Big Network Stream Commissions coming

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Stream Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

Here’s a new idea connected to the future of the Me2everyone ecosystem. Stream members give us the resources to complete 10 new, income generating aspects of Me2everyone and, in exchange, we deliver a passive (or active) business which can generate a good income for 2012. This short presentation gives you everything you need to know but please note, the registration window is only open until November 18th 2011. The faster you respond now, the quicker we can deliver vast improvements to

Something wonderful has arrived

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Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

“Stream” generates 10 exciting new features for, creates the framework to put thousands of people into work and also delivers you a fourteen‐fold return on your business investment during 2012. Isn’t that something to sign up for? Welcome to Stream Me2everyone members have always been at the heart of our thinking, as we seek to create the next generation destination on the web. Stream continues this theme with an exclusive business which aims to generate GBP £120,000 to simultaneously breathe life into ten new features of and also generate a new source of income for Stream members during 2012. Stream is a refreshing new business concept from Me2everyone. You purchase a block of business memberships at a significant discount for resale during 2012. Uniquely the business may be something you are actively involved in as an ESM, enhancing your prospective business returns, or you can connect to any other ESM and run the business from a management perspective. Stream members enable Me2everyone to deliver a wide range of exciting member benefits including a new informative guest area, with an improved registration process. We create the new profiles, loaded with features, together with an extensive new help centre. The website becomes multi‐lingual and as video advertising arrives we also launch a new communications suite, complete with our own Message Stream. Members will be able to begin the Quest (our exclusive online game) or explore the TreeHa forests and help make a real difference to life on planet Earth. A new shopping area arrives, linked into a new direct‐ pay commission channel.

ESM ESMs are independent members who will sell business memberships.

Business Membership A key part of our future, business membership covers advertising, campaign development, opening new markets and the ESM Network.

Did you Know? Me2everyone members now own 39% of the company!

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Stream th

Stream to v3.0 Me2everyone has long‐held the view to place members at the heart of everything we do and Stream is no exception! Stream helps Me2everyone to deliver 10 exciting new, income‐generating features including a completely new widescreen experience. The MESH will (very soon) become your new central navigation area, enabling you to move around the four distinct zones of Below the main window a series of apps will begin to evolve and this theme continues across the four unique zones. Me2everyone v3.0 is all about the member experience. To develop each of the 10 new features requires an injection of between £3,000 to £18,000 and Stream members will enable us to accelerate the release of these new features. Meanwhile Stream represents a new business which will begin to bear fruit in early 2012: the year where our members experience profit and discover the next generation of

Registration closes November 18 2011

Stream = New Features 1. Improved Guest Area 2. Evolved Registration Process 3. New Video‐based Help Centre 4. Widescreen, Interactive Profile 5. Members Communication Pack 6. M2E Store with Commission Link 7. Exclusive Game – The Quest 8. Dedicated TreeHa Site 9. Sparks Innovation Portal 10. Bubble of Energy Feature

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Registration closes November 18 2011

The Stream and You

Stream memberships are essentially micro‐businesses designed to enhance with a fresh injection of capital which enable us to deliver 10 exciting new, income‐generating features. Stream memberships cost between £40.00 and £10,000, depending upon your comfort level and every penny is directed towards Me2everyone Virtual Worlds Limited where new features will evolve. th 2011 although your business foundations may be enhanced Registration for Stream needs to be completed by November 18 over the next 90 days (this means that you may purchase additional Streams if you wish). A Stream membership effectively gives you a 95% discount on selected digital services aimed at future business members (such as online advertising). You can convert your Stream membership into an ESM Advantage membership: giving you the chance to create a longer‐term also income for a fraction of the price. The Stream in Action Imagine you decide your comfort level is £400.00 and you go ahead and purchase a Stream membership. This gives you £8000 worth of digital services (such as online advertising) or £8000 towards the cost of creating a network of ESMs (Evolution Sales Members). If you decide to use your Stream exclusively for sales of digital services sales you can create profits during 2012 in the realms of 1400%. Alternatively, if you convert your Stream into an ESM Advantage (passive) business you can create a network of 22 ESMs (and still have some change for digital services). With 22 actively‐involved ESMs you develop the prospects for a six‐figure income stream over a 2‐3 year period. ESM Advantage Across the world there are people who are actively looking for a chance to run their own business, connected to an evolving brand such as Me2everyone. In 2010 a business evolved called Evolution Sales Member (ESM) to deliver aspects of member support, communications and sales of digital services to business members, and merchandise to other members. For various reasons the £395 registration fee for an ESM business may be an impossible for some prospective ESMs to pay‐ from personal hardship to the local economic factors. In these instances ESM Advantage members sponsor new ESMs and then generate an income from the successes of the business. Page 4


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Registration closes November 18 2011

Passive and Active Streams

ESM Network Fees ESMs are independent members who will sell business memberships. You can be passive and pay 30% in total fees which includes all support fees.

Passive Stream – Digital Services If we follow the example on the previous page and suggest you acquired a £400 Stream membership, this will have given you digital services worth £8000. For this example you have decided to ignore the huge potential of the ESM Advantage. You have also decided to act in a passive (management) way and we assign you to an ESM: someone who can sell your Stream to business members. Although there’s the option to offer prospective business members a discount, you decide against this. You do, however, agree to the 30% commission fees charged by the ESM Network. In this case your £400 Stream membership returns you £5600. Active Stream – Digital Services This works in the same way as Passive except that you are a member of the ESM Network. Again you decide to ignore the huge potential of ESM Advantage and elect to sell your £8000 worth of digital services without a discount to business members. Your fees have now reduced to 14% (less if you are a Mentor) and now your £400 Stream membership returns you £6880. Naturally as an ESM you will be given full training of how to sell digital services.

Stream helps Me2everyone to deliver new features. A wide range of immersive new features can be completed thanks to your Stream membership including the new TreeHa website. That component only costs £8000 and yet, it can deliver a 9‐figure industry for Me2everyone.

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Converting your Stream to ESM Advantage Me2everyone’s development plan includes extensive communication tools and linking ESMs and members together into an integrated, global support network. If every Stream member chose to convert their Stream into ESM Advantage we open the gateway for more than 10,000 sponsored ESMs: or 10,000 dedicated points for expanding Me2everyone’s membership. So long as we have the features to capture people’s attention and something which rivals more established networks, with a complete and personal support system then there’s no reason why this army of ESMs cannot transform Me2everyone into a household name in 2012. Stream membership is the key. ESM Advantage members are essentially passive partners in the development of new and potentially lucrative business ventures across the planet. There are three key income areas to look forwards to: Dedicated ESM Advantage Commission Share of ESM Achievement Pool Advantage Pool ESMs generate a personal network of members and whenever they make a purchase of digital services or merchandise our ESM Advantage members will receive up to 4% in commission which, based on your ESM achieving sales targets could deliver you upwards of £5000 within two years. You also gain half of your ESM’s incentive from the Achievement Pool, worth an estimated £1000 per year. ESM Advantage members also benefit from a share of the Advantage Pool. From every sale we make, up to 3% is paid into this bonus pool and then shared pro‐rata to the numbers of ESMs sponsored. Converting your Stream into ESM Advantage creates a real advantage!

ESM Advantage Essentials Cost: GBP £355.50 / USD $558.00 Part‐time or Passive Business 2 hours per week (or less) Customisable Micro‐site ESM Advantage Icon Metoo Generations Complete 4% commission bonus Advantage Pool ESM Achievement Pool

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Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

Stream Examples 1

Your Stream













Digital Services





















ESM Advantage

Managed Sales


Active Sales


Stream memberships are from GBP £40.00 to £10,000. 2 Instead of converting your Stream into digital services (advertising) you convert this into an ESM Advantage membership and sponsor the new ESMs shown. The benefit of this is the potential to generate far higher and longer term business profits in the realms of £7000 per ESM. 3 An ESM converts your Stream into digital services and then sells on your behalf. 4 You are also an ESM who converts the Stream into digital services and then make your own sales – based at 14% fees payable.

Selling the Stream Here is something really exciting! If you know anyone who is interested in the Stream then we have an exceptional commission package to offer you. Imagine that the person you know agreed to purchase a £400 Stream membership. Well, we will give you a £200 Stream membership for free. You can covert this into digital services for sale in 2012 (making £2800 in the process) or convert this into an ESM Advantage membership and generate profits from 11 ESMs. This has got to be one of the most intriguing commissions you’ve ever seen?

Combined, Stream members and their finders will acquire up to £3.6m worth of business memberships

for £120,000. This gives us the investment we need to deliver a wide‐range of improvements and it also kick‐starts the advertising aspects of Me2everone.

Maximum Stream... When GBP £120,000 of Streams are secured multiple web developers will aim to enhance the website beyond your dreams... Imagine your profile in widescreen, a wonder wall for your ideas, a media wall for your images and videos, innovative ways to discover new friends, interactive business pages, fresh ways to communicate, exclusive new games and a place where every member generates multiple streams of income from the development of new ideas and thousands of jobs. This is what Stream can deliver... Page 7


Stream th

Why will advertising on be successful? Ask any business on the global stage and many would secretly love to have a half‐page display advert in TIME magazine or a prime‐time TV advert. They may want a billboard or, online, to sponsor a whole page... For many these ideas are a pipe dream, but the next era in the chapter of aims to all that with an interactive, widescreen experience where business members can showcase change their brand or products. Whenever members interact with an advertisement they generate a few Metoos and we also encourage business members to create an exclusive benefit for our members. In exchange we will work hard to showcase their brand. Business members can develop, test and refine any advertisement and then change the advert an unlimited number of times during the campaign. In some cases demographics can also be updated. Meanwhile we aim to give our members complete freedom to control the types of advertising they see – ensuring that business members only reach out to prospective members who have a genuine interest in their products. From your perspective your Stream membership can be converted into advertising blocks for one or

Registration closes November 18 2011

Did you Know? Zero commission on Stream sales means we had to be inventive. Whenever you find a new Stream member we give you half the value of their Stream as your own Stream. Find someone who buys a £900 Stream and you gain your own Stream worth £450 – with a face value of £9000.

more business members. It can also be converted into the additional design services we will offer to companies to maximise the impact of their advertising. Page 8


Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

Stream – the Key Highlights... Stream Digital Services and ESM Advantage... Stream is a micro‐business which will be converted into either the sale of digital services (online advertising) or into an ESM Advantage membership where you directly sponsor future ESMs and generate a longer‐term business income... When you purchase a Stream – we give you a 95% discount. This gives you an excellent profit margin and helps us to enhance the website NOW. 90 Days The enhancement period... A Stream business cost between GBP £40.00 and GBP £10,000 – you decide your comfort level. When you th register for Stream by November 18 2011 you have a further 90 days to increase the value of your digital stock – if you want. ESM Fees The fees you pay to the ESM Network... If you want an ESM to convert and sell your Stream as digital services you need to pay their commission, plus the commission of their Mentors (support) and our development

November 18th 2011 The deadline for new Stream memberships... We have a target of GBP £120,000 which enables us to breathe life into 10 projects simultaneously – enhancing the membership experience and getting back on track.

20x The income stream... Your business holds a Stream and this can be converted into advertising, campaign development or other business memberships (like the ESM Network fees). The income stream will always be 20x the amount you paid for the Stream. So, a £400 purchase becomes an £8,000 Stream.

fees. The cost is 30% but even with this, you can create a significant profit. If you are an ESM, there are still some fees to pay – but they drop to just 14%. If you convert to ESM Advantage, there are zero fees!

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Registration closes November 18 2011

End Words We want to connect people in better ways and improve their lives, shaping commerce across the planet and integrating our members into the global profit centres we can all achieve. No one has achieved what we have planned so far, so let’s believe in ourselves, develop an incredible website with a range of features that no one has seen before and make a real difference for everyone. Every Stream member enables Me2everyone to complete a section of these wonderful, incredible and spellbinding features to come within this third generation website and your support now in this final chapter of our development is both welcomed and essential. Beyond Stream, your membership kick‐starts Business Memberships, the ESM Network and other value producing components. In 2012 we can arrive with a unique website ready to challenge others and transform the futures of our shareholders. To order your Stream membership, please complete the registration form on the next page or contact us at if you have any questions. The launch of the ESM Network and Stream represents the next chapter of Me2everyone’s development and, if you become involved, you are a pioneer working in uncharted territory. We have an incredible task ahead and, together, we can achieve anything and everything...

Beyond 2012 You can also convert your Stream into an ESM Advantage membership where you sponsor new ESMs. In the process you can transform your Stream into a longer term business with potentially far higher profits. We show you how...

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Stream Registration Form

Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

Please complete this form to become a member of Stream: a unique business venture connected to the future of Stream members give us the financial resources to transform the website into the version 3.0 which we envisage will be the final version powering us for the coming 5 years. In the meantime your membership of Streams will give you a unique “wholesale” type distributor business connected to future business members of Thank you for your support.

Full Name: © M2E Evolution Limited 2011 – All rights reserved. Doc/stream02

Address: Country: Stream Membership Details Stream Cost (£40.00 ‐ £10,000) £ Your payment for this Stream should be paid before November 18th 2011. Subject to availability you may be invited to increase the level of your Stream during the 90 days which follow. I have read and understood the Stream document (Stream/Doc02) and agreement which follows and have taken legal advice or asked questions if I was unsure. I understand that this is a distributor agreement for digital based services (advertising) or may be used to help establish business licenses under the ESM Network. I understand that I am considered an independent business owner and may seek to become an ESM to resell the products under this agreement, or else contract with an ESM who will sell on my behalf. th 2011 and that all funds I agree that the amount I elect to pay above must be paid in full by November 18 accrued from my Stream purchase will be used to enhance the Me2everyone website. I hereby add my signature accepting the terms of this offer. Date: 2011 Signature:

Please email the completed and scanned form to

Or mail to M2E Evolution Limited Dept S, Albion House, 163‐167 King Street, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 4LF, England.

Who told you about Stream?

Member ID Number Please


M2E Member Number:

Mobile Phone:

Please tick this box to receive occasional email updates from

Personal Email:

Payment Information Bank Transfer



Pay Pal

BANK WIRE (CHAPS) INFORMATION Lloyds TSB Account Name: Me2everyone Virtual Worlds Limited Ramsgate Account Number: 23197860 Kent Bank Sort Code: 30‐96‐93 International Payments: BIC: LOYDGB21239 IBAN: GB04 LOYD 3096 9323 197860 OTHER PROCESSORS PayPal Pay to Pay to We do not accept other payment methods at this time. You may use either PayPal or Ezybonds to pay via Credit or Debit card. Please make cheques payable to: Me2everyone Virtual Worlds Limited. In all cases, please quote “Stream Membership” and your member ID as the payment reason.

Thank You

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Stream th

Registration closes November 18 2011

This agreement is made between M2E Evolution Limited of Albion House, 163‐167 King Street, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 4LF, England (M2E Evolution) and you, namely the person on the order form. Terms used in this Agreement Agreement: This agreement made between you and M2E EVOLUTION for the purposes and benefits outlined. Business Members: Members of who are by definition a business (incorporated or otherwise). Digital Services: Services offered to Business Members which include advertising, sponsorship, campaign development, translations, assistance in opening new markets and sales support. ESM: An Evolution Sales Member, licensed to develop a sales business under the framework of this agreement and any reasonable instruction provided by M2E EVOLUTION. ESM Achievement Pool: A bonus system which gives ESMs additional income, rewarding the best sales people. Under this agreement any Stream converted to ESM Advantage will entitle you to one half of the income your sponsored ESM(s) receive from the ESM Achievement Pool. ESM Advantage: Stream members may convert their Stream into an ESM Advantage membership which allows them to sponsor ESMs for £355.50 each. Upon doing so they accrue a number of new benefits with the aiming of providing a longer‐term income. ESM Advantage Pool: Under this agreement any Stream converted to ESM Advantage will entitle you one point within the ESM Advantage Pool for every ESM you sponsor into business. M2E Evolution then causes up to 3% of every sale made to be paid into the ESM Advantage Pool and this is shared pro‐rata between the points' holders. Me2everyone: M2E Holdings PLC of 163‐167 King Street, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 4LF, United Kingdom. A website licensed by Me2everyone. Metoo: A token to be used in to reward members for various actions and involvement which can be used for purchases in, receive an income stream from a share of monthly income received by Me2everyone and which may be converted to registered shares in Me2everyone once the system is live. Personal Network: When ESMs recruit members into they form the first layer of their Personal Network. When they recommend to other people and businesses these are added to their Personal Network. An ESM generates a commission from all members who make purchases from within their Personal Network. For this agreement this commission generation also extends to the ESM Advantage member. Background to this Agreement 1. M2E EVOLUTION is a part‐owned subsidiary company of Me2everyone and is designated as the sales and support division of the Me2everyone group of companies. We are responsible for the ESM network, expanding the membership and seeking Business Memberships via the ESMs. 2. You want to become a Stream member where your membership fee is directed into the further development of and where you gain significant benefits in either an active or passive role. Benefits of this Agreement 3. Upon acceptance of your registration form M2E EVOLUTION will confirm your status as a Stream member whereupon you will be contacted to discuss whether you want your

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Registration closes November 18 2011

Stream converted into Digital Services or an ESM Advantage membership. In both cases your Stream membership fee will be considered as a purchase where you received a 95% discount. Your final Stream balance will therefore be increased by a factor of 20. Thus a £100 Stream membership shall give you a balance of £2000 to convert into either Digital Services or ESM Advantage or a mix of both. Your Obligations 4. Your membership within Stream may be either Active or Passive. You will be considered “Active” if you are already a member of the ESM network and in such cases your fees connected to sales of Digital Services from your Stream allocation will be less than those fees for Passive members. You will be considered “Passive” if you are not a member of the ESM network and in such cases your role is limited to the sales management of your Stream allocation. 5. Whether your role is Active or Passive and whether you elect to transform your Stream into Digital Services or ESM Advantage you agree to perform your duties under this agreement with due care, skill and ability and do nothing to bring M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone into disrepute nor to speak publicly against the management of M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone. You also agree not to publish any name or other personal information of any person connected to M2E EVOLUTION unless you have their express written permission to do so. 6. You agree that you shall notify M2E EVOLUTION in writing immediately that you become aware of any misuse of the M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone name or breach of these terms by any ESM network member. 7. You agree to comply with the Terms of this Agreement and also the Terms of Use on websites provided by M2E EVOLUTION and Me2everyone and all other rules or policies as provided by M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone, including without limitation ensuring that the privacy policy is employed as regards the storage and processing of any personal data obtained by you in respect of any member or prospective member of including any ESM who might be assigned to you. 8. You accept that you have no powers to bind M2E EVOLUTION into any contract or undertaking, nor incur any expenditure in the name of M2E EVOLUTION. 9. You agree to keep M2E EVOLUTION updated at all times as to your current address and contact information and allow M2E EVOLUTION to update the Me2everyone database as required. 10. You may employ or retain such personnel as required by you in the running of your business on the basis that you are solely responsible for such personnel (including any remuneration payable to them) and indemnifying M2E EVOLUTION in respect of all and any losses, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses (including reasonable professional costs) incurred or arising out of or in connection with any actions undertaken by such personnel). 11. Upon notification of commissions due to you, you will send an invoice to M2E EVOLUTION who will aim to issue the payment to you within seven working days. M2E EVOLUTION intends to but is not obliged to provide you with a suitable system to generate such invoices. 12. You agree and understand that any payments you receive from M2E EVOLUTION may be liable to taxes or other official payments in your country. You accept that it is your responsibility to declare any income from M2E EVOLUTION and to pay any such taxes or other official payments in your country. You agree that M2E EVOLUTION is not responsible for any such payments or to provide you with relevant advice. M2E EVOLUTION Obligations 13. In consideration of payment of the fee noted on the order form M2E EVOLUTION will grant you Stream membership status whereupon you will be contacted to discuss whether you want your Stream converted into Digital Services or an ESM Advantage membership. In both cases your Stream membership fee will be considered as a purchase where you received a 95% discount. Your final Stream balance will therefore be increased by a factor of 20. Thus a £100 Stream membership shall give you a balance of £2000 to convert into either Digital Services or ESM Advantage or a mix of both. 14. M2E EVOLUTION will keep your details confidential at all times unless ordered by the courts of the England in relation to any tax or criminal investigation into you. 15. M2E EVOLUTION will keep records of any payments made to you and on the last day of every month produce a statement showing the commissions and other benefits you

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have earned in accordance with Schedule A. 16. M2E EVOLUTION will at its absolute discretion allow you access to features on or linked to that shall enable you to track commissions and otherwise communicate with your assigned ESM (if any). Confidentiality Agreement 17. You acknowledge that in the course of this Agreement M2E EVOLUTION may disclose to you Confidential Information. You agree that any such disclosure is treated as made "in confidence" and shall remain confidential and secret and subject to the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees that it will take all reasonable steps to protect the secrecy of any confidential information and prevent it from falling into the public domain or the possession of other persons. 18. You agree that such confidentiality restrictions shall survive the termination of this agreement for whatever cause. 19. Information disclosed under this Agreement (hereinafter known as "confidential information") shall include, but not be limited to, commercial, financial, technical, operational, marketing, promotional, or such other information, in whatever form, which concerns the business and affairs of the disclosing party and shall include confidential information disclosed orally or in writing and which would appear to a reasonable person to be confidential or proprietary. 20. You agree to hold all confidential information in trust and in confidence and not to use it for any purpose other than the contemplated purpose. 21. You agree not to make or retain copies of the confidential information and that such information remains the property of M2E EVOLUTION at all times. 22. You agree not, without prior written consent from M2E EVOLUTION, to disclose to any third party any confidential information obtained from M2E EVOLUTION in pursuance of this Agreement unless such information is already in or comes in to the public domain other than in breach of this Agreement, or is already known within the industry prior to the date of this Agreement, or is required to be disclosed by a court of law, regulatory authority or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or is information that both parties agree in writing to disclose. 23. You acknowledge that any breach or violation of this Agreement is likely to cause loss or damage to M2E EVOLUTION and or Me2everyone and in that event M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone shall be entitled to apply for injunctive relief or claim damages in the event of a breach, in addition to any other available remedies. You understand that damage claims may be significant and shall include any legal costs. 24. On the request of M2E EVOLUTION you shall immediately return all documents containing confidential information which are in your possession including written notes, photographs, memoranda, computer files and disks, or the like which are capable of storing data and information. Your Status 25. Your relationship to M2E EVOLUTION will be that of independent business contractor and nothing in these terms shall make you an employee, director, agent or partner of M2E EVOLUTION. Termination of this Agreement 26. M2E EVOLUTION may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and with no liability to make any further payment to you (other than in respect of amounts accrued prior to the Termination Date) if you: a. Are guilty of any misconduct affecting the business of M2E EVOLUTION or Me2everyone; b. Commit any serious or repeated breach of this Agreement, and or; c. Are convicted of any criminal offence (other than any offence under any road traffic legislation for which a fine or other non‐custodial penalty is imposed) that may have an adverse effect on M2E EVOLUTION

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. 27. You may cancel this agreement at any time within 14 calendar days of signing this Agreement and receive a refund of your Stream membership fee. 28. If you wish to terminate this Agreement at any time following 14 calendar days of signing this Agreement you may do so on the understanding that M2E Evolution is not bound to offer you a refund. 29. Upon termination M2E EVOLUTION shall have the right to block any benefits you derive from your Stream membership and shall at our sole discretion consider a refund of your original Stream membership fee as appears on the registration form. 30. Notwithstanding termination of this Agreement you will retain the rights to any benefits unless you also breach the Terms of Use of or any website connected to it providing features to members. Notices 31. Any notice given under this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by or on behalf of the party giving it and shall be served by delivering it personally by email or sending it by pre‐paid recorded delivery or registered post to the relevant party at (in the case of M2E EVOLUTION) its registered office for the time being and (in the case of you) your last known address. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been received: d. If delivered personally, at the time of delivery; and e. If delivered by email, at the time of sending; or f. In the case registered post or courier, at the time the letter was signed for. Agreement 32. The Agreement may be varied at any time by M2E EVOLUTION on giving you written notice. 33. The agreement is governed by English Common Law 34. You and M2E EVOLUTION agree that the courts of England shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement. Schedule A – Benefits of Stream Membership As a Stream member you have the option to convert your final Stream allocation into Digital Services or into ESM an Advantage membership. You also have the choice 1 of being Active or Passive wherein Active refers to the active sale of Digital Services as an ESM and Passive refers to the management of your Stream membership and assignment to an ESM. Digital Services If you decide to convert your Stream membership into Digital Services and require an ESM to be assigned to you to effect sales of those Digital Services this will come 2 into effect in March 2012 and Digital Services will be sold on your behalf as quickly as possible. You hereby agree to a 30% commission to be automatically taken from any sales of your Digital Services by M2E EVOLUTION in order to pay the commissions of the ESM network. You may optionally agree to provide Business Members with a discount on any Digital Service they acquire. For example: a. You have a Stream membership worth £100. This is enhanced to an allocation of £2000 which you convert into Digital Services. You agree to provide Business Members with a 10% discount on any Digital Services they require. This effectively gives you £1800 worth of Digital Services. The ESM network fee is 30% (£540) and this is deducted from any sale made. This gives you a gross realisable income of £1260.

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You have a Stream membership worth £100. This is enhanced to an allocation of £2000 which you convert into Digital Services. You do not offer any discounts. The

ESM network fee is 30% (£600) and this is deducted from any sale made. This gives you a gross realisable income of £1400. ESM Advantage If you decide to convert your Stream membership into an ESM Advantage status your Stream allocation will be divided by £355.50 and you may have any number of 3 ESMs up to that figure. For example: a. You have a Stream membership worth £100. This is enhanced to an allocation of £2000 which you convert into ESM Advantage. When divided by £355.50 you are allocated a maximum of 5 ESMs whom you can sponsor. If you decide to sponsor them all you will have £222.50 remaining which you can either use as credit towards a sixth ESM or convert into Digital Services. If you have chosen to become an ESM Advantage member we will advertise for ESMs who wish to be sponsored and assign ESMs to you whenever possible up to the 4 maximum number you have chosen. When assigned we will provide you with their contact details and you may be as involved in their business as you wish. From any sale they make from their Personal Network you will receive up to 4% in commission – the percentage variable depending upon the product or service being sold. For Digital Services this will usually indicate the maximum commission. For every ESM you sponsor you will also receive one point in the ESM Advantage Pool. You also receive a benefit from the ESM Achievement Pool. 5 These benefits continue for as long as your assigned ESMs are making sales of Me2everyone products and services. Upgrades th Registration must be completed by November 18 2011. You then have a maximum of 90 days to upgrade your Stream membership. For example you may register with 6 th a £400 Stream membership and add another £200 Stream membership to this at any time during the next 90 days (until February 18 2012). The maximum Stream you are allowed is £10,000. Other Information On the last working day of each month during the Agreement M2E EVOLUTION shall provide you with a statement showing details of amounts earned by you and 7 enough information for you to submit an invoice to M2E EVOLUTION for any amount owing. Where the amount owning is less than £30.00 (Fifty GB Pounds) this will be rolled forward to the following month. You may elect which payment method you prefer from our list of payment providers. 8 M2E EVOLUTION shall pay such fee by any method agreed between you and M2E EVOLUTION on a monthly basis in arrears. You shall be responsible for any costs incurred by the chosen method of payment. In the event your allocation of Digital Services has resulted in a sale which must be refunded M2E EVOLUTION will be required to deduct this from your account. If you 9 do not have the funds required to make the refund, M2E Evolution shall do this for you, leaving the negative amount on your statement which will then be recovered from any rewards you derive from your membership. Before the automated statement and invoice tracking systems are in place on M2E EVOLUTION will also recommend a service to control your 10 business invoicing. It is for you to make the necessary judgement as to whether to use this service.

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Registration closes November 18 2011

Begin the Evolution

M2E Evolution Limited Registration Number: 07510652 Registered at Albion House 163‐167 King Street, Dukinfield Cheshire, SK16 4LF, England

Email: Web:

© M2E Evolution Limited 2011 – All rights reserved. Doc/stream02 Page 17

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