Marius Olivier January 2012, Issue 1
Mobilising the next generation into cross-cultural missions amongst the least reached people groups of the UK, Europe and beyond.
Greetings Friends,
You can make a Difference
After being three months away from home during 2011, in South Africa and later in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2012 has surely kicked of with a new excitement, but lets backtrack to a moment in 2011. My last Friday evening in Chiang Mai, before my flight back the next morning, I experienced God in a very specific, but very personal way.
World Outreach in the UK. Our ‘Mission & Passion’ is to „Reach the Least Reach People Groups (LRPGs) of the World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ‟, this year World Outreach celebrates its 80th birthday.
Today, even after 2000 years Missions Director @ WOI-UK we still see 6900 LRPGs who has not been reached— an un- nation, tribe, people and language, standing God was going to go ahead of us finished task, but finishable! before the throne and and set certain things in motion in front of the lamb. ‘ before I would get back to the UK. And that very Monday, it was con(NIV) firmed in a Godly appointment! What about you? We have such an amazing God. 2 Peter 3:12 says, ‘ In Hab. 1:5 God says, „Look at you look forward to the the nations and watch - and be day of God and speed utterly amazed. For I am going its coming .‟ The UK still has 27 LRPGs. to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if Our ‘Vision’ is clearly de- Yes, we can speed it up you were told.‟ scribed in Rev.7:9-10: ‘After I am amazed by just looking at this I looked and there before Every Blessing, January 2012, but also what the me was a great multitude that coming months has in store for no one could count, from every
Marius Olivier
WOI-UK Ministry Expansion During February, WOI-UK will be launching two new ministry mobilization teams in two new, but key areas of the UK. We are in awe of what God is doing, but equally for the two people who God has chosen and called for the task. But, you may ask...What is ministry mobilization?
‘...a follower of Jesus, who stirs others to active concern and involvement in reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.’ ...simply people like you and I, from a local church who loves Jesus and wants to make a difference.
World Outreach plays an active role in leadership development, enabling and equipping people and churches for the task of reaching the Least Reached People Groups of the UK, Europe and beyond.
To help them on their journey,
Inside this issue: Bible College Placements
Internships / Short Term Missions
Calais is calling...
Manuela and I on a new journey...
World Outreach International - UK Lindisfarrne House 4 Barbourne Terrace Worcester, WR1 3JS
Will you Partner with us?
Manuela, Celine & Nicola
Phone: +44 (0) 1905 20375 E-mail: Website:
Bible College Placements The beginning of February each year marks the start of Practical Placements for 3rd Year Students.
After March they will have a little more than two months left till they finish their studies in summer, and then have to make life decisions.
This time also brings a sense of a journey that is nearing its end, with a new season to start in their lives. On reflection for them...What might be the road ahead? What has God in store for us?…, so often in our human nature we want to know the answers and steps for the road ahead. But in our faith-walk Jesus is our guide and maybe, if we can‟t see to far ahead, we must go as far as we can see. This February, WOI-UK has been privileged enough to be part of that faith journey for five students from various Bible & Theological Colleges from the UK and other parts of the world.
World Outreach is committed to help and assist them in partnership with their local churches in their personal calling and next steps.
May we invite you to pray with us for
These five students during February and March, whilst on placements in various ministries across the UK.
The lost peoples they will be reaching out to in the UK.
The ministry teams they are involved with in the UK.
Internships/ Short Term Missions with World Outreach “Go make disciples and teach them all I have commanded you!” Over the next couple of months we will also be working closely with a group of students from across the
world, who have already finished their Bible College years and now seeking God for where in World Outreach they need to get involved, committed to their calling of reaching the least reached of Britain, locally or abroad. With the UK expansion in 2012, there will be many opportunities to obey what God has put on your heart.
ment, World Outreach has many opportunities where you can serve with your unique gifting and skills. See next article for a great opportunity coming up...
Aside from direct ministry involve-
Calais is calling... Visiting Refugees In Transit. Help raise awareness of the issues facing displaced people, informing your opinion of migration. This is a fantastic opportunity to help you think through how you can get involved with migrants in your local community. The mission discipleship weekends are run in partnership with World Outreach Page 2
& the International Association for Refugees. Dates: 16-18 March, 18-20 May and 14-16 Sept.
difficulties that faces the people in Britain today. The question is: What should our involvement, example, attitude and response International Associabe as followers of Jetion for Refugees (IAR) sus..Read e.g. Acts17:26 & Lev 19:33?
A recent BBC article ‟Non-EU migration 'hurts jobless', proves to illustrate some of the Y O U C A N M A K E A D I F F E R E N CE
Manuela and I, together on a new journey . After Manuela and I was involved with the 4th Edition pilot course in Birmingham, UK...and then me attending the International launch of Kairos‟ 4th Edition in Thailand last year...a slight excitement has grown steadily in us for when we can share the course ourselves.
Later this year we also hope to lead courses in the Nottingham and Berkshire areas. Why not join us...and discover your place and part in God‟s agenda for His peoples of the World.
But it was not all, I also received an unexpected invitation to join the Kairos UK National Coordination Team this March 2012. This January and February, we have the privileged opportunity to help Facilitate two Kairos Courses in London and Bristol. Kairos in Greek means, „appointed time or season‟. God is mobilizing His church through Kairos in nearly 45 countries, which is expected to grow in 2012 to 58 countries.
Kairos (LSI) is a ministry of Click here to Visit the UK course schedule OR
World Outreach International.
Click for More about Kairos Content
Now is ‘your time’ to explore your call from God.
Will you partner with us? Our ministry (Manuela & I) is funded in part through part time work. Whilst this goes some way to cover our living costs, we are in need of ministry financial partners. Despite the state of the economy, we truly believe that we serve a God who is never in recession.
God gives us all the opportunity to bless one another—with such a clear example in Acts and through the life of Jesus. Especially in this economic climate we believe that it is time for us all to live this biblical example. Please do get in touch if you or your church would like to know more about supporting us in this way.
“Some are called to Go, and other are called to support.”
Prayer, Friendship & Finances
Manuela, Celine & Nicola... Manuela: As some of you might know, Manuela finishes her 3rd year the beginning of June. She is also doing a placement with World Outreach in the UK from Feb 6th for five weeks. Celine: Last years trip to Bulgaria, visiting a Christian school with some outreach to the youth...made a huge impact
on her, but God also used her mightily. She has recently also had the privileged opportunity to take a devotion at another school in Worcester, with a small group from the River School. Nicola: She is really doing so well at school...her favorite subject is Maths. And when I asked her why she wants to get baptized, her reply was simple. Because, “God wants me to and He gave
me a gift of Maths.” So, Dad had to also buy her a “Scientific Calculator”. We praise God for you and really do appreciate your prayers and friendship.
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