Adoc consulting partners

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The clear vision to where we project ourselves in the short and long term puts us in a consolidated company in the market of Innovations and Protagonists of the change in Computer Systems and Systems, offering opportunities and Business and Individual solutions in a Private or Public way allows us to be pioneers in computer and systems consulting within the local, national and soon Internationally long-term vision of Adoc Consulting SAC plans to grow in multinational markets looking at other areas. THE BEGINNING: The beginnings of ADOC Consulting S.A.C. started in 2010 with somewhat isolated activities but with a common objective to undertake computer and systems work. The group was formed initially with professionals who were knowledgeable in the Informatics and Systems field. We started promoting training and consulting activities, we are soon promoting the management and management of information in areas not yet thought we are dedicated to host the technical offer and as such we began to join services attached to the Computer and Systems Work, we can say that today in ADOC Consulting SAC is "Your Digital Ally in Our New Digital Economy" . ACERCA DE ADOC CONSULTING S.A.C La visão bem clara em todos os lugares no mercado e no mercado de Inovações e Protagonistas do mercado em Sistemas Informáticos e Sistemas, brindando oportunidades e soluções Empresariales e Indivíduos de moda Privada o Publica nos Permitir ser pioneros em consultoria informativa e de sistemas dentro do mercado local, nacional e pronto Internacionalmente a longo prazo as empresas de Adoc Consulting SAC piensa crecer en mercados Multinacionales mirando otros ambientes. INICIOS: Los inicios próprios de ADOC Consulting S.A.C. se inicio em 2010, com atividades relacionadas com isolados, mas com um objetivo em comun em andamento, instrumentos e sistemas, El grupo fue conformado inicialmente com Profissionais entendidos no campo Informática e Sistemas. Empezamos impulsando atualizações de capacitacion e consultoria, pronto estamos impulsando a gestão e a gestão da informação em ambientes aun no pensados nos dedicamos acoger a oferta tecnica e como começar a juntar serviços anexados ao trabalho informativo e de sistemas, podemos dizer que hoje en dia ADOC Consulting SAC é "Tu Aliado Digital em Nuestra Nueva Economia Digital" ...

Directorio : Gerente: Ing. Rogers Paul del Mar rogers Email: website: Administrador: Ing. Mario Aguilar Ascue Email: Facebook Empresarial: Facebook Servicios y Comerciales: 954/ Facebook Cultural y Turistico: Whats up: 983016636

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