TOP WOMEN IN MARITIME 2022 Who Are the Women Making a Difference? Our third annual installment of Top Women in Maritime showcases some fresh faces who have made contributions to the industry
DISTINCTIVE DELIVERIES OF 2022 Which Vessels Made Our List This Year? This annual distinction features a variety of unique deliveries made over the past year
M/V MARK W. BARKER: First bulker built on the Great Lakes in more than 35 years
UPDATES •Disney to complete and transform former Global Dream • Bollinger acquires ST Engineering’s two U.S. shipyards
INSIDE WASHINGTON FMC unveils interim process for handling shipper complaints
NEWSMAKERS Rear Adm. Joanna M. Nunan named USMMA superintendent
TOP STORIES OF 2022 Which Stories Were the Most Popular Among Readers?
From the reveal of “Midshipman X” to a near repeat of the Ever Given off Chesapeake Bay, these stories made up our top 10 articles for the year
Before I jump reflect on all the innovation and headline news made this year, I’d like to take a moment to let you know that starting with this issue, Marine Log will start having expanded coverage in our digital editions each month.
Now that I have that out of the way, what a year 2022 has been. As Nick Blenkey points out in his “Top 10 Stories of 2022” feature, found only in the digital edition, it began with supply chain disruptions. These disruptions were further enhanced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—an event that continues to impact shipping.
We reported on multiple instances related to the consequences of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. In one of those, Ukraine took out a Russian Navy tugboat used to supply the Russian forces that occupied Snake Island. Later, it topped that by taking out the Russian Black Sea Fleet flagship, the Moskva. Meantime, MidShipman X, one of Marine Log’s Top Women in Maritime award winners in 2021, finally came forward. Hope Hicks filed suit, since settled, in New York State Court against Maersk Line Limited, alleging that it had failed to protect her and other midshipmen from sexual assault and sexual harassment while working onboard Maersk ships under the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s (USMMA) Sea Year program.
As a side note (yet related), K. Denise Rucker Krepp, one of our Top Women in
Maritime for this year (see page 11), worked diligently to bring attention to sexual assaults of USMMA students while serving as U.S. Maritime Administration Chief Counsel in 2011 and continues to do so.
And we can’t discuss 2022 without mentioning offshore wind. One of our most popular stories this year was the announcement that U.S. offshore wind crew transfer vessel (CTV) operator, Windea CTV LLC, started the construction on the first of three vessels. We will get to see the CTVs be delivered in 2023 if all goes well.
Finally, a rollout of innovative green vessel designs came at a rapid pace this year. Just last week, Knud E. Hansen unveiled a concept design for a U.S. river cruise ship. The vessel offers the option of operation on eFuel and will feature systems designed for zero discharge.
And Elliott Bay Design Group just announced that it designed a harbor power and charging barge that offers ports and harbors a cost-conscious and high-performing option to minimize emissions from large vessels both pier side and at anchor.
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When low water began to develop on the lower Mississippi River in early October 2022, it was not a complete surprise since the inland waterways industry had been tracking water levels, and the autumn usually results in decreased river levels. But by mid- to late-October, when certain parts of the river began to fall out by more than two feet in just a week, it was clear that this was to become a dire situation that would impact inland barge shipping in a far more severe way.
The drought of 2022 compares to that of 1988, which had been called one of the nation’s worst in 100 years. In 1988, the barge industry suffered a 20% income loss, with total losses, coupled with higher costs for shipping, at around $1 billion, according to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
More recently, low water in 2012 extended for several months and exposed rock pinnacles near Thebes, Ill., that made it impossible for boats and barges to navigate.
In 1988, in 2012, and again this year, the inland waterways industry, despite its shipping challenges, communicated the critical importance of the nation’s river superhighway and the need to continue to invest in the system.
Print and broadcast media outlets from around the world covered the near shutdown of the river, including the Wall Street Journal , Washington Post , Bloomberg , USA Today , CNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, Fox, National Public Radio and many more. The
media attention spotlighted all that we know about the inland waterways: it is the most cost competitive, fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, traffic congestion-relieving mode of surface transportation within the intermodal network. It is a vital link in the transportation supply chain and is crucial to our U.S. economy. This shipping crisis also underscored the reliance of the world on the U.S. inland waterways system.
With more than 60% of agricultural products bound for export utilizing the U.S. inland waterways system, the war in Ukraine further highlighted the global impacts of the low water disruptions in our country. According to the United Nations and media reports, Ukraine—considered the breadbasket of Europe—supplied around 45 million tons of grain (corn, wheat and barley) to the world annually, and exported 46% of the world’s sunflower oil exports before the war. With Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and blockade of the country’s Black Sea ports, global buyers began turning to the United States for its grain products to make up for the loss of Ukraine’s supply, and to feed the world.
The same was true for energy products, primarily coal, being exported from the United States, as Russia limited supplies of natural gas that Europe depends upon for electricity and heat. Low water disruptions in the U.S. further delayed the export of these vital energy commodities in high demand around the world.
What makes U.S. farmers and energy producers most competitive in the world
market is the transportation options available to ship their products, with the inland waterways at the top of the class as providing the cheapest option. But low water changed the math due to restricted barge movements and the unavailability of them to load and unload these commodities.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “historically barge rates have hovered around $20 per a ton. In the beginning of September, as the Mississippi River began to fall to record low levels and closures and disruptions started to mount, barge rates rapidly began increasing upwards. The St. Louis barge spot rate hit a record $106 per ton during the week of October 11. This spot rate had eased slightly during the second week of October, however picked up once again during the most recent week of October 25 rising to $88 per ton.”
At press time for this column and as we wait for rain, low water continues, but thanks to the trifecta of the Corps of Engineers’ dredging operations, the U.S. Coast Guard’s channel tendering and buoy laying, and commercial operators’ light-loading and barge queue management, commerce continues to move, albeit slowly.
Daily News
Maritime news as it unfolds
Inland Marine News
U.S. inland river barge and towing sector news
The latest offshore news, both from the U.S. and international markets
Sustainable Shipping Sustainable shipping news for those working on board vessels or onshore as the industry focuses on decarbonization, green tech and community
The latest vessel design and construction trends and technology, as well as news on newbuilds and retrofits
be served at a dinner party to humans and bacteria alike. When eating yogurt and other fermented foods, check the sugar content as they can be high in sugar.
With the holiday season in full swing, many of us are “hosting” for the holidays. In this instance, “hosting” doesn’t mean your relatives you begrudgingly tolerate or the new travel companion you share your pretzels with on the plane. You’re also hosting gut bacteria. Depression, emotional response, genetic expression of diseases, proper functioning of our immune system, and more reside in the hands of the little organisms in your gut.
The gut is a bunch of connected organs that primarily take food and break it into parts. Dwelling within it are trillions of bacteria that outnumber human cells by nearly 10 to 1. This area also provides a critical barrier between genes and the environment we are exposed to. Although blaming mom and dad for our disease woes is popular, the Centers for Disease Control says that only about 10% of diseases are purely genetic. Exposures often come through the gut and are advanced or treated by the gut bacteria acting as frontline defenders.
The Dance of the Two Brains Development of the gut happened before the brain’s development. The actions and behaviors of our ancestors were driven by this troop of trillions. Fire and the advance of cooked food were the possible sparks that allowed digestive energy to be diverted and develop our brain and our higher functions.
Today, the upper brain houses the autonomic nervous system comprised of
breathing, heartbeat, muscle movement, glands, etc. The lower brain, or gut, controls the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons in the gut lining mirroring what we see in the head but larger. The two brains are connected and converse through the Vagus nerve. They both impact each other, but are capable of independent action. Your upper brain does not control your gut bacteria. The two brains appear as partners in response to stressors by changing our behavior or causing us to act from a gut instinct or a knotted stomach.
Being a Proper Host Tea service and silver spoons are not required for a happy gut this holiday season. While still in our infancy of understanding how the outside world impacts gut populations, we do know that the diversity of populations is vital to their effectiveness in helping us, so here are a few tips:
1. Eating Fermented Foods Makes You a Less Reactive Host. In 2013, the Journal of Gastroenterology followed a human study on reactivity and gut bacteria. Study subjects became more objective and less reactive, especially to fear when eating certain bacterial strains in yogurt. This study is one of a growing number showing a direct correlation between an increase in several species of bacteria in our gut and the impact on our reactivity to the world. Fermented foods are widely available and can
2. Resistant Starch Is the Special Diet Request. Prebiotic fibers are nondigestible plant fibers that help feed bacteria and grow diversely. While this may not be your favorite food, it is your non-human guests’ favorite. Fibers from green bananas, asparagus, and limited amounts of starchy veggies like sweet potato or potatoes that are cooled (i.e., potato salad), nuts, legumes, etc., are all great sources of this prebiotic fiber. A study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience showed that prebiotic fibers helped reduce stress from an acute event and aid normal sleep patterns after a stressful event. A second study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison identified that the fermentation of plant material (vegetables and fruits) by consuming gut bacteria produced signals to our genes, turning them on and off. Resistant starch and vegetables seem to help bacteria produce “good” instructions to our genes that can positively impact health and potentially change a disease profile.
3. Prioritizing Sleep to Help Reduce Everyone’s Stress Level. Studies show that stress on the gut bacteria is positively impacted by good sleep. In December 2011, the Journal of Psychology and Pharmacology said that melatonin production during sleep helps moderate the stress levels in the gut. When not moderated, these stress levels can prompt “the development of gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and other functional gastrointestinal diseases.” Our stressed-out psychology destroys our gut physiology, and sleep alters the stress response. So, turn off the TV, put down the phone, shut off the light, and get some sleep.
This article is for education only. Nothing in it constitutes medical advice. All medical advice should be sought from a medical professional.
EMILY REIBLEIN Director-Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Crowley LogisticsSuperficially, Interlake Steamship’s new flag ship, M/V Mark W. Barker , may look a lot like everyone’s idea of a classic laker. However, the first Great Lakes bulker built in the U.S. in more than 35 years is every inch of its 639-foot length a state-ofthe-art modern vessel.
Constructed at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., the highly versatile River-Class vessel highlights Interlake’s long-term commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability. With a carrying capacity of 26,000 gross tons, it is designed to carry all types of cargo throughout the freshwater Lakes and River systems and to navigate the tight bends of the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Mark W. Barker is named for the president and second-generation leader of family owned and operated Interlake Steamship fleet.
All aspects of the vessel have been designed to ensure that it will have a low environmental impact on the Great Lakes and on those who work and live aboard the vessel.
The ship’s forward-looking design features include lowered emissions, highefficiency propulsion and maneuverability, and enhanced cargo solutions to meet customer demands.
The first ship on the Great Lakes with engines that meet EPA Tier 4 emissions standards, she is powered by twin EMD main engines generating 8,000 total horsepower that turn a single four-blade, controllable-pitch propeller through a Lufkin twin-input, single-output gearbox. She is outfitted with 1,000-hp Kongsberg bow and stern thrusters.
Her hull has been optimized for efficiency and all systems have been designed to ensure low energy consumption. A Kongsberg high-lift rudder optimizes the
wake through the propeller.
Five large hydraulically controlled stackable MacGregor hatches, more commonly found on ocean-going vessels, offer enhanced flexibility with project cargoes and expedite loading operations.
Unlike most Great Lakes freighters, the Mark W. Barker has a square-shaped, flatbottomed cargo hold instead of a traditional V-shaped hold that funnels bulk cargo onto conveyer belts for offloading.
The combination of larger hatch openings and additional cargo hold space was designed with future cargoes in mind to include non-free-flowing bulk material such as wind-turbine blades and project cargo.
In addition, the unloading boom is located on the forward end of the ship, offering flexibility for cargo operations in congested ports. Many Great Lakes customers find the forward boom more advantageous to allow placement of cargoes in preferred areas for access at their docks.
THE GIANT CRUISE SHIP left partially completed in the wake of the collapse of Genting Hong Kong has been acquired by Disney Cruise Line. The ship, formerly known as Global Dream, will be completed at the MV Werften shipyard in Wismar, Germany, under the management of Meyer Werft, the Papenburg-based company that built the Disney Dream, Disney Fantasy and Disney Wish.
Disney Cruise Line says the ship will be based outside of the U.S. and that it expects the passenger capacity to be approximately 6,000 with around 2,300 crewmembers.
“Our cruise ships give us the unique opportunity to bring Disney magic to fans no matter where they are, and the addition
of this ship will make a Disney Cruise Line vacation accessible to more families than ever before,” said Josh D’Amaro, chairman, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products.
While exterior changes will see the ship carry the iconic, Mickey Mouse-inspired colors of the fleet, complete with signature red funnels, less visible changes will see the 208,000-gross-ton ship become among the first in the cruise industry to be fueled by green methanol.
Meyer Group has set up a new operation, Meyer Wismar, to handle the project.
“When Disney approached us to jointly complete the ship, we saw great opportunities,” says Thomas Weigend, managing director of
Meyer Werft and Meyer Wismar. Meyer stands for innovation, so we are especially happy to deliver a ship that will be among the first in the industry to be powered by methanol. That will require an elaborated transformation of the ship’s engines, additional tanks and many more measures that will make the ship one of the most future proof. The ship can cruise climate neutral as soon as green methanol is available. In addition, the waste management onboard will be updated according to the newest technology available.”
SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES ENGINEERING LTD. (ST Engineering) last month announced that it has agreed to divest its U.S. Marine subsidiaries, VT Halter Marine Inc. and ST Engineering Halter Marine and Offshore, Inc. (STEHMO) to Bollinger Shipyards Lockport LLC for a cash consideration of US$15 million.
ST Engineering, whose majority shareholder is Singapore Government owned state holding company Temasek Holdings, said that a review of the two U.S. businesses showed that they had incurred a combined net loss before tax of US$256
million in the last five years (2017-2021), with an annual net loss before tax that ranged from about US$40 million to US$60 million.
This review resulted in the engagement of financial advisor Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc. to conduct an auction process involving both strategic investors and private equity funds. The process, says ST Engineering, “culminated in the selection of Bollinger as the most suitable purchaser, taking into consideration their good reputation and strong track record in undertaking U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast
Disney says, “the ship’s previous owner filed for bankruptcy before completing the vessel, enabling Disney Cruise Line to secure it at a favorable price.” Guard programs.”
On completing the acquisition, Bollinger Shipyards, the largest privately-owned and operated shipbuilder in the United States, noted that acquisition includes 378 acres comprising two shipyards in Pascagoula and two dormant yards north of Pascagoula. The newly acquired yards have been renamed Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding and Bollinger Mississippi Repair.
“Today marks an important milestone for Bollinger and our 76-year history,” said Ben Bordelon, CEO and president of Bollinger Shipyards.
Ship Repair USA will bring together ship repair facilities and vessel owners and operators to discuss reasons why operators select specific yards, how to meet environmental and economic goals, and ways to keep vessels compliant and competitive through a ship’s lifespan of repairs, upgrades, retrofits, repowers and conversions.
OLDENDORFF Carriers has signed a deal that will see it invest in maritime digital solutions provider Alpha Ori Technologies (AOT).
An Oldendorff Carriers’ representative will join the AOT board, which is chaired by Andreas Sohmen-Pao, chairman of BW Group, which is also an investor in AOT and
one of several operators adopting its solutions.
“Oldendorff is pleased to be an investor in Alpha Ori Technologies,” said Peter Twiss, CEO of Oldendorff Carriers. “Having considered various cleantech, optimization and fuel savings products on the market, we believe AOT has the right mix of talent, technologies and futuristic vision to be a transformative
force in shaping the future of the maritime industry. With this investment we not only want to support the digitalization and decarbonization journey of our industry but also benefit from it directly.”
AOT says that, with its products that include SMARTShip, SMARTVoyager, ShipPalm and VIO, it is “transforming the maritime industry by harnessing the power of real-time data, generating insights for faster decisionmaking, and helping customers achieve cost efficiencies and lower emissions.”
TURKEY’S Navtek Naval Technologies, whose credits include the world’s first allelectric tugboat, has signed an MoU with e1 Marine, the company whose methanolto-hydrogen technology is a key element of Maritime Partners Hydrogen One towboat. Under the MoU, the two companies will collaboratively develop hydrogen-powered low-carbon emission marine vessels and port applications for the European market. This includes incorporating e1 Marine’s methanol-to-hydrogen generator technology with PEM fuel cell power solutions on marine applications identified by Navtek.
The initial project will be to develop a 120- to 160-meter hydrogen-powered car carrier design that requires 8 to 10 MW of propulsion power, with the focus then shifting to a methanol fuel cell powered hybrid tugboat design.
As part of the agreement, Navtek will be responsible for the naval architecture and overall vessel design, as well as the supply of electrical propulsion system design. Navtek will also manage the power system and controls integration, and the ship assembly and construction. e1 Marine will supply its methanol-to-hydrogen reformers to the vessels and provide best practices on system integration.
Naval architect firm Navtek is part of Kiran Holdings, which also offers shipyard, system integration, and vessel operation capabilities.
e1 Marine, which is wholly and equally owned by Element 1, Ardmore Shipping Corporation, and Maritime Partners, is a specialist in methanol, hydrogen, and fuel cell technology, with insight and experience of both the inland waterways market and international shipping.
GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CORPORATION reports that the Galveston Island , the first of two newbuild hopper dredges under construction at Conrad Shipyard, is in the water and is scheduled to be in operation the first half of 2023 as planned.
The company says that the upcoming delivery of the new dredge enables it to continue the rationalization of its older assets and that it will now retire the 42-year-old hopper dredge Terrapin Island in the fourth quarter of 2022.
This vessel was not planned for retirement until the delivery of Galveston Island but based on its age, the company has decided to accelerate its retirement to significantly reduce its operating, labor and maintenance costs and improve productivity for the overall fleet.
Work planned for the Terrapin Island will be delayed until another hopper dredge completes its regulatory drydocking at the end of December. The retirement of the vessel will result in a non-cash write-off of approximately $8 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Built to a basic design by C-Job Naval Architects, the new dredge is a 6,500-cubicyard-capacity trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD) that will be equipped with a direct high-power pump-ashore installation, dredging system automation, dynamic positioning and tracking, U.S. EPA Tier IV compliant engines, and will be able to run on biofuel to minimize its environmental impact.
The vessel also incorporates features to minimize turbidity and marine species entrainment.
The hopper fleet renewal program will be complete in 2025 with the delivery of the sister ship to the Galveston Island, at which time Great Lakes will have the largest and
youngest hopper fleet in the U.S. “After implementing our restructuring plan in 2017, we have invested in both productivity upgrades to our best performing vessels and executed on our newbuild program,” said Lasse Petterson, president and CEO of Great Lakes commented. “This has provided us with additional capacity and improved efficiencies and will allow us to retire some of our older dredges and rationalize some of our older support equipment. These strategic moves will have a positive impact to our emissions footprint and our competitiveness in the coastal protection and maintenance markets as well as address the specific needs in the growing offshore wind market.”
The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has introduced interim procedures to review, investigate, and adjudicate charge complaints filed by shippers to challenge carrier charges. It notes that since the enactment of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA), it has received more than 175 charge complaint filings. The new procedures clarify the interim steps the FMC will take under the new authority granted by OSRA.
Under the announced process, a charge complaint that is “perfected” with sufficient information and details is promptly investigated by FMC staff in the Office of Investigations. The common carrier will be contacted by FMC staff as part of the investigation and asked to respond to the complaint, and justify the charge or fee being investigated. Both parties
are notified at the conclusion of the investigation.
If the investigation supports a finding that the common carrier’s charge is not in compliance, the Office of Enforcement will recommend that the Commission—the five Commissioners as a body—issue an “order to show cause” to the common carrier under 46 C.F.R. § 502.91 to formally adjudicate the charge complaint. The common carrier receiving the order must show why it should not be ordered to refund the fees or charges paid or waive the fees in question.
The Commission will issue a decision on the order to show cause, and for charges not in compliance with the law, will order a refund or waiver. The Commission may then also initiate a separate civil penalty proceeding with Commission’s Administrative Law Judge for consideration of penalties under 46
U.S.C. §§ 41107 and 41109.
An initial determination to not refer a charge complaint to the Office of Enforcement does not bar a party from filing a subsequent small claim or formal complaint with the Commission. A party may also seek alternative dispute resolution services by contacting the Commission’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Dispute Resolution Services.
The FMC’s Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 Implementation page provides a detailed explanation of the charge complaint process as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions on this topic.
The FMC says that experience gained from these first proceedings will guide it on what form a permanent process should take. A new permanent procedure would be completed through a formal rulemaking after notice and public comment.
Meet the winners of Marine Log’s 2022 Top Women in Maritime Awards, which recognize the many women in maritime who have made a significant contribution to the greater marine shipping and transportation industry.
Read about the winners
As the maritime industry continues to increase diversity and bring more women into its ranks, we wrap up 2022 for the third year in a row by bringing to you our list of Top Women in Maritime.
Our editorial team has carefully selected these 20 women of varied backgrounds, ages and locations with nominations given by those in the industry. We asked them to tell us about the successes they’re most proud of in their maritime career—whether it’s in shoreside management, onboard a vessel, or in another field.
While we can only share a fraction of their incredible contributions to maritime in this article——which include working on a notable Hollywood film, advocating on behalf of prominent issues, and being involved in many maritime “firsts”— we have published the full feature story on marinelog.com.
In 2011, she spent a semester sailing from San Diego to Honolulu on a Sea Education Association sailing school vessel. At BHGI, she has been involved in a wide assortment of projects, ranging from double hulling a fuel oil barge servicing Martha’s Vineyard, replacing a deckhouse on the sailing school vessel Tabor Boy, and lengthening the NASA barge PEGASUS to carry the new Artemis rockets. Fisher is currently overseeing the Texas DOT Galveston-Bolivar Ferry in Louisiana and the new floating dry dock for Electric Boat, which will support the Columbia-Class Ballistic Submarines.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
AF: One of the things I am most proud of is helping to create an environment where young engineers feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. I think it’s incredibly important for incoming engineers to have the freedom to think through a drawing or calculation they have never done before and come up with a logical solution, regardless of whether it is exactly the way it is usually done. I’m proud of my role in fostering this culture, and it’s rewarding to watch our younger engineers gain confidence.
During law school, she interned at the Seamen’s Church Institute’s Center for Seafarer’s Rights (now the Center for Mariner Advocacy) and was the Editor in Chief of the Tulane Maritime Law Journal After law school, she spent 10 years working at the law firm Holland & Knight in New York, in its Transportation & Infrastructure sector and maritime practice group. She concentrated on commercial shipping matters, including charter party disputes, vessel casualties, cargo claims, insurance matters, and personal injury claims. From May 2019 through February 2022, she served as the legal counsel for M/V The World, the largest residential passenger ship in the world.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
BD: Working on the film “Master and Commander,” of course. But in terms of legal successes, one of the most interesting cases and “successes” for my colleagues and me was the negotiation of a settlement on behalf of a group of reinsurers on a matter arising out of a Somali pirate hijacking of a VLCC. Representation of the reinsurers followed representation of the shipowner and insurers before the Office of Foreign Assets Control and in a general average arbitration matter.
Remm is a graduate from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Upon graduation, she sailed with Crowley on its ocean-going tugs and then commenced her career ashore as an assistant port engineer to port engineer for petroleum ATBs and tankers for eight years. From there, she pioneered the Engineering Reliability program that supported the vessels with equipment failure trending, standard maintenance reviews, and engineering corrective actions and continuous improvement solutions.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
CR: I am proud of the resilience and hurdles I have and continue to overcome in my career. My success has been from being able to connect and lead mariners from all vessel types and encourage a more thoughtful and reliable operational culture. With the mariner in mind, I lead a reliability team that pioneered and started an operational reliability program to encourage and embed forward-thinking and planning in the day-to-day tasks.
Kurtz attended the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Upon graduation in 1986, she went to sea with Maritime Overseas Corporation and received her unlimited Master’s license in 1993. In 1995, she was accepted into the Tampa Bay Pilots training program, becoming their first and only female pilot. She currently serves as Chair of both the Florida Board of Pilot Commissioners and the National Navigation Safety Advisory Council. She serves on the boards of the Mariners’ Museum and Park, and First 10 Forward, a non-profit founded by Kings Point women grads benefiting girls and women pursuing nontraditional careers.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
CK: Mentoring young mariners, training new pilots, and educating those outside the profession about what we do have been both challenging and extremely rewarding. As a female pilot, I am proud that I have been able to have an incredible professional career whilst still being a very present and engaged parent, hopefully inspiring other women to pursue and achieve their goals in the maritime industry.
Hammond began her river career in 1985. She received most of her knowledge of the marine industry from riding company vessels. She has served on the board and executive committee for TVIB (Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau), where she also served as president. She is a member of The Waterways Council and AWO, where she served on the board of directors and executive committee. Hammond was appointed to serve as a member of the Towing Safety Advisory Council (TSAC) by three different presidential cabinets and was the longest serving member on record. During her tenure on TSAC, she acted as vice chairman and participated in numerous working groups. She also participated on several working groups that were established to create the Responsible Carrier’s Program.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
CH: I am most proud of the effort that I have made on behalf of the mariner. I am hoping in some small way, I have helped honored the mariners who so deserve the recognition.
Howard began her career in the river industry as an educator in a booth at Tall Stacks for the first public presentation of RiverWorks Discovery in 2006. This adventure began with one single sponsor and the vision of Mark Knoy, who at the time was president of AEP’s River Operations. Today, she promotes, markets, and oversees all aspects of RiverWorks Discovery. She is a CORBA (Central Ohio River a Business Association) board member.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
EH: Riverworks Discovery is truly my pride and joy! To be able to be involved with it from the beginning stages with AEP to today, now having almost 200 sponsors is so rewarding. Collaborating with these sponsors to organize, promote, and then actually execute our “Who Works the Rivers” events is so gratifying. Finally, our sponsors are what make this all possible. I pride myself in knowing each one of them personally, from the biggest barge lines to the single individual donors and everyone in between.
Garte is a sustainability advocate armed with over 29 years of maritime experience. In her current role, she helps marine clients, including ferries, naval, cargo, and cruise ships, develop courageous sustainability ambition that drives their net zero aims, to give back more to society than they consume. Her expertise includes employee engagement, resource use and optimization, port facilities and supply chain infrastructure, ESG (Environmental Social Governance) risk. She served for five years onboard NOAA’s research vessels and land-based laboratories. Her geological research led to several publications on South Florida ecosystems. She has also held roles at Carnival and Royal Caribbean Group.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
GG: I love a good challenge, so my top career highlights have also coincided with providing insight, understanding and opportunity out of our biggest sustainability threats. We are on a mission for a safer, sustainable thriving ocean economy for all! To get there, we bring together the brightest minds to decarbonize maritime, develop blueprints for green shipping corridors and implement net zero carbon strategies.
Hongling graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a PhD of Naval Architecture in 1999. She worked at the R&D department of Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co. Ltd. in Shanghai, China until moving to Vancouver, and joined Robert Allan Ltd. in 2007. She is currently a Project Manager and Senior Naval Architect, responsible for overseeing all aspects of vessel design projects. She has worked on a variety of interesting and challenging projects over the years, including large research ships, OSVs, tugs, fireboats, gas-fueled ships and bulk carriers.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
KZ: I am very proud to have been the Robert Allan Team Lead, Naval Architecture for the design of a 38-meter LNG-powered tug for the Port of Ningbo, China. This was a very challenging project, as the concept of LNG propulsion was new to the owner, shipyard, and classification society. My primary role was to evaluate the needs of the owner’s operation and to ascertain how we could design a vessel to meet those needs within the framework of the classification societies rules.
CEO/Owner, Inland Marine Service Inc.Environmental & Sustainability Director, Lloyd’s Register North America –LR Foundation ERRIN HOWARD RiverWorks Discovery Director, National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium DR. HONGLING ZHANG P.Eng., Project Manager/Senior Naval Architect, Robert Allan Ltd.
Krepp is a sexual assault and sexual harassment advocate who started her career as a Coast Guard officer. She subsequently served as a Transportation Security Administration lawyer, House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee Senior Counsel, MARAD Chief Counsel, and private sector lobbyist. Krepp is also a locally elected D.C. official, Military Women’s Memorial Ambassador, National Maritime Historical Society Trustee, and former member of the Surface Transportation Security Advisory Committee. She has been published in the Washington Post, Roll Call, Richmond Times Dispatch, and Proceedings.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
DK: My advocacy efforts have resulted in greater awareness of the sexual assaults, enhanced oversight, and new policies and procedures to report and prosecute the crimes. I requested an Inspector General investigation in 2011 into school and at sea sexual assaults of U.S. Merchant Marine Academy students. I subsequently testified twice in 2014 before a Congressionally mandated panel and before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 2019 about sexual assaults in the merchant marine community and more.
Trauth has been in her current role since 2021. She is a leading spokesperson on safety and the environment, improving the efficiency of shipping and maritime operations, and driving technology and innovation, including digitalization and decarbonization. She joined Shell in 2012, however she began her career as a Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy, serving as one of the first group of women assigned in combat ships. She later joined Avondale Shipyard in New Orleans and ultimately had responsibility for running a shipyard, delivering for the U.S. Navy Zumwalt class destroyers.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
KT: I’m honored by this recognition and hope that the work I do has the effect to both inspire and pave the way for other women who share my commitment to safety and the environment. I fundamentally value the safety of life at sea. I joined the energy industry for the opportunity to positively impact the emissions footprint of shipping. Every human should be encouraged to achieve beyond their wildest dreams. I’ve been the first woman to perform nearly every role I’ve held in my career.
Baughman supports and coaches both fleet and shoreside personnel in a wide range of matters, including environmental regulatory compliance, environmental impact reduction, and decarbonization planning and holds other roles. She’s a chairperson of the Chamber of Shipping of America Policy and Operations Committee and represents Crowley in the World Shipping Council Environmental and Climate Council, the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel Environmental Committee, the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition Measurements and Operational Efficiency Workstream, and AWO, as well as acting as an observer on the International Chamber of Shipping delegation to the IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
KB: I count myself as fortunate to work with a committed, forward-thinking team at Crowley. Meaningful to me in my career is the opportunity to leverage the knowledge I gained in my 15 years at sea to contribute to the development of the next generation of industry leadership.
Moon’s career in the maritime industry began in 2011, though her first exposure to boat design predates her own memory. She was raised on the south shore of Lake Erie, where her brother launched a career as a professional naval architect. After earning her bachelor’s degree in business economics from Cleveland State University, she accepted an entry-level position at Glosten. Since that time, she has worked in virtually all aspects of business administration at the company. She was called to join the Glosten Leadership Team in 2020 and promoted to Principal in 2021.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
MM: My career trajectory began way outside of the core disciplines of a naval architecture firm. I’m proud that I was able to bring a unique perspective that added so much value to the company that I am now a principal and serving on Glosten’s Leadership Team. Hands down, I’m most proud to work alongside so many passionate and crazy smart individuals that are truly committed to tackling the increasingly complex challenges faced by our industry.
Director of Director’s Action Group, Naval History and Heritage Command, U.S. Navy
Senior Vice President and Global Head of Shipping & Maritime, Shell International Trading and Shipping CompanyKELLY BAUGHMAN Director of Environment, Crowley Shipping MAGGIE MOON Director of Business Development, Glosten
Upon graduation in 1985, Gordon had a brief job conducting stability calculations on the DDG-51 and FFG-7 class vessels, followed by a few other maritime jobs. She then turned to working ashore for Marine Transport Lines. Several years later, she branched into private consulting. Her desire to work with a team on challenging projects brought her to the Staten Island Ferry, following a crash in 2003 that killed 11 people and seriously injured 70. As part of a relative thin senior management team at the time, she was tasked with developing a safety management system, implement new MTSA security regulations, accept three new ferryboats and the rebuilding of two new ferry terminals, all the while changing the culture at the ferry.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
MG: I am most proud of what our team at the ferry has accomplished. The culture has indeed changed, and the safety management system is a proven system. Upon my arrival to the ferry, the lost time injury rate for our employees was 127 LTIs per 200,000 work hours, which was shocking. It is now below three LTIs per 200,000 work hours, resulting in a 98% reduction.
Fuentes oversees the efforts to educate stakeholders on the importance of a strong U.S.- flagged maritime industry for the Transportation Institute. She also serves on the board of the Propeller Club-Port of Washington, D.C., and chairs the Regulatory Affairs Committee of the USA Maritime coalition. Fuentes has 17 years of experience in the maritime industry, serving as staff vice president of government and external affairs with the Navy League of the United States. She remains heavily involved in the Navy League. Before that, she was Legislative Administrator for ATK, an aerospace and defense company.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
SF: The highlight of my maritime career has been helping secure the Congressional Gold Medal for WWII Merchant Marine Veterans. It’s a cause I’ve worked on throughout my career, from my days at the Navy League donating our “Write Congress” platform to America’s Merchant Marine Veterans for their letter-writing campaign, to walking around the Hill with theses WWII heroes, to a final push of collecting as many co-sponsors as possible while working at Transportation Institute.
Maritime Transportation. Shortly after graduation, she joined Kirby Inland Marine as a MOTV in their steersman program and gained experience transiting the Mississippi River, several of its tributaries as well as the Intracoastal canal. In 2021, she transitioned to a shoreside role as port captain to manage a fleet of 12 vessels, oversee budgets, safety and compliance initiatives, crewing, and training, while serving as vessel liaison for multiple customer contracts.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
SC: I am most proud of the growth and experience obtained while achieving my Master of Towing license on inland vessels. Being able to utilize the knowledge and skills shoreside has been an accomplishment I am very proud to have achieved. The ability to help and manage the vessels I am accountable for, while still being given the opportunity to ride the boats and continue to learn and improve in my position, is a success.
Marshall has more than 32 years of shipyard experience. At Steiner Shipyard, a small family-owned and operated shipyard in Bayou La Batre, Ala., Marshall oversees daily operations as its president. Steiner Shipyard builds all types of new construction steel or aluminum vessels, from passenger and cargo ferries to inland river push boats and offshore supply vessels. The shipyard has also built commercial fishing trawlers. These vessels have been delivered all over the world with Marshall at the helm of the family business.
For expanded biographies and question responses of our Top Women in Maritime, please visit www.marinelog.com.
Executive Director Safety & Security, NYC Department of Transportation –Staten Island Ferry DivisionSTEPHANIE Port Captain, Kirby Inland Marine SARA FUENTES Vice President of Government Affairs, Transportation Institute Treasurer/ Secretary, American Maritime Partnership TARA STEINER MARSHALL President, Steiner Shipyard graduated from SUNY Maritime in with a USCG 3rd Mate’s Unlimited License and a Bachelor Science degree in
She began her career at Miller’s Tug & Barge in 2012. She is responsible for all day-to-day operations of all Miller’s tugboats and barges. With over 30 years of experience, she has a strong administration and communication background acquired throughout her career. She is currently the chairperson of Towboat and Harbor Carriers Association of NY NJ, with a mission to promote and represent the interests of tugboat operators and harbor carriers in local issues relevant to the tug and barge industry in the New York/New Jersey Port area and approaches.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
TD: I am most proud of initiating student outreach to educate younger generations of how vital the maritime industry is to all of us. In collaboration with Borough President Fossella, The Noble Maritime Collection, NYCEDC, MARPONY, and NYCDOE CTE ISP program (i.e., McKee Technical HS, Harbor School), we are developing maritime youth education and workforce development to provide younger generations an opportunity to learn and be part of the maritime industry.
CAPT. WENDY WILLIAMSPierce started her maritime career in 1994 as a clerical temp at Ole Man River Transportation Company in Vicksburg, Miss., working with management creating a TSMS following ISO 9002 standards for Quality Control. She was hired on full time, continuing the certification and implementation of the ISO 9002 Standard throughout the fleet. In 1996, she moved to Baton Rouge, La., as part of Kirby Corporation reorganization, and over a 16-year period, she served in the River Operations Department as operations secretary, administrative assistant to vice president, payroll coordinator, and crew dispatcher.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
VP: To name a few, the integration of the salvage and firefighting rules into the company’s OPA 90 Spill Response Plan. Also, the compliance procedures and administration of the Vessel General Permit rules in the fleet, including preparation of the annual EPA reports. I’m also proud to have played a key role in the creation and implementation of the company’s Tank Barge Streamlined Inspection Program with the U.S. Coast Guard. Finally, I helped work on TSMS revisions for compliance with Sub M rules and more!
Williams began her career as a Fisheries Observer on the West Coast of British Columbia. Subsequently, she became a deckhand on fishing vessels and accumulated sea time so she could go to a maritime academy and acquire international licenses. Passenger Vessels became her gig for many years, while she worked her way up the ranks to become the first Canadian woman to command a major passenger vessel. She has taught at a maritime college and still actively sails on Ro/Ro vessels. She also does consulting work, and is a member of WISTA and The Company of Master Mariners of Canada.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
WW: I am a proud mariner who has worked in this industry for over 30 years. I am a mentor to young mariners and constantly encourage women to join in this wonderful profession. Less than 2% of the worlds’ global maritime workforce are women. Glass ceilings still need to be shattered. I am proud to be at the forefront of my career and able to mentor so many. My greatest achievement was becoming Canada’s first female mega cruise ship captain.
Cawfield joined NASSCO in 2003 as machinery systems supervisor, advancing through various leadership positions. She worked briefly outside of NASSCO for two years as a project manager for Alion Science on LHA 6 and 7 and two years in Mexico City for Sempra Energy’s affiliate IENOVA on energy construction projects throughout Mexico. Cawfield served five years in the U.S. Navy as a Surface Warfare (Nuclear) Officer on the USS John Hancock and the USS Abraham Lincoln prior to joining NASSCO.
ML: What successes are you most proud of in terms of your maritime career?
ZC: The success that I am most proud of is being on the NASSCO Engineering Team that designed the U.S. Navy’s John Lewis-class fleet oilers. The oilers are a hugely capable ship class that I played a part in from the beginning of the design through the delivery of the first ship earlier this year. I was able to apply lessons and challenges from earlier classes and keep record of what improvements I plan to initiate on future designs. I look forward to implementing these changes with my team as we prepare to take on new shipbuilding contracts.
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On November 1-2, the ferry and passenger vessel industry gathered in San Francisco to network and discuss how to decarbonize the fleets of the future.
WÄRTSILÄ VOYAGE unveiled its new demonstrator and innovation vessel, Ahti, at the SMM event in Hamburg in September 2022. The former German Government fishery patrol vessel was chosen as a target for retrofit technology installations to prove what is already technologically possible for the current fleet, and to create a platform for further innovation and development. With Ahti, Wärtsilä Voyage created a seaborne environment where customers can test Wärtsilä Voyage’s own technologies, as well as its technology partners’ solutions. These trials will be conducted in changeable real-life sea conditions that can be difficult and expensive to recreate in a laboratory environment.
The creation of a floating R&D facility also helped Wärtsilä Voyage cut down the cost and time barriers associated with real-life tests, returning meaningful results
on a much lower risk and cost basis than going into full-scale testing directly. Ahti also creates a resource where customers and technology partners can collaborate.
In the first half of 2022, Ahti ’s bridge was upgraded with a number of products from Wärtsilä Voyage’s portfolio including NACOS Platinum, SPECS, and RS24. The demonstrator vessel has also been fitted with on-the-market partner technology products from machine vision specialist Oscar Navigation and communications specialist Drynet. Soon, further tech will be onboard, making Ahti a bridge to the highly automated, connected, situationally aware and data-enabled future for maritime that Wärtsilä Voyage is aiming to create.
“Technology designed to solve the industry’s biggest challenges must be tested in situations that come as close as possible to real
life scenarios,” said Hendrik Bußhoff, head of product–autonomous systems, Wärtsilä Voyage. “However, we understand that real world testing is costly and time consuming. Trialing new equipment almost always means testing it on a customer ship which can often bring with it a lot of obligations and questions about documentation, schedules, data ownership and compliance. This is why we invested in Ahti. We now have a resource that will shorten time-to-market, enable us to fail fast and innovate quicker, and compare, and understand different technologies outside of controlled environments.”
Sean Fernback, president, Wärtsilä Voyage commented: “ Ahti provides a powerful tool for testing the capabilities and benefits of a tech-enabled vessel and provides us with an environment in which we can see the future, today, on our terms.”
VIKING RIVER CRUISES’ much-anticipated Jones Act-compliant river cruise ship Viking Mississippi embarked on its inaugural cruise and attracted much local media attention along the way when it made its debut in September 2022. Floated out from Edison Chouest Offshore’s LaShip shipyard in Houma, La., in March 2022, the 450 foot long, 75-foot beam vessel hosts 386 guests in 193 staterooms and offers multiple passenger amenities. The five-deck river cruise ship is inspired by Viking’s award-winning river and ocean ships and features a Scandinavian design, as well as public spaces that will be familiar to Viking guests but reimagined for Mississippi River voyages.
The Viking Mississippi is equipped with a variety of measures to maximize energy efficiency and emissions—including a diesel-electric propulsion system comprised of eight CAT C32 EPA Tier 4 diesel engines, each
powering a 940 eKw water cooled generator; each engine/generator unit is individually mounted on a specially designed double raft isolation system that produces a remarkably quiet and smooth ride.
Propulsion power is provided by Voith 6-bladed propulsion thrusters driven by permanent magnet electric motors as are the pump jet bow thrusters.
THE SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA), which operates the San Francisco Bay Ferry fleet, took delivery of the M/V Dorado in June 2022. It’s the fastest vessel in WETA’s fleet with a service speed of 36 knots and is also the first boat built for WETA that can safely dock at any of the system’s 12 ferry terminals.
The 320-passenger catamaran is the first in a series of four ordered by WETA from the Mavrik Marine shipyard in La Conner, Wash., and was designed by Australia’s One2three Naval Architects with construction management services being provided by Aurora Marine Design of San Diego. WETA plans to rotate the vessel among its routes to collect operational data and allow passengers across the ferry system to experience the boat. The vessel offers expansive outdoor passenger space to allow more riders to experience a fresh-air trip across the Bay.
EVERGREEN MARINE CORPORATION became the new holder of “the world’s largest containership” title with its 24,000 TEU Ever Alot , which was delivered by China’s Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co Ltd. The containership measures 399.99 meters in length and 61.5 meters in width. It was the first of four new A-Class box ships set to join the Evergreen fleet from the shipyard. Some cynics may be pondering how many tugs
and dredges it would take to move the ship should it follow the example of Ever Given and Ever Forward and get stuck somewhere inconvenient, but one thing Ever Alot required a lot of was paint. That was good news for Nippon Paint Marine. It supplied coating systems to all four of the 24,000 TEU A-Class sisterships being built at Hudong-Zonghua, with its extensive scope of supply including its A-LF Sea antifouling system.
“WETA is building a world class ferry system for the Bay Area and adding new vessels like M/V Dorado helps us get there,” said Jim Wunderman, Chair of the WETA Board of Directors. “This American-made ferry enhances the capacity of our fleet and provides additional flexibility for our operations, helping ensure we run the system as efficiently as possible. It also happens to be a beautiful ferry. We thank our local, state and federal partners for their investment in San Francisco Bay Ferry service.”
M/V Dorado is the ninth U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier 4 or Tier 4 equivalent passenger ferry in WETA’s fleet. In 2017, WETA commissioned the the first Tier 4 equivalent high-speed passenger ferry in the U.S., M/V Hydrus . In 2019, WETA commissioned the nation’s first Tier 4 certified high-speed passenger ferry, M/V Pyxis
MARKING THE LATEST EXPANSION in its Endeavor range of workboats, Theodore, Ala., based Silver Ships Inc. delivered the largest marine surveying vessel in its series, the Tobin , in August 2022, The 49-foot vessel has been custom designed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Venice Sub Office in Venice, La., to hydrographically map the mouth of the Mississippi River.
The mission-specific hydrographic survey vessel allows researchers to accurately and effectively obtain and document data on the rapidly changing waters in the Mississippi River. With the intent of keeping waterways open and preventing obstructions to marine navigation, Tobin is equipped to handle challenging river terrain and will conduct condition surveys of the river to further the safety of marine operations, says Jason Powers, director of business development for Silver Ships.
The vessel is powered by twin Caterpillar C18 Tier 3 engines, developing 800 hp
each to reach optimal speeds resulting in the prevention of research delays, which is important considering the frequent changes in Mississippi River conditions.
The single Caterpillar C2.2 Tier 3 genset provides 25 ekW of electric power for Tobin ’s air conditioning, echo sounder and other electrical needs onboard.
BISSO TOWBOAT COMPANY INC. , based in Luling, La., took delivery of its newest ship-assist tug, the 6,008 bhp ASD tractor tug Capt. Joseph Bisso in early 2022. The 100- by 38- by 13.5-foot vessel is the fifth ASD tractor tug built for Bisso in the past seven years by the Main Iron Works shipyard in Houma, La. With an estimated bollard pull of 75 tons, Capt. Joseph Bisso is powered by twin Caterpillar 3516E Tier
4F main engines, each generating 3,004 bhp at 1,800 rpm. They drive two Schottel SRP 460 FP Z-drives. The Z-drives feature 2,500 mm diameter four-blade stainless steel propellers in stainless steel nozzles.
Electrical service is provided by two 118 kW Caterpillar generators powered by two Caterpillar C4.4 engines. The tug is equipped with a JonRie Series 240 escort winch, featuring 500 feet of 3-inch diameter Saturn 12 line
with 749,000 pounds of breaking strength. Other features include USCG-approved engine room monitoring and fire/smoke alarm systems, fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system, Simrad navigation/electronics, soundproof insulation throughout engine room/crew quarters, stainless steel bitts, and bow staple and four bunk rooms with seven berths. Tankage includes capacities for 30,162 gallons diesel, 11,000 gallons potable water, 1,825 gallons each of lube and hydraulic oil and 2,000 gallons of Diesel Exhaust Fluid. The Capt. Joseph Bisso will have a crew complement of four and carries an ABS International Loadline in addition to being built to Subchapter M certification and receiving a USCG COI.
The Capt. Joseph Bisso brings the total number of tugs in the Bisso fleet to 12, all built by Main Iron Works. Bisso Towboat operates the largest fleet of ASD tractor tugs on the Mississippi River, with nine such vessels, and the youngest fleet of tugs on the river, with an average age of 13 years across the fleet.
PANAMA CITY, FLA., based Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc.., launched the trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD) R.B. Weeks (ESG Hull 258) in a ceremony at its Allanton, Fla., shipyard. With a hopper capacity of 8,550 cubic yards, the 356 foot long vessel is the second trailing suction hopper dredge the shipbuilder has constructed for Cranford, N.J.headquartered Weeks Marine, Inc. It is named in honor of Richard B. Weeks, a co-founder of Weeks Marine who is married to Magdalen Weeks, the namesake of the sister vessel Magdalen (ESG 256), delivered by Eastern in 2017.
This second TSHD is set for an on-time delivery in 2023 following outfitting and trials at Eastern’s Port St. Joe Facility. “Eastern Shipbuilding Group has enjoyed a strong partnership with Weeks Marine, Inc’s. team over multiple projects, and we are proud to build another dredge vessel that will enhance our waterways and restore our coastlines,” said Joey D’Isernia, president of Eastern Shipbuilding Group Inc.
In nearly all respects, the R.B. Weeks is identical to the Magdalen delivered by ESG in 2017.
The vessel includes an electrical power, propulsion, and dredge machinery package by Royal IHC, GE (now Wabtec Marine) EPA Tier IV engines, along with several accommodation and crew comfort upgrades.
“We are excited to see the launch of our newest trailing suction hopper dredge, the R.B. Weeks , which will join her sister vessel in various dredging activities primarily aiding the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers to
maintain ports, harbors, and other waterways to ensure ship navigation is possible,” said Eric Ellefsen, president, Weeks Marine, Inc. “These two vessels have an equivalent hopper size and pumping capacity, and we look forward to utilizing the R.B. Weeks, putting her to work deepening shipping lanes, nourishing beaches lost to erosion, and completing coastal restoration due to storm damage.”
C&C MARINE AND REPAIR , Belle Chasse, La. delivered the 6,600-horsepower triplescrew towboat M/V Zephyr , the final vessel in a series of three, to Kirby Inland Marine LP earlier this year. Kirby is leasing all three towboats from Nashville, Tenn.-based Hines Furlong Line Inc. The triple-screw 6,600hp towboat measures 170- by 50-feet with a pilothouse eyeline height of 39 feet, 3 inches.
The towboat was designed by CT Marine LLC, of Portland, Maine. It is powered by three Cummins QSK60-M main engines, provided by Cummins Mid-South, that are paired with three Reintjes WAF 1173 H/V reduction gears, provided by Karl Senner LLC. The service power is provided by three Cummins QSM11DM, 275 kW generators, and the conventional steering system hydraulic power unit was provided by EMI Marine.
The vessel is outfitted with three 100-inch diameter stainless-steel fixed pitch propellers, provided by Sound Propeller Systems Inc., and features a double steering rudder system. The accommodations include a total of 12 beds (11 crew, plus one guest).
system was provided by Thompson Tractor and includes two EPA Tier 4 certified Caterpillar 3512E main engines, each producing 2,550 horsepower and two Berg MTA 628 azimuth thrusters, three Caterpillar generators, two ABB propulsion motors, and associated variable frequency drives.
MASTER BOAT BUILDERS INC., Coden, Ala., delivered the electrichybrid tug Spartan to Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-headquartered SEACOR group member Seabulk in March 2022. Designed by Robert Allan Ltd., the tug was built to meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations and is classed by the American Bureau of Shipping, including escort notation.
The vessel has an overall length of 98 feet, beam of 43 feet, and bollard pull of 90 tons. The integrated hybrid propulsion
Berg’s hybrid electric propulsion system includes high levels of redundancy for safety as well as the ability to switch seamlessly between operating modes with the push of a button. A vessel can run on main engines only, gensets only, or a combination of the two, optimizing energy use across the entire operating profile. A tug in transit can minimize energy consumption and eliminate main engine wear by running on a single generator set. In hybrid mode, power is balanced between the diesel engines and electrical motors to optimize fuel consumption, maneuvering response, and bollard performance.
“During the first weeks in operation,
Master Boat Builders Inc. delivered the new 4,000 horsepower tug Polaris to Polaris New Energy in March 2022. The delivery was the latest development in the expansion of the U.S. LNG bunkering infrastructure. Paired with the 5,500-cubic-meter bunkering barge Clean Canaveral , the two vessels form the largest Jones Act-compliant articulated tug barge (ATB) providing LNG bunker fuel in the U.S.
“Master Boat Builders is committed to producing the most dependable and reliable tugs in the Maritime Industry, and we thank Polaris New Energy, LLC for giving us the opportunity to prove it,” said Garrett Rice, president of Master Boat Builders. “ Polaris will be used to its full potential, helping fuel the cruise ship industry’s new LNG-powered ships when they arrive in Port Canaveral later this year.” McAllister Towing LNG Services LLC will operate the Polaris/Clean Canaveral ATB when it starts providing LNG bunkering services.
Spartan has been living up to the promises made for hybrid propulsion vessels,” said Seabulk president and CEO Daniel Thorogood. “Seabulk’s commitment to improving the sustainability of its operations is represented by its investment in a new generation of vessels whose flexibility is proving that hybrid tug technology is our choice for the future.”
“The Spartan was the latest addition to Seabulk’s fleet and constitutes the first of two hybrid diesel-electric vessels commissioned from Master Boat Builders,” said Seabulk CEO Daniel Thorogood. “She is representative of their advanced workmanship and ability to deliver modern, cutting-edge marine technology.”
“As the maritime industry continues to evolve and modernize its fleet, Master Boat Builders is proud to deliver this hybrid tugboat, which will serve as the most efficient technologically advanced tug operating in the U.S.,” said Garret Rice, president of Master Boat Builders.
IT’S BEEN QUITE A YEAR. It began with container shipping supply chain disruptions. It continued with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has had reverberations
throughout shipping that are still ongoing. Stories on these and other important issues — not least the green transition — have been drawing considerable reader engagement on
our website. Still, it’s not always the weightiest issues that draw immediate attention. Bearing in mind, let’s look at the 10 stories that got the most views on our site this year.
PERHAPS SURPRISINGLY the story getting the most attention has been the Coast Guard interest in purchasing Edison Chouest Offshore’s M/V Aiviq for conversion to an interim heavy icebreaker.
The Coast Guard’s proposed FY2023 budget requested $125 million for the purchase of an existing commercially
available polar icebreaker to augment the Coast Guard’s polar icebreaking capacity until the new Polar Security Cutters enter service. Under the Coast Guard’s proposal, the Coast Guard would conduct a full and open competition for the purchase, the commercially available icebreaker selected for acquisition would then be modified
for Coast Guard operations following and the ship would enter service 18 to 24 months after being acquired.
Back in May, the USCG issued a request for information setting out its requirements for the candidate “commercially available vessel” that, essentially specified the Aiviq
The Aiviq has been proposed for this type of conversion before. Back in 2017, Davie Shipbuilding made a proposal (Project Resolute) to the Canadian government that eventually resulted in three former AHTs vessels being converted to interim icebreakers. Canada did not go along with Davie’s proposal to convert a fourth vessel into a heavy icebreaker. That vessel was the Aiviq
Here’s how Davie described it: “ Aiviq was built in 2012 by North American Shipbuilders for use on the Shell Alaska drilling campaign. She is the world’s most powerful, privately-owned icebreaker. With Polar Class 3, this vessel can operate in the harshest of environments. Built to tow large drilling rigs, M/V Aiviq is perfectly suited as a multipurpose, icebreaking towage and oil spill response vessel.”
At press time, this one was still in the hands of the legislators who hold the purse strings.
Among stories getting the most attention this year, USMMC cadet known as Midshipman X revealed her identity.
THE SECOND MAJOR STORY this year was that the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy cadet first identified only as “Midshipman X” had revealed her identity. The cadet became known as Midshipman X when she posted a harrowing account on the Maritime Legal Aid & Advocacy blog that recounted the sexual harassment that he underwent her time aboard ship during the Sea Year portion of her USMMA training. She revealed he name, Hope Hicks, in June when she filed suit in New York State Court against Maersk Line Limited (MLL), alleging that it had failed to adequately protect USMMA midshipmen from sexual assault and sexual harassment while working aboard Maersk ships as part of the USMMA’s Sea Year program.
There can be no “happy ending” to this sort of case, but at least this story has an outcome. In November attorneys for Hicks and Maersk Line announced that they had resolved the litigation and had mutually agreed that neither side would disclose details of their agreement.
“It is important to me that my case has brought greater awareness of the issue of sexual assault and harassment at sea. The leadership of MLL has expressed the need for change. The changes that MLL has proposed are an important first step, but there is still a lot of work to be done in the maritime industry,” said Hicks.
“We want to be absolutely clear that the events Ms. Hicks describes are unacceptable. No matter who and where you are, those who work with us must feel safe and protected in our work environment,” said William Woodhour, CEO, MLL.
MLL further stated that the company has initiated a full program of training, reporting, and accountability internally and is working externally with all industry stakeholders, to include its industry partners, labor unions, the Maritime Administration, the maritime academies, and the U.S. Coast Guard.
NOT ALL THE STORIES attracting reader attention involved deep issues or high drama. Our third ranking story was that Tacoma, Wash., aluminum boat builder Silverback Marine had released details of its latest brainchild for the small commercial
ONE OF LAST YEAR’S most closely followed sagas was the disruption to world seaborne trade caused by the blockage of the Suez Canal by the giant Evergreen containership Ever Given . This year, another Evergreen vessel, the Ever Forward , was in the headlines when it grounded in the Chesapeake Bay. The story that made our number four ranking was that Evergreen had declared general average (GA) in the case after a third attempt to refloat the 1,095 foot long ship had failed. To grossly oversimplify things, GA means that cargo owners are required to take a share of the
workboat market: a fully collared, large door landing craft, offering all the utility and versatility of landing craft type vessels but adding the protection of the type of collar widely used in RHIBs (rigid hulled inflatable boats).
salvage cost and is an indication that a salvage case is getting expensive. A little over two weeks later, a massive salvage effort succeeded. It involved the removal of hundreds of containers from the ship with crane barges and dredging to a depth of 43 feet, resulting in 206,280 cubic yards of material being dredged and taken for use in an ecosystem restoration project. After the containers were removed, two pulling barges, two tugs from Donjon-Smit two tugs from Moran, and two tugs from McAllister freed the containership, with a full moon also helping things along.
WHILE MASTER BOAT BUILDERS may be best known as a builder of some of the most technically advanced tugs in the world, what brought the company to the number five ranking in this year’s stories was that the company and its president Garrett Rice were the stars of an episode of the Discovery Channel hit series “Dirty Jobs.”
MULTIPLE STORIES related to the consequences of Russia’s attack on Ukraine drew solid attention throughout the year.
The one that reached the number six position was the news that Ukraine had taken out a Russian Navy tug used to supply the Russian forces then occupying
Snake Island.
Dramatic video demonstrated just how effective the Ukrainian missile strike on the tug was and may explain why this story drew even more hits than those on the sinking of the Russian Black Sea Fleet flagship, the Moskva
THE BIG NEWS toward the end of the year — and making it into our No. 7 spot — was Singapore Technologies Engineering’s sale of its U.S. shipyard subsidiaries, Halter Marine and ST Engineering Halter Marine and Offshore, Inc. (STEHMO) to Bollinger Shipyards for a cash consideration of $15 million.
The ST Engineering announcement revealed the two yards had incurred a combined net loss before tax of $256 million in the last five years (2017-2021), with an annual net loss before tax that ranged from about $40 million to $60 million.
Bollinger has renamed the yards Bollinger
Mississippi Shipbuilding and Bollinger Mississippi Repair and notes that all ongoing programs have been conveyed with the transaction, including the Polar Security Cutter (PSC) program for the U.S. Coast Guard and the Auxiliary Personnel LighterSmall (APL(S)) program for the U.S. Navy.
WITH UKRAINIAN DRONES exposing the vulnerabilities of conventional surface warships, it’s perhaps not surprising that the Chief of Naval Operations’ Navigation Plan 2022 sees the U.S Navy’s fleet of the 2040s as including “a host of manned, unmanned and
optionally-manned platforms operating under, on, and above the seas.” Our No. 8 story this year was the news that six companies had been awarded contracts for “continued studies of a large unmanned surface vessel (LUSV).” The companies awarded the contracts were Huntington
TO WHAT EXTENT LUSVs replace do replace conventional surface combatants remains to be seen. Meantime, one of the future Navy programs getting close attention in shipbuilding circles is the DDG(X) replacement for the current DDG 51
destroyers. Our ninth ranking story was that Gibbs & Cox, which is the largest independent naval architecture and marine engineering firm in the U.S., had been awarded a $29.5 million contract that could be worth almost $319 million
ROUNDING OUT THIS YEAR’S TOP 10 was news that a new U.S. offshore wind crew transfer vessel (CTV) operator, Windea CTV LLC, had started construction of its first of three vessels.
Two of the three 30-meter, hybridready Incat Crowther designed CTVs are being constructed at St. Johns Ship Building, Palataka, Fla., and the third at Gulf
Craft, Franklin, La.
The WINDEA CTV fleet is owned and operated by MidOcean Wind LLC and Hornblower Wind LLC. (a member of Hornblower Group), with technical and operational support from WINDEA Offshore shareholder Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH, which operates a fleet of CTVs in the European market.
Ingalls Industries Inc., Pascagoula, Miss.; Lockheed Martin Corp., Baltimore, Md.; Fincantieri Marinette Marine Corp., Marinette, Wis.; Bollinger Shipyards Lockport LLC, Lockport, La.; Austal USA LLC, Mobile, Ala., and Gibbs & Cox Inc., Arlington, Va.
if all options are exercised. It is for supporting surface combatant ship design and engineering efforts for the Navy’s Future Surface Combatant Force, primarily in support of the DDG(X) program, as well as other emerging ship concepts.
The CTVs are scheduled to be delivered in 2023 and will immediately go into service for GE Renewables. They will first operate out of New Bedford, Mass., during the Vineyard Wind I construction period.
One take-away from this story is that it could mark a turning point in Jones Act CTV construction that will see it move from a trickle to a steady stream.
Rear Adm. JOANNA M. NUNAN (USCG, Ret.) is to be the next superintendent of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, N.Y. The first woman to serve as the academy’s superintendent, She served over 30 years in the U.S. Coast Guard.
Bryton Marine Group , whose five companies include All American Marine and BRIX Marine , named STUART MCVITTY as its COO. Relocating from South Africa, McVitty is an alumnus of Harvard Business School and whose decades of marine industry experience includes serving as a board member of the South African Boat Builder Expert Council.
ADAM TINDALLSCHLICHT, until recently port director at the Port of Milwaukee, has been named as the eleventh Administrator of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, which is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the U.S. portion of the St. Lawrence Seaway between Montréal and Lake Erie.
The CMA CGM Group has named PETER LEVESQUE to succeed ED ALDRIDGE , who is retiring, as president of CMA CGM America and American President Lines . Levesque is an international shipping executive, who, until 2021, was president of Ports America Group.
STEVEN CLARKE , who joined Theodore, Ala.-based shipbuilder Silver Ships Inc. in 2015 as co-owner and CFO, has been named CEO. Current president and CEO and co-owner, MIKE MCCARTY, is transitioning to the role of chairman.
FRANCIS SLINGSBY has assumed the role of CEO at Mayflower Wind, a joint venture of Shell New Energies US LLC and Ocean Winds North America. With more than a decade of experience in commercial and business development in the United States offshore wind energy sector at Ørsted, he succeeds MICHAEL BROWN , who will bring his experience and relationships to the Mayflower Wind board of directors.
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A NEW DIRECT TRUNK SUPPORT (DTS) system for rudders launched by Kongsberg Maritime transfers the maneuvering forces from the rudder through the headbox and the steering gear deck directly into the hull structure. This promises to improve maneuvering and propulsion performance and deliver weight savings that can ultimately save fuel and help cut emissions.
Kongsberg says the DTS rudder has no upper size limit and works for vessels of any
size and in any segment. It eliminates the radial forces and bending moment transferred from the rudder blade to the steering gear. This is accomplished with an extended pipe integrated into the rudder trunk. This means that the rudder stock (torque shaft) in the DTS system only transfers torque and axial loads.
The improved load distribution gives the ship designer more flexibility in the aft ship design, which enables a lower positioned
steering gear deck. This gives greater storage capacity to any vessel. The DTS system also gives ship owners the option to choose smaller steering gear, since the DTS system only transfers torque load.
The improvement in load distribution allows more freedom in the design of the rudder blade. Higher aspect ratios and slimmer, full-spade rudder designs are possible, which improves the overall performance of the vessel.
BROOKLYN, N.Y.-BASED HIGH-TECH START-UP AMOGY INC. reports that its innovative ammonia-to-power system for maritime applications is to have its first commercial application in a U.S. inland waterways tank barge.
The Amogy power system generates electricity by cracking the liquid ammonia to hydrogen and using the produced hydrogen to generate electrical power through proton-exchange membrane fuel cells.
Now Amogy has announced a strategic partnership and technology deployment project with Southern Devall, formerly Southern Towing Company and Devall Towing.
Southern Devall specializes in transporting bulk liquid chemicals and fertilizer products throughout the Mississippi River and Gulf Intracoastal Waterway System and currently services a significant portion of the ammonia production market.
Amogy’s proprietary ammonia-to-power system converts ammonia into hydrogen for use in fuel cells or as a more energy dense method
of long-distance hydrogen transportation.
The system, already demonstrated in a farming tractor and aerial drone, is now being scaled for use in ships and ammonia bunkering barges to support the maritime industry’s decarbonization efforts.
Amogy and Southern Devall have initiated work on their first technology deployment, a retrofit of a barge that is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2023.
An Amogy powerpack, rather than a diesel genset, will generate the power needed to reliquefy ammonia as it heats up over
the course of a voyage. The Amogy system will keep the ammonia tank pressure low, enabling Southern Devall to deliver ammonia to customers upon arrival and increase the utilization and profitability of its fleet.
Amogy’s system has already passed initial safety reviews and recently received Approval in Principle from Lloyd’s Register for a powerpack design like the one the team will look to deploy in this project. Following the barge integration and demonstration, Amogy and Southern Devall plan to pursue retrofits of additional barges and tugboats.
Exactly one year ago, this column addressed how weather has become an increasing threat to the maritime community. Current weather and climate data suggests severe weather is only going to increase in frequency and severity, and the U.S. Coast Guard has been dealing with an uptick in weather related marine casualties. The overall tone and outlook of last year’s column was grim, with the Coast Guard publishing a marine safety alert following a trend of catastrophic weather-related incidents like in the case of the SEACOR Power.
One year later, the Coast Guard continues to track and study the number of weather-related incidents, and the data from the past several years demonstrates the threat to mariner safety has never been more real. Since 2015, the Coast Guard has conducted over 80 investigations into the loss of 86 commercial vessels due to heavy weather, with 19 vessels lost in 2020 alone. While roughly half these losses are due to large, trackable events like tropical storms and hurricanes, the other half stem from sudden heavy weather where the vessel involved received little to no warning.
These events come in many different types and sizes; squalls, derechos, wake lows, microbursts etc. and each of them presents a clear and present danger to any vessel caught in their path. During
these events, the information at hand, and the subsequent human decision making based on it can often mean the difference between life and death. The accuracy of information, and the speed at which vessels receive it are of critical importance.
Vessel Based Automated Weather Stations: How and Why,” that concluded that despite tremendous advances in weather tracking and forecasting technology, ships at sea are not receiving accurate weather information quickly enough to influence decision making. The paper also proposes a solution. A concept has been developed to install automated weather stations (AWS) on vessels and connect them to a processor, which would format the observations into a message that could be transmitted by the ship’s automatic identification system (AIS) and broadcast real time weather observations to vessels within approximately 40 miles. Vessels experiencing high winds, squalls, etc. would automatically send out the weather information and operators would be alerted that their vessel was in the danger area. The transmissions could also be received by terrestrial and satellite-based AIS receivers and feed the observations to the global weather database. The projected costs of installation for these devices are relatively low, with the pieces needed totaling less than $2,000 dollars, which makes it even more appealing option.
The proposed shipboard automated weather systems have already gained some traction internationally, and testing of the ship-based AWS has commenced. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has installed the system on over a dozen vessels, with the potential to expand the test to thousands more. The proposal has also been forwarded to the International Maritime Organization, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, and many other maritime agencies worldwide for consideration. These entities will now have to determine both the technical and logistical specifics necessary to implement this system if they ultimately conclude it’s the best course of action.
Fortunately, through hard work and innovation a potential solution has emerged. Shortly after the “As Weather Gets Worse, We Must Be Better” column Marine Log published in December 2021, an international study led by Dr. Roberta Weisbrod, executive director of the Worldwide Ferry Safety Association, examined how ships receive weather information worldwide. The results of the study were published in a white paper, titled “A Global Network of
Regardless, it is undoubtfully positive news and a step in the right direction in preparing the maritime community for what’s to come. It’s both comforting and inspiring to know that there are individuals out there working to ensure that as the weather gets worse, we do get better.
CHAD YEAMANS, MS, SHRM-CP Detachment Chief USCG Investigations National Center ofProjected costs of installation for [AIS] devices are relatively low ...