Green Direction trainee booklet

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AIESEC in Estonia presents

June 1 -­‐ July 12

Tartu, Estonia

Environmental education and protection, ecological awareness & sustainable behavior


Welcome to the magical city of Tartu – the oldest city in the Baltic States! The university city of Tartu sits on the Emajõgi river. The large student population and wealth of museums means that the city is always alive with interesting and new events to entertain you. Tartu is Estonia’s second largest city and also the oldest one in the Baltic States – first mentioned in 1030.


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Green Direction Our mission: to develop the Estonian citizens’ comprehension of the importance of nature and the environment in our lives and create a more environmentally friendly society.



Green Direction is organised in collaboration with three Estonian organisations: • Estonian Green Movement (Eesti Roheline Liikumine); • Tartu Nature House (Tartu Loodusmaja); • Estonian Fund for Nature (Eestimaa Looduse Fond);


Estonian Green Movement

Estonian Green Movement is a non-­‐profit organization that aims to improve Estonian environmental protection and to guide the society towards a green, sustainable path. Project activities with Estonian Green Movement The aim of this part of Green Direction is to successfully carry out a public awareness raising campaign that finalizes with a bigger event for the general public in Tartu. The topic of the campaign is related to development cooperation and the problems it causes to the environment and local communities. Possible sub-­‐topics include tax justice, public financing of large environmentally harmful projects, human rights, sustainable development, civil society engagement, etc. The project is carried out in cooperation with CEE Bankwatch Network under the Development Education and Awareness Raising project funded by the EU. CEE Bankwatch Network is an international non-­‐governmental organisation (NGO) with member organisations from countries across central and eastern Europe (CEE). We monitor the activities of international financial institutions (IFIs) which operate in the region and promote environmentally, socially and economically sustainable alternatives to their policies and projects. Bankwatch was formally set up in 1995 and has become one of the strongest networks of environmental NGOs in central and eastern Europe.


Tartu Nature House (Tartu Loodusmaja) Tartu Nature House is part of the Tartu Environmental Education Center, which offers various extra-­‐curricular activities and courses to about 600 children and young adults every year. Caring for, noticing, observing nature and acting sustainably towards it are the school’s most important values. The energy-­‐efficient house was constructed in 2012, funded by EU, and is built entirely out of environmentally-­‐friendly materials and technologies



Volunteers’ activities in Tartu Nature House Volunteers will be carrying out an English language mini-­‐course through games and discussions on environmental and nature topics to children in two age groups (7-­‐12 and 13-­‐17). The course will last five days lessons will take place from Monday to Friday about 4 hours per day.


Estonian Fund for Nature (Eestimaa Looduse Fond)

ELF aims to preserve the Estonian sea, forest and wetlands. Since 1991, the voluntary civic association in cooperation with many people and organizations has been the leader of various wildlife conservation projects and established natural parks and wildlife preserves.



Volunteers’ activities with Estonian Nature Fund Volunteers will be participating in a 3-­‐day “conservation holiday” or talgud. This is a popular activity among Estonians, where people come together for the day to work outside in the nature (forest, bog, seaside or even their own neighborhood). Volunteers will be travelling to Lahemaa National Park, which is the first and largest national park in Estonia. See pictures and more info:­‐destinations/national-­‐ parks/lahemaa. 6

After the preparatory week, the 5 weeks of project activities will be divided between the above-­‐ mentioned organisations. Activities of each organisation are different and require different skills from the trainees.

Project “YouthDecide” volunteers in Tartu, July 2014

According to their skills, some volunteers may be more involved in educational activities (like workshops), some may be more focused on planning the public event, and some with creating media content.

Accommodation & food Accommodation is provided and covered by AIESEC. Accommodation in Tartu is in host families. During volunteers’ time outside Tartu (while participating in project activities), accommodation is in hostel, guest house or host families. If volunteers wish to travel outside Tartu during their free time, AIESEC will not provide accommodation. Meals are not provided by AIESEC. However, in several project locations (for example in Tartu Nature House) there is a kitchen where volunteers may cook for themselves.

Apply here: For more information, contact TN Manager: Marilin Sadu

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