Useful Information WHILE UNDERWAY Maintain a Steady Speed – Once we determine what our cruising speed for the trip will be, look at your tachometer and maintain those RPM’s throughout the trip. Do NOT try to keep a steady speed over ground (SOG) because that will vary depending on wind, tide, Gulf Stream, and water salinity. Please, out of courtesy to those behind you, determine your RPM and stick with it. Maintain Radio Contact – Keep your radio turned on and the volume turned up. We will monitor channel 72 for the entire cruise. The trip leader will routinely check on boats to see how you are doing. If the trip leader does not get a response, he will slow the whole group down to visually check on that boat. Also, if you are encountering any problem (speed, engine problems, questions) while running, please let the lead boat know. Monitor Radio Use – Radio chatter is fine and definitely makes the trip more fun. However, please be aware that the Coast Guard is listening to the radio and issues that are over legalities should really be approached gently. For example, discussions of fuel spills and entry/re-entry issues should not be discussed over the radio – unless, of course, you enjoy being boarded by the Coast Guard! Slowing Down and Speeding Up – We are a large group of large boats, and it will be necessary to slow down quite often so as not to wake boats and properties. If this is not done efficiently, the group will get severely fragmented. The lead boat will announce when she is slowing down over the VHF. When slowing down be sure to close the gap (if any) to the boat ahead of you before slowing down. The lead boat will announce when she is starting back up on the VHF. Once the announcement is made, everyone should give his or her boat the throttle at the same time. Everyone needs to stay on plane until you reach the slow down point – slow down at that point and pick it up as soon thereafter as possible.
July 10 - 26, 2020