Lara Erel
Gregor Fuchs
Lucie Gauthiot
Hoang Dang
Léa Marcel
Gonzalo Cueto
Lara Erel
Gregor Fuchs
Lucie Gauthiot
Hoang Dang
Léa Marcel
Gonzalo Cueto
For about three years, she has been researching what it means for her to have and to be a female body. Non-objectification and representing this body outside of the male gaze is at the core of her intention She rather bases her depictions on intimate, physical and social observations or on dreams and memories of her body Recently she has started to turn her eye towards her loved one and he has become a new recurrent protagonist Drawing and experimenting with material play major roles in her artistic practice, whether she shapes clay or paints with oil pastel, acrylic or watercolour on paper.
Stoneware,engobe,glazedandburnt1240°C,20x16x3,9cm 450kr
Stoneware,additionofglass,lavaandglasspearls,glazedandburnt1240°C,8x8x4,5cm 260kr
Stoneware,taintedporcelaineslip,glazedandburntat1230°C,8x13x4,5cm 300kr
Stoneware,glazedandburntat1240°C,13,5x10x7cm 335kr
Stoneware,taintedporcelainslipinlay,glazedandburnt1230°11,5x15,5x4,5cm 525kr
Stoneware,glazedandburnt1230°C,ca22x14,5x5,5cm 745kr
Stoneware,glazedandburnt1250°C,7,6x7,7x5,5cm 260kr
Stoneware,blueengobe,brickpowder,glazedandburnt 1250°C,13,2x11x6,2cm 450kr
Stoneware,additionofglassandlava,glazedandburnt1240°C, 7,8x7,2x3,3cm 225kr
Stoneware,blueengobe,glazedandburnt1250°C,8x7,9x8,1cm 260kr
Autumnbowl,2022 Stoneware,engobe,glazedandburntat1240°, 13,2x13,5x9,5cm 450kr
Stoneware,glazedandburntat1240°,9,5x25x4cm 900kr
Stoneware,glazedandburntat1240°,14,5x11x14,5cm 900kr
Gregor's work processes the hidden and intimate, close relationships between people and their immediate environments Using imagery from memory he is interested in revealing the concealments of the everyday, the non-verbal, and the invisibility of the familiar He reflect on habits and conventions, unspoken rules. Drawing, painting and printmaking allows Gregor to imbue objects, figures and environments with the same level of meaning, gradually adding to a lexicon of personal archetypes
3 500kr(framed)
The common thread in Lucie's work is a sheet of textured mulberry paper, produced by hand in Nepal Halfway to textiles, it is a place where she inscribes colors and shapes on emotions that no words could describe It is both a place of expression and a framework from which she tries to free herself, sometimes by combining several sheets in the same work. The irregularity of its 1600 squares is the constraint of her freedom
At the beginning, nothing is planned. Often, a color has caught her attention She needs to explore it, to dissect it in nuances, to see what it has to offer Sometimes it's a sound or the rhythm of a voice that has been driving her for days, and she needs to give it a body Sometimes it's the words of a novel or an interaction with her loved ones that inspire a gesture
Every sensory experience she has through interactions in the real world is a source of visual exploration
Thus, her paintings are like histological sections of emotions. They offer a space of life, without judgment or other constraint than their support, to emotions which seem invisible but which however guide our daily choices and our movements To give them a living space where they are sublimated, at a time when they are often demonized, stifled, making us slaves of their hidden power because we do not want to assume them.
For the spectator, no other use than a moment of connection to an external object, out of step with reality. To leave the mind and to be carried by the color, the form, the movement To return for a few moments to the senses to take a new perspective at our reality
AcrylicpaintonMulberrypaper, 80x54cmperpiece
1 200kr(perpiece)
AcrylicpaintonMulberrypaper,80x54cm 1.200kr
Hoang likes to experiment with colours and textures alongside mixed media to bring out different emotions in his paintings. A painting gives the artist the flexibility to explore in greater depth what colours and textures have with their audience, beyond the content of the picture itself
Oilandacryliconcanvas,30x40cm 1.000kr
Oiloncanvas,50x60cm Reserved(offerswelcome)
OKAPAKA (“au cas par cas”, French for “on a case to case basis”) is a Danish contemporary artist, writer and installation artist with a past in European politics and diplomacy having worked as an analyst for the French armed forces. The main corpus of the artist’s work is heavily politicized with each piece aspiring to make the viewer politically conscious and take action in the world we all share.
“Peace through superior firepower” is no different. Half of the money from the sale will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Збройні сили України) giving the spectator the opportunity to be on the right side of history in this crucial moment by helping a country and its people in their fight for survival in an unjust unprovoked genocidal war of aggression.
The work consists of three separate unique pieces numbered I, II and III, and a band of cloth in the colors of the French flag the Tricolore The pieces I and III measure 48 cm times 38 cm with piece number II measuring 71 cm times 10 cm.
Lead by example. Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum.
Léa likes to experiment with different mediums and developed a strong interest for linocut prints Her series of colourful lino prints focuses on femininity, shapes and spaces. This medium allows her to bring out the bold colours and its brut aspect Thus focusing the viewer's perception of how the female body inhabits the space.
Spray-paint is Gonzalo's preferred medium, that allows him to experiment with a multitude of techniques and supports This kaleidoscopic approach to painting reflects his philosophy: a thirst for travel and a quest for a hedonistic life Cueto takes us to many pictural landscapes, largely inspired by his memories as a world traveler