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Approx. starting date Sept 2010

Activity/mobility description Publicise project with parents, staff Governors and children Set up Comenius project committee (including pupils) in individual settings Ensure circles are made Buy albums and CDs

Sept -­‐ Who am I? Nov 2010 Each individual setting to locate where partner schools are on a world map. Children to decide how they present themselves to their partner schools, e.g. through painting, drawings or photographs. Each picture to be included in a ‘photo album’. Key language to be added in mother tongue for the following: hello, my name is… Children to decide upon and learn a song which introduces themselves, e.g. Tommy Thumb, in their own language to share with our partner countries Staff and pupils to work on publishing products (photo album which includes photographs and a CD) -­‐ this will be a larger than necessary book (A3 with least 30 pages) as it will be passed on from country to country at each project meeting. End of Ist Mobility: Oct -­‐ Nov Agree roles and responsibilities and protocols 2010 Review details of the plan and amend as necessary e.g. in the light of not all partners being accepted or to maximise on specific areas of expertise within the partnership. Research and exchange of information on school life including photo albums and CDs (each partner country will take one album back to their own country) Partners to visit Raysfield setting; observe lessons, talk to students, staff and school councillors -­‐ with a special focus on outdoor learning and forest skills Agree a common playground game, if possible, as a focus for the next part of the project Design a project logo and produce the first Comenius newsletter

Destination country (for mobility only)

Which partners involved

All co-­‐ordinating partners in individual institutions

All partners, to include teaching and support staff

Raysfield Infants’ School, Chipping Sodbury, UK

All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives

Each partner country receives the first piece of a jig saw to take home -­‐ there will be six pieces to the jig saw -­‐ a new piece will be presented at each mobility -­‐ once the final piece of the jigsaw has been placed at the sixth mobility, the jig saw can be turned over to reveal a map of Europe. Around the map are images of 6 people holding hands -­‐ this represents the new union and the new learning created through the partnership and will provide a lasting reminder of the project which can be wall mounted in a prestigious place in each partner country. Jan -­‐ Where do I play? March Research traditional playground games/rhymes 2011 Share and learn the common game to each country Multi-­‐sensory activities e.g. painting, film making, role play -­‐ produced outdoors where possible Produce video/DVD with a key vocabulary list to aid understanding Information to be added to the album i.e. the one collected from England during the first mobility February 2nd Mobility: France 2011 Partners exchange albums containing artwork, key vocabulary and DVD/videos Organise a programme of activities for the project meeting, e.g. visits to classes, cultural visit Reflect upon success of project so far and amend plans as necessary. Workshop lead by Ecole Maternelle de Villeneuve sur Lot on creative curriculum planning using the outdoors Prepare for next focus which is to be a traditional tale called ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff and buy/exchange/download copies of these in different languages. Each partner country receives the second piece of the jig saw to take home March -­‐ Where can I learn? May 2011 The project will develop to include the sharing of one or more traditional stories held in common with partners e.g. Billy Goats Gruff Pupil’s will listen to, read and learn the story in their own language (supported by use of puppets, story maps, story sacks, role play, animation, ICT) programmes -­‐ using the outdoors where appropriate, e.g. for filming Varied art work will be produced that is connected with the story and dramatisations using props and puppets. Staff children to create an ‘e book’ i.e. a story on the computer either using

All partners, to include teaching and support staff

All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives Partner country All partners All partners, to include teaching and support staff

Power Point or suitable computer software Copy of E book to be added to the album i.e. the one collected from France during the second mobility May 2011 3rd Mobility Project visit , Sweden– exchange and sharing of albums. Staff from partner countries to read the chosen story (Billy Goats Gruff in own languages for partner pupil’s and exchange key words/phrases e.g. Once upon a time, Long ago, happy ever after. Reflect upon success of project so far and amend plans as necessary. Participants to discuss and agree focuses for next area, i.e. photos, pictures, and the song called ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ in relation to ‘My journey to School’ Staff development workshop – to be lead by the Swedish partners -­‐ Inclusive education to integrate children who have SEN -­‐ the use of sign language across the partner schools can be focused on and methods shared. Each partner country receives the third piece of the jig saw to take home Sept – Oct My Journey to School ‘11 The project will develop to include discussion on where we live and how we travel to school There will be walks and children will be encouraged to use their senses to see, hear, touch and sharing how they feel on their journey to school Children will take photographs, draw pictures, make collections and use these to help describe their journey Pupils to label and/or write captions in English (in French for English pupils). Each partner to learn a shared song in connection with travel to school, i.e. The Wheels on the Bus Each partner to create a CD of the song Pictures and CD to be added to the album i.e. the one collected from Sweden during the third mobility Novembe Fourth mobility r 2011 Project visit , Romania – exchange and sharing of albums. Staff to sing the chosen song (The Wheels on the Bus) in own languages for partner pupil’s and exchange key words/phrases Reflect upon success of project so far and amend plans as necessary. Plan interim report

Satrabrunns Forskola, Sala, Sweden

All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives

All partners, to include teaching and support staff

Kindergarten no 1 Vountari, Ilfov County, Romania

All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives

Participants to discuss and agree focuses for next area, i.e. photos, pictures, and share local folk songs -­‐ each partner will choose their own Staff development workshop – to be lead by the Romanian partners -­‐ local traditions Each partner country receives the fourth piece of the jig saw to take home Jan – My Community March ‘12 Pupils research and collate information/materials about local folklore in their own regions. A variety of groups within partner schools to select one song and video performances of singing for audiences within their own communities These will be uploaded onto the e-­‐twinning website DVDs of the performance to be added to the album February Fifth mobility 2012 Project visit, Hungary – exchange and sharing of albums. Staff to present a chosen song from their DVD in own languages for partner pupil’s and exchange key words/phrases Reflect upon success of project so far and amend plans as necessary. Participants to discuss and agree focuses for next area, i.e. photos, pictures, and share national festivals -­‐ each partner will choose their own Common song to be shared, i.e. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or similar depending on the time of the year Staff development workshop – to be lead by the Hungarian partners -­‐ national festivals Each partner country receives the fifth piece of the jig saw to take home March -­‐ My Country April Pupils research and collate information/materials about major national 2012 religious and cultural festivals, in own countries. A variety of groups within partner schools to select one festival and produce a poster advertising this. This can be linked to the Comenius Newsletter with the use of ICT and/or uploaded onto the e-­‐twinning website Pupils to learn a common song and record to CD/DVD Photographs may be taken of the children performing singing of these songs for their local community -­‐ outdoors where possible DVDs of the performance and examples of posters to be added to the album

Partner country All partners

All partners, to include teaching and support staff

Eger, Hungary

All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives

All partners, to include teaching and support staff

May 2012 Sixth mobility Project visit, Spain – exchange and sharing of albums. Staff to present and share children’s performances on DVD in own languages for partner pupil’s and exchange key words/phrases Reflect upon success of project and plan final report Each partner country receives the sixth and final piece of the jig saw to take home Spanish partners to plan a typically Spanish celebration in recognition of the achievements of the project -­‐ the completed jig saw will be displayed and photographed -­‐ hopefully in the local press -­‐ in recognition of the success of the partnership in raising the profile of the European Community, developing language learning through song and rhyme and outdoor learning.


All partner institutions to send at least 2 representatives Partner country All partners

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