1 minute read
Transformational Soul Work
Angela DeSalvo
Live your best life and achieve your full potential.
What is unique about your approach to taking care of your clients?
At the start of each session I always begin with a short centering meditation. This allows you and myself to come into the present moment so that we can be receptive to what is trying to arise. You feel safe to explore what is current for you and I am actively listening and attuned.
What do you want people to know about you?
I am a natural born spiritual medium and reader of the Akash. As an Intuitive Life and Grief Coach I work with clients in a way that allows clarity to arise, which in turn helps disrupt your patterns and empowers you to awaken your full potential so that your life becomes less of a struggle.
Transformational Soul Work | angela@angeladesalvo.net www.angeladesalvo.net | /@angelacdesalvo /@transformationalsoulwork | 415.640.7198