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hard work E X C E L L E N C E

commitment to the client P A S I Ă“ N
















hard work E X C E L L E N C E

commitment to the client P A S I Ă“ N















Junta Directiva Board of Directors

Juan Carlos Fábrega | Octavio Vallarino Pedro Fábrega | Rómulo Roux | Frank Morrice Jiménez Claudio Valencia | Guillermo Henne Motta | José Sobrino Samuel Urrutia Cantoral | Roberto Boyd

Each one of the companies that forms a part of the holding has been born with a spirit of synergy among them and of value to the client. Due to this growth in the number of companies and activities, it became necessary to formalize a strategic guiding entity. We constituted a Strategic Board of Directors conformed by 5 of the current directors from the different units from the group and 5 other high ranking members of the staff with the objective of achieving a balance not only in perspectives but in the specialties and different points of view, but above all with experience and prestige in their fields achieving a first class Board of Directors. Our Strategic Board of Directors performs on the basis of the group’s information, the synergies among them and on the opportunities to create more values to the clients or to the stockholders. The Directors periodically have the opportunity to interact with the Vice-presidents of each company for intimately listening to them and getting to know about their realities and needs.

.    Chairman of the Board Semusa Holding

Expandimos nuestra perspectiva de servicio al cliente con la conformación de Grupo Semusa Corp. compuesto por estas empresas We expanded our customer service oriented philosophy with the conformation of Semusa Corp. coonstituted by these companies

Semusa Realty

Semusa Consulting Group

GS Relocation

GS Developers




GS Mortgage





Valores Corporativos Corporate Values

Integridad Integrity Pasi贸n por servir Passion to serve Humildad Humility

Innovaci贸n Innovation Excelencia Excellence


Presidente Ejecutivo Chief Executive

Our mission is to be

We are a leading provider of integral solutions through specialized services offered by the various organizations that

the leading group

compose our group.

providing integral

We focus on adding value to our customers and stockholders

solutions through

by taking advantage of the synergies imposed in our holding. We follow the most strict business principles and represent the highest standards at a global level.

specialized services

Based in the Republic of Panama, Grupo Semusa's core values

offered by the various

work create an organization of quality products, high service

organizations that

returns through Real Estate Development, by taking

compose the group.

of integrity, excellence, commitment to the client and hard standards and expertise. We also maximize investment advantage of our Group’s experience and strengths. Each company's vision is unique, but always in alignment to the group's vision: “To be the best in what we do, with awesome people, making the difference to our client and being profitable”. In Grupo Semusa Corp. we apply the local best practice with the benchmark and experience of the international company that we represent and from which we are inspired. In each company the management team has equity so they are not mere employees, they are our partners. We employ talented people who demonstrate high levels of drive, enthusiasm and discipline that also espouse a high level of integrity, politeness and professionalism. Managerial Culture • Oriented to results • Culture of quality and continued improvement • Culture of execution *PMI • Culture of balance score card measurement • The best people is the best asset.

        Á      Most relevant markers • Colaboradores / Collaborators • Clientes / Clients • Ventas / Sales

      É   Strength of the group and integral synergetic use • CRM • Web Base Oracle - Transactional System • Call Center - Asterisk Ip

210 50k 110,000,000.000

   Century 21 en América Central #1 Oficina Century 21 Office in Central America

CENTURY 21 Real Estate Corporation is the franchiser of the world's largest residential real estate sales organization, with more than 8,000 independently owned and operated franchised broker offices in over 40 countries and territories worldwide. We are dedicated to providing buyers and sellers of real estate with the highest quality services possible. The CENTURY 21 System is actively increasing its presence and market share globally, with international operations in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia We are a dynamic team, all fluent in English, which is constantly in the process of “Continued Education” to satisfy the requirements of our clients and have an updated knowledge of the Beach, Highland and Panama Real Estate market.

Oficinas en Panamá Panama Locations

Multicentro Albrook Coronado Boquete

Nuestro Equipo Our Team

Servicios de Reubicaci贸n #1 EnDestination Services Provider in Panama

You ‘ll hit the ground running Relocating, especially with family can be a very stressful experience. Our objective is to offer the experience and the support that your personnel needs for carrying out your installation in your new home in Panama.

GS Relocation Club Tarjeta GS Relocation

GS Relocation has a network of local and international alliances, a team of trained and certified consultants with a service and benefits package designed specially for satisfying the needs of each person and its family members, achieving a quick, easy and efficient relocation. Previous to your arrival in Panama, we take care of each detail for offering a personalized service. Our Welcome Package includes more than 200 pages with updated and important information on the history of Panama, advises, tips, important telephone numbers, activities, maps, tourists information and much more. Recognition and familiarization of different areas and cost of life: Familiarization tours along different areas, including medical facilities, shopping centers, service companies, classes and courses, banks, supermarkets, drugstores, all that’s necessary for a general orientation for surviving in Panama.


Relocation services for corporations

Planeación y preparación de su viaje

Planning and preparation of your trip

Reconocimiento, familiarización de áreas, y costo de vida

Recognition, area familiarization, and living expenses tours

Servicios legales y de inmigración

Legal and immigration services

Búsqueda de casa o apartamento: compra o alquiler

House hunting trips: Buy or rent

Coordinación de residencias temporales

Coordination of temporary housing

Servicios de destino

Destination services

Tarjeta GS Card y el GS Expat Club

GS Card and GS Expat Club

Administración de Propiedades

Property and tenancy management

Orientación y búsqueda de escuelas/guarderías

School orientation tours

Otros servicios: Legales, importación / exportación de

Other services: Legal, immigration, moving,

mascotas, mudanzas, tours y entre otros.

pet import / export, tours and much more.



As a holding company, Grupo Semusa invests in various markets, as shareholders of companies in Latin America in the area of Services and Telecommunications. Gea International in Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, Intelfon in El Salvador, and American Assist in Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil In Panama, GS Developers is a subsidiary of Grupo SEMUSA Corp., specialized in the development, management and analysis of real estate projects and real estate. Our objective at an intermediate term is to position ourselves as one of the leading developer companies in the industrial region through the constant search of opportunities and synergies with local and foreign strategic partners, for obtaining the best results and satisfaction of our market.


Gerente General / Vice Presidente Ejecutivo General Manager / Executive Vice President

| Ser el socio estratégico de nuestros clientes, brindando el mejor servicio y asesoría por medio de profesionales expertos, creativos íntegros, amables, veloces y felices; con productos más efectivos y con eficiencia operativa; logrando así superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes y accionistas.


Mission | To become the strategic partner of our clients, offering the best service and counseling by means of our expert, creative, kind, fast and good natured expert professionals, with more effective products and with operative efficiency, thus achieving to exceed the expectations of our clients and stockholders.

Visión | Ser siempre el corredor de seguros

Vision | To always be the leadinginsurance

líder de Panamá.

broker in Panama.

Semusa “your reliable counselor” is a company whose activity is centered in the Insurance Counseling. It initiated its

We have achieved our growth thanks to the preference of our customers, based on four approaches:

activities in 1997 as a result of the merging between two

• Client

important companies: Caribe de Seguros and Ford, Sosa &

• Team Work

Morrice. In the year 2005 it merges with Iberica de Seguros,

• Management Tools

thus incorporating new partners to the firm and a very

• Technology.

important client portfolio. We systematically carry out surveys and focus groups, which Our strategic approach is towards the client, he feels

allow us to align our strategy, to the needs of our customers,

supported by the personnel administration tools, business

which requires us to maintain a constant change with a

administration and technologies that while jointly operating

prospect of improvement.

have managed to address this growth and the consolidation of the relation with our clients.

We have expert staff, capable, committed to the philosophy of customer service, which lets us know our client’s business

Technology has played a preponderant role in our develop-

and speak their language, in terms of management tools, we

ment, we have a System based on Oracle, in a web platform,

have a robust system that helps us to understand the

that allows the administration of applications on a real time

performance of the key indicators of our business:

basis from our main and remote offices. This advantage has

• Management Board (BSC)

additionally provided us the electronic exchange of informa-

• Quality Management System (ISO 9001-200)

tion with our main strategic business allies and the availability

• Project Management System.

of information for our clients that so require it. The area of technological development is the basis for our We have fitted the Insurers’ Avenue, with physical stations

domestic growth. At present we have:

within our installations, which allows us reduce the response

• Transactional Web System (based on Oracle)

times and the Semusa-Insurer interaction with the purpose of


• B2B

• B2C

fulfilling our promise of serving the client.

“Crecer consolida nuestra capacidad de brindar un mejor servicio a las empresas que nos confian una parte esencial del bienestar y la salud de sus colaboradores y su negocio”

“Growing strengthens our ability to provide better service to businesses who entrust us an essential part of welfare and health of their employees and their business”

Al cierre del 2008, Semusa cuenta con 75 MM de prima facturada, lo que corresponde a un 11% de Market Share. Esto se debe a la preferencia de los clientes que nos premian con su confianza.

By the end of 2008, Semusa had earnings of 75 MM, which corresponds to 11% of Market Share. This is due to the preference of our customers who reward us with their confidence.

50 Best Companies

We rely on a group of more than 150 collaborators, who are under a structure oriented to the Voice of the Client, which gives us as a result an innovative company as to the way we


Central America

offer the service. Since our working team is our main asset, we have developed recruiting methodologies, training, development through on the job coaching and workshops for assuring the growth of our personnel. Motivation is an important part in this equation for which we maintain Variable Compensation Plans. These practices took us to be chosen as one of the 50 Best Companies to work for in Central America, as published by the Summa Magazine.

: Emanuel Abadia, Guillermo Henne Motta, Frank Morrice Arias, Frank Morrice Jimenez, Jose Sobrino, Victor Urrutia Cantoral, y Samuel Urrutia Cantoral. : Stella de Bandera, Iliana Sobrino, y Merlyn Jimenez.

Alianza EstratĂŠgica Strategical Alliance

Summa Consulting Group is a human resource consulting group strategically allied to Mercer Management Consulting. Mercer is the global leader for trusted human resources and related financial advice, products and services. In our work with clients, we make a positive impact on the world every day. We do this by enhancing the financial and retirement security, health, productivity and employment relationships of the global workforce. Mercer has more than 15,000 employees serving clients in over 180 cities and 41 countries and territories worldwide. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., we can also provide access to the complementary services of our sibling companies, Marsh, Kroll, Guy Carpenter and Oliver Wyman.

 




Financial Restructuring Economic Studies Feasibility Studies Creating Value

Public Relations CEO Relations Comercial Leadership

Align business strategies with processes, structures and people, ensuring that the organization has the capabilities required to address sustainable results, creating value for all its stakeholders.

Project Management

Team Leadership

Management Consulting

Health Benefits


Talent Management

Outsource Senior Consultants

Organizational Development


Outsource Junior Consultants



Sales and Corporate Mergers


Financial Restructuring Economic Studies Feasibility Studies Creating Value

Sales and Corporate Mergers Financial Restructuring Trust Advice



Savings / Shopping Six Sigma Financial

Ejes EstratĂŠgicos Strategic Axes

Profesionales de clase mundial

World class professionals

TecnologĂ­a de vanguardia

Cutting edge technology

Procesos internos inteligentes

Smart internal processes

Propuesta de valor para accionistas

Stakeholder’s value proposal

We are members of Mortgage

GS Mortgage Panamá is the first broker for processing

Bankers Association,main organism

mortgage credits in the country, offering integral counseling

representing the real estate financial

lines, mainly for foreign clients that wish to purchase real

and a wide range of financial options in the banking mortgage

industry in the United States of

estate properties in Panama for investment or residence.

America, and likewise we are the

We rely on an ample structure for the professional human

only local company that has a

resource, bilingual and trained in the best compliance

Mortgage Brokers license for the

practices and “know your client” policies of the financial industry, and an ample experience in the banking sector,

State of Florida, a title awarded by

specifically in the corporate and mortgage branch that will

the Florida Office of Financial

offer you a first-class personalized service, guaranteeing time

Regulation, as a value added for our

quote your mortgage financing with the most important local

North American clients.

and money saving, since with only one interview they will banks and at the best rates and terms. We maintain strategic alliances with the most important mortgage banks in the sector, as well as with the most prominent Promoters, Developers and Real Estate firms, evaluations and legal firms at a national and international level. We are our clients’ best allies; loyal and committed in offering a first class, fast, efficient and dedicated service for making your dreams come true.

               Poseemos tecnología de punta y programas especialmente diseñados para nuestro rubro hipotecario, lo mismo que el seguimiento y control a través CRM, Workflow, entre otros.

Cutting Edge Technology We own cutting edge technology and programs specially designed for our mortgage line, as well as the follow-up and control by means the CRM Workflow, among others.

Invertimos en asegurar el futuro. Somos activos en nuestra comunidad y participamos con 铆mpetu en el desarrollo educacional y cultural.

Responsabilidad Social Social Responsibility

Apoyamos la conservaci贸n del medio ambiente. We invest in assuring the future. We are active in our community and participate with enthusiasm in the educational and cultural development. We support the conservation of the environment.

We invest in assuring the future. We are active in our community and we participated with impetus in the educational and environmental development. We recognize the importance of preserving our natural resources and the benefits it offers to present and future generations. WE SUPPORT EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT

We contribute to the educational support and of infrastructure to ensure that children in rural communities in Panama get better opportunities. WE CONTRIBUTE IN THE CONSERVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT

We support the National Environmental Authority, reforesting acres at Camino de Cruces National Park by planting more than 1,000 species of plants of oak, mahogany and Guayacanes.

Compromiso e integridad Commitment and integrity

          Miembros Junta Directiva Board Members

SEMUSA + (507) 270-6000

SUMA + (507) 322-5093 / 92

SEMUSA INVESTMENT + (507) 270-6000

Frank Morrice J. Frank Morrice A. Guillermo Henne Motta Iliana Sobrino Stella de Bandera Jose Sobrino Merlyn Jimenez Victor Urrutia Cantoral Samuel Urrutia Cantoral Emanuel Abadia

Samuel Urrutia Graciela de Barría Stella de Bandera Julio Spiegel Yolanda Eleta

Frank Morrice J. Frank Morrice A. Victor Urrutia Cantoral Emanuel Abadia Samuel Urrutia Cantoral

GS MORTGAGE + (507) 322-5080 / 82

GS RELOCATION + (507) 322-5077/ 76 www.gsrelocationpanama

SEMUSA REALTY + (507) 202-2123

Andrés Farrugia Frank Morrice J. Frank Morrice Arias Samuel Urrutia Antonio Miró Joseph Fidanque III Pía Arosemena Billy Henne Juan Carlos Fabrega

Frank Morrice Jiménez Samuel Urrutia Jeanninne Morrice Samuel Urrutia Stella Bandera

Frank Morrice A. Maribel de Arango Enrique Morrice Marielena Typaldos Madelaine de Urrutia

       Calle 74 Este y Avenida 5ta Sur San Francisco República de Panamá | Apartado 0831-00883 T: + (507) 270-6000 | F: + (507) 270-6045 | |



excelencia N











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