na uslugata - sekojdnevno agilno registrirawe nastani i pojavi vo zemjata i vo svetot, produkcija i emituvawe vesti i drugi informacii i materijali preku tekst, fotografija i audio format, so cel {to pokvalitetno zadovoluvawe na barawata i o~ekuvawata na na{ite klienti. MIA e formirana so odluka na Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija vo fevruari 1992 godina. Redovnata produkcija na vesti, kako javen informativen servis, MIA ja zapo~na na 30 septemvri 1998 godina. MIA anga`ira pedesetina novinari za vesti i novinari-reporteri vo redakcijata i triesetina novinari-dopisnici od Makedonija i od stranstvo. Iako, po brojot na vraboteni e me|u najmalite, spored produkcijata e vo redot na najproduktivnite novinski agencii na Balkanot. Sekoj den do svoite korisnici, od site servisi i potservisi emituva od 300 do 350 artikli, {to na mese~no nivo iznesuva okolu 9.750 artikli. MIA emituva vesti na makedonski, na albanski i na angliski jazik. Go servisira celiot informativen prostor vo Makedonija. Proizvodite na MIA se dostapni i preku veb-stranicata na Agencijata, koja od neodamna e celosno obnovena, so poatraktivni i pobogati sodr`ini i so zgolemen kvantum na informacii dostapni za posetitelite. Vebot na MIA e eden od najpopularnite informativni internet sajtovi vo Makedonija so prose~ni poseti dnevno me|u 8.000 i 10.000. MIA vo izminatite godini se zdobi so zna~aen avtoritet na verodostoen izvor na informacii od Makedonija. Golemite svetski agencii neretko ja citiraat kako izvor na informacijata. MIA e ~lenka i na Svetskiot kongres na novinski agencii - NAWC, na ABNA - Asocijacijata na balkanski novinski agencii i na Crnomorskata asocijacija na nacionalni novinski agencii - BSANNA. Del e od informativnite pulovi na: ROMPRES (Romanija), BTA (Bugarija), ATA (Albanija), TANJUG (Srbija), MINA (Crna Gora), FENA i SRNA (BiH), STA (Slovenija), HINA (Hrvatska), ANA-MPA (Grcija), ANADOLIJA (Turcija), APA (Avstrija), EFE ([panija)... MIA sorabotuva i so golemite novinski agencii - ruskata ITAT-TASS, kineskata HSINHUA, iranskata IRNA, katarskata KNA, britanskiot javen servis Bi-Bi-Si, germanskata DPA, a servisite na MIA gi koristat i svetskite informativni servisi DOJ^E VELE, SLOBODNA EVROPA, GLASOT NA AMERIKA...

MIA gi koristi sovremenite sistemi na menaxment i nivnite principi kako alatki za izgradba i vodewe na Agencijata na pat bez kraj, a toa zna~i postojano podobruvawe na standardite, na site na{i delovni aktivnosti. No, sekoga{ vo soglasnost so op{testvenata odgovornost, so prevencija od zagaduvawe na `ivotnata sredina, od profesionalni zaboluvawa i povredi pri rabotata, od mobing i sli~no. Potvrda za toa se dobienite sertifikati: ISO 9001:2008 za menaxment so kvalitet, ISO 14001:2004 za menaxment so za{tita na `ivotnata sredina i OHSAS 18001:2007 za menaxment so bezbednost i zdravje pri rabota. MIA, ne samo me|u mediumskite ku}i, e edna od retkite vo Makedonija {to gi poseduva ovie sertifikati. Makedonskata informativna agencija svojata dejnost ja izvr{uva na ~esen i nepristrasen na~in i, vo odnos na toa, vo sekoj moment e usoglasena so zakonskite barawa na Republika Makedonija, kako i so site zainteresirani strani so koi sme vospostavile i sme izgradile dogovorni delovni odnosi. ul. Bojmija K-2, P. Fah 4, 1000 Skopje tel.: +389 2 246 16 00 faks: +389 2 246 40 48 e-mail:

Investments Interview with Mr. Mike Zafirovski, Senior Advisor to the Blackstone Group and President of Macedonia 2025

Intervju so g. Majk Zafirovski, visok sovetnik na Blackstone Group, SAD i pretsedatel na Makedonija 2025

The Macedonian Business Diaspora, a Bridge on the Global Economic Stage Makedonskata biznis dijaspora most na globalnata ekonomska scena The year 2025 is our inspirational target in seeing Macedonia as a fully integrated and developed European country. All of us gathered in Macedonia 2025 believe and strive to see Macedonia prosperous, a country of possibilities, developed economy and satisfied people.

Godinata 2025 e na{a inspirativna cel da ja vidime Makedonija kako celosno integrirana i razviena evropska dr`ava. Site nie vo Makedonija 2025 veruvame i te`neeme da ja vidime Makedonija prosperitetna, zemja na mo`nosti, so razviena ekonomija i zadovolni lu|e.

Macedonia 2025 will remain dedicated to its efforts in bringing more investors to Macedonia, using our personal friendships with CEOs of international and global companies and lobbying for their consideration of Macedonia for their future operations expansion. We believe that this year is the right time to organize this Summit. The economy is picking up from the Euro crisis, and there are many investors interested to allocate their financials in this region. Macedonia no matter of the crisis should continuously plan its development and strategic pathway. 2013 is just another year on that path that Macedonia should project and trace for its future.

Makedonija 2025 }e ostane posvetena na svoite napori da donese pove}e investitori vo Makedonija, koristej}i gi na{ite li~ni prijatelstva so izvr{nite direktori na me|unarodni i globalni kompanii i lobiraj}i kaj niv da razmisluvaat za Makedonija kako mesto za idno pro{iruvawe na nivnite operacii. Nie smetame deka ovaa godina be{e vistinskoto vreme za organizirawe na ovoj samit. Ekonomijata zakrepnuva od evrokrizata, i ima mnogu investitori koi se zainteresirani za alocirawe na svoite finansii vo ovoj region. Makedonija, bez ogled na krizata, treba postojano da go planira svojot razvoj i da go trasira svojot strate{ki pat. 2013 e samo u{te edna godina na toj pat {to Makedonija treba da go proektira i iscrta za svojata idnina.

Mr. Zafirovski, what is the mission of the organisation Macedonia 2025, established in Crown Point, the membership of which includes prominent businessmen in the Diaspora along with three members of the Macedonia’s business elite, Mr. Zoran Martinovski, Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov and Mr. Mincho Jordanov? One of the goals for creating MK2025, as our slogan says: “Helping build a stronger nation”, was to help build stronger Macedonia, and the year 2025 is our inspirational target in seeing Macedonia as a fully integrated and developed European country. All of us gathered in Macedonia 2025 believe and strive to see Macedonia prosperous, a country of possibilities, developed economy and satisfied people. Our core mission is to assist in positioning Macedonia as a preferred destination for foreign direct investment, promote transparency within government and corporate practices, and inspire future business leaders in Macedonia. What is the connection that you want to make between the business elite in the Diaspora and the business community in Macedonia? We would like to establish a bridge connecting the two business communities and establish a network of business leaders and business professionals that can be


Gospodine Zafirovski, koja e misijata na Organizacijata Makedonija 2025 sozdadena vo Kraun Point, vo koja ~lenuvaat ugledni biznismeni od dijasporata, kako i trite novi ~lenovi od makedonskata biznis elita, gospodinot Zoran Martinovski, gospodinot @ivko Mukaetov i gospodinot Min~o Jordanov? Edna od celite na formiraweto na MK2025, kako {to ka`uva i na{iot slogan: „Pomagame vo izgradba na posilna nacija”, e izgradba na edna posilna Makedonija, a godinata 2025 e na{a inspirativna cel da ja vidime Makedonija kako celosno integrirana i razviena evropska dr`ava. Site nie vo Makedonija 2025 veruvame i te`neeme da ja vidime Makedonija prosperitetna, zemja na mo`nosti, so razviena ekonomija i zadovolni lu|e. Na{ata su{tinska misija e da pomogneme Makedonija da se pozicionira kako pretpo~itana destinacija za stranski direktni investicii, da promovirame transparentnost vo ramkite na vladinite i korporativnite praktiki, i da gi inspirirame idnite biznis-lideri od Makedonija.

Investicii used for discussing joint ventures, cooperation and exchange of ideas and knowledge. As a Macedonian I can’t say that I am not biased but I see a lot of opportunities laying in the businesses in Macedonia. Many companies have already identified their interest in investing in Macedonia, and here I refer to all foreign direct investments. As Macedonians, we, the members of the Macedonian Diaspora, have the passion and sense for our homeland which is a reason more for making the move and expanding the businesses from the Diaspora to Macedonia as well. And, now I will be objective, it is not only that our origins come from Macedonia. On the contrary, businesses know no emotions, and when it comes down to financing operations each manager views it from a perspective of ROI. Macedonia has made a tremendous shift from its previous system towards the new establishment. The results in the economy are encouraging, and here I will mention the well managed macroeconomic stability, the opportunities offered to the businesses, the strategic geo-location of the country, the quality of the workforce, and the strategic determination and devotion of the country towards reforms thriving to compete on the global economic scene. You have set a long-term strategy of Macedonia 2025, that additionally involves government promoters for the business plans. What have been the results so far from the direct contacts with the businessmen? Some of the targeted investors have already started their operations in Macedonia. Other desired investors, after the introduction of Macedonia as an investment destination are expressing their initial interest. Some are awaiting an offer of readyto-implement investment projects. Our cooperation with the institutions for promotion

Kakva e konekcijata koja sakate da ja napravite pome|u biznis elitata vo dijasporata i biznis zaednicata vo Makedonija? Nie bi sakale da vospostavime most {to }e gi povrzuva dvete biznis zaednici i da razvieme mre`a na biznis lideri i biznis profesionalci vo koja }e mo`e da se razgovara za zaedni~ki vlo`uvawa, sorabotka i razmena na idei i znaewa. Kako Makedonec ne mo`am da ka`am deka ne sum pristrasen, no gledam mnogu mo`nosti za biznisite vo Makedonija. Golem broj kompanii ve}e go identifikuvaa svojot interes za investirawe vo Makedonija, a ovde mislam na site stranski direktni investicii. Kako Makedonci, nie, ~lenovite na makedonskata dijaspora, gi imame strasta i ~uvstvoto za svojata tatkovina, {to e pri~ina pove}e da go napravime ~ekorot i da gi pro{irime biznisite od dijasporata i vo Makedonija. A sega }e bidam objektiven, toa ne e samo poradi toa {to poteknuvame od Makedonija. Naprotiv, biznisot ne poznava emocii, a koga se raboti za investirawe, sekoj menaxer go gleda toa od perspektiva na povrat na vlo`enata investicija. Makedonija napravi ogromna promena od svojot prethoden sistem kon novoto dr`avno ureduvawe. Rezultatite vo ekonomijata se ohrabruva~ki i ovde }e gi spomnam dobro upravuvanata makroekonomska stabilnost, mo`nostite {to im se nudat na kompaniite, strate{kata geopolo`ba na zemjata, kvalitetot na rabotnata sila i strate{kata opredelba i posvetenost na zemjata kon reformi , celej}i kon konkurentnost na globalnata ekonomska scena.

of Macedonia as a preferable location for future businesses is continuous and we are tremendously satisfied with the eagerness of this Government to play the informative, supporting and cooperating role. Macedonia 2025 will remain dedicated to its efforts in bringing more investors to Macedonia, using our personal friendships with CEOs of international and global companies and lobbying for their consideration of Macedonia for their future operations expansion. The Global Investment Summit that was held in Ohrid in October gathered the most successful at one place. What are the conclusions that arose from the Summit? The main goals of the Summit were: attracting foreign direct investments, increasing of the export potential and economic growth trough more active integration of the Macedonian Diaspora. We managed to gather 350 successful businessman and policy makers, and approximately 30 percent of them were participants from abroad. They all discussed current economy indicators and doing business in Macedonia, experiences from the present foreign investors, investment possibilities and competitiveness of Macedonia, business environment and regulations. From these discussions many conclusions arouse: i. There are many successful stories of Macedonian companies exporting abroad and being very successful on the foreign markets, as well as companies owned and/or managed by our Diaspora that are expanding their operations on the Macedonian market. Their stories are very inspiring, focusing their success on the following: competitive high-quality product, implementation of international standards and quality certificates, having good distribution channel, being professional and using the knowledge and networks of our Diaspora. ii. Macedonia increasingly benchmarks with the main business destinations from the emerging countries for its logistics proximity, cost structure, geostrategic position, skilled workforce, knowledge of foreign languages etc. iii. The main challenges that the Macedonian economy will face in the following period are: increasing the low consumption power that is a result of the unsustainable unemployment levels; finding the right balance between attracting labor intensive and capital intensive industries; improvement of the competitiveness of the Macedonian companies; further reforms of the judiciary system; promotion and implementation of

Postavivte dolgoro~na strategija na Makedonija 2025, vklu~uvaj}i i vladini promotori za biznis planovite. Kakvi se dosega{nite rezultati od direktnite kontakti so biznismenite? Nekoi od celnite investitori ve}e po~naa so rabota vo Makedonija. Drugi posakuvani investitori, po zapoznavaweto na Makedonija kako investiciska destinacija, go iska`uvaat svojot prvi~en interes. Nekoi ~ekaat ponuda na investiciski proekti {to se podgotveni za realizacija. Na{ata sorabotka so instituciite za promocija na Makedonija kako pretpo~itana lokacija za idni biznisi e postojana i nie sme mnogu zadovolni od silnata `elba na ovaa Vlada da odigra informativna, poddr`uva~ka i sorabotuva~ka uloga. Makedonija 2025 }e ostane posvetena na svoite napori da donese pove}e investitori vo Makedonija, koristej}i gi na{ite li~ni prijatelstva so izvr{nite direktori na me|unarodni i na globalni kompanii i lobiraj}i kaj niv da razmisluvaat za Makedonija kako mesto za idno pro{iruvawe na nivnite operacii. Globalniot investiciski samit {to se odr`a vo oktomvri vo Ohrid gi sobra na edno mesto najuspe{nite. Koi se zaklu~ocite {to proizlegoa od ovoj Samit? Glavni celi na samitot bea: privlekuvawe stranski investicii, zgolemuvawe na izvoznite potencijali i ekonomski porast preku poaktivna integracija na makedonskata dijaspora. Uspeavme da sobereme 350 uspe{ni biznismeni i kreatori na politikata, a okolu 30 otsto od niv bea u~esnici od stranstvo. Site razgovaraa za tekovnite ekonomski indikatori i za raboteweto vo Makedonija, za iskustvata na sega{nite stranski investitori, investiciskite mo`nosti i konkurentnosta na Makedonija, za delovnata sredina i propisite. Od ovie diskusii proizlegoa mnogu zaklu~oci: A) Ima mnogu uspe{ni prikazni na makedonski kompanii koi izvezuvaat vo stranstvo i koi se mo{ne uspe{ni na stranskite pazari, kako i na kompanii koi se vo sopstvenost i/ili se upravuvani od na{ata dijaspora, koi gi pro{iruvaat svoite operacii na makedonskiot pazar. Nivnite prikazni se mo{ne inspirativni, a nivniot uspeh e fokusiran na sled-

Investments the public-private partnerships; continuous adoption of the EU standards; improvement of the business standards and ethics. iv. Although the foreign investments are very important, even more important for Macedonia is to have healthy and fast growing domestic companies. How has the Board of Macedonia 2025 incited and directed true potential investors to invest in the Republic of Macedonia since the Summit? The Summit in our perspective was our effort in bringing people to Macedonia, to experience the business climate and get to know the main circumstances of doing business in Macedonia. Trough the panel discussions and the informal conversations, the participants had a chance to envision the opportunities from starting a cooperation with Macedonia. We’ve created the initial platform for networking and cooperation

novo: konkurenten visokokvaliteten proizvod, implementacija na me|unarodnite standardi i sertifikati za kvalitet, poseduvawe dobar distributiven kanal, profesionalnost i koristewe na znaewata i na mre`ite od na{ata dijaspora. B) Makedonija s¢ pove}e se istaknuva pome|u glavnite biznis destinacii od zemjite vo razvoj, poradi nejzinata logistika, blizinata, tro{kovnata struktura, geostrate{kata polo`ba, kvalifikuvanata rabotna sila, znaeweto stranski jazici itn. V) Glavnite predizvici so koi }e se soo~i makedonskata ekonomija vo naredniot period se: zgolemuvawe na niskata potro{uva~ka mo} koja e rezultat na neodr`livite nivoa na nevrabotenost; nao|awe vistinska ramnote`a me|u privlekuvawe trudo-intenzivni i kapital-intenzivni industrii; podobruvawe na konkurentnosta na makedonskite kompanii; natamo{ni reformi na pravosudniot sistem; promocija i implementacija na javno-privatni partnerstva; kontinuirana implementacija na EU standardite; podobruvawe na delovnite standardi i etika. G) Iako stranskite investicii se mo{ne va`ni, za Makedonija e duri i pozna~ajno da ima zdravi i brzoraste~ki doma{ni kompanii. Na koj na~in bordot na Makedonija 2025, po odr`uvaweto na ovoj Samit gi motivira i naso~uva vistinskite potencijalni investitori za vlo`uvawe vo Republika Makedonija? Samitot od na{a perspektiva be{e na{ obid da doneseme lu|e vo Makedonija, da ja do`iveat biznis-klimata i da se zapoznaat so glavnite uslovi na raboteweto vo Makedonija. Preku panel-diskusii i neformalni razgovori, u~esnicite imaa mo`nost da dobijat pretstava za mo`nostite od zapo~nuvawe sorabotka so Makedonija. Sozdadovme inicijalna platforma za povrzuvawe i za sorabotka me|u biznis zaednicite

among the business communities from Macedonia and our Diaspora. From here we will broaden our target group of potential business members from the Diaspora, and get into focus the main areas of investments’ advantages. We will in some way try to serve as a Business Chamber of the Macedonian Diaspora. Step by step we hope we will have tangible projects and investments as a result from our activities. The presence of top managers at the Summit was evident. What were their perceptions and discussions about the world economy and what Macedonia should “steal” in order to get such managers in its companies? This question arouses association to a speech of my dear friend, Samih Elhage, the COO of Nokia Siemens Networks, at the Gala reception on the Summit. In his words, I will try to paraphrase: We need to have 5 key components: vision where we

want to be in the future; clear strategy to outline the key element for reaching our desired place in future; clear plan with set of actions; to set an organization and team executing the actions; and a track model for measuring our results. Here I will add a sixth component, and that is the passion to strive in being a better person all the time. Now to get back to your question and answer simply that we can create our own management profiles, and here I will add that we already have a new generation of business leaders that have both the education and new business ethics and knowledge to be the driving force of the Macedonian economy. The true manager always first creates an idea and a goal about how to make it come true. If the idea of this Summit was to gather the most powerful business brains at one place, in your opinion, how can we come to the goal of getting the necessary benefits from the Summit? We believe that this year was the right time to organize this Summit. The economy is picking up from the Euro crisis, and there are many investors interested to allocate their financials in this region. At the same time, a great number of Macedonian companies have understood the importance of exporting their products and services and are looking for partners to help them expand their business both in the region,

od Makedonija i od dijasporata. Ottuka }e ja pro{iruvame na{ata celna grupa na potencijalni ~lenovi na biznis dijasporata i vo fokusot }e gi zadr`ime glavnite oblasti so investiciski prednosti. Na nekoj na~in }e se obideme da funkcionirame kako biznis komora na makedonskata dijaspora. ^ekor po ~ekor, se nadevame deka }e imame konkretni proekti i investicii kako rezultat na na{ite prezemeni aktivnosti. Na Samitot be{e zabele`ano prisustvoto na vrvni menaxeri, kakvi bea nivnite sogleduvawa i diskusii za svetskata ekonomija i {to treba Makedonija da „ukrade” za da dobie vakvi menaxeri vo svoite kompanii? Ova pra{awe predizvikuva asocijacija so govorot na mojot drag prijatel Sami Elhax, glaven operativen direktor na „Nokia Simens Netvorks”, na gala priemot na samitot. ]e se obidam da gi parafraziram negovite zborovi: Treba da imame pet klu~ni komponenti: vizija kade sakame da bideme vo idnina; jasna strategija za da go iscrtame klu~niot element za da stigneme do na{eto posakuvano mesto vo idnina; jasen plan so serija aktivnosti; vospostavuvawe organizacija i tim {to }e gi izvr{uva tie aktivnosti; i model na sledewe za merewe na postignatite rezultati. Ovde }e dodadam i {esta komponenta, a toa e strasta da se te`nee da se bide podobra li~nost celo vreme. Sega bi se vratil na va{eto pra{awe i bi odgovoril deka nie mo`eme da kreirame sopstven menaxment profil, a ovde }e dodadam deka ve}e imame nova generacija biznis-lideri koi poseduvaat istovremeno i obrazovanie i nova biznis etika i znaewe za da bidat dvi`e~kata sila na makedonskata ekonomija. Vistinskiot menaxer sekoga{ prvo gi sozdava idejata i celta kako da stigne do nea. Ako idejata na ovoj samit be{e da se soberat najsilnite biznis umovi na edno mesto, toga{ spored Vas kako da dojdeme do celta za da se dobijat potrebnite benifiti od samitot? Nie smetame deka ovaa godina be{e vistinskoto vreme za organizirawe na ovoj samit. Ekonomijata zakrepnuva od evrokrizata, i ima

Investicii and also globally. Also, the Macedonian Diaspora has many established entrepreneurs and business owners who run successful companies, and there are many Macedonian business professionals working as key decision makers in prominent international companies. These individuals are aware of the potentials in the country and it is our perception that they are becoming more willing and open to look at their homeland as a potential investment destination. We believe that Macedonia 2025 is the right organization to create a platform for the business professionals from Macedonia and the Diaspora to get to know each other, exchange ideas, and eventually, work on joint projects. Our organization is vigorous in identifying excellent entrepreneurs and professionals from the Diaspora, but we are also looking at strong and determined Macedonian executives who are willing to make a difference. We will work on helping establish this network of professionals, and then it will be up to the decision-makers to come up with innovative ideas for cooperation. Besides the economic crisis in the euro zone, what do you propose as a veteran expert in economy and its ups and downs for overcoming the consequences on the Macedonian economy more easily? Here I would agree with some of the panelists of the Macedonia Global Investment Summit that Macedonia no matter of the crisis should continuously plan its development and strategic pathway. Macedonia has to remain on its reformative course; keep its monetary discipline and stability; focus on the private sector initiative; nurture and create prosperous opportunities for the SME as a driving force of the economy and a major employer; improve the business climate by working harder in some key logistic society segments: as specialized and applicative education, professionalism of the public administration, efficacy of the legal apparatus, maintain its focus on key competitive business sectors. How do you see the development of Macedonia in the global economy, and where in your opinion, is the realistic optimism for the development in 2013?

Macedonia has numerous characteristics and comparative advantages that make it a unique place for doing business. We need to identify what should or is our area of expertise, what can we offer to the global market that is unique either by its business concept, tourist attractions, high quality products and services, organic production, innovation, or knowledge. In other words, first we need to create our own image of Macedonia and then project this vision to the world. 2013 is just another year on that path that Macedonia should project and trace for its future. What are the future plans of the organisation Macedonia 2025 for 2013? Will a new summit be organised again, and have you planned other activities as well? After this Summit expectations are that there will be a Summit in 2013 as well, as we would like to see this Summit evolving into an annual event. When it comes to our other activities, we are entering a second year of our intensive work as an organization and we will increase our range of activities to new projects: first of all the new SEAF Macedonia 1 Fund net worth 15 million dollars, its establishment and making it operational; Creating a data base of Macedonian businessmen (both from Macedonia and the Diaspora) and platform for cooperation; Creating a data base of academics (both from Macedonia and the Diaspora), potential members of our Education Council that will work in providing directives and suggestions for improvement of certain segments of the Macedonian high education. Our previous activities remain on our agenda for 2013 as well, here to name a few: the project “Leader” with Richard Ivey Business School that traditionally is held annually in May; the serial of trainings “Motivating the Future” intended for Macedonian students. We also have a program that provides the Macedonian executives with the opportunity for attending The Schulich Executive Education Centre free of fee. Sculich, as a part of the York University in Toronto is among the world top 10 programs in that field. As part of this program we organize internship in successful Canadian companies.

mnogu investitori koi se zainteresirani za alocirawe na svoite finansii vo ovoj region. Istovremeno, golem broj makedonski kompanii go sfatile zna~eweto na izvozot na svoite proizvodi i uslugi i baraat partneri {to }e im pomognat da go pro{irat svojot biznis vo regionot, no i globalno. Isto taka, makedonskata dijaspora ima mnogu etablirani pretpriema~i i sopstvenici na biznisi koi vodat uspe{ni kompanii, i ima golem broj makedonski delovni profesionalci koi rabotat kako klu~ni nositeli na odluki vo ugledni me|unarodni kompanii. Ovie lica se zapoznati so potencijalite vo zemjata i na{e sogleduvawe e deka tie stanuvaat popodgotveni i pootvoreni na svojata tatkovina da gledaat kako potencijalna investiciska destinacija. Nie veruvame deka Makedonija 2025 e vistinska organizacija za kreirawe na platforma za biznis profesionalcite od Makedonija i od dijasporata za me|usebno da se zapoznaat, da razmenat idei, i na kraj, da rabotat na zaedni~ki proekti. Na{ata organizacija e energi~na vo identifikuvawe uspe{ni pretpriema~i i profesionalci od dijasporata, no barame i silni i re{itelni makedonski izvr{ni direktori koi se podgotveni da napravat razlika. ]e rabotime na toa da pomogneme da se vospostavi ovaa mre`a na profesionalci, a potoa }e ostane na onie koi odlu~uvaat da nastapat so inovativni idei za sorabotka. I pokraj ekonomskata kriza vo evrozonata Vie kako dolgogodi{en poznava~ na ekonomijata i nejzinite podemi i pa|awa, {to predlagate za polesno i pobrzo nadminuvawe na posledicite vrz ekonomijata na Makedonija? Ovde bi se soglasil so nekoi panelisti na Globalniot investiciski samit deka Makedonija, bez ogled na krizata, treba postojano da go planira svojot razvoj i strate{ki pat. Makedonija mora da ostane na svojot reformatorski kurs; da ja za~uva svojata monetarna disciplina i stabilnost; da se fokusira na inicijativata vo privatniot sektor; da neguva i da kreira prosperitetni mo`nosti za malite i sredni pretprijatija kako dvi`e~ka sila na ekonomijata i najgolem vrabotuva~; da ja podobruva biznis klimata rabotej}i ponaporno vo nekoi klu~ni logisti~ki segmenti na op{testvoto: kako {to e specijaliziranoto i aplikativnoto obrazovanie, profesionalizacijata na javnata administracija, efikasnosta na pravniot aparat, odr`uvawe na fokusot na klu~nite konkurentni biznis sektori. Kako go gledate razvojot na Makedonija vo globalnata ekonomija, kade e spored vas realniot optimizam za razvoj vo 2013 godina? Makedonija ima brojni karakteristiki i komparativni prednosti {to ja pravat edinstveno mesto za rabotewe. Nie treba da identifikuvame {to bi trebalo da bide ili {to e na{a oblast na ekspertiza, {to mo`e da mu ponudime na globalniot pazar {to e edinstveno, dali spored biznis konceptot ili spored turisti~kite atrakcii, visokokvalitetnite proizvodi i uslugi, organskoto proizvodstvo, inovativnosta ili znaeweto. So drugi zborovi, prvo treba da sozdademe sopstvena slika za Makedonija, a potoa da mu ja proektirame ovaa vizija na svetot. 2013 e samo u{te edna godina na toj pat {to Makedonija treba da go proektira i iscrta za svojata idnina. Koi se idnite planovi za 2013 godina na organizacijata Makedonija 2025? Dali povtorno }e se organizira nov samit, imate li zacrtano i drugi aktivnosti? Po samitot, o~ekuvawata se deka }e se organizira Samit i vo 2013 godina, bidej}i bi sakale toj da se razvie vo godi{en nastan. [to se odnesuva do na{ite ostanati aktivnosti, vleguvame vo vtora godina na na{a intenzivna rabota kako organizacija i }e go zgolemime opsegot na aktivnosti na novi proekti: pred s¢, na noviot Fond SEAF Makedonija 1 so neto vrednost od 15 milioni dolari, negovo vospostavuvawe i operacionalizirawe; kreirawe baza na podatoci na makedonskite biznismeni (od Makedonija i od dijasporata) i platforma za sorabotka; sozdavawe baza na podatoci na akademici (od Makedonija i od dijasporata), potencijalni ~lenovi na na{iot Obrazoven sovet, koj }e raboti na obezbeduvawe nasoki i sugestii za podobruvawe na visokoto obrazovanie vo Makedonija. Na{ite dosega{ni aktivnosti ostanuvaat na na{ata agenda i za 2013 godina, i ovde bi sakal da navedam samo nekoi od niv: proektot „LIDER” so Richard Ivey Business School koj go odr`uvame sekoja godina vo maj, kako i serijalot od obuki nare~eni „Motivirawe na idninata” nameneti za makedonskite studenti. Isto taka, imame programa so koja obezbeduvame obuki na makedonski izvr{ni direktori na Schulich Executive Education Centre, koj kako del od Univerzitetot Jork vo Toronto e me|u 10-te najdobri programi vo svetot od taa dejnost. Vo ramki na ovaa programa, obezbeduvame praktika vo uspe{ni kanadski kompanii.

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Prvata kompanija vo Makedonija koja se zanimava so proizvodstvo na nov tip na zavesi. Proizvodite se prakti~ni, lesni za odr`uvawe, moderni, lesno se vklopuvaat vo razni vidovi enterieri od klasika do ultra moderen stil. Tie se pogodni za domovi, delovni prostorii, kafeterii, restorani, butici. Manuelno ili avtomatsko upravuvawe so pomo{ na dale~inski upravuva~. Golem izbor na modeli i pove}e od 120 boi i dezeni. Dvojna funkcija: l za{tita od sonce l dekorativna zavesa. Proizvodi: l Poliester - Rolo zavesa l Black Out - Rolo zavesa l Screen – Rolo zavesa l ZEBRA ZAVESA (DEN / NO] ZAVESA) „Moderni zavesi za ultra moderni domovi - Zebra zavesi ili den / no} zavesi# l

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More Than 15 Year Tradition Markovska & Andrevski has been one of the leading lawyer’s offices in Macedonia for more than 15 years. Closely specialising in providing diverse legal support services to international and home investors in the areas of energy, metallurgy, car industry, construction, insurance, finance, banking, intellectual property, public procurement, concessions, and alternative energy resources, the firm directs its growth towards gaining access to new markets outside Macedonia, standardisation and improvement of quality of services we offer to our clients. Within its activities as a growing independent lawyer’s office, the office has established widerange international contacts and permanent connections with renowned international lawyer’s offices not only in EU Member States and the United States but since recently with offices in the Chinese market, which we have also covered as response to our clients' needs. The office is staffed with a young and experienced team of lawyers, professional associates and counsels, or in total 13 people in our offices in Skopje and Niš, which ranks us among large lawyer’s offices in Macedonia and perhaps the only one active in foreign legislation. Flexibility, dynamism, and discretion are the main features of our team, and team work in seeking best solutions for our clients is our basic principle. The organisational structure of M&A operates according to our clients’ needs, and depending on their requirements, they can use a wide range of services available to them in the following sectors: business law and corporate management; company merger and acquisition; legal due diligence; representation; litigation in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings in any judiciary instance in Macedonia; administrative procedures (the Government, Ministries, administration) and constitutional motions; corporate and labour legislation; tax, customs, excise procedures and counselling; FIDIC contracts and adjudication; franchise, licenses and other international contracts; industry property, competition law; energy; alternative energy resources and trade in electric power; complex international transactions and contract securing; mediation; arbitrage; mediators and anti-mobbing advisors for protection of employees’ rights; sector for development and improvement of quality service provided by the Markovska and Andrevski Lawyer’s Office. The development strategy of the Lawyer’s Office is directed to developing unified legal services for corporate clients (tailor made services), which M&A and its franchisee network will offer to companies throughout Macedonia and beyond its borders. The Markovska & Andrevski Lawyer’s Office was established in 1997, and in 2012, we celebrated our jubilee 15th anniversary with numerous activities within our corporate social responsibility projects. We started the construction of a mediation centre through which we will increase availability of mediation to companies and citizens and launched a project for counselling and providing legal assistance to mobbing victims. As part of the ELITE Women Manager Association, the Women Entrepreneur Association with the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, and the Female Business Leadership Network, M&A including in particular the Lawyer, Mediator and Arbiter Mirjana Markovska, has imposed itself not only as synonymous with support of newly founded women’s businesses but as the encourager of development of already established companies managed by women managers. Through our own example, we demonstrate our permanent commitment to encouraging as many women to assume decisive positions in company top management. We give special importance to alternative ways of amicable resolution of disputes, a trend with decadelong tradition in the United States and the European Union. Creating favourable conditions for development of the overall business in the country means seeking economic, efficient and purposeful solutions for overcoming the disputes and problems that can arise between business entities in their business operations. We see courts as alternative, and we resolve disputes successfully via mediation and in arbitrage procedures at the Arbitration Court with the Economic Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia. Recently, as part of an international expert team, we started promoting Macedonia as an investment tax haven, at an invitation of PSD GROUP. Through presentations in Venice, Verona, Treviso and other business centres in Italy, we set off in a mission to arouse investors’ interest and respond to their questions immediately with a view of accelerating their investment decisions instead of waiting for somebody to show interest in investing in our country and hiring us, as we did before. The results of the mission are more than a dozen investors, SMEs from Italy which have started business activities in Macedonia. Future development of Markovska & Andrevski relies indirectly on levels of foreign direct investment in Macedonia and increasing competitiveness of Macedonian companies. Led by these determinants, we endure and become stronger in the complex and risk-full business climate assisted by our long-year experience, skills and specialised knowledge in the investment legislation. MARKOVSKA & ANDREVSKI, LAWYER’S OFFICE Orce Nikolov 75 Skopje Tel/Fax ++389 (0)2 3129 240; ++389 (0)2 3238 724 SOS mobilе 24/7 +389 75 500000

Mrs. Mirjana Markovska, General Manager

Pove}e od 15 godini tradicija Advokatskata kancelarija “Markovska & Andrevski” pove}e od 15 godini e edna od vode~kite kancelarii vo Republika Makedonija. Tesno specijalizirana za obezbeduvawe na najraznovidni pravni uslugi za podr{ka na me|unarodni i doma{ni investitori od sferata na energetika, metalurgija, avtomobilska industrija, grade`ni{tvo, osiguruvawe, finansii, bankarstvo, intelektualna sopstvenost, javni nabavki, koncesionerstvo i alternativni izvori na energija, svojot rast go naso~uva kon osvojuvawe na novi pazari nadvor od granicite na Makedonija, standardizacija i podobruvaweto na kvalitetot na uslugite {to gi nudime na na{ite klienti. Vo svoite aktivnosti kako raste~ka nezavisna advokatska kancelarija, ima izgradeno {iroki me|unarodni kontakti i permanentna povrzanost so renomirani internacionalni advokatski kancelarii ne samo od zemjite na Evropskata unija i SAD, tuku od neodamna sledej}i gi interesite na svoite klienti go pokrivame i kineskiot pazar. Vo Advokatskata kancelarija “Markovska & Andrevski” raboti dinami~en i iskusen tim sostaven od advokati, stru~ni sorabotnici i sovetnici ili vkupno 13 lu|e vo kancelariite vo Skopje i Ni{, so {to se vbrojuvame vo edna od pogolemite advokatski kancelarii vo Makedonija, a mo`ebi i edinstvena koja ima aktivnosti i vo drugo zakonodavstvo. Fleksibilnost, dinami~nost i diskrecija se glavnite karakteristiki na na{iot tim, a osnoven princip e timskata rabota vo nao|aweto na najdobrite re{enija za na{ite klienti. Organizacionata struktura na M&A e formirana spored potrebite na na{ite klienti, pa vo zavisnost na nivnite barawa na raspolagawe im se pove}e sektori za implementacija na {irok spektar na uslugite: za delovno pravo i korporativno upravuvawe; pripojuvawe i prevzemawe na kompaniite; pravna procenka na vrednost na firma (legal due diligence); zastapuvawe; litigacija vo gra|anski, krivi~ni i upravni postapki vo site sudski instanci vo RM; administrativni postapki (vlada, ministerstva, administracija) i ustavni inicijativi; korporativna i trudova legislativa; dano~ni, carinski, akcizni postapki i sovetuvawe; FIDIC dogovori i ajudikacija; fran{iza, licenci i drugi me|unarodni dogovori; industriska sopstvenost; konkurentsko pravo; energetika; alternativni izvori na energija i trgovija so elektri~na energija; slo`eni me|unarodni transakcii i dogovorno obezbeduvawe; medijacija; arbitra`a; posrednici i antimobing sovetnici za za{tita na pravata na rabotnicite; sektor za razvoj i podobruvawe na kvalitetot na uslugite koi gi dava kancelarijata “Markovska & Adrevski” Razvojnata strategija na M&A e naso~ena kon izgradba na unificirani pravni uslugi za korporativnite klienti (tailor made services), koi M&A i nejzinata mre`a od fran{izanti, }e im gi nudi na kompaniite niz celata teritorija na Republika Makedonija i vo stranstvo. Advokatskata kancelarija Markovska & Andrevski e osnovana vo 1997 godina i izminatava 2012 godina go proslavivme jubilejot 15 godini od svoeto postoewe so brojni aktivnosti vo ramki na na{ite proekti za korporativna op{testvena odgovornost. Zapo~navme so izgradba na centar za medijacija, preku koj }e ja zgolemime dostapnosta na medijacijata za kompaniite i gra|anite i proektot za sovetuvawe i obezbeduvawe na pravna pomo{ na `rtvite na mobing. Kako del od zdru`enieto na `eni menaxeri ELIT, Asocijacijata na `enite pretpriema~i pri Stopanskata Komora na RM, vo mre`ata za poddr{ka za `enskoto biznis liderstvo, Advokatskata kancelarija M&A, a posebno advokatot, medijator i arbiter Mirjana Markovska se nametna ne samo kako sinonim za poddr{ka na novoosnovanite `enski biznisi, tuku i pottiknuva~ na razvojot na ve}e etabliranite kompanii upravuvani od `eni menaxeri. Preku sopstveniot primer na{a trajna opredelba e ohrabruvawe pove}e `eni da zazemat odlu~uva~ki pozicii vo kompaniite vo top menaxmentot. Nie vo advokatskata kancelarija M&A posebno zna~ewe pridavame na alternativnite na~ini za mirno re{avawe na sporovi, trend koj vo SAD i EU ve}e ima pove}edeceniska tradicija. Sozdavaweto na povolna klima za razvoj na celokupniot biznis vo dr`avata, zna~i iznao|awe na ekonomi~ni, efikasni i celesoobrazni re{enija za nadminuvawe na sporovite i problemite koi }e se pojavat pome|u stopanskite subjekti vo nivnoto delovno rabotewe. Za nas sudot e alternativa, a sporovite uspe{no gi re{avame po pat na medijacija i vo arbitra`ni postapki pred Arbitra`niot sud pri Stopanskata komora na RM. Neodamna po pokana na PSD GRUP, kako del od me|unaroden ekspertski tim zapo~navme so promocija na Republika Makedonija kako investiciski dano~en raj. Preku prezentacii vo Venecija, Verona,Treviso i drugi zna~ajni stopanski centri vo Italija , namesto dosega{noto ~ekawe da se pojavi interes za investirawe vo dr`avata, pa da ne anga`iraat, nie zaminavme vo misija da gi zainteresirame investitorite i da gi odgovorime nivnite pra{awa vedna{, so cel da ja zabrzame nivnata odluka za investirawe. Rezultatite od ovaa misija se pove}e od desetina investitori, mali i sredni pretprijatija od Italija koi zapo~naa so nivnite biznis aktivnosti vo Republika Makedonija. Idniot razvoj na advokatskata kancelarija Markovska & Andrevski indirektno zavisi od nivoto na stranski direktni investicii vo Republika Makedonija, kako i od zgolemuvawe na konkurentnosta na makedonskite kompanii. Vodejki se od ovie dve determinantni opstojuvame i se jakneme vo kompleksnata i rizi~na biznis klima so pomo{ na dolgogodi{noto iskustvo, ve{tini i specijaliziranoto poznavawe na investicionata legislativa. ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA MARKOVSKA & ANDREVSKI Ul.Orce Nikolov br.75 Skopje Tel/Faks ++389 (0)2 3129 240; ++389 (0)2 3238 724 SOS mobilen 24/7 +389 75 500000

Team Consulting is specialised consultancy offering professional services in the field of finance, accounting, assessment, taxes, customs, privatization, audit, investment programmes, business plans, foundation of companies, structural changes of companies and due diligence. Team Consulting was founded in 1996 and has successfully operated for 16 years. Team Consulting is a private company owned by Mrs. Slavica Spiroska and Mr. Mitko Spiroski. The company holds certificate for authorized court adept in the field of financial and material work, authorized assessor for capital for all kind of trade companies, authorized assessor for industrial property, authorized assessor for intangible assets, authorized assessor for machines and equipment, authorized assessor for immovable property and authorized assessor for transportation vehicles. Team Consulting mediates in enabling access to foreign companies and is fully authorized to buy shares on the Macedonian Stock Exchange. The characteristics of the operation are swift and quality service and completed job. Team Consulting renders timely consulting services to its clients and provides information on and contacts with enterprises in different areas on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.

The high-quality of services in meeting the obligations toward clients earned the company the prestigious Century International Quality Era Award in the 7th Business Initiative Directions (BIT) in Geneva in 2005 and 2012. In 2012, Tim Consulting was awarded The New Era Award, an international award for quality and excellent service by the Other Ways – Management and Consulting Association. Mrs. Spiroska Slavica was awarded Top Woman Manager by the Marili agency. The companies that gave us their trust were companies operating in different areas in the service, commerce and production sectors. The companies had privately owned capital, and most were joint ventures with foreign capital share. “Before making quality business decision, always consult the knowledge and experience of our experts”, is the motto of the company. Bul: Kuzman Josifovski Pitu br. 30/3-1 Skopje Tel: + 389 / 2 / 2464 309; 2461 626 Fax: + 389 / 2 / 2464 877 E-mail: www:

Mrs. Slavica Spiroska, General Manager

Tim Konsalting e specijalizirana konsultantska ku}a koja nudi profesionalni uslugi vo raboteweto vo oblasta na finansiite, smetkovodstvo, procenka, danoci, carini, privatizacija, revizija, investicioni programi, biznis planovi, registrirawe na trgovski dru{tva, strukturni promeni na dru{tva i dlabinski analizi. Tim Konsalting e osnovana vo 1996 godina i uspe{no raboti 16 godini. Tim Konsalting e vo privatna sopstvenost na gospo|a Slavica Spiroska i gospodin Mitko Spiroski. Firmata poseduva sertifikat za sudski ve{tak vo oblasta na finansiko-materijalno rabotewe, procenitel na kapital na site vidovi trgovski dru{tva, procenitel na industriska sopstvenost, procenitel na podvi`ni sredstva, procenitel na ma{ini i oprema, procenitel na nedvi`en imot, procenitel na transportni sredstva. Tim Konsalting posreduva pri pristap na stranski firmi so potpolno ovastuvawe za otkup na akcii preku Makedonskata berza. Karakteristika vo raboteweto e brza i kvalitetna usluga i kompletno izvr{ena rabota. Za komintentite, Tim Konsalting dava navremeni konsalting uslugi, obezbeduvawe informacii i kontakti za dru{tva od razni oblasti, od celata teritorija na Republika Makedonija.

Za visok kvalitet vo izvr{uvaweto na obvrskite kon komintentite Tim Konsalting vo 2005 i 2012 godina ja dobi presti`nata internacionalna nagrada Century International Quality Era Award na sedmata po red manifestacija na BIT (Business Initiative Directions) vo @eneva. Vo 2012 godina od Zdru`enieto Other Ways – Management and consulting e dodelena internacionalnata nagrada “The New Era Award” za kvalitetna i odli~na usluga na Dru{tvoto Tim Konsalting. Gospo|a Slavica Spiroska be{e proglasena za `ena menaxer od agencijata “Marili”. Kompaniite koi ni ja dadoa nivnata doverba se kompanii od razli~ni oblasti vo sektorot na uslugi, trgovija i proizvodstvo. Dru{tvata se so privaten kapital, a pogolem del od dru{tvata se so u~estvo na stranski kapital. Mototo na firmata e: “Pred da donesete kvalitetna delovna odluka, sekoga{ konsultirajte go znaeweto i iskustvoto na ekspertite od na{ata firma”. Bul: Kuzman Josifovski Pitu br. 30/3-1 Skopje Tel: + 389 / 2 / 2464 309; 2461 626 Faks: + 389 / 2 / 2464 877 e-mail: www:



Interview with Mrs. Vita Huzjan, General Manager of Vizba Valandovo Intervju so g-|a Vita Huzjan, generalen menaxer na Vizba Valandovo

Grape Vines and Varietal Wines, Endowment of the Nature Lozovi nasadi i sortni vina, dar od prirodata 36

These endowments of the nature give Vizba Valandovo huge advantage and perfect opportunities to nurture vines in these areas. Viniculture areas in Macedonia have their specific climate and soil conditions, varieties, quality of grapes etc. The specifics are shown to their best in the uniqueness of wine

Ovie darovi od prirodata na Vizba Valandovo ÂŁ davaat ogromna prednost i odli~ni mo`nosti vo odgleduvawe na vinovata loza na ovie prostori. Vinogorjata vo Republika Makedonija imaat svoi specifi~ni klimatskopo~veni uslovi, sortiment, kvalitet na grozjeto i sl. Specifi~nostite doa|aat do izraz vo posebnosta na vinoto


he story of the Valandovo Vinarska Vizba started in the late 1950s, or in distant 1948 with tanks dug under the ground at the depth of 10 meters. Initially, the winery was an affiliate of Vinojug in Gevgelija, and in the early 1960s it became an independent entity with the planting of the first vine nurseries in the Valandovo Municipality. The favourable micro-climate and the location of Valandovo are the most important characteristics of this region. Its position in the southest part of Macedonia and the southward exposition of the vines, exposed directly to the Mediterranean climate with its specific more intensive red varieties, a system of nurturing adjusted to the conditions of the terrain, application of specific varietal techniques in the production of grapes, verification implemented with the classical method of keeping, nurturing in special rooms in controlled atmosphere, all this makes the formula for creating a perfect product, which is competitive in world markets. These endowments of the nature give Vizba Valandovo huge advantage and perfect opportunities to nurture vines in these areas. Viniculture areas in Macedonia have their specific climate and soil conditions, varieties, quality of grapes etc. The specifics are shown to their best in the uniqueness of wine.



on krajot na pedesettite godini od minatiot vek, vo dale~nata 1948 godina, zapo~nuva prikaznata za vinarskata vizba Valandovo, so cisterni koi pod zemjata bile vkopani na dlabo~ina od 10 metri. Na po~etokot, taa pretstavuva poddr{ka na VINOJUG od Gevgelija, no vo po~etokot na {eesettite so podignuvaweto na prvite lozovi nasadi vo atarot na op{tina Valandovo ovaa vizba stanuva samostoen stopanski subjekt. Povolnite mikroklimatski uslovi i mestopolo`bata na op{tinata Valandovo se najva`nite karakteristiki za ovoj region. Mestopolo`bata na krajniot jug na Republika Makedonija postavenosta na ju`nata ekspozicija na lozovite nasadi, koi se direkno izlo`eni na mediteranska klima so specifi~ni pocrveni sorti, sistem na odgleduvawe prilagoden na terenskite uslovi, primena na specificni sortni tehniki pri proizvodstvo na grozje, verifikacija sprovedena so klasi~na metoda ~uvawe, neguvawe vo posebni prostorii vo kontrolirana atmosfera toa e formulata da se sozdade sovr{en proizvod, koj e konkurenten na svetskite pazari.


Winery ROTO GROUP in Zagreb owns several wineries and is the largest distributor of alcoholic and soft beverages in Croatia. At a point of their operation they faced lack of quality red wine, and because large quantities were involved the owners decided to invest in Macedonia and bought the winery in Valandovo. Vizba Valandovo is its main producer of grapes and wine. The company is 100 percent private owned. It encompasses the plantations in Pogana, Josifovo, Pirava, Čaparica and Rabrovo covering around 985 ha under vines, Vinarska Vizba, Ladilnik and its exclusive plantation of pomegranates. The whole process of production and buy-off of the grapes along with their processing, fermentation, filtering, stabilisation and bottling of the wine, meets all the technique and technology standards, which is certified with the ISO and HACCP certificates the company holds. Vizba Valandovo boasts a French-made wine bottling line in attractive Bag in Box packing of 3.5 litres. The whole process from the acceptance of grapes to their processing to filtering, stabilising and packing of the finished product is consistently controlled in a state of the art laboratory operating within the winery. A refrigerating area (Ladilnik) with the capacity to store 5,000,000 kg is also a part of Vizba Valandovo. It is used for storage of the grapes and their delivery, at temperatures and on dates specified by a customer. Within this process, cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje – Wine Making Department is essential. The General Manager of the Company is Mrs. Vita Huzjan, who has spent most of her working life in the area of agriculture. “Over time, the capacity of the winery has been extended to above-ground INOX tanks capable of holding 12,500,000 litres of wine,” explains Mrs. Huzjan and adds, “the Mediterranean climate and top quality grapes compounded with the state-of-the-art wine filtering and stabilising technology,

Ovie darovi od prirodata na Vizba Valandovo ѐ davaat ogromna prednost i odli~ni mo`nosti vo odgleduvawe na vinovata loza na ovie prostori. Vinogorjata vo Republika Makedonija imaat svoi specifi~ni klimatsko-po~veni uslovi, sortiment, kvalitet na grozjeto i sl. Specifi~nostite doa|aat do izraz vo posebnosta na vinoto. ROTO-GRUPA od Zagreb vo svoja sopstvenost ima nekolku vinarii i e najgolem distributer na alkoholni i bezalkoholni pijaloci vo Republika Hrvatska. Vo eden period od svoeto rabotewe im se pojavuva nedostig od kvalitetni crveni vina, bidej}i stanuva{e zbor za pogolemi koli~ini, sopstvenicite odlu~ija da vlo`at vo Republika Makedonija, pa go kupija vinarskiot podrum vo Valandovo. Glaven nositel na proizvodstvoto na grozje i vino e Vizba Valandovo. Kompanijata e 100% vo privatna sopstvenost. Vo nejzin sostav se planta`ite: Pogana, Josifovo, Pirava, ^aparica i Rabrovo so okolu 985 hektari lozov nasad, vinarska vizba, ladilnik i ekskluzivna planta`a na kalinki. Celiot proces na proizvodstvoto i otkupot na grozjeto, kako i obrabotkata, fermentacija, filtrirawe, stabilizacija i polnewe na vinoto, gi zadovoluvaat site tehni~ki i tehnolo{ki normi, za {to se potvrda dobienite ISO i HACCP sertifikati. Vizba Valandovo raspolaga i so linija za polnewe na vino vo atraktivno Bag in Box pakuvawe od 3 i od 5 litri, koja e od francusko proizvodstvo. Celiot proces na prifa}awe na grozjeto, obrabotka, filtrirawe, stabilizacija i pakuvawe na gotoviot proizvod e pod postojana kontrola na najsovremena laboratorija koja raboti vo sostav na vizbata. Vo sostav

Vinarstvo its holding in barrels made of American oak contribute to the wine bottled in our own filling line being of top and recognisable quality. The capacity of the line is 2,000 bottles per hour and it is of Italian production.” “Since the first day of Vizba Valandovo, we have had an agreement for professional cooperation with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, and the Vine Growing and Wine Making Department with Cyril and Methodius University. Our long-time expert consultant, Prof. Božinovik, who is recognised in the area of wine making beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Macedonia, gives enormous contribution to our primary production,” Mrs. Huzjan explains. The most prevalent grape variety is “Vranec,” from which “Alexander,” one of the most trophied wines in world exhibits, which dominates in the category of top quality wine, is produced. Awards are always a part of the Vizba Valandovo success. “At every major Balkan fair we have been declared champions and for us, these are the most valuable awards because clients recognise us in the market and consume our wine. I would specifically mention Decanter London, Mundus Vini, this year’s golden medal in Brussels and three consecutive year awards in San Francisco,” Mrs. Huzjan emphasises.

na Vizba Valandovo vleguva i ladilnik so kapacitet od 5.000.000 kilogrami. Istiot se koristi za ~uvawe na grozje i negovo ispora~uvawe na temperatura i data po `elba na kupuva~ot. Vo ovoj proces e intenzivna i postojana sorabotka so Zemjodelskiot fakultet od Skopje - Katedra za vinarstvo. Gospo|a Vita Huzjan e generalen menaxer na Vizba Valandovo, koja pogolemiot del od svojot raboten vek go pominala vo oblasta na agrarot. „Kapacitetite vo ovaa vizba so tek na vremeto se pro{ireni so nadzemni INOX cisterni, so mo`nost za 12.500.000 litri vino”, objasnuva gospo|a Huzjan i dodava „mediteranskata klima i grozjeto so vrven kvalitet, kako i najsovremenata tehnologija za filtrirawe i stabilizirawe na vinoto, negovoto ~uvawe vo buriwa od amerikanski dab, pridonesuva vinoto polneto vo sopstvenata linija za polnewe na vino, da bide so vrven i prepoznatliv kvalitet. Kapacitetot na linijata e 2.000 {i{iwa na ~as i istata e od italijansko proizvodstvo”. „Od prviot den na postoeweto na Vizba Valandovo sklu~ivme dogovor so UKIM Fakultetot za zemjodelski nauki i hrana i Katedrata za lozarstvo i vinarstvo za stru~na sorabotka vo na{ata dejnost. Na{iot postojan stru~en sovetnik prof. Bo`inovi}, koj so svoeto ogromno iskustvo priznato vo vinskiot svet i nadvor od RM dava ogromen pridones vo na{eto primarno proizvodstvo”, objasnuva gospo|a Huzjan. Najzastapenata sorta e Vranecot, a od nego proizleze i svetski poznatoto vino nagraduvano na mnogu svetski saemi - ALEXANDER koe so svoite sortni osobini dominira vo kategorijata na vrvni vina. Nagradite se sekoga{ del od uspesite na Vizba Valandovo. „Na site pozna~ajni saemi na Balkanot sme proglaseni za {ampioni i za nas ova se najvrednite nagradi, bidej}i klientite n¢ prepoznavaat na pazarot i go konsumiraat na{eto vino. Posebno bi gi izdvoila nagradite na Dekanter London, Mundus Vini, ovogodine{niot zlaten medal od Brisel i tri godini po red nagradite od San Francisko”, istaknuva g-|a Vita Huzjan.

Winery AUTOCHTHONOUS, INTERNATIONAL, REGIONAL AND LOCAL VINE VARIETIES Development programmes launched on state levels or investment programmes for producers always offer practical accomplishable solutions. Agri-environmental conditions, human resources, modern technologies are used to their maximum ensuring quality products. Application of modern measures comes to the maximum use of production and technology potential and gives a product competitive by quality and price in world markets.


Vo razvojnite programi na dr`avno nivo ili investicioni programi za proizvoditeli, sekoga{ se nudat prakti~no ostvarlivi re{enija. Pritoa maksimalno se koristat agroekolo{kite uslovi, ~ove~kite resursi, sovremenite tehnologii i taka se dobivaat kvalitetni proizvodi. So primena na soodvetni merki se doa|a do maksimalno iskoristuvawe na proizvodno-tehnolo{kite potencijali i se dobiva proizvod konkurenten po kvalitet i cena na svetskite pazari. Katedrata za vinarstvo i lozarstvo pri Zemjodelskiot fakultet od Univerzitetot „Kiril i Metodi”, se zanimava The Wine Production and Vine Growing Deso pribirawe, evidentirawe, kolekcionirawe i ispituvapartment with the Faculty of Agriculture of the we na avtohtoni sorti. Katedrata za lozarstvo i vinarstvo Cyril and Methodius University deals with collecpri FZNH go vode{e proektot finansiran od MZ[V za evtion, recording, compiling, and examining auidentirawe, kolekcionirawe i ispituvawe na avtohtonite tochthonous varieties. The Vine Growing and sorti vinova loza vo Republika Makedonija. Od avtoWine Production Department of the Faculty of htonite sorti se evidentirani ohridsko belo, ohridsko Prof. Dr. Zvonimir Bo`inovi} Agricultural Sciences and Food has led a project crno, beglerka bela i crna, kon~anka, manastirsko belo, financed by the MZSV for recording, collecting, and stanu{ina, valandovski drenak i belo zimsko. examining autochthonous grape varieties in the Republic of Macedonia. Amongst the Vo proizvodstvoto na grozje i vino se vklu~eni prepora~ani 32 sorti autochthonous sorts “Ohridsko belo,” “Ohridsko crno,” “Beglerka bela” and “Beglerka i odobreni 19 vinski sorti. Me|u niv ima internacionalni ({ardone, crna,” “Končanka,“ ”Manastirsko belo,” “Stanušina,” “Valandovski drenak” and "Belo merlo, kaberne), regionalni (vranec, smederevka, `ilavka) i lokalni zimsko” are recorded. (stanu{ina, ohridsko belo). The production of grapes and wine includes the recommended 32 varieties and Poradi odli~nite po~veni performansi i nepovtorlivite klimatski approved 19 wine varieties. Amongst them, international (“Chardonnay,” “Merlot,” uslovi ovde, Vizba Valandovo vo sorabotka so Zemjodelski Fakultet od “Cabernet”), regional (“Vranec,” “Smederevka,” “Žilavka”) and local (“Stanušina,” Skopje podiga novi lozovi nasadi od vinskoto grozje Sirah. Celiot proces “Ohridsko belo”) are prevalent. na podigawe na novite lozovi nasadi, kako i odgleduvaweto i za{titata Because of perfect performance and unrepeatable climate conditions here, Vizba na postoe~kite, se odviva pod postojana i intenzivna sorabotka so Valandovo in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje plants new “Sirah” Zemjodelskiot Fakultet od Skopje Katedra za lozarstvo-ovo{tarstvo. grape nurseries. The whole process of planting of the new nurseries, as well as grow„Vinogorjata vo Republika Makedonija imaat svoi specifi~ni kliing and protecting the existing ones, occurs under the constant and intensive coopmatsko-po~veni uslovi, sortiment, kvalitet na grozjeto i sl. Specifi~-


eration with the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje, Vine and Fruit Producing Department. “Viniculture areas in Macedonia have their specific climate and soil conditions, assortment, quality of grapes etc. The specifics are shown to their best in the uniqueness of wine. A special characteristic of wine in the vine growing area is a strength that must be used as the advantage of such wine. They cannot be repeated in other vine growing areas,” explains Dr. Zvonimir Božinovi}, a full-time Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food. Professional and technical cooperation in the wine production and vine growing is ongoing at the Faculty. The Vine Growing and Wine Making Department with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food has a number of agreements for professional and technical cooperation with grape and wine producers. Their presence in the production is felt in quality and quantity of products and in the application of the modern practical production and technology procedures and the use of equipment and resources. “We have developed long-term cooperation with almost all teaching and scientific institutions in the area of vine growing and wine making in Balkan countries and elsewhere. We have continuing exchange of staff and experience with a number of institutes and faculties such as those in Plovdiv, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Podgorica and others. We are involved in joint research efforts within bilateral projects with institutions in Italy, Germany, Slovenia and other countries,” says Dr. Božinovi}. Development programmes on state levels or investment programmes for producers always offer practical accomplishable solutions. Agri-environmental conditions, human resources, modern technologies are used to their maximum ensuring quality products. Application of modern measures comes to the maximum use of production and technology potential and gives a product competitive by quality and price in world markets. Wine tourism is in its initial developmental phase here. In developed vine growing countries it is represented and used to a great extent and is one of the most important promoters and wine consumers. “In my opinion, first we have to appeal to and get used the home tourist, and then, certainly, the foreign one. Wine tourism opens opportunities to present the magnificent countryside of our country, rich and quality cuisine, specific quality wine and people’s wholeheartedness and warmth. This is one of the ways to increase placement, acknowledgment and wine consumption,” says Dr. Božinovi}. In the past years, it has been noticed that Macedonian wines are increasingly recognised and awarded in world wine competitions. This is a result of a new approach in the branch. It has been shown that we have natural potentials. Creativity of people and equipment contribute to production of ever greater quantities of quality wine. “Our goal is creation of more wine of the ALEXANDER type in Vizba Valandovo, and in this way, becoming a country of quality grapes and wine, says Dr. Božinovi}.


nostite doa|aat do izraz vo posebnosta na vinoto. Posebnata specifi~nost na vinata vo vinogorjeto e prednost koja mora da se iskoristi vo prednostite na takvite vina. Istite ne mo`at da se povtorat vo drugite vinogorja”, objasnuva prof. d-r Zvonimir Bo`inovi}, redoven profesor na Fakultetot za zemjodelski nauki i hrana. Na Fakultetot se vr{i i stru~no-tehni~ka sorabotka vo vinarskoto i lozarskoto proizvodstvo. Katedrata za lozarstvo i vinarstvo pri FZNH ima pove}e dogovori za stru~no-tehni~ki sorabotki so firmi proizvoditeli na grozje i vino. Nivnoto prisustvo vo proizvodstvoto se ~uvstvuva vo kvalitetot i kvantitetot na proizvodite i vo primenata na sovremeni prakti~ni proizvodno-tehnolo{ki postapki i upotreba na oprema i sredstva. „Imame razviena dolgogodi{na sorabotka skoro so site nastavnonau~ni institucii od oblasta na lozarstvoto i vinarstvoto, kako od balkanskite zemji taka i po{iroko. Imame kontinuirani razmeni na kadri i iskustva so pove}e instituti i fakulteti od Plovdiv, Zagreb, Qubqana, Podgorica i drugi. Vklu~eni sme vo zaedni~ki istra`uvawa so bilateralni proekti so institucii od Italija, Germanija, Slovenija i drugi zemji” istaknuva d-r Bo`inovi}. Vo razvojnite programi na dr`avno nivo ili investicioni programi za proizvoditeli, sekoga{ se nudat prakti~no ostvarlivi re{enija. Pritoa maksimalno se koristat agroekolo{kite uslovi, ~ove~kite resursi, sovremenite tehnologii i taka se dobivaat kvalitetni proizvodi. So primena na soodvetni merki se doa|a do maksimalno iskoristuvawe na proizvodno-tehnolo{kite potencijali i se dobiva proizvod konkurenten po kvalitet i cena na svetskite pazari. Vinskiot turizam kaj nas e vo po~etna razvojna faza. Vo razvienite lozarski zemji istiot e mnogu zastapen, iskoristuvan i e eden od najva`nite promotori i potro{uva~i na vino. „Moe mislewe e deka prvo treba da go pridobieme i navikneme doma{niot turist, a normalno i stranskiot turist. So vinskiot turizam se sozdava mo`nost za pretstavuvawe na prekrasnata priroda vo dr`avata, bogatata kvalitetna hrana, specifi~ni kvalitetni vina i srde~nosta na lu|eto. Toa e eden od na~inite da se zgolemi plasmanot, afirmacijata i potro{uva~kata na vino”, veli d-r Bo`inovi}. Vo poslednive godini zebele`itelno e deka makedonskite vina dobivaat visoki priznanija i nagradi na mnogu svetski konkursi za vino. Toa e rezultat na noviot pristap vo grankata. Se poka`uva deka imame prirodni potencijali. Kreativnosta na lu|eto i opremata pridonesuvaat za proizvodstvo na s¢ pogolemi koli~ini kvalitetno vino. „Na{a cel e sozdavawe pove}e vino od tipot ALEXANDER na Vizba Valandovo i na toj na~in da staneme zemja na kvalitetno grozje i vino”, potencira d-r Bo`inovi}.


PLANTATIONS The Čaparica Plantation is located in the area of the village of Brajkovci. It grows exclusively dessert varieties of grapes and mostly “Cardinal” and “Ribier.” The Josifovo Plantation is situated in the area of the village of Josifovo. A number of grape varieties are grown there. Amongst dessert varieties, the prevalent ones are: “Victoria,” “Michel Palermo,” “Afusali,” and “Valandovski drenak.” Amongst wine-making varieties, the prevalent ones are: “Vranec,” “Cabernet Sauvignon,” “Smederevka,” “Žilavka,” and “Belan.” The Rabrovo Plantation is located in the area of the village of Rabrovo. Dessert varieties of grapes are prevalent: “Moldava,” “Muscat Italy,” ”Ribier,” “Belo zimsko,” and “Valandovski drenak.” The Pirava Plantation spreads in the area of the village of Pirava. Out of wine varieties, the prevalent ones are: “Vranec,” “Rajnski Riesling,” “Merlot,” “Teran,” “Cabernet sauvignon,” “Županka” and “Smederevka.” Among dessert varieties, the prevalent ones are: “Hamburg,” “Ribier,” “Muscat Italy” and “Super ran afusali.” The Pogana Plantation is located in the area of the village of Grčište. Its specific location and micro-climate condition growing of the most quality grapes, “Vranec,” from which top quality “Vranec” wine is produced. The Pomegranate Plantation is situated in the area of the village of Rabrovo. This exclusive and above all environmentally friendly fruit is represented with the sorts: “Bejnarija,” “Lifanka,” “Kara Mustafa” and “Zumnarija.”


Planta`a ^aparica e locirana vo atarot na s.Brajkovci. Vo nea se odgleduvaat isklu~ivo desertni sorti na grozje, a najmnogu sortite „Kardinal” i „Ribier”. Planta`ata Josifovo locirana vo atarot na s.Josifovo. Vo nea se odgleduvaat pove}e sorti na grozje. Od desertnite sorti se zastapeni: „Viktorija”, „Mi{el Palermo”, „Afus Ali” i „Valandovski drenak”. Od Vinskite sorti se zastapeni: „Vranec”, „Kaberne”, „Soviwon”, „Smederevka”, „@ilavka” i „Belan”. Planta`ata Rabrovo e locirana vo atarot na s.Rabrovo. Zastapeni se desertnite sorti na grozje: „Moldavija”, „Muskat Italija”, „Ribier”, „Belo zimsko” i „Valandovski drenak”. Planta`a Pirava - vo atarot na s. Pirava. Od vinskite sorti grozje se zastapeni: „Vranec”, „Rajnski rizling”, „Merlo”, „Teran”, „Kaberne soviwon”, „@upanka” i „Smederevka”. Od desertnite sorti se zastapeni: „Hamburg”, „Ribier”, „Muskat Italija”, kako i „Super ran afusali”. Planta`a Pogana e locirana vo atarot na s. Gr~i{te. Specifi~nata mestopolo`ba i mikroklima, se uslov ovde da se odgleduva najkvalitetno grozje “Vranec” od koe se proizveduva vrvno vino “Vranac”. Planta`ata so kalinki e locirana vo atarot na s.Rabrovo. Ova ekskluzivno i pred s¢ ekolo{ko ovo{je e zastapeno so sortite: „Bejnarija”, „Lifanka”, „Kara Mustafa” i “Zumnarija”.


268 SUNNY DAYS – FOR DELICIOUS VARIETAL WINES The Valandovo Valley spreads in the southest part of the Republic of Macedonia. Roads to Greece to the south, Bulgaria to the east and Turkey to the southeast cross here. The Thessalonica port is only 80 km away. Owing to this, this environmental garden of Macedonia is “splashed” by the mild Mediterranean climate. Here, the sun shines on average 268 days a year. Moderate winters even more contribute to the prevalence of plantations of figs, pomegranates, kiwis, olives. As back as before the Romans, quality grapes and wines were produced here and have still been produced. This is confirmed by the excavations in the Isar-Marvinci archaeological site. Alexander of Macedonia relished wine here, St. Paul was greeted with wine and bread in his mission through Macedonia.


Na krajniot jug na Republika Makedonija e rasprostraneta Valandovskata kotlina. Ovde se krstosuvaat pati{tata kon Grcija na jug, Bugarija na istok i Turcija na jugoistok. Solunskoto pristani{te e na samo 80 km oddale~enost. Poradi toa ovaa ekolo{ka gradina na Makedonija, ja zapliskuva blagata mediteranska klima. Ovde sonceto vo prosek gree 268 denovi vo godinata. Blagite zimi u{te pove}e pridonesuvaat, da sretnete planta`i na smokvi, kalinki, kivi, maslinki... U{te od pred rimsko vreme ovde se proizveduvale i s¢ u{te se proizveduvaat kvalitetni grozja i vina. Toa go potvrduvaat iskopinite na arheolo{kiot lokalitet Isar - Marvinci. Ovde so vino se gostel Aleksandar Makedonski, so vino i leb bil pre~ekan i sveti Pavle vo svojata misija niz Makedonija...



Crvena zelka so crveno vino 1/3 filxan suvo grozje 1 filxan Vranec 1/4 filxan maslinovo maslo 1/3 filxan orevi 1 crvena zelka, sitno ise~ena sol i sve` crn piper

Red cabbage with red wine 1/3 cup raisins 1 cup “Vranec” 1/4 cup olive oil 1/3 cup walnuts 1 red cabbage, chopped into very small pieces salt and fresh pepper Put the raisins in wine and leave to swell, for about 15 minutes. Then put all the products in a bowl and mix them. The salad is ready to consume.

Stavete go grozjeto vo vinoto i ostavete dodeka da nababri, okolu 15 minuti. Potoa site produkti stavete gi vo podlabok sad i zaedno izme{ajte gi. Salatata e gotova za konsumirawe.

Peaches and wine 8 middle-sized ripe peaches, peeled and freed from kernel 3 cups “Vranec” 2 teaspoons of sugar

Praski i vino 8 sredno golemi zreli praski izlupeni i is~isteni 3 filxani Vranec 2 la`i~ki {e}er

Peel the peaches, cut them and put them into a bowl and pour with wine to be covered. Put sugar and mix gently. Lid them and leave at the room temperature around 3 to 4 hours before serving.

Izlupete gi praskite, ise~ete gi i stavete gi vo golem sad i prekrijte gi so vino. Stavete {e}er odozgora i ne`no prome{ajte. Pokrijte gi i ostavete gi da otstojat na sobna temperatura okolu 3 do 4 ~asa pred da poslu`ite.

Kru{i vo crveno vino 400 ml. Vranec 120 gr. {e}er 4 karanfil~iwa 1/2 la`ica melen cimet ili stap~e cimet 6 golemi cvrsti kru{i, lovorov list, za dekoracija

Pears in red wine 400 ml “Vranec” 120g sugar 4 cloves 1/2 spoon of ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick 6 large firm pears bay leaves for decoration Put the wine, sugar and spices into a pot and heat until the sugar melts Peel the pears leaving the stick but removing the calyx. Put the pears into the syrup and mix gently around 20 minutes or until they soften. Put into the pot and reduce the syrup half as little by boiling at a higher temperature. Pour the syrup over the pears with a spoon, Cool them and decorate with bay leaves on the stems.

Stavete go vinoto, {e}erot i za~inite vo tenxere, i zagrevajte dodeka {e}erot ne se stopi. Izlupete gi kru{ite, ostavaj}i ja ra~kata, no otstranuvaj}i go dnoto. Stavete gi kru{ite vo sirupot i ne`no me{ajte okolu 20 minuti, ili dodeka omeknat. Stavete gi vo sad, i reducirajte go sirupot na polovina so toa {to }e go vriete posilno. So la`ica stavete sirup vrz kru{ite. Oladete gi, i dekorirajte so lovorov list na ra~kite.

Combination of tastes with generally equal intensity When you serve a meal with spiced grilled ribs, do not combine it with delicate white wine. Your chances are to lose the taste of the wine. At the same time, red wine will cover the taste of boiled salmon. Therefore, combine red wine with the ribs and white with the fish. By combining intensity of tastes you will make some interesting discoveries. You will notice that the manner in which a meal is prepared as well as the ingredients used means as much as the main ingredient for the wine. If you grill fish instead of boiling, it will require red wine. Also, you will notice that successful combinations sometimes mean emphasising of similarities - white wine and lobster maybe. Other important combinations, on the other hand, are contrasts. Take into account that our “Smederevka” can touch the rich taste of smoked salmon and pasta and ensure interesting counterpoint. Combining wines from Vizba Valandovo with food opens our eyes to another fact. Every wine seems to match well many types of food. There is a reason. Our oenologist believes wine belongs to a table, and its most important goal is to enrich the enjoyment of eating. Thus, we make wines from our red to our white varieties with good basic and hidden raciness. We are preparing you for your meal, whatever it is.

Relishing wine and food Wine should enrich enjoyment of good food as much as food should enrich enjoyment of wine. Perfect wine requires foods that can show the best of it. Many types of wine are made more to look at rather than to drink, not leaving room for good food. As wine experts say of some wines produced by competitor companies: “Those may be good wines but we could drink none of them during dinner.” Vizba Valandovo wines are made to drink, not to look at. With “Vranec” and “Smederevka” tones made by our oenologist, which are perfect to drink in their own right, but also with a meal, our wines are designed to be appealing with food as well. Dry white wines are generously dry, without a trace of sugar and are made to compete perfectness of a meal. Our red wines have corresponding basic raciness, with balance of alcohol and intensive savour. Wines that are not added with balanced raciness are often boring and “heavy” with food. Our aim is to create wines that are drunk pleasurably with food and friends.




Topla pile{ka salata 2 filxani vareni pile{ki gradi, ise~eni na kocki 1 filxan seckan celer 1/2 filxan lupeni bademi 1/2 la`i~ka sol / 1/2 la`i~ka biber 2 la`i~ki sve` limonov sok 1 filxan majonez 1 filxan rendan parmezan 2/3 filxani kr{en ~ips od kompiri

Warm chicken salad 2 cups boiled chicken breasts, cut into small cubes 1 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup peeled almonds 1/2 teaspoon of salt / 1/2 teaspoon of pepper 2 teaspoons of lemon juice 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup grated parmesan cheese 2/3 cup chopped potato chips

Zagrejte ja rernata na 170 stepeni, i nama~kajte so zejtin tav~e 35h20 sm. Vo golem sad izme{ajte go mesoto, celerot, bademite, sol, piper, limonov sok, majonez i parmezan. Stavete ja me{avinata vo tav~eto. Rasprostranete go ~ipsot odozgora. Pe~ete 20-tina minuti, dodeka ne stane vozdu{esto. U`ivajte vo ovaa salata so vinoto Smederevka na Vizba Valandovo.

Risotto with parmesan 2 teaspoons of olive oil 1 garlic clove, fine chopped 1 small onion, fine chopped

Ri`oto so parmezan 2 la`i~ki maslinovo maslo 1 glavica luk fino isitneta 1 mala glavica kromid, fino isitneta 1 filxan basmati oriz sol i biber 1/2 filxan Smederevka 3 do 4 filxani pile{ka supa 1/4 do 1/3 filxan rendan parmezan 2 la`i~ki isitneti liv~iwa od magdonos 1 filxan siten zamrznat gra{ak Zagrejte tenxer~e na sredno visoka temperatura. Stavete maslinovo maslo, lukot i kromidot propr`uvaj}i i postojano me{aj}i dve do tri minuti, potoa dodadete go orizot i za~inete so sol i piper. Gotvete u{te edna minuta, pa dodadete go vinoto i ostavete da se apsorbira kompletno, okolu 30 sekundi. Dodadete edna filxan pile{ka supa i me{ajte. Namalete ja toplinata, i prodol`ete da dodavate po polovina filxan supa sekoj pat koga }e se apsorbira prethodno dodadenata. Gotvete 22 minuti, koristej}i onolku supa kolku {to e potrebno da se dobie kremasta kompaktnost na orizot. Koga orizot }e bide zgotven do posakuvanata kompaktnost otstranete go od ognot i izrendajte vo nego parmezan, magdonos i gra{ak i me{ajte dodeka da se izme{a i da se zagree gra{akot.

Spojuvawe vkusovi so generalno ednakov intenzitet Koga slu`ite obrok so za~ineti rebra na skara, nemojte da gi spojuvate so delikatno belo vino. [ansite se da go zagubite vkusot na vinoto. Vo isto vreme, crvenoto }e go pokrie vkusot na varen losos. Zatoa, spojte go crvenoto vino so tie rebra, a beloto so ribata. So spojuvawe na intenzitetot na vkusovi, }e napravite nekoi interesni otkritija. ]e zabele`ite deka na~inot na koj {to se sprema obrokot, kako i sostojkite {to se upotrebuvaat, zna~at za vinoto isto kako i glavnata sostojka. Dokolku ribata ja stavite na skara namesto da bide varena, toga{ }e bara crveno vino. Isto taka }e zabele`ite deka uspe{nite spojuvawa, ponekoga{ zna~at naglasuvawe na sli~nostite - belo vino i jastog, mo`ebi. Drugi vredni kombinacii, pak, pretstavuvaat kontrast. Zemete predvid kako na{ata Smederevka mo`e da dopre do bogatiot vkus na pu{en losos i pasta i da obezbedi interesen kontrapunkt. Kombiniraweto na vinata na Vizba Va-

Heat the oven at 170 degrees and oil a pan sized 35х20cm. Mix the meat, celery, almond, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mayonnaise and parmesan in a bowl. Put the mixture in the pan. Spread chips over. Bake about 20 minutes until it becomes airy. Enjoy this salad with “Smederevka” wine of Vizba Valandovo.

1 cup basmati rice salt and pepper 1/2 cup “Smederevka” 3 to 4 cups chicken soup 1/4 to 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese 2 teaspoons chopped parsley leaves 1 cup frozen peas Heat a casserole pot at mid-high temperature. Put olive oil, garlic and onion and fry while mixing for two or three minutes, and then add rice and spice with salt and pepper. Fry another one minute and add wine, leaving it around 30 seconds, to absorb. Add a cup of chicken soup and mix. Lower the temperature and continue adding half a cup of soup each time after the previously added soup is absorbed. Boil around 22 minutes using as much soup as necessary to get creamy compactness of rice. When rice is finished at the desired compactness remove from fire and grate parmesan cheese, chop parsley and add peas, and mix until peas are heated.

landovo so hrana ni gi otvora o~ite kon eden drug fakt. Site vina se ~ini deka odat dobro so mnogu vidovi na hrana. Postoi pri~ina za toa. Na{iot enolog veruva deka vinoto pripa|a na masata, deka negovata najgolema cel e da go zbogati zadovolstvoto pri jadeweto. Taka, od na{ite crveni do na{ite beli sorti, pravime vina so dobra osnovna skriena kiselost. Ve podgotvuvame za sledniot va{ obrok, kakov i da bide. U`ivawe vo vinoto i hranata Vinoto treba da go zbogati zadovolstvoto od dobra hrana isto kako {to hranata treba da go

zbogati u`ivaweto vo vinoto. Sovr{enite vina baraat hrana za da mo`at da go poka`at najdobroto od niv. Mnogu vidovi vino se pravat pove}e za gledawe, otkolku za piewe, ne ostavaj}i prostor za dobra hrana. Kako {to velat vinskite eksperti za nekoi od vinata proizvedeni od konkurentskite kompanii: „toa mo`e da bidat dobri vina, no nitu edno od niv ne bi mo`ele da go pieme dodeka ve~erame.” Vinata na Vizba Valandovo, se napraveni za piewe, ne za gledawe. So notite na Vranec i Smederevka, napraveni od na{iot enolog, koi {to se sovr{eni za piewe sami po sebe, no i so obrok, na{ite vina se dizajnirani za da bidat privle~ni i so hrana. Suvite beli vina, se dare`livo suvi, bez traga na ostatok od {e}er, i se napraveni da ja kompetiraat sovr{enosta na edno jadewe. Na{ite crveni vina imaat soodvetna osnovna kiselost, so balans na alkohol i intenziven vkus. Vinata bez dopolneto balansirana kiselost ~esto se te{ki i zdodevni so hrana. Na{ata cel e da sozdademe vina koi {to se pijat so zadovolstvo so hrana i prijateli.







Mrs. Vita Huzjan, General Manager

Vizba Valandovo Winery dates back to the 1950s and today is 100 percent owned by Croatian Roto Group. It is a Macedonian firm since it employs more than 200 locals and cooperates with 180 cooperative farmers from whom it buys grapes. The Winery capacity is 12,500,000 litres, and its 2,000,000 litre production including the whole process of buying and processing meets the technical and technology standards established in the ISO and HACCP certificates which the Winery holds. Direct exposure to the Mediterranean climate fosters top quality grapes from the vines of Vizba Valandovo, which collaborates with the Vine Growing and Wine Making Department with the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje. All this has contributed to the emergence of new sorts of grapes with the most prevalent being “Vranec,� from which the most renowned and trophied Alexander, the winner of numerous medals at prominent wine exhibits worldwide is produced. Vizba Valandovo has been completely refurnished and operates with the 70 percent capacity, and new and modern premises of the Wine Cellar have been constructed with a view of successful development of wine tourism. The Managing Director of Vizba Valandovo is Mrs. Vita Huzjan, who took part in the privatisation of the Winery and has since enabled its development into one of the best wineries in the Republic of Macedonia.

Nikola Karev 6, Valandovo, Republic of Macedonia Tel. ++389 34 383 880; Fax: ++389 34 383 881 e-mail:

Vizba Valandovo poteknuva od krajot na pedesetite godini na minatiot vek, a denes e vo 100% sopstvenost na Roto-Ggrupa od Hrvatska. Taa e makeodnska firma, bidej}i vo nea rabotat preku 200 lica od mesnoto naselenie, a sorabotuva i so 180 kooperanti od koi vr{i otkup na grozje. Kapacitetot na vizbata e 12.500.000 litri, a od 2.000 000 litri se prerabotuva~ki, a celiot proces na proizvodstvo, otkup i obrabotka gi zadovoluva site tehni~ko i tehnolo{ki normi potvrdeni so ISO I HACCP sertifikatite. Direktnata izlo`enost na mediteraskata klima dava vrven kvalitet na grozjeto od lozovite nasadi na Vizba Valandovo koja istovremeno sorabotuva i so Katedrata za lozarstvo i vinarstvo pri Zemjodelskiot fakultet vo Skopje. Seto ova pridonesuva da niknuvaat novi sorti na grozje, a najzastapena e Vranecot od koja proizleguva i najpoznatoto i najnagraduvanoto vino Aleksander, so mnogu medali od poznati vinski saemi vo svetot. Vizba Valandovo denes e celosno renovirana i raboti so 70% kapacitet, izgradeni se novi moderni prostorii na vinskiot podrum so {to se nastojuva uspe{no da se razviva vinskiot turizam. Generalen menaxer na Vizba Valandovo e g-|a Vita Huzjan koja celosno u~estvuva{e vo privatizacijata na vizbata i go ovozmo`i nejziniot razvoj vo edna od najdobrite vinarii vo R Makedonija.

Nikola Karev br. 6, Valandovo - R. Makedonija Tel: ++389 34 383 880; Faks: ++389 34 383 881 e-mail:


The Izvorno Winery is a small but prestigious family winery established in the early 1980s. The winery is surrounded with vines from its own produce grown to top quality using advanced technology. The capacity is 50,000 litres which ranks it amongst the so called boutique wineries. As a small winery, it can meet specific wants and requests of customers through production of various types of wines and packing: Ethno line, VIP wine, VIP label, and specific series of wine featuring uniqueness and produced according to pre-defined requirements and tastes.


Vinarijata „Izvorno� e mala, no presti`na semejna vinarija oformena vo ranite osumdeseti godini od minatiot vek. Opkru`ena e so lozovi nasadi od sopstveno proizvodstvo, odgledani so tehnologija do vrven kvalitet. Kapacitetot na vinarijata e okolu 50.000 litri {to ja karakterizira vo t.n. butik vinarii. Kako mala vinarija mo`e da odgovori na specifi~nite `elbi i barawa na potro{uva~ite preku izrabotka na razni tipovi vina i pakuvawa: etno linija, vip vino, vip etiketa kako i posebni serii vina koi se odlikuvaat so svojata unikatnost i koi se proizvedeni po odnapred utvrdeni barawa i vkusovi.

VINARIJA Naseleno mesto bez ulicen sistem, bb 1414 Vranovski anovi - CASKA Tel. 070 594 307

VINARIJA ul. Naseleno mesto bez uli~en sistem, bb 1414 Vranovski anovi - ^A[KA Tel. 070 594 307

VINOTEKA-VELES Blagoj Gjorev, bb, 1400 - VELES Tel. 077 901 169

VINOTEKA-VELES ul. Blagoj \orev, bb, 1400 - VELES Tel. 077 901 169

VINOTEKA-SKOPJE Moskovska 30 1000 SKOPJE-KARPOS Tel. 077 901 169

VINOTEKA-SKOPJE ul Moskovska br. 30 1000 SKOPJE-KARPO[ Tel. 077 901 169



Culture Interview with Mrs. Elizabeta Kančeska-Milevska, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia Intervju so g-|a Elizabeta Kan~eska-Milevska, minister za kultura na Republika Makedonija

Capital Investment in Culture Капитални инвестиции и вложувања во културата

Major cultural events and projects in all areas of culture were implemented by the Ministry of Culture and national and local institutions as well as the civil sector, including projects of a number of our prominent artists. The projects in various fields included theatre performances, premieres, a number of museum activities, capital projects in publishing, national libraries, projects in the cultural heritage area, a number of events that represented us at Days of Macedonian Culture and our presentation in events organised in European Capitals of Culture Bea realizirani krupni kulturni nastani i proekti od site dejnosti vo oblasta na kulturata, kako od strana na Ministerstvoto za kultura, taka i od strana na nacionalnite i lokalnite ustanovi, gra|anskiot sektor, kako i proekti na golem broj na{i istaknati umetnici. Vo teatrite bea realizirani golem broj pretstavi, premieri, mnogu aktivnosti vo muzeite, kapitalni proekti vo izdava~kata dejnost, nacionalnite biblioteki, proekti od oblasta na kulturnoto nasledstvo, golem broj nastani so koi{to se pretstavivme na Denovite na makedonska kultura i u~estvuvame vo gradovite koi bea evropski prestolnini na kulturata.


Kultura Mrs. Kančeska-Milevska, at the beginning of 2013, could you explain briefly how you see the outgoing year in relation to culture. When I look back to all those projects that have been implemented in 2012, and having in mind the complexity of culture with all of its areas of activities, I can give positive assessment. We’ve had a successful and fruitful year in culture both at home and internationally. Major cultural events and projects in all areas of culture were implemented by the Ministry of Culture and national and local institutions as well as the civil sector, including projects of a number of our prominent artists. The projects in various fields included theatre performances, premieres, a number of museum activities, capital projects in publishing, national libraries, projects in the cultural heritage area, a number of events that represented us at Days of Macedonian Culture and our presentation in events organised in European Capitals of Culture. Macedonia’s promotion internationally and at home was also fostered through projects in the area of music with the performances of the Macedonian Philharmonic, the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, Tanec Folk Ensemble and through continued support of the following events: Skopje Jazz Festival, Off-Fest, Skopje Film Festival,

Open Youth Theatre Festival, Manaki Brothers International Cinematographers Film Festival, Ohrid Summer, Struga Poetry Evenings, May Opera Evenings, Days of Macedonian Music, Dance Fest and many others. During the past year, we have managed to fully implement the activities drafted in the Annual Programme of the Ministry of Culture owing to our laborious work, major investments and constant engagement. We have completed and promoted a part of the capital projects within the Programme of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, and implementation of some is still under way. One can always make more and perform better, but I believe that we have made a great step forward in the cultural development of our country, not only in the context of our rich cultural heritage but for the whole artistic work we possess. The first two implemented projects within Skopje 2014 that are under your competence, i.e. the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Macedonia Gate, had partially adverse publicity during their construction. Now then they have been completed it is evident that the general public has accepted them. Can you comment on this matter?

Po~ituvana g-|o Kan~eska-Milevska, na po~etokot od 2013 godina, mo`e li nakuso da objasnite kako ja ocenuvate na kulturen plan godinata {to izmina? Koga }e se osvrnam retrospektivno na site onie proekti {to se realiziraa vo 2012 godina, a zemaj}i ja predvid i kompleksnosta na kulturata so site nejzini dejnosti, mo`am da dadam edna pozitivna ocena. Imavme uspe{na i plodna godina vo kulturata, i na doma{en i na me|unaroden plan. Bea realizirani krupni kulturni nastani i proekti od site dejnosti vo oblasta na kulturata, kako od strana na Ministerstvoto za kultura, taka i od strana na nacionalnite i lokalnite ustanovi, gra|anskiot sektor, kako i proekti na golem broj na{i istaknati umetnici. Vo teatrite bea realizirani golem broj pretstavi, premieri, mnogu aktivnosti vo muzeite, kapitalni proekti vo izdava~kata dejnost, nacionalnite biblioteki, proekti od oblasta na kulturnoto nasledstvo, golem broj nastani so koi{to se pret-

stavivme na Denovite na makedonska kultura i u~estvuvame vo gradovite koi bea evropski prestolnini na kulturata. Promocijata na Makedonija na me|unaroden i na doma{en plan be{e ostvarena i preku proektite vo muzi~ko - scenskata dejnost so nastapite na Makedonskata filharmonija, na Makedonskata opera i balet, na Tanec, kako i preku kontinuiranata poddr{ka na manifestaciite: Skopski xez-festival, Of-fest, Skopski filmski festival, MOT, Filmski festival „Bra}a Manaki”, Ohridsko leto, Stru{ki ve~eri na poezijata, Majski operski ve~eri, Denovi na makedonskata muzika, Tanc-fest i mnogu drugi. Vo izminatata godina, so mnogu rabota, so golemi vlo`uvawa i postojani anga`mani, uspeavme da gi realizirame site planirani aktivnosti zacrtani vo Godi{nata programa na Ministerstvoto za kultura. Zavr{ivme i promoviravme del od kapitalnite proekti koi se vo programata na Vladata na RM, a nekoi od niv se vo faza na realizacija. Sekoga{


Culture I have always respected criticism as means of expression of one’s attitudes in a democratic society. Criticism is a reason to debate, discuss. I have never advocated single-minded opinion principle, the opinion that everything made is positive and best. On the contrary, it is good if there is criticism. My attitude concerning the capital investments within the whole Skopje 2014 Project is positive. Time will show how important all those investments are for the country and for culture and art. Within the Skopje 2014 Project, the Ministry of Culture is the Investor for the construction of: the reconstructed Old Theatre, the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, the Macedonia Gate (Porta Macedonia), which is a part of a project for installation of 35 sculptures in the central urban area, and the Macedonian Philharmonic Concert Hall. The remaining projects fall under the competence of other institutions. I have to say that before starting these capital investments, in which the Ministry had the role of the Investor, we conducted a survey where two thirds of the interviewees assessed positively the projects in the domain of culture. For that reason, we continued to implement those projects. Despite criticism by the opposition parties concerning the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Macedonia Gate, looking from the present-day perspective, the figures and the number of visitors can only encourage us, make us even more proud of everything we have managed to do. When you open the Book of Visitors’ Impressions at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and read how delightfully home visitors and foreign tourists write about the building itself and all the contents that are seen in the Museum, there is no greater incentive, there is no greater gratitude for what we have made for Macedonia, for our history, our country. The figure

of 80,000 visitors so far, out of which 8,000 foreign visitors, is a remarkable indicator of tourist promotion of Macedonia, which records some really significant results. The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle presents our multilayer history, the century-long struggle of the Macedonian people for statehood and sovereignty. Historical people and events, both negative and positive ones, are represented in an unbiased manner and supported with verified historical facts. The Museum’s setting exhibits a number of items, that is more than 1065 artefacts some of which were donated by citizens, and some bought via our competent institutions. The Museum has 109 wax figures, a number of mass scenes, artistic paintings, portraits, and a unique collection of weapons, maybe the largest in the Balkans. The building itself has an ambiance arrangement, which illustrates events in a really authentic manner. I can say with pleasure that we – the Ministry of Culture, professors, professionals and artists – acting all together have managed to create a museum exhibition that is representative and unique in the world frameworks. Nowadays, the Museum earns its income, carries out various activities which are provocation for all its visitors. The Macedonia Gate is a part of the project for the installation of 35 sculptures in the central urban area, a project through which we have tried to get sculpture as a solution closer to the people. These sculptures have undoubtedly beautified our downtown area, which has got a look of the world’s famous metropolises. The Macedonia Gate is the symbol of our greatest historical victory, our independence, sovereignty. The Gate depicts the most significant historical feats and cultural features of the Macedonian people. Therefore, it is especially important that events in the area of culture and art have already been organised in the inside of the building. The Gate has a beautiful two-level gallery area covering 200 square meters, and an open area, something like an observatory with two telescopes. From here, visitors can see the beauties of the Skopje central area. Since it was opened, the Macedonia Gate has confirmed and justified its multidimensional function having been the venue of different cultural contents and events. I would like to mention that we should not forget other capital investments the Ministry of Culture has implemented. I will list some: construction of the Memorial

dve tretini od gra|anite dadoa pozitivna ocena za proektite {to se vo domenot na kulturata. Zatoa prodol`ivme so nivna realizacija. I pokraj kritikata {to postoe{e kaj opozicijata za Muzejot na makedonskata borba i za Portata Makedonija, od dene{en aspekt brojkite i posetenosta mo`e samo da n¢ ohrabrat, u{te pove}e da bideme gordi na seto ona {to uspeavme da go napravime. Koga }e ja otvorite knigata vo koja posetitelite gi zabele`uvaat svoite vpe~atoci pri posetata na Muzejot na makedonskata borba i koga }e pro~itate so kakvo voodu{evuvawe pi{uvaat doma{nite gosti i stranskite turisti za samata gradba i za site sodr`ini koi }e gi vidat vo Muzejot, nema pogolem stimul, nema pogolema blagodarnost za seto ona {to go napravime za Makedonija, za na{ata istorija, za na{ata dr`ava. Brojkata od 80 000 posetiteli dosega, od koi 8000 se stranci, e golem pokazatel za turisti~kata promocija na Makedonija koja bele`i navistina zna~ajni rezultati. Vo Muzejot na makedonskata borba e prezentirana na{ata pove}eslojna istorija, vekovnata borba na makedonskiot narod za dr`avnost i samostojnost. Istoriskite li~nosti i nastani se pretstaveni na eden objektiven na~in, i negativnite i pozitivnite, potkrepeni so verificirani istoriski fakti. Vo postavkata na Muzejot se izlo`eni golem broj predmeti, nad 1065 artefakti, od koi del se donirani od gra|anite, a del se otkupeni preku na{ite nadle`ni institucii. Muzejot poseduva 109 voso~ni figuri, golem broj masovni sceni, umetni~ki sliki, portreti, kako i unikatna zbirka na oru`je, mo`ebi najgolema na Balkanot. Samiot objekt ima ambientalno ureduvawe, koe gi ilustrira nastanite na eden navistina avtenti~en na~in. So zadovolstvo }e zabele`am deka site zaedno - Ministerstvoto za kultura, profesorite, stru~nite lica, umetnicite - uspeavme da sozdademe edna muzejska postavka koja e reprezentativna i unikatna i vo svetski ramki.

se mo`e pove}e i podobro, no mislam deka napravivme silen is~ekor vo kulturniot razvoj na na{ata dr`ava i toa ne samo vo kontekst na na{eto bogato kulturno nasledstvo, tuku i za celokupnoto umetni~ko tvore{tvo {to go poseduvame. Prvite dva realizirani proekta od „Skopje 2014”, koi se pod va{a nadle`nost, Muzejot na makedonskata borba i Porta Makedonija, dodeka se gradea imaa delumno negativen publicitet vo javnosta. Sega, otkako se izgradija, evidentno e deka javnosta gi prifati. Kakov e Va{iot komentar vo vrska so ova pra{awe? Sekoga{ sum ja po~ituvala kritikata, kako sredstvo so koe se izrazuvaat stavovite vo edno demokratsko op{testvo. Kritikata e pri~ina da se debatira, da se razgovara. Nikoga{ ne sum se zalagala za principot na ednoumie, deka seto ona {to se pravi e pozitivno i najdobro, naprotiv, dobro e koga ja ima kritikata. Mojot stav za kapitalnite investicii vo celiot proekt „Skopje 2014” e pozitiven. Vremeto }e poka`e od kolkava va`nost bile sive ovie investicii i za dr`avata i za kulturata i za umetnosta. Vo proektot „Skopje 2014” Ministerstvoto za kultura se javuva kako investitor na izgradbata na: Stariot teatar, Muzejot na makedonskata borba, Portata Makedonija koja e del od proektot za postavuvawe 35 skulpturi vo centralnoto gradsko podra~je i koncertnata sala za Makedonskata filharmonija. Preostanatite proekti se vo nadle`nost na drugi institucii. Moram da ka`am deka pred zapo~nuvaweto na ovie kapitalni investicii, za koi Ministerstvoto se javuva kako investitor, sprovedovme i anketa vo koja nad




Culture House to Mother Theresa, construction of the Memorial House to Toše Proeski, extension of the St.Kliment Ohridski National and University Library, investment in cultural heritage, investment in archaeological sites where the number of discovered artefacts has recorded the figure of more than 480,000 items, construction of the theatre building in Veles, construction of the Turkish Theatre and the Strumica Theatre, reconstruction of the Albanian Theatre and many other projects. All these investments in culture have been implemented owing to the enormous support of every single Minister in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and in particular of the President of the Government Nikola Gruevski, who is very sensitive and has great understanding for culture. Public audiences are looking forward to opening of the Old Theatre, for which you have announced 27 March as the date of its commissioning. Could you reveal some details about the interior of this building, which has aroused nostalgia with old Skopje locals? All those capital investments are very complex and we give our maximum effort to implement them in good quality. When it comes to theatre, I have to notice that we pay special attention to acoustics, scene technology, the interior etc. Nostalgia has risen high, especially with old Skopje locals, because a number of them used to go to the old building to see plays, socialise, and attend other events. Indeed, I am really happy with the fact that this very desirable building for the citizens has al-

ready entered its final phase and we are trying as much as the weather allows, to open and promote it on 27 March, the World’s Day of Theatre. We are already in a final phase and currently, the work performed on site involves the interior arrangement of the building. Over the past period, we have paid special attention to ornaments, which will be placed in loggias in the main theatre hall. The ornaments were designed and made by an expert team formed by the Ministry, and they originate from our region. They show motifs from our prolific cultural heritage, churches, monasteries, artefacts. Thus, besides its main role, which is theatre activity, the theatre will also have a museum role. Every visitor will be able to get familiar with the Macedonian culture and history through the complete ornaments represented in the interior. In parallel, our most distinguished artists are painting the ceiling of the main stage where our Macedonian motifs will be shown. The upper area of the theatre roof features 45 sculptures that were the hallmarks of the original Old Theatre. The entrance part to the main theatre lobby will also feature a central composition – a

Denes, Muzejot ostvaruva svoi prihodi, realizira razli~ni aktivnosti koi se provokacija za site negovi posetiteli. Objektot Porta Makedonija e del od proektot za postavuvawe 35 skulpturi vo centralnoto gradsko podra~je, proekt preku koj se potrudivme da im ja dobli`ime na gra|anite skulpturata kako re{enie. Ovie skulpturi, nesomneno, go razubavija na{eto centralno podra~je koe dobi izgled kako svetski poznatite metropoli. Portata Makedonija e simbol na na{ata najgolema istoriska pobeda, na na{ata nezavisnost, samostojnost. Na Portata Makedonija se naslikani najva`nite istoriski podvizi i kulturnite obele`ja na makedonskiot narod. Tokmu zatoa osobeno zna~ajno e {to i vo vnatre{nosta na objektot ve}e se realiziraat nastani koi se od domenot na kulturata i umetnosta. Portata poseduva odli~en galeriski prostor na dve nivoa so povr{ina od 200m2 i golem otvoren prostor kako vidikovec na koj ima postaveno dva teleskopa. Odovde posetitelite mo`e da gi vidat ubavinite na centarot na gradot Skopje. Portata Makedonija od otvoraweto do denes ja potvrdi i ja opravda svojata multidimenzionalna funkcija so realizacijata na razli~ni kulturni sodr`ini i nastani. Vo ovaa prigoda sakam da spomnam deka ne treba da gi zaboravime i drugite kapitalni investicii {to gi realizira Ministerstvoto za kultura. ]e nabrojam del od niv: izgradbata na Spomen-ku}ata na Majka Tereza, izgradbata na Spomen-domot na To{e Proeski, dogradbata na NUB „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, vlo`uvawata vo kulturnoto nasledstvo, vlo`uvawata vo

arheolo{kite lokaliteti kade {to brojkata na pronajdeni artefakti iznesuva nad 480 000 primeroci, izgradbata na teatarot vo Veles, izgradbata na Turskiot teatar i Strumi~kiot teatar, rekonstrukcijata na albanskiot teatar i mnogu drugi proekti. Sive ovie investicii i vlo`uvawa vo kulturata se realiziraat blagodarej}i na ogromnata poddr{ka od site ministri vo Vladata na RM i osobeno od pretsedatelot Nikola Gruevski koj ima golemo ~uvstvo i razbirawe za kulturata. Javnosta so netrpenie go o~ekuva i otvoraweto na Stariot teatar za koj najavivte deka }e bide gotov i pu{ten vo upotreba na 27 mart ovaa godina. ]e mo`e li da ni otkriete nekoi detali za vnatre{nosta na ovoj objekt koj ja razbudi nostalgijata kaj starite skopjani? Sive ovie kapitalni investicii se mnogu slo`eni i se trudime maksimalno kvalitetno da gi realizirame. Koga stanuva zbor za teatarot, moram da zabele`am deka osobeno vodime smetka za akustikata, za scenskata tehnologija, za enterierot itn. Nostalgijata, osobeno kaj starite skopjani, e


Kultura sculpture of the founders of the theatre, made by our artist Karadare. The Theatre will be a museum in its own right. Our national institution, the Macedonian National Theatre, has worked intensively for a while on a play based on Jordan Plevneť’s text, which will formally open the theatre. You have drafted the National Strategy by 2017. This important paper prioritises clearly activities that will be implemented according to an adopted Action Plan. Which specific activities are facing us under this Strategy in the following period? In the past period, a lot of analyses we made showed that the previous National Programme for Culture did not have practical application whatsoever, there was no action plans and accurately defined goals and priorities along with activities that would improve the conditions in culture. That is why we made amendments to the Law on Culture with the purpose of adopting a new National Strategy for the Development of Culture within five years. The Draft-Strategy which we have made is based

on professional and scientific knowledge and corresponds to reform processes in culture in Europe. Its development involved employees of the Ministry of Culture, who have monitored the conditions in this area for years and have precisely located weaknesses in the accomplishment of culture in the Republic of Macedonia. Furthermore, the development of this most important strategy document in culture in Macedonia was also contributed by our institutions, artists, civil associations, experts in Macedonia and abroad, with whom we had a number of meetings, a lot of debate and public discussion. The Strategy was submitted for opinion to 150 entities in the area of culture, which joined the process of itemising all the activities that needed to be implemented in the future and would result in developmental movement of culture in the Republic of Macedonia. I really have to express my gratitude to the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, which was our constructive partner in the preparation of all segments of the Strategy. The new National Strategy offers a lot of efficient solutions, which are the results of weaknesses detected in culture such as, for example, establishment of an Institute

navistina golema bidej}i golem broj od niv odele vo toj prostor na pretstavi, se dru`ele, a posetuvale i drugi manifestacii. Navistina me raduva faktot {to ovoj mnogu posakuvan objekt od gra|anite e ve}e vo zavr{na faza i nastojuvame, dokolku ni dozvolat vremenskite uslovi, da go otvorime i da go promovirame na 27 mart, Svetskiot den na teatarot. Ve}e sme vo zavr{na faza i vo momentov se raboti na enteriernoto ureduvawe na objektot. Vo izminatiot period posvetivme mnogu vnimanie na ornamentikata koja }e bide postavena na lo`ite na glavnata teatarska sala. Ornamentikata be{e osmislena i izrabotena od stru~en tim koj be{e formiran od strana na Ministerstvoto i taa poteknuva od na{eto podnebje. Preku nea se prika`ani motivi od na{eto bogato kulturno nasledstvo, crkvi, manastiri, artefakti. Taka, teatarot osven onaa glavna funkcija, teatarskata dejnost, }e ima i muzejska funkcija. Site posetiteli, preku celokupnata ornamentika {to e zastapena vo enterierot, }e mo`at da se zapoznaat so makedonskata kultura i istorija.

Paralelno, na{i vrvni umetnici go slikaat tavanot na glavnata scena na koj }e bidat ilustrirani na{i makedonski motivi. Na gornata povr{ina na pokrivot od teatarot se postaveni 45 skulpturi koi bile obele`je i na Stariot teatar. Vo vleznata partija na glavnoto foaje na teatarot }e bide postavena i centralna kompozicija - skulptura na osnova~ite na teatarot, {to ja izrabotuva umetnikot Karadare. Teatarot }e bide muzej sam za sebe. Na{ata nacionalna ustanova, Makedonskiot naroden teatar, ve}e intenzivno raboti na premiernata pretstava, po tekst na Jordan Plevne{, so koja sve~eno }e bide otvoren teatarot. Izrabotivte i Nacionalna strategija za periodot do 2017 godina. Vo ovoj zna~aen dokument se odredeni jasni prioriteti koi }e se realiziraat spored donesen akciski plan. Koi konkretni aktivnosti nЀ o~ekuvaat so ovaa strategija vo sledniot period? Vo izminatiot period napravivme mnogu analizi koi poka`aa deka prethodnata Nacionalna programa za kultura nema nikakva prakti~na pri-



mena, nema akciski plan i to~no definirani celi i prioriteti, kako i aktivnosti koi bi gi unapredile sostojbite vo kulturata. Zatoa napravivme izmeni vo Zakonot za kulturata so cel da se donese nova Nacionalna strategija za razvoj vo kulturata za period od pet godini. Nacrt-strategijata {to ja izrabotivme e bazirana na stru~ni i nau~ni soznanija i korespondira so reformskite procesi na kulturata vo Evropa. Vo nejzinata izrabotka bea vklu~eni vrabotenite vo Ministerstvoto za kultura koi so godini gi sledat sostojbite vo ovaa sfera i koi to~no gi lociraa slabostite vo ostvaruvaweto na kultura vo RM. Isto taka, vo izrabotkata na ovoj najva`en strategiski dokument za kulturata vo RM svoj pridones dadoa i na{ite institucii, umetnici, gra|anski zdru`enija, eksperti od RM i od stranstvo, so koi realiziravme mnogu sredbi, mnogu debati, kako i javna rasprava. Strategijata be{e dostavena na mislewe do 150 subjekti od oblasta na kulturata koi se vklu~ija vo preciziraweto na site aktivnosti {to treba da se realiziraat vo idnina i koi }e dadat razvojno pomestuvawe na kulturata vo RM. Osobeno moram da


izrazam blagodarnost do Makedonskata akademija na naukite i umetnostite koja be{e na{ konstruktiven partner vo izrabotkata na site segmenti od Strategijata. Novata nacionalna strategija nudi mnogu efikasni re{enija koi se rezultat na slabostite {to se detektirani vo kulturata kako, na primer, osnovawe na Institut za istra`uvawe na kulturata koj }e ovozmo`i plani-

Kultura of Culture Research, which will enable planning of the development of culture on the basis of a corresponding methodology, multidisciplinary research, facts, interpretations. In the area of publishing, we have projected establishment of a Book Centre as a specialised and coordination institution looking after promotion and acknowledgement of the book as well as institutional support and improvement of legal regulations in publishing in the Republic of Macedonia. In the fine art, we have continued to modernise the existing gallery conditions for presentation of art projects, enrichment of the art stock by purchasing works and issuing certificate on assessment of the genuineness and value of works. In music, the National Strategy provides for incentive measures for stimulating home creative work, opening a Music Note and Literary Centre, supporting independent and alternative dance production, and promoting the need for a concert agency. The Strategy has offered a methodical approach in the implementation of film production…creation of a standard cinema network with an art-film programme in culture centres. In the theatre activity area, the Strategy provides for support for home and international co-productions amongst theatres in the country and theatres abroad. The National Strategy pays special attention to plans for modernisation of museums and museum exhibitions and the development of the library automated information system in Macedonia. The Strategy will also offer a long-term plan for development of the cultural management, cultural marketing and creative industries in the context of the application of new technologies and new forms of education. The National Strategy has already entered the Government procedure and following its approval by the Government, it will be submitted to the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. I also expect for the Parliamentary Culture Committee to open debate with the purpose of adopting an important document, which will give a positive direction to the cultural development in home and international terms. It is of huge importance that this Strategy will be adopted by the highest legislative body in Macedonia, the Macedonian Assembly. You have started to implement a façade restoration project for important monumental entireties in a number of cities and towns

rawe na razvojot na kulturata vrz soodvetna metodologija, multidisciplinarni istra`uvawa, fakti i interpretacii. Vo oblasta na izdava~kata dejnost predvidovme osnovawe na Centar za knigata, kako specijalizirana i koordinativna institucija koja }e se gri`i za promocija i afirmacija na knigata, kako i institucionalna potkrepa i podobruvawe na zakonskite regulativi za izdava~kata dejnost vo RM. Vo likovnata dejnost predlo`ivme osovremenuvawe na postojnite galeriski uslovi za prezentacija na likovnite proekti, zbogatuvawe na likovniot fond so otkupi na dela i izdavawe sertifikati za procena na originalnosta i vrednosta na delata. Vo muzi~kata dejnost, Nacionalnata strategija predviduva merki za stimulirawe na doma{noto tvore{tvo, otvorawe na muzi~ki noten i kni`even centar, poddr{ka na nezavisnata i na alternativnata tancova produkcija, a }e se afirmira i potrebata za osnovawe koncertna agencija. Strategijata }e donese metodi~en pristap vo realiziraweto na filmskoto proizvodstvo, sozdavawe standardna kinomre`a so art-filmska programa vo centrite za kultura. Vo teatarskata dejnost, Strategijata predviduva poddr{ka na doma{nite i na me|unarodnite koprodukcii me|u teatrite od zemjava i teatarite vo stranstvo. Vo Nacionalnata strategija posebno vnimanie zazemaat planovite za osovremenuvawe na muzeite i na muzejskite postavki i za razvojot na bibliote~niot, avtomatiziran informaciski sistem na RM. Strategijata }e donese i dolgoro~en plan za razvoj na kulturniot menaxment, kulturniot marketing i kreativnite industrii vo kontekst na primenata na novite tehnologii i na novite oblici na obrazovanie. Nacionalnata strategija e ve}e vlezena vo vladina procedura i po odobruvaweto od Vladata, taa }e bide dostavena do Sobranieto na RM. O~ekuvam, isto taka, Komisijata za kultura vo Sobranieto da otvori debata so cel da doneseme va`en dokument koj }e dade pozitiven pravec za kulturen razvoj i na doma{en i na me|unaroden plan. Od ogromna va`nost e {to ovaa Strategija }e se donese od najvisokiot zakonodaven dom na Republika Makedonija, a toa e Sobranieto. Zapo~navte da go realizirate i proektot za obnova na fasadite na zna~ajni spomeni~ni celini vo pove}e gradovi niz Makedonija. Mo`ete li da ni potencirate koi objekti bea sanirani godinava i vo koja nasoka }e prodol`i da se realizira ovoj proekt? Kulturnoto nasledstvo ima zna~aen prioritet vo programata na Vladata na RM i na Ministerstvoto za kultura kako del od kulturnata poli-


tika. Vo ovaa nasoka, }e go spomenam proektot za obnova na fasadite i za za~uvuvawe na staroto gradsko jadro, na negovata avtenti~nost, na arhitekturata karakteristi~na za gradovite. Proektot se sproveduva{e vo nekolku gradovi niz Makedonija, a vo 2013 }e prodol`ime so istoto tempo. Za Kru{evo donesovme poseben Zakon za za~uvuvawe na staroto gradsko jadro, bidej}i ovoj grad poseduva specifi~na stara gradska arhitektura, koja ja otslikuva na{ata bogata istorija i tradicija. Preku za~uvuvaweto na staroto gradsko jadro mo`eme da ja pottikneme i pointenzivno turisti~kata promocija na gradot Kru{evo. Vo Kru{evo be{e obnovena fasadata na edna ku}a, koja e registrirana kako spomenik na kulturata, so mnogu specifi~na arhitektura naslikana na fasadata. Isto taka, bea rekonstruirani i pokrivnata konstrukcija i fasadata na Muzejot na Ilindenskoto vostanie, kade {to slednata godina planirame i obnova na muzejskata postavka. I za gradot Ohrid be{e donesen Zakon za za~uvuvawe na staroto gradsko jadro, koj ovozmo`i obnova na fasadata na ku}ata na Bojaxievi, poto~no celosno se zavr{eni celokupniot enterier na ku}ata i nejzinata fasada. Taa }e bide promovirana do krajot na januari ovaa godina. Vo Starata skopska ~ar{ija, kako spomeni~na celina za koja, isto taka, e donesen poseben zakon, pristapivme kon obnova na edna fasada koja spored stepenot na za{tita ima{e prioritet, a vakvi proekti za rekonstrukcija i obnova na fasadite se realiziraa i vo Prilep, Bitola i vo Gostivar. Koga stanuva zbor za za{titata na na{eto bogato kulturno nasledstvo i arhitekturata, }e gi spomenam i proektite {to gi realiziravme i koi se nao|aa vo programata na Vladata na RM: Spomen-ku}ata na bra}ata Miladinovci vo Struga, U~astakot vo Prilep, Ku}ata na Smilevskiot kongres vo Bitolsko, kako i mnogu drugi proekti koi gi zavr{ija na{ite institucii, koi vo izminatiot period navistina posvetija golemo vnimanie na za~uvuvaweto na na{eto vredno kulturno nasledstvo. So istata dinamika }e prodol`ime i vo ovaa, 2013 godina, vo koja }e bidat promovirani i obnovenite Saat-kula vo Prilep, Saat-kula vo Gostivar i mnogu drugi proekti. Vo izminatite nekolku godini Ministerstvoto za kultura realizira{e kapitalni proekti od oblasta na izdava~kata dejnost od navistina golemo zna~ewe. Promoviravte novi dela od edicijata „Prevod na dela na dobitnici na Nobelova nagrada za literatura”, no i u{te novi 40-ina knigi od proektot „Yvezdi na svetskata kni`evnost”, a zna~aen e i proektot „130 toma makedonska kni`evnost”. Koga se o~ekuva da bi-

Culture throughout Macedonia. Could you tell us which buildings have been restored this year and the direction of further implementation of this project? The cultural heritage is given the important priority in the Programme of the Macedonian Government and the Ministry of Culture as part of the cultural policy. In this respect, I will mention the project for the façade restoration and preservation of the old urban core, its authenticity, the architecture typical for cities. The project has taken place in several towns in Macedonia, and in 2013, we will continue at the same pace. As for Kruševo, we have adopted the special Law on Preservation of the Old Urban Core, because this town possesses the specific urban architecture that reflects our rich history and tradition. By preserving the old urban core, we can encourage and develop more intensely the tourist promotion of Kruševo. Façade on a house registered as the monument of culture was restored in Kruševo, with the distinguishable and very specific architecture being depicted thereon. Furthermore, the roofing and the façade of the Museum of Ilinden Uprising were reconstructed, and there, we

are planning restoration of the museum exhibition next year. A Law on Preserving the Old Urban Core was also adopted for Ohrid enabling us to restore the façade on the Bojadzievs’ house; actually, the complete interior of the house and its façade have been completed. The house will be promoted by the end of January.

dat finalizirani sive ovie proekti i so koe tempo se odviva realizacijata? Osobeno me raduva faktot {to izdava~kata dejnost vo 2012 be{e pozitivno oceneta od Sovetot za kultura, so kogo diskutiravme za efektite od dosega{nata rabota, no i za idnite razvojni nasoki koi }e gi unapredat sostojbite vo ovaa oblast. Republika Makedonija e edna od retkite dr`avi koja{to dava silna poddr{ka vo izdava~kata dejnost. Pokraj poddr{kata {to ja obezbeduvame za izdava~kite ku}i kako privatni subjekti, preku konkursot koj go objavuvame sekoja godina, Ministerstvoto za kultura objavuva i poseben povik za otkup na knigi, s¢ so cel seto ona {to e zna~ajno kako kni`even fond da se otkupi i da se distribuira do nacionalnata biblioteka i do drugite biblioteki vo Makedonija. Vo izminatata godina bea poddr`ani nad 390 publikacii i golem broj spisanija, monografii i drugi dela, a realiziravme i kapitalni proekti za koi mislam deka imaat ogromna va`nost za makedonskoto kni`evno tvore{tvo, za zbogatuvawe i nadgraduvawe na makedonskiot jazik, kako и za unapreduvawe na preveduva~kata, izdava~kata i lektorskata fela. ]e ja spomenam edicijata „130 toma makedonska kni`evnost” koja be{e realizirana na makedonski i na angliski jazik i koja e distribuirana do nad 400 svetski biblioteki, publikacija so koja ovozmo`ivme svetskata

javnost da se zapoznae so na{eto bogato kni`evno tvore{tvo. Vo momentov se raboti na antologiski prikaz na edicijata „130 toma makedonska kni`evnost” koj }e bide preveden u{te na pet stranski jazici i }e bide distribuiran do svetskite biblioteki. ]e spomenam deka proektot „Prevod na dela na dobitnici na Nobelova nagrada za literatura”, koj sodr`i 106 knigi, e celosno zavr{en i promoviran. So poddr{ka od Vladata, edicijata ja nadgradivme so u{te 41 kniga, od koi 20 bea promovirani vo dekemvri 2012 godina, a ostanatite 21 }e bidat promovirani vo mart godinava so {to ovoj proekt celosno }e bide zavr{en. Kapitalnata edicija „Yvezdi na svetskata kni`evnost” e proekt koj sodr`i 560 dela . Vo nego se zastapeni klasici, bestseleri, avtobiografii na svetski poznati li~nosti i sli~no. Ovoj proekt e mnogu kompleksen i po svojot obem i po izborot na avtori. Vo nego imame knigi koi dosega ne bile prevedeni na makedonski jazik. Do krajot na 2012-tata promoviravme vkupno 99 knigi od ovaa edicija, a vo ovaa, 2013 godina se o~ekuva da bidat promovirani, spored dinamikata, golem broj knigi bidej}i realizacijata na proektot e pove}egodi{na i treba da zavr{i do 2014 godina. Isto taka, ovaa godina }e po~neme da realizirame nov proekt nasloven „Vrvovi vo svetskata misla vo oblasta na filozofijata, psihologijata so psihoanalizata i istorijata”. Toa se novi knigi ~ija brojka iznesuva nad 300

A separate law has also been adopted for the Skopje Old Bazaar as a monumental entirety, and there we started restoring the façade of a house which we believed had the priority according to its level of protection. Such reconstruction and restoration projects have also been implemented in Prilep, Bitola and Gostivar. When protection of our rich cultural heritage and architecture is involved, I will mention projects we have implemented as part of the Macedonian Government Programme: The Memorial House to the Miladinovci Brothers in Struga, the “Učastakot” Memorial Museum in Prilep, the House where the Smilevski Congress was held in the Bitola area, and many other projects implemented by our institutions, which have


Kultura really paid special attention to preserving our valuable cultural heritage in the past period. We will continue at the same rate in this 2013 year, within which the restored Clock-Towers in Prilep and Gostivar and many other projects will be promoted. In the past few years, the Ministry of Culture has also implemented capital projects in publishing, which are also of huge importance. You have promoted new books from the Translation of Books by Literature Nobel Prize Laureates Edition, and other 40 new books within the Stars of World Literature Edition. Another project, 130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature is also valuable. When do you expect for those projects to be completed and at what pace will the implementation take place? I am especially happy with the fact that in 2012, the publishing activity was evaluated positively by the Culture Council where we discussed the effects of the work done that far and the future developmental guidelines expected to improve the conditions in this area. Macedonia is one of rare countries which strongly support publishing. Besides the support for publishing companies as private legal entities through a competition we announce yearly, the Ministry of Culture also announces a special invitation for purchase of books, all with a view of buying what is significant as a literary stock and distributing it to the National Library and other libraries in Macedonia.

More than 390 publications and a number of magazines, monographs and other volumes have been supported in the past year. We have also implemented capital projects which I believe are of enormous importance for the Macedonian literary work, for enriching and upgrading the Macedonian language, as well as improving the translation, publishing, and proofreading professions. I will mention the 130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature Edition, publication that has enabled the world’s public to get familiar with our prolific literary work, which was published in Macedonian and English and distributed to more than 400 world's libraries, Currently, an anthological review of the 130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature is being worked on, and it will be translated in five more world’s languages and distributed to libraries worldwide. I will mention that the project, Translation of Literature Nobel Prize Laureates, which includes 106 books, has been completed and promoted. Owing to the Government’s support, we have updated the edition with 41 more books out of which 20 were promoted in December 2012, and the remaining 21 will be promoted in March, and the project will thus be completed. The capital edition Stars of World Literature is a project containing 560 volumes. It consists of classical works, best selling books, self-biographies of world’s famous

vredni dela. Stru~ni profesori koi predavaat na katedrite na Filozofskiot fakultet ja izgotvija proektnata programa, koja vo momentov se distribuira do golem broj svetski univerziteti preku na{ite amabasadi i konzulati, s¢ so cel da dobieme mislewe dali nekoj zna~aen naslov e izostaven vo nea. Otkako }e gi dobieme tie mislewa, }e ja objavime i javnata nabavka. Vo izdava~kata dejnost e napraveno mnogu i smetam deka realizacijata na site ovie proekti }e dade pozitiven impuls vo razvojot na ovaa dejnost kaj nas. Na me|unaroden plan u~estvoto na Republika Makedonija na kulturnata olimpijada vo London be{e nastan na godinata. Koi drugi aktivnosti od me|unarodnata promocija bi gi izdvoile? Vo izminatata godina imavme mnogu aktivnosti na me|unaroden plan. Od ogromna va`nost e {to Makedonija se pretstavi na Kulturnata olimpijada vo London, koja be{e prethodnica na Olimpiskite igri. Posebno }e go istaknam nastapot na bitolskiot teatar vo [ekspiroviot teatar „Gloub” so pretstavata Henri VI. Li~no prisustvuvav na ovaa pretstava i impresiite bea navistina emotivni. Znaeme {to zna~i teatarot „Gloub” i od kakva va`nost e tamu da ja prosledite pretstavata Henri VI na makedonski jazik. Makedonija vo London se pretstavi i preku koncertot na Simon Trp~eski so Londonskata filharmonija vo „Rojal festival hol”, izlo`bata „Made in Macedonia” na Muzejot na sovremenata umetnost, a vo Univerzitetskiot kolex vo London be{e promovirana i podarena i edicijata „130 toma makedonska kni`evnost na angliski jazik”. Va`en nastan za promocija na makedonskata kultura be{e i izlo`bata vo Muzejot vo Utreht koja be{e realizirana so poddr{ka na Ministerstvoto

za kultura i koja trae{e tri meseci. Za prv pat pred svetskata javnost, vo Utreht, be{e izlo`eno mnogu vredno kulturno nasledstvo: ikoni, zlaten nakit, crkovni predmeti i drugi vredni eksponati. Vo 2012-tata odli~no bevme pretstaveni i na Denovite na makedonskata kultura vo Ukraina, a u~estvuvame i vo Maribor, koj be{e evropska prestolnina na kulturata za 2012 godina. Od ogromna va`nost za kulturnata promocija na Makedonija be{e i izlo`bata na starite rakopisi vo Brisel, poto~no vo Kralskiot muzej vo Mariemont, kade {to ja prika`avme iljadagodi{nata pismena tradicija na makedonskata zemja. Bi gi spomenala i uspe{nite gostuvawa na na{ite teatri vo Polska, Italija, Albanija i vo Turcija, gostuvawata na MOB vo Turcija i vo Bosna, na Makedonskata filharmonija vo Oman, nastapite na „Tanec” vo Bugarija, Slova~ka, Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija i vo Bosna, proektite na na{ite renomirani umetnici koi se realiziraa vo Kulturno-informativnite centri vo Wujork i vo Sofija, prestojot na makedonskite reproduktivci vo Pariz. Vo Godi{nata programa na Ministerstvoto se poddr`aa i proekti na na{ite istaknati avtori, kako Nikola Maxirov, izlo`bata Pet kapki son na Mil~o Man~evski, pretstavuvawata na Interart i mnogu drugi. Intenzivnata me|unarodna sorabotka, se razbira, }e prodol`i i godinava, }e prodol`ime so u{te pointenzivna promocija na site institucii i poedinci i seto ona {to bitno vlijae na kulturnata promocija na dr`avata. Ministerke, neodamna bevte doma}in na ministerskata konferencija posvetena na muzeite vo Jugoisto~na Evropa. Pred ministrite za kultura i drugite gosti jasno potenciravte deka od osobeno zna~ewe e da se investira vo muzejskata dejnost. Donesovte li konkretni zaklu~oci?


Culture people etc. This project is very complex in both its volume and the selection of authors. It includes books that have not been translated in Macedonian so far. By the end of 2012, we promoted total 99 books from this edition, and in the current 2013, given the pace so far, a number of books are expected to be promoted since the implementation of the project is year-long and should be completed by 2014. Furthermore, this year, we are starting a new project, Summits in the World Thoughts in the Area of Philosophy, Psychology with Psychoanalysis and History.” This involves more than 300 new valuable books. The project programme was drafted by Professors of the Faculty of Philosophy Departments, and it is currently being distributed to a number of world’s universities through our embassies and consulates, all with a view of obtaining opinions on whether a valuable book has been omitted or not. Upon receiving those opinions, we will announce a public procurement. A lot has been done in the publishing area, and I believe that implementation of all those projects will give a positive impetus to the development of this activity here. Internationally, the participation of the Republic of Macedonia at the Cultural Olympiad in London was the event of the year. What other activities involving international promotion would you single out? In the past year, we’ve had a lot of activities internationally. Of huge importance was the presentation of Macedonia at the Cultural Olympiad in London, which heralded the Olympic Games. I will specifically emphasise the performance of “Henry

VI” at the Shakespeare’s Globe by the Bitola Theatre. I attended this performance and the event on the whole was really emotional. We know what the Globe means and of what importance it is to see Macedonian-language “Henry VI" there. In London, Macedonia presented itself through a concert of Simon Trpčeski with the London Philharmonic at the Royal Festival Hall, an exhibition, "Made in Macedonia” of the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the edition 130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature in English was also promoted at and donated to the University College in London. An important promotional event for the Macedonian culture was also the exhibition at the Museum in Utrecht, which was organised with the support of the Ministry of Culture and lasted for three months. Some very valuable cultural heritage: icons, golden jewellery, church items and other valuable exhibits, was presented to a world’s audience for the first time. In 2012, we were represented very successfully at the Days of the Macedonian Culture in Ukraine, and we also took part in events organised in Maribor, the European Cultural Capital in 2012. An exhibition of old manuscripts in Brussels, actually at the Royal Museum of Mariemont where we presented the thousand-year literacy tradition of the Macedonian country, was also of huge importance for the cultural promotion of Macedonia. I would also mention successful visits of our theatres in Poland, Italy, Albania and Turkey, visiting performances of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet in Turkey

Moram da istaknam deka za prvpat se organizira{e ministerska konferencija za muzejskata dejnost, {to e osobeno va`no. Imavme mo`nost da razmenime mislewa so golem broj ministri od Jugoisto~na Evropa, direktori na muzei, spodelivme iskustva za na{ata dosega{na i idna sorabotka. Koga }e gi slu{nete izjavite na ministrite koi govorat deka vo ova vreme na svetska ekonomska kriza krateweto na buxetot sekoga{ odi na smetka na kulturata i deka odredeni muzei vo nivnite dr`avi se zatvorile, cenam deka Makedonija ima so {to da se pofali. Vo Makedonija vo izminatiot period se izgradeni i otvoreni mnogu muzei, kako: Muzejot na makedonskata borba, Spomen-domot na Majka Tereza, Spomen-ku}ata na To{e Proeski; uredeni se mnogu muzejski postavki - vo Prilep uredivme arheolo{ka postavka, a gi otvorivme i Memorijalniot muzej „11 Oktomvri” i Muzejot na tutunot, vo [tip e uredena arheolo{ka, etnolo{ka i istoriska postavka so {to se zaokru`i dejnosta. Vakvi zafati se sprovedoa i vo Bitola kade {to e obnovena arheolo{kata i etnolo{kata postavka, vo Kriva Palanka kade {to se uredeni istoriskata i etnolo{kata postavka, a vo Demir Kapija e renovirana arheolo{kata postavka i e otvoren Muzej na vinoto. Smetam deka e osobeno va`no sekoj grad da poseduva muzej vo koj }e se prezentiraat vredni artefakti koi gi otslikuvaat istorija i kulturnoto nasledstvo na samiot grad, no i na regionot. U{te eden zna~aen segment e, se razbira, edukacijata i vo ovaa smisla sakam da go izrazam moeto golemo zadovolstvo {to vo site na{i muzei mladite i decata mo`at da se obrazovaat, eksplicitno da go vidat vo ovie

muzejski postavki ona {to go u~at, bez razlika dali se raboti za artefakti, li~nosti od istorijata i sli~no. Muzejot na makedonskata borba ve}e ima sklu~eno dogovori so golem broj u~ili{ta, decata doa|aat i direktno se zapoznavaat so li~nostite i nastanite od na{ata bogata istorija. ]e spomenam deka mnogu na{i nacionalni institucii napravija odli~ni proekti za mladata populacija, na pr. Makedonskata opera i balet ima balet i opera za deca, Makedonskata filharmonija napravi proekt za zapoznavawe na mladata populacija so instrumentot, zvukot na toj instrument, tuka se i izvonrednite ostvaruvawa na Teatarot za deca i mladinci. ]e spomenam deka vo ramkite na ovaa konferencija potpi{avme i deklaracija koja }e ja naso~uva idnata sorabotka me|u instituciite od muzejskata dejnost od dr`avite na regionot i po{iroko, a voedno so osobeno vnimanie se osvrnavme i na istra`uvawata na lokalitetite, otkrivaweto na {to pove}e artefakti i nivna promocija i prezentacija. Vo taa nasoka smetam deka Republika Makedonija napravi seriozen is~ekor. Na krajot na sekoja godina realizirame golemi izlo`bi na koi{to gi prezentirame i promovirame site artefakti {to se pronajdeni vo kalendarskata godina. Na krajot na godinata {to pomina vo Muzejot na Makedonija prezentiravme 2000 od vkupno pronajdeni 50 000 artefakti vo 2012 godina. Osobeno me raduva {to vo zavr{na faza e i izgradbata na Arheolo{kiot muzej, kade {to }e bidat izlo`eni najzna~ajnite pronajdeni primeroci dosega. Site ekipi rabotat na konzervacija na predmetite, na arhivirawe na celokupniot fond s¢ so cel muzejot da poseduva zbirka so vrven kvalitet.


Kultura and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the Macedonian Philharmonic in Oman, the performances of Tanec Folk Ensemble in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, our distinguished artists’ projects at the Cultural and Information Centres in New York and Sofia, Macedonian reproductive artists’ residence in Paris etc. The Annual Programme of the Ministry supported projects of our distinguished authors such as Nikola Madzirov, an exhibition “Five Drops of Dream” by Milcho Manchevski, presentations at Interart and many other. Intensive international cooperation will certainly continue this year, we will continue with even more intensive promotion of all institutions and individuals and of everything that influences significantly the cultural promotion of the country. Mrs. Minister, recently you hosted the Ministerial Conference dedicated to Southeast European Museums. You clearly said to the attending Culture Ministers and other guests that investing in museum activity was of special importance. Did you adopt specific conclusions? I have to say that a Ministerial Conference on Museum Activity was first organised, which was momentous. We were able to exchange opinion with a number of SEE Ministers, museum directors, and we shared ex-

Moram da zaklu~am deka kako nikoga{ dosega vo Republika Makedonija se investira vo kulturata, na{ite proekti imaat celosna poddr{ka i od premierot i od site ministri vo Vladata i navistina e mnogu zna~ajno {to kulturata zazema zna~ajno mesto vo sevkupniot op{testven razvoj na dr`avata. Ednostavno ka`ano, ili imate ~uvstvo za kulturata ili nemate. Mislam deka sekoj gra|anin vo ovaa dr`ava se gordee so celokupnoto bogatstvo i kulturno nasledstvo {to go poseduvame. Imame {to da poka`eme, imame so {to da se gordeeme, da se promovirame i treba da se dvi`ime vo taa nasoka, pogolemo unapreduvawe na kulturata i s¢ pogolema me|unarodna promocija. Vo januari 2013 godina }e ja objavite Godi{nata programa za nacionalen interes. Koi }e bidat prioritetite za slednata godina? Ministerstvoto za kultura sekoja godina javno i transparentno objavuva konkurs na koj{to osven nacionalnite i lokalnite institucii, sekoj mo`e da u~estvuva i da konkurira so proekt od nacionalen interes vo kulturata. Mnogu zna~ajno e kakvi proekti }e pristignat na konkursot bidej}i stru~nite komisii imaat navistina te{ka rabota, da napravat izbor i da go selektiraat najdobroto, koe{to }e ima benefit za na{ata kultura i me|unarodnata


perience on our cooperation that far and in the future. When you listen to the statements by the Ministers that at this time of the world's economic crisis, budget shrinking was always at the expense of culture, and that some museums in their countries had been closed, I think that Macedonia has what to boast. In the past period, Macedonia saw the construction and the opening of a number of museums such as: the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, the Memorial House to Mother Theresa, the Memorial House to Toše Proeski; a number of museum settings have been displayed – in Prilep, we have set an archaeological exhibition, and we also opened the 11 Oktomvri Memorial Museum and the Tobacco Museum in that town; an archaeological,

promocija. Godi{nata programa e vo zavr{na faza, a }e ja promovirame do krajot na januari 2013 i se nadevam deka vo nea }e ima mnogu kvalitetni proekti. Kako i prethodnite, taka i vo ovaa 2013 godina }e vodime smetka za ramnomeren pristap i poddr{ka na site dejnosti od oblasta na kulturata, a }e prodol`ime i so aktivna me|unarodna promocija preku realizacijata na Denovi na makedonskata kultura vo [vedska i vo Holandija, pretstavuvawe vo Marsej koj e evropska prestolnina na kulturata za 2013 i tradicionalno u~estvo na manifestaciite, kako {to se: Likovnoto bienale vo Venecija i manifestacijata „Makedonija vo ~est na Sv. Kiril”. Ovaa godina

Culture ethnological and historical exhibition has been set in Štip and thus, the museum activity has been completed for the time being. Such efforts were also carried out in Bitola where an archaeological and ethnological exhibition was restored; in Kriva Palanka where a historical and ethnological exhibition was set; and in Demir Kapija, an archaeological exhibition was renovated and the Wine Museum was opened. I believe it is of special importance for every town to have a museum where valuable artefacts that reflect the history and the cultural heritage of both the town itself and the region are represented, Another major segment is certainly education, and in this respect, I would like to express my happiness because in each of the museums in the country, young people and children can be educated, they can see explicitly what they are taught regardless if it is about artefacts, people from the history or something else. The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle has already signed contracts with a number of schools, and children come and get familiar directly with people and events from our rich history. I will mention that a number of our national institutions have made perfect projects for the young population, e.g. the Macedonian Opera and Ballet has ballet and opera dedicated to children; the Macedonian Philharmonic has made a project for getting the young population familiar with the instruments, the sound of instruments; we also have magnificent works by the Children and Youth Theatre. I will mention that within this conference, we signed Declaration that will guide the future cooperation between museum institutions in the countries in the region and elsewhere, and at the same time, we discussed with special regard exploration of archaeological sites, the importance of unearthing as many artefacts as possible and their promoting and representing. In this respect, I believe the Republic of Macedonia has made a serious step forward. At the end of each year, we organise a number of exhibitions where we present and promote all the artefacts that have been discovered over the past year. At the end of the outgoing year, the Museum of Macedonia presented 2,000 out of total 50,000 artefacts unearthed in 2012. I am especially happy that the final phase of the construction of the Archaeological Museum is under way, and there, the most important items found so far will be exhibited. All teams work on the conservation of items and archiving the total fund, all with the aim of compiling a collection of top quality. I have to conclude that unprecedented investment in culture has been made in the Republic of Macedonia, that our projects meet full Prime Minister’s and all the

Government Ministers’ support, and it is really very important that culture has prominent place in the overall social development of the country. Simply, you have the sense for culture or you don’t. I believe that every citizen of this country takes pride in the overall richness and the cultural heritage we possess. We have what to show, we have what to be proud of, to promote and we should move into that direction, towards better improvement of culture and ever greater international promotion. In January 2013, you are announcing the Annual Programme of National Interest. What will be the priorities for the next year? Every year, the Ministry of Culture announces publicly and transparently a competition where except the national and local institutions, everybody can take part and compete with a project of national interest in culture. It is very important what kind of projects arrive at the competition because expert committees have a really difficult task to make selection and choose the best, choose what will most benefit our culture and international promotion. The Annual Programmes is in its final phase and we will promote it by the end of January 2013. I hope that it will include a number of high quality projects. As in the previous years, in 2013 we will take account of the equal access and support for all activities in the area of culture and will continue to actively promote it internationally through the implementation of the Days of the Macedonian Culture in Sweden and the Netherlands, presentation in Marseille, the European Capital of Culture for 2013, and traditional participation at events such as: the Venice Art Biennial and Macedonia Honouring St. Cyril. This year, we will have promotion of the major investments: The Old Theatre, the Archaeological Museum and the Theatre in Veles; we will promote the Memorial House to Ataturk’s parents in Kodzadzik, reconstruction of a part of the Museum of Contemporary Art where a permanent setting will be displayed; and we will open the Museum of Children Refugees within the Museum of Macedonia. In 2013, we will launch construction of the Turkish Theatre and the Strumica Theatre and reconstruction of the Albanian Theatre. You seem tireless. In the past period, you took Doctor’s Degree in an exceptionally important subject in the area of European integration. As part of your position, you constantly implement new projects. Where do you drain your enormous energy and what is your greatest satisfaction in doing this important job?

ne o~ekuva promocija na golemite kapitalni investicii: Stariot teatar, Arheolo{kiot muzej i teatarot vo Veles, }e gi promovirame Spomen-ku}ata na roditelite na Ataturk vo Koxaxik, rekonstrukcijata na delot na MSU vo koj }e bide izlo`ena postojana postavka, a }e go otvorime i Muzejot na decata begalci vo ramkite na Muzejot na Makedonija. Vo 2013 }e ja zapo~neme i izgradbata na Turskiot i na strumi~kiot teatar i rekonstrukcijata na Albanskiot teatar. Deluvate neumorno. Vo izminatiot period doktoriravte na edna isklu~itelno zna~ajna tema od oblasta na evrointegraciite. Na slu`ben plan, postojano realizirate novi proekti. Od kade ja crpite ogromnata energija i koja e Va{ata najgolema satisfakcija, vr{ej}i ja ovaa odgovorna funkcija? Nadvor od ovaa funkcija {to ja izvr{uvam vo momentov, osobeno va`na za mene e mojata profesionalna edukacija i moeto nadgraduvawe. Zatoa so golemo vnimanie se posvetiv na mojata doktorska teza na koja {to rabotev dolgo vreme, u{te koga bev na fakultet. Ja istra`uvav kulturnata politika na dvaeset dr`avi, dr`avi koi{to se ~lenki na EU i onie {to ne se vlezeni vo EU, me|u koi e i Makedonija. Temata be{e dosta obemna i imav, mora da ka`am, eden prekin vo moeto istra`uvawe poradi moite anga`mani koga dojdov na ovaa funkcija Temata be{e „Evropskiot kulturen model i kulturno-integraciskata politika na RM. Na{ata dr`ava be{e istra`uvana vo delot na kulturnata politika vo site segmenti, od zakonodaven, me|unaroden, kako i od aspekt na odnosot kon dejnostite. Mnogu se vlo`iv vo izra-

botkata na mojot doktorski trud i mislam deka sozdadov dobar stru~en trud, za koj veruvam deka }e im koristi na mnogumina koi{to rabotat na ovaa problematika, bidej}i mnogu retko se istra`uvaat kulturnite politiki. Ovoj doktorski trud za mene li~no e golem uspeh. Vo odnos na vtoriot del od pra{aweto, se trudam maksimalno pri site poseti i bilateralni sredbi so moite kolegi da dogovoram konkretni raboti, konkretni realizacii, a ne deklarativni zalo`bi. Se trudam dogovorite {to gi potpi{uvame da imaat prakti~na primena, da otvorat mo`nosti za institucionalna sorabotka so dr`avite. Pri mojata poseta na Turcija neodamna ostvariv bilateralna sredba so ministerot za kultura i imav obra}awe na edna zna~ajna konferencija od domenot na kni`evnoto tvore{tvo. Potpi{avme dva dogovora, edniot e za kulturna sorabotka me|u Republika Makedonija i Republika Turcija, a vtoriot dogovor se odnesuva na otvoraweto na kulturno-informativnite centri na Makedonija i na Turcija. So potpi{uvaweto na dogovorite, Makedonija go dodeli Kur{umli an za Turski kulturen centar, a Republika Turcija ni obezbedi prekrasen prostor vo samoto srce na Istanbul, na plo{tadot Taksim. Preku ovie dva kulturni centri }e prodol`ime so unapreduvaweto na bogatata kulturna sorabotka so Republika Turcija, golem broj na{i umetnici }e imaat mo`nost da se promoviraat i pretstavuvaat vo Centarot vo Istanbul. Ovaa funkcija ima odgovorna misija, no mojata najgolema satisfakcija e kulturata, na{ite umetnici, na{eto bogato kulturno tvore{tvo. Se radu-


Kultura Out of my current position, my professional education and my advancement is very important for me. Therefore, I committed myself with great attention to my doctor’s thesis, which I had worked on for a long time, since I was at the faculty. I researched cultural policies of twenty countries, twenty EU Member States and non-members including Macedonia. It was a comprehensive topic and I must admit, I had interruption in my research because of my duties when I came to this position. The topic was “The European Cultural Model and the Cultural Integration Policy of the Republic of Macedonia.” Our country was examined in the part of its cultural policies, in all segments from the legislative to the international ones as well as in terms of activities. I invested a lot of myself in my doctor’s work and I think that I have made a good expert paper which I believe will be beneficial to those who work on this topic because cultural policies are rarely examined. For me personally, this doctor’s paper means great success. Concerning the second part of your question, I do my best to discuss and agree specific works, specific implementation, not declarative commitment during my visits and bilateral meetings with my counterparts. I try for the agreements we sign to have practical application, to open opportunities for institutional cooperation with countries. Recently, during my visit of Turkey I had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Culture and had address at an important conference on literature. We signed two agreements, one on the cultural cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and Turkey, and another concerning opening of Cultural and Information Centres of Macedonia and Turkey respectively. After the signing of the agreements, Macedonia allotted Kursumli An for the location of the Turkish Cultural Centre, and the Republic of Turkey provided us with a beautiful area in the very heart of Istanbul, at the Taxim Square. Through these two cultural centres, we will continue to improve the rich cultural cooperation with Turkey, and a number of our artists will have an opportunity to promote and present themselves at the Istanbul Centre.

vam na sekoj uspeh vo kulturata, na sekoj na{ umetnik, na sekoja institucija od oblasta na kulturata, na seto ona {to }e uspeeme da go promovirame vo me|unarodni ramki. Gorda sum na ona {to go poseduvame, bidej}i kulturata e na{iot identitet, go otslikuva na{iot odnos kon tradicijata i obi~aite, kon seto ona {to go poseduvame kako kulturno nasledstvo. Ne mo`e sekoj da bide akter, ne mo`e sekoj da bide baletski umetnik, ne mo`e sekoj da bide pijanist itn., ova se mnogu specifi~ni dejnosti koi baraat mnogu trud i mnogu vlo`uvawa. Zatoa i kulturata e kompleksna i specifi~na i treba da se respektiraat sive ovie profesii vo koi sekoj e podobar od drugiot. Vo


This position has a responsible mission but my satisfaction is culture, our artists, our rich cultural heritage. I rejoice at any success in culture, of any of our artists, any institution in the area of culture, at anything we are able to promote in the international frameworks. I am proud of what we possess because culture is our identity, it reflects our relation to tradition and customs, to everything we boast as cultural heritage. Not everyone can be an actor, not everyone can be a ballet dancer, not everyone can be a pianist…these are very specific areas which demand a lot of effort and a lot of investment. That is why culture is complex and specific and one should respect all those professions where everyone is better than the other one. In this context, I am especially happy with the fact that artists in Macedonia are valued in the true manner. We have already assigned the first two National Artist titles to our renowned Ambassadors of Culture Simon Trpčeski and Milcho Mancheski, and we have also introduced national pensions which valuate the work of those artists who have developed the Macedonian culture for years. Let me ask you a personal question for the end. Given your duties, how much time for leisure do you have which you can dedicate to yourself and your family? To be able to succeed and to be able to make something more, one needs energy and it is drawn from the family whose limitless support you need, especially when you do this job. For me, my family support is very important and I want to thank my parents, who are my support in my household obligations for everything they do for me. In my free time, I like being with my family, my son and husband and helping my son in his obligations, studying. I also enjoy reading a good book, meeting friends etc. I have always committed myself to work with special attention, regardless if it is this current ministerial position or my previous jobs. This position poses even greater responsibility to me because trust you receive from people, artists, cultural professionals, must be justified. In this respect I always try to give special emphasis to things, pay a lot of attention, dedicate a lot of energy to implementing as many projects as possible. I hope that the next minister who assumes this position after me will continue to implement with a more intensive pace even more cultural projects.

ovoj kontekst osobeno me raduva faktot {to vo Republika Makedonija umetnicite se vrednuvaat na vistinskiot na~in. Ve}e gi dodelivme prvite dve tituli nacionalen umetnik na na{ite renomirani ambasadori na kulturata Simon Trp~eski i Mil~o Man~evski, a gi vovedovme i nacionalnite penzii so koi go valoriziravme trudot na umetnicite koi so godini ja gradea makedonskata kultura. Dozvolete i za samiot kraj edno privatno pra{awe. So ogled na obvrskite, kolku imate slobodno vreme koe mo`ete da si go posvetite sebesi i na svoeto semejstvo? Za da uspeete i za da sozdadete ne{to pove}e, potrebna e energija, a taa se crpi od semejstvoto od koe neizmerno vi e potrebna poddr{kata, osobeno koga ste na ovaa funkcija. Poddr{kata od semejstvoto za mene e mnogu va`na i sakam da se zablagodaram za seto ona {to go pravat za mene moite roditeli, koi mi se potkrepa okolu moite obvrski doma. Vo slobodnoto vreme sakam da sum zaedno so moeto semejstvo, so sinot i so soprugot, da mu pomognam na sinot vo delot na negovite obvrski, vo u~eweto, da pro~itam nekoja dobra kniga, da se dru`am so prijatelite itn. Na rabotata sekoga{ i se posvetuvam so posebno vnimanie, bez ogled dali se nao|am momentalno na ovaa ministerska funkcija ili, pak, na prethodnite rabotni anga`mani. Ovaa funkcija mi sozdava u{te pove}e odgovornost bidej}i doverbata {to ja dobivate od gra|anite, od umetnicite, od kulturnite rabotnici, mora da se ispolni i da se opravda. Vo taa nasoka se trudam sekoga{ da dadam poseben akcent na rabotite, da posvetam mnogu vnimanie, mnogu energija za realizacija na {to pove}e proekti. Se nadevam deka sledniot minister, koj }e dojde na ovaa pozicija po mene, }e prodol`i so posilno tempo i realizacija na u{te pove}e proekti vo kulturata.


Interview with Miss Eva Bogoevska, Violinist Intervju so g-ca Eva Bogoevska, violinistka

Young Talents’ Awards, Confirmation of the Spirit of a Nation Nagradite na mladite talenti potvrda za duhot na nacijata 62


“For me, violin is the most beautiful thing, it arouses all the senses of a human soul,” says Eva Bogoevska, a young talented violinist “Every child who wants to succeed in what it does should be patient, and above all, should have love and wish because a successfully completed job is the greatest and sweetest reward for one’s effort,” said Eva Bogoevska, a young violin player of only 12, who has played works whose weight has ranked her among the young gifted music artists. Her first contact with music instruments was with the piano, but later she chose the violin as the instrument to play and started creating the softest tunes and move people’s emotions. She is able to convey her emotions to their best with the violin. As Eva says, “the violin is more practical than the piano, I can carry it wherever I want and I also think it suits me better.” Talent without one’s investing oneself and effort cannot come to successful results. Studying violin requires daily, continuing work, discipline, where Eva constantly gives herself. Rehearsing and acquiring skills is arduous sometimes, but her wish to see the composition she is working on in its final phase makes her stay persistent and endure until the very end. Eva’s parents give the young girl endless support. They have invested a lot in terms of moral and material support in her career so far. Eva’s mother is a piano teacher and hence the contact with music was unavoidable for young Eva. There is only one difference in her wish to play the violin unlike her mother. Eva is a talented child who still spares some of her free time to go out and spend some time with friends, though she generally lacks it because of her engagements and school duties. Asked which works she most likes playing, Eva says:

„Za mene najubava e violinata taa gi budi site setila vo ~ove~kata du{a” - veli Eva Bogoevska, mlada talentirana violinistka „Sekoe dete, koe saka da uspee vo ona {to go raboti treba da ima trpenie, i pred s¢ qubov i `elba, zo{to uspe{no zavr{enata rabota e najgolemata i najslatkata nagrada za vlo`eniot trud”, ni izjavi Eva Bogoevska, mladata violinistka koja so svoite 12 godini ima otsvireno dela koi so svojata te`ina ja izdignaa me|u talentiranite muzi~ki umetnici. Nejziniot prv kontakt so muzi~kite instrumenti bil so pijanoto, no podocna taa odbira da sviri na instrumentot violina i so nea da gi sozdava najne`nite zvuci i da gi dopira ~ove~kite du{i, so nea najubavo gi izrazuva i prenesuva svoite emocii. I kako {to ni izjavi Eva „violinata e poprakti~na od pijanoto i mo`am sekade da si ja nosam, a isto taka mislam deka i pove}e mi prilega”. Talentot bez vlo`uvawa i trud ne mo`e da go dostigne svojot uspeh. Izu~uvaweto na violina bara sekojdnevna, kontinuirana rabota, disciplina, vo koja Eva postojano se vlo`uva. Ve`baweto i steknuvaweto na ve{tinata e ponekoga{ naporno, no `elbata da go vidi deloto koe go raboti vo zavr{nata faza ja pravi da bide uporna i istrajna dokraj. Neumorna poddr{ka na mladata violinistka se nejzinite roditeli. Vo dosega{nata nejzina kariera imaat golem vlog vo odnos na moralnata, no i materijalna poddr{ka. Nejzinata majka e profesor po pijano i ottamu kontaktot so muzikata kaj malata Eva bil neizbe`en. Samo `elbata da sviri na violina, a ne kako sopstvenata majka na pijano e izbor na Eva. Eva Bogoevska e talentirano dete koe vo slobodnoto vreme, koe malku go ima poradi anga`manite i u~ili{nite obvrski, sepak odvojuva vreme i za izleguvawe i dru`ewe so drugar~iwata. Na pra{aweto koi se delata koi najmnogu saka da gi sviri Eva ni izjavi:


Culture “I prefer to perform Vivaldi and Bach’s works but in any composition which I play I find unique beauty and sense and try to convey it when I am onstage. In particular, I really love Živojin Glišic’s ”Variation on Traditional Theme for Solo Violin,” with which I was awarded the first prize at the San Remo Junior Festival. A lot of awards, performances and concerts make the career of this young and talented violinist successful. Among the awards, she singles out the following: first award at the Ohrid Pearls International Competition, first award with the maximum 100 scores at the Arandjelovac International Competition, Serbia, two state first awards with maximum 100 scores each and certainly, the first award at the prestigious San Remo Junior. Among her performances, we will specifically mention two

concerts in Bratislava, Slovakia, four concerts in Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia two of which were in the magnificent Convention Centre, performances at the Ariston Hall in San Remo, Italy and performances within the European Concert Project, performance with the Macedonian Philharmonic and many others. “Every award is special to me but most of all, the first award at San Remo Junior. Concerning this award, I am especially grateful to the Ministry of Culture which gave me support, and I am happy that I managed to justify their trust,” says Eva. However, she does not stop here and makes plans for the next year as well as for the years to come. All her engagements are aimed at her improvement and advancement, work on new compositions and new performances in concerts. Certainly, her performance at the Philip II Arena on the Day of Independence of Macedonia, and those at the opening of the City Mall and in the Army Centre on the Day of Teachers should be mentioned. Expecting new performances and concerts which Eva is preparing, we are only left to be proud of her and to give her full support to succeed in her music career.

„Najmnogu sakam da ispolnuvam dela od Vivaldi i Bah, no i vo sekoe delo koe go sviram pronao|am unikatna ubavina i smisla i istata se obiduvam da ja prenesam koga sum na scena. Osobeno mi e drago deloto na kompozitorot @ivoin Gli{i}: Varijacii na tradicionalna tema za solo violina - so koe ja dobiv prvata nagrada na Festivalot San-Remo - Junior”. Mnogu nagradi, nastapi i koncerti ja pravat uspe{na karierata na ovaa mlada talentirana violinistka. Od nagradite bi gi izdvoile slednive: prva nagrada na Internacionalniot natprevar „Ohridski biseri”, prva nagrada so osvoeni maksimum 100 poeni na Internacionalniot natprevar vo Arangelovac - Srbija, dvete prvi dr`avni nagradi, isto taka so osvoeni maksimum poeni i sekako prvata nagrada na presti`niot natprevar SanRemo - Junior. Od nastapite posebno }e gi istakneme dvata koncerta vo Bratislava, Slova~ka, ~etirite koncerti vo Kuala Lumpur - Malezija, od koi dva se odr`aa vo prekrasniot teatar vo Convention Centre, nastapite vo salata Ariston vo San-Remo - Italija, kako i nastapite vo ramkite na

proektot „Evropski koncert”, nastapot so Makedonskata filharmonija i mnogu drugi. „Site nagradi mi se dragi, no najmnogu prvata nagrada na San-Remo Junior Festivalot. Vo vrska so ovaa nagrada posebno sum blagodarna na Ministerstvoto za kultura koe mi dade poddr{ka, sre}na sum {to uspeav da ja opravdam doverbata {to ja imaa vo mene”, istaknuva Eva. No, taa ovde ne zastanuva planovite prodol`uvaat i vo slednata godina, kako i vo godinite koi doa|aat. Site anga`mani se naso~eni kon usovr{uvawe, rabota na novi dela i nastapi na koncerti i sli~no. Sekako treba se spomenat i nastapite na Arenata Filip II, po povod Denot na nezavisnosta na na{ata zemja, potoa otvoraweto na Siti mol, vo Domot na ARM po povod Denot na prosvetniot rabotnik i dr. I vo o~ekuvawata na novite nastapi i koncerti koi ni gi podgotvuva Eva, nam ni ostanuva samo da se gordeeme i da £ ja davame celosnata poddr{ka da uspee na patot na svojata muzi~ka kariera.




Ilija Nikolovski – Luj Music and Ballet State School Centre – Skopje emerged from the integration of three art schools in Skopje: Ten-Year Music School, Secondary Music School and Ballet School, and started operations on 1 January 1978. A total of 1905 students are educated in the school. Out of them, 460 are secondary school students and 1445 are primary school students. A number of students participate in international competitions as well as national ones every year. For illustration, 8 special awards, 26 first prizes, 12 second prizes and 18 third prizes were received in one national competition alone in the last academic year. International competitions: 3 laureates, 41 first-prize winners, 21 second-prize winners and 17 third prize-winners The Centre’s Director Jovan Bicevski established cooperation with the Japanese Embassy in Austria in February 2011 when a concert of renowned musicians was organised in our school with the Japanese folk music and traditional music instruments being presented Bicevski also established the important partnership with the Swedish Embassy in Skopje in May of the 2010/2011 academic year, where students from Lilla Akademien in Stockholm, Sweden also performed at the final concert of the Vocal and Instrumental Department. A project involving students from the two schools composing together music that features Macedonian and Swedish motifs has been launched with this school. The project will end in two student’s concerts in Stockholm and Skopje respectively planned for May 2013 (Stockholm) and June 2013 (Skopje). In November 2011, students Eva Bogoevska (violin) and Njomza Xhaferi (piano) took part in a classical music international competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where they went together with their piano teachers, Danica Stojanova and Marija Bogoevska. In May 2012, Eva Bogoevska participated in the San Remo Junior Festival with “Variations on Traditional Theme” written specifically for this festival by the Macedonian preeminent composer Živojin Glišik. Eva Bogoevska won the first award of the prestigious festival, which took place in the Ariston Theatre, the same theatre that is the venue of the world known San Remo Festival. In December 2012 in Moscow, student Kristijan Mirkovski had two concerts at the

Maikapar State Music School within the cooperation established a year before when Ema Ananievska had two concerts in Moscow. One of those was a final concert of the first awarded students in a piano competition, which takes place every year at the Glinka Museum. Ema performed as a special guest, and Kristijan was pronounced the contest winner. In March 2013, piano student Matej Božinovski will perform at the Open Europe Festival oganised in Moscow every year. Additionally, in April 2013, Aleksandar Jordanovski, a fourth year secondary student of viola will participate at the Sea Joys Festival in Eilat, Israel. The established Macedonian composer Živojin Glišik will compose a piece based on the Macedonian traditional music for this occasion, and it will be first performed at the festival. The school organises seminars for advancement of teachers and students on a regular basis. Cooperation with Prof. Jova Jordanova, Violin Teacher at the Central Music School with the Moscow Conservatory, Prof. Tihomir Petrovic, Teacher in theory subjects at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School in Zagreb and lecturer at the Rock-Academy in Zagreb is essential as is that with the US Embassy, which organises meetings with artists performing in Macedonia, so that musicians come to meet students and teachers besides having concerts in Macedonia. Pitu Guli St. No 1, Skopje, R. Macedonia Phone: ++389 2 3115-527; Fax: ++389 2 3119-004 е-mail: web:


Dr`avniot muzi~ko - baletski u~ili{en centar “Ilija Nikolovski - Luj” -Skopje nastanuva so integracijata na trite umetni~ki u~ili{ta vo Skopje: Desetgodi{noto muzi~ko u~ili{te, Srednoto muzi~ko u~ili{te i Baletskoto u~ili{te, i otpo~nuva so rabota na 01.01.1978 godina. Vo u~ili{teto ima vkupno 1905 u~enici. Od niv 460 se u~enici vo sredno obrazovanie i 1445 vo osnovno. Osven na dr`avnite, sekoja godina golem broj u~enici u~estvuvaat na Me|unarodni natprevari. Samo za ilustracija minatata u~ebna godina samo na edniot Dr`aven natprevar bea osvoeni 8 specijalni nagradi, 26 - I nagrada, 12 - II nagrada i 18 - III nagrada. Me|unarodni: 3 laureati, 41 - I nagrada, 21 - II nagrada, 17 - III nagrada. Direktorot, Jovan Bicevski, vo fevruari 2011 godina ostvari sorabotka so Ambasadata na Japonija vo Avstrija, pri {to be{e organiziran koncert so eminentni muzi~ari koi odr`aa koncert vo na{eto u~ili{te, prezentiraj}i ja japonskata narodna muzika i japonskite tradicionalni muzi~ki instrumenti. Edno od pozna~ajnite partnerstva, direktorot Bicevski go zasnova so [vedskata Ambasada vo Skopje, vo maj vo u~ebnata 2010/2011 godina, kade {to na zavr{niot koncert na vokalno-instrumentalniot oddel nastapija i u~enicite od LILLA AKADEMIEN, Stokholm, [vedska. So ova u~ili{te ve}e e zapo~nat proektot so koj u~enici od dvete muzi~ki u~ili{ta zaedno rabotat na komponirawe muzika koja }e sodr`i makedonski i {vedski motivi, a na kraj }e bide izvedena od u~enicite na dva koncerti, edniot vo Stokholm, a drugiot vo Skopje. Koncertot vo Stokholm e planiran da se odr`i vo maj 2013 godina, a koncertot vo Skopje vo juni 2013 godina. Vo noemvri 2011, u~enicite Eva Bogoevska, violina i Womza Xaferi, pijano zaedno so profesorkite po pijano Danica Stojanova i Marija Bogoevska, bea vo Kuala Lumpur, Malezija na Me|unaroden festival za klasi~na muzika.


Vo maj 2012 godina, Eva Bogoevska nastapi na detskiot festival San Remo junior so kompozicijata Varijacii na tradicionalna tema, koja renomiraniot makedonski kompozitor @ivoin Gli{i} ja napi{a specijalno za ovaa prigoda. So izvedbata na ovaa kompozicija Eva Bogoevska ja osvoi prvata nagrada na ovoj presti`en festival, koj se odr`a vo teatarot Ariston, vo istata sala kade {to se odr`uva svetski poznatiot San Remo Festival. Vo dekemvri 2012 godina, u~enikot Kristijan Mirkovski nastapi na dva koncerti vo Moskva, sorabotka so dr`avnoto muzi~koto u~ili{te Majkapar koja be{e vospostavena minatata godina koga nastapi Ema Ananievska na dva koncerti vo Moskva od koi edniot koncert be{e na zavr{niot koncert na laureati na natprevar po pijano {to se odr`uva vo muzejot Glinka. Ema nastapi kako specijalen gostin na natprevarot, dodeka Kristijan be{e proglasen za pobednik na natprevarot. Vo mart 2013 godina, u~enikot Matej Bo`inovski na pijano }e nastapi na festivalot “Otvorena Evropa”, koj sekoja godina se odr`uva vo Moskva. Vo april 2013 godina, Aleksandar Jordanovski, u~enik vo IV godina sredno na viola, }e nastapi na festivalot “Sea Joy’s” vo Eilat, Izrael. Za ovaa prigoda renomiraniot makedonski kompozitor @ivoin Gli{i} povtorno }e napi{e kompozicija bazirana na tradicionalna makedonska muzika, koja prvpat }e bide izvedena na ovoj festival. U~ili{teto redovno organizira seminari za usovr{uvawe na nastavnicite i u~enicite. Zna~ajna e sorabotkata so prof. Jova Jordanova, prof. po violina na CM[ pri Moskovskiot konzervatorium vo Moskva, potoa so prof. Tihomir Petrovi}, nastavnik po teoretski predmeti vo Muzi~kata [kola “Vatroslav Lisinski” vo Zagreb i predava~ na Rokakademijata vo Zagreb, potoa sorabotkata so Ambasadata na SAD koi organiziraat sredbi so umetnici koi odr`uvaat koncerti vo Makedonija, pa osven koncertot, muzi~arite doa|aat na sredba so u~enicite i nastavnicite. Pitu Guli br. 1, Skopje, R. Makedonija Telefon: ++389 2 3115-527 Faks: ++389 2 3119-004 e-mail: web:


Interview with Mr. Mihail Korubin, Painter

Intervju so g. Mihail Korubin, slikar

Korubin's Samurai Sword in Time and Space Samurajskiot me~ na Korubin vo vremeto i prostorot

I love a wide and vigorous stroke but precise as the Samurai sword at the same time, the structure is multilayered as are the time, earth, space. I learn to perfect other various media which I will certainly be able to integrate in and use in the creation process.


Sakam {irok i energi~en potez, no voedno i precizen kako samurajski me~, strukturata e pove}eslojna kako samoto vreme, zemja i prostor. U~am da usovr{am razni drugi mediumi koj {to sigurno }e mo`e da se intergriraat i upotrebat vo procesot na kreacija.

Kultura n I was grown in a studio with two excellent artists, my grandfather Mile and father Rubens Korubin, and my mother Lile, a fashion designer. So, my love for art started from my earliest age. Still, I have grown in my own way and it is not that I was born with a pencil in my hand and talent that would develop in its own right. Talent may exist but it will only surface through long-year work.

n Izrasnat sum vo atelje me|u dvajca odli~ni umetnici, dedo mi Mile i tatko mi Rubens Korubin i majka mi Lile koja e moden dizajner. Taka {to qubovta kon umetnosta e zapo~nata od mnogu mala vozrast. Iako, izrasnav na toj na~in, ne zna~i deka sum se rodil so moliv vo raka i talent koj sam }e si se razviva. Talentot, mo`ebi postoi, no }e izleze na povr{ina samo so rabota niz pove}e godini.

Mr. Korubin, recently you had your first solo show where human emotions through images of people were displayed. Does this mean that you have accomplished one of your goals? Yes, one can say that I have accomplished an aim, that is, this was my first show icebreaker. However, this is just the beginning and I am happy that I have got even greater instigation to keep on. The exhibition went on better than I expected and there was really great response. It was nice to see how the viewers responded to what I had done for such a long time, to see their reactions, criticism, their indifference or delight. I think that this goal has been materialised because seen through my eyes, it went on perfectly and my responsibility for the following one is even greater. I have already summed minuses and pluses and I will give my maximum, hopefully, to make it even better. What is the message conveyed from this show, or what is the interpretation of the works created? There is no specific message I want to convey but certainly, I have my interpretation of it. Images of imaginary, fictitious people emerged as the product of memory

Gospodin Korubin, neodamna ja otvorivte svojata prva samostojna izlo`ba na koja bea prika`ani ~ove~kite emocii niz likovi. Dali toa zna~i deka realiziravte edna Va{a cel? Da, mo`e da se ka`e deka realizirav edna cel, odnosno go skr{iv mrazot za prvata izlo`ba, no toa e samo po~etok i milo mi e {to mi dade u{te pogolem pottik za ponatamu. Izlo`bata pomina podobro otkolku {to o~ekuvav i reakciite bea navisina pozitivni. Be{e prijatno da se vidi kako reagiraat vospriema~ite kon ona {to si go rabotel tolku vreme, da se vidat nivnite reakcii, kritiki, nivnata ramnodu{nost ili voodu{evuvawe. Ovaa cel e realizirana i poradi toa {to ovaa izlo`ba pomina odli~no barem vo moite o~i, imam pogolema odgovornost za slednata, ve}e gi sumirav minusite i plusovite i }e dadam maksimum, za da bide, se nadevam u{te podobra. Kakva e porakata od ovaa izlo`ba, odnosno kakvo e tolkuvaweto za sozdadenite dela?

or a concrete idea to show a certain psychological state of a character were presented in almost every work. My goal was to show the characters as frozen in a point of emotion or expression, not as a photograph but rather as a thought-based image, or search for a character in one’s memory. You may notice that faces in most pictures are not formed thoroughly, i.e. a certain part is realistic and another is painted in freer expressiveness. If you close your eyes and try to find the image of a person, you will see that you always concentrate on one part of one face, the part that made most impression on you, the part you think is unique for that face, ear, nose, eyes, neck or some psychological state that has been left imprinted in your memory. Which art genre is your favourite or which art gives you inspiration, direction and spirit to create? I do not have any favourite genre, I certainly have the least favourite one but still, I think most genres offer what to respect and learn from. It is important to know the past and art as a whole, it will always help you in your creation. There are art works from different periods that have made strong impression on me, I recognised myself in them, they have enriched me and shaped me spiritually. Art acts direct on you whether it was created 2000 years ago or most recently, its energy acts as if being sent and made for you, today. I appreciate most periods in art and see what to learn from them. Strength of their speech impresses me and helps me to put my crafts in service of what I want to express. Today, there are really too many genres, divisions of art, and so far I have not been concerned about where I would belong or where I would like to belong. I am still young and want to experiment, and time will show where I will end up or start up again.

Nekoja konkretna poraka koja sakam da ja prenesam nema, no se razbira ima odredeno moe tolkuvawe. Re~isi na site dela se zastapeni likovi prete`no imaginarni, izmisleni, proizlezeni kako prozivod od memorija ili konkretna ideja za da se prika`e odredena psihol{ka sostojba na eden lik. Celta mi be{e da gi prika`am likovite kako da se zamrznati vo eden moment na emocija i ekspresija, no ne kako na fotografija, tuku pove}e kako mislovna slika, odnosno barawe na lik niz se}avawe. Mo`ebi }e zabele`ite na pove}eto sliki licata ne se celosno oformeni, t.e. odreden del e realen dodeka drugiot del e naslikan vo edna poslobodna ekspresivnost. Ako zami`ete i se potrudite da pronajdete lik na nekoja li~nost, }e vidite deka sekoga{ se koncentrirate najmnogu na eden del od edno lice, delot koj {to vi ostavil najgolem vpe~atok, delot koj mislite deka e unikaten za toa lice, uvo, nos, o~i, vrat, ili pak nekoja psiholo{ka sostojba koja vi ostanala vre`ana vo memorijata. Koj pravec na umetnosta Vi e omilen ili Vi dava inspiracija, nasoka i duh za da sozdavate? Nemam omilen pravec, verojatno imam najneomilen, no sepak mislam deka vo pove}eto pravci ima {to da se po~ituva i nau~i. Va`no e da se poznava minatoto i umetnosta kako celost, taa sekoga{ }e vi pomogne vo tvore{tvoto. Ima umetni~ki dela od razli~ni periodi koj mi ostavile silen vpe~atok, vo niv sum se prepoznal, duhovno me obogatile i oblikuvale. Umetnosta direktno deluva na vas bez razlika dali e nastanata pred 2000 godini ili sega, nejzinata energija deluva kako da e ispratena i sozdadena za vas, i toa denes.


Culture Gi cenam pove}eto periodi vo umetnosta i gledam {to mo`am da nau~am od niv, Silata na nivniot govor me impresionira i mi pomaga da go stavam mojot zanaet vo funkcija na ona {to sakam da go izrazam. Denes, navistina ima premnogu pravci, delbi na umetnosta zasega ne me zasegam kade bi pripa|al, ili kade bi sakal da bidam, s¢ u{te sum mlad i sakam da ekperimentiram, kade }e zavr{am ili povtorno }e po~nam, }e poka`e vremeto. So koja tehnika najmnogu sakate da sozdavate ili, pak, ja ~uvstvuvate za najbliska i najednostavna? Prete`no slikite mi se vo maslo ili akrilik na platno, rabotam na golem format i likovite mi se vo natprirodna golemina kako anti~ki bo`estva so site ~ove~ki drami, radosti i slabosti. Sakam {irok i energi~en potez, no voedno i precizen kako samurajski me~, strukturata e pove}eslojna kako samoto vreme, zemja i prostor. U~am da usovr{am razni drugi mediumi koj {to sigurno }e mo`e da se intergriraat i upotrebat vo procesot na kreacija. Mislam deka denes mnogu umetnici ja zapostavuvaat tehnikata, zanaetot i poradi toa realizacijata na edno delo deluva slabo, „evtino” premnogu brzo se otka`uvaat od eden proces i preminuvaat vo drug, premnogu se brza da se napravi ne{to novo, sve`o za da se bide unikaten. Obidot za da se napravi ne{to unikatno e sekoga{ dobredojden, no isto taka i mnogu retko uspeva ili, pak, ostanuva nezabel`itelen poradi slabata izrabotka, za da se skr{i nekoe pravilo najnapred treba odli~no da ja poznava{ materijata, inaku verojatno }e se vrti{ vo krug dolgo vreme. Umetnosta osven {to go otslikuva tvore~kiot duh na umetnikot, vo sistemot na pazarna ekonomija treba da donese i benefit. Dali izlo`bite davaat i ekonomski profit? Izlo`bite se pravat za da mo`e javnosta da gi vidi delata vo nivnata originalana sosotojba ili {to bi se reklo vo „`ivo” ,razlikata me|u fotografija i vo `ivo mo`e da bide ogromna. Sepak, izlo`uvaweto isto taka se pravi i za javnosta da se zapoznae so na{ata umetnost, no i nor-




Culture Which medium do you like most as a medium for creation, or which one do you feel closest to and simplest. My paintings are mostly made in oil on canvass or acrylic on canvass, I work in great format and my characters have supranatural sizes as the ancient deities with all their human dramas, joys, weaknesses. I love a wide and vigorous stroke but precise as the Samurai sword at the same time, the structure is multilayered as are the time, earth, space. I learn how to perfect other various media which I will certainly be able to integrate in and use in the creation process. I think that today many artists neglect technque, craft and because of that, implementation of a work seems weak, "cheap," they give up one process too fast and shift to another, they rush to much to make something new, something fresh so that one can be unique. An attempt to make something unique is always welcomed, but it also rarely succeeds or it remains unnoticeable because of poor craftwork. To break a rule, you should first know the subject matter perfectly, otherwise you will probably turn round in a circle for a long time.

Beside reflecting the creative spirit of an artist, art should bring benefits in the market economy system. Do your commitments provide economic profits as well? Exhibitions are made so that the public can see the works in their original state or, as one would say, live works, the difference between the photograph and live work can be enormous. Nevertheless, exhibition is also made in order to acquaint the public with our art, but normally, to make it bring you economic profits. When a work is done, it can bring material benefits but not necessarily. It is nice to have ĂŠlan to go on. Normally, an idea need not any money but implementation requires funds. Art would be in the most grandiose form when people would work out of true desire and passion, not under pressure of whether you will sell the work. But to achieve this, you have to have a solid economic base or support.


malno da donese ekonomski profit. Koga deloto e gotovo, mo`e no i ne mora da donese materijalen benefit. Ubavo e da se ima elan za ponatamu. Normalno, idejata e bez pari, no za realizacija treba finansii. Umetnosta bi bila vo najgrandiozna forma, koga bi tvorele od vistinska `elba i strast, ne pod pritisok dali }e go prodade{ deloto. No, za da se postigne toa, mora da ima{ i solidna ekonomski baza ili potkrepa. Mo`e li vo na{ata dr`ava, uslovno ka`ano, da se `ivee od umetnost poznavaj}i gi sostojbite generaciski vo Va{eto semejstvo? Mo`e da se `ivee od umetnost, no na branovi. Tuka, nemate nikakva garancija za eden kontinuitet vo materijalna smisla, kako koga se raboti vo edna institucija kade {to imate za{tita. Vie ste individua, sam, i morate da gi izdr`ite site udari na vremeto za da prodol`ite da go rabotite ona {to go sakate. Jas, mo`am da ka`am deka imam golema prednost, {to sum izrasnat me|u umetnici koi {to mi gi uka`ale prednostite i nedostatocite vo umetni~kiot svet. Ovoj pazar e prili~no mal, a i ne sme ba{ bogat narod, retko koj mo`e da si dozvoli takov luksuz i da kupi umetni~ko delo. Poradi ova, umetnicite ~esto se otka`uvaat od umetni~kiot `ivot i se naso~uvaat kon posigurna rabota, profesija koja }e im ovozmo`i eden ponormalen `ivot.

Sepak, eden umetnik mora da se obide barem nekoj period, da go dade maksimumot od sebe, zatoa {to toa e kodot {to ja otvora slednata faza vo `ivotot. Bidej}i, ako ne proba, a ima umetni~ka „du{a�, cel `ivot }e se kae poradi taa odluka. Kon {to gi naso~uvate Va{ite sledni likovni pohodi? Imam mnogu planovi i idei koi sakam da gi realiziram vo slednive nekolku godini. Nekoi od niv zavisaat od mene, a za nekoi treba i malku sre}a i upornost. Sakam da napravam nekolku samostojni izlo`bi nadvor od zemjava, ve}e sum vo nekoi pregovori. Treba edna izlo`ba da pro{eta navor, za da ja ra{iri svojata energija. Izlo`bata vo Skopje e ve}e zavr{ena, no mi daden ogromen predizvik za slednata koja ve}e ja rabotam i za koja imam u{te pogolem entuzijazam i sila da ja napravam podobra. Va{ata vtora qubov e muzikata, dali i vo muzi~kata umetnost bi sakale da ostavite tragi na edno postoewe? Muzika sozdavam ve}e podologo vreme, i ako ne bi bil slikar, definitvno }e se orientirav na muzika. Taa me ispolnuva isto tolku kolku i slikarstvoto, ja neguvam kolku {to mo`am pove}e. Za razlika od slikar-


Can one make a living on art in our country, said conditionally, since you know the conditions in generation-based terms in your family? One can live on art but in waves. Here, you do not have any guarantee for a continuity in the material sense compared to one’s job in an institution where they are protected. You are an individual, alone, and you must withstand all those bouts of time in order to continue to work what you love. I can say that I have had great advantage growing up amongst artists who pointed to me the advantages and disadvantages in the world of art. This market is rather small and we are not a rich people whatsoever, so one can rarely afford the luxury to buy a work of art. Because of this, artists often give up artistic life for a more certain job, a profession that can allow them a more normal life. Still, an artist must try at least in a period, to give their maximum, because that is the code that opens the following phase in one’s life. Because, if they do not try despite having “artistic soul”, they will regret making such decision for all their life. Where do you direct your next art “marches”? I have a lot of plans and ideas which I would like to implement in the next couple of years. Some of them depend on me, and for some, I will need a little luck and persistence. I want to make several solo shows outside the country, I have already entered some negotiations. A show should go out, spread its energy. The Skopje show is closed now but it has posed enormous challenge to me for another one which I am working on and for which I have even greater enthusiasm and strength to make it better. Your second love is music, would you like to leave a mark of an existence in the music art as well? I have composed music for a while, and if I was not a painter I would definitely be oriented to music. It fulfils me as painting does, and I cherish it as much as I can. Unlike painting in which I have some confidence and greater experience, I have not achieved such confiedence in music yet to be able to show it publicly. I have a lot to learn and if I share it one day I would like to be satisfied myself at least, be certain that I have given my maximum. Painting and music have many common moments. I have an idea, when time has come, to make a project on which I have worked for a while and connect both arts into one. This would be a challenge for other people as well, and now it is for me. When was love for art born in you and how should one cherish their talents as an individual? I have grown up in a studio with two excellent artists, my grandfather Mile and father Rubens Korubin, and my mother Lile, a fashion designer. So, my love for art started from my earliest age. Although I have grown up in this way, it is not that I was born with a pencil in my hand and talent that would develop in its own right. Talent may exist but it will only surface through long-year work.


stvoto vo koe imam odredena sigurnost i pogolemo iskustvo, vo muzikata s¢ u{te ja nemam taa doverba za da mo`am da ja prika`am na javnosta. Imam u{te da u~am i ako nekoga{ ja spodelam, sakam da bidam barem jas zadovolen, deka sum go dal maksimumot. Slikarstvoto i muzikata delat mnogu zaedni~ki momenti. Imam ideja, koga }e dojde vreme, da napravam eden proekt na koj rabotam podolgo i da gi spojam dvete umetnosti vo edno. Ova bi bilo predizvik i za drugi, a sega e i za mene... Koga kaj Vas se rodi qubovta kon umetnosta i kako treba da se neguva talentot kaj sekoj poedinec? Izrasnat sum vo atelje me|u dvajca odli~ni umetnici, dedo mi Mile i tatko mi Rubens Korubin i majka mi Lile koja e moden dizajner. Taka {to qubovta kon umetnosta e zapo~nata od mnogu mala vozrast. Iako, izrasnav na toj na~in, ne zna~i deka sum se rodil so moliv vo raka i talent koj sam }e si se razviva. Talentot, mo`ebi postoi, no }e izleze na povr{ina samo so rabota niz pove}e godini.


Stem cells: Investment in healthier future Mati~ni kletki: vlog vo pozdrava idnina Mrs. Evrosimovska, as General Manager of Bi-Mek, could you tell us when this company was established and what its basic activities are? Bi-Mek DOO, Medical Equipment Centre is a company specialised in distribution and servicing of medical devices, which has operated actively for ten years in the Republic of Macedonia, with its own sales and service centre. Besides the basic activity, for five years Bi-Mek has been the exclusive representative of Cryo – Save in Macedonia, the largest and leading stem cell bank in Europe. A decision to preserve stem cells should be made on time. Which period is the best and how is the whole procedure performed? There is one and only chance to preserve a child’s stem cells and it is immediately after their birth. However, to take a sample, it is necessary for the parents to have provided in advance a collection set from Cryo– Save. Certainly, a decision to preserve stem cells should be made on time, before your child’s birth. The procedure is simple, it is made immediately after the delivery of the baby and cutting of the umbilical cord, through a safe and painless procedure of taking blood sample from the umbilical cord by the obstetrician. This sample, which is rich in stem cells, is collected in a special sterile collection set and is then transported to Cryo–Save's labs. Although nowadays in Macedonia, there are several institutions pursuing the same activity, you are still recommending to future parents to choose Cryo–Save. Why is that? The service we offer to future parents requires from us a high level of alertness and professionalism. This involves big investment, which parents pay for long-year safety of their children’s health. Therefore, it is very important for the parents to evaluate well when making decision. Cryo-Save is the first and largest bank for stem cells in Europe, with more than ten-year experience and present in 40 countries worldwide. More than 50 percent of all samples preserved in Europe, that is more than 225,000 families gave their trust to Cryo-Save. All medical centres throughout the world accept material kept in Cryo-Save as a safe source of stem cells for therapy. We are proud to offer the opportunity of preserving stem cells in this very bank to the Macedonian citizens. Every future parent should be familiarised with the opportunity of preserving their newborn baby’s stem cells. Do you work on education of the population about the benefits of preserving stem cells?


Interview with Mrs. Tanja Evrosimovska, General Manager of Bi-Mek

Intervju so g-|a Tawa Evrosimovska, generalen menaxer na Bi-Mek

Gospo|o Evrosimovska, kako generalen menaxer na Bi-Mek, ka`ete ni od koga postoi ovaa kompanija na ovie prostori i koi se nejzinite osnovni dejnosti? Bi-MEK DOO, centar za medicinska oprema e firma specijalizirana za distribucija i servisirawe na medicinska aparatura koja aktivno raboti deset godini na teritorijata na Makedonija so svoj proda`en i servisen centar. Pokraj ovaa osnovna dejnost, Bi-MEK ve}e pet godini e ekskluziven zastapnik na Cryo-Save vo R. Makedonija, najgolemata banka za mati~ni kletki vo Evropa. Odlukata za za~uvuvawe na mati~ni kletki treba da se donese navreme, odnosno koj period e najdobar i kako se The service we offer to future parents odviva celata postapka? requires from us a high level of alertness Postoi edna edinstvena and professionalism. This involves big {ansa da se za~uvaat mati~nite investment, which parents pay for kletki na deteto, vedna{ po salong-year safety of their children’s health. moto ra|awe. Me|utoa za da se Therefore, it is very important for the zeme primerokot, neophodno e parents to evaluate well when making prethodno da imate nabaveno decision. set za kolekcija od Cryo–Save. Sekako, odlukata za za~uvuvaUslugata koja {to ja nudime na we na mati~nite kletki treba idnite roditeli bara od nas da se donese navreme, pred ravisoko nivo na podgotvenost i |aweto na Va{eto dete. Postapprofesionalnost. Se raboti za kata e ednostavna, se pravi golema investicija, koja {to vedna{ po poroduvaweto na beroditelite ja pla}aat za beto i presekuvaweto na papo~dolgogodi{na sigurnost na nata vrvca, preku bezbedna i zdravjeto na svoeto dete. Zatoa bezbolna postapka, kaj {to akue mnogu va`no roditelite dobro da procenat koga odlu~uvaat. {erot zema primerok krv od papo~nata vrvca. Ovoj primerok, koj e bogat so mati~ni kletki, se sobira vo specijalen sterilen set za kolekcija, a potoa se transportira vo laboratoriite na Cryo-Save. Iako denes vo Makedonija postojat pove}e ustanovi so istata dejnost, sepak na idnite roditeli im prepora~uvate da ja odberat CryoSave. Zo{to? Uslugata koja {to ja nudime na idnite roditeli bara od nas visoko nivo na podgotvenost i profesionalnost. Se raboti za golema investicija, koja {to roditelite ja pla}aat za dolgogodi{na sigurnost na zdravjeto na svoeto dete. Zatoa e mnogu va`no roditelite dobro da procenat koga odlu~uvaat. Cryo-Save e prva i najgolema banka za mati~ni kletki vo Evropa, so pove}e od desetgodi{no iskustvo, prisutna vo 40 zemji vo svetot. Nad 50% od site primeroci za~uvani vo Evropa odnosno pove}e od 225 000 semejstva doverbata ja dadoa na Cryo-Save. Site medicinski centri {irum



We continuously work on informing the public: our goal is to get every future parent familiarised in a timely manner about the opportunity of preserving stem cells. We are available through the country. In every hospital, we have organised training and every obstetrician throughout the country now knows how to make Cryo-Save collection. We were the general sponsor of the First Symposium for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells in Skopje, which was attended by more than 400 doctors. Last year, we printed our first information bulletin, “Stem Cells,” which we distribute at events we attend. We are constantly active with our Cost Free Donation Program, which is a unique opportunity and offers free-of-charge cryopreservation for high risk families from some disease, treatable with stem cells. So far, we have realised 16 donations for Macedonian families, and this year we have been awarded a certificate as a socially responsible company by the Ministry of Economy for this programme. Bi-Mek is the first branch of stem cells in Macedonia, and preserving stem cells in the world is seen as investment in health of a family. What is the response of the Macedonian citizens for this modern method? Public awareness is constantly increasing due to the five-year presence of CryoSave in Macedonia. Unlike the beginning of our operations when little was known about this service, today, the number of families deciding to preserve stem cells at their child’s birth is constantly increasing owing to on-going cooperation with gynaecologists, support of media and our commitment to informing families. More than 1,600 Macedonian families have chosen Cryo-Savе as a safe partner and the figure is constantly increasing. You continuously work on care for children from which stem cells are preserved in a creative manner over the whole year. Which activities do you carry out for that purpose? We try to have constant contact with our clients. We inform them for all the news, events and campaigns which we organise through monthly electronic information facilities. This year, we jointly celebrated 5 years of Cryo-Save in Macedonia and we invited all the families to a social event and party at the City Park in Skopje. For each New Year we give them a present, Cryo-Save calendar made as a mosaic of photo-


svetot go prifa}aat materijalot za~uvan vo Cryo-Save kako bezbeden izvor na mati~ni kletki za terapija. Nie sme gordi {to na makedonskite gra|ani im ja nudime mo`nosta da za~uvaat tokmu vo ovaa banka. Sekoj iden roditel treba da bide zapoznaen so mo`nosta da gi za~uva mati~nite kletki od svoeto novoroden~e. Rabotite li na edukacija na naselenieto za benefitot za za~uvawe na mati~nite kletki? Kontinuirano rabotime na informirawe na javnosta: na{a cel e sekoj iden roditel da bide navremeno zapoznaen so mo`nosta za za~uvuvawe na mati~ni kletki. Dostapni sme niz celata dr`ava. Vo sekoja bolnica imame napraveno obuka i sekoj aku{er {irum dr`avata denes znae da napravi Cryo-Save kolekcija. Lani bevme generalni pokroviteli na Prviot simpozium za regenerativna medicina i mati~ni kletki {to se odr`a vo Skopje i na koj prisustvuvaa pove}e od 400 doktori. Godinava ispe~ativme i prv informativen bilten “Mati~ni kletki” koj go delime na nastanite na koi sme prisutni. Postojano sme aktivni so programata za Besplatna semejna donacija koja pretstavuva edinstvena mo`nost i nudi besplatno ~uvawe na semejstva so visok rizik od nekoe zaboluvawe {to mo`e da se tretira so mati~ni kletki. Dosega imame realizirano 16 donacii za makedonski semejstva i godinava dobivme i plaketa za op{testveno odgovorna kompanija od Ministerstvoto za ekonomija za ovaa programa. Bi-MEK e prvoto pretstavni{tvo na banka za mati~ni kletki vo Makedonija, a za~uvuvaweto na mati~nite kletki vo svetot se smeta za investicija vo zdravjeto na semejstvoto. Kakov e odyivot na makedonskite gra|ani za ovaa sovremena metoda? Informiranosta na javnosta kontinuirano raste so ogled na pove}e od petgodi{nata prisutnost na Cryo-Save vo Makedonija. Za razlika od po~etocite na na{eto rabotewe koga mnogu malku se znae{e za ovaa usluga, deneska postojano se zgolemuva brojot na semejstva {to odlu~uvaat da gi za~uvaat mati~nite kletki pri ra|aweto na svoeto dete, blagodarenie na kontinuiranata sorabotka so ginekolozite, poddr{kata od mediumite i na{ata zalo`ba za informirawe na semejstvata. Dosega nad 1600


graphs of children whose stem cells have been preserved in the past year. This year, again, we are preparing a 2013 Cryo-Save Calendar. Bi-Mek has constant cooperation with many medical associations and unions. How do you accomplish such cooperation? A part of our daily work is communication with gynaecologists as well as other specialists which area of interest are stem cells. We attend their professional meetings, workshops, congresses or conferences and try to transfer information on every achievement on stem cell therapy in the world’s medicine to our domestic medical professional community. You work in the area of distribution and servicing of medical devices and other medical equipment. Which brands do you represent and which institutions do you cooperate with? Our priority activity is distribution and servicing of medical equipment. We are exclusive representative of more than 25 world’s brands, manufacturers and leaders in the world of medical equipment such as Pentax, Hitachi-Aloka, Varian, Hologic, Medela, Trumpf, Carefusion, Cardiac Science and many others. Due to our long-time experience we have implemented a number of projects in the public and private health sector in Macedonia. In your opinion as an MBA graduate working in a medical sector, how much is good management important for such a dynamic area full of novelties on a daily basis? Regardless of the area or the sector you work in, good management is the most important driving force of a company. How a company will develop and how much it will progress depends above all on the leader and manager skills of people leading it. According to my belief, having a good team is crucial but yet again, good management is necessary for a successful, self-motivating and organised team. A manager’s abilities are even more crucial in leading a company in the health care sector because a dynamic health area full of novelties on a daily basis is involved.


makedonski semejstva go izbraa Cryo-Save kako siguren partner i taa brojka postojano raste. Gri`ata za decata od koi se za~uvani mati~nite kletki ja prodlabo~uvate kreativno vo tekot na celata godina, so koi aktivnosti go pravite toa? Se trudime da imame postojan kontakt so na{ite klienti. Redovno gi informirame za site novosti, nastani i kampawi koi gi organizirame preku mese~ni elektronski informatori. Godinava zaedni~ki proslavivme 5 godini postoewe na Cryo-Save vo Makedonija taka {to site semejstva gi pokanivme na dru`ewe i zabava vo gradskiot park vo Skopje. Sekoja nova godina gi iznenaduvame so Cryo-Save kalendar koj e napraven kako mozaik od fotografii na de~iwa {to za~uvale mati~ni kletki vo izminatata godina. I ovaa godina sme vo podgotovki za Cryo-Save Kalendar za 2013 godina. Bi-MEK e vo postojana sorabotka so mnogu medicinski asocijacii i zdru`enija. Kako ja ostvaruvate taa sorabotka? Del od na{ata sekojdnevna rabota e komunikacija so ginekolozite, no i so site drugi specijalnosti za koi {to mati~nite kletki se domen na interes. Postojano sme prisutni na nivnite stru~ni sostanoci, rabotilnici, kongresi ili konferencii so na{e prisustvo i prezentacija i se trudime sekoe najnovo dostignuvawe vo svetskata medicina za terapija so mati~ni kletki da go preneseme i na na{ata doma{na medicinska javnost.

Rabotite i vo oblasta na distribucija i servisirawe na medicinski aparati i druga medicinska oprema. Za koi brendovi ste zastapnici i so koi ustanovi sorabotuvate? Na{a prioritetna dejnost e distribucijata i servisiraweto na medicinska oprema. Ekskluzivni zastapnici sme za pove}e od 25 svetski brendovi, proizvoditeli i lideri vo svetot za medicinska oprema kako {to se Pentax, Hitachi- Aloka, Varian, Hologic, Medela, Trumpf, Carefusion, Cardiac Science i mnogu drugi. So svoeto dolgogodi{no iskustvo imame relizirani golem broj proekti vo javniot i privatniot zdravstven sektor vo R. Makedonija. Kako magister po biznis administracija koj raboti vo edna medicinska granka kolku spored Vas e va`no dobroto menaxirawe vo edna vakva dinami~na i sekojdnevno polna so novini oblast? Bez razlika na dejnosta ili pak sektorot vo koj {to raboti, dobriot menaxment e najva`nata dvi`e~ka sila na edna kompanija. Kako }e se razviva kompanijata i kolku }e napreduva zavisi pred se od liderskite i menaxerski sposobnosti na lu|eto koi {to ja vodat. Spored mene, timot e najbiten, no povtorno potreben e dobar menaxment za uspe{en, samomotivira~ki i organiziran tim. Sposobnostite na menaxerot se pak u{te pokrucijalni vo vodeweto na kompanija vo zdravstveniot sektor, poradi toa {to se raboti za edna vakva dinami~na i sekojdnevno polna so novini oblast kako zdravstvoto.

Medicina More than 50 percent of parents in Europe who have preserved their newborns’ stem cells have given their trust to Cryo-Save Nad 50% od roditelite vo Evropa {to za~uvale mati~ni kletki od svoite novoroden~iwa, doverbata ja dale na Cryo-Save


CRYO-SAVE IS A SAFE HOME FOR YOUR STEM CELLS Families who have preserved stem cells from their children Families who decide to preserve stem cells from their children invest in their child’s safer future. Stem cells preservation of a newborn is a possibility plus for its future health. Having in mind fast development of medicine and the increasing number of stem cell treatments which offer curing of a number of serious diseases, the decision to preserve one’s own material in the family bank for possible future use can be of crucial importance not only for the child but for the whole family, as well. What are stem cells? Stem cells are “primitive” cells which distinguish themselves from “adult” cells by not being specialised for a particular function and by having a great potential to multiply, to differentiate into new tissues and develop into functional cells. With this capability, the stem cells play an important role in the development of the human body. This particular capability to differentiate into diverse specialised cell types makes them so unique and suitable for medical treatments. Stem cells types that should be preserved and why is this needed? The umbilical cord is a rich source of two stem cell types: blood-producing (hematopoietic) and tissue-producing (mesenchymal) cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are cells that replenish all types of blood and the immune system elements and find their use in the treatment of almost 80 serious blood and blood-related diseases. These include hereditary anaemia, malignant blood diseases (leukaemia and lymphoma), diseases of the immune and metabolic systems. The second stem cell type, unlike the first which has already been used in the standard medicine and whose human application has been defined, includes cells with huge potential for future treatments. They have a great regenerative power and many clinical studies today work intensively to develop treatments for a number of diseases including diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis), etc. There is a possibility for preservation of blood cells only, as a reserve for standard therapies, or preservation of cells from both the blood and the tissue so that a family have at their disposal both stem cell types not only for possible treatment nowadays, but for treatments expected to be developed in the future. Stem cell-related research worldwide In addition to the current worldwide recognised uses of stem cells, such as treatment of leukaemia, characteristic forms of anaemia, lymphomas and other diseases, scientific research develops rapidly. There is a widespread optimism amongst the scientific community about the diversity of the stem cell possible use in the treatment of great number of diseases including: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, malignant tumours, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer disease, muscular damages, cerebral infarctions... Moreover, studies are focused on the differentiation of the number of the collected stem cells and their specialisation under laboratory conditions until their further expansion for therapeutic use is achieved.


Semejstva koi za~uvale mati~ni kletki od svoeto dete Semejstvata koi {to odlu~uvaat da za~uvaat mati~ni kletki od svoeto dete investiraat vo posigurna idnina na svoeto dete. Za~uvuvaweto na mati~nite kletki na novorodenoto pretstavuva mo`nost plus za negovoto idno zdravje. So ogled na brziot razvoj na medicinata i raste~kiot broj na tretmani so mati~ni kletki koi nudat lekuvawe na golem broj seriozni zaboluvawa, odlukata da se za~uva sopstveniot materijal vo semejna banka za eventualna idna upotreba mo`e da ima presudno zna~ewe ne samo za deteto, tuku i za celoto semejstvo. [to se mati~ni kletki? Mati~nite kletki se “primitivni” kletki koi se razlikuvaat od “vozrasnite“ kletki po toa {to ne se specijalizirani za odredena funkcija i imaat visok potencijal da se razmno`uvaat, da sozdavaat novi tkiva i da se razvijat do funkcionalni kletki. So ovaa sposobnost, mati~nite kletki igraat va`na uloga vo razvojot na ~ove~kiot organizam. Tokmu nivnata sposobnost da proizveduvaat razli~ni tipovi na specijalizirani kletki gi pravi tolku edinstveni i pogodni za medicinski tretmani.


Group of people or individuals who are recommended to preserve stem cells A decision for the preservation of the umbilical cord stem cells of a newborn is of particular importance for the following groups: family history of malignant diseases, blood diseases, diseases treated with the stem cell transplantations; couples of different nations because of lower chances for finding a compatible donor in case of need; and pregnant women after artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation with the use of donated sperm or ovum. The above categories are treated as families with a high risk and therefore recommendations for them are more rigorous, although preserving the umbilical cord stem cells as a procedure is highly recommended for every family which is expecting a baby. In order to help families in need, Cryo-Save in Macedonia for three years has been running a campaign for free family donations, and more than 16 families who have a member who is suffering or had suffered from disease that can be treated with the stem cells have gotten a free stem cell preservation in Cryo-Save. Can the umbilical cord stem cells be used for treatment of parents or siblings? When a patient receives cells donated by other individual, we are talking about allogeneic transplantation. In order for the treatment to be successful, they are often combined with special drugs, although even then the cells can be rejected. Therefore, always when possible, doctors prefer to use stem cells of the patient himself, i.e. the autologous transplantation. The probability that the preserved stem cells from the umbilical cord will be used in treatment of close relatives, such as siblings, is 1 : 4 (ideal donor-recipient match) and 1 : 2 (acceptable donor-recipient match). Additionally, umbilical cord stem cells are less likely to be rejected than the bone marrow cells.

What if the mother gives birth with a Caesarean section? Taking a stem cell sample in case of Caesarean section is completely the same as with the physiological childbirth. Regarding the simplicity of the procedure itself, the primary attention of the responsible doctor and the medical staff is always directed towards the mother and the baby. When twins or triplets are in question, there is a need for one container for collecting the sample for each baby. The collection procedure is repeated for each baby separately. Cryo-Save offers you a 50% price discount for the second and for the third child. Recommendations for Families As soon as the parents decide to preserve their children’s stem cells, they require answers to a number of questions – to whom they should address and how long before the childbirth, who is collecting the blood from the cord, what happens with the blood afterwards, how much money should they plan... We would advice future parents, before making decision to preserve stem cells from their newborns, to inform themselves well whether the bank which they would select is accredited by official


Vidovi mati~ni kletki, koi treba da gi za~uvame i zo{to e toa potrebno? Papo~nata vrvca e bogat izvor na dva vida mati~ni kletki: krvotvorni (hematopoetski) i tkivotvorni (mezenhemalni). Krvotvornite mati~ni kletki se kletki od koi {to se sozdavaat elementite na krvta i imuniot sistem i nao|aat primena vo lekuvawe na okolu 80 seriozni zaboluvawa na krvta i bolesti povrzani so krvta. Tuka spa|aat nasledni anemii, maligni zaboluvawa na krvta (leukemii i limfomi), bolesti na imuniot i metabolniot sistem. Vtoriot vid na mati~ni kletki za razlika od prvite koi ve}e se upotrebuvaat vo standardnata medicina i ~ija humana aplikacija e definirana, se kletki so ogromen potencijal za upotreba za terapija za vo idnina. Tie imaat golema regenerativna mo} i denes mnogu klini~ki studii intenzivno rabotat na razvoj na terapii za pove}e zaboluvawa kako dijabet, Parkinsonova, Alchajmerova bolest, multipleks skleroza, detska paraliza itn. Postoi mo`nost da se za~uvaat samo kletkite od krvta kako rezerva za terapii koi ve}e se standardizirani ili da se za~uvaat kletki i od krvta i od tkivoto kako semejstvoto bi imalo na raspolagawe i od dvata tipa mati~ni kletki i toa ne samo za vozmo`nite tretmani denes, tuku i za toa {to se o~ekuva da se razvie vo idnina. Istra`uvawa niz svetot povrzani so mati~nite kletki Osven svetski priznatite dene{ni primeni na mati~nite kletki, kako {to se tretman na leukemija, karakteristi~ni formi na anemija, limfomi i drugi zaboluvawa, nau~nite istra`uvawa se razvivaat so golema brzina. Rasprostranet e optimizmot na nau~nata zaednica za raznolikosta na mo`nata upotreba na mati~nite kletki za tretman na golem broj bolesti, kako {to se: kardio-vaskularni bolesti, Dijabetes, maligni tumori, Parkinsonova bolest, Alchajmerova bolest, muskulni o{tetuvawa, cerebralni infarkti... Isto taka, istra`uvawata se naso~eni i kon razmno`uvawe na brojot na zemenite mati~ni kletki i nivno specijalizirawe vo laboratoriski uslovi se dodeka ne se postigne nivna ponatamo{na ekspanzija za terapevtska upotreba. Grupa na lu|e ili poedinci na koi im e prepora~livo da za~uvaat mati~ni kletki Odlukata za ~uvawe na mati~ni kletki od papo~nata vrvca na novorodeno ima posebno zna~ewe za lica koi pripa|aat na slednive grupi: semejna istorija na maligni bolesti, bolesti na krvta, bolesti koi se tretiraat so transplantacija na mati~ni kletki; parovi so me{ana nacionalnost, zaradi pomalite {ansi za nao|awe na kompatibilen daritel vo slu~aj na potreba; i bremenosti posle zabremenuvawe so ve{ta~ko oploduvawe ili in vitro oploduvawe so upotreba na tu|a sperma ili jajce kletka. Navedenite kategorii se tretiraat kako semejstva so visok rizik i zatoa preporakite za niv se mnogu porigorozni iako za~uvuvaweto na mati~ni kletki od papo~na vrvca kako postapka visoko se prepora~uva i za sekoe semejstvo koe o~ekuva prinova. So cel da im pomogne na semejstvata koi navistina imaat potreba, Cryo-Save vo Makedonija ve}e treta godina sproveduva kampawa za besplatna semejna donacija i pove}e od {esnaeset semejstva koi imaat ~len koj boleduva ili boleduval od bolest koja mo`e da se lekuva so mati~ni kletki, imaat dobieno besplatno za~uvuvawe vo Cryo-Save. Dali so kletkite od papo~nata vrvca }e mo`at da se lekuvaat roditelite ili bra}ata i sestrite na deteto? Koga pacientite }e dobijat kletki koi se donirani od drugo lice, zboruvame za alogena transplantacija. Za tretmanot da bide uspe{en tie ~esto se kombiniraat so specijalni lekarstva, iako, duri i toga{, kletkite mo`e da bidat otfrleni. Zatoa, sekoga{ koga e vozmo`no, lekarite pretpo~itaat upotreba na kletki od samiot pacient, odnosno, avtologna transplantacija. Verojatnosta za~uvanite mati~ni kletki od papo~na vrvca da se upotrebat za tretman na bliski rodnini, kako bra}a i sestri e 1 : 4 (idealna sovpadlivost) i 1 : 2 (prifatliva sovpadlivost). Dopolnitelno, postoi pomala mo`nost kletkite od papo~na vrvca da bidat otfrleni sporedbeno so kletkite od koskena sr`. [to dokolku majkata se porodi so carski rez? Zemaweto na primerok na mati~ni kletki vo slu~aj na pora|awe so carski rez se izveduva na potpolno ist na~in kako i kaj fiziolo{koto poroduvawe. So ogled na ednostavnosta na samata procedura, primarnoto vnimanie na odgovorniot lekar i na bolni~kiot personal e sekoga{ naso~eno kon majkata i bebeto. Dokolku se raboti za bliznaci ili pak za

Medicina trojka, toga{ e potrebno po eden kolektoren sad za zemawe na primerok od sekoe poedine~no bebe. Postapkata za zemawe se povtoruva za sekoe dete poodelno. Cryo-Save Vi nudi popust na cenata za 50% za vtoroto i tretoto dete.

authorised institutions, if it cooperates with renowned hospitals and institutes, and whether it has experience with already used samples for transplantation. Special attention should be paid to a contract, i.e. whether a contract is signed with the bank’s headquarters or with a local agency, and what the bank plans in the event of business interruption. Cryo-Save, the largest European bank for stem cells

Soveti za semejstvata [tom odlu~at da gi za~uvaat mati~nite kletki na svoite deca, roditelite baraat odgovori na niza pra{awa - komu da mu se obratat i kolku vreme pred poroduvaweto, koj ja zema krvta od papo~nata vrvca, {to so nea potoa, kolku pari treba da se izdvojat... Bi gi posovetuvale idnite rodeli pred da donesat odluka da gi za~uvaat mati~nite kletki od novoroden~eto, dobro da se informiraat dali bankata {to }e ja odberat e akreditirana od oficijalni avtorizirani institucii, dali sorabotuva so renomirani bolnici i instituti, dali ima iskustvo vo ve}e oslobodeni primeroci za transplantacija. Isto taka osobeno da se obrne vnimanie na dogovorot, odnosno dali dogovorot se potpi{uva so centralata na bankata ili so lokalnoto pretstavni{tvo i {to bankata predviduva vo slu~aj na prekin na rabota. Cryo Save, najgolema evropska banka za mati~ni kletki Prv ~ekor: Pred poroduvaweto idnite roditeli go kontaktiraat pretstavni{tvoto na evropskata banka Cryo-Save, potpi{uvaat dogovor direktno so Cryo-Save za maksimalna sigurnost i dobivaat set {to slu`i za sobirawe i za transport na primerokot krv i tkivo od papo~nata vrvca.

First step: Before their child birth, future parents get into contact with the representative office of the European Cryo-Sace bank, sign a contract directly with CryoSave for maximum security, and receive a kit for collection and transportation of the umbilical cord blood and tissue sample.

Papo~na vrvca: Primerokot krv i tkivo od papo~nata vrvca go zema aku{erot, neposredno po poroduvaweto. Procedurata e ednostavna, bezbolna i bezopasna i za majkata i deteto. Site poroduvali{ta vo Makedonija imaat obu~en tim za postapkata.

Umbilical cord: The blood and tissue sample is collected by the obstetrician immediately after the childbirth. The procedure is simple, pain-free and safe for both the mother and the child. All maternity hospitals in Macedonia have teams trained for the procedure.

Obrabotka na primerokot: Primerokot, po poroduvaweto, se ispra}a vo bankata za mati~ni kletki so licenciran transporter. Site primeroci po obrabotkata se delat na dva dela i se zamrznuvaat vo gasovita faza na te~en azot. Poradi pogolema sigurnost vo Cryo-Save se sproveduva dvojno ~uvawe na sekoj primerok. Po istekuvaweto na dvaesetgodi{niot dogovor postoi mo`nost za negovo prodol`uvawe.

Sample processing: After the childbirth, the sample is sent to the stem cells bank with a licensed transport agent. After processing, all samples are divided into two parts and cryopreserved in gas phase of liquid nitrogen. With the purpose of greater safety, Cryo-Save carries out double preservation of each sample. After the expiry of the twenty-year contract, there is a possibility for its extension. Use: The first successful transplantation with the umbilical cord blood was made in 1988 in France for the treatment of the Fanconi anaemia. Since the first successful transplantation of the umbilical cord blood cells in 1988 until today, over 25,000 transplantations have been made for the treatment of various malignant blood diseases (leukaemia), immune or metabolic disorders and deficiencies.

Upotreba: Prvata uspe{na transplantacija na krv od papo~nata vrvca e napravena vo 1988 godina vo Francija, za lekuvawe na Fankonijeva anemija. Od prvata uspe{na transplantacija na krv od papo~nata vrvca vo 1988 godina, pa do denes napraveni se nad 25.000 transplantacii za lekuvawe na razni maligni zaboluvawa na krvta (leukemija), imunolo{ki i metabolni poremetuvawa i nedostatoci.

Koi povolnosti gi nudi Cryo-Save?

What are the advantages offered by Cryo-Save? Cryo-Save is the first and largest bank for stem cells in Europe, present in 40 countries worldwide, with over 50% of samples preserved in Europe, and with its own laboratories in Belgium, France, Germany, India and Dubai. Cryo-Save is officially accredited as a tissue and organs bank and has many certificates and accreditations, resulting in the acceptance of the material preserved in Cryo-Save as the safe source of stem cells for treatment by all medical centres worldwide. With more that 11 years of responsible collecting, processing and storage of adult stem cells originating from the umbilical cord blood and tissue, preserved over 225,000 samples and the greatest number of successful transplantations recorded, we are the European leader in the family preservation of the umbilical cord stem cells. As a public service within our social responsibility program, we have been running a program for free family donation related to high risk families for three years now. In order to make the service available to all future parents, we offer delayed payment adjusted to the income of a Macedonian family. With the purpose of maximum safety and guarantee, all our clients sign a uniform contract which is in compliance with the European regulations for this kind of services, directly with Cryo-Save.


Cryo-Save e prva i najgolema banka za mati~ni kletki vo Evropa prisutna vo 40 zemji vo svetot so nad 50% od site primeroci za~uvani vo Evropa i so sopstveni laboratorii vo Belgija, Francija, Germanija, Indija, Dubai. Cryo-Save e oficijalno akreditirani kako tkivna i organska banka i e nositel na golem broj sertifikati i akreditacii zaradi {to site medicinski centri {irum svetot go prifa}aat materijalot za~uvan vo Cryo-Save kako bezbeden izvor na mati~ni kletki za terapija. So pove}e od 11 godini iskustvo vo odgovorno kolektirawe, procesirawe i storirawe na adultni mati~ni kletki od krv i tkivo od papo~na vrvca, za~uvani pove}e od 225.000 primeroci i najgolem broj na evidentirani uspe{ni transplantacii, nie sme evropski lider vo semejnoto ~uvawe na mati~ni kletki od papo~na vrvca. Kako usluga za javnosta vo sklop na na{ata programa za socijalna odgovornost, ve}e treta godina funkcionira programata za besplatna semejna donacija za semejstva so visok rizik. So cel da ja napravime uslugata dostapna za site idni roditeli, nudime odlo`en na~in na pla}awe adaptiran na buxetot na makedonskoto semejstvo. Za maksimalna sigurnost i garancija, site na{i klienti potpi{uvaat unificiran model na dogovor usoglasen so evropskite regulativi za vakov tip na uslugi direktno so CryoSave.



Tourism Interview with Mrs. Liljana Popovska, Leader of DOM and Member of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia Intervju so g-|a Liljana Popovska, pretsedatel na DOM i pratenik vo Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija

Tourism, Priority for More Intensive Economic Development of Macedonia Turizmot, prioritet za pogolem ekonomski razvoj na Makedonija


Turizam Mrs. Popovska, you have taken part in a number of projects related to tourism promotion of the country. What are the developing tourist regions in the country and the future plans and ideas for implementation of such developments? Yes, tourism is among my priorities because I believe it is a great and yet unused chance for the economic development of Macedonia. In the past several years, I have strongly advocated creation of an institutional framework for organised promotion of the country as a tourism destination: through a strategy for tourism development, new legal framework, establishment of a tourism promotion and support agency, subsidiaries for foreign tourists, organising tourist guild in chambers, education of staff for elevating the level of services … All those measures were the requirements stated by tourist professionals, from the Hotel Association of Macedonia (HOTAM), the Association of Travel Agencies of Macedonia (ATAM) and the chambers, represented by me as a MP, and accepted by the government. The results have already been evident. In 2011, the number of foreign visitors and foreign overnight stays increased by 25% and 35% respectively. In 2012, such a trend continued. For the next period, promotion should continue but we should also improve our offer in the home market – new accommodation capacities, the improved infrastructure and signalisation, branded traditional food and many other. Establishment of tourism development zones where the state would enable conveniences for great invest-

ments in tourism is involved here. Certainly, protection of the environment and sustainability of business should be taken care of. Macedonia is a landlocked county but it boasts magnificent mountains, lakes, rivers, cuisine, folklore. How is this alternative tourism promoted with tourists and what is specifically targeted as an object of action? Macedonia has extraordinary conditions for ecotourism, and for cultural, sport, adventurous, archaeological and other forms of alternative tourism. It has been for a while that tourism is not only related to the sea but has become an exciting story for exploration of new places, cultures, food, odours, sounds… Macedonia is exceptionally picturesque and diverse. A magnificent view or an old temple or healthy food and wine or lavish folk tradition with the typical 7/8 cadence, which carries you away when you join the traditional folk dance, wait for you around any corner. Foreign tourists are delighted at all that and independent on where they are accommodated, they tour the country: Kokino, Galičnik, Vevčani, Berovo, Tikveš area, Demir Kapija, Čaška, Brod, Prilep area, Kriva Palanka area, Osogovo Mountain area, Kratovo; Mavrovo, Pelister, Galičica, and Prespa National Parks… That information is available in promotional materials about our country, in TV spots, and it is presented in international fairs where we organise special days of the Macedonian traditional cuisine and music.

In which associations, societies or parliamentary groups do you take part in order to ensure more efficient implementation of projects in the area of promotion of the tourist offer of our country? I am an honorary member of the Tourist Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, and I collaborate with other tourist chambers as well as with HOTAM and ATAM as the associations of hotels and agencies. In 2008, I was honoured with St. Climent Award for the support of the Macedonian tourism by HOTAM, and was recognised as the best MP supporter of the Balkan tourism by BAHA in 2009. I cooperate with the Balkanija International Alternative Tourism Association, with which we have promoted several previously undiscovered corners of Macedonia. I was one of the initiators for the establishment of the Skopje Tourist Summer, which was launched as a summer event including tours of foreigners and Skopje citizens who spend the summer in the city only to develop into an institution of thousands of members and travellers through our beautiful fatherland. It was those associations that were the originators of promotion with home visitors, without which not any tourism can succeed. As the member of the Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission and other bodies, I meet many colleague MPs from different countries and apart from serious topics, I do not omit to invite them to visit Macedonia as tourists.

esnaf vo komori, edukacija na kadri i podigawe na nivoto na uslugite... Site ovie merki bea barawa od turisti~kite rabotnici, od HOTAM, ATAM i komorite, zastapuvani i lobirani od mene kako pratenik, a prifateni od Vladata. Rezultatite se ve}e vidlivi. Vo 2011 godina imavme porast na stranski gosti od 25%, i na stranski no}evawa od 35%. Vo 2012 godina ovoj trend e prodol`en. Vo sledniot period treba da prodol`i promocijata, no treba doma da si ja podobrime ponudata - novi smestuva~ki kompleksi, podobrena infrastruktura i signalizacija, brendirana tradicionalna hrana i mnogu drugo. Se raboti na formirawe turisti~ki razvojni zoni, kade dr`avata bi ovozmo`ila pogodnosti za golemi investicii vo turizmot. Se razbira, pri

sevo ova }e mora da se vodi smetka za za{tita na `ivotnata sredina i odr`livost na dejnosta.


Tourism is among my priorities because I believe it is a great and yet unused chance for the economic development of Macedonia. In the past several years, I have strongly advocated creation of an institutional framework for organised promotion of the country as a tourism destination.

Turizmot mi e vo prioritetite, za{to veruvam deka toj e golemata, s¢ u{te dokraj neiskoristena {ansa za ekonomski razvoj na Makedonija. Vo poslednive nekolku godini silno se zalagav za sozdavawe institucionalna ramka za organizirana promocija na zemjava kako turisti~ka destinacija

G-|a Popovska u~estvuvate vo mnogu proekti koi se odnesuvaat na turisti~ka promocija na zemjava. Koi se razvojnite turisti~ki regioni vo zemjava i koi se idnite planovi i idei za realizacija na istite? Da, turizmot mi e vo prioritetite, za{to veruvam deka toj e golemata, s¢ u{te dokraj neiskoristena {ansa za ekonomski razvoj na Makedonija. Vo poslednive nekolku godini silno se zalagav za sozdavawe institucionalna ramka za organizirana promocija na zemjava kako turisti~ka destinacija: preku strategija za razvoj na turizmot, nova zakonska ramka, formirawe Agencija za promocija i poddr{ka na turizmot, subvencii za stranski turisti, organizirawe na turisti~kiot


Makedonija nema more, no zatoa poseduva prekrasni planini, ezera, reki, kujna, folklor. Kako ovoj alternativen turizam se promovira kaj turistite i na {to konkretno se deluva? Makedonija ima izvonredni uslovi za eko-turizam, kulturen, sportski, avanturisti~ki, arheolo{ki i drugi formi na alternativen turizam. Ve}e odamna turizmot ne se povrzuva samo so more, tuku stana vozbudliva prikazna za istra`uvawe na novi mesta, kulturi, hrana, mirisi, zvuci... Makedonija e izvonredno `ivopisna i raznovidna, zad sekoj agol, ve ~eka prekrasna gletka, star hram ili crkva, zdrava hrana i vino,

Tourism Logically, you promote your love for our “green” country in your party DOM as well. Why have you opted for a green party? Because the green idea is my skin, my intrinsic state, and because there are a lot of people in Macedonia seeking the political articulation of the green idea, for healthier living environment, for sustainable and responsible natural resource management through the respect of the democratic principles and human rights, with a lot of tolerance, non-violence and paying regard to differences. Which long-term projects related to the environment and the sustainable development are you implementing or have you implemented, and where is Berovo on the map of those projects? Berovo is one of the pearls of Macedonia that were forgotten for many years. This is a region with mild mountains, forceful streams, a dark green lake, and the skies above you. Fortunately, Berovo locals are good householders and they love their place, so they have invested themselves with a lot of love in the construction of accommodation capacities that everybody can


afford. Investments in the Manastir Hotel with its national ambiance and fantastic Maleševo cuisine were critical along with investments in the Aurora Complex, a modern spa resort which fits perfectly in the nature. There are also a number of villas and small-sized accommodation facilities dotted along the mountain lake. I am happy because together with the friends in Balkanija, the Skopje Tourist Summer and Maleševo Alternative, I have at least a "drop" of my share in the organised promotion of this pearl of ours. I remember taking Skopje citizens and TV crews, who had never visited Berovo, for degustation of the Maleševo dishes at the Manastir Hotel four years ago. They were delighted! I have to mention the great contribution of the Mayor Dragi Nadžiski, who is always open for initia-

tives of concern of the municipality and receives visitors with a lot of charm. A lot has been done for the environmental protection and the sustainable development in the past six years. Practically all important laws and strategies on the environmental protection have been adopted, application of modern management of natural resources and waste management has been initiated; we have incorporated tourism in the state strategies and made it a serious branch of economy; we have asserted reusable energies and energy efficiency; DOM was at the front line of the civic resistance against the restarting of the Smelter in Veles and construction of Ironworks in Negotino; and the largest clean-up action throughout the country was implemented at the initia-

ravme mnogu neotkrieni kat~iwa na Makedonija. Eden od inicijatorite sum za formirawe na Skopsko turisti~ko leto, koja po~na kako letna manifestacija za pro{etki na strancite i skopjani, koi letoto go pominuvaat vo gradot, za da prerasne vo institucija koja ima iljadnici ~lenovi i patuva~i niz na{ata ubava tatkovina. Tokmu ovie zdru`enija bea za~etoci za promocija kaj doma{nite posetiteli, bez koi nieden turizam nema da uspee. Kako ~len, pak, na parlamentarnata Komisija za nadvore{na politika i drugi tela, se sre}avam so mnogu kolegi parlamentarci od razni zemji i osven serioznite temi, ne propu{tam da gi pokanam da ja posetat Makedonija kako turisti.

Logi~no e qubovta kon na{ata „zelena” zemja da ja promovirate i vo Va{ata partija DOM. Zo{to tokmu partija na zelenite? Za{to zelenata ideja e mojata ko`a, mojata prirodna sostojba, no i zatoa {to ima mnogu lu|e vo Makedonija {to baraat politi~ka artikulacija na zelenata ideja, za pozdrava `ivotna sredina, za odr`livo i odgovorno upravuvawe so prirodnite resursi, niz po~ituvawe na demokratskite principi i ~ovekovite prava, so mnogu tolerancija, nenasilstvo i uva`uvawe na razlikite. Koi proekti vo odnos na ekologijata i odr`liviot razvoj vo podolg period gi sproveduvate ili ste gi sprovele, kade e Berovo na mapata na ovie proekti?

Berovo is one of the pearls of Macedonia that were forgotten for many years. This is a region with mild mountains, forceful streams, a dark green lake, and the skies above you. Fortunately, Berovo locals are good householders and they love their place, so they have invested themselves with a lot of love in the construction of accommodation capacities.

Berovo e eden od onie biseri na Makedonija koi bea zaboraveni pove}e godini. Ova e region so blagi planini, silni potoci, temno zeleno ezero i neboto nad vas. Za sre}a, berov~ani se esnafi i si go sakaat mestoto, pa so mnogu qubov i entuzijazam se vlo`ija vo izgradba na kapaciteti za smestuvawe. rasko{na folklorna tradicija so karakteristi~niot sedum-osminski takt, koj te ponesuva koga }e se fati{ vo tradicionalnoto oro. Stranskite turisti se odu{eveni od seto toa i nezavisno kade se smesteni, odat na turi niz zemjata: vo Kokino, Gali~nik, Vev~ani, Berovo, Tikve{ija, Demir Kapija, ^a{ka, Brod, Prilepsko, Krivopalane~ko, Osogovie, Kratovo, nacionalnite parkovi Mavrovo, Pelister, Gali~ica, Prespa... Tie informacii gi ima vo promotivnite materijali za na{ava zemja, vo TV-spotovite, a se pretstavuvaat i na me|unarodni saemi, kade organizirame i posebni denovi na makedonska tradicionalna kujna i muzika. Vo koi asocijacii, zdru`enija ili parlamentarni grupi u~estvuvate za poefikasno realizirawe na proektite od oblasta na promocija na turisti~kata ponuda na na{ata zemja? Po~esen ~len sum na Stopanskata komora za turizam, a sorabotuvam i so drugite turisti~ki komori, kako i so HOTAM i ATAM, kako zdru`enija na hotelieri i agencii. Vo 2008 godina, imav ~est od HOTAM da ja dobijam nagradata „Sv. Kliment”, za poddr{ka na makedonskiot turizam, kako i priznanie za najdobar pratenik poddr`uva~ na balkanskiot turizam od BAHA vo 2009 godina. Sorabotuvam so Me|unarodnata asocijacija za alternativen turizam „Balkanija”, so koja promovi-


Turizam tive of DOM and Ajde Makedonija Association through the Ministry of Environment during the past autumn. All in all, we have a lot of initiatives, a number of them have been adopted but, certainly, there are things for which we are still lobbying such as the law on greenness, the green cadastre of Skopje, new national parks and protected zones, stricter control of industry capacities etc. You organised a forum, “Green experience from Paris for green solutions in Skopje.” Which was the goal for the forum and what conclusions and effects followed? At my invitation, the deputy Mayor of Paris, Christophe Najdovski, a politician from the French “green” party originating from Macedonia, came to present the gre-

en experience of Paris. The “green” party has been a part of the local authorities for the second term, they have done a lot to reduce pollution and increase green areas by 30,000 m2. They have decreased traffic by 25%, increased the use of the public transportation by 30% and the use of bicycles by 90%, and have lowered radiation by 30%, etc. His visit instigated enormous interest with the public and was accepted positively. Our Macedonian pride, the pride of seeing a man from our areas succeeding in the great world, was probably provoked here. There was his pure Macedonian language, although he was born there, his mild and convincing appearance and certainly, the great experience he shared with us and recommended to us to make our Skopje a less polluted and better place for living.

Your rebellious spirit also means the entry of the woman in politics, and we will surely mention your managing positions here. What is the situation in this area in the country having in mind the women’s 30% representation? Macedonia is on the top of the countries according to the participation of women in politics with high 30% owing to the gender quota we incorporated in the law on elections and have advanced in several cycles. That was the result of the common championship of women of different political, ethnic and religious origin, who made the critical mass through the Macedonian women’s lobby, which we established in 2000 as the widest women’s network in the country.

Berovo e eden od onie biseri na Makedonija koi bea zaboraveni pove}e godini. Ova e region so blagi planini, silni potoci, temno zeleno ezero i neboto nad vas. Za sre}a, berov~ani se esnafi i si go sakaat mestoto, pa so mnogu qubov i entuzijazam se vlo`ija vo izgradba na kapaciteti za smestuvawe, za se~ij xeb. Klu~ni bea vlo`uvawata vo hotelot „Manastir”, vo nacionalen ambient, so fantasti~na male{evska kujna, a podocna i vo kompleksot „Aurora” kako sovremen spa-resort sovr{eno vklopen vo prirodata. Tuka se i pove}eto vili i pomali smestuva~ki objekti, rasfrlani pokraj planinskoto ezero. Sre}na sum {to i jas, zaedno so prijatelite od „Balkanija”, Skopsko turisti~ko leto i Male{evska alternativa, imam kapka udel vo organiziranata promocija na

ovoj na{ biser. Se se}avam koga pred 4 godini so avtobusi donesovme na degustacija na male{evska hrana vo „Manastir”, skopjani i TV-ekipi, koi nikoga{ ne go imaa videno Berovo. Bea odu{eveni! Mora da go spomenam i golemiot pridones na gradona~alnikot Dragi Naxiski, koj e sekoga{ otvoren za inicijativi {to se od interes na op{tinata i so mnogu {arm gi pre~ekuva gostite. Za ekologijata i odr`liviot razvoj vo izminative {est godini e napraveno mnogu. Doneseni se prakti~no site va`ni zakoni i strategii za za{tita na `ivotnata sredina, zapo~nata e primenata vo sovremenoto upravuvawe so prirodnite resursi i otpadot; go vnesovme turizmot vo dr`avnite strategii, so {to stana seriozna stopanska granka; gi afirmiravme obnovlivite

energii i energetskata efikasnost; DOM be{e na branikot na gra|anskiot otpor protiv restartirawe na Topilnicata vo Veles i izgradba na `elezarnica vo Negotino; na inicijativa na DOM i Asocijacijata „Ajde Makedonija”, a preku Ministerstvoto za ekologija esenva se sprovede najgolemata akcija dosega za ~istewe na otpadot niz cela zemja. S¢ na s¢, imame mnogu inicijativi, golem broj se prifateni, no se razbira, ima raboti za koi s¢ u{te lobirame da se prifatat, kako zakonot za zelenilo, zelen katastar na Skopje, novi nacionalni parkovi i za{titeni zoni, postrogi kontroli na industriskite kapaciteti i dr. Organiziravte tribina „Zelenite iskustva od Pariz za zelenite re{enija vo Skopje”. Koja e


Tourism Thus, women are represented in solid percentage in the Parliament and the Councils, but there is not any woman mayor. Almost 50% women occupy managerial positions in the civil administration, and in their number is even higher in the judiciary, education and health. Interestingly, there are a number of women in the number two or number three posts in the finances where a lot of work is to be done, however, man is still in the number one position. Ahead of local elections, to what extent have women been proposed and elected for mayors in the local self-government in the past period? The number of women who have been proposed for mayor in the past period have been relatively low, which points to two problems: poor support in the parties and reluctance to cede positions that are really powerful; and women’s lack of funds to cover an elec-

tion campaign independently. As the result of this, we have had at most three female mayors in one term only to be reduced to the absolute zero in the latest term. Because of all this, I have proposed amendment to the Election Code by incorporating the gender quota for mayor candidates, following the suit of the quotas for the Council Lists. However, my proposal still falls on deaf ears and united action of all conscientious persons will be required to change the conditions. Besides in politics, the woman is successful in business, especially in the private sector. In your opinion, is the woman in Macedonia represented sufficiently in the management and entrepreneurship? There are not enough women in managerial positions in the business sector. Those who have braved to

enter this sphere have proved themselves as creative, persistent and successful. I have to say that the situation in the world is similar and therefore, recently, the European Parliament debated the incorporation of gender quotas in the managerial positions in companies. Which models and tools should be used for the woman to get her place in a society, i.e. for the number of successful and fulfilled women to increase? Continuing struggle is necessary because all of us have lived in the man’s world for millennia. Nobody gives you their place without fight! But the essence is not to make pure substitution of the conditions and turn the world from one dominated by men into one dominated by women. Absolutely not! The essence is to fight out a world of equal opportunities for men and

celta na tribinata i kakvi zaklu~oci i efekti sledea od nea? Na moja pokana dojde zamenikot-gradona~alnik na Pariz, Kristof Najdovski, Makedonec i politi~ar od francuskite „Zeleni”, za da ni gi pretstavi zelenite iskustva od Pariz. „Zelenite”, koi se vo lokalnata vlast ve}e vtor mandat, imaat napraveno mnogu za namaluvawe na zagaduvaweto i zgolemuvawe na zelenite povr{ini za 30.000 m2. Go namalile soobra}ajot za 25%, ja zgolemile upotrebata na javniot prevoz za 30% i upotrebata na velosipedi za 90%, go namalile zra~eweto za 30% itn. Negovata poseta pobudi ogromen interes vo javnosta i be{e mnogu pozitivno primena. Ve-

rojatno proraboti na{ata makedonska gordost {to eden na{ ~ovek uspeal vo golemiot svet, no i negoviot ~ist makedonski jazik, iako e roden tamu, negoviot odmeren i ubedliv nastap i sekako, odli~nite iskustva {to gi spodeli so nas i ni gi prepora~a, za da bide i na{eto Skopje pomalku zagadeno i poubavo mesto za `iveewe. Va{iot buntoven duh zna~i i vlez na `enata vo politikata, a tuka sekako }e gi spomeneme i rakovodnite funkcii. Kakva e sostojbata na ova pole vo dr`avava, imaj}i go predvid procentot od 30% za zastapenost na `enata? Makedonija e na vrvot na zemji spored u~estvoto na `enite vo politikata, so visoki 30%, blago-

darenie na rodovata kvota {to ja vgradivme vo izborniot zakon i ja usovr{uvavme niz nekolku ciklusi. Toa be{e rezultat na zaedni~kata borba na `enite od razli~no politi~ko, etni~ko i versko poteklo, koi formiraa kriti~na masa preku Makedonskoto `ensko lobi, {to go formiravme vo 2000god., kako naj{iroka `enska mre`a vo zemjata. Zna~i, `enite denes gi ima vo soliden broj vo parlamentot i sovetite, no nema niedna `ena gradona~alnik. Gi ima re~isi 50% na rakovodni pozicii vo administracijata, vo u{te pogolem broj vo sudstvoto, obrazovanieto i zdravstvoto. Interesno e deka gi ima na mnogu vtori i treti


Turizam women, just as is the name of the Parliamentary Commission I lead. This is to enable everybody to advance according to their abilities and capacity, to make women contribute to the development of the world with all of their capacity, to fulfil themselves and make a fairer and more harmonious society.

How do you see Marili’s project Top Ten Women Managers, which you attend regularly and support? That is an exceptionally successful project which shows in practice several things: competence, persistence, creativity and solidarity with other women by the number one woman, Mrs. Lidija Tripunoska.

Then, a whole range of successful women in Macedonia receive public acknowledgement and promotion for their job, and finally, successful women in the Macedonian Diaspora connect to their home land more strongly in this way. Receive my congratulations and remain persistent in your noble mission!


There are not enough women in managerial positions in the business sector. Those who have braved to enter this sphere have proved themselves as creative, persistent and successful. I have to say that the situation in the world is similar and therefore, recently, the European Parliament debated the incorporation of gender quotas in the managerial positions in companies.

Nema dovolno `eni na rakovodni pozicii vo biznis sektorot. Onie {to se odva`ile da vlezat vo ovaa sfera, se doka`ale kako kreativni, uporni i uspe{ni. Moram da ka`am deka sli~na e sostojbata i vo svetot, pa zatoa vo Evropskiot parlament neodamna ima{e rasprava za vnesuvawe rodovi kvoti i vo upravuva~kite tela na firmite.

mesta vo finansiite, kade treba mnogu da se odraboti, no prvoto mesto e sepak za ma`ot. Vo presret na lokalnite izbori, kolku vo izminatiot period `enite bea predlagani i izbirani za gradona~alnici vo lokalnata samouprava? Realativno mal e brojot na `eni, koi vo izminatiot period bile predlagani za gradona~alnici, {to poka`uva dva problema: slabata poddr{ka vo partiite i neotstapuvawe pozicii koi se vistinski mo}ni; kako i nemaweto dovolno sredstva kaj `enite za samostojno pokrivawe na izbornata kampawa. Kako rezultat na ova, dosega sme imale najmnogu po tri gradona~alni~ki vo eden mandat, za da se svedeme na apsolutna nula vo posledniov mandat. Poradi sevo ova jas predlo`iv izmena na Izborniot zakonik so vnesuvawe rodova kvota za kandidirawe gradona~alnici, po primerot na kvotite za sovetni~kite listi. No, se u{te nema sluh za toa i }e bide potrebna zdru`ena akcija na site svesni subjekti, za da se promenat sostojbite.

Osven vo politikata `enata e uspe{na i vo biznisot, osobeno vo privatniot sektor. Dali spored Vas `enata vo Makedonija e dovolno zastapena vo menaxiraweto i pretpriemni{tvoto? Nema dovolno `eni na rakovodni pozicii vo biznis sektorot. Onie {to se odva`ile da vlezat vo ovaa sfera, se doka`ale kako kreativni, uporni i uspe{ni. Moram da ka`am deka sli~na e sostojbata i vo svetot, pa zatoa vo Evropskiot parlament neodamna ima{e rasprava za vnesuvawe rodovi kvoti i vo upravuva~kite tela na firmite. Koi s¢ modeli i alatki treba da se upotrebat za da go dobie `enata svoeto mesto vo edno op{testvo, odnosno za da se zgolemi brojkata na uspe{ni i realizirani `eni? Potrebna e kontinuirana borba, zo{to site nie `iveeme vo ma{ki svet, ve}e so mileniumi. Nikoj ne ti go dava svoeto mesto bez borba! No ne e su{tinata da se napravi gola zamena na sostojbite, pa od dominacija na ma`ite, svetot da go pretvorime vo dominacija na `enite. Nikako! Su{tinata e da se izborime za svet na ednakvi


mo`nosti za `enite i ma`ite, tokmu kako {to se vika sobraniskata komisija {to ja vodam. Za da mo`e sekoj da napreduva spored svoite sposobnosti i kapacitet, za da mo`e `enite da pridonesat za razvoj na svetot so celiot svoj kapacitet, da se realiziraat sebesi i da napravime popravi~no i poharmoni~no op{testvo. Kako go ocenuvate proektot na Agencija „Marili” za organizacija na Manifestacijata - Izbor na najuspe{ni `eni menaxeri, na koja redovno ste na{ gostin i poddr`uva~? Toa e izvonredno uspe{en proekt, koj poka`uva na delo pove}e raboti: sposobnosta, upornosta, kreativnosta, no i solidarnosta so drugite `eni na prviot ~ovek, g-|a Lidija Tripunoska. Potoa, celata paleta na uspe{ni `eni vo Makedonija, preku ovoj proekt dobivaat javna potvrda i afirmacija za svojata rabota i kone~no, uspe{ni `eni od makedonskata dijaspora, koi na ovoj na~in posilno se povrzuvaat so svojata mati~na zemja. Samo ~estitki i izdr`ete vo Va{ata blagorodna misija!


Hotel Continental is the largest luxury Hotel in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Located in the city, 20 minutes drive from the Alexander the Great Airport, in a 10000 m2 landscaped garden, adjacent to the Fair Ground, 5 minutes from downtown Skopje. Hotel Continental has its own private parking and garage where cars are safe. Hotel Continental has 200 single and double rooms including 6 suites, and possibility of triple rooms on request. All the rooms meet a variety of demands of its guests and the modern standards of the high-class hotel industry. All rooms and suites are equipped with direct phone lines, satellite TV, mini-bar, safe box, air-conditioning, hair dryer and free WI-FI Internet. Room service is available free of charge from 06:00 h to 24:00 h. Fontana bar & National restaurant - Pleasant places to relax and enjoy quality food. The Fontana bar is a comfortable place where you can enjoy a relaxing beverage after a delicious meal. Catering service with national and international food. Hotel Continental is by all means a unique hotel in Skopje for its banquet capacities. The Hotel has six banquet halls – Crystal, Ceremonial, Club Fontana, Continental Club, Business Club and Conti Club of which the first three are ballrooms.

Depending on type and purpose of the events, the halls can accommodate between 20 and 440 guests and occupy the area of 1456 square meters. Whether we deal with a corporate meeting, expert’s conventions, seminars, presentations and promotions, celebration of anniversaries, press conferences, celebration of traditional holidays or private celebrations, weddings, birthdays, etc., the professional team of Hotel Continental is here for you, personalizing every service and making it in this way special and memorable for every particular guest. Your wedding is a once in a lifetime event that should be as unique as you are. So why settle for a standard wedding when you can create a fabulous event that reflects who you are as a couple? Here at Hotel Continental we assist you to create the wedding of your dreams, no matter how simple or outrageous that may be! Hotel Continental, Bld. Aleksandar Makedonski bb Tel: +389 (0)2 3206-000 +389 (0)2 3133-333 Fax: +389(0)2 3222-221


Hotelot „Kontinental” e najgolemiot luksuzen hotel vo Skopje, Republika Makedonija. Smesten e vo gradskoto podra~je, na 20 minuti vozewe od aerodromot „Aleksandar Veliki”, vo hortikulturno uredena gradina od 10000m2, vedna{ do izlo`beniot saemski prostor, samo 5 minuti oddale~en od centarot na Skopje. Hotelot „Kontinental” ima sopstven privaten parking prostor i gara`a kade Va{eto vozilo }e bide bezbedno. * Hotelot „Kontinental” raspolaga so 200 ednokrevetni i dvokrevetni sobi, vklu~uvaj}i 6 apartmani i na barawe, mo`nost za trokrevetni sobi. Site sobi gi zadovoluvaat raznovidnite barawa na gostite, kako i sovremenite standardi na hotelskata industrija od visoka klasa. Site sobi i apartmani se opremeni so site udobnosti, kako {to se direktna telefonska linija, satelitska TV, mini-bar, sef, klimatizer, fen za kosa i besplaten WI-FI internet. Sobnata usluga im e na raspolagawe na gostite bez nadomest od 06:00 ~asot nautro do 24:00 ~asot. Fontana barot i Nacionalniot restoran - prijatni mesta za odmor i u`ivawe vo kvalitetna hrana. Fontana bar e udobno mesto kade mo`e da u`ivate opu{teni so pijalak po vkusen obrok. Ugostitelska usluga so nacionalna i me|unarodna kujna. Hotelot „Kontinental” vo sekoj slu~aj e edinstven hotel vo Skopje so svoite kapaciteti za organizirawe banketi i proslavi. Hotelot ima {est banket-sali - Kristalna sala, Sve~ena sala, Klub fontana, Kontinental klub, Biznis klub, i Konti klub, od koi prvite tri se balski sali. Vo zavisnost od vidot i celta na nastanite, salite mo`e da se prisposobat me|u 20 i 440 gosti i da opfatat prostor od 1456 kvadratni metri. Bez ogled dali organizirame korporativna sredba, konvencija na eksperti, seminar, prezentacija, promocija, proslava na godi{nina, konferencija za pe~at, proslava na tradicionalni praznici ili privatna proslava, svadba, rodenden i sli~no, timot na hotelot „Kontinental” e tuka za Vas, personaliziraj}i ja sekoja usluga i pravej}i ja poseben nastan za pametewe za sekoj gostin. Va{ata svadba e nastan {to se slu~uva edna{ vo `ivotot. Toj treba da bide edinstven kako {to ste Vie. Zo{to toga{ da se re{ite za standardna svadba koga mo`ete da sozdadete nastan, {to }e ve odrazi Vas i ona {to ste kako dvojka? Ovde, vo hotelot „Kontinental” Vi pomagame da ja kreirate svadbata od Va{ite soni{ta, bez ogled kolku ednostavna ili specifi~na taa mo`e da bide. Hotel Kontinental, Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski bb Tel: +389 (0)2 3206-000 +389 (0)2 3133-333 Faks: +389(0)2 3222-221


RESTORANOT VIN^I e lociran vo centarot na gradot Skopje i na krstopatot na gradot so drugite delovi na dr`avata i Balkanot na samata @elezni~ka stanica. Toj e prijatno kat~e za odmor, po~inka, i e svedok na site vibracii na lu|eto koj im se raduvaat na sredbite so svoite dragi li~nosti, no pred s¢ vklu~uvaj}i dobra hrana. Restoranot Vin~i e del od kompanijata KENZO 2012, koja se zanimava i so proizvodstvo i dostava na hrana na kompanii - dnevni menia, proda`ba na semenski materijali za prehranbenata industrija, neorganski oplemenuva~i na po~vata i briketirana sto~na sol. So kompanijata menaxiraat dvajca maldi entuzijasti, Silvio Setinov i Aleksandar Nakovski, vodeni od idejata da sozdadat pred s¢ ugostitelsko kat~e, so prepoznatliv stil i prepoznatlivi vkusovi na dobro prigotvena hrana. Kapacitetot na restoranot e 320 mesta za sedewe na dve nivoa, i prostor za zabava, kako i proslavi so {vedska masa so kapacitet od 250 lica. Restoranot Vin~i e edinstven ugostitelski objekt koj {to raboti od 06:00 do 03:00 ~asot. RESTORANOT VIN^I neka bide i Va{e mesto kade }e otpo~nete edno novo patuvawe niz svetot na vkusovite na dobrata hrana i neka stane Va{ata popatna stanica na koja sekoga{ so netrpenie }e zastanete. RESTORANOT VIN^I se trudime da bide restoran so toplina i du{a, restoran blizok do sekogo i prepoznatliv po dobriot vkus na hranata, pred s¢, na{ata makedonska doma{na tradicionalna hrana. Bul. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu 9/4 Tel: ++389 78 922 222, 078 388 226, 077771803 e- mail:,,

THE VIN^I RESTAURANT is located in the centre of the city of Skopje, at the Railway Station, the crossroads of the city with other parts of the country and the Balkans. A cosy corner for refreshment and rest, the restaurant bears witness to all vibrations of people, who rejoice at meeting with their beloved, and above all, offers good food. The Vin~i is a part of KENZO 2012, a company dealing with production and delivery of food to companies – daily menus, sales of seeds for the food industry, inorganic soil improvers and briquetted fodder salt. The company is managed by two young enthusiasts, Silvio Setinov and Aleksandar Nakovski, who are led by the idea to create a catering cosy corner above all, with a recognisable style and recognisable taste of deliciously prepared meals. The restaurant capacity is 320 seats disbursed on two levels with a partying area, and in case of ceremonies with buffet the capacity is 250 visitors. The Vin~i is a unique restaurant facility open from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Let the VIN^I RESTAURANT also be your place where you will set out on a new journey throughout the world of tastes of good food and let it become your passing-by stop which you will always come by impatiently. We are trying to make the VIN^I RESTAURANT a restaurant with warmth and soul, a restaurant close to everybody and recognisable for good taste of food, above all, if our, Macedonian traditional cuisine. Bul. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu 9/4 Phone: ++389 78 922 222, 078 388 226, 077771803 e- mail:,,



Fashion Interview with Mrs. Sne`ana Jana~koska-Bogdanovska, Fashion Journalist

an The Fashion Image Irsust Essential Factor of T in Business


Moda Intervju so g-|a Sne`ana Jana~koska-Bogdanovska, modna novinarka

or t k a f n e t i b x i m i t o Modni t o s i n z i b o v a t a b r e v za do


A personal style will function to its own benefit ensuring that professionalism permeates one’s conduct, attitudes and visual presentation of a company. Perception that you have invested in your image is an open invitation to others to invest in you. There might be a general impression that when it comes to professional dressing things are known and clear, but it is still a slippery terrain.

Li~niot stil }e funkcionira vo sopstvena korist davaj}i sigurnost deka profesionalizmot se provlekuva niz odnesuvaweto, stavovite i vizuelnata prezentacija na kompanijata. Sogleduvaweto deka ste investirale vo imixot e otvorena pokana za drugite da investiraat vo vas. Mo`ebi postoi op{t vpe~atok deka koga stanuva zbor za profesionalno oblekuvawe ne{tata se poznati i jasni, no toa e sepak lizgav teren.

A whole analysis of the conditions in a society may only rely on visual screening of the people’s looks. Streets flooded with unified and trendy (mostly low-budget) uniformed citizens speaks clearly of the lack of continuity of fashion awareness, low visual culture and lack of a healthy relation to oneself and one's own tradition. Cela edna analiza za sostojbite vo op{testvoto mo`e da se potpre samo vrz vizuelen skrining na izgledot na gra|anite. Ulici koi se preplaveni so unificirani i trendovski (mnozinsko nisko buxetni) uniformirani gra|ani jasno govori za nemaweto kontinuitet na modnata svest, niska vizuelna kultura i nemaweto zdrav odnos kon sebe i sopstvenata tradicija.


Fashion Concerning your long-year writing about fashion and its examining, what is your view of the Macedonian fashion? My memories of what belongs to the term Macedonian fashion go back for 30 years, and it is a “before and after” story. While “before” was an exceptional pre-history of the Macedonian fashion designing, with extraordinarily successful ready-to-wear production companies elevated in quality to the Yugoslav level and the level of the international markets, however, without recognisable designer authenticity, the “after” part has been a completely reversed story but unfortunately one that is not so successful. Following the independence, it was quite expected – actually, as with anything else – that an authentic designer identity started being created. The time of change had to be supported by young diligent potentials, out of whom some had degrees acquired abroad. It was time to start talking about the Macedonian fashion scene and a defined fashion designer profile. But the line of progress in the past 20 years has been neither straight nor perpendicular. The vulgar transition has undermined the textile industry, and lack of a clear valuation system and verification model has contributed to a situation where everybody with a desire but without real potential could fall under the term fashion designer. Therefore, nowadays, the scene stage is both rich and diverse in numbers, but poor in the individual designer thought. Still, optimism is fuelled by several established names under the world's standards and young and creative educated designers with potential, who are yet to be counted on. Does the Macedonian woman look after her own looks and how much is she able to follow the European and world’s standards? Between desires and possibilities – it is the genuine dilemma about this issue. Certainly, without European and world’s income standards one cannot speak of compliance with such fashion standards. Therefore, majority perceive ready-to-wear brands from the

“Zara” and “Mango” types as an ultimate summit of the fashion scope, which is certainly not an alibi for lacking one’s own style. That is still more of a question of fashion awareness than the question of money. In the business community, how much does the Macedonian woman comply with the dress code? To have recognisable image in all aspects of business is crucial for client’s trust in that the respective business is stable and successful. A personal style will function to its own benefit ensuring that professionalism permeates one’s conduct, attitudes and visual presentation of a company. Perception that you have invested in your image is an open invitation to others to invest in you. There might be

Od Va{eto dolgogodi{no pi{uvawe i istra`uvawe za modata kakov e Va{iot stav za makedonskata moda? Moite se}avawa na ona {to spa|a pod sintagmata - makedonska moda bele`at sta` od 30 godini, a toa e prikazna “pred i potoa”. I dodeka “pred toa” be{e edna izvonredna predistorija na makedonskata moda so izvonredno uspe{ni konfekciski ku}i izdignati so kvalitet na jugoslovensko nivo i so internacionalni pazari, no bez prepoznatliva dizajnerska avtenti~nost, delot “potoa” e potpolno isprevrtena prikazna, no za `al ne taka uspe{na. Po

osamostojuvaweto sosema o~ekuvano, vpro~em kako i za s¢ ostanato, be{e da po~ne da se oformuva avtenti~en dizajnerski identitet. Vremeto na promeni treba{e da bide potkrepeno so mladiot oren potencijal, od koj del so stranski diplomi. Vreme be{e da po~ne da se govori za makedonska modna scena i definiran profil na moden dizajner. No, linijata na progresot vo ovie 20 izminati godini ne e nitu prava nitu vertikala. Vulgarnata tranzicija ja minira{e tekstilnata industrija, a nemaweto jasen vrednosen sistem i verifikaciski model pridonese pod poimot moden dizajner da se provle~e sekoj koj imal `elba, no ne i realen potencijal za toa. Zatoa denes, modnata scena ni e bogata i raznovidna vo brojnosta, no siroma{na vo individualnata dizajnerska misla. Sepak, optimizmot se podgreva na nekolkute, po svetski standardi oformeni imiwa kako i mladiot kreativen educiran potencijal na koj doprva se smeta. Dali makedonskata `ena se gri`i za sopstveniot izgled i kolku e vo mo`nost da gi sledi evropski i svetski standardi? Pome|u `elbite i mo`nostite - e vistinskata dilema po ova pra{awe. Se razbira deka bez evropski i svetski standardi vo prihodite ne mo`e da stane zbor za sledewe na takvite modni standardi. Pa, zatoa i mnozinstvoto gi vospriemaat konfekciskite brendovi od tipot na Zara i Mango za ultimativen vrv na modniot doseg, {to sekako ne e alibi za nemaweto sopstven stil. Toa sepak e pove}e pra{awe na modna osvestenost otkolku pra{awe na pari. Vo biznis felata kolku makedonskata `ena se pridr`uva na dres kodot? Da se ima prepoznatliv imix vo site aspekti od biznisot e klu~no za doverba na klientite, vo toa deka toj biznis e stabilen i uspe{en. Li~niot stil }e funkcionira vo sopstvena korist davaj}i sigurnost deka profe-


Moda a general impression that when it comes to professional dressing things are known and clear, but it is still a slippery terrain. Although there are some general rules about proper corporate dressing, this “general” still relies on superficial knowledge here and is assumed artificially. How and with what care we dress for work sends some of the strongest messages in general, but only few are aware of their own personal power, and only few have learned how to direct that power and use it for their own progress. Therefore, since long ago the world has known professionals called image consultants, who are entrusted care for one’s own image. Having in mind the small economic market and low economic power of the citizens factors, is there any does potential in Macedonia for it to compete to the world fashion markets? There certainly is potential to compete to the world fashion markets, and a small economic market and weak economic power must not be justification for laziness, lack of desire for constant upgrading and education and a wish for struggle having the authentic as powerful weapons. According to the fashion trends in the world, how much are they observed and respected here?

A whole analysis of the conditions in a society may only rely on visual screening of the people’s looks. Streets flooded with unified and trendy (mostly low-budget) uniformed citizens speaks clearly of the lack of continuity of fashion awareness, low visual culture and lack of a healthy relation to oneself and one's own tradition. Although the fashion industry relies on trends as the generator of consumption, they still exist in order to be adjusted to as part of the beauty of life, not in order that one becomes their slave in an attempt to prove oneself to the world. Have the world fashion brands shown interest in the Macedonian market and vice versa how many Macedonian fashion design pieces are represented there? Certainly, they have shown interest in the region, and it is not something to downplay. The question is which centre is most lucrative to be positioned in. Certainly, they count on the Macedonian market. However, much more interesting is the issue from here outwards. If this can help, there is individual breakthrough of a few Macedonian designers, certainly it is still very modest, but it definitely speaks that skills, talent, stamina and diligence produce results. One should only mention that some very successfully ranked Macedonian designers among the international designers make their designs here and see this as privilege. To what extent do Macedonian textile companies invest themselves in the creation of Macedonian branded collections? To a desperately low extent. The Macedonian branded fashion lines with textile companies behind can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are all wide consumption brands. Neither is signed by a designer name. Although it is constantly stressed that this is the only view to the future, the Macedonian textile companies still do not want to understand this. Unfortunately, many of them have paid it with bankruptcy of their firms relying on the lohn system. Some are still successful within that concept, but threat from the East is dreadful. Is there any way to motivate the Macedonian textile companies to make their own brands according to which we will be recognisable in the world?

sionalizmot se provlekuva niz odnesuvaweto, stavovite i vizuelnata prezentacija na kompanijata. Sogleduvaweto deka ste investirale vo imixot e otvorena pokana za drugite da investiraat vo vas. Mo`ebi postoi op{t vpe~atok deka koga stanuva zbor za profesionalno oblekuvawe ne{tata se poznati i jasni, no toa e sepak lizgav teren. Iako postojat nekoi generalni pravila za soodvetno biznis oblekuvawe, toa sepak generalno ovde s¢ u{te se potpira na povr{ni soznanija i se zema artificielno. Toa, kako i so kolkava gri`a se oblekuvame za na rabota ispra}a nekoi od najsilnite poraki voop{to, no samo nekolkumina se svesni za svojata li~na mo}, i samo malkumina osoznale kako da ja naso~at taa mo} i da ja upotrebat za sopstven napredok. Zatoa vo svetot, odamna ve}e postojat profesionalci koi se narekuvaat li~ni imix konsultanti, na koi im e prepu{tena doverbata i gri`ata za sopstveniot imix. Imaj}i gi vo obyir faktorite mal ekonomski pazar i niska ekonomska mo} na gra|anite, dali Makedonija ima potencijal da im konkurira na svetskite modni pazari? Sekako deka ima potencijal da im konkurira na svetskite modni pazari i deka maliot ekonomski pazar i slabata ekonomska mo} ne smeat da bidat opravduvawe za mrzelivosta, nemaweto `elba za postojana nadgradba i edukacija i volja za bitka so avtenti~noto kako mo}no oru`je.

Spored modnite tekovi vo svetot kolku kaj nas se po~ituvaat i sledat istite? Cela edna analiza za sostojbite vo op{testvoto mo`e da se potpre samo vrz vizuelen skrining na izgledot na gra|anite. Ulici koi se preplaveni so unificirani i trendovski (mnozinsko nisko buxetni) uniformirani gra|ani jasno govori za nemaweto kontinuitet na modnata svest, niska vizuelna kultura i nemaweto zdrav odnos kon sebe i sopstvenata tradicija. Iako modnata industrija se potpira na trendovite kako generator na potro{uva~kata, sepak tie postojat da se prilagodat na sebe kako del od ubavinata na `ivotot, a ne da se bide nivni rob vo obid na samodoka`uvawe pred nadvore{niot svet. Dali svetskite modni brendovi imaat interes za makedonskiot pazar i obratno kolku makedonskite modni par~iwa se zastapeni tamu? Sekako deka se zainteresirani kako za region i toa ne e za potcenuvawe. Pra{awe e samo vo koj centar e najisplatlivo pozicioniraweto. Pritoa sekako smetaat i na makedonskiot pazar. No, mnogu pozna~ajno e pra{aweto za odovde kon nadvor. Ako e za ohrabruvawe, postoi individualniot prodor na nekolku makedonski dizajneri, sekako vo skromen obem, no toa so sigurnost govori deka ume{nosta, talentot, upornosta i rabotlivosta davaat rezultati. Treba da se spomene i deka nekoi od mnogu uspe{no kotiranite makedonski dizajneri, me|u internacionalnata ponuda, svoite dizajni gi izrabotuvaat ovde i toa go do`ivuvaat kako privilegija. Kolku makedonskite tekstilni kompanii se vlo`uvaat vo sozdavaweto na makedonski brendirani modni kolekcii? O~ajno malku. Makedonski brendirani modni linii zad koi stojat tekstilni kompanii mo`at da se izbrojat na prstite na edna raka. I site se brendovi za {iroka potro{uva~ka. Nitu edno potpi{ano dizajnersko ime. Iako postojano se naglasuva deka toa e edinstveniot pogled vo idninata, makedonskite tekstilci i ponatamu kako da ne sakaat da go sfatat toa. Mnogu od niv, za `al go platija so bankrot na svoite firmi potpreni na long-sistemot. Nekoi, s¢ u{te se uspe{ni vo toj koncept, no zakanata od istok e stra{no golema.


Fashion The faster they understand the necessity of transformation and adapting to the needs of the market the better for them, but according to the current atmosphere it seems as if there were no willing enthusiasts (visionaries) to put themselves in trouble. Until some time ago, some optimism in favour of such a trend brewed but as the things are moving, it is becoming certain that there is no will for such emancipation. There are some attempts to put an accent on fashion events. Which events are those and are they sufficient to ensure progress of the fashion in the country?

There was once a Modest (in pre-history) and it was a true fashion feast, at everyone's pleasure. Unfortunately, new time has not used the benefits of the created base, a little because of the lack of knowledge and much more because of greed and false motivation of new accidental players on the fashion scene. Fortunately for the Macedonian fashion, after long-year attempts, they have finally realised that it is not such an easy area for financial manipulation so they retreated. In the meantime, some enthusiast motivated players appeared, and they have managed to endure for a few season now. Currently, we can boast as many as two fashion events. SFW (Skopje Fashion Weekend) and Bitola Fashion Week. With modest beginning and many deficiencies that should be overcome, they have still managed to stir the fashion living and have slowly but steadily introduced fashion education in a direct manner. How long have you be writing about and exploring and supporting fashion and is it represented enough in the broadcast and printed media? At this very point, I am marking my jubilee 15 year continuing involvement in fashion. It is a respectable figure, not only as professional endurance, and I myself am even more astonished with the very fact that it is about uninterrupted continuity on television, especially that the whole story began as a modest desire to share some of my personally comprehended truth. However, it has turned out that over time, there is much more of those things one should share, and this is just because of curiosity and wish to learn more. Now, I am also realising the fact that the attribute – a fashion journalist is starting to be mentioned for the first time in Macedonia. Luckily, fashion is not only reduced to generating trends but is a complex and socially conditioned creation with a lot of sub-context, which makes it a serious topic for treatment. This may seem exaggerated and pretentious assertion, but the manner, the relation and approach of society, i.e. media as the proxies to this segment is also a clear indicator of the conditions. We now bear witness of a completely non-comprehended need for its treating in the true manner.

Si be{e edna{ eden Modest (vo praistorijata) i be{e vistinski moden praznik, na zadovolstvo na site. Za `al, novoto vreme malku poradi neukosta, mnogu pove}e poradi al~nosta i la`nite motivi na novokoponiranite slu~ajni akteri na modnata scena ne gi iskoristi pridobivkite i oformenata baza. Za sre}a na makedonskata moda, po dolgogodi{nite obidi kone~no sfatija deka toa ne e taka lesno pole za finansiska manipulacija, pa se povlekoa. Vo me|uvreme se pojavija nekoi entuzijasti~ki motivirani igra~i koi zasega so nekolku sezoni uspevaat nekako da se odr`at. Vo momentov mo`e da se pofalime duri so dve modni manifestacii. SFV (Skopje Fe{n Vikend) i Bitolskata modna nedela. So skromni po~etoci i mnogu nedostatoci koi treba da se nadminuvaat, tie sepak uspeaa da go razdvi`at modnoto `iveewe i poleka, no sigurno na neposreden na~in da podmetnuvaat modna edukacija. Kolku godini pi{uvate, istra`uvate i ja poddr`uvate modata i dali e taa dovolno zastapena vo elektronskite i pe~atenite mediumi? Tokmu vo ovoj moment go `iveam jubilejot od 15 godini kontinuiran ôd po modata. Respektibilna brojka ne i samo kako profesionalno opstojuvawe, a u{te pove}e i samiot fakt deka se raboti za televiziski neprekinat kontinuitet me stapisuva i mene samata, osobeno {to celata prikazna zapo~na samo kako skromna `elba da se podelat nekoi osoznaeni sopstveni vistini. No, se poka`a deka so vremetraeweto ona {to treba da se spodeluva namesto da se tro{i go ima s¢ pove}e tokmu blagodarenie na qubopitnosta i `elbata da se osoznae {to pove}e. Sega go osoznavam i faktot deka so toa za prvpat vo Makedonija i po~nuva da se spomenuva kvalikativot - moden novinar. Za sre}a, modata ne se sveduva samo na generirawe na trendovite, tuku e kopleksna i socijalno uslovena tvorba so mnogu potkonteksti {to ja pravi serozna tema za tretman. Mo`ebi se ~ini kako preterano i pretenciozno tvrdewe, no na~inot, odnosot i pristapot na op{testvoto, odnosno mediumite kako posrednici kon ovoj segment isto taka e jasen pokazatel na sostojbite. A, nie site sme svedoci za potpolno neosoznaena potreba za nejzino tretirawe na vistinski na~in.

Postoi li na~in da se motiviraat makedonskite tekstilci da sozdadat sopstveni brendovi spored koi }e bideme prepoznatlivi vo svetot? Kolku pobrzo ja razberat nu`nosta od preobrazba i adaptirawe na potrebite na pazarot tolku podobro za niv, no spored aktuelnata atmosfera se ~ini kako da nema podgotveni etuzijasti (vizioneri) koi bi si stavile “trn vo zdrava noga”. Do pred nekoe vreme tlee{e doza na optimizam za takva upatenost, no kako sega se dvi`at ne{tata s¢ pove}e stanuva izvesno deka ne postoi volja za takva emancipacija. Postojat obidi da se stavi akcent na modnite slu~uvawa. Koi se tie manifestcii i dali se dovolni za progres na modata vo dr`avava?


Moda THE WORLD OF FASHION IN THE 20TH CENTURY Paris, New York, London, and Milan have remained the fashion capitals in 2013, and it is quite expected that the best fashion houses in the world are located there. However, the French are those who have remained unbeatable in the world of fashion with the names such as Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, still the leaders in the fashion world, despite a short shift to the United States during the World War II. The language of fashion is French, and the leading fashion magazines such as Vogue, established in 1892, and later Elle established in 1945, have set the standards for fashion reviews, articles and marketing, the dates of the Paris Fashion Week, as well as those of London, New York, Milan, which are still determined by the French Fashion Federation. As one can assume, what we now understand by the term fashion was born with the onset of the 20th century in Paris, owing to the French designers Charles Frederick Worth, Paul Poiret, and Coco Chanel, who managed to impose their taste on the whole fashion world.

During the World War II when Paris was besieged by the German occupation, Britain and the United States started developing their own designs. The post-war prosperity created a culture of the youth where what is now called the street level of the underground fashion started. Fashion also started internationalising. By the end of the century, the fashion circles had been rushing forward unstoppably. As a silhouette was imposed, another was already being developed for the next season. At that point, people had access to global fashion, they could choose amongst styles from any country in the world. A great cycle of fashion change had started. As the relation to the women in Europe and America had changed during the century, so did the 20th century fashion, and that cycle of change was endless. Some prospects and silhouettes were repeated during that period. The brightest examples of vintage clothes included chequered tailoring, tomboy looks, fluid draped fabrics inspired by the ancient Greeks, soft loose skirts to the knees with “million” layers of underskirts, high-platform shoes, wide padded false shoulders, hand in hand with crazily coloured tights.


The most typical years were the 1920s with their Art Deco, the 1950s with the New Look, and the 1960s and 1970s with the disco. There were so many interesting inventions during all those years that it is sometimes difficult to connect all this together: sweet dotted designs from the 1940s, shoulder pads of the 1980s, mini tunic dresses of the 1960s, and multilayer pearl embroidery of the 1920s.

Najkarakteristi~ni se 20-tite so nivnoto Art Deko, 50-tite so New Look i 60-tite, 70-tite so diskoto. Ima{e tolku interesni izumi za vreme na ovie godini, {to nekoga{ e te{ko da se spoi seto toa zaedno: slatkite tufnesti od 40-tite, {irokite ramenici od 80-tite, mini tunikite od 60-tite i multi sloevidnite biserni vezovi od 20-tite.

SVETOT NA MODATA VO 20. VEK I vo ovaa 2013 godina, Pariz, Wujork, London i Milano ostanuvaat modni metropoli, i sosem e o~ekuvano najdobrite modni ku}i vo svetot da se nao|aat tokmu tuka. No, francuzite se tie koi, osven kratkoto prefrlawe vo SAD za vreme na Vtorata svetska vojna, ostanuvaat re~isi nesoborlivi vo svetot na modata, so imiwa kako Dior, [anel i @ivan{i, koi s¢ u{te se lideri vo modniot dizajn. Jazikot na modata e francuski, a vode~kite modni magazini kako Vog, osnovan vo 1892 godina, a podocna El, osnovan vo 1945 se onie koi gi postavuvaat standardite za modnite kritiki,statii i marketing, datumite na Pariskata modna nedela, London, Wujork i Milano, za koi nedelite s¢ u{te se determinirani od French Fashion Federation.


Kako {to mo`e i da se pretpostavi, ona {to denes go podrazbirame pod poimot moda, se ra|a skoro so ra|aweto na noviot 20. vek, tokmu vo Pariz, blagodarenie na francuskite dizajneri kako ^arls Frederik Vort, Pol Poire i Koko [anel, koi uspevaaat na celiot moden svet da mu go nametnat svojot vkus. No, za vreme na Vtorata svetska vojna, koga Pariz e izoliran od germanska okupacija, Britanija i Amerika po~nuvaat da razvivaat svoi sopstveni dizajni. Postvoeniot prosperitet ja kreira kulturata na mladite kade {to zapo~nuva ona {to sega se narekuva uli~no nivo na andergraund moda. I modata po~nuva da se internacionalizira. Do krajot na vekot, modniot krug ita{e nezapirlivo napred. Kako edna silueta se nametnuva, druga ve}e se razviva za slednata sezona. Lu|eto sega imaat pristap kon globalnata moda, mo`e da izbiraat od stilovite od koja bilo zemja od svetot. Zapo~na golemiot ciklus na modni promeni. Kako {to odnosot kon `enite vo Evropa i Amerika se menuva{e za vreme na vekot, taka se menuva{e i modata na 20. vek i toj ciklus na promeni e

Fashion A few themes permeated the 20-century fashion. Haute couture meant custom hand-made exclusive clothes according to the exact individual proportions. On the opposite was Prêt-à-Porter, which meant “ready-to-wear.” Here, the designer creations were mass produced in collections with standardised sizes. Feeding with trends set by the expensive designer fashion was the basis for business: department stores and wide consumption brands, ordering via catalogue had multiplied the traders, who now sold cheaper ready-to-wear clothes. The strong development of the manufacture technology had strong influence on fashion in the 20th century. From the development of synthetic fabrics such as viscose and nylon to publication to laser cutting, fashion designers had enthusiastically many different ways of creating nice clothing in every decade. The whole 20century fashion varied from one to another decade. The most typical years were the 1920s with their Art Deco, the 1950s with the New Look, and the 1960s and 1970s with the disco. Many fashion movements would also leave their mark throughout the century. If we wonder what period was the best for inspiration, that probably depended on one’s own style. There were so many interesting inventions during all those years that it is sometimes difficult to connect all this together: sweet dotted designs from the 1940s, shoulder pads of the 1980s, mini tunic dresses of the 1960s, and multilayer pearl embroidery of the 1920s. Therefore, almost every vintage store now displays not only nice clothes from different decades but also allows one to feel the mood of the century, the thrilling dialect of the trends and the spirit of the 20th century which is still present there. Besides the fact that fashion is great business, trends are still drawn from the streets. International designers send their scouts to the sources of ideas such as clubs, markets and bars. But for the freshness of designer ideas, you should not look farther than the streets of the great European cities.

The Great Four The axis which the present-day fashion world is based on is founded on four cities: New York, London, Milan, and Paris. Each of those cities has its own Fashion Week, and each of them has its own meanings and characteristics. What is common to all of them is that they are the most prestigious places on the international fashion map.

beskone~en. Odredeni izgledi i silueti se povtoruvaat niz ovoj period. Najsvetli primeri za vintage obleka vklu~uvaat kvadratno kroewe, mom~e{ki izgled, fluidno, drapirani tkaenini inspirirani od anti~kite Grci, {iroki meki zdolni{ta so dol`ina do kolena so “milion” sloevi od podzdolni{ta, ~evli so visoki platformi, {iroki la`ni ramena, raka pod raka so ludo oboenite helanki. Nekolku temi pominuvaa niz modata na 20. vek. Haute couture e ekskluzivna obleka, napravena po merka spored to~nite individualni proporcii so ra~na izrabotka. Nasproti e Prêtà-Porter, koj kako kontrast e “gotovo da se oble~e”. Tuka dizajnerskite kreacii se mas producirani vo kolekcii od standartizirani veli~ini. Hraneweto od trendovite postaveni od strana na skapata dizajnerska moda se osnova na biznisot: stokovnite ku}i i brendovite za {iroka potro{uva~ka, nara~ka po katalog gi multiplicira trgovcite, koi sega prodavaat poevtina Ready to wear moda. Silniot razvitok na manifakturnata tehnologija ima{e silno vlijanie vrz modata vo ovoj vek. Od razvojot na sinteti~ite tkaenini kako viskoza i najlon do objavuvaweto do laserskoto se~ewe, modnite dizajneri vo sekoja dekada imaat entuzijasti~ki mnogu razli~ni na~ini za kreirawe na ubava obleka. Celata moda vo 20 vek varira od dekada do dekada. Najkarakteristi~ni se 20-tite so nivnoto Art Deko, 50-tite so New Look i 60-tite, 70-tite so diskoto. Isto taka i mnogu modni dvi``ewa }e ostavat traga niz vekot. Ako se pra{uvame koj period e najdobar za inspiracija, toa verojatno zavisi od sopstveniot stil. Ima{e tolku interesni izumi za vreme na ovie godini, {to nekoga{ e te{ko da se spoi seto toa zaedno: slatkite tufnesti od 40-tite, {irokite ramenici od 80-tite, mini

tunikite od 60-tite i multi sloevidnite biserni vezovi od 20-tite. Zatoa, sega re~isi vo sekoja vintix prodavnica mo`at da se vidat ne samo ubavi obleki od razli~ni dekadi, tuku isto taka da se po~ustvuva i raspolo`enieto na vekot, vozbudliviot dijalekt na trendovite i duhot na 20. vek, koj s¢ u{te e prisuten tamu. I pokraj toa {to modata e golem biznis, trendovite s¢ u{te se izvlekuvaat od ulicite. Internacionalnite dizajneri gi ispra}aat svoite skauti kon izvorite na idei kako {to se klubovite, pazarite i barovite. No, za sve`ina na dizajnerskite idei i ne treba da se gleda podaleku od ulicite na evropskite golemi gradovi.

Golemata ~etvorka Oskata na koja se zasnova dene{niot moden svet se temeli na ~etirite gradovi: Wujork, London, Milano i Pariz. Sekoj od tie gradovi si ima svoja modna nedela, a sekoja od niv si ima svoi zna~ajnosti i karakteistiki. Ona {to e zaedni~ko za site niv e {to tokmu tie se onie najpresti`nite na internacionalnata modna karta. Se razbira deka i vo mnogu drugi gradovi niz svetot se oformeni i isto taka se odr`uvaat modni nedeli, poto~no vo sekoj pogolem grad se odr`uva vakov nastan i mnogu od niv, imaat steknato zna~ajno mesto vo biznisot, kako na primer Berlin, Sao Paolo ili Tokio, no dosega nikoj od niv go nema dobieno zna~eweto na golemata ~etvorka. I pred sekoja nova sezona mo`eme da se zapra{ame: od kade trgna s¢, koga e organiziran prviot Fe{n vik, ~ija ideja be{e toa i zo{to toa se slu~i?


Moda Many other cities in the world have certainly established organised fashion weeks, actually any large city is the venue of such an event with many of them having acquired a prominent place in business, i.e. Berlin, Sao Paolo, Tokyo. However, not any of them has managed to gain the importance of the great four. Ahead of any new season we can ask ourselves: where did all this start, when was the first Fashion Week organised, who was the mastermind and why did it happen? The first Fashion Week was held in New York in distant 1941 under the name Press Week. From today’s perspective, it was very interesting and even instructional name in relation to shows and structures to which they were intended. Then, at the very start of the World War II and a situation in the world that was not so good, the whole concept for today’s conditions seemed somewhat ridiculous. Whatever it was, it still fulfilled the basic idea to give an opportunity to US designers to walk out of the shadow of previously dominating French colleagues. But editors and fashion journalist who had the opportunity to report from US designers’ show were the ones who profited. Then, magazines such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar made increasing turning to the US fashion and the French one became threatened to an extent. Slowly but steadily, the Americans became an important part of the world fashion scene and their typical, simple and convenient approach to design has been inherent to fashion coming from the New York Fashion Week until today. Although the Press Week was not the first event presenting a designer line, it was the first event where different names presented their creations at one place. Today, this is recognised at the Fashion Week. London, Paris and Milan, following the American suit, organised their own fashion weeks with the first shows in London in 1961, in Paris in 1973, and in Milan in 1979. But it was not until the early 1990s that

Prviot Fe{n vik e odr`an vo dale~nata 1941 godina vo Wujork, a imeto mu bilo “Pres vik”, od dene{en aspekt interesen, pa duri i pou~en naziv vo odnos na reviite i strukturite na koi se nameneti. Toga{, na samiot po~etok na Vtorata svetska vojna i ne taka sjajnata situacija vo svetot, celiot toj koncept za dene{ni uslovi izgleda po malku i sme{no. No kakov i da bil, toj sepak ja ispolnil osnovnata ideja, da im dade mo`nost na amerikanskite dizajneri da izlezat od senkata na dotoga{ dominantnite francuski kolegi. No, profitiraat urednicite i modnite novinari {to imale mo`nost da izvestuvaat od reviite na amerikanskite dizajneri. Potoa spisanijata kako Vog i Harpes bazar, s¢ pove}e pravat svrtuvawe kon amerikanskata moda i francuskata stanuva pomalku zagrozena. Amerikancite poleka, no sigurno stanuvaat va`en del od svetskata modna scena, a nivniot karakteristi~en, ednostaven i le`eren pristap kon dizajnot e svojstven za modata {to doa|a od Wujork{kiot Fe{n vik, s¢ do denes. Iako, Pres vik ne bilo prvoto slu~uvawe na koe se prezentirala nekoja dizajnerska kolekcija, prvpat e organiziran nastan na koj razni imiwa gi prezentiraat svoite izrabotki na edno mesto. Denes toa go prepoznavame kako Fe{n vik. London, Pariz i Milano po primerot na amerikanskiot model, organiziraat svoi modni nedeli so prvoto prika`uvawe vo 1961 vo London, 1973 vo Pariz i 1979 godina vo Milano. No, s¢ do ranite 90-ti godini vo Wujork ne postoe{e modna nedela koncipirana na na~in na koj toa se pravi denes. Za toa e zaslu`na Fern Malis, pretsedatel na I-em –Xi i producent na Wujork Fe{n Vik, koja prisustvuva na prili~no katastrofalna revija na Majkl Kors, koja kako i pove}eto drugi vo toa vreme e zaseneta so sporedni raboti. Nabrzo potoa sledi potraga po


a fashion week in New York was conceived in the manner it is organised today. Credits for that went to Fern Mallis, President of IMG Fashion and Producer of the New York Fashion Week, who had attended a rather disastrous show of Michael Kors, at the time overshadowed with secondary issues. Soon afterwords, a search for an ideal place where the collections to be presented would finally be put to the fore started and was found in the Bryant Park. In 1994, US designers started showing their collections under the tent, which has remained the most ideal and expensive place in the United States and elsewhere.

idealen prostor vo koj koe~no bi mo`ele prezentiranite kolekcii da se istaknat vo preden plan i pronajden e oblik vo Brajan Park. Vo 1994 godina amerikanskite dizajneri svoite kolekcii po~nale da gi prika`uvaat vo {atorot, koj s¢ do denes ostanuva idealno i najskapo mesto vo Amerika, no i po{iroko.


Mrs. Beti Saneva, General Manager

Astibo was established in 1967 and has chained as a successful brand throughout Europe. Astibo Beas is a company producing its own line targeting the modern, ambitious and career-oriented woman. The Izet Curi for Astibo line is the confirmation that Astibo Beas Fashion Company has attained the French fashion designers’ brand concept. The collection is French couture, which incorporates Art Director Izet Curi’s experience and love for design, which the designer has developed in Paris for 40 years working for leading world’s fashion designers - Hermes, Jean Paul Gaultier, Givenchy… The General Manager of Astibo Beas, Mrs. Beti Saneva, has signed a contract with Mr. Izet Curi and cooperation has been finally accomplished for this year. For this collection, Astibo Beas allotted a special area with a new fashion studio where the line has been designed. The original designs from this collection have the signature of the Astibo Beas Art Director and can be found in the selling rooms with the Galerie d’Astibo Beas logo. Besides the two official fashion lines in a year, Astibo Beas makes special unique collections – an exclusive prom line, special custom made unique outfit line for some companies etc.

As a brand, Astibo is prevalent throughout all of Former Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Albania, France, Switzerland, Germany, and since 2010, it has been also present in the Australian market. The General Manager of the Astibo brand is Mrs. Beti Saneva, who has success in the CM and CMT production, besides successfully managing this brand. The company’s long-term associates in this type of work include the clients such as: Cinque, Mexx, Betty Barclay, Marc Aurel, Hirch.

"ASTIBO BEAS" D.O.O.E.L Goce Del~ev 42, 2 000 Štip, Republic of Macedonia tel. +389 32 606 246 ; fax. +389 32 606 247 email: Visit us at: url: facebook: Astibo Beas youtube: Astibo Stip


Astibo postoi od 1967 godina i se {iri kako uspe{en brend niz cela Evropa. Astibo Beas e kompanija koja proizveduva sopstvena kolekcija nameneta za modernata, ambicioznata i karierno-orientirana `ena. Kolekcijata “Izet Curi For Astibo” e potvrda deka modnata kuka “Astibo Beas” go dostignuva brend konceptot na francuskite elegantni dizajneri. Kolekcijata pretstavuva francuska moda, vo koja e vmetnato iskustvoto i qubovta za dizajn na art direktorot Izet Curi, koj 40 godini svojata kariera ja ima gradeno vo Pariz, rabotej}i za svetskite imiwa na modnata scena Hermes, @an Pol Gotje, @ivan{i.... Generalniot menaxer na modnata ku}a “Astibo Beas”, gospo|ata Beti Saneva, sklu~i dogovor so gospodinot Izet Curi, a ovaa godina kone~no se ostvari i sorabotkata. Za izrabotka na ovaa kolekcija, “Astibo Beas” odvoi poseben prostor, so nova modna laborotorija, vo koja se rabote{e kolekcijata. Originalite od ovaa kolekcija go sodr`at svoera~niot potpis na art direktorot na modnata ku}a “Astibo Beas”, a modelite mo`ete da gi najdete vo site proda`ni saloni markirani so logoto “Galeri D’Astibo Beas”. Osven oficijalnite dve kolekcii vo godinata, „Astibo Beas” pravi i specijalni unikatni modeli - maturska modna linija, specijalni nara~ki za unikatni uniformi na odredeni kompanii...


Kako brend, Astibo e prisuten vo celata porane{na Jugoslavija, Kosovo, Albanija, Francija, [vajcarija, Germanija i kako novitet od 2010 Astibo vleze na pazarot vo Avstralija. Generalen menaxer na brendot Astibo e gospo|ata Beti Saneva, koja pokraj uspe{noto menaxirawe na ovoj brend, uspe{no raboti i na SM i SMT proizvodstvoto. Kako dolgoro~ni sorabotnici vo ovoj tip rabota se vklu~uvaat klienti kako: Cinque, Mexx, Betty Barclay, Marc Aurel, Hirch. “ASTIBO BEAS” DOOEL Ul. Goce Del~ev br. 42, 2 000 [tip, Republika Makedonija tel. +389 32 606 246 ; faks. +389 32 606 247 e-mail: Posetete n¢ na: url: facebook: Astibo Beas youtube: Astibo Stip

The greatest, largest and widest portfolio of locations and advertising objects. Akzent Media posseses over 2 000 advertising surfaces of all types and sizes across the country. In the capital we offer complete coverage, from the freeway entrances in Skopje up to the most frequent crossroads in the center of the city. In the rest of the country we’re an absolute leader and offer the best locations in both the larger and the smaller cities. Our portfolio is completed with the locations of different sizes we offer on the country’s highways and freeways. We cover the main arteries: the highway E-75 (North - South), the road to Ohrid via Tetovo, the road to Bitola, and the roads connecting Skopje with Kosovo and Bulgaria. Despite the fact that the standard billboard with size 5,00m x 2,40m is the mainstay of the company, in the spirit of offering a broader and superior selection to our clients, we also offer a number of other types of advertising objects, in sizes which are smaller and larger than the standard. In Skopje these primarily consist of the larger Megaboards with the following standard sizes: 8,0m x 4,0m; 10,0m x 5,0m; 12,0m x 6,0m and 15,0m x 7,5m; as well as a number of wall mounted advertising objects of different sizes. Besides them, in the capital we also offer the smaller scroll citylights with size of 1,2m x 1,8m. The offer in the rest of the cities is completed with the signboards mounted on lighting poles which come in three standard sizes: 1,3m x 0,4m, 1,3m x 0,8m and 1,3m x 1,3m. This broad palette of different types of locations and advertising objects enables us to satisfy the needs of every client regardless of his size and budget.


The Colours of One’s Own Country Are Defended with Love So qubov se branat boite na sopstvenata dr`ava Interview with Mr. Naumče Mojsovski, Handball Player, the Athlete of the Year Intervju so g. Naum~e Mojsovski, rakometar, Sportist na godinata na R Makedonija

Let us start from the very beginning, from your beginning in handball and your first wish to do this sport? My beginning was in Struga, because I come from Struga. I started playing handball quite accidentally, at the start of the fifth grade of primary school when we had evaluation in handball. The teacher had announced a few months earlier that she was going to grade our handball performance, and I didn’t even know what it was about, so I started really accidentally, I even went to training sessions clad in jeans. Everything was absolutely accidental, by the eighth grade at times I did go to training sessions and at times I didn’t. However, when I was finishing the seventh grade we were the national winners, which was enormous instigation for me to dedicate myself to handball a year later, so until now I have been seriously committed to handball. How much effort and personal investment is necessary for a person to become a top athlete? Definitely, a lot! You should give up a lot in your life. I had a lot of friends who went out, partied, but those things do not go together with sports and with the pace the sport, I mean handball, imposes. So, a lot of sacrifice is needed, a lot of training. Maybe, when you are at a younger age you can stand some going-outs late in the night and go training early in the morning with the same pace, but later, it becomes increasingly difficult with all this dynamism and your age. At 13, I entered the national league, i.e. the pioneer league, then the cadet league, the youth league, and at 16, I was the youngest participant in the Youth World Cup. We had preparation for 40 to 50 days, and when you go through all of it, everything comes spontaneously and becomes habit. Who was the “culprit” for your becoming what you are today? Certainly, my family. They were favouring sports, no matter which one. I went swimming in Struga for four years, Struga had perfect conditions for swimming, and later I shifted to handball. My family could be certainly credited, but there were two trainers, Rakče Madrinski and Efto Gegerovski, who was my first trainer. They might have seen something more in me and literally forced me to train and go hand-


The men’s handball national team of Macedonia has definitely marked 2012, at least when sports in Macedonia is in question. Winning the 5th place at the EC in Serbia resounded as an explosion in the handball community and it is quite normal for the best athletes for this year to be sought among the handball players. One of the most credited players for the great success is certainly Naumče Mojsovski, the centreback of the Macedonian national team and RK Metalurg, who has shown how one should defend the colours of their country. If one knows that Naumče Mojsovski is one of the leading players of the Macedonian champion RK Metalurg in the Champions League, it is quite expected that he has been awarded the Athlete of the Year of the City of Skopje, and has been nominated, with other two athletes, for the Athlete of the Year in Macedonia by the Youth and Sport Agency. The following is an interview with the player, currently the handball player #1 in Macedonia.

Ma{kata rakometna reprezentacija na Makedonija definitivno ja odbele`a 2012 godina, barem koga e vo pra{awe sportot vo Makedonija. Osvojuvaweto na 5toto mesto na EP vo Srbija, odekna kako bomba vo rakometniot svet, pa sosema normalno e najdobrite sportisti za ovaa godina da bidat barani pome|u rakometarite. Eden od najzaslu`nite za golemiot uspeh sekako e bekot na makedonskata reprezentacija i RK ÂMetalurg#, Naum~e Mojsovski koj so svoite igri poka`a kako treba da se branat boite na svojata dr`ava. Ako se znae deka Naum~e Mojsovski e eden od nositelite na igrata na makedonskiot {ampion RK ÂMetalurg# vo Ligata na {ampionite toga{ sosema o~ekuvano e toa {to ja dobi nagradata Sportist na godinata od gradot Skopje, a pak od strana na Agencijata za mladi i sport se najde me|u trojcata nominirani za Sportist na godinata vo Makedonija. Vo prodol`enie u`ivajte vo razgovorot so rakometarot, vo momentov broj eden vo Makedonija.


Da po~neme od samiot po~etok, odnosno od Va{ite po~etoci vo rakometot i prvata `elba za ovoj sport? Moite po~etocite se vo Struga, bidej}i poteknuvam od Struga. Sosema slu~ajno po~nav so rakometot, na po~etokot na petto oddelenie imavme ocenuvawe po rakomet. Nastavni~kata najavi nekolku meseci porano deka }e ima ocenuvawe po rakomet, jas s¢ u{te ni{to ne znaev od rakometot, a drugarite so koi se dru`ev ve}e odea na rakomet, pa taka slu~ajno po~nav, pa duri so farmerki odev na trening. S¢ be{e sosema slu~ajno, do osmo odelenie pravev odi - ne odi na treninzi, me|utoa na krajot na sedmo oddelenie bevme dr`avni prvaci, {to be{e golem pottik za mene za edna godina podocna, pa do denes seriozno da mu se posvetam na rakometot. Kolku trud i vlo`uvawe e potrebno za edna li~nost da stane vrven sportist? Definitivno mnogu! Treba da se otka`e{ od mnogu raboti vo `ivotot. Imav mnogu drugari koi {etaa, se veselea, izleguvaa i s¢ ostanato, ama tie raboti ne odat zaedno so sportot i tempoto koe toj go nalaga, mislam na rakometot. Zna~i treba mnogu `rtva, treba mnogu trening i mo`ebi dodeka si pomlad mo`e{ da izdr`i{ nekoi izleguvawa nave~er do pokasno, pa sledniot den odsabajle da bide{ na trening, no podocna so tempoto i godinite toa stanuva s¢ pote{ko. Na 13-godi{na vozrast vlegov vo reprezentacija, vo pionerska, pa vo kadetska, vo mladinska, na 16 godini bev najmlad u~esnik na Svetskoto prvenstvo za mladinci, imavme podgotovki po 40-50 dena i koga }e go izdr`i{ seto toa, s¢ doa|a spontano i stanuva navika. Koj be{e vinovnikot {to Mojsovski e toa {to e denes ? Sekako familijata. Bea za sport, ne be{e bitno koj sport. Odev ~etiri godini na plivawe vo Struga kade ima{e odli~ni uslovi, pa posle toa se prefrliv na rakomet.


balling. At the time, I was a little neglectful when school was in question, I have to admit I was not good at school but I had to continue it. Struga is a small town and you don’t have a lot of things to do there. My friends did sports and so I continued. And here I am today. 2012 is behind. Which moments in sport will remain in your memory? Certainly, there is a lot of stuff, and I will first mention our placement at the European Handball Championship in Serbia where we ranked the fifth, which is certainly enormous success for this generation and our country. We know against how many super powers and strong leagues we finished the mondial, so this was one of the first things that hallmarked the triumph of all of us. The second thing was the placement of Metalurg among the Top 16 in the Champions League. We showed that handball had an upward course in the country. There is no more such a thing as it was several years ago when we played against Barcelona, Kiel, or against the Danish or the Norwegian Leagues when we thought, let us try to lose with 10, not 15, because 15 would be a shame. Now, everybody looks at us through different eyes. At the European Championship, we showed that we could cope, those two matches we lost were with a difference of one goal each, and the same was with the Handball Club (RK) Metalurg, we joined the best in Europe, we have been hanging on, winning, so this generation that is currently playing handball should certainly be respected, and I think they will last for a few more years and achieve a few more grand competitions. You have been awarded the Athlete of the Year Award by the City of Skopje and have been among the three nominated for the Athlete of the Year in Macedonia by the Youth and Sport Agency. What is the feeling? This is certainly something big for me, to be the first in the City of Skopje and in the closest selection of the Youth and Sport Agency beside so many athletes from different sports is certainly a great recognition for me, and I wish that every athlete felt it and received it. It is a great honour for me, but my results with RK Metalurg in the Champions League and previously, at the European Championship with the national team were not accidental. Surely, it is an incentive for work, for even higher results or at least repeating the results. The Macedonian Phalanx is the one that supports you in triumph and defeat. Do you expect them to be with you in Spain? We do, there are some signals. I do not expect them to come in such numbers as in Serbia, not in any case because there, there were 14,000 of them. But I still expect at least 1,000 to 2,000 Macedonian supporters. We all know how and how strongly to cheer. So, if 2,000 came in Spain to support, it would be as if they were 20,000. We need that support and I think we will not disappoint them. Let us turn to your team playing. This season with RK Metalurg, you have played impeccably in the Champions League. What is your success formula? The formula is discipline, one system that should be cherished. People working in RK Metalurg have recognised that this generation of Macedonian handball players has quality, and complemented by experienced and quality foreign players such as Stanic, Kozlina, Vugrinec, Markovic, who have gathered in Metalurg, they have formed a quality team. As I said, mentally, we are better prepared now. We do not think as we did that it would be a shame if we lost with difference of a lot of points. Therefore, sport lovers look at us through different eyes, they look at us with respect. And, this success is not accidental. One could say that it was accidental if they had one or two wins, but this is continuity, and this continuity in Metalurg is the result of the organisation and good results in game. We hope that even more successful younger generations will come, certainly, if the club continues to work at this pace and under this organisation system. Still, we are moving step by step. Last year, Metalurg was at the Top 16, and this year, we hope to move to the Top 8 in Europe.


Familijata sekako e najzaslu`na, no i dvajcata treneri, edniot Rak~e Madrinski, a drugiot Efto Gegerovski, so koj po~nav. Mo`ebi, vo mene vidoa ne{to pove}e i bukvalno me teraa da treniram i da odam na rakomet. Vo toj period malku fa}av krivini koga be{e vo pra{awe u~ili{teto, mora da priznaam ne mi be{e najdobra strana, no mora{e da se prodol`i. Struga e pomal grad, nema{ {to mnogu da pravi{, site drugari treniraa, pa taka prodol`iv i jas i eve kade stignav denes. 2012 e zad nas. Koi momenti na sportski plan }e Vi ostanat vo se}avawe? Sekako deka ima dosta dobri raboti, no na prvo mesto }e go izdvojam plasmanot na Evropskoto prvenstvo vo Srbija so osvojuvaweto na 5-toto mesto, {to sekako e eden ogromen uspeh za ovaa generacija i za na{ata dr`ava. Znaeme protiv kolku velesili i kakvi reprezentacii zavr{ivme na mundijalot, taka {to toa e edna od rabotite koi go odbele`aa sportskiot uspeh na site nas. Drugoto e plasmanot vo Top 16 na RK „Metalurg” vo Ligata na {ampionite. Poka`avme deka rakometot vo dr`avata odi vo nagorna linija. Nema pove}e ni{to od ona {to be{e pred nekolku godini, koga igravme so Barselona, so Kil ili, pak, so reprezentacijata protiv Danska, Norve{ka, aj da izgubime 10, da ne e 15 pa da e sramota. Sega site ne gledaat so drugi o~i. Na EP poka`avme deka so site mo`eme da se nosime, tie dva natprevara {to gi izgubivme bea po 1 gol razlika, a istoto i so RK „Metalurg”, vlegovme vo najdobrite vo Evropa, se dr`ime, pobeduvame, taka {to ovaa generacija momentalno {to e vo rakometot, sekako e za po~it i mislam deka }e trae u{te nekolku godini i }e do`ivee u{te nekolku golemi natprevaruvawa. Od Gradot Skopje ja dobivte nagradata Sportist na godinata, a pak od AMS ste me|u trojcata nominirani za Sportist na godinata vo Makedonija. Kakvo e ~uvstvoto? Ova sekako e ne{to golemo za mene, pokraj tolku sportisti od razli~ni sportovi da si prv vo Grad Skopje i vo najtesna konkurencija od Agencija za mladi i sport, sekako deka e golemo priznanie za mene, i posakuvam sekoj sportist da go iskusi i da go dobie. Golema ~est e za mene, no ne se slu~ajnost golemite rezultati so RK „Metalurg” vo L[, a i predhodno na EP so reprezentacijata. Sekako, toa dava motiv za rabota, za pogolemi uspesi ili barem povtoruvawe na rezultatite. Makedonskata falanga e onaa koja vo pobeda i poraz sekoga{ Ve bodri. O~ekuvate li taa da bide so Vas i vo [panija? O~ekuvame, najavi ima. Ne o~ekuvam takov broj kako vo Srbija vo nikoj slu~aj, tamu ima{e okolu 14.000 mislam, no sekako o~ekuvam barem 1.000, do 2.000 Makedonci, a znaeme kolku i kako navivame, pa i 2.000 da dojdat vo [panija da navivaat e kako da se 20.000. Ni treba taa podr{ka i mislam deka nema da gi razo~arame. Da se prefrlime na ekipen plan. So RK „Metalurg” sezonava igrate besprekorno vo L[. Koj e receptot za uspeh? Receptot e edna disciplina, eden sistem koj treba da se neguva. Lu|eto, koi rabotat vo RK „Metalurg” prepoznaa deka ovaa generacija makedonski rakometari ima kvalitet, a nadopolneta so iskusni i kvalitetni stranci kako Stani~, Kozlina, Vugrinec, Markovi} koi se sobraa vo Metalurg oformija eden kvaliteten tim. Toa {to go ka`av, psihi~ki sme podobro podgotveni. Ne razmisluvame kako porano, samo da ne izgubime so mnogu razlika, da ne bide stramota. Pa, zatoa sega qubitelite na sportot na nas gledaat so drugi o~i, n¢ gledaat so respekt. I, ne e slu~aen


In the Macedonian Championship, the only rival of RK Metalurg is RK Vardar PRO. This year, the games between the two clubs are expected to be very interesting but it seems you will not relinquish the top easily? Vardar PRO is a good team and a good rival. Sadly, there are no other teams in the handball such as Pelister, Borec, which have fallen down a lot, and thus the league has fallen down, it is just one rival, i.e. two teams. Certainly, we fully respect Vardar PRO, currently Vardar has good players, from other countries, and assisted by the Macedonian players Filip Lazarov, Stojanče Stoilov, they make a good team which gives us the right to expect quality matches in the competition for the first prize in the spring. We have been at the first place for three years, and we will not give up the title easily, we will try to defend it this year. What kind of problem is it for the development of handball in Macedonia that there are only two teams competing for trophies? Is there a third team, which can complicate the two leading teams’ positions? It is a great problem. But, this year, Strumica and Kumanovo have been enhanced somewhat with Macedonian good players. It is not something that could reach Vardar and Metalurg to a certain extent. That is a great problem for handball in any case, because we know that youth is the future of handball, and there is a barrier between our generations. Now, there should have been a quality generation of 22-23 year old players that could replace us because we will play a few years more. We are all there, me, Lazarov, Temelkov, and there is nobody to replace us. Several players such as Manaskov, Stoilov have come, but they are only two or three players. It is good that I now see good work with young players in Metalurg. Here is the generation of Jovic, they are very prospective, they have won the first place on the Balkan level, but the difference between us and them is huge, they are only 15 or 16 years old each. It is enormous difference. It should take four to five years for them to be able to play on a higher level, so it is a problem and the league is weak because of that. There should be at least four to five quality teams where young and prospective players could gain experience, play. Our generation started in that way at the time, there were several quality teams and it was not known by the end who the champion would be, there were many good players that emerged from those teams. Anyhow, I think that the state should provide some relief for the clubs. Now, the Youth and Sport Agency has established a Sports Academy where there is a handball class, but this


ovoj uspeh. Eve da se slu~at edna-dve pobedi, pa da re~eme slu~ajno e, ama ova ve}e e kuntinuitet, a toj kontinuitet vo Metalurg e rezultat na samata ogranizacija i dobrite rezultati od igrata. Se nadevame deka }e dojdat i pomladi uspe{ni generacii, sekako ako se prodol`i da se raboti so ova tempo i spored ovoj sistem na organizacija. Sepak, odime ~ekor po ~ekor, lani „Metalurg” be{e vo Top 16, a ovaa godina se nadevame deka }e pomineme vo Top 8 najdobri vo Evropa. Vo makedonskiot {ampionat, edinstven rival na RK „Metalurg” e RK „Vardar PRO”. Godinava se o~ekuva me|usebnite natprevari da bidat isklu~itelno interesni, no se ~ini nema lesno da go dadete vrvot? „Vardar PRO” e dobar tim i dobar konkurent. @alno e {to nema drugi ekipi vo rakometot kako „Pelister”, „Borec” koi se mnogu padnati, a so toa e padnata i ligata, toa e eden konkurent i dve ekipi sme. Sekako, „Vardar PRO” go respektirame celosno, Vardar e momentalno sostaven od kvalitetni igra~i pred s¢ od drugi dr`avi, no pomognati od makedonskite rakometari kako Filip Lazarov, Stojan~e Stoilov, so~inuvaat dobar sostav na rakometari, {to dava za pravo da o~ekuvame deka naprolet }e ima kvalitetni natprevari vo borbata za prvoto mesto. Ve}e tri godini nie sme prvi i titulata nema da ja dademe lesno, }e se obideme da ja odbranime i ovaa godina. Kolku golem problem pretstavuva za razvojot na rakometot vo Makedonija, faktot {to ima samo dve ekipi koi se borat za trofei? Ima li nekoj tret tim, koj mo`e da gi zamrsi smetkite na dvete vode~ki ekipi? Mnogu golem problem. Eve Strumica i Kumanovo ovaa godina se zasilija so dobri makedonski rakometari, no do odredena granica. Ne e toa ne{to so koe {to }e mo`e da se stigne barem na nekoe ramni{te do Vardar i Metalurg. Toa e golem problem za rakometot vo sekoj slu~aj, zatoa {to znaeme deka mladinata e idninata na rakometot, a ima edna bariera me|u na{ite generacii. Sega treba{e da ima edna kvalitetna generacija od 2223 godini {to }e mo`e da n¢ zamenat nas, zatoa {to nie }e igrame u{te nekoja godina. Site sme tuka nekade, jas, Lazarov, Temelkov, a nema nekoj {to }e n¢ zameni. Dojdoa nekolku igra~i kako Manaskov, Stoilov, no toa se samo 2-3 igra~i. Dobro e {to gledam deka sega vo Metalurg se raboti dobro so mladite. Ima generacija na Jovi} koja e mnogu prespektivna, osvoija prvo mesto na balkansko nivo, no razlikata me|u nas i niv e ogromna, tie imaat po 15-16 godini, a toa e mnogu golema razlika. Treba da pominat sigurno u{te 4-5 godini za da igraat na povisoko nivo, taka {to toa e problem i zatoa e slaba ligata. Treba da ima barem 4-5 kvalitetni ekipi, pa i tamu pomladi i perspektivni igra~i da se kalea, da igraa. Taka po~na na vremeto so dene{nata generacija, ima{e nekolku kvalitetni ekipi i do posledno ne se znae{e koj }e bide {ampion, ima{e pove}e igra~i koi izlegoa od tie ekipi. Vo sekoj slu~aj, mislam deka prvo dr`avata treba da napravi nekoe olesnuvawe za klubovite. Eve sega AMS napravi sportska akademija, kade ima paralelka za rakomet, no toa treba{e da se napravi u{te porano. Nie poka`avme deka ovaa nacija e rakometna, saka rakomet, ima mnogu deca {to treniraat, no definitivno dr`avata treba

Sport should have been done much earlier. We have shown that this nation is a handballoriented nation, they like handball, there are a lot of children training this sport, but the state should definitely give its direct assistance both to the teams and the sponsors. That should be, for instance, tax relief and the sponsors can instead give the tax money to clubs, and thus enable their development. Now, this is not about high amounts, but it would be good to support handball financially. Accordingly, we can conclude that Macedonia has a handball future, but one should work much more with young handball players? I’ve already said that things have moved ahead in the work with young players, but that has just started and results will come in a few years. God forbid that it stops here. One should retain continuity. A few years backward, Metalurg did not have any remarkable results, and now, some success has been achieved and let it continue in such a way over generations. Vardar has been up to a standard for decades, and let one or two more clubs come at that point, everybody would get a lot, young players and the clubs and the national team. A country of 2,000,000 winning over Russia of 200,000,000 means its great feat and this should be respected, that is a proof that we are a nation that is good at handball, and that handball should be cherished from earliest categories. What do you expect in the future? Where do you see yourself in the club handball as well as the national league handball and is transfer outside Macedonia possible? I receive offers every year. I have a contract with Metalurg which terminates at the end of the season. Still, the owner does not plan to stop here, he wants for the club to progress even more. After these results, the team will hardly take apart, so he also wants to see any offer that comes. I don’t want me and a few more players who have made the team to leave, I want us to stay in Metalurg. We will see, let the World Championship be over. As for what will I do in the future, we know to do only this, we only know handball. I have a few more years ahead, in handball the most mature years are between 29 and 33, so afterwards, I think to stay in the sport, I don’t know, I might work with children, with our future generations. What is your New Year’s wish professionally? Certainly, to enter the semi-finals at the World Championship in Spain, to achieve historical success and reach as further as we can with Metalurg in the Champions League. Handball is a rough game, and if only we had good health, if only there were no injuries, everything would be as it should. How do you spend your leisure time? Where can you be seen most often? I do not have any place I frequent. I like sitting with friends, colleagues for a chat on coffee. Here, I

visit the Broz, the Kino Karpoš cafes as well as those in Leninova St., we are always here and there, we do not have a standard place we visit. In the evenings, I do not have much time to go out. We are expecting the World Championship, and then it is the Champions League. Still, I feel really great when I am in a good company in a café.

direktno da pomogne, kako vo timovite, taka i na sponzorite. Neka bide toa na primer olesnuvawe vo danocite, namesto toa sponzorot neka gi dava tie pari vo klubovite, pa taka da se dignat klubovite. Sega ne se toa nekoi golemi pari, no bi bilo dobro finansiski da se poddr`i rakometot. Spored toa mo`eme da zaklu~ime deka Makedonija ima rakometna idnina, no za rezultati }e treba mnogu pove}e da se raboti so mladite rakometari? Ve}e potencirav deka po~na podobro da se raboti, no po~na sega, a rezultatite od toa }e dojdat duri po nekolku godini. Ne daj bo`e da se zastane tuka. Treba da se dr`i kontinuitet. Nekolku godini nanazad Metalurg nema{e pozabele`itelen rezultat, eve sega se napravija uspesi i daj bo`e i ponatamu da prodol`i taka generaciski. Vardar ve}e so decenii si dr`i standard, pa u{te 1-2 kluba da stignat do tuka, vo idnina site }e dobijat mnogu i mladite rakometari i klubovite i reprezentacijata. Edna dr`ava od 2.000.000 da ja dobie Rusija od 200.000.000 toa e golem podvig i treba da se ceni, toa e dokaz deka sme nacija koja ja biva za rakomet i deka rakometot treba da se neguva od najmladi kategorii. [to o~ekuvate vo idnina? Kade se gledate sebesi vo klupskiot, pa i vo reprezentativniot rakomet i dali e mo`en transfer nadvor od Makedonija? Sekoja godina doa|aat ponudi. Imam dogovor so Metalurg {to mi zavr{uva na krajot od sezonata. Sepak, gazdata ne planira da se zastane tuka, saka klubot da napreduva u{te pove}e. Po ovie rezultati te{ko deka }e ja rasturi ekipata, pa sekoja ponuda {to }e stigne saka i toj da ja vidi. Jas i u{te nekolku igra~i, koi ja pravevme ekipata ne sakam da zamineme, sakam da ostanam vo Metalurg. ]e razgovarame pa }e vidime, zdravje neka pomine SP. [to se odnesuva za ponatamu, nie znaeme samo toa da go rabotime, go znaeme samo rakometot. Imam u{te nekolku godini za igrawe, vo rakometot najzrelite godini se od 29 do 33, taka {to i posle toa mislam deka }e ostanam so rakometot, ne znam mo`ebi }e rabotam so deca, so na{ite idni generacii. Koja e Va{ata novogodi{na `elba na profesionalen plan? Sekako da se vleze vo polufinale na SP vo [panija, da se napravi istoriski uspeh i da stigneme {to po-


Is it true that popularity has both good and bad sides? That’s right. A lot of people stop me, they want to take photo together with me, to take autograph, they want to say something or ask something. They will stop you, greet you, and sometimes, somebody will say, “Bravo, now show your best at the World Championship.” But one should know how to cope with that. Frankly, some things that you want to hide are difficult to hide, something that is not to be shown publicly. Besides, one should be cautious of what they do, how they do that, children watch them and they should be an example for the young. For the end, what would you recommend to our readers? Certainly, sports, health. Every parent wants to direct their children to a true direction. It doesn't matter if it is handball, basketball, let them just do sports, it means health. Success will come with persistent work and hard training. One should just have desire and luck. Nobody was born with knowledge, over time everything is possible if one wants it.


daleku vo L[ so Metalurg. Zdravje, rakometot e gruba igra, pa ako n¢ poslu`i zdravjeto, ako nema povredi s¢ }e si dojde. Kako go koristite slobodnoto vreme? Kade naj~esto mo`e da se sretne Naum~e Mojsovski? Nemam nekoe stalno mesto. Sakam da sednam so dru{tvo, prijateli, kolegi, na kafe-muabet. Tuka sum niz grad po lokalite Broz, Kino Karpo{, na Leninova, non-stop sme navamu natamu, nemame nekoe standard mesto. Nave~er nemam mnogu vreme za izleguvawe, eve sega Svetskoto prvenstvo, potoa Liga na {ampioni, Sepak, najubavo se ~uvstvuvam koga sum so dobro dru{tvo na kafence, kade bilo. Vistina li e deka popularnosta ima i dobri i lo{i strani? Tokmu taka. Ima dosta {to me zastanuvaat, sakaat da se slikaat, sakaat avtogrami, sakaat nekoe mislewe da ka`at, da pra{aat ne{to. ]e zastanat }e se pozdravat, pa ima nekoj }e ka`at “Bravo, ajde poka`ete se na Svetskoto prvenstvo”. No, treba da znae{ da se nosi{ so toa. Iskreno, nekoi raboti {to saka{ da gi skrie{, te{ko se krijat, ne{to {to ne e za vo javnost na primer. Pokraj toa mora i da si pretpazliv, {to pravi{, kako pravi{, te gledaat deca, a treba da si primer za mladite. Za kraj, {to bi im pora~ale na na{ite ~itateli? Pa, sekako sport, zdravje. Sekoj eden roditel saka svoeto dete da go naso~i vo vistinski pravec. Ne e bitno dali e rakomet, ko{arka, neka se sportuva, tuka e zdravjeto. Uspesite so uporna rabota i so naporen trening }e si dojdat. Samo so `elba i sre}a. Nikoj ne ni dal, nikoj ne se rodil so znaewe, so tek na vreme ako se saka s¢ se mo`e.

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