Field Trip Packet for Parents
2021/2022 Field Trip Check List for Parents Destination: _____________________________________________________ Grade: _______________________ Today’s Date: ______________________ Date(s) of Trip: ___________________________________________________
Parents: ___Provide COVID vaccination information to Cammi Bell:, if you are going on the trip. Consult Cammi about testing requirements prior to departure and health and safety protocols during the trip. ___ Sign and return field trip permission slip to class teacher before the trip. ___ Sent permission slips to all parents & confirm they have all been returned to the teacher. Parent communicator: ___ Get a copy of the Master Field Trip Sheet from the class teacher. ___ Send an email to all class parents upon arrival and cc the front office. ___ The day of your return, please let the office know your actual return time. ___ Please cc the office on emails to the parents while on trips. Documents for Parent Drivers and Chaperones: (Please send to Robin Boynosky, Front Office Manager) ___ Driver Statement ___ Auto insurance with limits of liability ___ Photocopy of Driver’s License ___ Volunteer Application ___ Live Scan (*Your results will automatically be sent to Marin Waldorf School) ___ Parental Permission and Liability Release Form (*Send to your class teacher) ___COVID Vaccination and COVID Test Results *Send to Cammi Bell, Health Coordinator
COVID Safety Guidelines 7 days prior to the trip: Families will no longer engage in high risk activities from this day until the student departs for the trip. This includes parents, siblings and anyone else who lives within the household. High risk activities are defined as: 1) Any non essential travel by an unvaccinated person (within or out of the state) 2) Any social activities with people outside of your household (unless all adults involved are vaccinated) 3) Participation in any sports by an unvaccinated person 4) Any activity that allows for an unvaccinated person to be without a mask with someone outside their household 5) Any activity that allows for an unvaccinated person to be closer than 6 ft for more than 15 minutes indoors with someone outside their household. If any member of the household engages in a high risk activity, they should isolate themselves away from the rest of the family until the student departs for the trip. 3-5 days prior to the trip: Students and family members get tested for COVID 19. Fully vaccinated persons do not need to get COVID tested unless they are symptomatic. The county allows for any type of COVID test (PCR, antigen, etc). Any student with a positive COVID test themselves or within their family may not attend the trip regardless of any follow up testing that indicates a negative result.
Marin Waldorf School Driver Statement Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ______ Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ______ Student: ________________________________________ Grade: ______ All parents, volunteers, and school personnel operating their own vehicles to transport students on officially authorized school business or related school activities must have the following on file with the school prior to driving: 1. A copy of your Automobile Insurance Policy showing the following Liability Coverage: a. Bodily Injury: $100,000/$300,000 b. Property Damage: $10,000 c. Medical: $5,000 2. A copy of your driver’s license. 3. This form completed, signed and dated. All drivers should read, initial and be aware of the following: 1. The individual's own automobile liability insurance will always be considered as the primary coverage. The school does not carry insurance coverage for auto accidents. _____ 2. School personnel, parents and volunteers who transport students must be at least 21 years of age. __ 3. The use of the back of pick-up trucks (with or without camper shells) shall not be permitted in transporting students. _____ 4. No smoking is allowed in any vehicle while students are being transported. _____ 5. I agree to read and abide by the Driver Guidelines (see Parent Handbook) and to observe all posted speed limits. _____ 6. Driver records are a public record. I acknowledge that the school may check my driver record with the Department of Motor Vehicles. _____ 7. I certify that the automobile listed below is regularly maintained and kept in a good operating and safe order. _____ 8. I certify that my vehicle is equipped with one safety belt for each student riding in my vehicle. _____ 9. I understand and agree that I am responsible for keeping this insurance information current and correct. I understand that I am responsible for notifying the school immediately if changes of any kind are made to the automobile insurance policy. This includes, but is not limited to, cancellation of the policy. _____
Marin Waldorf School Driver Statement (continued) _______________________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Driver 2 Name Driver's License # Vehicle License # _______________________________________ _____________ Driver 1 Signature Date _______________________________________ _________________________ ______ _____________ Address City State Zip
_______________________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Driver 2 Name Driver's License # Vehicle License # _______________________________________ _____________ Driver 2 Signature Date _______________________________________ _________________________ ______ _____________ Address City State Zip
MARIN WALDORF SCHOOL ONE-ON-ONE CONTACT / OVERNIGHT VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Your interest as a volunteer at Marin Waldorf School is appreciated. All volunteers who serve in positions that involve possible one-on-one contact or overnight chaperoning with a child other than their own are required to submit an application. Such positions include--but are not limited to--driving and/or chaperoning for field trips, coaching/assisting sports, and some forms of assisting in the classroom. Please complete the following information and return this form to the school office as soon as possible. I. Personal Information Full Name: ____________________________________________________Date:___________________ Address: ____________________________City: _______________ State: ________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: ___________________Work Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_________________ Email Address:_____________________________________________________________ II. Security Section Recognizing our concern for children, Marin Waldorf School has adopted a policy of screening applicants for volunteer service. The purpose of this policy is to promote a safe environment and to protect our students and school. This application is designed to elicit the information necessary for this purpose. The information provided will be treated confidentially and will only be used by authorized staff in reviewing your application. Please initial the following statements: _________I declare that I have never been convicted of a crime related to sexual abuse, molestation, exploitation, or violence. I understand the term "Convicted" includes entering into a plea agreement including a "no contest" plea or a deferred sentence or deferred judgment arrangement in connection with a criminal charge. _________I declare that I have not perpetrated physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect against a child, student, or a disabled adult, and I have never been accused of these acts. If you are unable to initial one or both of the statements above and believe there are special circumstances the Business Administrator should consider in reviewing your application, please provide an explanation on a separate attachment of the circumstances, the outcome, and any other relevant information. III. National Sex Offender Registry Check I acknowledge that by signing this application, I understand that Marin Waldorf School will check my name on the national sex offender (Megan’s Law) registry, which is a matter of public record. IV. Volunteer’s Certification I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of material or omission of pertinent information may result in my failure to serve as a one-on–one contact volunteer or overnight chaperone at Marin Waldorf School. Signature of Applicant:__________________________________________________ Date____________
Parental Permission and Liability Release ________________________________________________ (Student's Name) Has my/our permission to go on the Marin Waldorf School field trip described as follows: Destination: _____________________________________________________ Date(s) of Event: __________________________________________________ I/We fully understand and expressly assume the risks involved in the outing activities, risks that could result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death, and I hereby release and hold Marin Waldorf School and its employees harmless from any and all liability, actions, claims, and damage of every kind and nature, including negligence. Authorization to Treat a Minor In the event that my child, a minor, becomes sick or is injured, I do hereby authorize and consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis rendered under the general or special supervision of any member of the medical staff of any licensed hospital or medical facility in California or any other state. It is understood that this authorization is given to provide authority and power to render care which the aforementioned physician or medical practitioner, in the exercise of his or her best judgment, may deem advisable. It is understood that effort shall be made to contact the undersigned prior to rendering treatment to the patient, but that any of the above treatment will no be withheld if the undersigned cannot be reached. ☐ (I) (We), the undersigned, parent(s) (legal guardian) do hereby authorize my child, over the age of 12, to ride in the front seat of the vehicle if necessary. _______________ Date
__________________________________________________ Signature of Parent / Legal Guardian
_______________ Date
__________________________________________________ Signature of Parent / Legal Guardian
Phone number where parent can be reached: _____________________________
Guidelines for Fieldtrips All school rules of behavior apply to Marin Waldorf School students while on a fieldtrip. Students are our ambassadors in the public eye and should represent their school accordingly. Students must be polite, considerate of others, and use proper manners at all times. They must treat chaperones with respect and gratitude; and obey them as they would their teacher. Additional field trip requirements: • Students shall be well-behaved and treat chaperones with respect and gratitude. • Students are our ambassadors in the public eye and should represent the school accordingly. • While traveling in vehicles, students must wear seatbelts at all times when the vehicle is in motion. • Students who are on suspension may not attend field trips, unless granted a special exception by the school. • Students must have a signed permission slip to attend a field trip. • Students may not switch to another car. • Students may not leave a field trip location without permission from the teacher. • Students will respect the school policies on all off-campus and overnight field trips. All school rules are in effect during a field trip including school media and electronic rules, and the dress code. • Students who violate behavioral rules will be disciplined accordingly.
Live Scan Locations – Appointments are Necessary Fairfax Police Department 144 Bolinas Road Fairfax, CA 94930 (415) 453-5330 Marin Co. Sheriff's Dept - Southern Station 850 Drake Avenue Marin City, CA 94965 (415) 473-5394 Mill Valley Police Department 1 Hamilton Drive Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 389-4100 The UPS Store # 2464 936 B 7th Street Novato, CA 94945 (415) 899-1686 Marin Co. Sheriff's Dept. 1600 Los Gamos Drive, Ste 200 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 473-7286 The UPS Store #2623 369-B 3rd Street San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 457-6909 Tiburon Police Department 155 Tiburon Blvd. Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 789-2801