Handbook Of Homework Assignments In Psychotherapy
Part I.- Psychotherapy Approaches.- Behavior Therapy.- Client-Centered Therapy.- Cognitive Therapy.Emotion-Focused Experiential Therapy.- Interpersonal Therapy.- Psychodynamic Therapy.- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.- Brief Strategic Family Therapy.- Personal Construct Therapy.- Part II.- Client Populations.- Older Adults.- Couples.- Families.- Part III.- Specific Problems.- Borderline Personality Disorder.- Chronic Depression.- Chronic Pain.- Eating Disorder.- Low Self-Esteem.- Obsessions and Compulsions.- Psychosis.- Sexual Dysfunction.- Substance Abuse.- Traumatic Brain Injury.- Part IV.Directions for Research, Practice and Prevention.- Directions for Research on Homework.- Directions for Integration of Homework in Practice.- Directions for Homework in Prevention. EAN/ISBN : 9780387296814 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer US Discussed keywords: Psychotherapie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Kazantzis, Nikolaos - Llabate, Luciano
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