June 2012
MUA South Australia News
Contact us: 65 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, SA 5015, P: (08) 8847 1779
Branch Report: The Branch is pleased to report that growth in the SA Branch has been exceptional this year. Since the appointment of Branch Organiser Campbell Duignan the Branch membership numbers have improved to over 900 members, a 14% improvement. The important factor here is all members on the system are now paying members rather than 451 grades which meant some members only paid when they worked. Campbell’s areas of responsibility have resulted in 100 members signing up in his 7 months with the union. Campbell has completed this by cultivating delegates and direct 1 on 1 conversation. It is therefore important to recognise the vital contribution of Delegates and Activists who continue to work hard for our union in trying to achieve 100% Union density in our industries. Delegates are Diamonds in our Union and our growth objectives could not be achieved without you. However we can’t be complacent and there continues to be opportunities to sign up new members in emerging industries. The purpose of this growth is not just for increased membership numbers bit to build Industry power so that there is no weak link.
Viterra EBA Planning: The Branch conducted EBA planning with Viterra Bulk Loading Plant delegates at the start of June. This planning coincides with Viterra about to be sold to Multi National Commodities trading house Glencore. Viterra on their own were anti union and quite hostile and the Branch anticipates a difficult struggle reaching a satisfactory agreement. The planning developed a log of claims and the first meeting will be held on Friday 6 June with delegates from each of the 5 Grain ports attending.
CSL Yarra 10 Years on: May 2012 marked the 10 year anniversary of the CSL Yarra dispute in Port Pirie. The dispute culminated in a 2 week sit in by MUA members to try and defend the vessel being flagged out and manned with Ukrainians. With the support of the Port Pirie community the dispute was successful and MUA members sailed the vessel out of Port Pirie. Unfortunately the end came a few short months later, but the support of the Port Pirie community was a shining example of the Australian spirit and sense of Fair Go. Last week Branch Secretary Jamie Newlyn met with the Mayor of Port Pirie Brenton Vanstone and discussed the possibility of commissioning a memorial of that historic modern day labour dispute and commemorating wonderful role the Port Pirie Community played in supporting MUA members in that struggle.
Longview ILWU Rally: The MUA National Office is funding one member from each branch to attend ILWU International President “Big” Bob McEllrath’s trial in Longview ,Portland in defence of “Big’ Bobs arrest for standing on the front line protecting his members jobs and ultimately being arrested. The ITF are coordinating the rally with the ILWU and dockers from around the world are attending including POAGS Delegate & Branch Committee Member Mark Scutella to support Big Bob and show Longview and the world that as the ILWU say “An Injury to One is an Injury to All”.
Patrick EBA: As previously reported this long running negotiation has taken almost 2 years of struggle and we are close to reaching a settlement on National Part A. Part B or local arrangements are almost complete also with some drafting left to complete. The difficulty with an agreement taking so long is keeping members focussed on the end goal of wages and conditions of employment improved. Essentially this has occurred albeit after a long battle. I thank the members for their patience, commitment and faith in the Union National Negotiating Team and local delegates.
TIR Course Commenced:
World Refugee Day:
Another IR course has commenced at the AFMA in Port Adelaide which is auspiced to run the course through the Australian Maritime College (AMC). As previously reported the MUA through its board membership on Transport Distribution & Training SA (TDTSA) the Transport Industry Skills Council helped secure the funding and are in the process of facilitating employment and sea time for trainees at the conclusion of the course through former MUA Assistant National Secretary Rick Newlyn. As a number of the applicants already had STCW 95 certificates it provided an opportunity for 5 candidates who missed out on the course to at least get some experience with STCW 95 qualification which will hold them in good stead if there is funding next year to run another course. This is the 4th SA funded TIR course and the most amount of TIR’s ever trained from SA in Integrated Rating History.
A week of activities supporting refugees and the end of mandatory detention were held from 16 to 23 June. Branch Secretary Jamie Newlyn spoke at a rally to end mandatory detention on the steps of Parliament on Saturday 16 June. Organised by the Greens and supported by progressive organisations Jamie Newlyn called on the Government to treat refugees whether arriving by boat or through the UN resettlement program should be treated with respect & dignity and stop playing politics with peoples lives. The unfortunate sinking and deaths of close to 100 refugees last week highlights the need to find a solution to asylum seekers arriving by boat. We can and should process claims for asylum or refuge in this country domestically and drop any policy of offshore processing immediately.
Rally Against Chevron Contractor - DB Schenker: Branch Secretary Jamie Newlyn (pictured right) reported that the rally in Adelaide was successful, "Today's rally saw a good turnout of MUA members and solidarity from other unions. Australia's in the midst of a two speed economy and if actions like DB Schenker's are allowed to continue the economies two speeds will both be in reverse" said Mr Newlyn.
QUBE/POAGS: Another Stevedoring Agreement that has taken an extraordinary amount of time to conclude. QUBE operate 3 different agreements in South Australia and once again there has been a difficult struggle trying to reach agreement with this hostile employer. I am told that Part A is agreed in principle subject to some drafting. Locally things have fared much better in the local Part B negotiations with less hostility but there is still a fair bit left to resolve particularly in Port Pirie and Port Lincoln. Port Pirie members have unfortunately or unwittingly been caught up in the National POAGS agreement process even though their agreement is separate, this has been at there disadvantage and resulted in no pay rise for the past 2 years. The Branch & delegates will attempt to resolve this as a matter of urgency.
Wallaroo & Sealink Ferries: Branch Organiser Campbell Duignan has made contact with employees on both Wallaroo & Sealink KI ferries in an attempt to organise these respective operations. Initial contact on the KI ferries came from members who knew employees. This has resulted in the signing of a few members and an organising approach to negotiating a collective agreement with the AMOU. The Wallaroo ferry is a different operator and we currently have 2 members on the vessel again we will try and recruit 100% of the employees on this vessel to build power and force the notoriously anti union operator to negotiate an agreement. Initial discussions with the crew have already identified a number of issues.
Jamie Newlyn Branch Secretary M: 0419 517 487 jamie.newlyn@mua.org.au Clem Clothier Deputy Secretary M: 0423 550 561 clem.clothier@mua.org.au Campbell Duignan Branch Organiser M: 0413 398 559 campbell.duignan@mua.org.au