End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL503 Responsive Name: Student ID: Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note - This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome
Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
5A4: Make appropriate use of a range of research methods to investigate a topic and produce work relating to the critical, cultural or social context of art and design. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research and Critical Awareness)
This is evidenced in my blog and Visual Journal and development sheets through research , investigation and the comparison of previous award design in order to produce something new . Roughs and thumbnails helped to push my ideas further and generate multiples concepts or ideas.
5B3: Generate ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions and/or arguments using the language, materials, processes and techniques of a designated discipline. (Cognitive Skills Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)
This is evidence in my blog, visual journal,roughs ,development sheets and digital development. I solve the problem of each brief through self reflection and considering the best choices for each specific brief. I have documented my decisions mainly on my blog although some can be found in my visual journal.
5C3: Respond to set briefs or proposals in a professional context. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)
This is evidenced in my blog, in my visual journal through development work sheets and final outcomes through self reflection and self evaluation.
5D3: Exercise selfmanagement skills in managing their workloads and meeting deadlines/apply interpersonal and social skills to interact with others. (Key Transferable Skills, Organisation, Communication and Evaluation)
This is evidenced in my blog.
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent Good
Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document and post the PDF as your final post on your OUIL503 blog. Also, please cut and paste the text from this box into the final page(s) of your OUIL503 Project Report.
At the beginning of the module, it really intimidated me as I knew it was going to be the first module where we have to respond to live briefs and for some people, the first contact with agencies and companies as professionals. It wasn't just about the live briefs, but to managing all these at the same time we are working on college modules, it was a challenge. There was pressure at some points and managing multiples projects was absolutely challenging and difficult. However, I think I learnt a few things from this module and now that is past, I really appreciated the how the module was planned. It has been a chance to self-evaluation and reflection, and basically to step and have a first impression of what working as an illustrator/professional means. I learn that time management will become as important as your practice. During the Studio Brief 1, I picked up Penguin Design Awards for non-fiction adult category. The brief was to design the back, front and spinal cover for Capote's famous book "In Cold Blood". I did really enjoy the brief. it was an opportunity for me to prove myself as a professional, which sadly I have very little experience. Working on my visual journal to generate multiples ideas through sketches and thumbnails lead me to better outcomes ideas. But most of all, I learnt that sometimes the quick ideas and designs can be as good or even better than outcomes I spent too much thinking and taking care of details. Do not underestimate spontaneousness. Small briefs in between have also improved my practice. In this case, Illustration Friday has been the most productive small brief that I found. Even knowing that the criteria of the site sometimes was vague and poor, Illustration Friday has improved undoubtedly my constancy at work. Having a weekly challenge provided me to be strict with myself and keep a weekly constancy at producing work. I think this is a valuable lesson for the future as practitioners we will be working on multiples project at some point. I also had some difficult time doing Adobe brief. I did rush in choosing this brief and at the middle of the module, I regret because I felt not motivation at all. Ending up on a project where the artist is not even enjoying is not worthy.However, this mistake I made has shown me the importance of a good analysis in depth before taking any briefs. One of the most interesting and challenging parts of Responsive was the collaborative brief. The first impression was a little bit of panic, due to the individuality there has always been with other modules. We all had to share ideas, develop concept together and work as a team. Regarding my issue about the group ( I couldn't find a group from the beginning of this brief), the experience was better than I expected. Although there were also difficult times. Each person has different work management or different times tables and that is a fact that sometimes can bring problems while working as a team. However, I think we all learnt how to cope with each other as a team and submit the work at the deadline with good results. This brief also provided me with a better idea of how a collaborate with people working on the same brief. I'm talking about analysing it, recognise the different potential roles within, and assign a specific role (Inker, Designer, Printer, etc) to each member, so the workload will be balanced and so the productivity. Once again , at first was afraid of this module because too many factors and issues we could find, but fortunately, our group collaborated in order to move forward.
Last but not least, studio brief 3 provided an undoubted lesson for our future practice after college. The ability to represent and summarise the key moments from briefs in boards will be valuable skills that I will definitely use for future briefs and any professional work to submit. Overall, the module has been really useful in many aspects, time-management with multiples projects and being strict with yourself on how to do it. Furthermore, an opportunity to work with other artists on the same brief. But most importantly, it has been the best way to respond to live briefs. Responsive module apart of those important lessons, has shown and pushed us to a professional envirnoment and make it more familiar to us, preparing us for the next years.