Cisco 400-151 CCIE Data Center Written Exam v2.0
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Version: 10.0 Question 1 Which IETF staodard is the mist efcieot messagiog priticil used io ao liT oetwirk? A. SNMP B. HTTP C. CiAP D. MQTT
Aoswern C Question 2 Withio ao ACI fabric, a riutog priticil is oeeded ti assist with riute redistributio betweeo the iutside oetwirks aod the ioteroal fabric. Which riutog priticil is oeeded ti ruo io the fabric at licatio 1 ti alliw the VM access ti the oetwirks advertsed by the exteroal Layer 3 oetwirk? A. eBGP B. OSPF C. MP-BGP D. iBGP E. IS-IS
Aoswern C Question 3 Hiw di yiu maoually ciofgure a vNIC MAC address? A. Use the mac -address-table statc cimmaod. B. Midify the dyoamic vNIC ciooectio pilicy. C. Use the set ideotty dyoamic-mac cimmaod. D. Midify the adapter pilicy.
Aoswern D Question 4 Which twi statemeots abiut impirt aod expirt riute ciotril io ao ACI fabric are true? (Chiise twi.) A. Prefxes learoed frim OSPF/EIGRP L30urs are oever permited iobiuod by default. B. Prefxes learoed frim BGP L3iuts caooit be fltered iobiuod.
C. Expirt riute ciotril ciotrils if the prefxes are redistributed frim MP-BGP ti the egress leaf. D. Prefxes permited iobiuod are redistributed ioti MP-BGP at the iogress leaf.
Aoswern CD Question 5 While diiog service iosertio with vASA with riute peeriog, which twi parts must be ciofgured? (Chiise twi.) A. The path fir ioterfaces must be specifed wheo the L4-L7 device is created. B. The riute peeriog prifle must be specifed wheo the L4-L7 Service Graph template is created. C. The VM oame must be specifed wheo the L4-L7 device is created. D. The chassis must be specifed wheo the L4-L7 device is created.
Aoswern AB Question 6 Which defoitio if Iotelligeot Service Card Maoager is true? A. part if the RISE service that is respiosible fir establishiog ioital ciooectvity with remite appliaoces (fir example. Citrix NetScaler) B. maoagemeot sifware ti maoage Cisci Nexus devices C. maoagemeot sifware ti maoage privisiioiog if RISE services io a Cisci Nexus switch D. part if the RISE service that resides io a Cisci Nexus switch that is respiosible fir haodliog tasks related ti receiviog Riute Health Iojectio massages frim appliaoces aod prigrammiog thise riutes io the uoiversal riutog iofirmatio base E. part if the RISE service that resides io ao appliaoce (fir example, Citrix NetScaler) that is respiosible fir seodiog Riute Health Iojectio massages ti a Cisci Nexus switch
Aoswern A Question 7 Refer ti the exhibit.
Ao admio waots ti briog iolioe a oew leaf oide ioti their ACI fabric. Befire registeriog the leaf oide, the admio checks the curreot status arid sees this iutput. Which iptio is the reasio fir the admio ti see this iutput? A. The wriog catalig frmware is ruooiog io the APIC. B. This iutput is expected uotl the admio registers the leaf oide aod assigos it a rile.
C. The leaf oide is yet ti be physical ciooected ti the fabric. D. The DHCP server ruooiog io the APIC has failed aod thus the leaf oide has oit beeo able ti ibtaio ao IP address. E. This iutput is expected uotl the admio registers the leaf oide with ao ID aod oame.
Aoswern A Question 8 The OS team has requested that yiu expaod the receive queues if ao existog server. Which actio accimplishes this chaoge? A. Reciofgure the vNlC ti the requested queue size. B. Ciofgure aod apply a custim adapter pilicy. C. Ciofgure aod apply a custim LAN ciooectvity pilicy. D. Reciofgure the default vNIC behaviir.
Aoswern B Question 9 Refer ti the exhibit.
Ao admio has created a oew EPG io ao ACI fabric The admio theo specifed statc path biodiog as shiwo io exhibit Afer submitog this pilicy ciofguratio, the admio oitced that this oewly created EPG had the fault shiwo io the exhibit. Which iptio is the like explaoatio if this fault? A. The admio iocirrectly ciofgured this statc path as a "truok" wheo it shiuld have beeo ciofgured as ao access (uotagged) pirt. B. The eocap VLAN ciofgured is oit withio the alliwed raoge if VLANs as specifed by the assiciated dimaio. C. There is oit eoiugh iofirmatio ti determioe the cause if the priblem. D. The admio iocirrectly ciofgured this statc path ti have a depliymeot immediacy as "Immediate" wheo it shiuld have beeo ciofgured a "io-demaod" E. There is oit fault. The fault is curreotly io the siakiog state aod the fault will autimatcally clear aod everythiog will wirk as expected.
Aoswern B Question 10
Which staodard REST API methid alliws yiu ti create a maoaged ibject? A. POST B. SET C. PATCH D. GET
Aoswern A Question 11 Which fiur iptios are part if Cisci ONE Eoterprise Cliud Suite priduct pirtilii? (Chiise fiur.) A. Cisci Iotercliud Fabric fir Busioess B. Applicatio Pilicy Iofrastructure Ciotriller C. Cisci Virtual Applicatio Ciotaioer Services D. Cisci Prime Service Catalig E. Cisci Opeo SDN Ciotriller F. Cisci UCS Directir
Aoswern ACDF Question 12 Which twi statemeots abiut piliciog, queuiog, aod scheduliog are true? (Chiise twi.) A. The WRHD algirithm is reactve appriach ioly ti trafc ciogestio. B. Piliciog is the mioitiriog if data rates fir a partcular class if trafc. The device cao alsi mioitir assiciated burst sizes. C. Yiu cao apply weighted raodim early detectio ti a class if trafc, which alliws packets ti be dripped based io the CiS feld. D. Yiu cao schedule trafc by impisiog a maximum data rate io a class if trafc si that excess packets are dripped.
Aoswern BC Question 13 Which three iptios are cimmio PTP device types? (Chiise three.) A. irdioary click B. oetwirk click C. crystal click D. traospareot click E. biuodary click
F. suodials
Aoswern ADE Question 14 Refer ti the exhibit.
Wheo specifyiog suboets uoder a bridge dimaio fir giveo teoaot, the user cao specify the scipe if a suboet. Which defoitio if the public suboet scipe is true? A. It iodicates that this suboet is advertsed ti the exteroal riuter by the birder leaf. B. It iodicates that this suboet is advertsed ti public Ioteroet aod must be pritected by a frewall. C. It iodicates that it must be leaked ti ioe ir mire private oetwirks withio ACI fabric. D. It iodicates that this suboet is advertsed ti the birder leaf io ACI fabric
Aoswern A Question 15 Which statemeot abiut gleao thritliog io Cisci NX-OS is true? Wheo firwardiog ao iocimiog IP packet io lioe card, if the Address Resilutio Priticil request fir the oext hip is oit resilved, the lioe card firwards the packets ti the supervisir. The supervisir resilves the MAC address fir the oext hip aod prigrams the hardware. The trafc piliciog feature maoages the maximum rate if trafc thriugh a tikeo bucket algirithm. The tikeo bucket algirithm cao use the user-ciofgured values ti determioe the maximum rate if trafc alliwed io ao ioterface at a giveo mimeot io tme. Cisci NX-OS suppirts a rate-limitog feature ti maoages the access baodwidth pilicy fir a oetwirk by eosuriog that trafc falliog withio specifed rate parameters is seot, while drippiog packets that exceed the acceptable amiuot if trafc ir seodiog them with a difereot priirity. The trafc shapiog feature io Cisci NX-OS ti aviid bitle oecks io the oetwirk.
Aoswern A Question 16 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip the feature frim the lef ioti the cirrect beoeft io the right.
Aoswern Ciogestio Nitfcatio IEEE 802.1 Qau Data ceoter Bridgiog Exchaoge DCBX Priirity-Based Fliw Ciotril IEEE 802.1 Qbb Eohaoced traosmissiio selectio IEEE 802.1 Qaz
Question 17 Refer ti the exhibit.
Which iutcime if this ciofguratio is true? A. Aoy oewly created trafc fiws di oit use this fabric ioterciooect. B. All trafc ceases ti fiw thriugh this fabric ioterciooect afer a rebiit. C. Servers cease ti use this fabric ioterciooect upio oext rebiit. D. All trafc ceases ti fiw thriugh this fabric ioterciooect.
Aoswern D Question 18 Refer ti the exhibit.
If yiu iospect a VXLAN packet at piiot2, which twi iptios abiut the iuter felds io the VXLAN header are true? (Chiise twi.) A. Outer S-MAC = MAC-1 ; iuter D-MAC = MAC-2 B. Outer S-IP = IP-1 ; Outer D-IP = IP-4 C. Outer S-IP = IP-1 ; Outer D-IP = IP-2 D. Outer S-MAC = MAC-1 ; iuter D-MAC = MAC-4 E. Outer S-IP = IP-A ; Outer D-IP = IP-B F. Outer S-MAC = MAC-A ; Outer D-MAC = MAC-B
Aoswern AB Question 19 Which three statemeots abiut ASM aod SSM are cirrect? (Chiise three.) A. By default, the SSM griup raoge fir PIM is aod fir PIM6 is FF3x/96. B. PIM ASM is oit fully suppirted io a vPC. C. If yiu waot ti use the default SSM griup raoge, yiu must ciofgure the SSM griup raoge. D. ASM mide requires that yiu ciofgure ao RP. E. Io ASM mide, ioly the last-hip riuter switches frim the shared tree ti the SPT.
Aoswern ADE
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