South australia newsletter august 2012

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MUA South Australia News August 2012 1779

65 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, SA 5015 P:08 8447 1779

Flinders Ports:

Branch Officials are organising a meeting of MUA delegates and officials to develop a clear strategy and action plan to work out how to deal with our largest (and still expanding) employer in the State. This meeting will be held on October 10-11 and run with the support of National Office. This strategic planning is important nationally with the Company actively pursuing work inter-state. The ‘Logistics’ Schedule to the Flinders Ports EA (to cover Berth 29) is still being worked on, with GWE provisions, and the terms of intra and inter-state travel now being negotiated.

History & Culture Project : Jamie McMechan (MUA Port Botany) is being funded by National Office to travel to the Branch (hopefully) in September and interview those veterans taking part. It is intended to interview and record the union and working life experiences of MUA veterans. These interviews will provide some material for the documentaries, but will also serve as a permanent record in their own right of the contribution made by older comrades to the improved terms and conditions experienced today, as well as the broader experiences of their working lives.

National Women in Male Dominated Occupations and Industries (WIMDOI) 2012 Conference 7 – 9 November 2012, Adelaide More details to follow

Branch Growth: The Branch membership at the end of August stands at 930 members. This is a 16% increase in financial membership in 2012, due to a combination of industry growth and the additional organising resource in the Branch. We anticipate that steady growth should continue through to the end of this year.

Branch Organiser: This 12 month position is due to be reviewed through September, and a decision made as to whether this will become a permanent position or not.

Enterprise Bargaining Reports: Patrick: The Patrick Part A has been agreed in principle. We are awaiting confirmation from the Company of the Part B wording for Port Adelaide. Part B for Whyalla is still in progress. Once the respective Part B’s are finalised meetings will be organised to consider and vote on the offers. POAGs/Qube: Part A is also close to resolution. The delays however are proving frustrating for our members. Part B for Adelaide has been agreed in principle, and we are scheduled to meet with the Company in the first week of September to progress the Part B for Port Pirie which has recently hit a few hurdles with Qube changing the goal posts again. Sealink/KI Ferry: EB has commenced on 7 August. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 29 August, and will be followed up by report back meetings on 30 August. We are working on developing our MUA organisation on this job and are now talking to members about getting a delegate for each of the four crews. Svitzer: Bargaining has started with SA members being represented by Tony Nealen (Port Adelaide) and Ray Dixon (Magnet Whyalla) in the national negotiations. Viterra Bulk Loading Plant EB: Progress is being made. However the Company is not making any significant decisions given the pending takeover by Glencore. A major MUA claim is to secure more permanent work with the vast majority of the workforce currently casuals. This is a significant matter so the EB is unlikely to be resolved until the Glencore takeover is finalised.

Viterra Terminal Organising: A focus is still being maintained on improving our organisation on this job, despite the Enterprise Agreement being finalised. We are hoping to get 4 delegates elected in the near future, and are holding regular meetings on the job.

New MUA Website: The new MUA website is now live and we are working on a process to ensure relevant and up-to -date information is maintained in the SA Branch part of it.

Merchant Navy Day – Monday September 3: Gather at Port Adelaide workers memorial for a short march to Navigator Memorial at Dock 1, followed by a BBQ on the Falie. The Federal Government first recognised Merchant Navy Day in Australia as September 3 in 2008. This year has significant meaning considering the recent passage of legislation supporting Shipping reform.

CSL Yarra Memorial: Branch Secretary Jamie Newlyn has progressed this work with Flinders Ports and the Port Pirie Council. The MUA will fund the memorial and we hope to have it in place before the end of the year.

Jamie Newlyn Branch Secretary M: 0419 517 487 Clem Clothier Hon Deputy Secretary M: 0423 550 561 Campbell Duignan Branch Organiser M: 0413 398 559


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