Pure design: Briefings

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mario garcia

Good briefings The best way to kick off a redesign project, or the creation of a new publication, is through a thorough briefing. A good briefing is that rare chance to gather key members of the group who will be in charge of creating the new design and get them around the table to present ideas. Briefings, even though they should be free-form meetings, must begin with a structure of what goals to achieve. I have always maintained that all projects begin with a sort of “fantasy” stage where one deals with what could be, and abandons totally any discussion of restrictions of what cannot be done. Of course, all projects have a reality stage as well, but it comes much later. In my experience, many projects that started with questions of “What if....” moved on to a higher level of innovation when those in the group answered with “Why not?” Technical obstacles, human resources limitations, budget dilemmas, and deadline restrictions are all part of the reality that will raise its head soon enough during the course of a project, but to start with these as the basis of discussion represents a wasted opportunity to be creative. Some tips for briefings that lead to innovation: 

Gather a small group, or one manageable enough in size that allows for full participation of all.


pure design

Start with an outline of goals to be accomplished: I emphasize the need to discuss the “sunrise” and “sunset” categories. What should we preserve? What should we eliminate? What new topics need to be included? Deal with philosophical discussions of what lies ahead. A redesign is not done for today, but more likely for the next five years in the life of the publication. Who will be the new potential readers? What target audiences are we trying to reach? Dream a little: consider a different format, a new color palette, new ways of telling stories, an original typographic font, or even a new logo. Briefings are the ideal stage for discussions of the impossible, which, in some instances, becomes reality. Bring to the table the organization’s best and most innovative minds, regardless of titles or positions. 


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