From the heart of my neighborhood

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Proj ectSummary




Theresearchandproj ectswi ththepupi l sfromSchoolno.1 36oftheFerentariExtensi onprevi ousl y conductedbyKomuni tasmembersi ntheareaandthemeeti ngswi ththecommuni tyhel pedusi denti fy theprobl emsandneedsofthenei ghborhood,themosturgentandpossi bl ebei ngtherevi tal i zati onofthe park.Theparkhadl atel ybecomemoreofatransi tandparki ngspaceforcars.Fromprevi ousi ncursi ons aroundthenei ghborhood,wenoti cedthatchi l drenusual l yspendthemostti mei nthepark,adapti ng thei rpl ayi ngtothel i ttl eoffered.Onseveraloccasi onsthecommuni tyexpressedanexpl i ci tdesi reforthe i mprovementofthepark. Duri ngtheproj ect"Ourci ty-ourdeci si on"devel opedi n2009tookpl aceparti ci patorypl anni ngworkshops wi ththepupi l sofSchoolno.1 36.Theprobl emoftheundevel opedparkwasi denti fiedsi ncethenandthe proj ect"Fromtheheartofmynei ghborhood"wasanappl i edpracti calconti nuati onoftheacti vi ti esi ni ti ated i n2009. Thei deaoftheproj ect"Fromtheheartofmynei ghborhood"cameri ghtfromchi l drenattendi ngSchoolno.1 36 andl i vi ngi ntheAl l eyofOrchardsarea.Al thoughi tremai nedi nstatusofj ustani deaforseveralmonths, overti meandwi ththehel pofourpartnerswewereabl etoshapeandpl anaproj ecttoachi evethedesi res ofthechi l drenbyactualresul ts.Thepartnersofthi sproj ectare:FrenchAssoci ati onofUrbanPl anners "L' armoi re"andanei ghborhoodassoci ati oncal l edtheAssoci ati onforFerentariCommuni tyDevel opment. Al ongtheway,therehavej oi nedaFrenchassoci ati onofl andscapers,WagonLandscapi ng,andaRomani an associ ati onofl andscapers,ASOP(Associ ati onofLandscapeArchi tectsi nRomani a). Turni ngthedataonal lsi des,wedeci dedthatbothshort-termandl ong-termproj ectsuccessdependsoni ts parti ci patorydi mensi on.Thus,thegoalwascommuni tyi nvol vementwi thproposal sandrequestforassi stance wi ththepl anni ng,andal sosetti ngi nmoti ontheauthori ti es(parti cul arl yADPDi stri ct5). Fol l owi ngtheri chexperi encei nnon-formaleducati ongai nedbytheAssoci ati onmembers,theproj ect startedwi thworkshopsconductedwi thpupi l softheSchoolno.1 36wheretheyproposedbyvari ous methods(col l ages,drawi ngsonphotosetc)howtheywoul dl i ketochangethepark. Aftergatheri ngproposal sfromthechi l drenandresi dents,thel andscapearchi tectshavereal i zedseveral devel opmentvari ants,bothparti al(i mpl ementedi ntheproj ect)andl ongtermfol l owi ngthatthe professi onaldevel opmentproj ectfortheenti reparktobei mpl ementedbytheCi tyHal lofDi stri ct5and ADPDi stri ct5whenthenecessarybudgetshal lbeavai l abl e. Afterseveralvari antsdi scussedunderseveralmeeti ngs,bothattheheadquartersofADPandatthei r workpoi nti t,i twasdeci dedfocusi ngeffortsonthefootbal lfiel d.Maki ngtheframesofwel dedwi remesh thatsurroundsthefiel drequi redameti cul ousandl ong-termhandi craft.


I naddi ti ontopl anni ngthatstartedal mostfromscratch,i twasal socarri edoutamaj orsani tati on.Thevegetati on hadnotbeentri mmedforal ongti meandtheareawasful lofgarbage.Thus,thesecondpartofthei nterventi on, whi chfocusedaroundthefootbal lfiel d,i ncl udedcl eani ngthepark,pl aci ngei ghtbenchesaroundthefiel dand4bi ns. Throughouttheproj ectwereal sohel dani nformati oncampai gni nthenei ghborhood,col l ecti vepai nti ngworkshops, cul turalandsportevents( j uggl i ng,fil mscreeni ngsandfootbal lmatches) . Attheendoftheproj ectwecansaywearegl adthatwemanagedtoconductthefirstmaj orurbanparti ci patory i nterventi oni nFerentari ,apl aceavoi dedbymostoftheci ti zensofBucharest. Thi swayi twasprovedi ti spossi bl efortheauthori ti es,NGO' sandcommuni tytoworktogether. Nomatterhowsti gmati zedi tmaybe( Ferentaricase) ,thecommuni tycancooperateandreal i zethati twoul donl y gai nfromacti vei nvol vement.

MEETI NGSAMONGPARTNERS Komuni tasmedi atedandcoordi natedameeti ngbetweentheFrenchpartnerL' Armoi reUrbai nandFerentariCommuni tyDevel opment Associ ati on( thi stookpl aceatADCFHeadquartersl ocatedi ntheAl l eyofOrchards) .Bypresentati onofprevi ousproj ects,theFrench Associ ati onof f eredanewi mageonhowurbani nterventi onshoul dbedesi gned.ADCFcompl etedwi ththeprobl emsi denti fiedi nthe communi tybyi tsownexperi ence,theul ti mategoalbei ngthatthei nterventi onneedstobeadaptedanddevel opedbycommuni ty ci ti zensparti ci pati on. Al ongthewaywereco-optedtwomorepartners:TheAssoci ati onofLandscapeArchi tectsi nRomani a,Bucharestbranch( ASOP)and WagonLandscapi ng,anassoci ati onofFrenchl andscapers.ASOPmembershavebeendeepl yi nvol vedi ntheproj ect,wi thvol unteer studentsf romtheFacul tyofHorti cul ture,LandscapeArchi tectureDepartment.Theyparti ci patedtoworkshopswi ththepupi l sofSchool no.1 36,toparti ci patorycommuni tymeeti ngs,meeti ngswi ththeADPandCi tyHal lofDi stri ct5representati ves,tothedesi gnofparti al i nterventi onandmaki ngoftheproj ectproposedtotheauthori ti esf ordevel opmentoftheenti repark.Themeeti ngbetweenFrenchand Romani anl andscaperswasusef ultoal lparti esi nvol ved,bri ngi ngtogetherasubstanti alcontri buti ontotheproj ect,whi chwas materi al i zedi nthepl ansubmi ttedtotheauthori ti esf ortheenti reparkdevel opment. L' Armoi reUrbai ni sanassoci ati onofFrencharchi tectsandurbanpl annerswhoarei nterestedi npromoti ngacti veparti ci patory pl anni ngmethods.Wi ththi sassoci ati onwecol l aboratedontheproj ectwww. orasul -nostru. bl ogspot. com,thei rmembersbei ngf ami l i ar wi ththeprobl emsi nFerentari . TheFacul tyofHorti cul ture,byi tsDepartmentofLandscapeArchi tecturerepresentedbythel andscaperMi chaelCul escu,togetherwi th thevol unteerstudents,i sanol dpartnerofKomuni tasAssoci ati on,worki ngwi thusi ntheurbaneducati onproj ects"Ourci ty,our deci si on"and"Cl osertothef uture". TheAssoci ati onofLandscapeArchi tectsi nRomani ai scomposedofspeci al i stsi nl andscapearchi tecture.I twasf oundedi nFebruary2005 asanecessi tytosupporttheprof essi onandtosupportl andscapearchi tectureasanactofarti sti ccreati onandtopromotethepri nci pl es setoutbytheEuropeanLandscapeConventi on,rati fiedbyRomani ai n2002.Overti mei tsmembershaveof f eredprof essi onaldevel opment ofurbanspace.Theybecamepartnersoftheproj ect,contri buti ngdeci si vel ywi ththeknow-howaccumul atedi nprevi ousproj ects. FerentariCommuni tyDevel opmentAssoci ati on( asoci ati af erentari . bl ogspot. com)i sanNGOresi di ngi ntheAl l eyofOrchards( Ferentari ) thatactsasani ntermedi ary( medi ator)betweenthecommuni tyandauthori ti es.






I denti f yi ngtheprobl emsi nthenei ghborhood Asweestabl i shedfromsoci o-anthropol ogi calresearch,chi l drenspendmostti mei nthepark.Thuswe havereal i zedworkshopsal ongwi ththepupi l sofSchoolno.1 36,wheretheyexpressedthei rvi ewsaboutthe devel opmentofthepark. Onthefirstworkshopthepupi l sweredi vi dedi ntoteams,andbasedonphotographsofthenei ghborhoodeach teampresentedi tsl i stofi ssuesrel atedtopubl i cspacesi ntheAl l eyofOrchards. Accordi ngtothei nformati onfrom workshops,thechi l drenwant:benches,swi ngs,asmanytrees,l i ghtat ni ght,tabl etenni s,toboggan,aqui etpl aceforagedpeopl e,basketbal lcourt,speci al l ydesi gnedspacefordogs, garbagebi ns,footbal lfiel d. Theydonotwant:straydogs,carsparkedonthesi dewal k,wi l dvegetati on,garbage,chi l drendestroyi ng parks,pol l uti on.

Workshopno.2-I nterventi ononphotographs I nthefirstworkshopwashel dani nteracti vepresentati onofparkpl anni ngpri nci pl es,supportedby vol unteerstudentsfromtheFacul tyofHorti cul ture,LandscapeArchi tectureDepartment.Thepresentati on waspreparedsoasthechi l drenshoul dunderstandi t,i tspurposebei ngtoteachthemtherol eofaparkto communi tyandhowi tshoul dbeprofessi onal l yanddurabl earranged.Afteri denti fyi ngtheprobl emsi nthe nei ghborhoodonthefirstworkshop,wi thatnoti onsof"l i ttl el andscapers"known,thepupi l shadthe opportuni tytoprovi desol uti onsforurbani nterventi on.Thei nterventi onbydrawi ngphotoswi ththepark gavethemmaxi mumfreedom,someofthesol uti onsproposedbythembei ngfoundi nthedevel opment proposalmadebythel andscapers.


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Workshopno.3-Overvi ewonthepark Nexttothesecondworkshopfol l owedatheoreti calpart,wherethepupi l sl earnedaboutconceptssuchas "publ i cparti ci pati on","acti veci ti zenshi p","urbani smandurbanpl anni ng","deci si onmaker","communi ty devel opment",thei mportanceofparti ci pati oni ncommuni tyl i fe,howcanwehaveani cenei ghborhoodand whydowehavetotakecareofthecommuni tyareasi nthenei ghborhood.Forthepupi l stounderstandwhat i tmeansal ltheseputi ntopracti ce,weprovi dedsomeexampl esofparti ci patoryproj ectsi nthecommuni tyand publ i careasmodi ďŹ edbyacti onoftheci ti zens.Thi stheoreti calparthadaposi ti vei mpactonthem,i tspurpose bei ngtomakethemfeelthei mportanceofthei rproposal s,tounderstandthattheyaretakeni ntoaccountand thevari antstheyoffercanbereal i zed.So,i nthel atterpartoftheworkshop,thechi l drenexpressedthei r vi ewsonthearrangementoftheenti reparkbycol l agemethod,wi thmanyi temsandi magesavai l abl e,from vari ousfuturi sti cconstructi ons,tomanyspeci esoftreesandowers.

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Workshopno.4-Fl yerscreati onanddesi gn

Afterthefirstworkshopswi thchi l dreni nthewhi chthei ri deasforpl anni nghadbeenoutl i ned,thenextstep wastoi ntroducetheproj ectandproposal softhepupi l stotheAl l eyofOrchardsi nhabi tants.ThusonApri l1 0 weweretoconductacommuni tyawarenesscampai gn,i nformi ngci ti zensbei ngessenti alforaproducti ve exchangeofi deasandforassessi ngtheavai l abi l i tyofthepeopl etogeti nvol ved.Weconsi deredthataformal approachcomi ngfromuswoul dnotfirml ymobi l i zeal argenumberofpeopl etoparti ci patetotheevent.Thus onthefourthworkshop,thechi l drenwerechal l engedtopromotetheeventbythemsel ves,i mpl i ci tl ythe exhi bi ti onwi ththeworkscreatedbythem.Themeeti ngturnedi ntoanarti sti cbrai nstormi ngsessi on,andfrom thesi ncereandpassi onatechi l di shdrawi ngsemergedsomeunconventi onalflyermodel swhi chwoul dmake oneatl eastcuri oustoattendtheevent.Thei rdi stri buti onwasprovi dedbyKomuni tasmembers,vol unteers andchi l drenwhohavedi stri butedthemateri al si nschoolandtothenei ghborhoodci ti zens.

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Workshopno.5-Urbanwal ks Fromtheexperi enceofprevi ousproj ectswehavefoundoutthatmanyi nhabi tantsofFerentari ,especi al l y chi l dren,havenotexpl oredotherareasofBucharest.Themobi l i tyofchi l dreni sreducedespeci al l ybecauseof l i mi tedďŹ nanci alcapabi l i ti es. Thepupi l swereexci tedeveryti metheyhadtheopportuni tytogotoanothernei ghborhood.Wechoseto expl oreTheYouthPark,sui tabl ebothtopl ayi ngfootbal landrel axi ngonhammock,aswel ltopresentthemthe parki ntermsofl andscapi ng.

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Aftertheworkshopswi thchi l drenandconsul tati onswi thci ti zens,fol l owednegoti ati onswi ththe authori ti es.Theparti ci patorydi mensi oni mpl i edthei ri nvol vementi npl anni ngandpost-devel opment mai ntenance,becausei ti sapubl i cspacei nthei rmanagement.Theai dwasthusmutual ,Komuni tas Associ ati oncontri buti ngwi thfundi ng,ADPwi thmanpower,experi enceandl ogi sti cs. Thefirstcontactwi ththei nsti tuti onwasanencouragi ngone:wewerei nvi tedtodi scussi onsonthe backgroundofaposi ti veatti tude,wi thoutfaci ngi ndi fference.Probabl ybei ngoneofthefirstproj ects wi thanNGO,whathasfol l owedwasamoredi fficul tdi al og,wi thmanymeeti ngsandrepeateddel ays onstarti ngtheworks.Al lthi swasj usti fied,gi venthatateamofonl yafewworkerssubordi natedto ADPDi stri ct5hadtodealwi ththewhol edevel opmentofgreenareasi ntheDi stri ct. Buttheexperi enceofthei nsti tuti onsempl oyeesi nparkdevel opmentprovedtobeveryusefulto reachthefinalversi onofthei nterventi on.Thebudgetconstrai nedustofindthemosti ngeni ous sol uti ons,bei nganewexperi enceforbothl andscapersandforADPDi stri ct5empl oyees. Theparkstructureandusagesharethespacei ntwoareas:thefootbal lfiel dandtheareafor soci al i zi ngandrel axati on.Thefundswoul dnothavebeensuffici enttobui l dbothareas.Therefore, ADPcametoourai dcontri buti ngwi thurbanfurni ture(benchesandtrashbi ns)fortherel axati on areaandthetenni stabl eandwoodenbencheswerebui l tbyKomuni tasteam,i ncol l aborati onwi thi ts partnersandthecommuni typeopl e.I thasal sobeenperformedacompl etecl eani ngandsani tati onof thepark,al lgarbagebei ngcol l ectedandthegrasscut. Themai npurposewasarrangementofthefootbal lfiel d,becausei ti sanareaofcommoni nterestto gatheral lagegroups.Men,fromchi l drentotheel derl y,usei tforfootbal landthei rfri endsand mothersofthechi l drengatheraroundthefiel dtowatchthegamesortosupervi sethechi l dren pl ayi ng.Thebencheshavebeenpl acedstrategi cal l yaroundthefootbal lfiel d,thuscreati ngnew connecti onsbetweenpeopl e,al lcommuni tymembershavi ngtheopportuni tytospendl ei sureti mei n aheal thyandpl easantmanner. Thesoci al i zati onandpracti ceoffootbal li narevi tal i zedpl acerepresentanal ternati vetodruguse andti mespentwatchi ngTVorbytheflatuni tsstai rcase.

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ASOP(Associ ati onofLandscapeArchi tectsi nRomani a)wasacruci alpartneri ntheproj ectbythe i nvol vementandexperti seoffered.Theshortcomi ngsfacedbytheresi dentsofFerentarionaccesstoqual i ty publ i cspaceshasl edtheASOPmemberstogeti nvol vedi ntheproj ect.Landscapearchi tectsmoti vati on mani festedbothbyparti ci pati ngtoal lproj ectacti vi ti es,andthroughconti nuousconsul tati onwi ththe communi ty.Thedevel opmentproposalsubmi ttedtotheauthori ti esi sthusoneadaptedtothecondi ti ons i ntheAl l eyofOrchardsandtheneedsexpressedbyi tsresi dents. Thepurposeoftheproj ectconductedbyKomuni tasAssoci ati onwasparti alarrangementofthespace,acti on i ntendedtobeani ncenti vefortheauthori ti es.Forthei ni ti ati venottostophere,theAssoci ati onofLandscape Archi tectsi nRomani aandKomuni tasAssoci ati onhavesubmi ttedtotheauthori ti esaprofessi onalproj ectfor devel opmentoftheenti repark.Deci si onmakerswi thi nthemuni ci pal i tyandADPwi thwhomwehadseveral meeti ngsweredel i ghtedwi ththeproposalandpromi sedtoi ncl udetheproj ectonbudgetforthenextyear. Thi sproj ectgi vesustheconfidencethatwecanmakeadi fferencei nRomani a,butthei ni ti ati vemustcomeat l easti ni ti al l yfromcommuni ti esandNGOstowardstheauthori ti es,theybei ngwi l l i ngtocooperate.

‘ ’"Fromtheheartofmynei ghborhood"i saproj ectwhi chwel dedtheconnecti onbetweencommuni tyandthe useofpubl i cspace.Asanexperi ence,thi sproj ectreveal edtheneedfori nterventi oni nl essvi si bl eurbanareas oftheci ty,butal sothedesi reofi nvol vementoftheresi dents.Furthermore,weprovedthatacti oncanbe takenandadi fferencecanbemadei ntermsofci ti zeni nvol vementtourbanl i fe. Thewhol eci tyemphasi zesacri si sofpubl i cspace,wherepeopl ecanspendthei rl ei sureti me.Weneedpubl i c spacestomeetdi fferentcommuni ti esofpeopl eandwhi chtoi mprovethequanti tyandqual i tyofgreenspaces wi thi ntheci ty. Theresi dentsofaci ty,especi al l yonethesi zeofBucharest,expecttheauthori ti estoparti ci patei ni mprovi ng theuseofpubl i cspacebymanagi ngandmai ntai ni ngareasforvi si tors.Mostoften,thel ackofanatti tudetowardsperpetualwai ti ngl eadstofurtherdegradati onofpubl i cspaces.TheAl l eyofOrchardsparkwasi na stateofdegradati on,butnotduetothel ackofuse,butduetoconstantuseandl ackofmai ntenance.I nthese casesani mpul sei sal lthati sneededtotri ggerthecommuni ty' si nteresttoparti ci pate.

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I twasawel lorgani zedproj ect,focusednotonl yonmateri alresul tsbutal sooncol l aborati onbetween peopl e,wi ththefocalpoi ntonworki ngwi ththepupi l sofSchoolno.1 36i nFerentari . Bythemethodofworkshopswedi scoveredtheabi l i tytoworkasateamsi nceanearl yage,wi thout anybarri errel atedtodi fferencesi nage,educati onorethni ci ty.Thepupi l si nvol vedi ntheproj ect showedanamazi ngattenti onandaconstanti nteresti ntopi cssuchasecol ogy,publ i cl i feandeven l andscapi ng.Thuswehavemanagedtol earnthei rhonestopi ni onabouthowthepubl i cspacewhere theyspendal mostal ldayshoul dl ookl i ke. Theparkdevel opmentpl antooki ntoaccountthewi shesofpupi l s,expressedi ndrawi ngsthatthey havereal i zedduri ngtheworkshops.Yettheacti vi ti esthatpupi l sundertookorarewi l l i ngto undertakeregardi ngtheAl l eyofOrchardsparkwerenotthel i mi tofthedevel opmentproposal . Chi l drenneedpl aygroundsandadul tsneedrel axati on,meeti ngpl acesandareasfordynami c acti vi ti es.Theproposalreal i zedtooki ntoaccountthecommuni tyneeds,needsthatcanbesati sfied byafuncti onalandaestheti cdevel opmentofthepark,theanswertoneedstaki ngacoherentform, byl i nksbetweentheproposedparkspaces,vegetati onandfurni ture. Meeti ngpl aces,footbal lfiel d,pl aygroundsforchi l dren,al ltheserepresenttheanswertocommuni ty needs,butal sothestarti ngpoi ntforthei nvol vementofthepeopl ei narrangi nganareawhi ch,though publ i c,i sdevel opedespeci al l ytobeusedbytheresi dentsofthenei ghborhood. Thedi versi tythi sproj ectai medtoreachal soi ncl udedpartnershi pswi thspeci al i stsfrom abroad, whi chi sveryi mportanti nfindi ngopti malandi nnovati vearrangi ngsol uti onsforthemosteffici ent andcorrectuseofspaceandthepossi bi l i tyofadurabl emai ntenanceofthepark. TheAdmi ni strati onofPubl i cDomai n(ADPDi stri ct5)hadagreatrol ei nreal i zi ngthi sproj ect,hel pi ngusto carryoutthei mpl ementati onofafirststageofAl l eyofOrchardsparkdevel opment.Happi l y,i ti saverygood starti nmaki ngaconnecti onbetweenthecommuni tyandpubl i cadmi ni strati on,astartthatdrewattenti onon thestrongconnecti onbetween"wewant"and"wecan"i ntermsofi nhabi tantscommuni ti esandreferri ngto publ i cparksandgreenareas.


Thegreenareasi nBucharestarei ncreasi ngl ymorenegl ectedbyauthori ti esandus,asl andscapers,wehave todrawawarni ngandtoshowtherecanbearrangedaqual i tygreenarea,andwi ththesupportofthe communi tyweshal lbeabl etobreakthestrongi ndi fferenceoftheauthori ti estowardthesmal lsi zedgreen areas.Thepl acesofproxi mi tyandsmal lparksareofteni gnoredthoughtheycanbeani mportantgreen networkontheci tyl evel . I nthecontextofarapi ddevel opmentofthehabi tati onareasl acki ngpubl i careasorwi thdegradedpubl i c areastheparti ci patoryurbani smhasgreatchancesofextendi ng.Butthevi talcondi ti onofpubl i c parti ci pati oni spubl i ci nterestandthei ni ti ati veofthecommuni ty. Thei ni ti ati veoftheresi dentsi sencouragedbythedi fficul ti esofcommuni cati onbetweenthecommuni tyand theauthori ti esresponsi bl eofthecoherenturbanenvi ronmentdevel opment.A"nei ghborhood"parkcanbe professi onal l yarrangedthusansweri ngthepubl i cprobl emsofthecommuni ty,buttheparti ci pati onmustbe ofprofessi onal s,authori ti esandal sothecommuni ty,soci alcauseofsuchproj ect. Col l aborati oni sthekeytosuccessi naproj ect.Towhatconcernstheproj ect"Fromtheheartofmy nei ghborhood",col l aborati onwasboththestarti ngpoi ntoftheproj ect,andtheobj ectofi tsonsi te i mpl ementati onbycol l aborati ononorgani zati on,desi gnandexecuti onl evel s.Thus,di versi tyi sabi nder amongstpeopl eandanopeni ngpathtonewi deas,usefulproj ectsanduni queasdesi gn.‘ ’

OanaBal oi Associ ati onof Romani an Landscapers BucharestBranch





RELATI ONTOCOMMUNI TY Fromthefirstcontactwi ththeci ti zensofthenei ghborhood,wenoti cedacertai ncol dnessonthei r part,theybei ngal readyaccustomedtosuchpromi sesfromtheauthori ti esandtheNGOs.Butasthe promi sesbegantotakeshapeandourteambecomi ngmorepresenti nthenei ghborhood,peopl ewere morewi l l i ngtogeti nvol ved. I nthethel astdaysofthearrangement,thepeopl ei nAl l eyofOrchardshel peduspai ntthepi l l arsand theframesofwel dedwi remesh,markthefiel d,assembl ythetenni stabl eandwoodenbenches.The youngpeopl eandchi l drenofthenei ghborhoodwereacti vel yi nvol vedandi twasseeni nthei ratti tude asi ftheywatchedtheparkwi thothereyes,asbei ngthei rown.Theybegantobeawareandwatchi t. Theyreal i zedthatthei nterventi onwasdonewi ththei reffortsandours,outofsi nceri tyandgoodwi l l . Thesports/cul tureeventsweremeanttofaci l i tatei nteracti onbetweencommuni tyandoutsi deand toeasetheexi sti ngstereotypesandprej udi ces.Footbal li sasportfor"everyone",uni ti ngpeopl e,so weorgani zedtwogamesbetweenateamofKomuni tasmembersandvol unteersversustheAl l eyof Orchardsteam.Evenpl ayedasanoffici almatch,i thasbeenanopportuni tytoi nteract,exchange i deasandapproachbetweentheteammembersandthosewhoattendedtheevent. Footbal lthemeconti nuedwi ththedocumentaryfil m"Maradona",producedbyKusturi ca.Wechose thi sfil mbecausei tapproachesprobl emscommonformanyyoungpeopl ei nthecommuni ty:poverty, drugs,di scri mi nati onetc. .Thepeopl ehavewatchedcareful l yMaradona' stesti mony,from whi ch coul ddrawposi ti veandencouragi ngconcl usi onsforthefuture.TheArgenti neanstartedfroman envi ronmentsi mi l artotheonei nAl l eyofOrchards,fighti ngpovertyi nthebegi nni ng.Theul ti mate successatwhi chdreamaswel lthefootbal l ersi nthenei ghborhoodwasnearl yfataltoMaradona.He neededthi swatershedmomenttoreal i zehowbadthedrugsare,butmanydon' tgetasecondchance. Fromthereacti onsanddi scussi onsafterthescreeni ng,webel i evethatMaradona' sstoryi nspi redthe youngpeopl efromtheAl l eyofOrchards. Anotheruni queeventandsomethi ngmostenj oyedbytheresi dentsoftheAl l eyofOrchardswas j uggl i ngwi thfire,performedbytheKomuni tasvol unteers.Theywereaccompani edbytarabans pl ayedwi thtal entbythechi l dreni nthenei ghborhood.






Pr oj ec ti mpl ement edby wi t hL ’ Ar moi r eUr bai neAssoc i at i on andFer ent ar iCommuni t yDevel opmentAssoc i at i on

wegi vethenei ghborhood to thecommuni ty

Romani anLandsc aper sAssoc i at i on+ Fac ul t yofHor t i c ul t ur e-Landsc apeAr c hi t ec t ur eDepar t ment


Publ i cDomai nAdmi ni st r at i onDi st r i c t5( ADP5) F i n a n c e db yYo u t hi nAc t i o nPr o g r a me o f t h eEu r o p e a nC o mmi s i o n

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