Marin Waldorf School - Site-Specific School Protection Plan

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UPDATED 8/14/2020

School or District Site Name

Marin Waldorf School School Type (select one) Traditional/Alternative Public School Charter School Private, Independent or Parochial School Task Force Members and Positions (ie teachers, custodians, secretaries, paras, parents, students, administration) Marin Waldorf School Return to School Committee: Megan Neale, Director Tracie Pezzullo, Chair, Board of Trustees/Current Parent Cammi Bell, Health Coordinator and School Nurse Dena Malon, Grades Director Chantal Valentine, Admissions Director/Current Parent Suzanne Hudson, Team Coordinator This committee oversees five subcommittees: Return to School Health & Safety Committee, Return to School Communications Committee, Return to School Facilities Committee, Return to School Curriculum Committee, Return to School Finance/Legal Committee. Please see Attachment #1: Return to School Committee Membership and Mandates

Public Health Liaisons and Contact Information (Primary and Secondary: Name, Email and Phone) Primary: Cammi Bell, RN, MS, Health Coordinator and School Nurse, office 415-­‐479-­‐8190, cell 415-­‐272-­‐2815, email: Secondary: Julie Meade, Registrar, office 415-­‐479-­‐8190, ext 101, cell 805-­‐503-­‐2290, email This COVID-­‐19 School Site-­‐Specific Protection Plan (SSSPP) was most recently updated on: August 14, 2020 Principal or Administrator Name: Megan Neale

Title: Director


Phone Number: 415-­‐479-­‐8190

I, Megan Neale, certify that all staff and parents have been provided a copy of this SSSPP, which is posted on our school/district website, and that staff have received training as described in this SSSPP. Signature:


August 15, 2020

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Specific Control Measures and Screenings Please provide as much detail as possible for how you intend to implement each guideline. If you need additional space, please provide an attachment.

1. All activities are consistent with and will adjust to changing applicable state and local Public Health Orders. A multi-­‐disciplinary Task Force has been established to develop and support this School Site-­‐ Specific Protection Plan, who meet regularly to monitor and adjust the plan based on input from all stakeholders.

Marin Waldorf School will adhere to all mandates issued by the county and state, and is constantly monitoring public h ealth orders for updates. In June 2020, we established the Return to School Committee, which oversees five subcommittees. All committees m eet weekly to discuss new directives and input from stakeholders. The Return to School Committee is overseeing the creation of our SSSPP. Please see Attachment No. 1: Return to School Committee Membership and Mandates.

2. Health and safety practices and protocols are in place, including hand washing, appropriate face coverings, and access to essential protective equipment, and up to date student and staff attendance tracking.

Written policies are in p lace regarding hand-­‐washing, face coverings, essential protective equipment, and attendance. Please see Attachment No. 2: C ampus Safety Protocols.

3. Training is provided to all staff, students and families reinforcing the importance of health and safety practices and protocols. All Health and Safety Committee m embers attended all o r p ortions of the Joffe Pandemic Coordinator Training in June and July 2020. Cammi Bell, RN, MS, our H ealth Coordinator/School Nurse, will conduct three h ealth and safety training sessions for faculty and staff on August 17, 18, and 19. Training is required for all faculty and staff, and will include: instruction on how to prevent the spread of COVID, how to recognize the symptoms of COVID, routine cleaning and disinfecting of classroom spaces, how to p roperly and safely use a face mask, and how to screen themselves for symptoms. Please see Attachment No. 2: Campus C leaning and Safety Protocols (Staff Training)

4. A primary and secondary point of contact are established, identified, and trained at each school site to direct questions or concerns around practices, protocols, or potential exposure. These points of contact will also serve as a liaison to Public Health and contact information is identified in the School Site-­‐Specific Protection Plan. (Points of Contact listed above).

Primary: Cammi Bell, RN, MS, h ealth coordinator and school nurse, office 415-­‐479-­‐8190, cell 415-­‐272-­‐ 2815, email: Secondary: Julie Meade, Registrar, office 415-­‐479-­‐8190, ext 101, cell 805-­‐503-­‐2290, email

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5. Plans are implemented for intensified cleaning and disinfecting, including training for staff and access to cleaning supplies and essential protective equipment, and regular disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces.

Marin Waldorf School will follow the MCOE’s School Cleaning Schedule (Revised 7.1.2020). Training will b e provided at faculty m eetings August 17, 18, and 19 by the h ealth coordinator, Cammi Bell, RN, MS. A ll bathrooms will b e cleaned after recess, after lunch, and at t he end of the day. High-­‐touch a reas a re cleaned before/after use. Disinfectant, cleanser, hand sanitizer, gloves, and face coverings a re available in shared spaces, including classrooms. Instructional signage p osted in shared offices/bathrooms. Please see Attachment No. 2: C ampus C leaning and Safety Protocols.

6. Health screening for students and staff are conducted as advised and updated by Public Health. On July 23, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided updated guidance on screening K-­‐12 students emphasizing that parents and caregivers must monitor their children for signs of infectious illness every day at home, and universal symptom screening for K-­‐12 students is not required. (MCOE Staff Health Screening)

Every staff and faculty m ember will complete and submit a health screening upon or before arrival to school. Please see Attachment No. 3 : Staff Daily Health Screening. We have updated our school’s sick policy in the Parent Handbook for 2020 with an addendum regarding COVID-­‐19 symptoms and what to do in the case that a student or a student’s family m ember exhibits symptoms of COVID-­‐19. Parents will b e asked to consent to a screening of their children. Please see Attachment No. 4: Parent Policy.

7. Staff and students who are sick are expected to stay home and an isolation area is identified for students who begin to exhibit symptoms during the school day, until they can be picked up. Describe placement of designated Isolation Area:

Two adjoining offices in a standalone portable building on t he north end of campus have been d esignated for use as a nurse’s office and an isolation room. One office, with an adjoining bathroom and non-­‐shared entrance, will b e used as the isolation room. The isolation can be a ccessed by parents via the west-­‐side service entrance to the school, allowing for parents to pick u p of sick children without coming into contact with students or staff.

8. Schools and districts will cooperate with Public Health to support testing strategies to mitigate transmission of COVID-­‐19, including testing for staff at the beginning of the school year, and then no less than once every two months. This may include testing of students with appropriate parental permissions obtained in advance. (Identify testing vendors, if applicable) We will b e conducting a ll required surveillance testing with PMH Laboratory, h eadquartered in Huntington Beach, CA. Page 3

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9. Protocols, actions and template communications are in place for the following COVID-­‐19 related scenarios (link: Marin County Public Health Protocols & Communication Templates for each scenario): a. b. c. d.

A student or staff member either exhibits COVID-­‐19 symptoms or has a temperature of 100.4 or above. A family member or someone in close contact with a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-­‐19. A student or staff member tests positive for COVID-­‐19. A student or staff member tests negative for COVID-­‐19 after symptoms or confirmed close contact.

Marin Waldorf School will follow Marin County Public H ealth’s protocols for the scenarios outlined above, and we have adapted public h ealth’s t emplates for our community. Please see Attachment No. 5: Scenarios and Template Communications

10. Where practicable, physical distancing of six feet is maintained between adults and students; four feet distance is permissible between students within a classroom or instructional area where requirements herein are in practice.

In all classrooms (indoor and outdoor), students will b e a rranged to maximize physical d istancing, with at least six f eet or more between desks/students whenever possible, and at least 4 f eet of distance in all cases. We have rented storage container for campus and have removed all non-­‐essential classroom furniture and equipment to maximize indoor space and physical d istancing.

11. For elementary schools, stable classroom cohorts (up to standard class size at each respective grade level) are maintained throughout each school day, and through each quarter or semester, with an assigned primary cohort teacher, and systems are in place to prevent the mixing of classroom cohorts. Each classroom/grade level will be a stable cohort of students throughout the 2020-­‐2021 school y ear. Cohorts will n ever m ix on campus. Currently, grades 1-­‐6 cohorts will b e under 20 students, with a maximum 24 students in a class/cohort grades 1-­‐8. We have opened an additional early childhood classroom to reduce cohort size to 15 and under, and all f ive EC classes are now mixed-­‐age (combining preschool-­‐ and kindergarten-­‐age students) to allow siblings to attend in the same room/cohort.

12. For middle and high schools, larger cohorts made up of students from more than one classroom may be arranged as long as accurate attendance data for students and adults is maintained on a daily basis while avoiding schoolwide mixing of students and staff.

We will not b e u sing larger cohorts or m ixing cohorts at any time.

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13. Where practicable, desks are arranged facing forward to minimize face to face proximity between students.

In both indoor and outdoor classrooms, students are a rranged to face the teacher and at 6-­‐foot physical distancing whenever possible, and a lways at least 4 feet of physical d istancing.

14. School staff are permitted to visit and instruct more than one classroom cohort, following physical distancing and face covering protocols, and must document/record visits to classrooms that are not identified as their primary classroom cohort.

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Subjects teachers (Spanish, Mandarin, Math, Handwork, Gardening) will be limited to interacting with a maximum of 4 cohorts daily, with proper protective measures (face covering, physical distancing) in place. On campus, subject teachers will work with a f ixed group of students in blocks of 4-­‐6 weeks. We have a Teacher Cohort Tracking/sign in sheet in every classroom. All teachers will maintain t heir own tracking sheet indicating exactly where t hey were each day Subject teachers and substitutes will document e ach class they teach, time of day taught, and each classroom t hey teach in. Template for attendance and cohort tracking: gid=0

15. Routes for entry and exit to the campus will be designated for each classroom cohort, using as many entrances/exits as feasible.

Our campus has four main entrances, with an additional service road entering the upper-­‐grades wing to the west v ia our main parking lot/driveway. Each class cohort will be assigned an entrance for drop-­‐off and pickup, with physical d istancing between students maintained. Grades classes will arrive at their assigned entrance at 8am. Class b egins p romptly at 8:15am. Two mixed-­‐age early childhood classes will a rrive at 8:30am, and three early childhood classes will arrive at 8:45am. All classes will a rrive through their assigned entrances and entry and exit will be staggered. Please see Attachment No. 6: Drop-­‐off and Pick-­‐up Plan for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-­‐8.

16. Schedules for arrivals, recess and lunch will be strategically coordinated to prevent mixing of classroom cohorts.

Recess is scheduled and each cohort will be assigned specific a reas on campus for recess and will not m ix with other cohorts. Recess areas are clearly marked and students and faculty a re a ware of boundaries. For p ickup and d rop-­‐off plan, p lease see Attachment No. 6 : Drop-­‐off and Pick-­‐up Plan for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-­‐8.

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17. Congregate movement through hallways will be minimized as much as practicable. ●

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Our p redominantly exterior campus design does not include interior hallways shared by students. Classrooms, offices, and bathrooms are a ccessed via outdoor breezeways. 6-­‐foot social d istancing markers are p laced a long the exterior breezeways outside bathrooms and at the f ront office. Signs are posted as reminders to maintain social d istancing, wear mask coverings, and hand wash often. One way direction markers will b e p laced in the b reezeways indicating that t raffic may only move in a single f ile in one d irection, where necessary.

18. Large gatherings (i.e., school assemblies) are currently prohibited.

All on-­‐campus gatherings, including a ssemblies, parent m eetings, class p lays, musical p erformances, festivals, and events are canceled for the 2020-­‐2021 school year. Community events, parent m eetings, and admissions events will b e offered virtually, v ia Zoom.

19. The use of outdoor space for instructional purposes is maximized, shared, and coordinated to ensure students remain in their cohort. Efforts should also be made to maximize fresh air flow in classrooms through existing ventilation systems and opening of windows and doors as much as possible. Marin Waldorf School has constructed outdoor classrooms for each of our 13 classes/cohorts, from PreK to th th th 6 Grade, as well as 7 and 8 grade when/if they return to in-­‐person instruction. Each classroom will b e equipped with chairs, d esks, and a blackboard, and will be shaded/protected. Our grades 1-­‐8 faculty will use the outdoor spaces for the majority of the school day. Our early childhood faculty will u se a hybrid of indoor and outdoor spaces, with as much emphasis on outside t ime as possible. Please see Attachment No. 7: C ampus Map and Pictures of Outdoor Classrooms.

20. Use of shared playground equipment will be limited in favor of physical activities that require less contact with surfaces, and shared equipment will be cleaned between uses. Classes will be assigned d edicated and clearly marked play a reas across campus. One class will b e allowed to use the play structures and swings for a rotating 1-­‐2 week period, cleaned between uses.

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21. Use of non-­‐classroom space for instruction such as gymnasiums and multi-­‐use rooms should be considered to support physical distancing with cleaning between uses.

All classroom spaces with functioning windows are large enough to a ccommodate physical distancing within our small cohorts. Our shared spaces have b een reassigned a s follows: ● Music room — instrument storage ● Games portable — isolation/sick room ● Ed support room — school nurse office ● Eurythmy room — faculty work space ● Development office — registrar’s office ● Lab — recording/live streaming room for subject t eachers ● Library — faculty workroom/quiet room

22. Meals will be served classrooms or outside or in classrooms instead of cafeterias or dining rooms with individually plated or bagged meals as much as practicable. Students in grades 1-­‐8 at Marin Waldorf School each b ring t heir o wn home-­‐packed snack and lunch to school every day. Our opt-­‐in hot m eal p rograms, which were d esigned as class fundraisers and available two days a week to participating students, are suspended for the 2020-­‐2021 school year. As is our usual practice, grades students will eat outside. Please see Attachment No. 8: Early Childhood Meal Program.

23. Routines and schedules will be developed to enable students and staff to regularly wash their hands at staggered intervals.

Each cohort has a designated hand-­‐washing station. Students and faculty will be required to wash their hands, including but not limited to, the following times: • • • •

upon arrival at Marin Waldorf S chool* after coughing and/or sneezing at the beginning of lunch before eating after bathroom use

*Teachers and students will be permitted to use alcohol-­‐based hand sanitizer in lieu of soap and water when indoor plumbing is not readily available (e.g. in outdoor classrooms)

24. All staff as well as all students in grades 3 -­‐ 12 are required to wear face coverings while in the classroom and on campus unless there is a medical or behavioral contraindication. Students from grades TK -­‐ 2 are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings and should be supported and taught how to wear them properly.

All Marin Waldorf School faculty and staff will wear Humanity Shields by Rapid Response PPE when in classrooms and on campus. Preschool and k indergarten students will b e provided with Humanity Shields in children’s sizes and will be supported in properly wearing them for the majority of the day, and a lways when inside, unless there is a medical o r b ehavioral contraindication. Students in grades 1-­‐3 will wear the face coverings of their choice and b e supported in p roperly wearing them for the majority of the day, and always when inside. Students in grades 4-­‐6 will wear a face covering of their choice at a ll times, and be supported with instruction in p roper u se and handling, unless there is a m edical or behavioral contraindication. Special attention will be paid to finding t imes in the day and isolated p laces on campus where children can safely take a break f rom their face coverings.

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25. Training will be provided for staff and students on proper use of face coverings which will include instruction to minimize touching of face coverings.

Faculty and staff will attend mandatory trainings on August 17-­‐19, 2020, conducted by Cammi Bell, RN, MS, Health Coordinator/Nurse, which will include instructions on properly wearing a mask.

Parents will receive written communications regarding proper use and care for face coverings. Faculty will instruct students in p roper use of face coverings during o rientation days, the week of August 31.

26. Sharing of supplies, manipulatives, toys, sports equipment, and other learning and recreational materials will be limited and each student will have separate individually labeled boxes or cubbies.

Each student will have individually labeled classroom supplies that will not be shared with other children, and will b e stored in individual cubbies and/or backpacks. Shared toys and sports equipment will b e minimized. When it is n ecessary to share equipment (e.g. swings on the playground), the equipment will be cleaned before and after use.

27. Sharing of electronic devices, clothing, books and other games or learning aids will be avoided as much as practicable.

Children will not share electronic d evices, clothing, books, o r other games or learning aids.

28. Use of privacy boards or clear screens will be considered as much as practicable.

Clear screens and privacy boards will not be used in outdoor classrooms. We have considered indoor spaces in our offices and classrooms where p rivacy boards a nd clear screens could be practicable, but have instead opted to reconfigure these spaces to maximize physical distancing and minimize o ccupancy. We will continue to update our spaces in response to updated d ata and research.

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29. Non-­‐essential visitors, including parent volunteers will be limited and essential workers will be required to adhere to all health and safety guidelines. All non-­‐essential visitors, including parent volunteers, will be limited. We will attempt to schedule a ll maintenance and facilities projects when children a ren’t on campus. Essential visitors who must come to campus while school is in session will complete the staff/faculty screening (please see attachment No. 3: Faculty Daily H ealth Screening) and adhere to a ll campus h ealth and safety guidelines. Parents will be permitted to p ick up sick children from the isolation room o r nurse’s office on campus, adhering to all safety guidelines and d irectives f rom the h ealth coordinator.

30. A School Site-­‐Specific Protection Plan outlining the above measures is completed, posted and shared with all stakeholders and updated as state and local Public Health guidance dictates.

Our SSSPP (Draft 1) was completed on August 1, 2020, and was posted to our website and shared with parents via email on August 7, 2020. The current school p lan (Draft 2, August 14, 2020) is posted to our website and in the f ront office.

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School Site-­‐Specific Protection Plan

Certificate of Completion

Marin Waldorf School has completed the School Site-­‐Specific Protection Plan with current information related to COVID-­‐19 Protocols and Procedures. The full SSSPP is available for viewing or download here:

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Contents Attachment No. 1: Return to School Committee Membership and Mandates …………………………. PAGE 1 Attachment No. 2: Campus Cleaning and Safety Protocols ………………………………………………………. PAGE 5 Attachment No. 3: Faculty Daily Health Screening …………………………………………………………………… PAGE 9 Attachment No. 4: 2020 Health Addendum to Parent Handbook ……………………………………………. PAGE 10 Attachment No. 5: Scenarios and Template Communications …………………………………………..…… PAGE 15 Attachment No. 6: Drop-­‐off and Pick-­‐up Plan for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-­‐8 …… PAGE 18 Attachment No. 7: Campus Map and Pictures of Outdoor Classrooms ……………………………………. PAGE 19 Addendum No. 8: Early Childhood (Preschool and Kindergarten) Meal Program ……………………. PAGE 22

Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Attachment No. 1: Return to School Committee Membership and Mandates

RETURN TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE Mandate: The Return to School Committee is coordinating the reopening efforts, integrating health and safety, scenario planning, financial and legal implications, facilities, and curriculum delivery methods. Its purpose is to have oversight of the COVID-­‐19 response work, acting as a central source of real-­‐time information and actions by maintaining close two-­‐way communication with all sub working groups. It’s goal is to support the School Director to ensure safety and keep essential operations going, and to be a resource to the school Director while establishing more effective and strategic decision-­‐making systems for the future. Membership Megan Neale, Director Tracie Pezzullo, Chair, Board of Trustees/Current Parent Cammi Bell, Health Coordinator and School Nurse Dena Malon, Grades Director Chantal Valentine, Admissions Director/Current Parent Suzanne Hudson, Team Coordinator

Sub Working Groups • • • • •

Health and Safety Facilities Finances/Legal Curriculum and Teaching Communications

Principles to Guide Decision Making • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bring an equity lens to every decision Understand who is disadvantaged for receiving or delivering online coursework Understand medically vulnerable individuals and accommodations Understand financial concerns of faculty, staff, vendors who provide services Stay in close touch with the community and specific concerns for students and faculty Mental health Difficult family situations, financial stressors Both academic and non-­‐academic concerns Think beyond our walls -­‐ form educational partnerships Collaborate with other like-­‐minded organizations Be open to opportunities or synergies with other entities Act with urgency, but with perspective

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Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Key Assumptions on Health and Safety Physical distancing: when the school reopens, physical distancing requirements are likely to remain in place, which may impact the number of students we can accommodate in classrooms and other gathering spaces • Ongoing waves of COVID-­‐19: after the school re-­‐opens, there could be subsequent waves of COVID-­‐19 until such time as a vaccine is made widely available and such subsequent waves could require the re-­‐ introduction of stricter control measures; dedicated on or off campus isolation facilities may be required, the potential for a homestay program could be explored or we may need to again close the school and revert back to a distance learning program • Uncertainty risk: uncertainty about how the pandemic will impact the upcoming school year creates a significant risk that families could abort their planned enrollment for 2020-­‐21 • Small, closed classroom groups that serve a consistent group of students and teacher(s) offer the opportunity to more closely control the environment through monitoring of symptoms and adherence to ill-­‐student policies. •

Key Assumptions on Finances • • •

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Recession will have an adverse impact on enrollment demand and will generate significantly increased need for sliding scale tuition for a number of years to come Enrollment shortfall: we anticipate that our enrollment for the 2020-­‐21 school year will be below target, with a wide range of possible scenarios as to how far below target we could be Strength and Permanence: we always strive for a balanced budget, but expect to go into our reserves, with Board approval, for the 2020/2021 in order to sustain spending that will be integral to our long-­‐term competitiveness. We may also need to make short-­‐term decisions on admissions and pricing models that are not ideal from a long-­‐term perspective Human resources: staffing decisions for the 2020-­‐21 school year must be driven first and foremost by how best to serve the needs of our students; difficult decisions may need to be made that will be informed by our values, financial prudence, our long-­‐term need to retain talent Staffing costs will rise based on needs and potential sick care/leave Adaptive pricing models for early childhood: we will need to consider adaptive pricing models that account for inherent differences between distance learning and on campus learning in Early Childhood.

Key Assumptions on School Program and Community Strategic Directions: we will continue to be guided by our commitment to a nature-­‐based approach and land stewardship. We have 11 acres of land that will allow us to expand beyond the classroom to provide our students meaningful engagement and connection to nature. We will seek opportunities to build educational partnerships with other groups and organizations to broaden our reach, with the potential of diversifying and augmenting school revenue. • Distance learning: we will offer distance learning options for students who are unable to be on campus physically, and we will have the ability to switch rapidly between distance and on-­‐campus learning platforms if circumstances require • Education of the whole person: our distance learning platform will continue to encompass meaningful academic, project based, co-­‐curricular and community components, which have been differentiators for our distance learning program to date •

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Flexibility: innovative program models that enable increased flexibility of student entry points will be advantageous given substantial uncertainty about how the pandemic will unfold; in addition, we should not be limited by the traditional concept of a school day, week or year, or by the traditional timing of our school breaks • Community: maintaining the strength and unity of our community is integral to the student experience and our culture; we must therefore strive to maintain the cohesion of our community even if some students are learning remotely while some are on campus; segregation between the two groups should be avoided to the extent possible; to the extent some classes may need to be run in a segregated fashion, we should strive to ensure co-­‐curricular and community programming be run with all together -­‐ when possible • Distance Learning: our faculty and staff are ramping up their skills and comfort with remote platforms; students will also likely become more open to virtual learning or hybrid learning models with a focus on experiential learning as a result of this experience • Impermanence of distance learning for our core program: we do not expect to continue broad-­‐based distance learning options for our core program beyond the COVID-­‐19 pandemic crisis; ultimately, our value proposition is a high-­‐touch experience that is rooted in close personal relationships. •


Mandate: This team ensures that all aspects of school operation are in accordance with local, state, and federal public health mandates and guidelines.

Membership: Cammi Bell (Chair), School Nurse and Health Coordinator Suzanne Hudson, Pedagogical Coordinator Robin Boynosky, Office Manager Mia Terziev, 7th Grade Class Teacher, Julie Meade, Registrar


Mandate: The Facilities team is charged with ensuring that the buildings and grounds are maintained and modified to meet health and safety requirements. This group will also ensure that the school is equipped with the infrastructure, equipment, and software necessary to immediately execute a high quality response to each scenario.

Membership: Megan Neale, Director Suzanne Hudson, Pedagogical Coordinator Robin Boynosky, Office Manager Donni O’Ryan, Physical Education Teacher Mia Terziev, 7th Grade Teacher Sarah Whitmore, Early Childhood Lead Teacher

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FINANCES/LEGAL Mandate: This team is responsible for running financial models based on revenue (enrollment, sliding scale tuition, fundraising) and expenses keeping in mind additional COVID expense needs in each functional area.

Membership: Megan Neale, Director Dawn Anderson, Business Director Rob Cochron, Finance Committee Chair, Board of Trustees, and Alumni Parent Ravi Kumar, Board of Trustees and Parent David Silver, Parent Kina Mandelbrot, Board of Trustees and Parent Manette Teitelbaum, Handwork Teacher


Mandate: This team will balance out what is being delivered with the various new challenges in how it is being delivered. The team is charged with ensuring that the approach and execution of teaching and learning fulfills the school’s mission and meets reasonable parent and faculty expectations, regardless of the vehicle / format dictated by health and safety guidelines. Membership: Dena Malon, Grades Director Sarah Whitmore, Early Childhood Lead Teacher Kristine Deason, 8th Grade Teacher Mia Terziev, 7th Grade Teacher Melinda Martin, 3rd Grade Teacher Amy Baxt, Social Ethics Teacher

COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Mandate This team maintains the communications calendar, ensures that messages are consistently delivered with a regularity and tone that are designed for the community. It leads communications that speak to what the school is doing now, but also considers philanthropy-­‐related outreach. Membership Megan Neale, Director Chantal Valentine, Admissions Director Julie Meade, Registrar

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Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Attachment No. 2: Campus Cleaning and Safety Protocols Hand Washing Protocols for Faculty, Staff, and Students: Students, staff, and faculty will be provided with time in the day to wash hands. Faculty has received training on proper hand-­‐washing technique. • Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds. Dry hands completely with a paper towel. Use a paper towel to turn off faucet handles and open restroom doors. Restroom doors will remain open to limit high touch. • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol when there is no access to water. Each outdoor classroom has been provided with FDA-­‐approved hand sanitizer. • Cleaning and sanitizing supplies, including disinfectant, cleanser, gloves, and hand sanitizers, will be provided at special cleaning stations positioned in strategic areas throughout the campus (hallways, entrances, shared spaces/equipment). • Each indoor classroom is equipped with a sink and a soap dispenser with Department of Health and Human Services–approved soap. • Staff will provide time each day for students to practice washing their hands with soap and water. Students will be expected to wash their hands at the following times: upon arrival at Marin Waldorf School, at the beginning of lunch before eating, after bathroom use, and after recess.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols ✓ Thorough cleaning in high traffic areas is performed regularly. ✓High-­‐touch surfaces are frequently disinfected. ✓ Sanitizing supplies are provided to promote employees’ personal hygiene, including tissues, no-­‐touch trash cans, hand soap, adequate time for hand washing, alcohol-­‐based hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and disposable towels. ✓ All shared equipment and touchable surfaces are cleaned and sanitized before and after use. ✓ Cleaning products are used that meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s-­‐ approved for use against COVID-­‐19 list. ✓ All entrances and exits are equipped with proper sanitation products, including hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes. ✓ School hours and/or other procedures have been modified to provide adequate time for regular, thorough cleaning, product stocking, or other measures. ✓ Hand washing facilities will be made available and will stay operational and stocked at all times and additional soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer are supplied when needed Page. 5

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✓ Alcohol-­‐based hand sanitizer will be provided in all the outdoor classrooms and anywhere else on campus where indoor plumbing is not readily available.

✓ Staff is provided adequate time to implement cleaning practices before and after shifts. Physical Distancing Guidelines ✓ Staff breaks and break rooms are managed to allow employees to eat on premises in designated areas where they can remain 6 feet apart. ✓ Tape or other markings have been placed at least six feet apart on sidewalks or other walkways near public entrances with signs directing students to use the markings to maintain distance. ✓ Where practicable, physical distancing of five to six feet is maintained to the greatest extent possible and distancing may be permissible down to four feet within a classroom or instructional area where requirements herein are in practice; ✓ All desks or individual workstations within office settings are separated by at least six feet or employees otherwise maintain six feet if workspace is limited. Employees have been reassigned workspaces to maximize physical distancing. ✓ All meals will be eaten outside

Notification of COVID-­‐19 Positive Case at School Site ✓ County of Marin Public Health is notified of all positive COVID-­‐19 cases. ✓ Employers and employees are aware that they can call Marin Public Health if a suspected exposure has occurred at 415-­‐473-­‐7191. ✓ If a student or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-­‐19, Marin County Public Health will provide assistance in the assessment of potential worksite exposures, and any recommended testing, quarantine, or isolation instructions. ✓ Protocols, actions and template communications are in place for COVID-­‐19 related scenarios (link: Marin County Public Health Protocols & Communication Templates)

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Staff Training * Scheduled August 17-­‐19, 2020 Our staff training, led by our school nurse and health coordinator, Cammi Bell, RN, MS, will cover the following: ✓ Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on COVID-­‐19, how to prevent it from spreading, and which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting the virus. ✓ Self-­‐screening at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDC guidelines. ✓ The importance of physical distancing, both at work and off work time (see Physical Distancing section above). ✓ The importance of not coming to work if employees have a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if they or someone they live with have been diagnosed with COVID-­‐19. ✓ Manufacturer’s directions and Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use of personal hygiene and cleaning products. ✓ Proper use of face coverings, including: How to put on correctly, how to use and wear safely, how to clean and sterilize mask after use, and how to store mask between uses. ✓The importance of seeking medical attention if an employees’ symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face. Updates and further details are available on CDC’s webpage. ✓ Hand sanitizer will be provided in outdoor classrooms and anywhere indoor plumbing is not readily available. ✓ Face coverings do not protect the wearer and are not personal protective equipment (PPE). ✓ The vulnerability of older adults and people with chronic medical conditions, and the need to practice particular caution to protect these groups. ✓Face coverings can help protect people near the wearer, but do not replace the need for physical distancing and frequent handwashing. ✓ The importance of frequent handwashing with soap and water, including scrubbing with soap for 20 seconds (or using hand sanitizer with at least 60%ethanol or 70% isopropanol when employees cannot get to a sink or hand washing station, per CDC guidelines). ✓ The importance of washing and/or sanitizing hands before and after using or adjusting face coverings. ✓ Face coverings to be washed after each shift. ✓ Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

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Schedule for Cleaning and Disinfecting: Classrooms: Cleaned and disinfected once a day.

Offices: Cleaned and disinfected once a day.

Restrooms: Cleaned and disinfected three times a day.

Telephones: Cleaned and disinfected before and after each use.

Handrails / door handles / shelving: Cleaned and Handwashing facilities: Cleaned and disinfected disinfected once a day. once a day. Copy Machines / Scanners / Faxes / Postage Common Areas: Cleaned and disinfected once a Machine: Cleaned and disinfected after each use. day. Playground Structures: Cleaned and disinfected after use.

Outdoor Common Areas: Cleaned and disinfected once a day.

Indoor Common Areas: Cleaned and disinfected once a day.

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Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Attachment No. 3: Faculty Daily Health Screening Faculty will be required to fill out the following health screening every morning, based on this template.

Email address * First and Last Name * I affirm that I have been without fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-­‐reducing medications and that I have not had symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath, or runny nose) in the past 24 hours. * Yes No I affirm that I do not live with anyone who has recently tested positive for COVID-­‐19, nor have I had any known close contact with anyone who has recently tested positive for COVID-­‐19 * Yes No Location * Room(s) * Cell Phone * Time In *

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Attachment No. 4: 2020 Health Addendum to Parent Handbook Note: The following will be included as an addendum in our school’s 2020-­‐2021 Parent Handbook. It will also be sent out as a form, with parents agreeing to the terms by clicking the associated box.

Marin Waldorf Healthy Community 2020-­‐21 Policy Agreement This form is an addendum to the Marin Waldorf School Parent Handbook, containing new policies and procedures for the 2020-­‐21 school year. These policies are based on the recommendations of the CDC for childcare facilities and Marin County guidelines for schools. Before we return to campus, we are asking every family to agree to the following . If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to Cammi Bell (health coordinator) before school resumes. Marin Waldorf will proceed with extreme caution when it comes to the health and safety of the children and the staff. Should a child at our school exhibit any symptoms of illness, they will be asked to stay home until the symptoms subside or a doctor verifies that the child is not contagious. Symptoms can include: a cough, runny nose, fever, vomiting, flushed cheeks, loss of smell or taste, or extreme fatigue or fussiness. I understand that my child(ren) will not be allowed to attend school if they are showing signs of illness. Does your child have a history of seasonal allergies and/or asthma that often produce a runny nose or cough? * Yes No Back-­‐up Plan for Childcare We ask that all parents have a back-­‐up plan for childcare should Marin Waldorf School need to close its doors, or should your child need to be sent home. It is most important for parents to understand that Marin Waldorf School may need to close for a day or for a period of time depending on circumstances such as: The county or state returns to a full "pause"; someone in our community becomes exposed to COVID-­‐19, in which case one of our classes may need to quarantine, or even the whole school; or other unforeseeable events. There’s also a chance that your child could show symptoms of illness during the day, and we will call you and ask you to come pick him/her up. I agree to have back-­‐up childcare available in the event that my child(ren) is sent home or the school is closed. We ask that at least one parent or emergency contact keeps a phone nearby while your child is at school, in case the school needs to reach you during the school day. * I agree to make sure that I or my child's caregiver will be reachable by phone during the school day. Daily Check-­‐in Page. 10

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Keeping the community healthy requires a daily health check in with your child and communication with the school. We ask that all parents check their child for fever and other signs of COVID before school and notify Marin Waldorf School if their child shows any signs of illness. In cases where a child exhibits signs of COVID, such as fever, fatigue/lethargy, irritability, diarrhea/vomiting, etc., we will ask that s/he seek medical advice from their healthcare provider and follow the guidance provided. I agree to check my child daily for fever and other signs of COVID 19 and notify the school. I also agree to seek the guidance of my healthcare provider and follow their guidance. Morning Drop-­‐off and Afternoon Pick-­‐up We will be implementing new policies during drop-­‐off and pick-­‐up that will require all parents to be patient and allow time and space for each child to enter and exit our campus. We will assign a drop-­‐off point for each class to allow for distancing and to avoid congestion in our parking lot. We ask that parents follow social distancing guidelines during drop-­‐off and pick up and in parking areas around our campus. Unless your child has permission to walk/ride to school on their own, a faculty member will greet students at their designated drop off points to welcome children at the beginning of the day. Parents are not permitted to enter the campus at any time. Children will be handed off to their caregivers at the same point at drop off time. Please wait for a teacher to bring your child to you. I agree that I or my child's caregiver will wait at the drop off point when dropping off and picking up my child. Parents and caregivers must wear face coverings at drop-­‐off and pick-­‐up. Teachers will also be wearing face coverings. I or my child's caregiver who will be dropping off and picking up my child(ren) at school will wear a face mask to cover our nose and mouth during the drop-­‐off and pick-­‐up. Staff Procedures at School Our staff will be implementing the following procedures in order to limit the spread of germs as much as possible: Working with children to wash hands, and/or sanitize; at drop-­‐off, after bathroom use, before and after snack and lunch, after coughing and sneezing. Wearing face masks: Teachers will be wearing masks or face shields during the day and will be modeling appropriate mask usage for the children. Taking children who are showing symptoms of illness (fever, cough, upset stomach, or not feeling well) to the nurse’s office, separate from the rest of the class, until a parent or caregiver arrives to pick him/her up. The nurse will remain in close contact with the child until s/he is picked up. Page. 11

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Maintaining social distancing as much as possible by maintaining a 4-­‐6 foot space between seats, maintaining stable cohorts throughout the year and keeping distance between distinct cohorts, and assignment bathrooms to classes/cohorts. Students will spend the majority of the school day outdoors, in their outdoor classrooms and assigned play spaces. In the event that children use indoor spaces, the faculty will focus on increasing ventilation (open windows on opposing sides of the classrooms and keeping doors open). Wiping down and sanitizing surfaces, doors, equipment, and bathrooms on a regular basis, following MCOE/MHHS guidelines. Toys and materials that are not easy to clean/disinfect have been removed from the classroom. Cohorts and Commitments Outside of School Classes will remain in cohorts to adhere to the CDC and Marin County guidelines. Part of keeping our school community healthy is agreeing to maintain healthy measures when we are away from school. We ask that families agree to the 3 basic principles of COVID 19 containment when they are away from school. 1) Children and their families will wear face coverings when in public, 2) children and their families will maintain social distancing in public 3) children and their families will practice regular hand washing. We agree as a family to adhere to the 3 basic principles of infectious disease containment in order to help keep our school community safe. We ask that families socialize only within their child's cohort as much as possible. The cohort helps to mitigate and contain the potential spread of the COVID-­‐19 virus should a case develop in our community. We are hoping that this will prevent an all-­‐school closure if we encounter an exposure to COVID-­‐19. I agree to limit playdates and socializing to my child's cohort as much as possible in order to maintain the integrity of the separate cohorts at Marin Waldorf School. Procedures for COVID-­‐19 Exposures Please agree to all policies below by checking off each box. Please note: Anyone in our community who tests positive for COVID-­‐19 will need proof that they are no longer contagious before returning to school (in the form of a doctor's note or a negative test result). Should a family member or anyone in close contact with a student or staff member at Marin Waldorf School test positive for the COVID-­‐19 virus, that family will notify the school immediately. We will ask that family to self-­‐ quarantine for 14 days. (Please check both boxes below.) I agree to notify the school immediately if a member of my family comes into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-­‐19. I agree to keep my child(ten) at home for 14 days should anyone in our home come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-­‐19. Page. 12

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Should a child or teacher at Marin Waldorf School test positive for COVID-­‐19, we are required to close that class for 14 days or more, depending on the circumstances. Additional confirmed cases will cause additional quarantines and closures. I understand that the class will need to close if there is a confirmed case of COVID-­‐19 within our cohort community. I understand additional classes may need to close if other cases develop within the school. Compassion and Minimizing Stigma Social stigma related to COVID-­‐19 is an important topic for all of us to address and truly understand in order to ensure that the strength and bonds of our community continue to thrive, most importantly in the midst of a COVID case within our community. Here is a brief definition of stigma, as defined by the World Health Organization: Social stigma in the context of health is the negative association between a person or group of people who share certain characteristics and a specific disease. In an outbreak, this may mean people are labelled, stereotyped, discriminated against, treated separately, and/or experience loss of status because of a perceived link with a disease. Such treatment can negatively affect those with the disease, as well as their caregivers, family, friends and communities. People who don’t have the disease but share other characteristics with this group may also suffer from stigma. The current COVID-­‐19 outbreak has provoked social stigma and discriminatory behaviors in varied and disheartening ways. While many behaviors relating to COVID 19 are known to reduce the risk and spread of the virus (handwashing, maintaining 6 ft social distance, wearing face coverings), there are many personal choices that are in the "grey zone". These choices lead families to judge one another which weakens the sense of community and can emotionally harm the children within it. It is understandable that there is confusion, anxiety, and fear among the public. Unfortunately, these factors are also fueling harmful stereotypes and behaviors which are detrimental to the community overall. The Marin Waldorf School faculty will keep all personal information regarding any exposure or potential exposure to COVID-­‐19 entirely confidential unless it is deemed necessary to share that information with staff and the parent body. If personal information is shared regarding a case within our community, Marin Waldorf School will respectfully share that information with the parent body and ask that all members of the community offer respect, support, and encouragement for that family in any way that they can. I understand that Marin Waldorf reserves the right to protect the privacy of a family in the Marin Waldorf Community that may have been exposed to the COVID-­‐19 virus. Open dialogue and communication is one of the best ways to avoid stigma and judgement within a community. Marin Waldorf School encourages all parents to keep an open dialog with their children's teachers about any potential concerns, including the health and well-­‐being of their family, any travel or new work environments, Page. 13

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concerns about the school, or concerns about other families. Marin Waldorf School faculty will keep these conversations confidential unless any information needs to be shared for contact-­‐tracing or preventing further spread of illness. I agree to keep an open dialog with Marin Waldorf faculty about any concerns I may have related to COVID-­‐19 within the Marin Waldorf Community. Marin Waldorf School encourages parent engagement by attending parent evenings and meetings offered by the school (this year, these will be offered remotely, through Zoom) . We ask that all parents make these important meeting times a priority in their schedule in order to strengthen the health and vitality of our community. I agree that I and/or my partner will engage with the Marin Waldorf Community through meetings and conversations that are offered as much as possible.

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Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Attachment No. 5: Scenarios and Template Communications Scenario


A student or staff member either exhibits COVID-­‐19 symptoms, answers yes to a health screening question or has a temp of 100.4

● ● ●

A family member or someone in close contact with a student or staff member test positive for COVID-­‐19.

● ●

A student or staff member tests positive for COVID-­‐19.

● ● A student or staff member tests negative for COVID-­‐19 after any of the reasons scenarios a, b or c.

● ● ●


Report information to administrator, send home Contact Healthcare provider/Public Health for testing (recommend testing) If positive, see Scenario #3; If negative, see Scenario #4 School/Classroom OPEN

No Action is needed.

Report information to administrator, send home, quarantine for 14 days Contact Healthcare provider/Public Health for testing (recommend testing) School/Classroom OPEN

To: Student Families and Staff Template Letter Household Member or contact w/ C19+. Template #2 below.

Report information to administrator, send home, isolate as per Public Health Families of Students and Staff: quarantine and contact Healthcare provider/ Public Health for testing Classroom CLOSED for 14 days from last exposure School Remains OPEN

To: Student Families and Staff Phone call and Template Letter. Confirmed C19+ in Cohort. Template #3 below.

May return to school 24 hours after symptoms resolve 14 day quarantine required for close contact with COVID-­‐ 19 positive case School/Classroom OPEN

Consider notification to families and staff if prior awareness of testing. Negative Test Cohort Member. Template #4 below.

Link: 06-­‐15-­‐20 Marin County Protocols Summary English/Spanish Combined

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Template Communications:

Scenario #2­‐w/edit Dear Marin Waldorf School [Classroom] Parents/Guardians and Staff: The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. This letter is to inform you that a student or staff member in your child’s classroom [lives with/has been in close contact with] a person who has tested positive for COVID-­‐19.

Public Health has been notified and is taking further steps. In accordance with Public Health guidance, the classroom will continue to operate. The individual and their immediate family/household members have been quarantined, are monitoring symptoms, and are working with their healthcare providers for additional steps, including testing if advised.

We will update you with any additional pertinent information when we receive it. Please continue to monitor yourself and/or your child for symptoms and stay home if you are experiencing influenza-­‐like illness. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Cammi Bell, RN, MS Health Coordinator Marin Waldorf School Scenario #3: Dear Marin Waldorf School [Classroom] Parents/Guardians and Staff:

The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. This letter is to inform you that a student or staff member in your child’s cohort at Marin Waldorf School has tested positive for COVID-­‐19. The last date of known exposure to the classroom cohort was [month/day/year].

You will be notified by Public Health. In the meantime, Public Health advises that your child or you immediately quarantine to the greatest extent possible, even if you are asymptomatic. In addition, please work with your healthcare provider to schedule testing as soon as possible or contact Public Health at (415) 473-­‐7191 to receive a priority referral. Be sure to let the provider know that you or your child has had a direct exposure through this classroom cohort.

The classroom cohort will be closed through at least [month/day/year] to allow students and staff to be tested and to avoid further spread of the virus. Distance learning will begin on [month/day/year].

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If you have any health-­‐related questions, please contact your healthcare provider or Public Health at (415) 473-­‐ 7191.

Thank you for your prompt response to this matter.

Sincerely, Cammi Bell, RN, MS Health Coordinator Marin Waldorf School Scenario #4:­‐EEo/edit Dear Marin Waldorf School [Classroom] Parents and Guardians: The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. This letter is to inform you that the student or staff member who had [exhibited symptoms and/or been in close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-­‐19] has tested negative. In accordance with Public Health guidance, the classroom cohort will continue to operate. We will update you with any additional pertinent information. Please let us know if you have any questions and contact your healthcare provider if you have any additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, Cammi Bell, RN, MS Health Coordinator Marin Waldorf School

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Attachment No. 6: Attachment No. 6: Drop-­‐off and Pick-­‐up Plan for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-­‐8. Our campus has four main entrances, with an additional service road entering the upper-­‐grades wing to the west via our main parking lot/driveway. Students in all grades will enter and exit with their cohorts in an assigned access point. All students will be monitored and will maintain 6-­‐foot distance while entering and exiting campus. Parents and visitors are not permitted on campus while school is in session. Each of the four entrance points will be supervised by Marin Waldorf School faculty or staff to ensure proper social distancing and encourage parents to leave campus immediately after drop-­‐off. Grades 1-­‐6 (Plus 7-­‐8 When/If Allowed to Return to In-­‐Person Instruction) Students in grades 1-­‐6 will enter school at 8am to begin classes at 8:10am. They will use four main entrances, where they will be met by a supervising staff or faculty member. ● First grade students will enter at 8am and exit via the main entrance/breezeway on Idylberry Road. ● Second grade students will enter at 8am and exit via the northeast service road off the main parking lot on Idylberry Road. ● Fifth grade will enter at 8am and exit through the Appleberry Road entrance. ● Third grades will enter at 8am and exit through the Elderberry Road entrance. ● Sixth and fourth grades will enter at 8am and exit through the Danberry Road entrance. ● When/if permitted to return to in-­‐person instruction, 7th grade students will enter and exit through the Elderberry Road entrance. ● When/if permitted to return to in-­‐person instruction, 8th grade will enter and exit through the Appleberry Road entrance. Early Childhood ● Children in the Hollyhock and Morning Glory mixed-­‐age early-­‐childhood classrooms will arrive at 8:30am. Hollyhock and Morning Glory students will enter and exit through the Idylberry Road main entrance hallway. ● Buttercup and Sunflower mixed-­‐age early-­‐childhood classes will arrive at 8:45am. Buttercup and Sunflower students will enter and exit through the Idylberry Road main entrance hallway. ● Manzanita mixed-­‐age early-­‐childhood class will arrive at 8:45am. Manzanita students will enter via the Appleberry Road entrance.

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Attachment No. 7: Campus Map and Pictures of Outdoor Classrooms A hand-­‐drawn map of our campus. The numbers (in circles) indicate the location of the outdoor classroom assignments for grades 1-­‐8. School entrances/exits are also indicated on each of the four sides of campus.

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Photos of outdoor classrooms under construction The 1st grade classroom (near front office) showing straw bale perimeter and stumps as stools to indicate student placement.

5th grade classroom with straw bale perimeter and stumps as stools.

5th grade classroom with teacher Ms. Percey and volunteer students trying out seating arrangements to maximize comfort and physical distancing:

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6th grade will be using the school’s garden as their classroom. The picture shows the classroom with the chalkboard and students on stump stools.

7th grade classroom showing stumps (to be used as stools) placed at measured 6-­‐ foot intervals, with chalkboard frame at front:

Students try out 7th grade classroom with chalkboard frame.

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Marin Waldorf School SSSPP Attachments -­‐ Updated 8/14/2020

Addendum No. 8: Early Childhood (Preschool and Kindergarten) Meal Program In early childhood classes, which serve a warm snack daily, the early childhood department will follow a prescribed snack and mealtime protocol. In line with COVID-­‐19 health and safety regulations, we will adhere to the following (draft plan): ● All meals will be served outside, both snack and lunch. ● Snacks will be served on single-­‐serve compostable bowls or on ceramic tableware that will be cleaned and sterilized between uses. ● Lunch will come from home. ● Lunch bags/baskets will be packed individually and kept in an outside cubby (or hook) and opened at lunchtime to prevent the spread of contaminants from home.

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