The Marin Lawyer March 2022

Page 13


I am a proud plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer.

moth tried every which way to get out from

My practice has permitted me to represent

under its responsibility as a retailer in the

hundreds of extraordinary people who need

chain of commerce, completely uncaring

help navigating a civil justice system to be

about the strain on the family who had to

made whole. Every client was unique. Many

care for Harry in his home. Of course, they

of them were disenfranchised; some were

tried their luck at a Summary Judgment

severely injured. Very often, my clients were hard-working folks whose injuries prevented

which was denied. After we conducted a focus group to test their arguments regarding

them from working and were falling through the limited safety net.

the allocation of fault between it and the bankrupted manufacturer, we were confi-

When looking back at the “biggest” or “most

dent that their arguments were not going to get sufficient traction. At the end of the day,

significant” cases of my career, I instantly begin thinking of the case I handled for Harry, who, while watching his grandson’s soccer game on a poorly designed lawn chair, fell back on his neck and was rendered para-

the result we were able to achieve provided him with sufficient funds to have a more comfortable end of life. I also think about Antoinette, a 43-year-old

lyzed. Harry had purchased the chair at a big box store, which had sourced it from a Mexi-

woman who underwent uterine fibroid surgery, which left her in a vegetative state be-

can manufacturer that had gone bankrupt by the time of Harry’s injury. The big-box behe-

cause of a non-attentive anesthesiologist. I never was able to speak to Antoinette. I learned about her artistic, vibrant, happy life from her mother. I saw pictures of her dressed for the holidays and her artwork in which she took such pride. I did spend hours with Antoinette’s mother who traveled to her bedside each day for the three years we worked on the matter. Of

THE MARIN LAWYER An Official Publication of the Marin County Bar Association


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