Building Residential Solar Power - How Solar Power Works And How Can I Build A Solar Panel On My Own

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Building Residential Solar Power - How Solar Power Works And How Can I Build A Solar Panel On My Own The universal awareness about the conventional energy, its setbacks and the about its diminishing supply, has awakened many people, prodding them, to take definite measures, in search of alternative sources of energy. The home power generation seems a very viable option, which has the potential to replace fossil fuels. The solar power generation is very much different from the power generation from fossil fuels. Solar power involves, obtaining the heat energy from the sun. Thus, there is no talk of depletion of the resource. The is type of power generation requires solar panels, which are made of light sensitive cells. The light from the sun falls on the solar cells. The solar cells are made of silicon like materials, which have shared electrons in their chemical bonds. When light strikes the cells, certain electrons in the chemical bonds are excited to higher energy levels. This causes the electrons to move with higher levels of freedom. This movement of electrons is the cause for electricity. Thus the generation of solar power does not require combustion reaction, which is the major cause for emissions which are hazardous. The solar power generation is eco friendly as there are no harmful by products emitted during power generation. The downside of generation of this power is that large scale generation of is almost impossible. This is because of the cost required to build enough panels to supply a city or a state. But this need not discourage us, as it is reasonably easier to build our own residential solar power generator. The installation of domestic solar generators with the help of professionals could be a very stressful experience for the wallet. To make things easier, so many 'Do it yourself' solar power generation kits are available. Some websites provide free tips to set up our own solar power generator at our houses. But beware of the fact that most of them are incomplete or are not suitably non technical for every one of us to understand clearly. Instead of going for a website, which gives free help on setting up your own solar panels at home or to go for professional help, I would suggest you to go for a manual by professionals. These manuals could not be obtained free of charge. But most of the manuals cost an inexpensive fee of a few hundred dollars or less. The essential equipments required to build a solar panel on our own would not exceed a couple of hundred bucks. Building solar panels with professionals could be as expensive as two thousand dollars. The do it yourself kit also helps us to understand, how the solar power panels generate power and how they are transmitted to appliances. It is always good to know how things around us work. Further, installing our own solar power generator, gives us a feeling that, we have volunteered to battle against the deteriorating earth conditions. This is a conscious decision which everyone must take. Solar Lights

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