Dahon-2008 Dahon International Catalog

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personal mobility For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

2008 1

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Table of Contents

January, 1983:

September, 1983:

The public Internet goes live as the first TCP/IP network comes online

March, 1983: Swatch watches are introduced

The world’s first commercial portable cellular phone is introduced by Motorola

Dahon Technology

52 Road

8 12

54 56 57 58 59

Frame Technology Component Technology

2008 Bikes 18 Urban Utility Spring, 1983: Audio CDs go on sale globally, beginning the digital music revolution

July, 1983: The Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom) goes on sale in Japan

December, 1983: The first Dahon folding bikes go out to customers

Twenty-five years ago many industries and lives were changed by the technologies that were launched in 1983. Some of these – like the internet – are going strong, while others – the audio CD – have already begun to be replaced by newer technology. Dahon? We’re just hitting our stride. Nearing the end of the 1973 Oil Crisis, an idealistic aerospace scientist working at Hughes Aircraft on cutting edge laser research, looked into the future and didn’t like what he saw – a world totally dependent on cars but with rapidly shrinking global reserves of oil. So that scientist, Dr. David Hon, went into action, determined to change the world. Working long nights and weekends in his garage, Dr. Hon toiled for seven years to perfect a folding bicycle, a mode of transport that would be the web to weave together trains, subways, buses, boats, and even cars in a transport network. He quit his job, gathered venture funding, re-located to Taiwan, and built a factory. A year later, in 1983, Dahon folding bicycles were rolling off the assembly line. Today, at a time when in many countries folding bicycle sales are growing exponentially and are fast becoming the preferred mode of transportation for many, we can proudly say that Dahon has made an impact. From San Francisco to Amsterdam to Rio de Janeiro to Tokyo, people are using Dahon bicycles to get from point A to point B. Governments are integrating folding bicycles into their plans for mass transportation. And every one of those big bicycle companies that Dr. Hon visited twenty five years ago has now jumped on the folding bike bandwagon. The race is on and we are happy to set the pace. Rest assured that we aren’t slowing down – there are many more revolutions to be started.

20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Mu XL Curve D3 Curve SL Boardwalk D3/D7 Ciao! P3/P7/P8 Impulse D7 Roo D3/D7 Vitesse D3/D7HG Vitesse D7 Speed D3/D7 Briza D3 Glide P7/P8 Espresso Jack Cadenza Solo Wobbegong

38 Urban Performance 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

JetStream XP Mu P8 Mu P24 Mu XL Sport Mu SL JetStream P8 Speed P8 Speed TR Cadenza 8 Matrix

A big thank you to our distributors, dealers, suppliers, engineers, employees, and especially loyal riders for helping to make Dr. Hon’s vision a reality. For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


2008 Dahon Catalog


Tournado Speed Pro TT Cadenza Smooth Hound 6.0 Hammerhead 8.0

62 Mountain 64 66

Flo Fuego

68 Frames

Accessories 72 74 78

Lights Luggage Accessories - Other

Articles and Essays 4-5 Causes 16-17 undesigned 37 The John Butler Trio Letter 51 Facto Delafé y las Flores Azules 60-61 Interview with: Frank Jackson 69 The Coffee Bikes of Project Rwanda 79 Personal Experience and Contemporary Art Pave The Way To A Greener Urban Fabric


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When I was a kid, I played a lot of board games. For a few years, I played Monopoly with my best friend every other day; a few months ago I pulled that old Monopoly game out of our garage to play with my daughter and everything was a little yellower but still in good working order. Recently, we bought Candy Land and a few other games for our daughter and I was shocked at how cheap and disposable board games today have become.

The boxes are made of almost paper-thin cardboard held together with tape at the corners; the playing cards are little more than heavier-weight paper. Everything seems built to a barely acceptable, minimum standard. I find the same thing with kitchen appliances. The ovens and blenders from years past were comfortingly robust and heavy. But invariably I find that appliances on store shelves today feel flimsy and cheap. The price is more than cheap enough, and I’m sure that functionally they are fine, but I’m always left wondering if there isn’t something just a bit higher in quality that will last longer. In fact, a friend in the industry told me that coffee machine manufacturers design their machines to break after a certain number of cycles. Built in obsolescence – what a great idea for business; what a terrible idea for the planet. Something else that pains me is how quickly our kids go through their toys. A few months and the toys that we have for our kids are no longer interesting. So many of the parents we know end up with huge boxes of toys that are no longer age appropriate for their children. A Swiss friend told me that in Switzerland, there are toy exchanges: children can check out toys, play with them for a few months and then check them back in. What a fantastic idea! But this is all predicated on good quality toys that can stand some serious abuse. What I find is that there’s often a big difference in the quality of goods that I find in Europe or Japan compared to what I find in many U.S. big box stores. Why is it that products are built to a more disposable quality in the U.S.? Do we blame it on the stores for lowering quality standards or is it the fault of the consumers – all of us – for choosing products based on price rather than quality. The problem with disposable products of course is that our earth’s natural resources are finite and we


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are quickly going through all the wood, iron, aluminum, and oil that is available. And creating cheap products that quickly break down only means that we are constantly replacing what we own and dumping them into land fills. So I’ve recently adopted a new mantra – something that I call “Buy Less, Buy Better”. Basically, I’ve resolved to buy fewer “things”. I try my best to only buy things that are really necessary, nothing that’s trendy and fashionable but that will be out of style in a year or two. And when I do buy, I’ll search for higher quality products that will last. Sure, the prices will be a bit higher, but if the product lasts as long as several cheaper products, I’ll have come out ahead financially and I’ll have tossed less waste into a landfill. Plus, I’ll get a lot more enjoyment out of using that higher quality, better designed product. So when it comes time to select for toys for the kids, my wife and I try to avoid the plasticky, battery-operated toys that you see at all the toy stores and opt for things like hand-milled wooden blocks from Vermont that our kids will enjoy for years and which are sturdy enough to hand down to their kids. Why do I mention this? Well, I think it’s a pretty good personal motto. But it’s also a guiding principal behind how we at Dahon design our bikes. As we go about choosing materials, parts, and manufacturing processes, we tend to avoid things that are trendy and choose things that are functional and will stand the test of time. If we all, as consumers, make a conscious effort to choose better products, it will force companies to meet that demand and the planet will be a bit better off. Joshua Hon Vice President, Dahon


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echnology Perpetual innovation and reinvention are the guiding principles at Dahon. Dahon has one of the most well-respected and prolific research and development teams in the bicycle industry, led by Dr. David Hon – a global authority on laser physics and holder of over 150 patents. With over 60 engineers working with the latest 3D CAD/CAM software, Dahon files for an average of fifteen new patents every year. Simpler, lighter, faster, stronger: these are our unchanging design objectives There are many things that go into keeping Dahon folding bicycles head and shoulders above the competition. The pace of Dahon innovation over the past 25 years has brought many advancements that allow today’s bikes to fold quickly and compactly, and to ride solidly and confidently. On the following pages are just a few of the patented technologies and special features that you will find on Dahon bicycles.

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Frame Technology

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LockJaw Hinge Technology – 2007

V-Clamp Technology – 2008

The perfect hinge is strong, light, and virtually invisible. With the LockJaw, we’re pretty darn close. Bikes equipped with the LockJaw hinge look just like regular bikes – you have to get up close and look really hard to see where the bike folds. With a LockJaw hinge you can fold your bike in seconds; but lock the hinge and you have an exceptionally stiff frame.

V-Clamp Technology is the strongest, simplest folding technology that we’ve ever developed and it’s found on our top-of-the-line frames. A solid stainless steel plate maximizes surface area to securely clamp the hinge in the closed position. Stainless steel hardware and brass bushings provide outstanding durability.

P.A.Q. Technology

BioLogic™ II Frame Geometry – 2006

P.A.Q. stands for Packs Away Quickly. A bike with P.A.Q. technology looks and rides just like a regular bike but it can be packed quickly into a suitcase for easy travel.

Small wheel folding bikes have a reputation for “twitchy” handling – but “twitchy” handling is more the result of poor frame geometry than of wheel size. BioLogic™ II frame geometry is the result of almost 25 years of refinement by the product team at Dahon and makes for a smooth and confident handling.

LSR Technology 2006 LSR (Low Shock Ratio) Technology was co-developed with Joe Murray for full-suspension mountain bikes. LSR Technology makes use of proprietary linkage geometry and allows the shock to run at substantially lower pressures for improved small bump sensitivity, shock durability and a stiffer rear end.

AutoLok Technology AutoLok technology improves safety. Folding hinges with AutoLok technology automatically lock shut when the lever is closed. Simple and safe.

UpRide Frame Geometry Riding a bike hunched over and stretched out may be fine if you’re trying to get every last bit of speed out of your bike. But that’s not what you want when you’re just heading down the street for a coffee. Enter UpRide frame geometry, which puts your body in a “walking” position: your back is straight, your head is high and your neck is relaxed, in addition to you your legs being optimally positioned to use gravity to push down on the pedals.


Fusion Technology Traditional bicycle components weren’t designed for the long handleposts found on folding bikes. To keep from having noodly handleposts, we developed something better – our patented Fusion Technology, which blends frame, fork, and handlepost into a single integrated, immensely strong, structure.

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Sonus Tubing

Embedded Bottom Bracket

Increasing the torsional strength and stiffness of our frames is a perpetual design objective. After countless rounds of testing and modifications, we finally settled on a custom tube shape we call Sonus. The tube is taller than previous designs for superior fore/aft strength. And the tube profile features a wide, flat base that is more resistant to twisting forces.

Bottom bracket stiffness is very important for pedaling efficiency. On bikes featuring our Embed Technology, you’ll find 300-360 degrees of BB/frame interface instead of the typical 90 degrees. This translates into improved stiffness and more efficient power transfer.

ViseGrip ViseGrip latching mechanisms are very, very strong. The patented design also makes them marvelously easy to operate. The latch is a beautifully smooth shape that fits the hand perfectly. The hinge includes a stainless steel hinge pin and brass bushings between moving parts.

Lattice Forged Hinge The hinge is the most critical part of any folding bicycle frame. The Lattice Forged hinge was developed after two years of design, testing, and FEA analysis. Cold-forged for strength and CNC-milled to minimize weight. Details include a stainless steel hinge pin and brass washers for long-term durability in the harshest riding conditions.

GroundFloor Frame Design Traditional bike frames can be intimidating to new cyclists or riders with back or leg injuries. Protecting your modesty if you’re wearing a skirt, dress, or kilt can also be problematic. Dahon GroundFloor frame designs feature a very low step-over height for just such an occasion.

Ritchey BAB technology There are few people who know hand-made steel frames like Tom Ritchey, one of the most respected names in the bike business. That’s why we licensed Ritchey’s BAB technology for our steel road and mountain frames. Ritchey’s BAB technology allows a frame to be disassembled into two sections for more compact packing, yet it has absolutely no effect on performance, adds only 98 grams, and is virtually invisible.

Offset Bottom Bracket On the very first Dahon bike, we broke from cycling tradition by offsetting the bottom bracket from the seat tube in order to allow a longer seat tube. This allows a smaller folded size and a longer seat post for taller riders.

Joe Murray Design Joe Murray is one of the most respected names in the mountain bike world. He is a legendary bike designer that has worked with Marin, Kona, Shimano and Voodoo. We work with Joe to design our mountain bike frames so they ride as well as the best frames that he’s developed.

Magnetix Technology Patented Magnetix™ technology is a simple yet ingenious system that uses magnets to latch our bikes neatly together when folded.

DFS Folding Technology All Dahon compact bikes follow the same 3-step folding process: Step 1: lower the seat post into the frame Step 2: fold the handlepost down Step 3: fold the frame in half Sound familiar? If it does, it’s because the DFS Folding Technology that we developed ovee 25 years ago is now used by over 95% of folding bicycles on the market.


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Component Technology

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Turtleneck Seat Post Collar

Radius V Handlepost

With the Turtleneck seat post collar, the quick release lever is longer than standard quick release levers – meaning more clamping force with less push. A brass bushing means better durability. A recessed bolt firmly locks the seat collar in place. Stainless hardware means no unsightly rust. And finally, the tapered collar helps keep mud and dirt out.

The Radius features patented Fusion Technology that integrates frame, fork, and handlepost into one immensely strong unit. New V-Clamp Technology utilizes a stainless steel plate to clamp the entire assembly and delivers substantially improved stiffness.

BioLogic™ Zorin PostPump

Dahon Neos 2.0

Never forget your bike pump at home again. The BioLogic™ Zorin Post Pump is an ingenious combination of a seat post and powerful floor pump. The pump mechanism is hidden inside the seat post and uses the seat post as the outer wall of the pump. The pump is always at hand, hidden from the elements and thieves.

The original low-profile Dahon Neos derailleur caused an important paradigm shift in the derailleur industry: even the big “S” is now designing low profile derailleurs that are more protected from damage due to their increased clearance. The new Neos 2.0 is the next evolutionary step with upgraded materials and reduced weight.

Chain Retainer Dahon folding bikes have chain stays that are slightly shorter than those on large-wheeled bikes. Derailleur equipped bikes with shorter chain stays are more susceptible to the chain jumping off the chain ring during a shift. The chain retainer eliminates the problem nicely.

Dahon F.I.T. Stem Getting just the right handlebar height with a traditional stem/handlebar setup is a pain. Typically, you can only adjust bar height in 5-mm increments. With the new Dahon F.I.T Stem, you get 50mm of on-the-fly vertical adjustment, with no increase in weight or complexity.

Kinetix Pro Wheels So light they could float on water, Kinetix Pro Wheels are the most highly engineered compact wheels in the world. Patented Rolf® Paired Spoke Technology™ results in immensely strong wheels that weigh only 990 grams per set. Details include custom hubs made by American Classic with stainless steel bearings, custom rims made from a proprietary Niobium alloy, and custom Sapim Laser spokes.

Kore I-Beam Seat Post/Saddle The patented I-Beam system replaces the traditional saddle rail design with a single carbon composite beam. The benefits are a dramatic reduction in weight, 200% more fore-aft adjustment, and superior strength. We collaborated with Kore to develop our own custom saddles and seat posts.


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NulFulcrum Quick Release

MKS EZY Pedals (2004)

The traditional Quick Release clamp design acts like a fulcrum around which a lever (seat post or stem) can pivot. Not a good thing, when the goal of a Quick Release is to hold a seat post or stem in place. By shifting the position of the Quick Release clamp by only a centimeter, we’ve managed to largely eliminate the tendency of a Quick Release clamp to act as a fulcrum, which results in increased stiffness.

Awesome pedals that snap in and out of the crank arms in a split second. Typical folding pedals still stick out from the crank arms even when folded. MKS EZY pedals leave almost no protruding parts.

X-Twist Technology A simple groove in the stem prevents right and left twisting when adjusting handlebar height, making Dahon bikes easy to fold and adjust.

Compact Front Hub

Dahon Neos Derailleur

As a rim gets smaller in size, the bracing angle of the spokes changes. If you lace a standard 100mm hub into a 20” or 16” rim, you end up with spoke bracing angles that are too small, which results in a weaker wheel. To solve this problem, we pioneered the Compact narrow width front hub, which over the years has become a standard in the folding bicycle industry.

Traditional rear derailleurs weren’t designed for bicycles with small wheels. The Dahon Neos was dreamed up to meet the unique requirements of smaller bikes. The ultra short cage doubles ground clearance and makes it one of the fastest and most precise derailleurs on the market. Cache technology hides the derailleur body underneath the chain stays, safe from damage.

BioLogic™ Joule Dynamo Hub There’s nothing we like better than clean energy. A hub dynamo is the most efficient way to generate electricity for your bike light. The hub is embedded with a series of small magnets that generate electricity when the hub rotates while you ride. It is also one of the lightest and most efficient hub dynamos on the market.


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Syntace VRO Handlebar System (2005) Syntace is a small German company renowned for incredibly light but brutally strong stems and bars. The Syntace VRO handlebar system on select Dahon bikes allows adjustment of handlebar height and reach for perfect rider fit.



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shrugs, reversible bamboo and soy jersey tunics, and designer surplus silk flocked dots for added spice.

A FORMER ARCHITECTURE STUDENT & native Angeleno, Carol Young became intrigued with the needs of urban nomads while living abroad in Asia, studying design in NYC and traveling to India and Japan. Taking subways, walking and cycling around town, she found herself seeking clothing that would allow her to move, keep dry and comfortable, but also express her individuality. Called to action, Carol accepted a fellowship at Cornell University to experiment in these functional apparel needs. The result was a collection that explored the use of “undesigned” recycled-clothing and activewear materials into new urban nomadic apparel. Undesigned by Carol Young was born. Currently, the collection is a series of beautiful, functional, seasonless pieces designed for the modern woman. Each piece explores creating texture and shape in clean, modern & flattering silhouettes. In addition, the collection features many eco-friendly fabrics such as organic cotton, soy jersey, recycled soda pop bottle fleece and bamboo denim, chosen both for their aesthetic and functional features. In 2006, Carol discovered the Dahon Ciao while researching commuter bikes for herself. What struck her most, besides the modern design, was the history behind the company. Founded during the 1970’s energy crisis by a former Southern Californian physicist, Dahon was born out of principles for progressive change. Serendipitously, she had found an LA-based bike company creating vehicles to enhance personal mobility for the modern urbanite, the same customer and lifestyle she wished to serve. The Spring/Summer 2007 Dots & Transit Collection was inspired by the sleek yet retro Dahon Ciao 5 folding bike and features styles that encourage personal mobility and movement – Flexible pieces such as stretchy, comfortable bamboo and organic cotton denim shorts, jeans and skirts, light-weight washable nylon jackets and knickers, convertible


Previously, Carol experimented with filming the collection on choreographer/ballet dancer Caitlyn Carradine to show the clothing’s various range of motion. For the Spring/Summer 2007 Collection, the focus for the film was to show the joys of riding a bike in the city, moving throughout LA’s colorful Eastside locations — the Bicycle Bridge and LA River, Chinatown’s Chungking Road Galleries & Metro station, and Downtown’s 2nd Street Tunnel. The collection was captured on bicyclist Adelaide Kahn and dancer Caitlyn Carradine, and beautifully directed and edited by filmmaker Harry Yoon. Carol has retired her Ciao for now, as she’s expecting her first baby any day. But hopes to get back into the saddle (perhaps with baby & dog cart in tow) as soon as possible. More information on Carol Young, her designs, and her other collaborations on her website: http://www.undesigned.com/

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rban Utility Fast, convenient, and perfect for quick errands around town, a jaunt to the nearest cafĂŠ, or a leisurely ride in the park. The emphasis is on comfort and convenience. Dahon Urban Utility bikes fold fast and fold small, perfect if you live in an apartment or commute to work.

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V-Clamp Hinge

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New V-Clamp hinge technology makes the Mu one of our stiffest frames. The stiffer the frame, the better the power transfer from rider to wheel.

Radius V Handlepost New Radius V handlepost is substantially stronger and stiffer. Say good-bye to the mushy steering you may have experienced on some other folding bicycles. Folded Size: 33 x 64 x 81 cm (13” x 27” x 32.5”) 15-second fold time

Shimano Nexus 8 Hub The Mu XL is the ultimate city bike: it features plush suspension, self-generated lighting, luggage capacity, puncture-resistant tires, and style to spare. The Shimano Nexus 8 Premium hub delivers eight widely spaced gears, excellent efficiency, marvelously smooth shifting, and low maintenance. And because it folds, you’ll never need to leave your precious Mu XL outside – in the care of bike thieves. For 2008, the Mu XL has been updated with the marvelous new V-Clamp hinge and Radius V handlepost.

Dahon Special Edition Shimano Nexus 8 hub with fewer spoke holes permits better spoke angles and a stronger wheel.

Schwalbe Racer Tires Fast-rolling Schwalbe Marathon Racer tires include a Kevlar puncture resistant lining for longer running and peace of mind on harsh urban roads.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

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Curve D3

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Curve SL

The Curve has quietly become one of our most popular models,

The Curve SL does everything you’d expect as the top-of-the-line

with people everywhere raving about the cute styling and great ride. The Curve is the perfect bike for squeezing onto crowded trains and buses on a commute, as secondary transport stashed in a car or hidden under your desk for a quick getaway. The Curve is available in three colors that are sure to turn some heads: fire red, blush pink, and cloud white.

Dahon commuter bike: it folds in seconds, weighs next to nothing, and when folded, is small enough to fit into a shopping bag. A custom Shimano Nexus 8 Premium hub provides all the gears you’re likely to need on a commute. But where it really shines is how well it rides. The BioLogic™ II frame geometry is reassuringly stable. And custom Schwalbe Marathon Racer tires are fast, smooth and easy to accelerate. Slip a Curve SL into an El bolso and you’ll be instantly mobile, anytime, anywhere.

Perfect for: Park and ride when congestion charges take effect in your city. Folded Size: 32 x 64 x 75 cm (12.6” x 25.2” x 29.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ strong, durable and easy to operate. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ fast rolling and super comfy.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ fitting of hundreds of bags and baskets from KlickFix, Basil, Ortlieb, Agu and more.

Cloud Blush Fire

Perfect for: Running for the train or taking on the subway.

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ post combination is light, comfortable, and offers twice as much fore/aft adjustability.

Folded Size: 34 x 60 x 65 cm (13” x 24” x 26”) 15-second fold time


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ pedals are precision manufactured in Japan and super easy to operate. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ polymers are engineered to reduce wrist stress.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

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* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Boardwalk D3/D7

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Ciao! P3/P7/P8

One of the best-selling folding bikes of all time, the Boardwalk delivers excellent quality at a very accessible price. It folds in under 15 seconds to a wonderfully small size. It’s the perfect starter folding bike for riders new to the wonderful world of folding bikes. New for 2008, the Boardwalk gets a Radius V Telescope handlepost that is substantially stronger and stiffer.

Say “hello” to the friendliest folding bicycle around. The Ciao features an ultra low step-through frame design that’s perfect for riders who are just getting into cycling, with reduced flexibility, or who enjoy riding in a dress. The Ciao includes a full complement of accessories: front and rear lights, a hub dynamo to power the front light, mud guards to keep you clean, and a sturdy rack to carry stuff. It was voted “Bike of the Year, 2006” in the Netherlands, a country that knows a thing or two about bicycles.

Perfect for: Discovering that next great cup of coffee waiting for you around the corner.

Perfect for: A weekend trip to the farmer’s market. Folded Size: 32 x 66 x 75 cm (12.5” x 26” x 29.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ patented technologies.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ pump hidden inside the seat post. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Neos rear derailleur that features crisp, fast shifting and a low-profile design that is protected from damage.

Cloud Sand Slate Denim Sage Obsidian Stone Brick


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 31 x 64.5 x 82 cm (12.2” x 25.4” x 32.3”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ handlepost is stiffer and allows optimal riding positions for riders of all sizes.

Plymouth Indigo Charcoal

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Shimano Nexus 8 hub for lowmaintenance operation. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ batteries, so you’ll never get stuck riding in the dark again.

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* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


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Impulse D7

Roo D3/D7

One of the best folding bike values on the market: the Impulse com-

When you head down the street for a latte, why not do it in style?

bines excellent ride characteristics, Dahon’s renowned folding technology, and an unbeatable price. The Impulse features a light yet strong frame, hand-welded from 4130 chromoly steel with patented Re-Bar and Fusion technology. New for 2008 is the stronger and stiffer Radius V Telescoping handlepost that adjusts for riders of all sizes.

The graceful, curving lines of the Roo make it easy to overlook the fact that it is also a wonderful utility bicycle that will help you do your errands around town. The low-step frame encourages using it as your main mode of short distance transportation.

Perfect for: Bringing with you into a restaurant and hiding it behind your seat. Perfect for: Storing behind your seat on the bus or in the coat closet in your apartment. Folded Size: 29 x 66 x 75 cm (11.4” x 26” x 29.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ just like your full-size bike.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ features crisp, fast shifting and a low-profile design that protects it from damage. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Marathon tires for bikes produced in the EU.

Cloud Sand Slate Denim Sage Obsidian Stone Brick


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 29 x 66 x 77 cm (11.5” x 26” x 30.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ drawn Sonus tubing is light and strong.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ frame design makes getting on and off the bike easy – perfect for new riders.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ rear derailleur that features crisp, fast shifting and a low-profile design that protects it from damage.

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Sand Slate

Sage Obsidian Stone Brick

* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Vitesse D3/D7HG

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Vitesse D7

The Vitesse is for those who want the ultimate bike for urban commuting. We took our award-winning Vitesse D7, added an internal gear hub and tried-and-true components from top component suppliers. Then we topped it off with mudguards, a rack and even a trouser saving chainguard so you can ride in any weather. New for 2008, the Vitesse gets upgraded with the robust new Radius V handlepost. We’ve also added a new model with a smooth shifting Shimano Nexus 7-speed hub.

When you combine a light aluminum frame with our latest patented technology and equip it with our Deluxe component package, the result is one of the best equipped values on the market. The Vitesse was recently rated the overall winner in a folding bike shootout, beating out all comers, including bikes costing up to four times as much. It’s no wonder then that the Vitesse is one of the most popular folding bikes on the market. Perfect for: A post-Sunday brunch ride in the park.

Perfect for: Making a longish commute feel shorter and more enjoyable.

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ frame allows the use of hundreds of KlickFix compatible bags and baskets. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ handlepost adjusts to fit riders of all sizes. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ perfect fornasty urban commuting becauseit requires very little maintenance..


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 30 x 69 x 81 cm (12” x 27” x 32”) 15-second fold time

Ecru Cobalt Shadow Crimson

Folded Size: 30 x 69 x 81 cm (12” x 27” x 32”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ derailleur that features crisp, fast shifting and a low-profile design that protects it from damage.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ custom-drawn Sonus tubing and six patented technologies. ฀

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฀ Cloud Sand Slate Denim Sage Obsidian Stone Brick

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Speed D3/D7

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Briza D3

The Speed is the world’s best selling folding bicycle. The frame

For those of you who don’t want to ride all stretched out on a go-fast performance bike, the all new Briza is a breath of fresh air. The UpRide frame geometry sits you high and upright, almost like you’re walking… except a lot faster. We’ll bet you’ve never felt so comfortable riding a bike. The Briza is also incredibly easy to fold: the NoLift design means that unlike most folding bikes on the market, you never have to pick it up to fold it. And even though the Briza looks and rides like a full-sized city bike, it folds up almost to the size of our compact 20-inch wheeled bikes. Seems like you really can have it all.

is hand-welded from custom-drawn 4130 chromoly Sonus tubing and incorporates six different patented technologies, resulting in what is probably our stiffest frame. The Speed D3 model even features the BioLogic™ PostPump, and a seat post that integrates a high-capacity floor pump – so you’ll never again need to worry about leaving your pump at home.

Perfect for: Making that switch from car to bike for your commute to work that you’ve been considering for so long. Folded Size: 33 x 64 x 81 cm (13” x 25” x 32”) 15-second fold time Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ strong, light and responsive.

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฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Neos rear derailleur that features crisp, fast shifting and a low-profile design that protects it from damage. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ing KlickFix bags and baskets.



Slate Denim Sage Obsidian


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Perfect for: Cruising around campus or the town center. Highlights:

Folded Size: 33 x 72 x 85 cm (13” x 28.4” x 33.5”) 15-second fold time

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ dreds of different KlickFix compatible bags and baskets.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ sized city bike but folds up fast and small.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ a high-capacity pump inside the seat post.


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Sand Slate

Sage Obsidian Stone Brick


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Glide P7/P8

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


Smooth, effortless, graceful… that’s the dictionary definition of

The Espresso is the bike for urban adventurers: to the park on a sunny weekend; down the street for a lazy Sunday brunch; or to the market for some fresh penne, organic tomatoes, and a bottle of wine. The ergonomic saddle, suspension seat post, and upright riding geometry make cruising around town fun and comfortable. We’ve even stashed a high-capacity pump inside the seat post. The Espresso folds in seconds to stash away easily in a car trunk, your apartment, or on the bus.

“glide”, and it’s the perfect description of our favorite low-step folder. Instead of jumping in the car to head to the local café for a baguette and a latte, grab a Glide and cruise the streets in sleek style. The UpRide frame geometry puts your body in a relaxed upright position – letting you face the world with squared shoulders, rather than hunched over. And when it comes time to fold, you’ll really appreciate how fast and how small the Glide packs down.

Perfect for: A sunny weekend ride along the riverside bike path. Perfect for: Grocery shopping the eco-friendly way.

Folded Size: 33 x 72 x 85 cm (13” x 28.4” x 33.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ brake levers even have an integrated bell. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ a fast and easy 15-second fold. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ you can fold the bike completely without ever having to lift it – unlike most other folding bikes on the market.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Midnight Stealth Caramel

Folded Size: 38 x 69 x 91 cm (14” x 27” x 36”) 5-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ patented ViseGrip folding technology. ฀ ฀ ฀ a high-capacity pump inside the seat post. ฀฀

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Sand Aluminum


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


Cadenza Solo

Be nimble… be quick… be Jack! The Jack is designed to go at

For those who like to fly solo. The Cadenza Solo is equipped with a tight fixie/single-speed drivetrain. An eccentric bottom bracket delivers proper chain tension. The rear hub can be flip-flopped, so you can go fixed or single-speed, depending on your mood. The Cadenza looks and rides like a traditional bike but in less than 10 seconds, it’ll fold for easy transport, storage, and security.

any pace you choose and to roll over anything in its path. Forget leaving your urban machine in that communal bike garage and getting it nicked or scratched; keep it inside and safe… with you. That’s how it should be, right? Jack is designed around a beefy 7005 aluminum frame and phat Schwalbe Big Apple tires. The Jack has only seven speeds to keep things simple, but enough gears for most anything you’re likely to encounter in the city. What kind of bike is this? It’s a human powered urban machine, Jack.

Perfect for: Party hopping along the strip (eco style, of course).

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ for a custom riding position.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ tom-drawn Sonus tubing, Lattice forged hinge, patented Re-Bar technology and replaceable derailleur hanger.

Folded Size: 38 x 69 x 91 cm (14” x 27” x 36”) 5-second fold time

฀ Shadow


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ luxuriously comfortable, fast rolling, and have a Kevlar anti-puncture lining.


Perfect for: Customized cruising of the back alleys of your city.

* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Folded Size: 39 x 81 x 94 cm (15.4” x 31.9” x 37”) 30-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ibly strong yet stealthily low profile.



฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ hubs have old school flair, new school performance. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ drivetrains, brakes, go wide or skinny on tires, add mudguards or racks… just about anything is possible.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change



For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404 Dear Dahon,

My subject line reads like a tabloid masthead but don’t be alarmed. A ‘hostage situation’ is what my friends and I refer to when we describe what is life-on-the-road for a touring musician – stuck for a few hours in a remote hotel room without the time nor transport to actually see any of the city he is in.

Simple. Easy. That’s the Wobbegong, which cuts to the core of what a bicycle should be. It gets you where you need to go efficiently, quickly, and according to your schedule. The Wobbegong packs flat and slips into a shoulder bag in seconds so it goes anywhere you go. It’s personal mobility for the next generation.

I am the double-bassist with The John Butler Trio. We three originate from California, Melbourne and New Zealand but now spend our time touring predominantly in Europe and the US.

Perfect for: Always being there when you need a bike, whatever the reason.

Folded Size: 19 x 93 x 141 cm (7.5” x 36.6” x 55.5”) 10-second fold time

Highlights: ฀


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ compromises in frame geometry.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ compact, flat package in under 15 seconds for easy storage. ฀ ฀ ฀ frame sizes.

Blush Slate Obsidian Stone Fire

Offstage our lives are a constant search for normalcy trying to recreate the life we have at home: John [Butler] brings his wife, 4-yearold and baby on tour; I tow a 20-pound Casio piano on and off the tour bus; and Michael Barker has his Speed Pro – a gift from his wife in Australia. Michael’s mobility on tour was my object of freedom and envy. Until, that is, I investigated the folding bike situation further and found out a bit about your company.


ng wit h my b ike

After a failed purchase on eBay, I finally bought my own Dahon in January – a brand new fire-engine red Curve D3 - from a dealer in New York. I have never looked back. So far I have ridden all over New York City, Berlin, Paris, Lyon and London. I ride it to and from the tour bus, hotels and venues. I cannot emphasize how liberating your innovation has been for me, allowing me to whip off the bus, zip around town and slip backstage at our concerts – it causes quite a sensation at the outdoor music festivals. And I just love the curved frame – I can’t stop looking at it. We have embarked on a program of environmentally sensitive touring which includes everything from the use of bio-diesel fuel in our tour buses and trucks to the sourcing of organic foods for event catering as well as 100% recycled packaging for our merchandise. I was enlightened to read that the Dahon company has similar business ethics – particularly the Dahon mission of encouraging alternative transport, which is something I have personally believed for as long as I can remember. Keep up the great work Dahon! Kind Regards, Shannon Birchall April 29, 2007

I My bike and

The John Butler Trio. is an ecletic roots/jam band with roots in folk, blues and reggae that is taking the world by


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

storm. Originating from Australia, the Band’s driving philosophy is based on equity, honesty and integrity. Their ideals are paying off, as JBT becomes the first fully independent act to rocket to the top of Australia’s charts. Internationally they have sold out shows at the Cambridge Folk Festival, Glastonbury, and the legendary Fillmore East in San Francisco, For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call recently 0871 8732404 19on Late Night with David Letterman. and appeared


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

rban Performance The perfect all-purpose bikes. Avoid high gas prices and inner city congestion charges on a Dahon Urban Performance folding bicycle. Featuring our newest patented technology, advanced frame materials and construction, and top-notch components, these bikes will get you to your destination in style and on time.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


JetStream XP

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 Perfect for: 8732404

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Full Suspension

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Frame and fork are fitted with adjustable German A air shocks so that the ride can be tuned to the individual tastes of any rider.

Syntace VRO Syntace VRO adjustable handlebar system permits optimal rider positioning.

Folded Size: 33 x 61 x 85 cm (13” x 24” x 33.5”) 15-second fold time

SRAM X9 Derailleur

No folding bike on the planet can match the JetStream XP’s combination of comfort, speed, and light weight. For 2008, the JetStream XP gets an all new German A designed fork, shock, and suspension kinematics. The result – unbelievably plush suspension performance without sacrificing riding efficiency. Add to this some of the choicest components from around the world and you get one of the most technologically advanced folding bikes ever produced.

SRAM X9 derailleur and DualDrive drivetrain deliver 24 gears over an incredibly wide gear range.

Ergon Grips Ergon grips with magnesium bar ends for the best in class hand comfort.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404



Mu P8

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Mu P24

The Mu P8 is one of Dahon’s most versatile all-around bikes. It’s

The flexible Mu P24 is poised to handle whatever situation you find

wonderfully light, fast enough for long weekend rides, and stylish enough to turn heads everywhere you go. For 2008, the Mu P8 gets substantially updated with the robust new V-Clamp frame hinge, a Radius V handlepost, the super fast shifting Neos 2.0 derailleur, and a light-weight SlipStream aluminum fork. Lighter, stronger, faster – just the way we like.

yourself in – expected or unexpected. With a robust 7005 aluminum frame, 24-speed SRAM DualDrive drivetrain, and a selection of premium components, the Mu P24 can do it all. Whatever your mood, whatever your ride, the Mu P24 is always ready to go.

Perfect for: Touring in Tuscany or anywhere that piques your curiosity. Perfect for: Vineyard hopping in Napa.

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ serves up super fast and precise shifts; the low-profile design keeps the derailleur protected from damage. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Schwalbe Marathon Racer tires are light and fast rolling. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ handlepost adjusts to give riders a custom fit.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 35 x 64 x 77 cm (13.78” x 25” x 30.3”) 15-second fold time

Cloud Orbit

Folded Size: 35 x 64 x 77 cm (13.78” x 25” x 30.3”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ has an incredibly wide gear range – the low gear is lower than a mountain bike, the high gear is as high as a road bike.

Cloud Orbit

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ pump ready to help with unforeseen flats. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Schwalbe Marathon Racer tires are light and fast rolling.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Mu XL Sport

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


The Mu XL Sport is the result of our customers clamoring for a lightweight performance bike like the Mu SL, but equipped with a low-maintenance Shimano Nexus 8 Premium hub. The Mu XL Sport is light, fast, and easy to take care of – the ultimate express commuter.

At only 8.7 kilos (19 lbs.), the Mu SL will bring a smile to your face every time you pick it up. It incorporates everything we know about making an ultra-light and ultra-fast folding bike for all-around use. A 7005 aluminum frame combined with six patented technologies add up to an incredibly stiff frame platform that makes the bike surge forward with each spin of the cranks. The Mu SL rolls on Kinetix Pro wheels – the lightest, fastest compact wheels on the planet. So if you’re looking for speed and a featherlight bike, look no further.

Perfect for: Slipping away for a lunchtime ride.

Folded Size: 33 x 64 x 81 cm (13” x 27” x 32.5”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ without the fuss and hassle of a derailleur drivetrain that needs a lot of adjustment and care.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ our strongest and stiffest design yet. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ combination is light, comfortable, and offers twice as much fore/aft adjustability as traditional rail systems.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Perfect for: Blowing past traffic.

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ duction folding bikes on the market.

Folded Size: 36 x 64 x 81 cm (14” x 25” x 32”) 15-second fold time


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ adjustable handlebar system allows minute adjustments to handlebar height and reach for optimal rider positioning. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Schwalbe Kojak tires are rocket fast yet comfortable over less than perfect roads.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


JetStream P8

Speed P8

For 2008, the JetStream P8 gets a complete make-over with an all

The Speed P8 shares the same frame as the Speed Pro and combines

new frame and shocks developed in collaboration with suspension meisters German A. The location of the frame pivot point and suspension kinematics have been radically re-worked for improved function. In combination with the German A designed Kinetix fork, the effect is nothing short of a revelation. So whether your riding tends to long tours in the countryside or bombing around the city at rush hour, the JetStream P8 lets you float above the road in comfort.

it with our no-compromise Premium component package. The Speed P8’s stiff frame, rigid Radius handlepost, and plush-riding Schwalbe Big Apple tires inspire confidence on even the worst roads. Upgraded in 2008 with a Dahon Neos 2.0 derailleur, light-weight SlipStream aluminum fork, and BioLogic™ Aria saddle.

Perfect for: Long weekend tours.

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ shock – can be tuned for different riders and riding styles. ฀ ฀ ฀ crisp shifting.

Perfect for: Leaving other commuters in the dust. Folded Size: 30 x 66 x 83 cm (12” x 26” x 32.5”) 15-second fold time


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ tires are fast-rolling and puncture resistant.


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 33 x 64 x 81 cm (13” x 25” x 32”) 15-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ Fusion technologies.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ delivers enhanced stability, control and comfort. ฀ ฀ ฀ Comp wheelset.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


Fire Obsidian

* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Speed TR

Cadenza 8

If your idea of a vacation is heading to places like Croatia, Costa

If your ride to work is less about sunny skies and smooth tarmac, and more about rain, grit and potholed roads, then you need to take a look at the Cadenza P8. It’s custom-built for urban riding with Schwalbe’s legendary Big Apple tires and the smoothest shifting drivetrain on the planet – the Shimano Alfine. The 7005 aluminum frame is burly and stiff and even up close you can barely tell that it folds. But fold it does, in less than 10 seconds when you need to stash it in your hallway closet or take it on the bus.

Rica, or Vietnam to tour the local back roads, the Speed TR is your bike. With your trusty Speed TR, there isn’t a back alley that can’t be explored. The Speed TR is a full-featured touring bike that packs in seconds into a suitcase for convenient travel. The robust 4130 chromoly steel frame and custom tour racks can be loaded with luggage. High-volume Schwalbe Big Apple tires provide cushy comfort on even the worst roads. A SRAM DualDrive drivetrain serves up 24 evenly spaced gears, including a 21-inch low gear when you are fully loaded and humping up a climb in the Alps.

Perfect for: Taking it with you on that next adventure. Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ pump integrated inside the seat post.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ touring: touring racks that fit most panniers, fenders and even a dynamo front light so you’ll never be caught riding in the dark at night.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ends allow multiple hand positions.

* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Perfect for: The every day, all weather bike commuter. Folded Size: 36 x 67 x 84 cm (14” x 26.5” x 33”) 15-second fold time


Folded Size: 39 x 81 x 94 cm (15.4” x 31.9” x 37”) 30-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ibly strong yet stealthily low profile.



฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ sure and consistent stopping power in even the worst weather. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ and incredibly smooth shifting – and because it’s a hub gear, its super low maintenance.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


Facto Delafé y las Flores Azules Facto Delafé y las Flores Azules is a music group from Barcelona, Spain that has been taking the scene by storm. Oscar D’Aniello, Marc Barrachina, and Helena Miquel started the group in 2004, and have since achieved a number of successes and awards in Spain’s hippest city.

Drop the Matrix down on the nastiest potholed roads and the hydraulically-damped fork smooths everything out. On tarmac, lock out the fork and you can hammer away efficiently. Slap some knobbies on and you can even take the Matrix off-road. For 2008, we’ve given the Matrix a brand new frame featuring LockJaw folding hinges: when locked down, the hinges are incredibly strong but virtually invisible.

In May, 2004 their first demo song “Mar el poder del mar” was elected Song of the Month by the well-known Radio 3 DJ Julio Ruiz. The song’s influences run the gamut from surf music to pop, and even incorporate a bit of soul. Singer/songwriter Oscar D’Aniello, an accomplished cyclist, spoke directly to Dahon about his band and his musical influences:

Perfect for: The hills of San Francisco. Folded Size: 39 x 81 x 94 cm (15.4” x 31.9” x 37”) 30-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ tal Sport Contact tires feature a Kevlar antipuncture belt.

Moss Gunmetal

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ 50mm of adjustment for a custom riding position. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ bike and the speed of a road bike plus folding for convenience.

Dahon: What does the name of your group mean to you? Oscar: We felt the name should mean an act of faith with a blue feeling, sort of like showing faith in the face of sadness.

I do everything by bike. I go shopping, to work, to visit my friends and I love mountain bikes as well. I feel free when I ride a bike. My body is my own engine and I can go so far with a bike. When I’m sad or stressed, I always have a ride.

Dahon: What do you hope people feel when they hear your music? Oscar: I hope they can identify with the lyrics and the music. We talk about our reality in a positive way. Trying to be creative and not destructive.

Dahon: Where is the best place to hear your music: on an album or live? Oscar: Our live music is more powerful than the album. However, the album is more private. So I think they are a good combination. So… I would say: both.

Dahon: Please tell us about the latest album. What inspires you the most? Oscar: The album is all about Barcelona: what happens there; what are our problems and hopes; how we fall in love, etc. It can look very local but I think that these local problems are very global. Dahon: In your music video titled, “Mar el poder del mar,” you demonstrated some pretty fantastic cycling skills. What do you like about riding and what do you normally use a bike for? Oscar: Everything. I’ve been riding bikes since I was five. I never had a motorcycle or a car. So

Dahon: What bike did you ride in the video? Oscar: A Dahon Boardwalk, which is a very stable bike to ride without hands and is the same I’ve been riding in Barcelona for the last four years. Dahon: What date did the video debut and what kind of reaction did it get? Oscar: November 2005. You can also watch the making of it on YouTube. Everybody loved it!!! They say it is funny, beautiful and original. We got some prizes for it but the best thing is that we had a very good time doing it!!

Since appearing on YouTube in the Fall of 2006, Facto Delafé videos have been enjoyed by more than 100,000 people around the world. In their video for ”Mar el poder del mar”, Oscar rides a Dahon Boardwalk while playing guitar and singing, something we at Dahon have always wanted to be able to do. To find out more about Facto Delafé, including the location and time of their live shows, visit their Myspace website at


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404 26 http://www.myspace.com/factodelafeylasfloresazules.


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

oad Hate leaving your bike at home when you travel? Hate paying airline surcharges for oversized bike boxes? So do we. For roadies who need a portable bike for training, racing or just hitting the tarmac fast and hard, Dahon road bikes are your ticket to freedom.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404



For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 Perfect for: 8732404

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Ritchey BAB Technology Patented Ritchey BAB technology – packs away in about ten minutes, into a small suitcase for easy airline travel.

Shimano Ultegra Shimano Ultegra 27-speed drivetrain – a 9-speed drivetrain is simpler and easier to repair in the field.

Folded Size: 23 x 66 x 73.5 cm (9” x 26” x 29”) 15-minute packing time

The all day, all weather, all roads, travel


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

bike. The Tournado is a hand-made, luggedsteel touring bike that celebrates classical frame geometries and component designs. In true hand-made tradition, each frame is painstakingly welded and brazed from Tange Prestige tubes and each lug lovingly hand-painted. A Brooks Champion saddle in a Dahon-custom antique brown and lusciously rich Brooks leather bar tape highlight the component package. The Tournado fits tires of up to 700×40C and features a frame geometry designed for stability and a more comfortable upright, riding position. The result is a superbly balanced, supple ride that will deliver mile after mile of smile. Best of all, the Tournado packs in fifteen minutes into it’s own AirPorter travel case so you’ll never have to leave home without your bike again. Pack your bags… For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404 28 the road is waiting.

Brooks Leather Saddle Hand-made Brooks leather saddle and matching leather bar tape that makes this a joy for the body as well as the eyes.

American Classic Hubs American Classic high flange hubs are fitted with smooth-rolling stainless steel cartridge bearings.


Speed Pro TT

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


The Speed Pro is THE bike for the serious roadie who wants it all: a

Life in the streets is about Mobility and Individuality – these qualities sum up the new Cadenza perfectly. Compact road gearing and highpressure Conti tires take care of Mobility. Individuality comes by way of a frame built for customization: an eccentric bottom bracket allows you to switch to a hub gear or fixie; the frame is designed for V or disc brakes; the rear triangle accommodates tires up to 2.0”; and fender and rack brazeons mean you can add just about any off-the-shelf accessories that you’d want.

bike that can take on a century as easily as it can pack into a suitcase for travel. The custom-drawn 4130 chromoly steel frame is stiff while still offering a supple ride. The SRAM DualDrive gearing delivers 27 gears for anything from the steepest hills to hammering on the flats. And the BioLogic™ II frame geometry combined with a Syntace VRO adjustable handlebar system lets you dial in the perfect riding position.

Perfect for: Training for your next triathlon while on a marathon-length business trip.

Folded Size: 38 x 66 x 80 cm (15” x 26” x 31.5”) 30-second fold time

Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Ultegra derailleur, Kore IBeam saddle and seat post, and the new Radius V handlepost.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Schwalbe Stelvio tires are incredibly light and fast. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ wide variety of ergonomic hand positions and allow riders to adjust the reach of their brake levers.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Perfect for: Beating traffic on your morning ride. Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ogy is so clean that you can barely tell the frame folds.

Folded Size: 39 x 81 x 94 cm (15.4” x 31.9” x 37”) 30-second fold time


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ crankset combined with a wide ratio 11/28T cassette deliver plenty of gearing for hill climbing. ฀ ฀ ฀ Shimano flat-bar shifters.

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


Smooth Hound 6.0

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Hammerhead 8.0

Dahon’s take on a classic touring bike had to be easy to transport

Don’t let the small wheels fool you – the Hammerhead is a fullperformance road bike designed around compact 20-inch wheels. Small wheels are slightly higher in rolling resistance, but they are also inherently lighter, faster to accelerate, and most importantly, more aerodynamically efficient. And is this bike ever easy to transport. You can FlatPack it in thirty seconds to fit in the elevator up to your apartment or you can P.A.Q. it in 15 minutes into its own suitcase for your next trip. Ever fly to some amazing place on a business trip and wish you could go for a quick ride? Now you can.

as well as providing convenient transportation. The Smooth Hound packs flat in seconds and slips easily into a shoulder bag for you to carry around, stash at night, or pack into an airline legal suitcase. It has all the features you need for well-considered touring: a tall head tube that let’s you sit a bit more upright for long hours in the saddle; luggage racks set closer to the ground for a lower center of gravity and improved load stability; and, in a nod to Old World functionality and workmanship, it features a hand-made Brooks Champion leather saddle in a Dahon custom antique brown color.

Perfect for: Seattle to San Fran – whatever it takes to get there. Highlights: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ hand positions and excellent comfort. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ for optimal comfort in any kind of terrain.

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ with Kevlar puncture protection.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

Folded Size: 19 x 97 x 141 cm (7.5” x 38.2” x 55.5”) 10-second packing time


Perfect for: The Tin Mountain Hillclimb. Highlights: ฀ train.

฀ ฀ FSA crankset.

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Folded Size: 21 x 93 x 140 cm (8.3” x 36.6” x 55.1”) 10-second packing time


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ est, fastest, most aerodynamic 20-inch wheels on the planet.

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* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change


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Interview with:

Dahon: What inspires your work?

Frank Jackson

Jackson: I get inspirations from almost everything I see.

Renowned U.S. photographer Frank Jackson, the 2006 Dahon photo competition first-place winner, opens up in an exclusive interview with Dahon about the inspirations that lead to his award winning photo. The man: Frank Jackson was born in 1956 in Jacksonville, Florida. The city got its name from the unusually high number of Jacksons living in the area. Complicating matters was the fact that his father had intended to name him Jack, Junior. Had this happened, Mr. Jackson would have been Jack’s son Jack Jackson, Jr. from Jacksonville. His mother, fortunately, intervened. Mr. Jackson’s interest and appetites are diverse. He enjoys fresh air, strawberry milkshakes, and black-and-white film. He prefers shooting in black and white because it forces the viewer to look at the essence of an image… its form, tone, light, and shadow… instead of being distracted by the decorative effects of color. Self-trained, Mr. Jackson jokingly says this leaves others blameless for his level of accomplishment.

Dahon: What part of your job as a professional photographer do you enjoy most? Jackson: I enjoy my work most in the fine art world. I get a good crowd who appreciate my style and I get to look for people who are looking for me. I have a representative who goes out to market my work for me. Fine art and the simplicity of images really get me. I have to say being able to work with people who appreciate the same thing as myself is very exciting and enjoyable.


Perhaps it’s best to describe it this way: “I happen to pictures, and pictures happen to me.” Basically, I leave myself to see everything around me and I tend to look at them more than twice. B/W taught me how to shoot colors. Photography is all about lighting: how to use it, different wavelengths of lights, warm and cold lights will affect colors.

Dahon: What inspired your work named the “Dahon Fair y”? Is there a stor y behind it?

Jackson: I had been thinking about it and cooking ideas in my head for several months actually: It’s gotta be something magical… Wings fold, Dahon bikes fold… A friend lent me those beautiful wings from Cirque du Soleil, which cost more than US$300. I knew I wanted wings and needed to have the right wings for this, as some wings look evil, some look innocent. When I saw this pair of wings, I knew right away that they were right for this picture. Folding wings plus a folding bike equaled a perfect image! It took me at least 8 hours just to set up my studio for shooting this picture. The background is not cloud but light. None of it is digitally enhanced.

are your favorite works of all time and what do they portray? Clockwise from top left

1. balance (egg): this is about keeping yourself centered no matter what the situation/cirr cumstance. 2. spring in Paris (tour Eiffel): I had this idea for this shot and made it happen…...but do I really have to explain “spring” in Paris? (smile). 3. self portrait (coffee cup with my glasses): I have an on-going project of photographing coffee cups all over the world. This cup “joined” from a coffee haus in Delft, Holland and continues to travel with me.

4. lights and fog: Pacific Coast Highway at 3 a.m. there is something “magical” about things seen at night. So from time to time I will go out looking to see what I see at night. 5. waiting (man standing on platform waiting on a train): on the way to Delft from Amsterdam, this beautiful image was what I saw through the train window.

Dahon: What do you like about riding? Jackson: I love to be able to ride on the bike and let the wind blow through my face and hair. It feels very refreshing. It also makes you aware of your surrounding more, hear more, see more and a lot of my inspirations came around while I ride.

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More of Frank’s fantastic works are available for viewing online: www.fotographz.com.


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ountain For serious off-road riding. Featuring handcrafted, custom frames designed by Hall of Fame mountain biker, Joe Murray. If you are a serious rider looking for a bike that’ll go with you anywhere in the world, you’ll find your ride here.

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For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 Perfect for: 8732404

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ busting climb.

Reynolds 631 Tubing ฀ ฀ ฀

Hand-made, hand-painted frame crafted from Reynold’s 631 tubing.

Ritchey BAB Technology Patented Ritchey BAB technology delivers portability with ZERO performance compromises.

Folded Size: 28 x 66 x 79 cm (11” x 26” x 31”) 15 minutes packing time Includes the AirPorter II suitcase.

A steel hardtail for anything from flowing single track, to epic all day rides. Our old friend Joe Murray, mountain bike hall-offamer, two-time U.S. mountain bike champion, and probably the most respected name in steel hardtail design, helped us design the Flo. Our goal was to build the ultimate go-anywhere-in-the-world ride. With Joe’s frame geometry and Reynolds’ 631 air-hardened steel tubing, the Flo delivers a ride that’s so smooth, yet lively, that it’s hard to believe if you’ve only ridden aluminum mountain bikes. Fifteen minutes (ten if you’re good) is all it takes to pack the Flo into a suitcase for easy travel, whether you’re jumping on a plane for Mallorca or into a car for a road trip to Mexico. With the Flo, you’ll never have to leave your bike at home again.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

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Race Ready Race-ready component specification: RockShox Reba fork, SRAM X9 drive train, Avid disc brakes and American Classic hubs.

Rack Braze-ons Rack braze-ons for adventure touring, specially designed to clear the disc brake.



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฀ dirt trails. ฀ ฀ ฀

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Low Shock Ratio LSR (Low Shock Ratio) Technology allows the shock to run at substantially lower pressures for improved sensitivity and shock durability.

Minimal Pedal Bob Threshold Linkage Design minimizes pedal bob while maintaining small bump sensitivity.

Folded Size: 28 x 66 x 79 cm (11” x 26” x 31”) 15 minutes packing time Includes the AirPorter II suitcase.

Hate airline bike surcharges and the hassle of taking your bike on trips? Join the crowd. That’s why we designed the Fuego, an ultra portable full-suspension MTB for hard-core Marathon/Enduro riding. Like the Fl , we co-designed the frame with Joe Murray, master bike designer. The Fuego features a double-butted 7005 aluminum frame with 4-inches of front and rear travel and Joe Murray’s LSR linkage technology and Threshold Linkage Design. Translation: you can climb like a mountain goat without bobbing like a Jackin-the-Box. The icing on the cake is that Patented InterLock™ Joint Technology allows you to pack the bike into an airline suitcase in only fifteen minutes. Ride anywhere… ride everywhere. Perfect for: Powering up, then bombing down hard-packed dirt trails.


* May be shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change

For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


Mini Rocker Design Mini Rocker design reduces weight, increases rear triangle stiffness, and improves bearing life.

Race Ready Race-ready components include RockShox Reba Race fork and Ario shock, Avid disc brakes, and SRAM X9 drivetrain.


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404

Frames Matrix 7005 aluminum tubing LockJaw™ hinge technology Optimized for 50-80mm travel suspension fork Designed for tires up to 26×2.0” Disc ready 135mm OLD Small (16”), Medium (18”), and Large (20”)

The Coffee Bikes of Project Rwanda The Coffee Bike Project represents the genesis of Project Rwanda. During a visit to Rwanda, Tom Ritchey discovered that coffee farmers were paying a large portion of their earnings to middlemen who transported the beans to the processing plant. What’s more, the long, circuitous route of the picked beans from farm to processing plant lowered the quality of the beans, and hence the price.

Cadenza 7005 aluminum tubing LockJaw™ hinge technology Eccentric bottom bracket Designed for disc or V brakes Designed for tires up to 26×2.0” including fenders Includes disc-ready SlipStream fork 120mm or 135mm OLD Small (16”), Medium (18”), and Large (20”)

Yet farmers had few good options for delivering the beans themselves. Bicycles that the coffee farmers had access to were poor in quality, or they were home made wooden bikes which were not easy to maintain or efficient for long distance transport. Tom decided that he could offer something a lot better and the Coffee Bike project was born. Tom worked on the design with the engineering teams at Schwinn and Dahon and in May of 2007, the first 1,000 bikes were given to the coffee farmers. The Coffee Bike is a transport bike with a long wheel base, designed to haul bags of coffee over long distances, poor roads, and hilly terrain. With the Coffee Bike, Rwandan farmers have improved the efficiency of their farming activities and most importantly have increased what they are paid for their beans.

Flo Hand-welded Reynold’s 631 steel tubing Ritchey BAB technology Joe Murray Design Rack braze-ons Includes AirPorter suitcase Small (15”), Medium (17”), and Large (19”)

With the success of the first pilot project, Project Rwanda plans to make the coffee bike available to additional farming cooperatives throughout Rwanda. In combination with micro-credit and fair-trade prices, the Coffee Bike has enormous potential to dramatically change the livelihoods of millions of poor, rural families.


For more information on Project Rwanda and the Coffee Bike Project,please visit: http://www.projectrwanda.org/ http://ubikerwanda.blogspot.com/

Double-butted 7005 aluminum tubing Joe Murray Design Patented P.A.Q. Technology Includes AirPorter suitcase Optimized for 100mm travel suspension fork Small (15”), Medium (17”), and Large (19”)


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404


The first 1,000 Coffee Bikes were made possible by funding from USAid. Dahon donated all engineering and tooling costs as well as a portion of the component costs.


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Spanninga HL 1000 (New)

BioLogic™ Joule Dynamo Hub A hub dynamo is the greenest way to power your bike light. The hub is embedded with a series of small magnets that generate electricity when the hub is turned while you ride. One of the lightest and most efficient hub dynamos on the market.

A battery powered LED safety light featuring three SuperBrite LED’s. The HL1000 features on and flashing modes for excellent night time visibility. The HL1000 also doubles as an excellent flashlight when unclipped from the handlebars

Spanninga Arcus Rear Light

Spanninga Premium Rear Light

The Arkus is a rack-mounted light that features a single super bright LED. Patented electronics ensure very low power consumption – only 23 mA – for a battery life of over 100 hours. Manufactured in France, for EU production.

The Spanninga Premium is a rack-mounted rear light, featuring 2 SuperBrite LED’s and precision optics. We’ve matched the curvature of our Arc and ArcLite racks to fit the Spanninga Premium perfectly for a clean, integrated look. The LED bulbs are highly efficient for minimal battery use.

Spanninga MicroFF Halogen Light The smallest and most elegant halogen dynamo light we’ve found, the Micro FF integrates cleanly with the compact design of our bikes. The Micro FF throws a wide and bright beam for safe riding at night. Re-designed for 2008 with the on/off switch integrated into the housing.


Spanninga Deluxe Rear Light The Spanninga Deluxe rear light integrates an LED light with a wide-angle reflector. Precision optics assure high visibility from acute angles and from a great distance. The LED bulbs are highly efficient for minimal battery use. Rack mounted.

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Arc Rack


Strong and durable with gently curved lines. Made from steel with a tough powder coat finish. Includes a functional luggage strap that keeps your stuff in place and clips into integrated brackets. Includes bracket for light or reflector. Versions available to fit most Dahon folding bikes with 16 and 20-inch wheels

The perfect protection for a Dahon bike when you are off to a new destination. The Airporter is a semi hard-sided suitcase with plenty of protective internal padding. The Airporter is for folding Dahon bikes with 16 or 20-inch wheels, and Dahon full-sized bikes with the wheels removed and placed inside next to the folded frame. Dimensions: 690mm (26”) x 850mm (33.5”) x 350mm (13.75”) Linear inches: 73.25” Weight: 9.5 Kg (20.9 lbs.)

ArcLite Rack The ArcLite rack features large gauge aluminum tubing for excellent strength at a low weight. The ArcLite also includes a functional luggage strap that clips into integrated brackets. Includes bracket for light or reflector. Versions available to fit most Dahon folding bikes with 16 and 20-inch wheels.

AirPorter II (New) Designed for the Flo, Fuego and Tournado, the AirPorter II is a semi hard-sided suitcase with plenty of protective internal padding. You can have it all, and take it with you too! Completely redesigned for 2008 with a stronger, sturdier outer case, and higher quality construction materials.

Tour Rack, Rear Built from large gauge tubular aluminum for strength and stiffness. Does not interfere with folding the bicycle and allows adequate heel clearance with standard sized panniers. Includes brackets for luggage straps. Fits all Dahon folding bikes with 20-inch wheels. 12 kg. (26.4 lbs.) weight capacity.

AirPorter Mini (New) Plan on flying with your P.A.Q. Mini Bike? Then you need the AirPorter Mini which will deliver your bike safe and sound to the far reaches of civilization. A telescoping handle and inline skate wheels make wheeling the AirPorter Mini a breeze, even if you find yourself in a huge Tokyo train station. Includes protective packing material for your bicycle. Fits the Hammerhead and Smooth Hound.


Tour Rack, Front Built from large gauge tubular aluminum for strength and stiffness. The low center of gravity design delivers excellent stability. The front Tour rack works with all Dahon non-suspension 20-inch front forks and fits most front panniers. 9 kg. (19.8 lbs.) weight capacity. For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404



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KlickFix® and Basil Luggage

Carradice Saddle Bag

All Dahon bikes with a hub gear feature a luggage mount on the frame head tube. This luggage mount is compatible with KlickFix and Basil luggage systems that are used by many leading companies, including Rixen & Kaul, Ortlieb, Jack Wolfskin, Agu, and many more. Hundreds of bags and baskets are available. Requires a KlickFix or Basil frame bracket (3 styles available) and a compatible bag or basket – available from local KlickFix or Basil distributor.

Carradice builds custom Dahon versions of their outstanding SQR Tour and Slim bags. These bags fasten securely to the seat post by way of Carradice’s patented quick release system. The bags are made from weather-proof cotton duck and trimmed with leather for a classic look. When you reach your destination, the bags detach in seconds for easy toting. Buy direct from Carradice.

SlipCover Many train and bus companies require folding bikes to be covered before being taken on board. The ultra light SlipCover slips over your bike and keeps you (and other passengers) clean. When not in use, it stuffs into its own tiny pocket.

KlickFix Seat Post Luggage Systems Attach just about any KlickFix compatible bag or basket to a Dahon bike using the KlickFix Extender. Be sure to specify that you want the Dahon-specific oversized clamp. Available from local KlickFix distributor.

Musette Bag (New) El bolso The most convenient way to carry your bike. It takes only seconds to put the bike in the bag and sling it over your shoulder so that you can hop in an elevator. When you’re riding, El Bolso rolls up to pack into its own bag that slings across your shoulders. One size fits all Dahon folding bikes.

An elegantly simple bag for slinging across your shoulders when you head out the door. It’ll hold your phone, iPod, keys, and wallet with room to spare. The extra long strap is designed to be tied off to get the length just right. Made from raw linen.

BioLogic™ Kitchen Sink Trailer (New) The versatile Kitchen Sink is built for hauling: it is built primarily as a bicycle trailer but also quickly converts to a hand trailer. With it you can easily ride to the farmer’s market, park your bike and continue your shopping by steering the trailer by hand. The Kitchen Sink includes a waterproof Haul Bag that has the double function of holding your stuff on the trailer or storing the trailer inside for transport or storage. Folds into the Haul Bag in under 30 seconds. Quality features include a 7005 aluminum frame, cartridge bearing hubs, and durable Schwalbe Big Apple tires with Kevlar puncture protection and 3M Reflex sidewalls. 50 kg load capacity. Fits most bicycles.

SlingSack With a SlingSack, your Mini Bike can go anywhere: into cafés, up elevators, even into your closet. It takes only seconds to get your bike into the SlingSack and it slings right over your shoulder for easy transport. Designed for the Hammerhead, Smooth Hound and Wobbegong.


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Accessories - Other

Personal Experience and Contemporary Art Pave The Way To A Greener Urban Fabric

SKS Mini mudguards Made specially for Dahon by SKS in Germany from nearly indestructible chromeplastic material. Includes mud flaps, adjustable stainless steel stays, and stainless hardware. Mini 16 – for 16” wheel bikes Mini 20 – for 20” wheel bikes

Just how much do our individual experiences influence the collective urban experience? Keiko Itakura’s two-time Tokyo TDC (Type Director’s Club) awardwinning designs have been featured in numerous contemporary art magazines worldwide, and also include an impressive roster of exhibitions and collaborations with Mini Cooper, Diesel Denim Gallery, the iconic Hello Kitty brand, and most recently Dahon. Itakura’s work illustrates the dynamics of the urban fabric – with all of its complexity and poetics of space – making her work relevant to the contemporary condition of cities worldwide. Contemporary art and cycling are merging together to produce creative solutions to our cramped urban spaces worldwide. Imagine visiting cities around the world and being able to easily access public bicycles for the day, visiting museums, galleries, shopping and discovering new sushi restaurants that are otherwise off of the tourist map.

Telescope Seat Post The Telescope seat post allows the tallest riders adequate leg extension yet still allows a compact fold. 34mm diameter. The Telescope seat post is the lower post section that inserts into the frame. It accepts any standard 27.2mm seat post as the upper section.

European cities such as Oslo, Barcelona, Paris and Frankfurt are paving the way for solid solutions for alternative urban travel outside of the automotive realm. Ten-thousand bikes at 750 stations are being installed in Paris alone, to promote a greener urban fabric. Art galleries and creative institutions are helping to establish greener urban space by initiating projects that incorporate the worlds of design, visual art, and urban studies in order to create programs that reflect the context of contemporary artistic vision.

BioLogic™ Zorin PostPump

Itakura’s work plays on the relations and perspectives that reflect the attributes of human discourse, interaction and communication between individuals and communities, groups and organizations. In this light cycling can be seen as a method of communication and a means toward enhancing social interaction and the quality of the live urban experience, where values are shared through the medium of personal style and expression. (contributed by Genoa Mungin)

The PostPump is an ingenious product that integrates a powerful floor pump inside a seat post. The pump is always ready to go, hidden from the elements, thieves, and your own forgetfulness. To use the pump all you do is remove the seat post from the frame, attach the valve, flip out the foot peg, and start pumping using the saddle as the handle. Go over 100psi in less than half the strokes of the best mini pumps. Available in 27.2mm and 34mm sizes and in after-market packaging. After market version includes a brass Presta valve attachment.

In 2007, Itakura and the Vienna-based art collective AdutStudio collaborated with Dahon to produce a unique signature model of the Dahon MU SL. With the idea of synthesizing the concept of “community” and “personal experience” into the context of the collective urban experience; highlighting the dynamic relationships between humanity, nature and urbanity.

For riders looking to upgrade or customize their Dahon bikes, Dahon offers many of its high-end components as upgrade options. Please talk to your distributor for the complete list of available components.


For more details visit www.marinemegastore.com or call 0871 8732404



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DAHON CALIFORNIA, INC. 833 Meridian Street Duarte, CA 91010 USA Tel: 626.305.5264 Fax: 626.305.9153


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