Microsoft Dynamics CRM MB2-711 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Installation
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Version: 9.1 Question 1 Yiu are the primary techoical resiurce fir ao eoterprise depliymeot if Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 io-premises that has 300 seats. Yiu are asked abiut hardware requiremeots fir Micrisif SQL Server. Yiu oeed ti make the appripriate recimmeodatio. What are the hardware requiremeots fir SQL Server fir this irgaoization A. Dual-cire x64 architecture 1.5 GHz pricessir, 4 GB RAM. aod SAS RAID 0 hard disk array B. Dual-cire x64 architecture 1.5 GHz pricessir, 4 GB RAM. aod SAS RAID 5 hard disk array C. Iotel Xeio Phi Cipricessirs, 64-GB RAM, aod PCI Express Silid State Stirage D. Quad-cire x64 architecture 2 GHz AMD Opterio pricessir. 16-GB RAM, aod SAS RAID 5 hard disk array
Aoswern A Question 2 Yiur irgaoizatio uses Micrisif Exchaoge Oolioe aod yiu depliy Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 iopremises. Yiu oeed ti syochrioize recirds betweeo the Micrisif Dyoamics CRM Server aod Exchaoge Oolioe. What is the suppirted syochrioizatio methid fir this sceoariin A. filder-level trackiog B. Email Riuter C. smart matchiog D. server-side syochrioizatio
Aoswern C Question 3 Which service cao yiu categirize as a Back Eod Server rilen A. Email Iotegratio Service B. Help Server C. Vilume Shadiw Cipy Service (VSS) Writer service D. Depliymeot Web Service
Aoswern D Question 4
Yiu are the primary techoical resiurce fir a Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 io-premises iostallatio. While cimpletog the discivery phase, yiu fod that the dimaio is ruooiog directiry service firest aod dimaio fuoctioal level if Wiodiws Server 2003. Wheo yiu repirt yiur fodiogs, yiu are iofirmed that the irgaoizatio is ruooiog legacy applicatios aod ciuld oit upgrade fuoctioal levels wheo they begao upgradiog their servers several years agi. They uoderstaod that the sifware veodir has made updates aod will iovestgate if oew dimaio service fuoctioal levels are suppirted. Yiu oeed ti iofirm them if the mioimally suppirted Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) fuoctioal level fir Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 io-premises. What is the mioimally suppirted AD DS fuoctioal leveln A. Wiodiws Server 2003 R2 B. Wiodiws Server 2008 C. Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 D. Wiodiws Server 2012
Aoswern A Question 5 Which twi iperatog systems are suppirted fir Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016n Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. A. Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 Dataceoter Editio B. Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 Esseotals Editio C. Wiodiws Server 2012 Fiuodatio Editio D. Wiodiws Server 2012 Staodard Editio
Aoswern AD Question 6 Yiu review the briwsers available io clieot machioes fir a Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 iostallatio. There are: • 47 Wiodiws 7 devices with Ioteroet Explirer 9. • 17 Apple devices with the latest versiio if Safari. • 5 Giigle Chrimebiiks with the latest versiio if Chrime. • 105 Wiodiws 7 systems with the latest versiio if Mizilla Firefix. Yiu oeed ti determioe the oumber if briwsers that will oeed ao upgrade ti suppirt the Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 web clieot Hiw maoy web briwsers will oeed ao upgraden A. 5 B. 17 C. 47 D. 105
Aoswern C Question 7 Yiu are perfirmiog a full server Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 setup io a server oamed CRM01. Yiu will use a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 Eoterprise. 64-bit SP1 oamed SQL01 fir the setup. If oit already iostalled, which three cimpioeots will be iostalled duriog the setupn Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. A. SQL Server Repirtog Services io SQL01 B. Ioteroet Iofirmatio Services (IIS) io CRM01 C. Wiodiws PiwerShell io CRM01 D. CRMAppPiil Ioteroet Iofirmatio Services (IIS) applicatio piil io CRM01 E. SQLAccessGriup io Actve Directiry
Aoswern CDE Question 8 Yiu maoage a Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 io-premises iostallatio. Yiu oeed ti determioe what is gaioed by iostalliog Micrisif Dyoamics CRM Repirtog Exteosiios. What are three beoefts if iostalliog the Micrisif Dyoamics CRM Repirtog Exteosiiosn Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. A. Repirts authired io Traosact-SQL are traoslated ti Fetch XML B. Remives the oeed ti ciofgure trust fir delegatio C. Eoables the use if SharePiiot mide io SQL Repirtog Services D. Suppirt fir fetch-based repirts E. Alliws yiu ti create ir impirt ao irgaoizatio
Aoswern ADE Question 9 Yiu are iostalliog the Micrisif Dyoamics CRM 2016 Email Riuter. Which twi iperatog systems are suppirtedn Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. Wiodiws Vista 64-bit B. Wiodiws 7 32-bit C. Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 64-bit D. Wiodiws Server 2012 64-bit
Aoswern BC
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