Excessive Sweating Remedy - Learn How To Deal With Excessive Sweating Are you suffering from hyperhidrosis, and desperately looking for an excessive sweating remedy? I know exactly how you feel, because I've been in your shoes a few months ago. I have tried methods like deodorants, but my excessive sweating was so strong that it was practically useless. My friends were telling me that I still smelt terrible. On top of that, I have also brought extra T-shirts with me to change them when I start sweating like a pig. My excessive sweating was so bad, all my T-shirts would be sweat stained when I go home. I then realized that I had to find a permanent cure for myself, instead of trying so hard to cover up the effects of my sweating. I'm sure that if your excessive sweating problem is as bad as mine, you can relate to some of my experiences above. Other common excessive sweating remedies include antiperspirants, botox injections, surgery and natural treatment methods. Antiperspirants act on your skin surface to prevent the affected area from sweating. Botox injections involves using a fine needle to inject chemicals into the affected area. These chemicals will block the nerves from sending signals to your sweat glands, thus prevent you from sweating altogether. One method that I have successfully used to control my excessive sweating is by natural remedies. It involves using readily available products at home that are applied every morning and night. I also changed my diets to avoid food like alcohol that will worsen my excess perspiration, and instead choose diets that contain food to reduce sweating. You can find out more about how I overcame excess sweating at the link below. Regardless of the treatment method you choose, you should be aware that excessive sweating can be treated. If not treated early, it may cause other more serious illnesses. Stop sweating fast