mario garcia
Content rhythm The American composer, Ira Gershwin, wrote about what he called “fascinating rhythm.” The idea applies to design. Too often editors put content into “baskets” from which they are not willing to deviate. Observing reader behavior for decades now has taught me that readers are not on the same page, so to speak, as editors when it comes to “rhythm.” In fact, they are on different pages, and following different rhythms. The sanctuary of hard news in one corner, and soft news on the other is a myth created by editors. Mix them, and readers are happy. In a modern publication this mixture is critical in keeping readers interested and stimulated. So page two of a newspaper, for example, may have a column, or a soft feature, followed by a hard news item at the bottom, or vice versa. For a reader, fascinating rhythm comes when editors make that monotony never sets in, and that, like life in general, each page reflects the ups and downs of the day.