The Cambridge Delta Diploma

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© CELT 2023 0 Cambridge DELTA Diploma
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Diploma Online Course Information for Candidates List of Contents - Who we are 2 - The Cambridge DELTA Diploma 3 - The Diploma – Status & Recognition 3 - A course completed in 3 Modules 4 - How the Online Course works 5 - Who can apply 6 - How to participate 6 - How the Course is Organised 6 - Details of the 3 Modules and Exam Dates 7 - Free Teaching Languages Online Addon Course 8 - Upcoming Course Dates in 2023 9
The Cambridge Delta

Who we are

CELT Athens was founded in 1989 and is an established Teacher Education widely known for its role and contribution to the improvement of Foreign Language Education. To date, it has trained more than 5000 Foreign Language teachers, directors of studies and administrators and has worked with the private as well as the state school sector.

CELT trainees come from many countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and more) as well as from Greece. They come to CELT to start or refresh their teaching career and many currently hold posts in Greece or Overseas. CELT Athens is primarily a TEFL training centre dedicated to teacher development and to the pursuit of excellence in foreign language education both in the private as well as the public sector and is committed to an equal opportunities policy.

Delta tutors

To find out more about our star-studded tutorial team and get to know us better, please visit this page

School Details – Athens

The centre is situated in the heart of Athens and is easily accessible from every part of the city. It has been an Authorised Cambridge Teaching Awards Centre since 1993. The centre is especially supportive of its trainees, and offers:

• Fully equipped spacious classrooms with interactive whiteboards.

• Multilingual classes of adults where our candidates can observe and be observed while teaching.

• Excellent pre-, while- and post-course support through a CELTA course dedicated wiki with organised links, articles, and resources.

• Free internet access and use of PCs for lesson preparation and materials design

• A rich ELT dedicated library and resources, which have received high praise by all Cambridge Assessors

School Details – Online

CELT has been offering online DELTA courses since 2012 and we have extensive experience of training in synchronous and asynchronous environments. We have extensive online resources to support a multitude of courses and specialize in the training of Cambridge DELTA candidates with an excellent track record of results.

© CELT 2023
Angelos Bollas Marisa Constantinides Brigid Nugent Paul Ashe

The Cambridge DELTA Diploma

The Cambridge DELTA Diploma addresses the needs of experienced and qualified ELT professionals who wish to enhance their careers and take posts of responsibility in ELT centres and Colleges and Universities around the world.

The Diploma – Status & Recognition

It is a professional qualification at level 7 as regulated by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) on the Qualifications and Credit Framework, and given premium product endorsement by NEAS in Australia. It is postgraduate in level and although it is not a Masters on its own, most UK universities will give Delta holders exemptions and credits on their MA courses related to the subject of teaching English, Linguistics or Applied Linguistics. You can view the list of exemptions on several UK M.A. programmes here

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Our candidates come from countries around the globe

A course completed in 3 Modules

How the 3 Modules are assessed

Each module is assessed separately and provides candidates with a separate Certificate:

Module 1 is assessed by Written Examination comprising 2 papers (90 minutes each) and covering a wide range of topics on language and teaching methods. Our candidates can sit for this examination in Athens on the first Wednesday of June or December each year.

Module 2 is assessed by assignment and teaching (5 assignments) Four of these assignments are assessed internally but the last one is assessed by an external Cambridge approved assessor.

Teaching assessments can be completed in one of these three ways

1. fully online on Zoom or a similar platform with the assessor logged in as well (online course candidates)

2. in the candidate’s offline classroom livestreamed to the assessor logged into Zoom (online course candidates).

3. in person, in Athens (this is common with our 8-week intensive summer courses or our blended/mixed mode courses with candidates who come in just for their teaching assessments.

There are three assessment/award sessions every year and candidates can complete their Module 2 by June, October or December Final externally assessed lessons must be done at least two weeks before the due date.

Module 3 is assessed by an extended assignment, a syllabus written for a course covering one of the many specialisms; there are two options you can select from (click on the links to learn more)

Option 1 involves a 4500 word assignment - a course plan for a specific group of learners, e.g. Young Learners, Academic English and many more, or

Option 2 involves writing a 4500 word proposal for an innovation or change in a Language Centre by following a course in ELT Management

There are two assignment submission dates each year: June or December.

Candidates who pass all three Modules are awarded the overall DELTA Diploma.


How the Online Course works

Content Delivery through live/interactive webinars

The online course is a part-time one and online instruction (on Zoom) covers input for Modules 1 & 2 as well as introductory sessions for many of the Module 3 options within attendance dates posted on our website.

Module 3 assignments are written after the online course is completed and are individually supported by each candidate’s personal tutor.

The course is integrated as there is a great amount of overlap in the topics covered for each module, especially Modules 1 & 2.

You can follow the DELTA in one of the two ways

• The 3-Modules integrated course, which guarantees you will complete it within one academic year

• Module by Module, which will take longer but allows candidates flexibility depending on their commitments.

Attendance & Content Delivery

Fully Online Course

All modules candidates must attend two 3-hour sessions every week which cover content for all modules in 24 weeks, plus a self-paced revision course on Moodle, an LMS (Learning Management System) allowing independent study. Module 3 assignments are written after the 24 weeks and are organised by individual tutorial support.

Module 1 only candidates must attend one 3-hour session or two 90-minute sessions for 20 weeks, plus the self-paced revision course on Moodle, an LMS (Learning Management System) allowing independent study.

Module 2 only candidates must attend two 3-hour sessions during 20 weeks – candidates for this course must have completed and passed Module 1.

Module 3 only candidates are either supported through individual seminars and tutorials (Option 1) or by following a special 8-week course on Moodle, an LMS (Learning Management System) allowing independent study (Option2) Option 2 assignments could be completed before the other two modules, but for Option 1 Module 3, it is recommended that candidates complete the other two modules first.

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Who can apply

Are you an experienced teacher and have taught a variety of levels and course types?

Ideally, you should have a first degree in a related field and have attended a course such as a CELTA or similar in which you have been observed and learned how to plan lessons. A high level of English such as C2 or IELTS 7 or 8 is a requirement in order to do well in the Module assessments.

In addition, we look at candidates’ performance during the selection process which follows below.

You will need to

1. Complete and send us an application form

2. Write and send a recent lesson plan written for your own classes

3. Take a language and teaching methods written assessment

4. Attend a personal interview with the Course Supervisor

Each application is reviewed on its own merit, so if you think you are eligible because of experience and work on continuous professional development, you may still be accepted on the course.

How to participate

You will need a reasonably fast connection, a headset with a noise cancelling microphone, a laptop or desktop with a webcam and quiet room without distractions so you can attend the live sessions.

This will allow you to participate and teach with no audio and video issues. Our online/virtual classroom allows participants audio, video, text chat and screen sharing (standard tools in all live classrooms) as well as other great functionalities, such as dividing students into separate rooms in order to do group work.

How the Course is Organised

Our part time fully online course includes

• 24 weeks of bi-weekly online interactive seminars on Zoom covering input on all three modules

• An additional 3-week Module 1 Exam Primer course for revision prior to the Module 1 exam in June or December

• Tutorial support beyond the taught part of the course to support the writing of the Module 3 assignment,

The course is integrated

There is a great amount of overlap in the topics covered for each module, especially Modules 1 & 2. During the 24 weeks of our online course, we teach the content areas in our online classroom offering full preparation. Nearer the Module 1 exams, a special Exam Primer course for revision and practice is offered free of charge to our candidates.

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Details on each of the 3 Modules

Module 1 preparation and exam

During the 24 weeks of the course, content specific to the Module 1 is taught from week 1 but towards the end of the course, there are dedicated weeks to Exam Priming. After the end of their course, they are invited to revise and practice for they M1 written exam on a specially designed self-paced course.

There are two exam sessions offered each year, on the first Wednesday of June and December.

The exam can be taken at our centre, if of course you happen to live in Greece but many of our candidates come from different corners of the world. They can sit for the Module 1 Exam at any Cambridge Awards Centre offering CELTA or Delta courses.

Module 2 Assignments and Teaching Assessments

During the weeks of the online course, candidates first have to work on their Module 2 assignments and teaching assessments and deliver 4 lessons, 3 of them assessed by their tutors, the last one to be observed by a Cambridge external assessor.

There are three assessment sessions for Module 2: June, October and December.

Temporary adjustments to DELTA in response to COVID-19 have been lifted and the fully online course delivery option is now permanent.

Summary of Module 2 course delivery

Synchronous/live meetings on Zoom on two days a week - Courses last on average 24 weeks and meetings are 3 hours each

2/ Teaching assessments are held on different days - Candidates can book their teaching slots on days and times convenient to them

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Teaching assessments can be done in one of the following ways

1. You can teach your own face-to-face class and livestream it via Zoom or other similar service. Your tutor or the external assessor will be observing the video livestream of your lesson

2. You can teach your own class online in Zoom or a platform you use at your school

3. You can teach the class of adults specially provided by CELT.

All internal observations (three in number) will be conducted by CELT tutors except, of course, for the final one which will be observed by a Cambridge approved external assessor.

N.B You do not need a local tutor for your Module 2 assignments and teaching assessments.

Module 3 – Option 1 Extending Practice & ELT Specialism

During the last few weeks of the 24-week taught course, a number of Module 3 specialisms is introduced (check this link for a list of the Specialisms) as well as a number of Module 3 assignment core subjects such as Needs Analysis, Testing, Syllabus Design and Course Planning & Evaluation

The list of specialisms follows

1. Business English (BE)

2. Teaching young learners/young adults (specified age group required with 5-year range e.g. 8–13, 14–9) (YL)

3. English for Special Purposes (ESP)

4. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

5. Teaching examination classes (EX)

6. Teaching one-to-one (1to1)

7. ESOL learners with literacy needs (ESOL)

8. CLIL/Embedded ESOL (teaching English through subject/work-based learning) (CLIL)

9. Teaching monolingual classes (MON)

10. Teaching multilingual classes (MUL)

11. Teaching in an English-speaking environment (ESE)

12. Teaching in a non-English-speaking environment. (NESE)

13. Teaching learners online, through distance/blended learning (DL)

14. Teaching English to learners with special requirements e.g. visual/hearing impairment, dyslexia, ASD (SR)

15. Language development for teachers (LDT)

16. Language Support (e.g. EAL on mainstream teaching programmes; specialist skills support such as supporting writing needs) (LS)

Each candidate is given more individual tutorial time and further support during the writing of their chosen specialism assignment. This module requires candidates to have a class which you can assess and respond to its needs by designing a suitable syllabus selected from a list of specialisms. Candidates do individual research from home, supported by their tutor online and can submit their work in June or December.

This option involves writing a short 20-25 hours syllabus for a specific group of learners.

There are two exam sessions offered each year, in June and December.

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Module 3 – Option 2 ELT Management

Alternatively, if the ELT Management specialism has been selected, access to a language teaching operation is important. This Specialism is supported by an 8 week asynchronous course on Moodle, taught by an education management specialist. The extended assignment can focus on one of the following specialisms listed below:

1. Academic Management

2. Human Resources Management (HRM)

3. Customer Service

4. Marketing

This option involves writing a proposal for an innovation or change for a language teaching operation (in the private or state sector)

There are two exam sessions offered each year, in June and December.

Free Teaching Languages Online Addon Course

Are you worried about teaching online?

During this short preparation course, you will be guided to learn all you need to know about how to teach in a Zoom classroom, how to add online apps and activities to enrich your lessons and how to be a confident and competent online instructor!!!

Our trainee testimonials and blog posts after following this short course and then the online CELTA testify to the success of our approach and the quality of instruction offered by our training team.

Upcoming Course Dates in 2023

Fully Online all Modules Courses

– January 28 2023– June 30 2023

– July 05 2023 – July 28 2023

– October 03 2023 – March 26 2024

N.B. The same start dates apply if you are applying for Module 1 or Module 2 only

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