American Horror Story

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Read our exclusive review on American Horror Story written by Marisa Turek.

Editor’s Note I personally am in love with the TV series American Horror Story. This TV show hit home with my childhood memories. As a little girl I would watch movies that are probably too scary for a young child to watch. Examples of some of these movies include The Ring, Halloween Part II, and more. I’m a Halloween baby as well therefore anything ghoulish or frightening, for example this TV series, draws me in instantly. For my writing process, I chose the show instantly because it’s my favorite one on FX. I took into account my peer review comments and comments from my teacher to help mold my review into a better one. My first draft had no criteria, my second draft sort of had one and now my final draft definitely has criteria. The only problem is that there aren’t a lot of, actually any, reviews on the authenticity of this TV show. So instead, I added in facts of people who believe in ghosts and why people don’t. I also added in how other movies or TV shows make ghosts look authentic. For the design portion of my magazine cover and review, I customized it myself. I wanted something simple. Simplicity catches my eye therefor I was hoping it might catch others too. At first I wanted something flashy, maybe something kind of scary but then I thought of a saying my grandpa says, “less is more.”

Review of

American Horror Story By Marisa Turek

Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk seem to

committed here. Each day something odd

be doing something right with their TV series

happens, something more odd than the

American Horror Story, season 1. American

occasional tick here and there, a big shadow,

Horror Story is the definition of mind-blowing

or loud footsteps. To the Harmon’s lack of

twists. These twists come from the many

knowledge, the souls of the previous owners or

ghosts that wander throughout the Harmon’s

guests who have been brutally murdered in the

home in human form.

house cause these odd

Ironically, the

occurrences. Soon, the Harmon’s

Harmon family makes

will find out that ghosts walk

friends with the dead

among them.

not knowing they are

Tate Langdon, played by

actually dead (until

actor Even Peters, is one of the

later on in the

main ghosts in the house. Tate is

season). No one ever said it wasn’t ok to be

the cause of mischief in the Harmon’s new

friends with ghosts, right?

home. He is the reason why there are so many

The Harmon’s received the unordinary

souls locked inside of the house. Unlike other

chance of becoming friends with these ghosts

scary TV shows and movies, Tate looks like a

by moving into what is known as the “murder

normal teenage boy. Tate doesn’t have the

house” due to a series of murders that were

looks of a ghost or someone who has passed

away… he just looks normal. Sometimes, Tate

Like Tate, the ghosts in the Paranormal

can choose can be invisible when he doesn’t

Activity movies and A Haunting at Silver Falls,

want to be seen. Most people picture ghosts

can touch people, move things around the

as scary, invisible, and/or cloud-like. Is Tate’s

house, and are invisible like Tate can be, to

human appearance authentic in this series to

others. The only differences are the

the viewers?

appearances of the actual ghosts and the

Many movies portray ghosts differently.

people that ghosts choose to be seen by. For

In the Paranormal Activity 1-4 movies, the

example, Jordan sees the ghosts of Holly and

portrayal of the authenticity of ghosts is much

Heather in A Haunting at Silver Falls because

different. In these 4 movies, the ghosts are all

the ghosts chose her and only her to be able to

invisible. No one can see them but the

see them.

characters can feel their presence, their breath

American Horror Story, just like many

on their necks, and even see bruises on their

other TV shows and movies, is filled with many

skin from the ghost grabbing their body. I see

paranormal things that people have mixed

this as more authentic than ghosts in human

feelings on. According to Lee Speigel in his

form… Another example would be the

article “Spooky Number of Americans Believe

authenticity of the ghosts in A Haunting at

in Ghosts” from, out of

Silver Falls. Two twin sister ghosts, Holly and

1,000 people that were surveyed in February

Heather are only seen by the main character,

of 2013, 45% of the people believe in ghosts

Jordan. The sights of these twins are scary due

and 64% stated that they believe there is an

to the fact that they have blue skin, black eyes,

after life. On the other hand, Ayanna Guyhto

sopping wet clothing, and blood and cuts all

from Yahoo Contributor Network where her

over them.

article “Why People Don’t Believe in Ghosts”

was posted on October 3rd, 2012, some people

other, it’s a breathe of fresh air, something

say that they don’t believe in ghosts due to

new and different besides the typical ghost

their religion or just because it’s silly and they

story. How many shows do you see with ghosts

need proof. If this many people out of 1,000

in human form? This is a must see!

believe in ghosts, does anyone believe that American Horror Story is authentic? As a whole, American Horror Story is a TV series that should be seen by people who love a good ghost story and some interesting portrayal of ghosts. This series is like none-

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