5 Tips To Boost Your Hub Page Scores Fast

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5 Tips To Boost Your Hub Page Scores Fast Are you a new hubber who would like to increase the score of your HubPage quickly? HubPages rank very highly in search engine results and can help you drive lots of targeted quality traffic to your site. Creating quality HubPages is one of the latest SEO marketing strategies to catch everyone's attention. Let's take a look at the whole area of HubPage scores and what you can do to improve them. The quality score of a particular HubPage reflects how influential a particular hubber is. No one really knows how HubPages.com grades the quality of content on a HubPage and how much it impacts the audience but this score is calculated in real time and displayed on your HubPage. Since this is a dynamic value, your HubPage score might be different every time you check it. If you are a new comer who wants to be perceived as a quality hubber then there you need to know how to create great hubs that attract a lot of people. Here are a couple of suggestions to help you do that fast. 1) Create content-rich hubs. Unique exclusive content always has more value than PLR or poorly written material. Make sure that your article offers useful information on whatever subject you are writing about with tips that really help the reader. A long article featuring exclusive content stands a good chance of getting a higher HubPage score. 2) Include visual media. Make your page more interesting by adding a good thumbnail image, photos, screenshots and videos that'll entice your reader to remain on the page for longer. Popular belief has it that search engines estimate the value and popularity of a page by how long your reader sticks around. A visually rich HubPage makes this a whole lot easier. Even if you are writing a simple recipe, throw in pictures of the process and the final result to make your HubPage more attractive. 3) Be a frequent commentator Become fans of popular hubbers, comment on forums, comment regularly on other HubPages and within the HubPages forum. This increases the odds that other hubbers will follow your comments back to your hub and post comments on yours. You can greatly increase your HubPage's page views in this fashion. A hub that gets lots of views and feedback is more likely to get a higher score since there's genuine readership and a flow of traffic. Just make sure to leave genuine on-topic comments! 4) Incorporate outbound links Networking lies at the core of social media. Make it a point to incorporate around 2-3 outbound links in every HubPage you create that isn't wholly promotional. 5) Obtain more backlinks Acquiring quality backlinks from other sites helps your HubPage to be viewed as an authority hub. Make it your top priority to increase the amount of backlinks coming in. Increase Website Traffic

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