Starting your own Social Media Business

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Xeequa Academy You cannot direct the wind but you can adjust the sails Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Major changes in today’s markets Brand attitude is shifting, purchase cycles changed, marketing effectiveness is declining, to some social media is a mystery, to others a waste of time but to a few leaders the evolution of their customer engagement model. Develop your own understanding of the change in influence and relationships and as a result you may create your very own business, participating from the growth of that market.

Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Starting your own Social Media Business Over 1,000 top notch corporations already lead with social media initiatives. But there are 1,000,000 of the 14 Million US based registered businesses with over 25 employees that need your help to get there. As a social media consultant you can help all sizes of businesses exploring the benefits and the right approach to leveraging social networks, blogs, forums, online communities and all the other social media tools. In general it is very simple, for companies to go online signup and connect and engage. But there are over 500 established social networks, there are over 500,000 forums, over 1 million groups, and more than 100,000 brand new blogs every month. Where shall businesses start? Then there is the question of how much value is it? How much is the investment? What resources are needed? Where to start? How to build it? How to make it successful? What pitfalls and mistakes to avoid? But one thing everybody knows: They have to get there. Thousands of social media experts will be needed to help millions of companies to do it right.

Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Why engage now? The world is in flux. We all see thousands of layoffs because companies experience the recession which in part is created by our ignorance for customer needs and needs to be in touch. Many 40 and older will have a hard time to find new job opportunities in the next 2-3 years. On the other hand there is a need for a new service as companies explore the social web. Social media consultants are not tech people but experienced business people. The new world needs people with a sense of social relationships and the desire to make a change in our weathered economic model. Consumers and corporate users alike are sick of marketing lies, sales pitches and embarrassing advertising messages. Instead they need approachable trustful companies who are interested in customer feedback and have an interest in building better products or services. Now is the perfect time to build your own business around the rapidly growing social media world.

Xeequa academy offers three trainings:   

Social Media Experts (1/2 day) Social Media Consultant (3 days) Social Media Strategist (2 days)

Why is Xeequa doing this? We experience and understand the need for social experts across all industries and all sizes of businesses. We invest in Xeequa Academy to build the foundation of social media experts the market will require in next 10 years.

Who are the ideal candidates?    

Experienced managers who want or need to make a substantial change in their career. Consultants who want to build a new practice within their existing firm. Business managers from all industries with a sales, marketing or project management or business process consulting background Open minded managers with a decent experience in social media like social networking, blogging and other social tools.

Belong to the future’s top circle We are building one of the most exclusive circles of social media experts.

© Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Social Media Experts Trainings Learn all about social media for businesses. Identify your own opportunities for becoming a social media manager in your business, establish a social media practice in your existing consulting form or start your own social media business. Know How Expectations: Participants of the training need to have experience with social networks and need to be at least on one of the popular social networks, also need to know about blogging and how forums work. Content: We will provide a quick overview of the changes in buying behavior of consumers and corporate buyers. Get an idea how purchase departments, small company procurement and even consumer buying decisions are made using social media sometimes without even knowing. We will discuss the social media values, economic benefits, strategic aspects and the foundation for building a business presence in the social web. Target Audience: Consultants entering the social media space, People starting their own social media business Time: ½ day training (8:00 – 12:00) Price: $695 per person The social media experts training is a good base for the other training that build on top. More Knowledge Seminars: We are offering additional multi day trainings to get deep insight to run a social media business or social media practice within an existing business. 3 day training Social Media Consultant $ 2,795 per person 2 day training Social Media Strategist $ 2,295 per person

Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Agenda Social Media Experts: General introduction to the changing socio economic landscape - Major shift in buying behavior (without many noticing it) - Social media as a beginning change in general human interaction - Businesses always followed the changing customer behavior Strategic leverage of social media inside a corporation - Affect to the sales organization - Influence and failure from a marketing point of view - How social media changes the supply chain (Yes logistics stuff) - Integration and adoption in the support and services department - Changing HR departments with social media - Effecting the bottom line +- 20% profitability swing Understanding the social media value pyramid - Who has the biggest direct benefit from a social community? - Who sees a direct financial impact from a social media initiative? - Who has the biggest strategic benefit from the social media engagement? Is Social Media replacing the traditional Advertising Media? - Why are the changes so obvious, yet we still don’t see it? - What are the implications and alternatives? - What is it about non advertisial content distribution and syndication? - A multi billion $ shift already in 2008 Setting up a presence in the “Social Web” - What does it take to setup a presence in the social web? - What sites are important what is the best approach? - How to pick and choose tools based on business objectives? Launching a social media initiative - Establishing rock solid business objectives for a social media initiative - Creating a go-to-market strategy - Develop a financial plan How to make money by helping businesses to get engaged - Creating a consulting practice - What and how to implement, what help is needed? - Ongoing community management services

© Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Social Media Consultant Trainings Become a social media consultant. Elevate from an experienced social media user to a helpful social media consultant. Help businesses to understand, leverage and succeed with social media technology for their respective business. Know How Expectations: Participants of the training need to have at least one year user experience with social networks, blogs, online social media tools, from social bookmarking, micro blogging to building your own social media presence. Content: We will give a deep insight in the socio economic changes in buying behavior of consumers and corporate buyers. Discuss the changes on all levels of a corporation including sales, marketing, logistics, services, production and administration. We explore changes in brand attitude, new go-to-market strategies and how this all plays together on a corporate level. We discuss obstacles in the corporate culture and resistance to become more open. Strategic community lock downs and how market share will shift through the changing information flow. Target Audience: Consultants entering the social media space, People starting their own social media business Time: 3 day training (9:00am day one to 05:00pm day 3) Price: $2, 795 per person

More Knowledge Seminars: We are offering additional trainings to get deep insight to run a social media business or social media practice within an existing business. 1 day training Social Media Experts 2 day training Social Media Strategist

Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Agenda Social Media Consultant: General introduction to the changing socio economic landscape - Major shift in buying behavior (without many noticing it) - Social media as a beginning change in general human interaction - Businesses always followed the changing customer behavior - Different age group effects and industry specific influences - Corporate culture changes and “Open Business” Strategic leverage of social media inside a corporation - Affect to the sales organization - Influence and failure from a marketing point of view Is marketing dead – is it just another name is it fundamentally changing? - How social media changes the supply chain (Yes logistics stuff) A new procurement information system Effect to stochastic and heuristic systems? - Integration and adoption in the support and services department Co-support initiatives, knowledge syndication - Integration with product marketing and product development Co-creation initiatives – dream or reality Closed loop feedback systems Understanding the intellectual impact to product strategies - Changing HR departments with social media - Effecting the bottom line +- 20% profitability swing To many social media is a nice to have, a cost factor, a resource constraint To some it is a profit accelerator – why and how Understanding the social media value pyramid - Who has the biggest direct benefit from a social community? The social ecosystem management and its vast variety in players - Who sees a direct financial impact from a social media initiative? What is the money maker and how is it fitting into a strategy - Who has the biggest strategic benefit from the social media engagement? Building a corporate strategy around social media like building a strategy for Information technology in the 60’s and 70’. Is Social Media replacing the traditional Advertising Media? - Why are the changes so obvious, yet we still don’t see it? Getting to facts of our day to day advertising, branding and messaging consumption - What are the implications and alternatives? Learning about the changes in the human brain to deal with information - What is it about non advertisial content distribution and syndication? New ways and opportunities Shift in brand attitude and trust models Understanding the limits even in the new world of social media - A multi billion $ shift already in 2008 Facts, figures, numbers – a potential advertising debacle © Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Setting up a presence in the “Social Web” - What does it take to setup a presence in the social web? Detailed planning of a social presence Social media presence, part of overall corporate objectives - What sites are important what is the best approach? Thousands of tools to choose from – learn what’s out there Understand the differences Understand the dynamics and the rapid changes - How to pick and choose tools based on business objectives? Selection relative to objectives Different tools for different target groups Establishing a social media strategy - Elements of a social media strategy - Creating a strategy team, executive support and execution - External involvement from customers, prospects and partners - Embedding the strategy into the overall corporate objectives - Leveraging external resources, motivation, integration Launching a social media initiative - Establishing rock solid business objectives for a social media initiative Conceptualizing, planning, resources, execution Community integration and traps Risks and failures during the launch - Develop a financial plan At the end a social media initiative need to be part of the overall finance plan How much can it cost, how do you plan the cost what is the ROI What kind of monetization opportunities exist Who pays for what Departmental cost alignment Long term social media engagement for businesses - What is needed to keep it running - How to determine success - What to do to make social community members to advocates How to make money by helping businesses to get engaged - What kind of services are in need, what companies want, where you can help? - How much do businesses pay – how big is your impact – what can you make? - Where to go from here? What traps are out there?

© Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Admission Admission process Please register online at You will have a variety of seminars to choose from. Please select the one you like to participate and complete registration. We show only available registrations. After you submitted the registration you will be asked to pay the fee via paypal or credit card. Once the payment is approved by the respective financial institute the registration will be confirmed with the respective registration code. Requirements Attendees need to be 21 or older and speak English. Terms and fees All fees are stated in the respective programs. Payments need to be made online in order to get a seat and confirmation for the selected training. Xeequa reserves the right to cancel any training any time. In case of a cancelation, Xeequa refunds the attendee 100% of the training fee. Attendees may cancel training with full refund 21 days prior to the training begin. Xeequa will refund 50% of the paid fees for cancelations with less than 21 day notice prior to the effective start date of the training. In case attendees participate in local events online, the fees are reduced by $100 per day. Accommodation and meals Participants organize their accommodation and meals on their own. Xeequa provides snacks, sandwiches and non alcoholic beverages during breaks in the training schedule.

Š Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Social Media Consulting Services Businesses of all sizes will need help in thinking through the options, establish a basic concept embed it into a strategy and execute on a professional social media initiative. Businesses don’t engage in social media just for the fun of it or because it is in to do so, they invest, allocate resources and engage in social media because their customer base, their brand and their overall business is on stack. As a social media consultant you have a big responsibility to help those companies revitalize their business. Consider 1 to 2 years of consulting engagement during the next two years of market development to become a highly respected and sought after expert who is well paid because of your reputation and past experience. Consulting practices that were established in the 70s or 80s around enterprise IT became globally recognized multimillion dollar operations. Today’s Social Media evolution is not a technology game it’s all about human interaction and social engagement. Social Media Consulting services options General Social Media Consulting Social media consulting is basically helping company leaders understand and plan their social media initiatives. Consulting engagements may range from a few days a consultant may spend with a management team all the way through a one to two year engagement with a whole consulting team to help a global corporation to adjust their social presence, brand definition, product planning, and sales and customer service strategy to align with the new market dynamics.

Implementation Services Social media implementation services help companies to implement the respective systems, train team and related partners, build the presence and work with the early contributors to launch the social media presence. It may be focused on the technical implementation and configuration and/or on the cultural adjustments and go to market initiatives to launch such a social web presence successfully. Consultants typically accompany their clients for 6 to 12 month in the pre and post launch process and ensure the long-term success of the undertaking.

Community Management Outsourcing Once a strategy is set, the infrastructure built and the systems in place, most activities can be performed by the company’s internal teams. However the experience taught us that whatever can be outsourced will be outsourced. Many of the social community functionality like content screening, content contribution and syndication, member management, community adjustments, report analysis and many other activities may soon be outsourced. A consulting company may offer a team to perform those services to their respective clients. © Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


Additional Training Attendees Benefits Consultants who successfully completed the training will be listed as trained consultants on the Xeequa website, become member of the Social Media Experts community; an exclusive community organized by Xeequa and will receive engagement opportunities through the Xeequa community sales progress. Consultants also may become Xeequa Alliance Partner and participate in the XAP program to earn commission from selling Xeequa products. However consultants completing the Xeequa Academy may remain independent and don’t actively sell any social media products. The benefits list:      

Listing in the social media experts directory Membership in the exclusive Social Media Experts Community “Somex” Business referrals from Xeequa or Xeequa partners Collaboration and co-authoring if independent white papers Optional membership in the Kensumi Group Optional business partnership with Xeequa

Over time we may develop additional benefits, as the group of experts is growing.

© Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training


About Xeequa Xeequa is an online social software provider. The company’s Social Business Suite helps corporations to create a better business experience for their customers, prospects and partners and establishing a presence in the social web. The individually branded and fully customizable community platform allows to create and disseminate user generated business content and engagement in online collaboration. Xeequa’s products and methodologies help businesses to develop a new brand attitude and a viable alternative to outdated sales and marketing techniques. The advertising free Software as a Service (SaaS) is subscription based and scales from small businesses to global enterprises. Palo Alto, CA based Xeequa Corp., a Delaware Corporation has representation in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. More info on or 1-650-384-0057.

© Copyright Xeequa Academy

Social Media Training

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