MARISA GAUSS Judson University
80' Mullion Glass 8” Rigid Insulation
Vapor Barrier Steel Ring Truss 5/8” Drywall 6.75x37.5 Glulam Beams Pre-Fab Metal Roofing
5/8” Drywall
Steel Studs Column
Flooring Spacers
0' Concrete Slab
World Vision Disaster Shelter 2nd Year Studio
Project Data This project was submitted to a disaster shelter design competition sponsored by World Vision. The shelter design is to accommodate a family of 4 with a minimum allocation of 3.5 square meters of space per person, allow standing head clearance of 2 meters for at least 70% of the floor space, all while providing dignified accommodation for a family, with adequate flexibility to respond to social, cultural and religious requirements, e.g. the use of spaces by different genders and ages.
Shelter Consists of Lightweight Bamboo framing. Frame is hinged to allow entire shelter to completely fold up.
Method of Assembly
Shelter easily disassembles by sliding structure out of floor track. Shelter is easy and rapid to assemble without technical experience. Assembly is straightforward and requires minimal manpower, non-electrical tools - that is, simple hand tools that are generally available around the world.
Easily stored and transported so that it can be flat-packed and fits into a standard 8’ x 40’ shipping container.
Geneva Public Library 3rd Year Studio
Project Data:
Design a Public Library and Community Center for the proposed site located in Downtown Geneva, Illinois. The Library should include a General Collection, Children’s Collection, Oratory, Cafe, as well as spaces designated for Offices.
11 8
Second Floor
12 Offices and Administration
Worship Chapel 4th Year Studio
Project Data:
Design a 1000 seat worship chapel for the Judson University Campus.
1 Entry 2 Main Worship Hall 3 Elevator from Parking Garage 4 Janitor Room 5 Mechanical Room 6 Restrooms 7 Groundskeepers Space 8 Altar 9 Baptistery 10 Choir Room 11 Instrument and Music Space 12 Offices 13 Conference Room 14 Nursery 15 Baptism Preparation Room 16 Cafe 17 Private Chapel Total Square Footage: 29,511 sq. ft
3 4
1 16
5 6 2
14 7
13 9
15 11
Worship Space 12,707 sq ft Welcome/ Entrance 6,133 sq ft Offices 3,583 sq ft Restrooms 1,684 sq ft Mechanical/ Storage 1943 sq ft Ancillary 1,620 sq ft Choir/ Storage 1,841 sq ft
Worship Chapel 4th Year Studio
Main Concept The joining together of Lindner, Judson, and the Elgin Community in one unified space.
Shape Influence The curves created by an ellipse joining HWAC and Lindner shape the building.
Major Axis The major axis of the site determine the location for the chapel tower.
Tropical Wedding Chapel 3rd Year Studio
The Wedding Chapel consists of a series of ribs each with a slightlyy altered shape which results in a undulating effect to the form of the he building. The form is inspired by the surrounding waves and the water the chapel sits upon.
Project Data: Desig gn a ch chape apell that that att co consi nsiists ns sts of of a min minima ima mal mal system sys tem. P Project shoulld be b less l then h 1,000 00 sq ft and should exhibit the e concept of LIGHT in forrm and and experience. Project shal alb be for o pro propos posed ed sit site e in B ilo Bij ilo,, Gamb Gamb ambia. ia ia.
World Vision Disaster Shelter 2nd Year Studio
Project Data The disaster shelter design and building process was a group project completed by the sophomore class of Judson University for the Disaster Shelter Competition sponsored by world vision. My personal role in the project was to write and design the report to be submitted to World Vision. I also assisted in the construction of the final prototype.
With the design of our shelter we are trying to place an emphasis on how the inhabitant would feel inside our shelter. Our design efforts as a team focused on the idea that a community will be able to emotionally recover faster if the feeling of displacement can be minimized. We strive to not only create a disaster shelter that is structurally sound but also meets the various needs of different cultures in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and functional. Our goal is to reestablish a sense of community through the creation of a beautiful space that guarantees privacy, security and comfort all the while ensuring that the resident feels valued and at home.
Method of Assembly
Basswood model of the Judson University Worship Chapel
Basswood od mod odel off the h Gen neva e Publi bl c L Libr ibrrary a
Process Models
Cube Project 1s st Year Studio
Project Data: Create a form that defines the e limits of a cube and articulates a space.
Combined Cube Projec ct 1st Year Studio
Project Data: This project comb bined the previous cube pro oject with a partner’s. Both cubes had to be altered in order to o relate to each other and still artiiculate space.
Tropical Wedding Chapel 3rd Year Studio
Staircase Project 2nd Year Studio
Project Data: This staircase is entitled “The Road Less Traveled� and was designed to resemble a tree. The stair steps spiral upwards and form the winding tree trunk with branches forming the banister.
Left: A suspended chair designed to give the user the feeling of being hugged. Above: Process work
Full Scale Lamps 4th Year Studio
Lamp Design inspired by Judson University Worship Chapel Design.
Right: Lamp design inspired by melting candles and is representative of a process frozen in motion. Above: Process work
This image was generated to represent my poetic vision of the Jewish Tabernacle and was created by blending a collection of different images.
This image was created to illustrate the influence of the Mayan temples on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple. Two pictures were morphed together to create this image
My fa My f ori fav orite te e sce scene ne in the Disney Mo ie, Mov e, Sn S ow Whi Wh te and the Seven Sev Se e Dwa en warfs f wa w s the diamon mond d mine m ne scene n , so I decide dec ided d to t recr re eate my own ver ve v e ersio sion n of of it. i . I started s with a ba bas b asssw a swood fra swo fr me work that I tthe hen covered h c with foil and air dry cllay ay. Once dry, I painted the entire ent ire st structure e and added detail det ails. s. Th The sc s ale is 1: 1 12. 12
Miniature Bathroom 1:12 Scale
This is a Nature themed bathroom. The bathtub is made of a soap dish. The fireplace rocks and the rocks on the walls are made of air-dry clay then painted. The counter is made of stained bass-wood. Stained popsicle sticks make up the hardwood floor.
Miniature Living Room 1:12 12 Scale
This is a contemporary living ro oom. The furniture is made of painted ply ywood and sewn cushions. The table is ma ade of glass, wood blocks, and a paper clip container. The wire bowl on the coffee table is s filled with handmade twine and wire ballls. The floor is made of cut and stained popsiicle sticks.
Miniature Spa Room 1:12 Scale
I utilized a variety of different materials; the bed and the tub were both fashioned from soap dishes. Tiles surround the tub and create a resting place for the clay pitcher and candles created of sculpted soap. Adorning the wall behind the bed are pencil lead containers that have been filled with different colored sand.
Miniature Fish Tank 1:12 Scale
The fish, ferns and miniature ruins, in the fish tank were hand sculpted from air dried clay then painted. Once the tank was arranged, resin was poured in to resemble water. The finished dimensions of the tank are 2x1x1.
The Goldfish after being sculpted and painted
A completed fern
European Study Tour Sketches 3rd Year Studio
The Alhambra Granada, Spain
St. Peter’s Basilica Rome, Italy
Arab Baths Genoa, Spain
PAINTINGS Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Medium: Watercolor on Paper
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Medium: Acrylic on canvas