Marine Rescue NSW Annual Report 2019-20

Page 47

TECHNOLOGY FOR OUR MISSION We were more reliant than ever on accessible electronic communications and robust IT systems to support our volunteers this year.


ike the rest of the community, MRNSW adapted to new ways of operating in isolation to protect the health and wellbeing of our personnel. With Headquarters staff working remotely from March 17 and meetings, training and other events cancelled, day-to-day business and operations were maintained by moving to online communication platforms and systems. Zoom was introduced as the electronic meeting place for units and staff due to its user-friendliness and accessibility. The IT Department established accounts for each unit and helped personnel to adapt to the system, which was used for staff and unit meetings, training courses for radio operators, watch officers, leading crew and coxswain trainees and a range of creative and informal gatherings to help prevent people from feeling isolated and disengaged. With continuing social distancing requirements preventing units from holding their Annual General Meetings in person in June, these also were held via Zoom. The online voting system introduced for the MRNSW Board elections in 2018 was extended to enable units to also hold their elections electronically. Almost 750 members lodged a vote for a Unit Commander and/or Deputy Unit Commander in 10 elections. Underscoring the organisation’s adaptability, from March until the end of June, 284 individual Zoom ‘meetings’ were attended by 3,107 participants over a total of 3,606 hours.

NEW WEBSITE & APPS The development of the new MRNSW website was a major IT project for the year. The new website is more modern in its look and functionality than the original, which was about a decade old. The layout is clean and clear, information is presented simply and concisely, with a number of quick links to essential information, and the functionality is logical and easy to follow. Information on how to become a volunteer and support MRNSW, along with safety information for boaters, is prominent. The site was due to go live in the first week of 2020-21. The MRNSW Risk Management App was first released in 2018 to automate the risk management assessment paperwork completed by crews before launching a rescue vessel. A redesign to extend the tool’s functionality to assess risks involved with training and community events was released in January. The redevelopment of the MarineRescue App, launched in 2015, also is under way. The App is the only one that enables boaters to Log On and Log Off with MRNSW and also provides a range of safety information and tools. The updated version will be built on newer technology and incorporate increased safety features and functionality for users, including real-time navigation warnings and safety information, such as boat ramp closures, speed limits and emergency information.

IT SUPPORT FOR UNITS & MEMBERS A continuing focus for the IT Department is on introducing new processes that ease the administrative and paperwork burden for our volunteers.

Commissioner Stacey Tannos (second from right, second row) holds a staff meeting via Zoom in March.

Volunteer recruitment and retention processes were automated this year to save time and double-handling of information. Interested members of the public can now lodge an expression of interest to find out more about our volunteering roles or submit a membership application and criminal record check via the MRNSW website, with their details automatically directed to the relevant unit, rather than via Headquarters. Volunteers also can now renew their annual membership online, again saving them time and eliminating paperwork and processing time for unit executives. Operational safety was supported through the introduction of a new status board to track the condition of crew members’ lifejackets. This online platform enables Regional Operations Managers and the MRNSW Stores Manager to quickly assess the condition of this essential Personal Protective Equipment to determine whether lifejackets have been serviced, are due for servicing or need replacing. The online Service Desk gives personnel a quick and efficient way of logging IT issues or lodging requests for assistance. MRNSW and Surf LIfe Saving NSW have a joint network maintenance agreement with Karera Communications and the Service Desk has now been extended to give both these organisations access. Throughout 2019-20, 587 Service Desk tickets were issued, of which 569 tasks had been completed by year’s end.

EXPANDED OTTER FUNCTIONALITY The Organisational Tracking, Training and E-Records (OTTER) member management network was redeveloped this year to provide expanded functionality and meet a range of organisational needs. Members’ service records are more clearly collated after a break in their membership to support their eligibility for long service recognition and the National Medal. The dispatch of uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment is facilitated through capturing members’ uniform sizing and preferences. Additional medical details, such as allergies and doctors’ contact information, also is now listed. Training and operational tasking is supported by recording members’ ratings, licence and certificate information, such as boat licences and first aid certificates, and course enrolments, scheduling and printed qualifications.



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