Connections Highlights: 30 October 2012
Pervasive leadership for impact in El Salvador by Carole St. Laurent, user support specialist – wvcentral Dr Ricardo Calderón, national director – WV El Salvador, is leading tremendous internal change so that World Vision can make a greater difference in the lives of children. Not content to limit their impact to 68,000 sponsored children, the national office has committed to directly transform the lives of twice that many, while leading campaigns to change social norms throughout the country. When Dr Calderón joined World Vision in 2009, he took World Vision’s mission to provide life in its fullness both literally and universally. El Salvador’s murder rate is the second highest in the world, with gang violence making the country a difficult place to grow up. Realising they could not achieve their desired impact with the existing budget, organisational structure and operating model, Dr Calderón invested in leadership development to empower staff to implement creative innovations in their daily work to benefit children. All staff, from janitorial to executives, undergo the same Biblically-based leadership training. Over 60 participate in additional leadership development, while the executive team receives the most intensive training. "I am very impressed with what Dr Calderon has taught us in leadership," says Gabriel Sanchez, security officer. "Positive impacts gained include empowerment, service oriented, futuristic leadership skills and innovative thinking at every level. Everyone shares the same vision and knows what an important role they play within the organisation, what is expected of them, and how their voice can impact positive change for the neediest children," says Joselyn Orellana, manager – People and Culture. This impact is evident in staff’s work. Youth in the San Julian Area Development Programme host weekly radio shows highlighting current issues, while demonstrating children’s ability to affect change. Teenagers participate in municipal leadership committees through the Citizen Voice and Action Programme. Staff enthusiastically empower children’s leadership and are empowered to exercise their own. Internally, WV El Salvador has implemented new information technology systems, operational plans and staff development plans. Online weekly meetings enable the geographically-dispersed staff to coordinate efforts. During our recent visit to El Salvador, Dr Calderón asked my Global Centre team whether we were as courageous in our own self-evaluation, cost-cutting and strategic leadership as he was. It would be hard to live up to that example, but only by striving toward it will we achieve our shared mission – creating a world in which each child fulfils her potential for life in all its fullness.