Development Community Plan
2005 - 2015
Municipality of Berat (addendum to the Strategy for Economic Development 2005 - 2010)
VIsION Berat, the white town with its splendid people, will be a prosperous municipality with sustained economic development, with a solid agro-business and handicraft sector, and a hub of family tourism centered on its history and unique cultural heritage.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Revised Social and Economic
This book is financed by Council of Europe (CoE), OSCE, LGI-Budapest and implemented by Association of Albanian Municipalities in the frame of “Albanian Lidership Programme�.
Realised by:
botime afrojdit
Tirana, 2008
Matrix of goals, objectives, programs and projects of the plan - Revised VISION: Berat, the white town with its splendid people, will be a prosperous municipality with sustained economic development, with a solid agro-business and handicraft sector, and a hub of family tourism centered on its history and unique cultural heritage. Goal
Q1 Goal One: Development of the agrobusiness and small and medium enterprises in the region of Berat through the revitalization of its production, processing and trading potentials
Q1:O1:PG1: Allocation of suitable areas for agro-business operations and facilities in the town of Berat
Q1:O1:PG2: Improvement of the existing infrastructure used for agro-business activities
Q1:O2: Support for newly established businesses and existing businesses operating in the field of agroprocessing and trade of agricultural product by coordinating the efforts with all local stakeholders
Project Q1:O1:PG1:p1: Preparation of a study on the integration of the facilities operated by the agro-business in the town planning scheme of Berat
Q1:O1:PG1:p2: Preparation of a study on the establishment of a centre for agro-business, that will serve for the collection, processing and the marketing of the agricultural products at the regional level
Q1:O1:PG2:p1: Rehabilitation of the infrastructure in areas with agro-business activities
Q1:O2:PG1:p1: Establishment of the OneStop-Shop to facilitate the business-related procedures Q1:O2:PG1: Provision of administrative support, simplification of administrative and fiscal procedures, provision of training and information on credit opportunities for small and medium enterprises active in the agro-business sector
Q1:O2:PG1:p2: Preparation of an assessment study on local fiscal policy on agriculture
Q1:O2:PG1:p3: Publication of a leaflet on access to credit for the local agro-business operators
Q1:O2:PG1:p4: Organisation of periodical seminars with regional agro-business operators with the participation of the interest groups and local government authorities
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Q1:O1: Transformation of Berat into the main regional hub for the concentration and processing of agricultural products
Q1 Goal One: Development of the agrobusiness and small and medium enterprises in the region of Berat through the revitalization of its production, processing and trading potentials
Q1:O3: Promotion of local agricultural products at the regional level
Q1:O4: Improvement of the production capacities coupled with better standardisation requirements for the agricultural products originating from the region of Berat
Q2:O1: Inclusion of the historical areas of the town in the UNESCO program for the protection of world heritage Q 2 Goal Two: Rapid tourism development based on the unique cultural and historical heritage of Berat
Q2:O2: Tourism promotion through provision of detailed and up to date information
Q1:O3:PG1: Support for new initiatives to build new markets to concentrate trading of agricultural products at the regional level
Q1:O4:PG1: Establishment of generally applicable standards for agricultural products
Q2:O1:PG1: Fulfillment of the required criteria to include the cultural and historical sites of Berat under the protection of the UNESCO world heritage program
Q2:O2:PG1: Coordination of efforts and identification of fields of action and division of responsibilities among the stakeholders for the purpose of promoting the potentials of Berat in the field of tourism
Q1:O3:PG1:p1: Establishment of a business association for the agriculture sector
Q1:O3:PG1: p2: Organisation of a periodical fair for agriculture products
Q1:O3:PG1:p3: Periodical publication of the agriculture and farming bulletin
Q1:O4:PG1:p1: Preparation of an information bulletin on agricultural standards and market trends in the region and in the foreign market
Q2:O1:PG1:p1: Preparation of the application for Berat, which will be submitted by the Council of Minister to UNESCO for the purpose of including the town of Berat in the list of the world heritage sites
Q2:O2:PG1:p1: Preparation of a joint action plan to be implemented by the municipality and by the private and state agencies that operate in the tourism sector Q2:O2:PG1:p2: Establishment of a municipal structure in charge of tourism promotion for the town of Berat Q2:O2:PG1:p3: Establishment of a Tourist Information Center
Q2:O2:PG1:p4 Preparation and distribution of the touristic guide and preparation of the official webpage of the town of Berat Q2:O2: Tourism promotion through provision of detailed and up to date information
Q2:O2:PG1:p5: Establishment of relationships through twinning projects with the municipalities of the Puglia region in Italy in the framework of the Interreg IIIA project Q2:O2:PG1:p6: Preparation of the tourist information package for the town of Berat Q2:O3:PG1:p1: Preparation of an assessment study on the needs for reconstruction, maintenance, preservation and discovery of new historical and cultural object and artifacts in Berat
Q 2 Goal Two: Rapid tourism development based on the unique cultural and historical heritage of Berat
Q2:O3: Reconstruction, protection and preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the town of Berat
Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural and historic assets of the town
Q2:O3:PG1:p2: Organisation of regular debates in the media to analyse the situation of the cultural heritage of Berat and the activities of the responsible agencies. Q2:O3:PG1:p3: Creation of an education facility for restorers of art works and iconographic material Q2:O3:PG1:p4: Restoration of historical objects on the old castle street Q2:O3:PG1:p5: Construction of the workshop for the production of handicraft materials and traditional souvenirs Q2:O3:PG1:p6: Organisation of the annual meeting of new talents of painting in the town of Berat
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Q2:O2:PG1: Coordination of efforts and identification of fields of action and division of responsibilities among the stakeholders for the purpose of promoting the potentials of Berat in the field of tourism
Q2:O3: Reconstruction, protection and preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the town of Berat
Q 2 Goal Two: Rapid tourism development based on the unique cultural and historical heritage of Berat
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural and historic assets of the town
Q2:O4: Improvement of the hotel standards and improvement of standards of other hospitality services
Q2:O4:PG1: Improvement and achievement of modern hospitality and tourism standards in the hotels of Berat
Q2:O5: Provision of support for the handicraft business
Q2:O5:PG1: Facilitation of administrative procedures to support handicraft business and provision of training for new handicraftsmen
Q3:O1: Harmonisation of the sectorial plans in the framework of the general regulatory plan
Q3:O1:PG1: Coordination of efforts related to the town planning and provision of the necessary logistical arrangements
Q2:O3:PG1:p7: Reconstruction of the old stone-paved streets in the historical neighborhoods of Berat Q2:O3:PG1:p8: Reconstruction of the historical museum of Berat Q2:O3:PG1:p9: Organisation of open air symphonic concerts with young students in the historic center Q2:O3:PG1:p10: Publication of the encyclopedia of Berat Q2:O3:PG1:p11: Construction of power supply and telephone lines in the museal sites, construction of decorative lighting in historical sites Q2:O3:PG1:p12: Construction of the fire protection system (hydrants) in the historical and museum sites
Q2:O4:PG1:p1: Provision of a series of training courses for businesses and agencies that operate in the sector of tourism
Q2:O5:PG1:p1: Preparation of a special policy of tax differentiation for handicrafts in Berat
Q2:O5:PG1:p2: Provision of short-term training for apprentices of handicraft
Q3:O1:PG1:p1: Improvement and development of the capacities of the Municipal Urban Planning Office
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q3:O1:PG2: Periodical monitoring and assessment of the performance with regard to the implementation of the strategic plans
Q3:O2: Improvement of the infrastructure and improvement of the capacities of service provision
Q3:O2:PG1: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place
Q3:O1:PG1:p3: Preparation of a general draft of the town’s regulatory plan
Q3:O1:PG1:p4: Preparation of partial regulatory plans for specific areas of the town of special historical and cultural value
Q3:O1:PG1:p5: Preparation of the project for the construction of the Berat ring road
Q3:O1:PG1:p6: Modernisation of the Office for the Registration of Immovable Assets
Q3:O1:PG2:p1: Institutionalisation of the six-monthly meeting with local actors for the monitoring and revision of the Strategic Plan for the Economic Development of Berat
Q3:O2:PG1:p1: Reconstruction of the potable water network. Reconstruction of the sewage network, and preparation of a concessionary agreement of the public utilities. Q3:O2:PG1:p2: Reconstruction of the power supply line 20 kV of the town Q3:O2:PG1:p3: Improvement of the existing fixed telephone network of the town of Berat Q3:O2:PG1:p4: Reconstruction of the drainage system for surface waters in the “Murat Celebi” neighborhood. Q3:O2:PG1:p5: Reconstruction of the “Babe Dudë – Mulliri i Xhamos” street
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Q3:O1: Harmonisation of the sectorial plans in the framework of the general regulatory plan
Q3:O1:PG1: Coordination of efforts related to the town planning and provision of the necessary logistical arrangements
Q3:O1:PG1:p2: Creation of the photogrammatic map of the town and update of the engineering infrastructure
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q3:O2: Improvement of the infrastructure and improvement of the capacities of service provision
Q3:O2:PG1: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place
Q3:O2:PG1:p6: Reconstruction of the facades of the buildings on the main streets of Berat Q3:O2:PG1:p7: Construction of the neighborhood marked in thee “Murat Celebi” borough Q3:O2:PG1:p8: Construction of a draining canal in the “Barrikada” neighborhood. Q3:O2:PG1:p9: Road reconstruction in the “Goricë” neighborhood Q3:O2:PG1:p10: Road reconstruction in the “Dëshmorët e Kombit” neighborhood Q3:O2:PG1:p11: Construction of an orphanage Q3:O2:PG1:p12: Reconstruction of the“22 Tetori” secondary school Q3:O2:PG1:p13: Reconstruction of the “28 Nëntori”secondary school Q3:O2:PG1:p14: Reconstruction of the sports center Q3:O2:PG1:p15: Establishment of the Berat University – Reconstruction of the former maternity hospital building for the purpose of transforming it into the main university building Q3:O2:PG1:p16: Construction of secondary roads for the new bridge on the Osum river, for the purpose of connecting the brigde with the main streets of the town Q3:O2:PG1:p17: Reconstruction of the infrastructure at the entry of the town of Berat Q3:O2:PG1:p18: Construction of the Berat ring road Q3:O2:PG1:p19: Construction of the “Pal Golemi” street Q3:O2:PG1:p20: Construction of the road that links the town with the Berat castle
Q3:O2: Improvement of the infrastructure and improvement of the capacities of service provision
Q3:O2:PG1:p22: Reconstruction of the road segment “Stadiumi Tomori – Ish. Kampi i Pioniereve”
Q3:O2:PG1:p23: Construction of the road “Santa Lucia Filippini”
Q3:O2:PG1:p24: Improvement works on the infrastructure among the apartment blocks in Berat
Q3:O2:PG1:p25: Reconstruction of the main boulevard of Berat
Q3:O2:PG1:p26: Support to the Central Government’s initiative for the construction of the national road “Tirane-Berat – Permet”
Q3:O2:PG1:p27: Modernization of the traffic signals in the town of Berat
Q3:O2:PG1:p28: Reconstruction of the stadium “Tomori”
Q3:O2:PG1:p29: Construction of sport facilities in the public areas of the town Q3:O2:PG1:p30: Installation of works of art in the center of the town Q3:O2:PG1:p31: Reconstruction of the kindergarten “30 Vjetori” in the town of Berat Q3:O2:PG1:p32: Reconstruction of the kindergarten and the nursery in the “Çlirim” neighborhood Q3:O2:PG1:p33: Creation of a modern address system for the town of Berat Q3:O2:PG2: Improvement of the capacities of the public institutions and creation of new standards for the public service provision
Q3:O2:PG2:p1: Improvement of the capacities of the public utilities and contracted businesses that provide public services through the preparation and implementation of modern technical and economic standards
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q3:O2:PG1: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place
Q3:O2:PG1:p21: Road construction in the “Uznove” borough
Q3:O2:PG2: Improvement of the capacities of the public institutions and creation of new standards for the public service provision Q3:O2:PG3: Balancing service costs and tariffs in compliance with the municipal social service policies
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q3:O2: Improvement of the infrastructure and improvement of the capacities of service provision
Q3:O2:PG4: Improvement of municipal social and health services
Q3:O3: Achievement of the optimal environmental standards in the town of Berat
Q3:O3:PG1: Environmental management through inter-institutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities
Q3:O2:PG2:p2: Modernization of the Public Information Office Q3:O2:PG2:p3: Installation of the audio intercom system in the meeting room of the municipal council Q3:O2:PG3:p1: Assessment study on a future balance of costs and tariffs for the municipal service provision Q3:O2:PG4:p1: Preparation of a package of measures to improve social service standards for marginalized and vulnerable groups Q3:O2:PG4:p2: Establishment of a daily care center for elderly people Q3:O2:PG4:p3: Establishment of a rehabilitation center for victims of drugs abuse Q3:O2:PG4:p4: Organisation of awarenessraising campaigns on gender equality and against domestic violence Q3:O2:PG4:p5: Establishment of the NGO forum Q3:O2:PG4:p6: Extension of the premises of the Regional Hospital of Berat Q3:O2:PG4:p7: Construction of social housing apartments for the homeless inhabitants of Berat Q3:O3:PG1:p1: Establishment of an environmental impact assessment system to control the activities and possible damages to the environment caused by the business that operate in the town and in the region of Berat. Q3:O3:PG1:p2: Purchase of the necessary equipment for the monitoring of the environmental standards and the provision of the necessary training for the operation of the equipment
Q3 Goal 3: Urban development for Berat in compliance with the modern standards and in harmony with the specific features of Berat
Q3:O3: Achievement of optimal environmental standards in the town of Berat
Q3:O3:PG2: Active civil society participation for the solution of environmental problems
Q3:O3:PG1:p4: Preparation of Impact Assessment Maps for Berat and preparation of action plans to counter environmental hazards and threats
Q3:O3:PG1:p5: Construction of a landfill for Berat
Q3:O3:PG1:p6: Improvement works on the banks of the Osum river
Q3:O3:PG1:p7: Reconstruction and construction of drainage works and canals for the surface waters of Berat
Q3:O3:PG1:p8: Construction of the purification plant for the sewage waters of the town
Q3:O3:PG1:p9: Rehabilitation and extension of green areas of the town
Q3:O3:PG1:p10: Improvement works in the park located in the eastern side of the castle. Construction of leisure and relaxation areas
Q3:O3:PG1:p11: Drafting of an Action Plan based on the Environmental Impact Assessment of the town of Berat
Q3:O3:PG2:p1: Preparation of publications to increase the awareness level of the citizens on the protection of environment
Q3:O3:PG2:p2: Organisation of a public debate in the local media to raise the awareness of the community on the protection of environment
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Q3:O3: Achievement of the optimal environmental standards in the town of Berat
Q3:O3:PG1: Environmental management through inter-institutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities
Q3:O3:PG1:p3: Organisation of quarterly roundtables with the institutions and organisations are active in the field of environment protection
Q3:O3:PG2:p3: Organisation of monthly meetings with the participation of citizens’ committees, students’ unions, business associations and local NGOs to discuss issues related to the protection of environment
Q3:O3:PG2:p4: Creation of a municipal e-mail address dedicated to receiving the queries and complaints of the community with regard to the protection of the environment
Q2:O3:PG1:p3: Project: Establishment of an atelier for the education and preparation of restorers of iconographic works of art.
Program: Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project description: The project aims at the creation of professional capacities and at the continuous capacity building of young restorers of the town of Berat in order to pave the way for the rehabilitation of the existing iconographic works of art located at the town’s historical centre. The establishment of the atelier will also aim at the continuation of the town’s tradition in fine arts and the creation of possibilities for young people to get involved in programs aimed at putting the town’s historical and artistic values at the forefront. The actions to be taken are the following: Identification of a suitable site for the establishment of the atelier (possibly within the historical centre). Public announcement directed to the young restorers that will participate in the training courses and completion of the screening and selection process according to the previously established selection criteria. Provision of the equipment for the atelier in order to start up the training program. Completion of the training program for the young restaurateurs. Public presentation of the atelier, presentation of the works of the participants in the training courses. Expected results: Improvement of the professional capacities of young people who have received training on restoration techniques. Creation of employment possibilities for the young trainees through their certification as junior restaurateurs. Restoration of the iconographic works of art at the historical centre.
Beneficiaries: Interested young people. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute. Local Government. Directorate of Museums. Religious community, owners of the religious objects.
Project Contributors:
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Berat Municipality. Culture Monuments Institute. Interested donors. Diocese of Berat. Directorate of Museums.
Preconditions: Creation of the suitable conditions for the establishment of the atelier. Full engagement and support by the structures of the local government and the Institute of Culture Monuments.
Risks: Lack of engagement by local institutions.
Estimated Expenditure: Foreseen amount : Timeframe:
5 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
June 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p4: Project: Restoration of the historical objects situated on the side of the old road leading to the Berat Castle.
Program: Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the rehabilitation of the historical objects situated in the highly visited old road that leads to the Berat Castle neighborhood. The project is proposed in the framework of the nomination of the town of Berat for the UNESCO World Heritage List. Following actions will be taken: Identification of the historical objects (houses, religious objects, walls, roads, etc) which will be restored in that part of the town. Identification of the restoration needs and preparation of the necessary interventions. Establishment of the working group with local and international specialists and actors in order to identify the areas of intervention for the preservation and rehabilitation of the historical and cultural heritage of the town.
Expected results:
Preservation of the cultural and architectural values of the historical center. Increase of the number of local and foreign visitors.
Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute. Local government. Local community.
Projects Contributors: Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Berat Municipality. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute The Ministry of Culture. Interested donors.
Awareness rising and lobbying with the respective institutions about the importance of the project. Involvement of the local community.
Citizens’ resistance toward the demolition of the illegal constructions in the area within the framework of the project.
Estimated Expenditure: Foreseen amount : Timeframe:
10 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
September 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p5: Project: Construction of a handcrafts workshop for the production of traditional products (souvenirs) of Berat.
Program: Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project Description: The project aims the initiation of a local tradition of souvenir production, by encouraging small businesses, especially those located in the historical center of the town. The project intends to link the improvement and extension of their production and trade activities with an increasing number of incoming of visitors in the town. The actions to be taken are: Identification of the site for the construction of the handicrafts worksho Public consultations with the interested handcrafters community for the purpose of discussing join development goals within the framework of the projec Involvement of the handcrafters groups in setting up the workshop and finding a market for the objects that will be produced.
Expected results:
Consolidation of the local handcrafters communit Increase of the employment in this fiel
Local handcrafters community Chamber of Commerce Local Government
Project Contributions: Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Chamber of Commerce.
Preconditions: Involvement of the handcrafters community. Simplified procedures from the Chamber of Commerce and the Directorate of Taxes.
Berat Municipality. Chamber of Commerce. Ministry of Culture. Interested Donors.
Risks: Lack of a dedicated market that would support the project activities.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount : Timeframe:
8 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
January 2009
Q2:O3:PG1:p6: Project: Organizing a national annual meeting of the new painting talents in the town of Berat
Program: Q2:O3:PG1: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the revitalization of the cultural and artistic activities at the local level and at the encouragement of the new artists in the field of painting. The actions to be taken are: Initiation of contacts and activities with the Ministry of Culture and other central and local institutions for the purpose of this project. Identification of the new talents in painting at the local and national level so as to encourage their participation at the annual meeting. The activity will be conceived as an open competition and will be followed by the award of the respective prizes.
Expected results: Promotion of the artistic values of the town by transforming it into a national center for the development of activities in the field of visual art. Highlighting new talents in the field of painting.
Beneficiaries: Local government. Artists community. Arts Gallery.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Berat Municipality. Arts Gallery of Berat.
Preconditions: Involvement of the artists community. Lobbing in the Ministry of Culture for the development of the activity at the national level.
Berat Municipality. Arts Gallery of Berat. Ministry of Culture. Interested donors.
Risks: Lack of support from the Ministry of Culture for the status of activity at the national level.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
4 000 euro 1 month
Project start date:
March 2009
Q2:O2:PG1:p5: Project: Development of twining relations with the communes of the region of Puglia, Italy in the framework of the Interreg III-A Project.
Q2:O2:PG1: Program: Coordination of efforts and identification of fields of action and division of responsibilities among the stakeholders for the purpose of promoting the potentials of Berat in the field of tourism.
Project description: The project aims at improving the cooperation level between the communes of the Region of Puglia / Italy and the town of Berat, in the framework of the current EU community programmes. The project activities will serve to strengthen the mutual assistance and partnership between the local governments of the two countries, in order to give an impulse to the development of the local economies. The actions to be taken are: Identification and initiation of joint activities of cultural, economic and technical exchange.
Expected results: • •
Better cooperation between the towns involved in the project. Integration in the EU programmes that finance partnership between the two countries.
Beneficiaries: Local government. Local community. Business community .
Project Contributions: Berat Municipality. Berat Chamber of Commerce. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute. Directorate of Museums. Arts Gallery. Cultural Center.
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality.
Preconditions: Fulfilment of the standards of cooperation according to the conditions of the respective agreements.
Lack of capacities of the local institutions to implement cooperation programs.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount : Timeframe:
50 000 euro 2 years
Project start date:
April 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p7: Project: Rehabilitation of the traditional stone-paved roads in the characteristic neighborhood of the town.
Q2:O3:PG1: Program: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Description of Project:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
This project aims at the rehabilitation of the stone-paved roads according to the tradition of the historic town by restoring back to their original identity the old neighborhoods of the historical center. The rehabilitation of the stone-paved roads aims at overcoming the infrastructure-related problems that affect the historical neighborhoods of the town. The project also aims at providing a different and new sight to the inner parts of the neighborhoods. The actions to be taken are the following: Establishment of special team of specialized workers that will carry out the improvement works in the stone-paved roads, administrated by the local road administration department. Identification of the most problematic areas in the historical centre. Rehabilitation of the stone-paved roads, initially in the historical centre and then the other neighborhoods of the town.
Expected results: • •
Improvement of the life quality in the areas covered by the project. Improvement of the image of the town, as a museum tawny of traditions and architecture.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local community. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Municipal Infrastructure Enterprise.
Berat Municipality. Municipal Infrastructure Enterprise.
Establishment of the team that will carry out the works with the respective specialist. Identification of the priority areas.
Lack of co-operation with the local community with regard to the demolition of the illegal constructions.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount Timeframe:
100 000 euro 2 years
Project start date:
February 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p8: Project: Reconstruction of the Historic Museum of the town.
Q2:O3:PG1: Program: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project description: The project is aimed at the re-establishment and reconstruction of the Historical Museum of Berat which is not in function over the last couple of years because of the lack of suitable premises. The reconstruction of the Historical Museum will complete the framework for the promotion of the historical and cultural values of the town. It will provide a strong basis to the promotion of the historical tourism in addition to the rehabilitation of the historical center, the Onufri Museum and the Ethnographic Museum. The reconstructed museum will be included in the tourist guides of Berat and will help to present the rich history of a 2400 years old town. The actions to be taken are the following: Identification of a building within the Historical Center to establish the Historical Museum. Rehabilitation of the building and establishment of the museum in cooperation with possible donors.
Expected results: • •
Improvement of the local service provision in the framework of the tourism development programs. The historical elements of the town are brought at the forefront.
Implementing partners:
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Project Contributions:
Berat Municipality. Cultural center of Berat. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Berat Municipality. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute. Ministry of Culture. Different Donors.
Preconditions: Approval of funds from the Ministry of Culture Cooperation with the Culture Monuments Institute in order to identify suitable premises
Risks: Long fund allocation procedures from the Ministry of Culture
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
40 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
October 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p9: Project: Organisation of open-air concerts with students’ groups in the historical center of Berat.
Q2:O3:PG1: Program: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims to revive the cultural life of the town over the summer season by organizing open-air concerts in the Historical Center -which is a very appropriate place for such activities. This activity will serve to increase the number of people who visit the town during the summer period, and will revitalize its museum neighborhoods. The project is proposed by the association “Friends of Music” (Miqtë e Muzikës), who is also involved in other similar projects in the Western Balkans. The concerts will take place in the open air with small strings quartets, with the purpose of providing a quality cultural insight to visitors and local inhabitants of Berat. The Actions to be taken are the following: Inclusion of Berat in the touristic itinerary of the project run by the “Friends of Music” Association. Engagement of local and foreign artists for the events.
Expected results: Revitalization of the cultural life in Berat. Improvement of the touristic infrastructure.
Implementing partners:
Local government. Local community. Local branch of the Culture Monuments Institute.
Project Contributions:
Berat Municipality. “Friends of Music’’ Association.
Berat Municipality. “Friends of Music’’ Association. Potential Donors.
Preconditions: Contacts with “Friends of Music’’ association in order to carry out this project.
Similar cultural sites included in the project (towns in Balkans and in Italy) could be very competitive with regard to the provision of financial support for this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
-------- euro 3 months
Project start date:
May 2009
Q2:O3:PG1:p10: Project: Publication of the Encyclopedia of Berat.
Q2:O3:PG1: Program: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town.
Project description: The project aims at the provision of a very representative and comprehensive publication on the values of the town. This publication, which will be promoted as the Encyclopedia of Berat, will give accurate and precise information about the town, by thus providing cultural, artistic, and historical insights and useful information for the inhabitants and to the existing and potential visitors. The Actions to be taken: Organisation of a meeting with researchers and intellectuals of Berat, in order to launch this initiative and to collect and coordinate local contributions for this publication. Establishment of the working group for the preparation and the publication of the encyclopedia.
Expected results: Promotion of the publications and reference material produced by the municipality. Provision of information to the existing and potential visitors of Berat and to all interested parties.
Beneficiaries: Local government. Local community.
Project Contributions: Berat Municipality. Historical Museum. Directorate of Monuments of Culture. Directorate of Museums. Town historians and intellectuals.
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Historical Museum.
Preconditions: Collection of data from a specialized group, which will work intensively in order to provide accurate and professional information.
Risks: Lack of accurate data sources.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
10 000 Euro 1 year
Project start date:
July 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p15: Project:
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Establishment and opening of the University of Berat –Transformation of the premises of the former maternity hospital into premises for the new university
Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural assets of the town
Project description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the establishment of a number of study directions at the local university of Berat, such as architecture, economy, tourism and fine arts. Taking into account the fact that the town of Berat has a rich tradition in the field of education and culture, and considering the scarce economic possibilities of the town and of the region, the establishment of a local university would be a key development factor for Berat. The beneficiaries of this project will be not only the young local people of Berat but also the young people from the region and from the neighboring towns. Actions to be taken: Lobbing with the Government of Albania in favour of the University of Berat. Transfer of the property title of the former maternity hospital building from the Ministry of Health to the Municipality of Berat for the purpose of the establishment of the University of Berat.
Expected results: Improved education opportunities at the local and regional level. Improvement of the economic development potential of Berat.
Implementing partners:
Local government. Local community and other stakeholders.
Project Contributions:
Berat Municipality. Ministry of Education. Ministry of Internal.
Berat Municipality. Ministry of Education. Ministry of Internal.
Preconditions: Transfer of the property title of the former maternity hospital building from the Ministry of Health to the Municipality of Berat. Approval of the budget for the rehabilitation of the existing premises by the Ministry of Finances. Approval of budget for the establishment and opening of the University from the Ministry of Finances.
Risks: Unclear legislation on local government property.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
-------- eur -----
Project start date:
Q3:O2:PG4:p2: Project: Establishment of a daily center for abandoned elderly people – (proposed by the Red Cross Berat).
Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of the health and social services of the town.
Project description: The project aims at the establishment of a daily center for elderly people who lead a lonely life and have no support from their relatives. The project aims at their social integration, by thus alleviating the daily burdens of their lonely lives and by creating socialization possibilities through joint activities in the center. Actions to be taken: The Local Directorate of Social Services will carry out the identification of the eligible elderly people to be included in the list of the beneficiaries of the center. Identification of appropriate premises, renovation and refurbishment of the premises. Cooperation with donors who operate in the field of social service provision in order to cofinance the project.
Expected results:
Alleviation of the social problems of the vulnerable elderly people. Increase of their quality of life within the community.
Local government. Local community. Civil Society.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Red Cross, Berat. Local Directorate of Social Services.
Berat Municipality. Red Cross. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Drafting an action plan on the way the center will function. Signing of an agreement with the Red Cross on the duties and responsibilities of the project stakeholders (Municipality and the Red Cross).
Existence of stigmatizing factors from the community about the beneficiaries category (elderly lonely people).
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
10 000 euro 3 years
Project start date:
January 2009
Q3:O2:PG4:p3: Project: Establishment of rehabilitation center for victims of drug abuse.
Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of the health and social services of the town.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the establishment of a daily rehabilitation centre for young victims of drug abuse. Detoxification represents only an initial step for overcoming the acute effects caused by drug abuse. The long-term medical treatment of such victims requires a multilevel intervention, which can be carried out only in a dedicated rehabilitation centre by a multi-disciplinary crew. Occupational psycho-therapy and rehabilitation, coupled with counselling at the family level will help the victims of drug addiction to rehabilitate and to restart normal life. It should be stressed that these youngsters often are affected by the phenomenon of the so-called “juvenile delinquency”. Actions to be taken: The project will be carried out in cooperation with non-for profit organizations that operate in the town, which will be the implementing partners of the municipality for this project. The centre will be established in accordance with the best modern standards, in order to carry out the proposed intervention. The staff of the center will be selected according the relevant WHO criteria concerning health services provision.
Expected results:
Alleviation of social problems of vulnerable young people. Increase of their life quality within the community.
Local government. Local community. Civil society.
Project Contributions: Berat Municipality. Civil society . Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Public Health Directorate. Mental Health Center.
Implementing partners: Berat Municipality. Civil society.
Preconditions: Drafting of an action plan on the functioning of the center. Availability of specialized staff, that will be tasked to run the center.
Risks: Stigmatization of the beneficiaries (drug addicts).
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
10 000 euro 2 years
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O2:PG4:p4: Project:
Q3:O2:PG4: Program:
Awareness rising campaigns on gender equality and anti-domestic violence (proposed by the Woman Centre).
Improvement of the health and social services of the town.
Project description: The project aims at raising the awareness of the local community on the phenomenon of domestic violence and its effects in the society. The newly passed law on anti-domestic violence gives some competences to the local government units concerning the establishment of a network of services for the victims of family-based violence, which should include public institutions and civil society. The present project aims to carry out an awareness-rising campaign on gender equality and anti-domestic violence through public meetings, training, distribution of information material and leaflets, etc. Actions to be taken : The project will be carried out in cooperation with women NGOs, which will be the implementing partners of the Municipality of Berat. The awareness rising campaign will be prepared and launched inline with the aim and mission of the project. An informative material about domestic violence and its prevention will be published at the end of the campaign.
Expected results:
Establishment of an anti-domestic network in the town of Berat with the participation of all relevant actors.
Local government Local community Civil society.
Project contributions:
Implementing partners:
Berat Municipality. Civil Society Organisations. Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Berat Municipality. Civil society.
Preconditions: Inter-institutional cooperation in order to implement the project. Close contacts and partnerships with civil society as a party in the project implementation.
Risks: Lack of dedicated and specialized local government structures responsible for implementing the new law on domestic violence .
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
4 000 euro 1 year
Project start date:
Q3:O2:PG4:p5: Project: Establishment of the forum of NGOs that operate in Berat ( NGOs proposal ).
Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of the health and social services of the town.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
In the framework of the activities aimed at creating a new image of the Municipality of Berat through the establishment a direct line of communication with the local community in order to get the citizens opinion on decentralization and decision-making issues, the Municipality of Berat has drafted a questionnaire for the purpose of collecting information from active civil society organisations that operate in the town. Furthermore, the Municipality of Berat maintains frequent work contacts with the NGO community in order to coordinate activities, especially in the field of service provision so as to support different community groups and vulnerable groups. The project intends to establish a local NGO forum, able to coordinate activities and efforts between the local government and the local civil society. Actions to be taken : The project will establish a database with all the actors of the civil society. The municipality will be simply a facilitator interested to create appropriate conditions for the coordination of the activities at the local level. Joint actions shall be taken to promote citizen participation in local decision-making process. Expected results: Greater participation of citizens in the decision making process. Engagement of the civil society structures and coordination of activities with the local government in order to increase the quality of the services for the community.
Beneficiaries: Local government. Local community. Civil society.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Berat Municipality. Civil society. Potential donors.
Berat Municipality. Civil Society.
Preconditions: Drafting of a database on the structure of NGOs and the services that they carry out in the town. Close contacts and partnership with the civil society as a project implementing partner.
Risks: Lack of experience in civil society coordination.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
5 000 eur 1 year
Project start date:
February 2010
Q3:O2:PG2:p2: Project: Modernisation of the public information center.
Q3:O2:PG2: Program: Strengthening of the public relation function of the public services and improvement of the public communication standards.
Project Description: The project aims to provide quality public services for the citizens, who are interested to get informed on the administrative practices and procedures in use by the local administration. The project aims at improving the level of utilization of information technology, in order to improve the response time for citizen’s queries, and to provide for an open and transparent communication with the citizens. Actions to be taken: Installation of a computer network for the municipality. Provision of equipment for the public information office in accordance with modern standards so as to increase the quality of services provided to the citizens. Organizing and restructuring the public information office in order to improve the communication with the community and interest groups in the interest of good governance and public participation.
Expected results: Greater citizen participation in the decisionmaking process. Facilitation of the administrative procedures for the general public.
Implementing partners:
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Berat Municipality.
Berat Municipality. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Re-conception of the office of public relations in order to enable the fulfilment of the project’s goals according to the requested standards.
Risks: Lack of capacities and lack of trained human resources.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:
7 000 eur 6 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1:p16: Project: Construction of roads that connect the new bridge on the Osum river with the town’s main roads.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the construction of two new streets that connect the main street of the town with the new bridge that is being built on the river Osum. The construction of the new bridge on the Osum river has started in 2007 thanks to a central government investment aimed at the construction of the national road Permet-Berat-Tirane. The project entails the construction of a very modern road segment that offers the highest achievable standards for the community. Actions to be taken: Identification and allocation of the necessary funding in order to cover the total project cost in accordance with a realistic bill of quantities. Carrying out of the respective legal procedures related to public procurement in accordance with the law in force and with the existing best practices of public procurement. Carrying out the expropriation procedures for public interest of the properties that are effected by the road construction in full compliance with the national legislation in force. Contracting the implementation and supervision of works. Correct implementation of the project within the timeframe and cost foreseen in the contract. Checking and taking over of the completed works and issuance of the final certificate of completion of works. Expected Results: Improvement of the urban and inter-urban infrastructure. Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the business environment. Protection and preservation of the monumental bridge of Gorica. Creation of short-term employment opportunities. Establishment of direct connections between the town of Berat and the rest of the country. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Local Tourism.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors. Risks: Problems related to the process related to the expropriation of private lands and buildings for public interest.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
3 170 000 Euro 12 months
Project start date:
July 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p17: Project: Reconstruction of the infrastructure at the entry of the town of Berat.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: This project is aimed at the implementation of a new urban and architectonic concept regarding the urban development of the north-western entry of the town of Berat. The north-western entry of the town of Berat inherits the forms and dimensions provided for in the plans of the early nineties, that took into account the traffic and population density of the population of that time. The new demographic developments, the growth of the road traffic and the increase of the transport density and inter-city communication need a considerable improvement of the basic infrastructure. The project is aimed at the construction of the basic road infrastructure, installation of the road signs, lighting system, pedestrian areas and green areas at the entry of Berat. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the urban and inter-urban infrastructure. Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the business environment. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Creation of an environment conducive to tourism development. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Risks: No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
3 260 000 euro 8 months
Project start date:
July 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p18: Project: Construction of the Berat ring road.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The lack of an outer ring road affects the quality of life and hinders the economic development of the town since a long time. The Berat regulatory plan of the year 1983 has established the blueprints for a new ring road, yet that plan has remained on paper with no further details. Therefore, the missing outer ring road is considered as a serious threat to the future economic and social development of the town. For the above reasons, the municipality considers that urgent measures are necessary to overcome this situation. On the other hand the community is applying continuous pressure with regard to the solution of this major infrastructure problem. The project design task on the drafting of the new regulatory plan for the town has finally defined the area allocated for the ring road. The present financial situation of the Municipality of Berat does not allow for a sufficient budget to cover the project costs. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funds to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the urban and inter-urban infrastructure. Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the business environment. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Creation of an environment conducive to tourism development. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
5 000 000 euro 18 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O2:PG1:p19: Project: Construction of the “Pal Golemi” street.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The Municipality of Berat ranks the reconstruction of the secondary street “Pal Golemi” among its top priorities. This street is located at the suburbs of the town. This street connects the new urban settlements constructed after the nineties with the central part of the town. From the social point of view the street serves to a large number of inhabitants, since it crosses large apartment blocks with a very high population density. The road in its current state does not fulfill the minimum criteria of public infrastructure. The municipality has tried to provide for basic repair works, yet the lack of the basic canalizations creates continuous problems, taking into account the fact that the street is prone to inundation. In order to provide a final solution to the situation, a group of specialists from the Municipality of Berat have prepared the bill of quantities for the construction of this street, which has been named “Pal Golemi Street” upon a Municipal Council Decision. The project’s budget is 34 million ALL. It is considered as a priority project by the Municipal Council and by the Territory Regulation Council of the Municipality of Berat. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Beneficiaries: Improvement of the infrastructure of the
town. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Risks: No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
280 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
July 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p20: Project: Construction of the road that links the town with the Berat castle.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The old castle of Berat and its adjoining characteristic dwellings represent a national heritage site. The architectonic ensemble constituted by the castle and the characteristic houses of Berat are the town’s landmark. This site is the main argument for the inclusion of the town of Berat into the World Heritage Program. To the present day, the town is connected with the castle through two streets, one of which is stonepaved. The stone-paved street is not suitable for intensive vehicle transport. The other street is very narrow and steep; hence it does not represent a solution for the traffic problem. For the above reasons, the Municipality of Berat drafted a project regarding the construction of a dedicated street that links the town with the castle of Berat. This street will be equipped with modern infrastructure elements that characterize a touristic street. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the Beneficiaries: town. Improvement of the image of the town. Local Government. Creation of employment opportunities. Local Community. Creation of an environment conducive to Local Business. tourism development. Touristic agencies. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
300 000 euro 5 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p21: Project: Road construction in the “Uznove” borough.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The Uznovë neighborhood was brought under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Berat after the year 1990. This area represents an urban conglomeration with specific agricultural features. The fig trees plantations have a secure market and a well-know reputation in Albania. They represent a strong development base for agro-business, fully inline with the present development plan. The lack of an adequate infrastructure poses a severe threat to the development of the area. It represents a considerable obstacle for the businesses that cultivate fruits and marketable agricultural products. The present situation marked by the poor condition of the agricultural infrastructure represents a real challenge for the municipality. Therefore, the Municipality of Berat has prepared the necessary technical framework and the pertinent project. To date, lack of funding has been the major obstacle for the implementation of the project aimed at the construction of the road in the Uznove neighborhood. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the Beneficiaries: town. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Local Government. Creation of an environment conducive to Local Community. the development of the agro-business Local Business. Protection of environment. Touristic agencies. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications.
Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
325 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
July 2009
Q3:O2:PG1:p22: Project: Reconstruction of the road segment “Stadiumi Tomori – Ish. Kampi i Pioniereve”.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The road segment Stadium i Ri - Ish. Kampi i Pioniereve links the town of Berat with the new urban sprawl created in the last fifteen years. This road crosses an area marked by new residential low-rise buildings of 2 to 3 floors. This road segment has not been constructed according to a plan, due to the migration dynamics that determined the creation of the urban sprawl of Berat. Therefore, the Municipality of Berat considers of utmost importance to intervene in order to transform this street into a constitutive part of the general urban framework that serves to the integration of its local community. Taking into account the fact that the road is a consolidated reality in the urban context of Berat, the Municipality intends to invest for the construction of the underground and road infrastructure. The municipality has already approved a partial regulatory plan that will serve to build a new industrial market in the western end of this road. To the present trading activities take place in a chaotic manner on the sides of the existing road. This fact represents an additional reason to speed up its reconstruction, by thus paving the way to the normal functioning of the market in the near future. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Creation of an environment conducive to the development of the agro-business. Sustainable development of the business activities. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
125 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p23: Project: Construction of the road “Santa Lucia Filippini”.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The Santa Lucia Filippini street connects the town of Berat with its South-Eastern neighborhood. This street is located in the vicinity of the banks of the Osum river. The reconstruction of this street will serve not only to local inhabitants but to the whole town, because it can function as a partial ring road that considerably lowers the traffic density, especially the density of heavy traffic directed towards the centre of the town. This road also connects the complex of buildings of the Catholic Church, which host an education facility for secondary and pre-school education. In addition to this complex, the Liria centre has started its operations this year. Its goal is the provision of rehabilitation and support services to people with disabilities. It was build through a funding provided by the Swiss foundation ASED. The reconstruction of this street would represent a valid support to the business, which would avail themselves on a faster connection with the suburbs of the town, in which most of their facilities and storehouses are located. The street is 1100m long and 14.5m wide. It has sidewalks of 3 meters. At present the road is not paved. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Beneficiaries: Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Local Government. Sustainable development of the business Local Community. activities. Local Business. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Project Contributions: Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Ministry of Interior. Potential donors. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: Not Applicable. No significant risks are associated with the present project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
997 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O2:PG1:p24: Project: Improvement works on the infrastructure among the apartment blocks in Berat.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Urban requalification and infrastructural improvement of apartment blocks represent an important priority for the Municipality of Berat. The deteriorated situation of the public space around apartment blocks has brought about severe difficulties and has significantly lowered the quality of life of a sizeable portion of the local community. The missing canalizations and the lack of potable water supply have a highly negative impact on the local community, which also suffers the lack of green areas and sport facilities. The Municipality of Berat has taken a number of measures to improve the quality of life in the public spaces situated among the apartment blocks. Therefore it can rely on the experience collected during the implementation of such projects. The intervention aimed at the requalification of the public space among apartment blocks will be carried out in parallel to the demolition of the illegal buildings that take away a considerable portion of public territory which will be once again available for use for public purposes. This project also provides for the construction of public lighting facilities, by thus considerably improving the safety of movement in late hours. The improvement of the streets in the town and the provision of additional parking space avert the risk of car accidents. The investments in the public areas within the apartment blocks cause the value of the apartments to rise and entail a considerable improvement of the quality of life in the project areas. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Improvement of the safety of circulation in the town. Improvement of conditions related to trading and service provision. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors. Risks:
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
450 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p25: Project: Reconstruction of the main boulevard of Berat.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The project is aimed at the rehabilitation of the main boulevard of Berat. Berat has a popular tradition related to its well-known evening stroll, which is made in small groups of friends or by families. In summer time the boulevard is the place to go in Berat. The project intends to give a modern look to the boulevard by removing the traditional sidewalk in order to create a single pedestrian area. The boulevard ends at the central park of the town that is confined with the Osum river. The reconstruction of the boulevard will create a real recreation and trade complex. The regulatory plan of Berat, especially the plan on the centre of Berat provides in a detailed manner on the destination and utilization of the main boulevard, along the lines foreseen by the present project. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works.. Expected Results: Improvement of the infrastructure of the town. Improvement of the image of the town. Creation of employment opportunities. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of conditions related to trading and service provision. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies. Banks.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
No significant risks are associated with the implementation of this project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
650 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O2:PG1:p26: Project:
Support to the Central Government’s initiative for the construction of the national road “Tirane-BeratPermet”.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
This project is aimed at the coordination of the local and central actors for the purpose of supporting the central government’s initiative on the construction of the national road segment Tirane-BeratPermet. The present situation is not favourable for the town from the infrastructure point of view. Since Berat has no direct connection to the national road network, it is threatened to be cut out from the national social and economic development, since the missing link prevents the businesses from investing in the town. The existence of such barriers lowers the performance of the town and has a very negative impact that is reflected in the phenomenon of brain-drain, as many young qualified professionals have to leave the town to look elsewhere for a suitable employment with career opportunities. The present situation prevents the town from being at the center of a visitor’s attention by giving the wrong impression on its whereabouts. This affects negatively the touristic capacities of the town. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Creation of lobbying and advocacy groups which will get involved in the decision-making of the central government. Putting positive pressure for the realisation of this joint initiative. Cooperation for the purpose of finalizing the project in concrete terms. Expected Results: Establishment of a direct connection route with the national road. Improved opportunities for the social and economic development of the town. Increased investments in Berat. Creation of employment opportunities. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Interest Groups. Council of Ministers Preconditions: A good level of cooperation between the local actors and the central government.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies. Education institutions.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Central Government. Potential donors. Risks: Lack of a clear will to cooperate by the central government with regard to this particular initiative. Lack of engagement from the relevant local structures.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
Project start date:
July 2008
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p27: Project: Modernization of the traffic signs in the town of Berat.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: Even though the Municipality of Berat has been at the forefront of the efforts aiming at the improvement of the road signals that regulate urban traffic in the town, the existing situation still needs consistent improvement. The partial solutions provided to date are insufficient in this respect. The project aims at the completion of an assessment study regarding the installation of a new system of traffic signs in compliance with the new regulatory plan, and by taking into account the demographic and traffic-related developments of the town. Further to the completion of the study, the project will closely cooperate with the competent institutions in charge of traffic control and traffic security, for the purpose of installing and managing a new system of traffic signals able to adequately regulate the circulation in the town. The construction of the new traffic signals system will considerably increase the traffic efficiency. It will significantly minimize the risks of accidents for the inhabitants and visitors of the town. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of a study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Cooperation with all relevant institutions in order to ensure an optimal project outcome. Expected Results: Improved traffic control in the town. Improvement of the safety of circulation in the town. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Protection of environment. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Police Department Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Public Works, Transports and Telecommunications. Preconditions: Cooperation of all stakeholders and provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Regional Police Department Berat. Local Business. Potential donors. Risks: Lack of engagement from the relevant structures.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
100 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
July 2010
Q3:O3:PG1: Program:
Q3:O3:PG1:p5: Project: Construction of a landfill for Berat.
Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Project Description: The collection and processing of the urban waste of the town of Berat is carried out in an old site located in direct vicinity to its suburbs. The current location of the waste disposal site, its vicinity to inhabited areas and to the Osum river, coupled with the very poor technical conditions represents a clear risk to the environment and to the town itself. Furthermore, the underground waters might transport the dangerous substances contained in the urban waste to the river and further to the sea. The implementation of the project on the construction of a new landfill will be preceded by an assessment study that will help the Municipality of Berat to identify the best location and the best technology to be used in the new site over a multi-year period. The new landfill will enable the municipality to use modern equipment and recycling technology which will be coupled to the selective waste collection in the town. The recycled material will generate additional income for the municipality. At its outset, the project will take into account cooperation with neighboring communes and municipalities. Thus, the technical and financial capacities of the involved stakeholders will maximise the benefits from the project and will increase its management capacity. This cooperation would pave the way to the construction of a regional landfill. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of an assessment / feasibility study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the assessment / feasibility study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Cooperation with all relevant institutions in order to ensure an optimal project outcome. Expected Results: Improved waste disposal and better processing of the urban waste in Berat. Beneficiaries: Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Local Government. Support to the development of tourism. Local Community. Improvement of the town’s overall Local Business. performance and better work and life Touristic agencies. opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Project Contributions: Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Regional Environment Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Environmental NGOs. Ministry of Environment. Potential donors. Preconditions: Risks: Cooperation of all stakeholders and Lack of commitment and provision of sufficient funding for the engagement during the project. implementation process. Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: 500 000 euro Timeframe:
12 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O3:PG1:p6: Project: Improvement works on the banks of the Osum river.
Q3:O3:PG1: Program: Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description: The Osum river, which crosses the town of Berat, represents a valuable asset for the town. Its banks may be used for many purposes of great benefit for the local community. The inability to control the river flow and its banks has created a chaotic situation that negatively affects the view of the town. Also, the uncontrolled flow of the river poses a real risk of inundation for the town in case of heavy rain. In case its flow is not properly controlled, the Osum river risks being a risk rather than an asset for the town. The present project reflect the will of the citizens of Berat to transform the river banks into a public area that will serve for leisure and entertainment activities for all age groups. The regulation of the river banks will enable the municipality to build service and leisure areas, coupled with green surfaces. The newly created areas will generate additional income for the municipalities. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of a study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Cooperation with all relevant institutions in order to ensure an optimal project outcome. Expected Results: Completed improvement works in the banks of the Osum river. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business. Touristic agencies.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Regional Environment Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Environmental NGOs. Potential donors. Risks:
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Lack of commitment and engagement during the implementation process.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
800 000 euro 10 months
Project start date:
June 2009
Q3:O3:PG1:p7: Project: Reconstruction and construction of drainage works and canals for the surface waters of Berat.
Q3:O3:PG1: Program: Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description: Berat has a beautiful and rich landscape. It is located among seven hills, whose vegetation represents a valid asset for the town, which significantly contributes to the purification of the air and to the landscape of the town.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Before the nineties, a drainage system was built in the hills, which was able to control rain water and to prevent inundation that might pose a risk for the town. The uncontrolled demographic movements that took place after the nineties, coupled with the illegal construction boom have severely damaged the green areas and the drainage system of the hills, by thus posing a real inundation threat for the town. Therefore, the rehabilitation of the existing drainage system is a matter of urgent priority. The municipality of Berat has tried to repair some of the canals, yet its efforts to date have been insufficient. The present project is aimed at providing a final solution that will protect the hills and the towns from inundations, by thus averting future civil emergency situations. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of a study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Cooperation with all relevant institutions in order to ensure an optimal project outcome. Expected Results: Construction of the surface water control network for the town. Improved response to civil emergency situations. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Environment Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Environmental NGOs. Potential donors. Risks: Lack of engagement from the relevant structures.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
1 000 000 euro 18 months
Project start date:
July 2010
Q3:O3:PG1: Program:
Q3:O3:PG1:p8: Project: Construction of the purification plant for the sewage waters of the town.
Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description: The treatment of sewage water represents a serious challenge for the Municipality of Berat. The achievement of environmental standards depends very much on the improvement of the existing situation related to the discharge of untreated sewage water in the Osum river. The existing studies and assessment evidence the necessity to construct purification facilities in a suburban area of Berat, where sewage water will be piped through a modern sewage system, and subsequently treated according to the modern purification standards. The implementation of such ambitious project would bring Berat in a condition to fulfill one of the UNESCO-set standards related to the inclusion of the town of Berat in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of a study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Cooperation with all relevant institutions in order to ensure an optimal project outcome. Expected Results: Beneficiaries: Reduction of the pollution in the Osum river. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions: Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Public Utilities, Berat. Regional Environment Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Environmental NGOs. Potential donors. Risks:
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Lack of engagement from the relevant structures.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
2 500 000 euro 10 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O3:PG1:p9: Project: Rehabilitation and extension of green areas of the town.
Q3:O3:PG1: Program: Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The town of Berat is marked by a high ratio of green surface per capita. The Green Areas Department of Berat is a public utility under the line authority of the municipality. This department has performed very well to date, yet its activity needs to be further supported. There is still much to be done with regard to the extension of green areas toward the public spaces of the apartment blocks and towards the improvement of the existing green areas. The municipality lays much importance to the role of green areas in the improvement of the quality of life in Berat. In order to improve the quality of the green areas, the municipality has prepared a number of projects which require financial support to be implemented. Actions to be taken: Preparation of an action plan in conjunction with the interest groups and the relevant stakeholders. Preparation of a study based on the relevant technical and professional criteria. Approval of the study by the relevant decision-making bodies. Provision of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Expected Results: Extension and improvement of green areas in the town of Berat. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Green Areas Department, Berat. Regional Environmental Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environmental Directorate. Environmental NGOs. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
80 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O3:PG1:p10: Project: Improvement works in the park located in the eastern side of the castle. Construction of leisure and relaxation areas.
Q3:O3:PG1: Program: Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description: The castle of Berat is surrounded by a pinewood that creates a beautiful landscape for the town. The pinewood has grown to become one of the reference points for leisure activities for the citizens of Berat. The most visited part of this area is located on the Eastern part of the castle. The Municipality of Berat intends to respond to the interest of the citizens for the improvement of this area by providing for the creation of public spaces and provision of services for the citizens who visit the park. Further to the completion of the assessment study, the project intends to provide for the construction of lanes in the inner part of the park, water basins, children corners and sport facilities to be used by the community. Actions to be taken: Awareness-raising on the importance of this project. Provision of sufficient funding to implement the project. Completion of the relevant legal procedures for the implementation of the project. Expected Results: Extension and improvement of green areas in the town of Berat. Construction of leisure facilities for the community. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investment in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Green Areas Department, Berat. Regional Environment Directorate. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Environment NGOs. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
480 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O3:PG1:p11: Project: Drafting of an Action Plan based on the Environmental Impact Assessment of the town of Berat (pilot project).
Q3:O3:PG1: Program: Environmental management through interinstitutional cooperation and through the improvement of the logistical and human resource capacities.
Project Description: The commercial and economic activity of the businesses operating in the town of Berat is often coupled with environmental problems and a detrimental effect on the quality of life.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
In certain cases the very nature of the existing business activities poses a threat for the town. At present, a number of businesses that engage in industrial leather barking and metal processing have a high pollution potential. In addition to these, the industrial area of the town hosts a variety of business activities with differing pollution potentials. These businesses utilize chemicals and discharge dangerous waste in the air, in the water courses and in the land. To the present date, even though there is sufficient good will to intervene in order to improve this situation, there exists no environmental impact assessment that would give a clear picture on the number of the agents of pollution, type of their activity, pollution level and recommendations on how to counter this situation. This project is aimed at drafting an environmental action plan for the town of Berat, to the purpose of taking control over the present chaotic situation. Actions to be taken: Coordination of efforts with all stakeholders and preparation of the project document and project design. Provision of funds to cover the necessary project costs. Creation of the specialised teams in charge of the completion of the assessment study. Completion of the necessary legal and technical procedures related to the implementation of the project. Expected Results: Elimination of the negative side effects of the business activities in the town of Berat. Improved environmental conditions. Increased investments in Berat. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Environment Directorate. Environment NGOs. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project. Estimated expenditure:
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment. Regional Environment Directorate. Environment NGOs. Potential donors. Risks: Not Applicable.
Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
10 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
May 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p11: Project:
Q2:O3:PG1: Program:
Construction of power supply and telephone lines in the museal sites, construction of decorative lighting in historical cites.
Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural and historic assets of the town.
Project Description: The historical sites of the “Mangalem” “Kala” and “Gorrice” neighborhoods are infested by irregular power supply and telephone lines which create a negative impression on the visitors and pose a threat of possible fire outbreaks with irreparable consequences. The structures of the old houses would enable a very rapid proliferation of fire. On the other side, the narrow streets have serious access problems for the firefighter’s brigade. These problems are aggravated by the poor public lighting of these streets. In order to counter this situation, the Municipality of Berat aims at reconstructing the power supply and telephone lines in the historical center of the town. In addition to this, it aims at constructing a new street lighting system in the area. The implementation of this project would help the town of Berat to meet another UNESCO standard. Actions to be taken: Coordination of efforts with all stakeholders and preparation of the project document and project design. Provision of funds to cover the necessary project costs. Creation of the specialised teams in charge of the completion of the assessment study. Completion of the necessary legal and technical procedures related to the implementation of the project. Expected Results: Construction of the new power supply and telephone lines. Construction of the new public lighting system. Support to the development of tourism. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local Business.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Directorate of Monuments of Culture. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Environment.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Directorate of Monuments of Culture. Potential donors. Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
100 000 euro 5 months
Project start date:
June 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p28: Project: Reconstruction of the stadium “Tomori”.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
This project is aimed at the reconstruction of the stadium “Tomori” in the town of Berat. The stadium is the largest sport complex in town and one of the largest in Albania. It is second only to the main stadium of the capital. In the past it was used as the main training facility for the junior national team. The stadium was built in the late eighties. It is marked by an interesting construction style, very modern for the parameters of that period. The UEFA-set criteria require that a number of interventions be made in the football field and in the supporting facilities, in order to ensure that the standards are met for matches of the premier league. For this purpose the present project is aimed at the reconstruction of the draining system of the field and at the completion of a number of interventions related to the safety of the general public. A study is already in place. It is approved by the Municipal Council and by the Territorial Regulation Council of the Municipality. Actions to be taken: Coordination of efforts with all stakeholders and preparation of the project document and project design. Provision of funds to cover the necessary project costs. Creation of the specialised teams in charge of the completion of the assessment study. Completion of the necessary legal and technical procedures related to the implementation of the project. Expected Results: Improvement of the sport facilities of the town of Berat. Creation of short-term employment opportunities. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. “Tomori” sports club. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Local sport clubs.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
225 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1:p29: Project: Construction of sport facilities in the public areas of the town.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The Municipality of Berat intends to construct sports facilities in the public spaces of the apartment block of the town. These interventions will be in compliance with the existing regulatory plan and will enable the citizens to engage in sporting and leisure activities at the community level. Even though a number of problems with regard to the identification of suitable public space that is not an object of unresolved ownership claims still persist, the Municipality of Berat has managed to identify a number of suitable and available sites, which have been approved by the Municipal Council and by the Territory Regulation Council. To this purpose, and pursuant to the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports on the establishment of sport and leisure facilities through a conditional grant that covers 50% of the total project value, the municipality has allocated the required funds for the budget year 2008, that are sufficient to build two facilities. Yet it intends to extend the project by constructing more facilities in the upcoming years. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Improvement of the sport facilities of the town of Berat. Creation of short-term employment opportunities. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. The sports club “Tomori”. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Different age groups at the community level.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
80 000 euro 6 months
Project start date:
June 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p30: Project: Installation of works of art in the center of the town.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The green areas of Berat are considered not just a place for leisure and relax, but also as a possibility to enrich the town with architectonic and decorative elements, which would significantly increase the visual satisfaction of the visitors of the town. In this aspect, the Department of Green Areas in cooperation with the staff of the Municipality have drafted a plan for the installation of works of art, made by local artists, and coupled with the reconstructions of the traditional fountains and drinking fountains. The implementation of this project represents a good opportunity to promote local artists. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Installation of art works in the public spaces in the town. Creation of short-term employment opportunities. Improvement of the town’s overall performance and better work and life opportunities. Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Green Areas Department. Art Gallery “Edward Lear”.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Local Community. Different age groups at the community level.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
50 000 euro 2 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG1: Program:
Q3:O2:PG1:p31: Project: Reconstruction of the Nursery in “30 Vjetori” neighborhood.
Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: The kindergarten no.1 is located in the “30 Vjetori” neighborhood in the town of Berat. Its building was constructed in the early seventies and displays a high degree of deterioration. The building has a supporting structure cast in concrete. It has two floors and a total surface of 430sqm. The total surface of the kindergarten including its yard is 940sqm. At present, the kindergarten serves to 85 children aged 0.1 -3.5 yrs old and it is administered by 14 persons. The kindergarten covers an urban area populated by 15.000 inhabitants. The building needs urgent repairs with regard to its plastering, electrical and plumbing system, drainage system etc. The façade of the building is highly damaged. The draining system is not functional. This causes a high degree of humidity that damages the health of the children. The hydro-sanitary equipment and the cooking and storage facilities are old and not safe to operate as they do not fulfill the hygiene requirements. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: • Improvement of the infrastructure of the preschool education system. • Upgrade of the schooling facilities inline with Beneficiaries: modern standards. • Improvement of the quality of education in Local Government. Berat’s preschool education system. Local Community. • Improvement of the quality of education • •
facilities for the students of Berat. Improvement of the level of community services. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Education Department. Ministry of Education and Science.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Education and Science. Potential donors.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
85 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
August 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p32: Project: Reconstruction of the kindergarten and the nursery in the “Çlirim” neighborhood.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The kindergarten “Çlirimi 2” is one of the oldest pre-school institutions in Berat. It was constructed in the early seventies and is situated in the “Deshmoret e Kombit” neighborhood. It fulfills the day nursing needs for the children of this neighborhood and for the children of the “Muzakaj” and “Çlirim” neighborhoods. The building has a total surface of 375 sqm. It is built in massive brickwork and concrete support piles. The total surface of the kindergarten including its yard is 705sqm. The yard of the kindergarten is a very important element for the fulfillment of the children’s needs. At present, the kindergarten serves to 80 children. It provides daily nursing. No meals are served. It has four classrooms; each of them has a balcony and toilettes. The lack of investments in the kindergarten since the early nineties has caused a severe deterioration of the premises. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: • Improvement of the infrastructure of Berat’s preschool education system. • Upgrade of the schooling facilities inline with Beneficiaries: modern standards. • Improvement of the quality of education in Local Government. Berat’s preschool education system. Local Community. • Improvement of the quality of education facilities for the students of Berat. • Improvement of the level of community services. • Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Regional Education Directorate. Ministry of Education and Science.
Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Education and Science. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
100 000 euro 4 months
Project start date:
March 2009
Q3:O2:PG4:p6: Project: Extension of the premises of the Regional Hospital of Berat.
Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of social and health services.
Project Description: The regional hospital of Berat is the most important public health facility in the Berat Region. It is a fully equipped hospital which covers a wide spectrum of health services. In the year 1999, Cooperazione Italiana funded the full reconstruction of the existing building. The promotion of the Berat hospital into a regional hospital requires the extension of the service surface of the hospital. For these reason, a project has been designed on the reconstruction and extension of one floor, and the construction of additional floors. The extension of the service surface would enable the hospital to provide a wider range of services and would significantly improve the quality and the quantity of service provision. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: • • • •
Improved infrastructure and logistics of the health sector. Upgrade of the health facilities inline with modern standards. Improvement of the level of community services. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Implementing partners:
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Public Health Department. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Municipality of Berat. Public Health Department. Ministry of Health.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Health. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
400 000 euro 10 months
Project start date:
March 2010
Q3:O2:PG4:p7: Project: Construction of social housing apartments for the homeless inhabitants of Berat.
Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of the health and social services.
Project Description: The Municipality of Berat has a large demand for housing. A registration completed in 1996 showed 1200 homeless households.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
In compliance with Law No. 9233, dated 13.05.2004, which abrogates the previous legal acts and the lists of the homeless persons regulated by them, there result 320 homeless household in Berat to date. There is a worrying upwards trend with regard to the number of homeless persons and households in Berat. In order to counter this problem, the Municipality has funded the construction of two apartment block for the homeless over the last couple of years. These buildings have alleviated the problem, yet the problem hasn’t been finally solved. For the above reasons, the identification of funding sources for social housing is a matter of urgency. The newly constructed buildings will be administered by the National Housing Directorate and will solve the problems of homeless persons in our municipality. Recently the Municipality of Berat has been involved in a pilot project funded by the World Bank on access to credit for municipal units who wish to build social housing facilities. For this purpose an agreement has been signed and the pertinent project management structures are being created. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Beneficiaries: • • • •
Improvement of the housing situation in the town of Berat. Creation of short-term employment opportunities. Improvement of the level of community services. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Implementing partners:
Local Government. National Housing Directorate. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Municipality of Berat. National Housing Agency. Ministry of Interior.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Potential donors.
Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Possible neglects during the implementation process.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
900 000 euro 24 months
Project start date:
June 2008
Q3:O2:PG1:p33: Project: Creation of a modern address system for the town of Berat.
Q3:O2:PG1: Program: Improvement of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure for those areas in which new urban developments are planned to take place.
Project Description: A modern and updated address system is due for Berat since a very long time. The demographic developments of the early nineties and the continuous population flow ever since have not been properly reflected in the existing address system, which is not adequate and functional. The lack of a modern address system impacts negatively on many aspects of local development. Registration of population is one of these aspects that lead to the creation of opportunities for tax evasion that is again reflected in lower municipal revenues. The lack of a modern address system poses serious obstacles to the functioning of mailing services and to the public service provision. It also impacts negatively on the billing of these services. The lack of a modern address system leads to ownership-related conflicts and overloads the functioning of the cadaster offices. In this framework, the Municipality of Berat, in cooperation with the central government, intends to launch the project on the establishment of a modern address system for the town of Berat. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the relevant procedures and arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Implementation of the project in accordance with its Terms of Reference. Expected Results: • • • • •
Establishment of an address system for the town of Berat. Improved control on the territory. Effective measures taken to counter tax evasion. Improvement of the level of community services. Improvement of the quality of life in the town.
Local Government. Albanian Mailing Services. Albtelecom SH.A. Public Utilities. Albanian Power Corporation. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners:
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior. Potential donors.
Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Interior.
Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Lack of commitment of the relevant stakeholders.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
100 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
May 2008
Q3:O1:PG1:p6: Project: Modernisation of the Office for the Registration of Immovable Assets.
Q3:O1:PG1: Program: Coordination of efforts related to the town planning and provision of the necessary logistical arrangements.
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
Project Description: The project will take place within the framework of the World Bank project “Land Management and Urban Development (LMUD)” and will support the improvement of the performance of the Office for the Registration of Immovable Assets with regard to land registration and property transaction. This component includes: • • • •
Restructuring of the office functions; Introduction of information technology and the digitalisation of existing registry information; Building training capacities; Improving the monitoring capacity of the internal and external standards of service provision including client management and creation of direct communication lines; • Protocols on data entry, data storage and data administration; • Improvement of the technical facilities and provision of the necessary equipment. The development of an efficient land and property market is one of the main pillars of a modern economy. The proper functioning of this market is important for the promotion of the private sector investment and for the productivity increase in land use. The efficiency of the of the land market is determined by 4 key factors: (i) Safe ownership rights. (ii) Planning and control regime. (iii) Land management. (iv) Property tax. The registration of the ownership rights is a responsibility of the Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property, while the control of land planning and management and the property tax are responsibilities that pertain to local government. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the relevant procedures and arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Expected Results: • Modernisation of the Office for the Registration of Immovable Assets. • Improved control on the territory. • Improvement of the level of community services. • Improvement of the quality of life in the town. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. World Bank. Ministry of Public Works, Transports and Telecommunications. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Office for the Registration of Immovable Assets. Local Community. Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. World Bank. Ministry of Public Works, Transports and Telecommunications. Risks: Low level of interest for the project.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
2 500 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
July 2008
Q2:O3:PG1:p12: Project: Construction of the fire protection system (fire hydrants) in the historical and museum sites.
Q2:O3:PG1: Program: Identification of needs and opportunities related to the protection and rehabilitation of the cultural and historic assets of the town .
Project Description: The old neighborhoods of the town of Berat have inherited the infrastructure of the early forties. The water supply system of these neighborhoods was constructed in 1939. The projected capacity of water supply was sufficient for the number of inhabitants of those neighborhoods at that time. The existing connection of the neighborhoods to the main supply pipe enables the storage of a limited capacity in water tanks. In the “Kala” neighborhood, the water tank supplies are created through the utilization of electric water pumps. Thus, the water supply in these neighborhoods depends on the availability of the electric power supply. There exists an old fire protection system (fire hydrants), which is connected to the potable water supply system scheme. This situation eventually limits the water supply available to the hydrants. At the same time, the deterioration of the situation of the whole water supply network practically makes the hydrants unusable. The first response is of paramount importance with regard to the effective extinction of fire outbreak. This task can be fulfilled only by efficient hydrants. The Municipality of Berat has continuously asked for the implementation of a project regarding the construction of a network of hydrants, but that has not been possible to date. Even the topographic and physical characteristics of the roads of the neighborhoods do not create the possibility for the arrival of fire engines at the site. Only the construction of a modern net of hydrants will make possible the prevention or extinction of fires in those neighborhoods. The technology and the materials used for the construction of the characteristic houses of these neighborhoods are conducive to rapid ignition and liable to severe damages caused by fire. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works. Expected Results: Beneficiaries: • Completed construction of the fire protection
system (hydrants) in the historical and museum sites. • Protection of the cultural heritage of the town. • Prevention of civil emergency situations. • Fulfillmento of the UNESCO standards. Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Local Government. Culture Monuments Directorate. Local Community. Project Contributions: Municipality of Berat. Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Risks: Not Applicable.
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
120 000 euro 8 months
Project start date:
July 2009
Q3:O2:PG2:p3: Project: Installation of the audio intercom system in the meeting room of the municipal council.
Q3:O2:PG2: Program: Improvement and achievement of modern hospitality and tourism standards in the hotels of Berat.
Project Description:
Revised Social and Economic Development Community Plan 2005 - 2015 Municipality of Berat
The project aims at the creation of proper working conditions for the meetings of the Municipal Council of Berat. At present, the Municipal Council is holding its meetings in inappropriate conditions. The lack of an audio intercom system is often responsible for the confusion that takes place during the meetings. Conferences and public hearings take place very often in the meeting hall. The lack of the audio intercom system affects the performance of the municipality and damages its public profile. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures and contractual arrangements in compliance with the law in force. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works.
Expected Results: • •
Improvement of the quality of the Municipal Council meetings and activities. Improvement of the overall performance of the municipality.
Implementing partners:
Local Government. Municipal Council. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Municipality of Berat.
Municipality of Berat. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: Not Applicable
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
8 000 euro 2 months
Project start date:
June 2008
Q2:O2:PG1: Program:
Q2:O2:PG1:p6: Project: Preparation of a tourist information package for Berat.
Coordination of efforts and identification of fields of action and division of responsibilities among the stakeholders for the purpose of promoting the potentials of Berat in the field of tourism.
Project Description: The project aims at the promotion of the touristic, historical and cultural values of the town of Berat through the preparation, publication, and promotion of the town’s tourist information package, which includes the routes, touristic information and any other useful information collected and promoted through the partnerships with the touristic operators in the country and abroad. This package will also promote traditional local cuisine. It will build upon the historical, cultural and natural resources of the town for the purpose of the development of a sustainable and competitive tourism in the town of Berat. Actions to be taken: Provision of the necessary funding to cover the eligible project costs. Completion of the procurement procedures in compliance with the law in force. Completion of the contractual arrangements for the construction works and supervision of the contract. Execution of the contract in reliance to the contractual terms. Testing and approval of the completed works.
Expected Results: • Promotion of the values of the town. • Support for the development of tourism. • Improvement of the performance of the municipality.
Beneficiaries: Local Government. Tourism business. Local Community.
Project Contributions:
Implementing partners: Municipality of Berat.
Municipality of Berat. Potential donors.
Preconditions: Provision of sufficient funding for the project.
Risks: Not applicable
Estimated expenditure: Foreseen amount: Timeframe:
8 000 euro 12 months
Project start date:
June 2008