To The World - A New Vision for the Future of the Fisheries and Marine Institute

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A new vision for the future of the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Looking to Our Future

The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University (Marine Institute) is an organization that looks to the future. We are focused on creating the plans, setting the goals and achieving the objectives that we will need to get there. The result is a one-of-a-kind educational institution that offers an unparalleled breadth of research, training, and academic expertise across the oceans sectors. With the end of our Vision 2020 plan in sight, in 2018-19 we took active steps to prepare the Marine Institute for the future. By engaging external consultants and through extensive consultations with our internal and external stakeholders, we have developed a new vision to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities before us over the next twenty years. This vision will shape our goals, guide our decisions, and solidify our reputation for oceans-related excellence. We invite you to share in this vision and join us as we usher in a new era for the Marine Institute.

Going Global

The oceans are an integral part of Newfoundland and Labrador’s cultural and economic heritage, and a critical part of its future. The province’s most important asset to capitalize on that future is the Marine Institute. Our mission is to:

Foster economic development in strategic sectors of the Newfoundland and Labrador economy, particularly the fisheries and offshore, and to enable Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to participate in the marine industry nationally and internationally. Vision 2020, our previous vision, positioned the Marine Institute to be a world oceans institute. We are Canada’s foremost fisheries and marine institute, and the leading and most comprehensive marine institute in North America. Through our research, academic and industrial initiatives we will develop the next generation of leaders and champions of the oceans economy. Our training courses, certificate, diploma and degree programs, and research are rooted in Newfoundland and Labrador and the North Atlantic. But we provide our graduates and industrial and research partners with the know-how to solve problems and thrive everywhere in the world. The global economy of the 21st century is a service economy. The province’s success is contingent on the export of these services. The Marine Institute is Newfoundland and Labrador’s best asset to realize its ambitions in the global oceans economy, and using our knowledge and expertise, our job is to help the province become a global player. We will be a leader in a global Newfoundland and Labrador that is strong, confident, and outward looking. Our success is Newfoundland and Labrador’s success.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Our vision for the future of the Marine Institute is simple:

To guide Newfoundland and Labrador to the world through global leadership in applied oceans education and research.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Strategic Framework

To support the next vision, which will take us to 2041, we have developed a strategic framework to guide the Marine Institute through the first five years to 2024. The strategic framework provides structure to the Marine Institute’s immediate ambition to position ourselves as the catalyst for innovation at the heart of Atlantic Canada’s oceans economy. To realize this goal, the Marine Institute will establish a solid foundation in our people and technology, and enhance our core functions and services: applied academics, knowledge generation, and industrial solutions. The Marine Institute will embrace a holistic approach to implementing our plans, taking special consideration of our culture, ongoing internationalization efforts, and purposeful mission-based planning process.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute


Our people and technology are the foundations of the Marine Institute’s success. A number of goals have been identified as a part of the strategic framework to support the continued strength of these foundational elements:


Leadership succession: develop and implement a leadership succession and replacement process to ensure the Marine Institute’s smooth transition to the next decade. Mission-oriented staffing: develop and execute a targeted human resources strategy, at the heart of which are the principles of mission-oriented staffing, to ensure that hiring for the future is based on our new vision, central mission, and culture. Diversity: develop strategies and undertake concerted efforts to modernize and diversify our workforce to ensure that the Marine Institute evolves to better reflect the needs of the industries it serves and the people it trains and educates.


Responsibility: manage our technological and capital infrastructure through a centralized responsibility function, which will also oversee the development of a capital renewal plan and ensure adherence to the financial commitments in the plan. Budgeting: allocate a dedicated budget to acquire the technological and capital infrastructure that will enable the organization to respond to changes in the global oceans economy over the next 20 years. A dedicated budget envelope of 10% of total operating costs will be allocated exclusively for technology and capital infrastructure. The Marine Institute will provide 5% from our own revenues and will seek the other 5% from external sources. Capital plan: develop a technology and capital infrastructure plan to guide the expenditure of dedicated funds. The plan will include a detailed inventory identifying the life expectancy of major assets and the degree to which they are mission critical, as well as medium- and large-scale capital acquisition schedules.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Core Functions

The heart of the Marine Institute is reflected in the strategic framework through our core functions: knowledge generation, applied academics, and industrial solutions. Together, they speak to the Marine Institute’s identity as an academic institution and are the building blocks of our contribution to Newfoundland and Labrador going global in the oceans economy. These building blocks are, in effect, the essence of the Marine Institute: what we do, who we are, and what makes us special. They also reflect one of the Marine Institute’s key unique features: our comprehensiveness. As a holistic educational institution, we combine academics, research, and industrial partnerships to better serve our mission.


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Graduate research: continue our aggressive pursuit of graduate research capacity in our areas of core strength including the establishment of a PhD program in each School, and the recruitment of three additional Research Chairs (for a total of six). Research inclusion: embark on a well-considered culture shift to ensure the collective and inclusive contribution of applied research to the institution’s knowledge generation. Data management and climate change: define our role in data and digitization and climate change in the global oceans economy. We will develop strategies that address the anticipated need for: o Data collection, management, and analysis competencies o Climate change adaptation, mitigation, and resilience research


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Curriculum review: lead broad discussions about what it means to deliver an applied oceans education in the 21st century, which includes cross-cutting technical skills, intercultural and human competency (soft skill) development. International delivery: evaluate how the Institute can deliver its programs internationally, through online and blended learning objectives and innovation. Academic Program Integration with Memorial: undertake a concerted effort to align our credit hour system with that of the rest of Memorial University for seamless integration and laddering potential for students.


Convening agent: build the frameworks necessary to gather business and academics working on the oceans economy at the Marine Institute. We will use these meetings to become a leader in knowledge dissemination to facilitate greater research and collaboration within Atlantic Canada’s marine industries. Foresight intelligence: develop the capacity to track and predict emerging trends in the global oceans economy that will pave the way for enhanced entrepreneurship and competitiveness in the province and across the region.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute


The strategic framework includes elements of Marine Institute’s management and organization functions that are needed to effectively articulate the Marine Institute’s story and solidify its expanding global footprint. •

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Internationalization: develop an internationalization plan that addresses inconsistencies with the overall responsibility for internationalization within the organization’s structure. We will also evaluate and/or redefine MI International’s current mandate and role within the broader Marine Institute community, while establishing guidelines for the organization’s international consultancy activities. Finances: develop a long-term financial plan that will continue to diversify our income streams. The plan will identify strategies to position the Marine Institute to attract further investment. The Marine Institute will also develop guidelines to support whole-of-organization business development opportunities. Advancement: develop a comprehensive strategic advancement plan to engage alumni as part of the broader Marine Institute community. Enrolment: develop a comprehensive strategic enrolment management plan that responds to the continued evolution and diversity of our student population including international students, graduate students, and lifelong learners. Communications: develop a comprehensive, sustainable, and measurable marketing and communications plan for local, national, and international audiences, as well as a specific research and development communications plan to support the Marine Institute’s innovation initiatives and efforts.

To the World

Our people will drive this plan. At every level, they will lead the process of renewal and growth. It will be an exciting, complex, and challenging time, but the rewards achieved will make it worthwhile. Thanks to dedicated faculty and staff, academically prepared students, loyal alumni, and committed partners within academia, industry, and government, our efforts in creating our vision and strategic plan have instilled a determination to make the Marine Institute the finest institution of its kind. Thinking globally with us today will guide Newfoundland and Labrador to the world tomorrow.



A New Vision for the Marine Institute



A New Vision for the Marine Institute

The primary challenge over the next five years related to people is to successfully navigate the senior leadership transition. While that transition is occurring, the Institute will also have to establish plans for new hiring strategies that maintain culture, while increasing diversity. In addition, the Institute will have to promote greater professional development, including broadening the publication culture. Once the transition has been completed, the Institute’s focus should turn to executing the complementary professional development plans.

Overview • • •

Develop a plan for short-term leadership transition and replacement Develop a medium- and long-term plan for human resources at the Institute, including: o Develop principles of mission-oriented staffing practices to identify and maintain culture o Establish recruitment strategies and metrics to modernize and diversify the Institute’s workforce, particularly the Executive. Establish professional development objectives and pathways including leadership training, particularly for junior employees


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Leadership Succession Develop a plan for short-term leadership transitions and replacements. Implement leadership transition and replacement plan for VP (and School Heads and management, where applicable).

Survey employees and the Industry Advisory Committee to assess success of transition in 2024

Goal: Mission-oriented Staffing Develop and implement principles of mission-oriented staffing to identify and maintain culture. Establish professional development objectives and pathways including leadership training, particularly for junior employees. Conduct and assess PD pathways including leadership training, particularly for junior employees.

80% of employees have begun to complete PD pathways by 2024

Goal: Diversity Establish recruitment strategies and metrics to modernize and diversify the Institute’s workforce, particularly the Executive.


Quantifiable growth in diversity elements (gender, nationality, ethnicity)

A New Vision for the Marine Institute

The main technology-related challenge over the next five years will be to establish a central responsibility for capital planning at the Marine Institute. Once that role has been established, it will oversee the development of a capital plan and its dedicated funding, which will rise to 5% of the Institute's operating budget by 2023.

Overview • • •

Establish an Institute-wide inventory of existing technology, including supporting infrastructure and capital, which defines the Institute’s capability and capacity Develop a plan for a new strategic technology and infrastructure investments including a capital upgrade and investment plan informed by the Institute-wide inventory and a formal feedback process to provide inputs on technology trends to the academic planning cycle Assign a central responsibility function and the appropriate budget


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Responsibility Assign a central responsibility function to oversee capital plan and appropriate budget. Goal: Budgeting Establish budget of 3% of operating costs dedicated for infrastructure and technology renewal. Establish budget of 5% of operating costs dedicated for technology and infrastructure renewal. Goal: Capital Plan Establish an Institute-wide inventory of existing technology, including supporting infrastructure and capital, which defines the Institute’s capabilities and capacity. Develop a plan for new strategic technology and infrastructure investments, including • A capital upgrade and investment plan informed by the inventory. • A formal feedback process to provide input on industry technology trends to the academic planning cycle.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

MI will continue to develop new knowledge generation capabilities by expanding its PhD programs and adding research chairs. It will create crosscutting, institution-wide strategies to ensure programs are addressing and incorporating issues of climate change and improving capacity in data collection and analysis. As a matter of policy, it will also broaden the circle of employees who author or co-author scientific papers, making knowledge-generation an Institute-wide priority.

Overview • • • • • •

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Develop comprehensive Research Chairs and doctoral studies programs, including o Recruiting 3 additional Research Chairs and reviewing the Research Chairs program at the Marine Institute o Developing 1 PhD program for every School Identify the Marine Institute’s role in addressing climate change, internally and externally Establish data management protocols as part of ISO standards Establish a database of existing and current data and identify data management leaders and resources within the Institute Develop partnerships to analyze and evaluate institutional data for market implementation and use Identify gaps where staff may not feel included in the knowledge generation culture at MI and what professional development may be required to address these gaps o Develop and implement PD to address those gaps where staff may not feel included in the knowledge generation culture, and assess the efficacy of those measures o Support general knowledge generation culture professional development measures Redevelop the Terms of Reference for the Research Working Group to formalize its role within the Institute Identify research and technical capacities within the Institute to facilitate internal knowledge mobilization


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Graduate Research Recruit three (3) additional Research Chairs. Begin review of Research Chairs. Develop one (1) PhD program for every school.

Six (6) total Research Chairs and three (3) doctoral programs

Goal: Research Inclusion Identify gaps where employees may not feel included in the knowledge generation culture at MI and what professional development may be required to address these gaps. Develop and implement PD to address gaps where employees may not feel included in the knowledge generation culture. Assess the efficacy of PD measures. Redevelop the Terms of Reference for the Research Working Group to formalize its role within the Institute. Identify research and technical capacities within the Institute to facilitate internal knowledge mobilization.


10% growth in nonacademic employees contributing to publications and formal academic research output and increased participation of MI employees in the broader Memorial research enterprise

A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Goal: Data Management and Climate Change Identify the Marine Institute’s role in addressing climate change, internally and externally.

Brand and launch MI plan to address climate change

Establish data management protocols as part of ISO standards. Establish a database of existing and current data and identify data management leaders and resources within the Institute. Develop partnerships to analyze and evaluate institutional data for market implementation and use.


Development of capability to sell data and data analysis to industry

A New Vision for the Marine Institute

The Marine Institute’s focus is our students. Will always have a strong applied component. However, for reasons of prestige and finances, its future will increasingly look like a university. This will occur largely by integrating with Memorial’s credit hour system to make credit transfers simpler for students, and by developing new revenue-generating modular courses, likely at the graduate level, to deliver in various parts of the world.

Overview • • • •

Establish a formal process to include market analysis about program demand to the Academic Working Group, including which existing and new programs could be delivered in alternative format(s) or location(s) Align the Marine Institute’s credit hour system with Memorial University’s: o Identify how each course at the Marine Institute translate into the Memorial credit system o Develop an action plan to implement the alignment Identify learning outcomes for technical and human competencies (soft skills) and establish a method for incorporating them into curricula Develop educational opportunities for students and graduates to promote career advancement. Alternative modes of delivery for these opportunities (i.e., online) should be considered


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Curriculum Review Identify learning outcomes for technical and human competencies (soft skills) and establish a method for incorporating them into curricula. Develop educational opportunities for students and graduate to promote career advancement. Alternative modes of delivery for these opportunities (i.e., online) should be considered. Goal: International Delivery Establish a formal process to include market analysis about program demand to the Academic Working Group, including which existing and new programs could be delivered in alternative format(s) or location(s). Pilot alternative program delivery models. Expand current or new programs available for delivery in alternative formats or in alternative locations.

At least one (1) program delivered in alternative method or location per School

Goal: Academic Program Integration with Memorial Identify how every course at the Marine Institute translates to the Memorial credit system. Develop an action plan to implement the alignment of courses. Implement the action plan to align courses with Memorial’s credit system.


Full integration of MI academics into Memorial’s credit hour system

A New Vision for the Marine Institute

This is the pillar that is most unique to MI: it is in many ways its soul, and its central value proposition. The aim of this strategic pillar is nothing less than to increase the number of Newfoundland and Labrador companies that can operate on a global stage and create knowledge-intensive, oceans economy jobs. It will achieve this through a variety of knowledge and technology-transfer strategies, which will place the province at the heart of an expanding network of export-oriented companies across Atlantic Canada.

Overview • • • •

Establish the role of the AVP Research and Strategic Partnerships Develop and implement a plan to coordinate the Marine Institute’s engagement with potential clients and funders Establish and implement a plan that supports industry through both individualized solutions and strategic industry-wide technological advances Establish three marketable products that serve as a convening factor and as a demonstrable tool of foresight intelligence, including: o Quarterly seminars/conferences by each School for industry and other academic players o Trends monitor that surveys industries in Atlantic Canada (not just Newfoundland and Labrador) with predictive element that forecasts industries’ evolutions


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Convening Agent and Foresight Intelligence Establish the role of AVP Research and Strategic Partnerships. Establish quarterly seminars/conferences by School for industry and other academic players. Establish trends monitor that surveys industries in Atlantic Canada (not just NL) and forecasts industries’ evolutions. Develop and implement a plan to coordinate the Marine Institute’s engagement with potential clients and funders. Establish and implement a plan that supports industrialized solutions and strategic industry-wide technological advances.


50% funding growth in business development from across Atlantic Canada (not just NL) in project-based revenues

A New Vision for the Marine Institute

Overview • • •

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Develop a comprehensive internationalization strategy that addresses consistencies with the overall responsibility for internationalization within MI’s organizational structure Develop guidelines (procedures and decision-making processes) that outline the Institute’s approach to securing and completing international projects and consultancies Develop a strategic enrolment management plan for the Marine Institute, including: o Establish recruitment principles linked to MI’s mission o Identify strategic areas of recruitment locally, nationally, and internationally o Develop and implement a recruitment plan for graduate and lifelong learners o Develop a plan that will provide a renewed focus on student retention Develop and implement a comprehensive, sustainable, and measurable marketing plan with identified resources: o Identify and pursue new means of marketing the Marine Institute at the local, national, and international levels o Develop a specific R&D communication plan to support the Institute’s innovation initiatives and efforts related to the Oceans Supercluster o Develop an internal communication plan and structure to continuously articulate the priorities as established under the new vision and updates Develop a comprehensive advancement and alumni relations plan Develop a medium-term financial plan


PHASE 1 (20192020)

PHASE 2 (20212022)

PHASE 3 (20232024)


Goal: Internationalization Develop a comprehensive internationalization strategy that addresses consistencies with the overall responsibility for internationalization within the Institute organizational structure. Develop guidelines (procedures and decision-making processes) that outline MI’s approach to securing and completing international projects and consultancies. Goal: Finances Develop medium term financial plan. Prepare for New Vision phase 2 implementation with longer-term financial plan. Support business development plan development in accordance with medium term financial plan; support development of infrastructure and technology renewal budgeting. Goal: Advancement Develop a comprehensive advancement and alumni relations plan. Goal: Enrolment Develop a strategic enrolment management plan for the Marine Institute, including establishing recruitment and retention principles linked MI’s mission. Including:


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

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Identify strategic areas of recruitment locally, nationally, and internationally. Develop and implement a recruitment plan for graduate and lifelong learners. Develop a plan that will provide a renewed focus on student retention

Goal: Communications Develop and implement a comprehensive, sustainable, and measurable marketing plan with identified resources. Identify and pursue new means of marketing the Marine Institute at the local, national, and international level. Develop a specific R&D communication plan to support the Institute’s innovation initiatives and efforts related to the Oceans Supercluster. Develop an internal communication plan and structure to continuously articulate the priorities established under the new vision and provide updates. Prepare update on New Vision progress and communication strategies to relay this information to MI community and partners.


A New Vision for the Marine Institute

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