Design & Building A guide to the architectural process
Mark Lawler Architects
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How do Architects charge for their Services? There are three main methods Architects use to charge for their services. There are advantages and disadvantages of each of the three methods as summarised below and which we can discuss in further detail. The most suitable method must be discussed with each individual Client based on the particular circumstances of their project.
1. Percentage Fees This arrangement is the most familiar and traditional method for Architects to charge for their services. The fees are calculated as a percentage of the project construction cost (excluding GST). The percentage fee will vary depending on the size and type of the building. A percentage fee enables an agreement to be reached before the design is resolved or before !"#$%&"' ()#*+&",#!-)#*""'#.'-%&)"/0 2. Lump Sum Fees A Lump Sum Fee is simply a monetary amount negotiated between the Architect and the $%&"' #,1+# !"#/"%&2"+3#1,# !"#)"+2&4")#)5"4&."/0##61+7-%%3# !"#8975#:97#,""#&)#-#.;"/#-719' # *-)"/#1'#-#4%"-+%3#/".'"/#.;"/#)415"#1,#<1+=#<!"+"# !"#*9&%/&'># 1#*"#41') +94 "/#!-)#-%)1# *""'#<"%%#/".'"/0## 3. Time Charge Basis Under this fee arrangement the Architect bills for the services provided using hourly rates in accordance with the time expended. This time charge fee arrangement is similar to that used by Solicitors, Accountants and others. This fee arrangement is generally used for smaller 5+1?"4 )#<!"+"#& #&)#/&@49% # 1#") &7- "# !"# &7"#+"A9&+"/#1+#<!"+"# !"+"#7-3#*"#'97"+19)# 4!-'>")#+"A9&+"/0##B, "+#-'#&'& &-%#$%&"' #7"" &'>C#<"#'1+7-%%3#5+12&/"#-#*9/>" #") &7- "#,1+# !"#,"")# 1#*"#->+""/#*3# !"#$%&"' #*",1+"#9'/"+ -=&'>#<1+=#1'#-# &7"#4!-+>"#*-)&)0## D,#319#<19%/#%&="# 1#+"4"&2"#19+#D',1+7- &1'#61 "#1'# !&)# 15&4#1+#1 !"+)#5%"-)"#,1+<-+/#319+# "7-&%#-//+"))#<& !#-#%&) #1,# !"# 15&4)#1,#&' "+") 0##B% "+'- &2"%3#319#7-3#<&)!# 1#5!1'"# 1#7-="# an appointment to discuss your project.
What is the renovation potential of my property?
!"#$%&'%(&$!)&$*"+*)&$,-&.-&)$.'$)&"'/!.&$.-&0)$%)'%&).#$')$+&(($!"1$2"1$!"'.-&)$%)'%&).#$ which is more suitable. To properly evaluate the potential of a renovation, the Owner needs to know what is structurally feasible, the likely cost of the work and any Council planning constraints. Other factors such as likely capital gain, current real estate market, availability and cost of alternative properties etc., must also be considered. 3'$!++0+.$4(0&".+$0"$.-0+$+0.*!.0'"5$,&$'6&)$4'"7&%.$8&+09"5$')$:&!+0;0(0.#$<&)/07&+=$$3-&$%*)%'+&$ '>$.-&+&$+&)/07&+$0+$.'$%)'/01&$.-&$4(0&".$,0.-$+*?70&".$0">')@!.0'"$.'$@!A&$!$1&70+0'"$'"$-',$ to proceed before committing to further expenditure. Upon completion of these services, the Client will have design sketches which indicate how the property can be extended or renovated, a Cost Opinion of the building work and drawings ,-07-$!)&$+*0.!;(&$.'$%)&+&".$.'$4'*"70(B+$8*.#$C?7&)$.'$';.!0"$>&&1;!7A$)&9!)10"9$!%%)'/!(= If you would like to receive our Information Note on this topic or others please forward your email address with a list of the topics of interest. Alternatively you may wish to phone to make an appointment to discuss your project.
How much will my building cost? Every building an Architect undertakes must be constructed within the Clients budget. It is very rare that the Clients wish list for their building is in complete accordance with their budget. A large part of the role of the Architect is to manage the design process and the building costs so that the wish list and budget can be brought together. !"#$%&'#%(#)*+#,-./0.*1#2.//#,"#.*3-"*$"0#,+#'!4""#()$'%4&5 !"#$%"&'(%")*"+))*",*%,")-".$%"/0'12'34! 5!"#$%".67%")-"8)3&.*08.')3"%971)6%2! :!"#$%";0,1'.6")-".$%"9,.%*',1&",32"<3'&$%&".$*)04$)0.".$%"/0'12'34! 6&#64$!.'"$'&#2"#)4"#)2)4"#%(#'!"#.*3-"*$"#%*#$%&'#%(#")$!#%(#'!"&"#'!4""#()$'%4&#)*0#$)*#%7"4# advice for each Client on how their budget can be met through the manipulation of these three factors. As the design changes we provide updated Cost Opinions so that Clients can make informed decisions regarding the design changes with full knowledge of the likely impact on cost. Our 8%&'# 9:.*.%*&# )4"# .'";.&"0# '%# "*),/"# '!"# $%&'&# %(# <)4.%-&# "/";"*'&# '%# ,"# .0"*'.="0# )*0# adjusted as required. There is no â&#x20AC;&#x153;recommended retail priceâ&#x20AC;? in the building industry. The cost of any building project can only be determined by testing the market at that particular time by obtaining competitive tenders. The comprehensive information we provide in our tender documents enables Builders to prepare accurate tenders. If you would like to receive our Information Note on this topic or others please forward your email address with a list of the topics of interest. Alternatively you may wish to phone to make an appointment to discuss your project.
How do I get the design I want? Many Clients are curious about how the design of their project will evolve and anxious to ensure they will be happy with the outcome. The design process starts with the site and a detailed analysis of the constraints and !! "#$%&#&'()#*')(&#')+,-) .'"/))0%)'1$,22-)&+! "#,%#)3 %(&4'",#& %)&()#*')52&'%#() 6%)&4',() %) 6*,#) #*'-) 6,%#) # ) ,3*&'7'8) #*') ,33 ++ 4,#& %) #*'-) "'1$&"'8) #*'&") &%4&7&4$,2) 4'(&9%) !"':'"'%3'(),%4) :)3 $"(')#*'&");$49'#/))022) :)#*&()&%: "+,#& %)&();" $9*#)# 9'#*'"),()!,"#) :) the design brief for the project before design work commences. <*') ="(#) 4",6&%9() 6') !"'!,"') ,"') 4'2&;'",#'2-) 3 %3'!#$,28) ,22 6&%9) : ") 4&(3$((& %) ,%4) revision. The design drawings are revised and improved in an incremental process, through meeting with the Client, presenting ideas, advice and obtaining feedback. 0() #*') !2,%%&%9) ;'3 +'() + "') =%,2) ,%4) #*'"') &() 9"',#'") 3'"#,&%#-) #*,#) #*') 4'(&9%) &() !" 3''4&%9)&%)#*')!"':'""'4)4&"'3#& %8)4'7'2 !+'%#),%4)"'=%'+'%#) :)#*')#*"''>4&+'%(& %,2) : "+) :)#*');$&24&%9)&(),47,%3'4/)<*')#*"''>4&+'%(& %,2)&+,9'()6')!" 7&4')9&7')#*')52&'%#),) very clear understanding of how their building will present from a number of viewpoints, and ,)9 4)&4',) :)#*')#-!') :)(!,3'()# );')!" 7&4'4/))0#)#*')3 +!2'#& %) :)#*')4'(&9%)!" 3'(()#*') Client should have a design that they have seen evolve over a period of time with their input ,%4):''4;,3?),%4)#*'"': "')6&#*)6*&3*)#*'-),"')'%#&"'2-)(,#&(='4/)) 0()0"3*&#'3#(8) $"),&+)&%)#*')4'(&9%)!" 3'(()&()# )4'2&7'")3'"#,&%#-)&%)#*') $#3 +')&%)#'"+() :) #*')1$,2&#-) :)#*')4'(&9%),%4),2( ):$%3#& %,2&#-),%4);$49'#/)@$")4'(&9%)'A!'"&'%3')# 9'#*'") with constant exposure to current design and building trends ensures the Client is receiving #*') !#&+$+)4'(&9%)#,&2 "'4)# )#*'&")!,"#&3$2,")"'1$&"'+'%#(/))<*&()4'(&9%)!" 3'(()&()# )'%($"') $")52&'%#(),"')'%#&"'2-)(,#&(='4)6&#*)#*')'%4)"'($2#/ If you would like to receive our Information Note on this topic or others please forward your '+,&2),44"'(()6&#*),)2&(#) :)#*')# !&3() :)&%#'"'(#/))02#'"%,#&7'2-)- $)+,-)6&(*)# )!* %')# )+,?') an appointment to discuss your project.
How long will my project take to complete?
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What approvals do I need before building? Many Clients are confused by the maze of bureaucratic red tape that must be negotiated prior to constructing their building. As Architects, part of our role is to organise the necessary documentation and to obtain the required approvals on behalf of the Client. Development Approval (DA) !" #$%" &'(" )*+&" ,--*./,0" &',&" 12+&" 3(" .3&,4!(5" 4+" 6,00(5" ," 7(/(0.-1(!&" 8--*./,09" " :'4+" 8--*./,0" 4+" .3&,4!(5" ;*.1" &'(" 0.6,0" <.2!640" ,!5" 4+" ,!" ,--*./,0" .;" &'(" 5(+4=!" 4!&(!&9" " :'(" 5*,>4!=+"+2314&&(5";.*"&'4+",--*./,0",*("!.*1,00?"&'(")!,0"5(+4=!"5*,>4!=+"-*(-,*(5";.*"&'(" Client. !"#$%&'$(!") *%$(+',$*)-
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Who will do the interior design for my building? Sometimes Clients are unaware of the leading role Architects play in the interior design of a building and ask whether they may also need to engage an Interior Designer or a “Colour Consultant”. As Architects, our services incorporate the interior design and detailing of a building. During the design process, a great deal of information is extracted about the Clients !"#"!"$%"&'($)'!"*+,!"-"$.&'./!0+1/'-"".,$1&'2,./'./"'3!%/,."%.4''5/,6"'./"'700!' 6($'0#' the house will incorporate much of this information, the detailing of the interiors of the house is also an essential aspect to ensure all the detailed needs are incorporated. We can show Clients images from a large number of our completed projects which show ),8"!"$.' %060+!&9' -(."!,(6&' ($)' 6(:0+.&' #0!' ;,.%/"$&9' <(./!00-&9' =(+$)!,"&' ($)' ./"' 0./"!' spaces within a house. We also have access to a large range of manufacturer’s information !"1(!),$1' !0)+%.&9' >..,$1&' ($)' ./"' 0./"!' &"6"%.,0$&' ./(.' (!"' !"*+,!")4' ' 5"' %($' !0?,)"' &(- 6"&'0#'?(!,0+&'>$,&/"&'($)'-(."!,(6&4''5"'%($'()?,&"'0$'%0&.'),8"!"$%"&'($)',- 6,%(.,0$&' of various options. Development of the interiors is made in close consultation with the Client as part of our design process. All the interior design information required to build the project is incorporated in our %0$&.!+%.,0$' )0%+-"$.&4' ' @/,&' ,$#0!-(.,0$' ,$%6+)"&' ;,.%/"$9' <(./!00-' ($)' =(+$)!:' )".(,6' 6($&' ($)' "6"?(.,0$&9' )".(,6&' 0#' ($:' A+,6.B,$' C0,$"!:9' "D."$.' 0#' .,6,$19' .,-A"!' 700!,$1' 0!' 0./"!' & "%,(6' >$,&/"&9' ./"' &"6"%.,0$' 0#' .( &9' A(&,$&9' (66' ./"' 2(:' ./!0+1/' .0' )00!' ($)' %+ A0(!)' handles. This information is indicated either on the drawings or contained in schedules ,$%6+)")',$'0+!'& "%,>%(.,0$4 If you would like to receive our Information Note on this topic or others please forward your email address with a list of the topics of interest. Alternatively you may wish to phone to make an appointment to discuss your project.
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Design & Building: A guide to the architectural process, Revision: A Š 2013, Mark Lawler Architects. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.