Wildscapes: Travels to cure a restless soul.

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wildscapes Travels to cure a restless soul MARIO M. DĂ VALOS

wildscapes First published in 2013 by Capital Books & Capital DBG S.R.L.

Travels to cure a restless soul

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. www.capitaldbg.com Copyright ©2012 in text and photograph Mario Dávalos P. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publishers and the author. ISBN 978-9945-8890-1-7 This edition is published exclusively for Grey Goose and Bacardí Dominicana S.A. and is not for sale. Photography editor: Maurice Sánchez Translation: Paula Vega Design: Juan G. Dávalos Maps: The David Rumsey Map Collection www.davidrumsey.com Printed in Everbest Printing Co Ltd, China. Front Cover: Snow Goose


This book Has several protagonists that do not appear in the photos: My dad, who taught me to love travel. My mom, who taught me to love nature. Maria, Juango y Alicia, three essential parts of who I am today. My grandfather Ney and my grandmother Rosa, whom despite my madness always inspired me to chase my dreams. My uncle Juan, for sharing many of my passions and obsessions. My wife and the love of my life, Laly, You are the rock that keeps me grounded. My kids; Nicole, Adriana and Mario, who showed me the biggest form of love I know.

MY WILDSCAPES My family is adventurous. I am lucky that way. This does not mean that everyone in my family has an Indiana Jones complex, but luckily, some do, myself included. Twelve years ago, my grandfather decided to sponsor a family trip every two years. This was his way of leaving us inheritance through a legacy of travels and a collection of transcendental experiences. I also come from a family of travelers. Not only because for some years my father and uncle ran a travel agency (in fact, that was my first full time job) but also because traveling was our family’s greatest luxury. We never had great wealth or possessions: not fancy cars, or watches, or excessive cash flow‌ but we always travelled, as much as we could, we travelled and we travelled together. When my grandfather died, my uncle Juan, without a doubt the most adventurous and entrepreneurial of us all, decided to continue the family tradition and sponsor these family adventures. Under his guidance (and funds) the travels got focused towards natural adventures and appreciation of our planet’s beauty. This is how on September 2011 we ventured into Alaska, a trip that changed me forever. I had purchased my first camera at the beginning of that same year, but I had not used it much and I was still very inexperienced handling the equipment, although thanks to my academic background, I already knew a lot about aesthetic concepts such as composition and color. When I look back at those images from Alaska, I always regret my lack of experience with the camera. In my mind I can see all the images and opportunities I missed out on. It is regrettable, undoubtedly, but on the other hand the few worthwhile shots are a sort of trophy, battle scars of some sort. I trained academically as an artist with a special emphasis on painting, drawing and printmaking, and for 10 years I dedicated myself almost completely to these mediums. Painting offered me a more visceral way of creating images. It was an extremely physical act, almost violent in fact, where the process was much more important than the result and where the constant ethical and aesthetic evaluations came together within a predetermined format.

The painting process is also intimate and heartbreaking; confronting a blank canvas is a

The strangest thing is that before those first adventures I intensely rejected photography.

truly daunting experience for any creator. I really enjoy painting, and after several years

I used to perceive it as cheating memory - a ‘reminding’ tool, where the interpretation of

of not doing it actively I feel a “hunger” in my eyes; an extreme yearning to look… to re-

the past was being infected by the unchangeable documentation of reality. My efforts in

ally look. However, there has always also been a relentless desire to discover and explore

photography and literature were always born from my memory: remembering and recon-

my surroundings, something which painting could not always satisfy. From that day on

structing realities through continuous and consecutive interpretations that never ceased to

which my mother took me on a wild fruit picking hike, I felt primitive impulses which made

evolve or transform, therefore photography always seemed to me a too exact simulation of

me feel like Tarzan in the jungle. Later when my father placed in my hands a copy of

my reality. My passion for nature photography comes from a different and at the same time

“Los pasos perdidos” by Alejo Carpentier, the vision became tangible and I knew that at

distant observation, almost voyeuristic, of that which surrounds us. The process of pho-

some moment, I would have to become an adventurer… in the most cliché dimension of

tographing nature, especially wildlife, requires us, for practical as well as ethical reasons,

the word: an explorer. For years I have spent countless hours learning new things, exper-

to maintain a significant distance from the subject while at the same time learning their

imenting with dozens of pastimes trying to satisfy that need, I have made special efforts

behavior, predicting their next moves, knowing what their diet consists of and their mating

to constantly leave my comfort zone, sometimes with good results and other times with

rituals, recognizing their sounds…one has to simultaneously be a detective and a stalker.

great mishaps, including some broken bones. At the end, these obsessions and impulses have in reality one true objective: to connect. Connect with my surroundings, with nature,

Within the broad natural world, birds, in my stories, are the protagonists. I find everything

with what came before us and with all that will come after us. There is a feeling of abso-

about them fascinating: the fact that they have conquered all the habitats on the planet,

lute well-being, brief but absolute, in that moment when facing the magnificence of nature

their ability to evolve, their intelligence, the precision of their migratory instinct, their

when everything makes sense, when for a microsecond we understand everything, when

plumage, and their songs… birds are a magnificent fusion between the beautiful and the

we observe everything at the same time… that, I believe, is Borges’ Aleph.

fantastic, between the fragile and the mysterious. I do not tire of watching them or pursuing them… always maintaining distances, despite my yearning desire to be closer to them.

By 2007, for some unexplainable reason, I ended up as the CEO of an ad agency in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. The long hours in the office kept me away from the

Wildscapes encompasses 8 destinations: Alaska, Finland, Yellowstone, Costa Rica, New

studio and from painting, and then slowly dragged me into a much more predictable and

Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Dominican Republic. Furthermore, it is my first photo essay,

monotonous routine, a life very different from what I had lived until then. That intense and

mostly about birds, through the point of view of a painter. The compositions, the harmo-

unchanging rhythm introduced an element into my life which I had not encountered before:

nies of color and in some cases the simplicity of the images, are born in the head, not only

stress. It is this combination of circumstances that gave birth to my need to get lost in the

of a painter but of an abstract painter. This book explores photography as an excuse to

woods, to escape from one extreme to the other, and through a more direct and crude

invent a survival mechanism: traveling.

contact with nature, to attempt to balance a life full of day to day worries. Somehow it was in these adventures where that admiration for nature, that my mother had already instilled

This is a photographic journey born from the needs of a businessman, the eye of a contem-

in me, began to take the form of images. This is how the need to seek a connection with

porary painter and the admiration for nature of an explorer’s apprentice.

the natural and with the primitive led me to experience unforgettable adventures and trips.


Alaska September, 2011

My visit to Alaska started it all. Coming face to face with the harsh reality of such a landscape brings out the true beauty of nature and a clearer picture of the word “survival�. The Valley Of 10,000 Smokes, Katmai National Park.


Such and such owl mper vel adipiscing dolor hendrerit. Praesent sit amet leo mi. Ut enim orci, lacinia a vehicula nec, gravida ege,

The arctic tundra of Barrow, Alaska, is one of the few places in the world where the Snowy Owl (Bubo Scandiacus) nests and breeds. Here a female (left) and a juvenile (right) pose fearlessly.



The arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), as all foxes, is a natural scavenger. Already in their winter fur, they roam near Barrow, Alaska. In the background (left) a Snowy Owl observes the scene unfold.



Sometimes luck is on the photographer’s side. These two perches of a female Snowy Owl in the graveyard enhance the plumage and the atmosphere of the image. Photographed in Barrow, Alaska.



Watching Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) hunting for salmon is a truly unforgettable experience. Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park is probably the most famous place for admiring these majestic animals.



Black-billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia) can seem ordinary at first glance, but in the right lighting, their beautiful plumage can be appreciated.



The first snow of the season had not yet fallen, but these Polar Bears in Kaktovik where attracted by a dead Bow Whale on the beach. These enormous, ferocious and beautiful animals are a magnificent sight.





YELLOWSTONE January, 2012

I visited Yellowstone during the winter of 2011/12. This volcanic wonderland is probably a condensed version of the history of Earth. The raw combination of life is unique and in constant evolution. This was an intense adventure led by my friend Juan Pons and one I definitely hope to repeat with my kids someday.


One of the lucky finds of the trip was an earful of over 2,000 Bohemian Waxwings (Bombycylla Garrulus), one of my favorite species of birds.





American Dippers (Cinclus Mexicanus) are plain looking birds, but they are extremely fun to watch and photograph. Boiling River proved to be the perfect place for this.




Female Common Goldeneye

River otter

(Bucephala clangula).

(Lontra canadensis).


As I was photographing Bohemian Waxwings I noticed a Townsend’s Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi) on a near branch, helpless and chirping desperately. Townsend’s Solitaire can be very territorial and will fiercely defend their turf, specially in winter. But there wasn’t much it could do against thousands of Waxwings frantically looking for food, so he simply stood aside, and watched as they devoured every berry around.



They say bad weather makes great photographs, and snow certainly does. It makes images beautiful bringing life to dark shapes and simplifying backgrounds.



American Bison (Bison bison) roam all over Yellowstone. In winter these wonderful beasts need to save energy and find as much food as they can beneath the snow.



Pronghorns (Antilocapra americana) also roam Yellowstone National Park. They are considered the second fastest land animal, only second to the cheetah. A close encounter with a Coyote (Canis latrans) is both terrifying and amazing.



Yellowstone rocky formations are breathtaking, especially if you happen to spot a Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) on top.



When snow, light and fog come together, wonderful photos happen.



I visited Finland in march 2012. The whole adventure was unforgettable, but my first night after dinner and a couple of drinks someone knocked on my door as I prepared for bed. The Aurora Borealis where out! I ran with my gear until I reached a spot far enough from the city lights and managed to document this remarkable show of nature. It was not the perfect place to admire the northern lights, but it was the only chance I was going to get all trip.


Few birds are more intriguing than the Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix). Near Oulu I was lucky enough to visit a lekking site, where males compete for the right to mate. Black Grouse will often use the same site once a year for over 15 years for this purpose.



Willow Grouse (Lagopus lagopus) have a perfect winter camouflage... well, almost perfect!



The Golden Eagle (Aquila Crhysaetos) was the most difficult bird

Siberian Jays (Perisoreus infaustus) take

to photograph. I waited days in temperatures near -30° C for

advantage of the Golden Eagle’s leftovers.

the chance of a good shot. Finally patience paid off and I was able to admire this large predator up close.



While in Rovaniemi I finally got the opportunity to photographed my main target species of the Finland adventure: a naturally hunting Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa). These owls fly completely silent while they pick up the sound of mice even one meter beneath the snow.





This was one of the most fun photographs to take. The Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) is a fast, fierce and relatively small owl very hard to capture on camera. I really like the way this individual is looking at my lens... almost defiantly.


The use of slow shutter speeds is not very common in bird photography. I had to try over 72 times to get a good image of this Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) and achieve the desired effect of the flowing water.


Ravens (Corvus coral) are common. But their wit and intelligence are unparalleled.



Again, slow shutter is the key to the beauty of this image. It took many tries to get the right movement of the falling snow over this Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). It is with out a doubt my favorite image of the Finland trip.



A portrait of a Siberian Jay (Perisoreus infaustus).



Dominican Republic, my homeland, is more well known for its sandy beaches and clear blue waters, but the mountains of Cordillera Central are my favorite spot on the island. This shot was taken from my cabin in Quintas del Bosque on a very foggy morning.


The Ashy-faced owl (Tyto glaucops) is our dear endemic owl. Threatened by hunting due to superstition and habitat loss, it also has to compete with the larger and introduced Barn Owl. This lovely individual was photographed in Rabo de Gato trail, Puerto Escondido.



There is something very endearing about Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia). This pair was photographed near their burrow in Parque Nacional Caama単o, Azua.



Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) peeking

A short eared owl (Asio flameus) photographed

out of its burrow in Azua.

in the fields of La Romana.


The trail that goes up Paremala is seldomly hiked by anyone but local farmers. Creeks pop out of rocks and many endemic birds like this Hispaniola Lizard Cuckoo (Coccyzus longirostris) are commonly found in this forgotten mountain near Jarabacoa.



A very rare find, the endemic Hispaniolan Nightjar (Caprimulgus

The Pine forest in Sierra de Bahoruco is just one of the many

ekmani) it is also weird looking and very weary. I was lucky

habitats this magical place has to offer. It is also in great danger

enough to accidentally run into it during day light while Ivan

due to deforestation in the Haitian border.

Mota and I got lost in the forest of La Placa.



There is no doubt the Rufous-throated Solitaire (Myadestes genibarbis)

One of the most popular birds among bird watchers and photographers

has the most beautiful song of all Caribbean forests. Its long and

is the tiny and endemic Broad-billed tody (Todus subulatus). This beautiful

subtle whistle hunts cloudy forests all over the island. This pair was

individual was photographed in BanĂ­.

photographed in ZapotĂŠn, Sierra de Bahoruco.



Another favorite is the endemic Hispaniola trogon (Priotelus roseigaster). It is the National bird of Haiti and one of the most colorful and gorgeous birds on the island. Found on every habitat of the island, the Hispaniolan Woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus) might just be the most common bird around.



Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens) photographed in Salinas, BanĂ­.


Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) photographed in Salinas, BanĂ­.


One morning in the mangroves at Los Corbanitos, I got my

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) fly to roost for the evening in Samanรก.

shot at the elusive Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris).

In the low light conditions my best opportunity of a great image was to capture their motion with slow shutter speed.



American Flamingoes (Phoenicopterus ruber) are not common in Salinas, but are not rare either. That morning it was a surprise to see them in the pools by the road.



An American Kestrel (Falco Spalverius) flies just above my head in La Romana.



Laying flat on the ground full of mud can be very messy, but it can also yield great images. These shots of the Least Sandpiper (Calidris Minutilla) where taken seconds after sunrise at Salinas, BanĂ­.



Silhouettes are a great way to make powerful and simple images. Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), right, and Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), both taken at Bajos de Nig端a.





Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) fly in a perfect straight line above Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge just as the last bit of sunlight disappears.


With over 10,000 Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache offers plenty of opportunities for a photographer to try different things.





Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) on a full moon.


Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta).


Gambels Quail (Callipepla gambelii).


One of the most amazing sights in the bird world is the blast-off of thousands of Snow Geese all at once. It is amazing how they read each others movement in a mysterious telepathic choreography.






Sunrise has always been my favorite time of day, but in Bosque, the experience is otherworldly.



Playing around with silhouettes is delightful in this scenario, since both sunrise and sunset present endless possibilities.


After sunset all the visitors usually leave the refuge... not us. My mom and I drove for hours every night in search of owls. The last night before going home, we finally got the shot!




Every trip, even family ones, can make great adventures. The Rocky Mountains and all the raw beauty they hold are definitely one of my favorite places on earth. Watching the sun go down behind the snow-covered peaks is overwhelming. Lucky for me, I had my camera to hold on to this image.


In the coldest winters, birds are bolder and fearless in their search of food. These Brown-capped Rosy-finches (Leucosticte australis) where photographed near Leadville, Colorado. It was -32C that morning, but the light was so beautiful that almost loosing my toes to frost-bite was worth it.





Common Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) where introduced in the early 1890’s by an industrialist who wanted to establish in the USA all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare’s work. Today, with over 100 million birds, they can be found almost everywhere.


A male Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) searches

One morning just before breakfast I looked out the window as

for seeds beneath the snow.

light flurries fell from the sky and saw six Pine Grosbeaks staring right back. I specially like how this image captured the feel of looking out the window.



These two shots where taken the same day and only a few miles aways from each other. It is amazing to watch them together and realize the power of nature.



A Stellar’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) looks pretty

Sometimes a photographer gets lucky. As I was shooting this

comfortable against the blue background.

Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), a passing Grosbeak made the shot a lot more interesting.



I have photographed many Jay species, but the Gray Jay

Female Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator).

(Perisoreus canadensis) takes the price when it comes to fearlessness.



Light is the blood of photography. Without it, photography would not exist. When you get the perfect light in the perfect place at the perfect moment, it feels like a miracle. Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens).




The drive to Boca Tapada, near the Nicaraguan border, was long and tediously slow. Luckily the road was beautiful and full of magical things to photograph.



A Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) and a

Due to its long beak, Keel-billed Toucans

Chesnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii)

(Ramphastos sulfuratus) have to toss their food

perched in the same tree.

up in the air in order to swallow it.


It was almost always cloudy in the rainforest, which made the light just perfect. These images of a Collared Aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus) where shot just minutes after sunrise.



Brown-hooded Parrot (Pyrilia haematotis) are extremely fun towatch These are highly social birds and will often argue about a perch or food, turning any situation into a wonderful photograph.



The jungles of Costa Rica are filled with tiny, colorful birds. This gorgeous fellow is a Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus).


Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani).


Chestnut Woodpecker (Celeus elegans).


In all my travels, I have never heard a bird make such a strange sound. The Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius montezuma) sounds more like a machine than an animal.


White-necked Jacobin (Florisuga mellivora).


Male Blue Dacnis or Turquoise Honeycreeper (Dacnis cayana).


The diversity of wildlife in this place is quite outstanding. Birds of all sizes and colors, fly around and the sound of the jungle is simply beautiful. This image of a Green Honeycreeper (Chlorophanes spiza) was taken in a local garden near Boca Tapada.


Blue-grey Tanager (Thraupis episcopus).

Using bad weather as an advantage definitely produces great results. This image of a female Blue Dacnis or Turquoise Honeycreeper (Dacnis cayana) was taken in the light rain of a Saturday morning.



Baltimore Orioles (Icterus galbula) winter in Central America. This passerine bird is popular in North America. Its name comes from the fact that the male’s colors (such as the one shown here) resemble those on the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore.


The backlit moss and the calling action of this

A Golden-hooded Tanager (Tangara larvata) briefly

Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) is what

perches on a plantain leaf in the early morning light.

for me, makes this image so interesting.



A Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) in the light rain.

Night photography is specially fun. The Costa Rican jungle is filled with sounds and critters. This image of a unidentified Fruit Bat was taken using three synchronized flashes.




Arizona is probably the state with the highest diversity of birds and habitats in the US. From deserts to dense pine forest to canyons and more, Arizona offered me a chance to see 44 species I had not seen before and to achieve many images that are among my favorites.


A pair of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) decided to make this Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) their home.



This image of the Western Screech Owl (Megascops kennicottii) was taken in Catalina State Park. On the right, an Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi), the smallest owl in the world at around five inches tall, peeks from it’s nest.



There is no talent that can equal the advantage of great light. You can only learn to identify it and use it in your favor. Both of these images of a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) rely on the beauty of light to be interesting.



Since I was a kid, I always loved the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). My father went to St. Louis University so my favorite baseball team growing up where the St. Louis Cardinals. I had seen the species before, but was never able to capture a good image.. until now.


The Pyrrhuloxia or Desert Cardinal (Cardinalis sinuatus)

This image of a Northern Cardinal uses shapes and colors to

is a medium-sized song bird found in the American southwest

make interesting compositions. I usually avoid human elements

and northern Mexico. It is very similar to the female Northern

in my photos, but this situation was just amusing, so here it is!

Cardinal but less common and a bit more shy.



The normal approach would be to get on the other side of this bird and have the light directly behind me. But the texture of the cactus produced a beautiful effect when backlit, so I tried this image of Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus). I think it came out quite nice.


This image of a female Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) depends

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) can swim and dive

completely on the angle of the lens. Always try to get down flat

extremely well, looking sometimes more as a reptile than a bird.

in the ground, you’ll be surprised!



Texture sometimes can save an image. It was not possible for me to get closer to this Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana), so I decided to use the texture of the bark in my favor.


Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris).

Arizona is unparalleled when it comes to hummingbird diversity. Magnificent Hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens).



Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris).


Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri).


The Yellow-eyed Junco (Junco phaeonotus) is a species of small American sparrows. It is the only North American junco with yellow eyes. This image was taken in Rose Canyon Lake just hours before heading back to the airport.


The Arizona Woodpecker (Picoides arizonae) is sometimes

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon).

considered a subspecies of Strickland’s Woodpecker. It is the only species in the US & Canada that is mainly brown and white instead of black and white.



Gila Woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis).


Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus).


Mexican Jay (Aphelocoma wollweberi).


One morning we drove down to Miller Canyon close to the Mexican border to search for a Spotted Owl. I was struck by the tragic beauty of a fire-consumed mountain. It was mid April and to my surprise, while I observed in awe this Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus), snow began to fall.



Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni).








Canon 5D mkIII 200mm ISO160 f/5 1/800sec

P. 15 Canon 7D 35mm ISO400 f/10 1/1600 sec

P. 33 Canon 7D 40mm ISO500 f/6.3 1/600sec

P. 57 Canon 7D 16mm ISO640 f/2.8 2.5sec

P. 81 Canon 7D 500mm ISO800 f/7.1 1/1000sec

P. 16 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/500sec

P. 34 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO500 f/5.6 1/1600sec

P. 58 Canon 7D 500mm ISO400 f/6.3 1/160sec (mirror lock)

P. 82 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 17 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/8 1/800sec

P. 35 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO500 f/5.6 1/1600sec

P. 59 Canon 7D 500mm ISO320 f/4.0 1/400sec

P. 83 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/200sec

P. 18 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/11 1/800sec

P. 36 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/500sec

P. 60 Canon 7D 75mm ISO640 f/4.0 1/1600sec

P. 85 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 19 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/500sec

P. 37 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO250 f/5.6 1/200sec

P. 61 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/400sec

P. 86 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 20 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/8 1/500sec

P. 39 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 62 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/7.1 1/800sec

P. 87 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO2000 f/5.6 1/100 sec

P. 21 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/8 1/500sec

P. 40 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/1250sec

P. 63 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/8.0 1.800sec

P. 88 Canon 7D 35mm ISO400 f/22 10 sec

P. 22 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/10 1/800sec

P. 41 Canon 7D 500mm ISO640 f/5.6 1/2500sec

P. 64 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO320 f/16 1/50sec

P. 89 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/8 1/1000 sec

P. 23 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/2000sec

P. 43 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 65 Canon 7D 500mm ISO200 f/7.1 1/1000sec

P. 90 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO800 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 24 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/11 1/1000sec

P. 44 Canon 7D 55mm ISO500 f/7.1 1/800sec

P. 66 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/1250sec

P. 91 Canon 7D 22mm ISO500 f/8 1/60sec

P. 25 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/7.1 1/1000sec

P. 45 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/5000sec

P. 67 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/1250sec

P. 92 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/4.0 1/100 sec

P. 26 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/6.3 1/800sec

P. 46 Canon 7D 105mm ISO100 f/7.1 1/200sec

P. 69 Canon 7D 47mm ISO640 f/4.5 1/3200sec

P. 93 Canon 7D 400mm DO ISO500 f/5 1/800sec

P. 27 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/800sec

P. 47 Canon 7D 80mm ISO500 f/4.5 1/800sec

P. 71 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO100 f/25 1/6sec

P. 94 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/320sec

P. 28 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 48 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO200 f/7.1 1/1600sec

P. 72 Canon 7D 500mm ISO500 f/4.0 1/320sec

P. 95 Canon 7D 500mm ISO400 f/4 1/250sec

P. 29 Canon 7D 300mm f/4 + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/640sec

P. 49 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/5.6 1/4000sec

P. 73 Canon 7D 500mm ISO250 f/7.1 1/800sec

P. 96 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO500 f/5.6 1/2500 sec

P. 50 Canon 7D 500mm ISO160 f/6.3 1/1000sec

P. 75 Canon 7D 500mm ISO200 f/11 1/60sec

P. 97 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO160 f/9 1/400sec

P. 51 Canon 7D 176mm ISO500 f/5.6 1/2500sec

P. 77 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO250 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 98 Canon 7D 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/320sec

P. 53 Canon 7D 28mm ISO500 f/4.5 1/1600sec

P. 99 Canon 7D 500mm ISO400 f/4 1/15sec P. 100 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO500 f/4 1/4000 sec

P. 101 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO 500 f/4 1/5000sec

P. 125 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm ISO2000 f/2.8 1/5sec

P. 149 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 2X ISO500 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 173 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO1000 f/4 1/250sec

P. 199 Canon 1DmkIV 500mm ISO500 f/6.3 1/500sec

P. 103 Canon 7D 200mm ISO 250 f/3.5 1/2000sec

P. 126 Canon 1D mkIV 105mm ISO320 f/7.1 1/8sec

P. 150 Canon 5D mkIII 145mm ISO100 f/11 1/125sec

P. 175 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO1000 f/4 1/400sec

P. 200 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/7.1 1/1250sec

P. 104 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO500 f/7.1 1/1250sec

P. 127 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/5.6 1/40sec

P. 151 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO1000 f.4 1/5000sec

P. 176 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO800 f/4 1/250sec

P. 201 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/7.1 1/1250sec

P. 105 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO500 f/7.1 1/2000sec

P. 129 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO1000 f/5.6 1/500sec


P. 177 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO800 f/5.6 1/120sec

P. 202 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/7.1 1/4000sec

P. 106 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/8000sec

P. 130 5D mkIII 200mm ISO800 f/2.8 1/125sec

P. 155 Canon 1D mkIV 70mm ISO200 f/4 1/400sec

P. 178 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO640 f/4.5 1/320sec

P. 203 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO500 f/7.1 1/3200sec

P. 107 Canon 7D 400mm DO + 1.4X ISO800 f/5.6 1/800 sec

P. 131 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/10 1/320sec

P. 156 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO640 f/6.3 1/400sec

P. 179 Canon 5D mkIII 135mm ISO320 f/4 1/200sec

P. 205 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO500 f.4 1/500sec



P. 157 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO640 f/6.3 1/500sec


P. 206 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm f2.8 + 2X ISO400 f/6.3 1/1000sec

P. 111 Canon 5D mkIII 105mm ISO640 f/5.6 1/250sec

P. 135 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm ISO100 f/11 1/10sec

P. 158 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO1000 f/4 1/80sec

P. 183 Canon 5DmkIII 200mm ISO400 f/8 1/200sec

P. 207 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO500 f/4 1/1600sec

P. 112 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO630 f/5.6 1/1600 sec

P. 136 Canon 5D mkIII 125mm ISO800 f/3.5 1/4000sec

P. 159 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO1250 f/4 1/1250sec

P. 184 Canopn 5D mkIII 145mm ISO2000 f/3.5 1/2000sec

P. 208 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/8 1/1250sec

P. 113 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO400 f/6.3 1/1600sec

P. 137 Canon 5D mkIII 142mm ISO800 f/3.5 1/3200sec

P. 160 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO1000 f/4 1/80sec

P. 185 Canon 4D mkIII 800mm ISO800 f/7.1 1/16-sec

P. 209 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/8 1/1250sec

P. 114 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO320 f/5.6 1/1600sec

P. 138 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 2X ISO640 f/5.6 1/640sec

P. 161. Canon 1D mkIV 200mm ISO640 f/3.2 1/250sec

P. 186 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/4 1/250sec

P. 211 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO400 f/5.6 1/640sec

P. 115 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/7.1 1/1000sec

P. 139 Canon 5D mkIII 154mm ISO800 f/4.9 1/1600sec

P. 163 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO1000 f/40 1/400sec

P. 187 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/4 1/20sec

P. 212 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm ISO400 f/10 1/250sec

P. 117 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO640 f/9.0 1/2000sec

P. 141 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO1250 f/4 1/500sec

P. 164 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO1600 f/5.6 1/125sec

P. 188 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO800 f/4 1/500sec

P. 213 Canon 5DmkIII 500mm ISO800 f/7.1 1/600sec

P. 118 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO320 f/7.1 1/640sec

P. 142 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X Canon 5D mkIII ISO500 f/4 1/640sec

P. 165 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO2500 f/4 1/250sec

P. 189 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO800 f/6.3 1/400sec

P. 215 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO320 f/7.1 1/600sec

P. 119 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO320 f/8 1/1600sec

P. 143 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 2X ISO1000 f/5.6 1/1000sec

P. 167 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO250 f/4 1/16-sec

P. 191 Canon 1DmkIV 500mm ISO400 f/6.3 1/2000sec

P. 121 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm ISO200 f/4 1/400sec

P. 144 Canon 5D mkIII 70mm ISO 640 f/5 1/200sec

P. 168 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm ISO1600 f/2.8 1/2500sec

P. 192 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO640 f/5.6 1/640sec

P. 122 Canon 5DmkIII 200mm ISO320 f/7.1 1/2500sec

P. 145 Canon 5D mkIII 178mm ISO500 f/8 1/250sec

P. 169 Canon 1D mkiV 500mm ISO1000 f/4 1/250sec

P. 193 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO400 f/8 1/800sec

P. 123 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm f4 + 1.4X ISO200 f/7.1 1/1600sec

P. 146 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO2000 f/4 1/2000sec

P. 171 Canon 1D mkIV 500mm ISO1000 f/4 1/500sec

P. 195 Canon 5D mkIII 500mm ISO500 f/7.1 1/4000sec

P. 124 Canon 1D mkiIV 200mm ISO200 f/5.6 1/640sec

P. 147 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 1.4X ISO1000 f/4 1/2000sec

P. 172 Canon 1D mkIV ISO800 f/5.6 1/25sec

P. 196 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm ISO320 f/3.5 1/1000sec

P. 148 Canon 5D mkIII 200mm f2.8 + 2X ISO500 f/5.6 1/800sec

P. 197 Canon 1D mkIV 200mm ISO320 f/3.5 1/400 sec

Many people contributed so this project could be a reality. I want to specially thank Juango, my brother, for his great taste in design and his remarkable patience. Maurice Sánchez, for his constant collaboration and support. Alex Yaryura and Lakshmi García from Bacardi Dominicana, for believing that beautiful photographs can impact peoples lives. José Grateraux for supporting all my crazy ideas. Paula Vega, for bearing with me and all the back and forth during the painstaking translations. Matthew Studebaker, Juan Pons, Jari Peltomäki, Csaba Godeny, Miguel Landestoy and Iván Mota, for making these adventures possible.

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